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The Paul Rosenberg Archives
A Gift of Elaine and Alexandre Rosenberg

The Museum of Modern Art Archives
11 West 53 Street
New York, NY 10019-5497
The Paul Rosenberg Archives in The Museum of Modern Art Archives are a gift of Elaine and Alexandre Rosenberg. The processing of the collection has been funded through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation, the Art Dealers Association of America, the Museum's Trustee Committee on Museum Archives and Library, and the Museum's Library Council.
© 2011
The Museum of Modern Art Archives
Finding aid prepared by Donald Prochera under the supervision of the Museum Archivist Michelle Elligott, 2010.

Overview of the Collection

Creator: Rosenberg, Paul, 1881-1959
Creator: Rosenberg, Léonce, 1879-1947
Creator: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils
Creator: Paul Rosenberg & Co.
Title: The Paul Rosenberg Archives
Inclusive Dates: 1905-2000
Bulk Dates: 1906-1928 and 1940-1987
Quantity: 140 linear feet
166 containers of documents and correspondence 130 containers of photographic prints, negatives, slides and transparencies [10] volumes 22 containers of index card files 8 oversize containers preserving circa 500 items 16 labeled containers from the Russian State Archives

Biographical and Company History

The Rosenbergs have been active and prominent in the art world since the 19th century. It was Alexandre Rosenberg the elder ('père') (died 1913), father of Paul (1881-1959) and his brother Léonce (1878-1947), who had initially established himself as an antiques dealer in Paris in 1878. After 1898, he was well known within the circle of the leading dealers of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist art. He encouraged his sons to share these professional interests and afforded them ample opportunities in Paris and abroad (London, Berlin, Vienna, New York) to acquire experience and contacts and to collect art. Paul and Léonce first began to work as partners in 1906, when they assumed joint directorship of the gallery, upon the retirement of their father. They soon established distinct personalities and social networks in the creative effervescence of Paris in the early twentieth century and eventually opened separate galleries, Paul in the rue de La Boétie (from 1910), and Léonce nearby in the rue de la Baume, both in the city's 8th District.

The rue de la Boétie has been described as the 'nerve center' of modern French art throughout the 1920s and 1930s or as the 'French Florence'. To his inventory of late 19th century art, Paul Rosenberg followed the lead of his elder brother Léonce - an early and well-known champion of Cubism - and added contemporary works by artists who were already in demand. Initially sharing the honor with his brother and with Daniel-Henri Kahnweiler, Paul Rosenberg eventually enjoyed a special exclusive contract with Pablo Picasso (from 1918 to 1940). While Léonce was first to show the Cubists in his gallery, L'Effort Moderne, it was Paul who possessed the social and financial possibility to provide artists such as Picasso and Braque (as of 1922) with the support they needed, as well as to promote lesser-known artists such as Marie Laurencin, with whom Paul had a warm and fraternal relationship for the rest of her life. Rosenberg also had fruitful arrangements with Fernand Léger (as of 1927) and became Matisse's dealer in 1936 and remained the artist's friend until the end. Paul Rosenberg's relationship with Picasso was a close friendship for the duration of their mature lives. In addition to cultivating and promoting each other's respective careers, Picasso even acted as witness for the birth of Paul's son Alexandre Paul Rosenberg (1921-1987), their families being neighbors in Paris for several years.

Paul Rosenberg's legendary 'stock' included a rich selection of paintings, drawings and sculptures by Géricault, Ingres, Delacroix, Courbet, Rodin, Cézanne, Manet, Degas, Monet, Renoir, and Lautrec, along with the works by his modern artists, and regularly complemented by works of Henri Rousseau, Aristide Maillol. Odilon Redon and Amedeo Modigliani. His 'stock' from artists in the United States included painting and sculpture by Marsden Hartley, Max Weber, Abraham Rattner, Karl Knaths, Harvey Weiss, Oronzio Maldarelli. Both Paul and his son Alexandre also had contracts with Nicolas de Staël and Graham Sutherland. Alexandre Rosenberg was the American representative and close friend of the sculptors Kenneth Armitage and Giacomo Manzù.

Paul Rosenberg opened a new branch of his Paris gallery - managed by his well-known antiquarian brother-in-law Jacques Helft - in London between World War I and World War II. From 1920 until the beginning of the Second World War in 1939, Paul Rosenberg's company was widely acknowledged to be without doubt the most active and influential gallery in the world in the field of 19th and 20th century French painting, specializing in the Impressionist, Post-Impressionist and Cubist schools, as well as in the developments contemporary to these 'schools'. All of the museums of the Western world and all of the great private collectors became clients of Rosenberg, and his exhibitions became points of reference for the promotion of quality painting.

Having foreseen the imminence of the Second World War, Paul Rosenberg began to send his collections abroad, especially to England, America, Australia and South America and then put a hold on the operations of his Paris galleries. Even prior to his departure from France with his wife and daughter, his many friends in the United States encouraged and assisted his establishment in New York, where the Rosenbergs arrived, via Lisbon, in September of 1940. Rosenberg presence in New York had attracted so much interest that an issue of the Art Digest declared that "When rumor first intimated that Paul Rosenberg, internationally known Paris dealer in modern art, would open a gallery in New York, 57th Street anticipated something akin to a clap of thunder." Throughout the war and after its end, he was able to re-assemble in New York a very large proportion, though not all of his gallery stock and his personal collections. In this way, and almost without interruption or discontinuity, he re-established his gallery in New York and recommenced the activity previously undertaken in Paris.

Alexandre Rosenberg, still a student at the time of the war's outbreak, found his way to England at the end of June 1940, shortly before the occupation of the last free French ports. During the next five years, he served as an officer with the Free French Forces in their military campaigns in Africa, France and Germany. After his demobilization in 1946, he went to New York to be with his family and after a period of study and apprenticeship, became an associate of Paul Rosenberg & Company in 1952, later assuming his father's place as director of the company after the death of Paul Rosenberg in 1959. Under Alexandre's guidance, the company maintained its position in its traditional field and continued to flourish as in the past, both in the United States and in Europe. While 19th and 20th century French painting remained the company's principal focus, however, its horizons also broadened to encompass more of the old masters and select aspects of contemporary painting, drawings and sculpture.

Among colleagues and among museum professionals and collectors, Alexandre Rosenberg enjoyed the reputation of being one of the pre-eminent authorities in his field of activity. He was also known to be an excellent scholar and a dealer possessing an undisputed sense of integrity and taste. In 1962 he was one of the founders and the first president of the Art Dealers Association of America, a professional organization bringing together the most important galleries in New York and throughout the United States. The aims of the ADAA were the elevation and maintenance of standards for professionals in the art market. Alexandre Rosenberg remained one of the association's permanent Board members throughout his life. In this capacity, his assistance was very often requested also by the American government in dealing with various issues in the fine arts field. Notably, he served on a consulting committee for the Internal Revenue Service for several years.

Throughout the 1970s and until his premature death in 1987, Alexandre Rosenberg was an active initiator of and participant in a wide variety of commercial and cultural projects both in the United States and abroad. He believed that while the wealth of the market in terms of pictures of high quality had considerably diminished over time through the acquisitions of museums and collectors in the 20th century, it was nonetheless still entirely possible to bring together objects of prime importance compatible with the requirements of museums in the field of 19th and 20th century French painting, watercolors, drawings and sculpture. All that was necessary to build such a collection was a certain body of knowledge and contacts and, most importantly, a solid sense of what is pre-eminent in a given class of works. He believed that the difficulty resided less in the rarity of high-quality works than in the increasing evidence of incompetence in evaluating that quality. With time, appropriate effort and careful planning, fine collections could indeed still be put together.

NOTE: As established by Alexandre P. Rosenberg's own knowledge of the family's history, as well as his faith in the acuity of his father's recollections, and recorded in a note from the mid-1970s (Rosenberg family collection), the following dates and addresses are those most frequently referred to in the Rosenberg business and personal correspondence. The following list may therefore usefully serve as a reference for researchers:

1902-1905 33 Brook Street, London [P. Rosenberg of Paris]
1905-1908 38, Avenue de l'Opéra, Paris [galleries of L. & P. Rosenberg Fils, originally occupied by Alexandre Rosenberg père, who had also been based in the Faubourg Saint-Honoré and the Avenue Kléber]
1908-1940 21, rue de la Boétie, Paris [Paul Rosenberg]
[1910-circa 1939] Galerie de l'Effort Moderne, 19, rue de la Baume, Paris [Léonce Rosenberg]
1936-1940 31 Bruton Street, London [Rosenberg and Helft]
1940-1941 Hotel Madison, New York [Paul Rosenberg]
1941-1953 16 East 57th Street, New York [Paul Rosenberg and Company]
1949-1952 Alexandre P. Rosenberg & Company, 16 East 57th Street, New York
1953-[1987] 20 East 79th Street, New York [Paul Rosenberg and Company]

Biographical sources: Paul Rosenberg and Company (New York) (The Paul Rosenberg Archives); notes, texts and correspondence of Paul and by Alexandre P. Rosenberg (The Paul Rosenberg Archives); The American Dictionary of Biography, in drafts for the article edited by Robert Rieff in 1977, with Alexandre P. Rosenberg as a primary source and reader (The Paul Rosenberg Archives); profile of Paul Rosenberg and Company, composed by Henry B. Hyde, 1976 [translated from original French] (The Paul Rosenberg Archives); Christies (London) catalogue introduction, 1979; Press release, The Museum of Modern Art Archives, 2007; Henry McBride in Art News (1940s).

Scope and Content

The Paul Rosenberg Archives is a natural complement to The Museum of Modern Art's extensive holdings of archival materials focusing on early 20th century modernism and particularly on the art of Picasso, Matisse, Braque and other artists of their circles. Furthermore, the Museum was one of Paul Rosenberg's most loyal clients, just as he was among its most supportive and enthusiastic advisors, and the Rosenberg family has always remained active among the Museum's membership. Numerous works in the Museum's collections have Paul Rosenberg and Company as source or donor.

The Paul Rosenberg Archives comprise numerous sale records, photographs of every work in the galleries' inventories, correspondence, exhibition files, photographs of installations, and other published and unpublished artistic, literary, professional, and historical documents representing the careers of Rosenberg and his son Alexandre (art dealer, gallery director and founding president of the Art Dealers Association of America), and notable friends. The Archives also includes unedited texts of Paul and his son Alexander Rosenberg, indexes and reference tools prepared in 1998-2000 for the papers of the Galerie Paul Rosenberg (Paris), as well as 'stock books' of the Paris gallery, recomposed by memory and thanks to documentation that survived World War II. This was due to Paul Rosenberg's foresight in having part of his photograph print collections shipped to the USA via England before the Nazi invasion of France. Indexes which have been prepared in-house for most of the photographic collections are particularly useful.

Paul Rosenberg's affiliations in international spheres of modern art predate the founding of The Museum of Modern Art, and his papers-in addition to their representation of significant aspects of twentieth-century ideas, art, and society-are critical for documenting the provenance of hundreds of paintings and sculptures in private and public collections and have been used extensively to research claims for Nazi-looted art. War losses and restitution dossiers were begun by PR & Co as early as the beginning of World War II itself and the consequent research and correspondence thus initiated continues, in many cases, to the present as active files.

The Paul Rosenberg Archives chronicle the life of the gallery from its early beginnings until 1987, with a gap in the documentation from the years 1928-1939. The invaluable documents include: inventory cards, arranged by artist, accession, client or sale date; photographic prints and negatives of various format and of excellent quality of virtually every work in the gallery's inventory, arranged by artist; bills, statements, and insurance documents arranged chronologically and alphabetically; files concerning exhibitions and photographs of their installations. The correspondence of both Paul and Alexandre P. Rosenberg reflects the nature of their personal and professional relationships with artists, fellow dealers, collectors, museum professionals, as well as with many personal friends, students and art lovers throughout the world. This unique grouping of materials is particularly rich for the study of early twentieth-century French art, while it also documents or indicates interests in Renaissance and Neoclassical painting and sculpture, Mediterranean and Near Eastern antiquities, extra-European art, the decorative arts, book arts and design.

Description of series:

Series I. Léonce and Paul Rosenberg Fils, 1906-1908; Galeries Paul Rosenberg (Paris) [circa 1908-1928]

Subseries I.A: Correspondence: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (1906-1908); Galeries Paul Rosenberg (1910-1928)

Subseries I.B: Exhibition files: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (1906-1910); Galeries Paul Rosenberg (1910-1928)

Subseries I.C: Receipts and Invoices, incoming and outgoing: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (1906-1910); Galeries Paul Rosenberg (1910-1928)

These are the earliest business and personal papers extant from the Rosenberg galleries in Paris, those corresponding to the years 1905 to 1928. They were recovered and reintegrated into the present Rosenberg archives in 2000. This group of documents had been sent out of the Rosenberg gallery in circa 1928-1929 for long-term storage at a location no longer known. With the advent of the Nazi occupation in France in 1940, Jewish families suffered great losses of property through social alienation or outright sequestering and strategic looting. The records had been looted during the German occupation of France in the 1940s, "liberated" by the Soviet army in Belarus after the retreat of Nazi forces, and kept in secret archives in Moscow as of 1955. The recuperation of these papers depended on multilateral political cooperation and extensive research by family members.

Labeled simply "Fond 235" (Collection 235), the archives were accompanied by a basic inventory document containing a summary description and item count. Archivists' notes, processing materials and administrative records, inserted at the beginning of each of the original 159 RSA-inventoried folders indicate the exact quantities and order of the items, which were hand-numbered, usually in the upper right hand corner of a leaf's recto, at the time[s] of inventory. Other notes refer to dates and items of consultations by researchers.

The Russian archivists who first received these materials apparently respected the original arrangement and order they had received, including many obvious filing errors and even errors of including extraneous materials from their working areas. The nearly twenty-five thousand items in the collection were in most cases kept in their original file folders, hand-labeled in French and ordered chronologically. The precise original arrangement of the subseries, however, is unknown, even though the papers consistently bear many indications that the Russians received these items most often in their original order.

Precise original arrangement of subseries is unknown, the former system of item numbering being that of the Russian State Archives, which appears to have received the materials mostly in their original order. Arrangement within files is chronological, frequently in descending order.

The series originally comprised 16 containers, labeled in Russian on printed and hand-compiled forms of the Russian State Archives, Moscow. The present arrangement has doubled the number of containers to ensure long-term preservation and greater ease of access. Item numbers ("Item Nos.") and folder counts assigned in the present finding aid are those established by the Russian State Archives inventory.

Several items in file folders among the collection as delivered have come from collections apparently unrelated to the PR papers, save that they most probably had been looted from Paris at the same time and later underwent processes of examination and inventory in overlapping circumstances and environments. As indicated in each case, such documents have been segregated in final folders of the various files of the Series I subseries that contain such extraneous materials.

Series I contains 159 numbered files, several of which have been further divided into multiple sections for convenience of consultation.

NOTE: Paul Rosenberg was represented in the United States as early as 1925 under the name of "Paul Rosenberg & Co., Inc." [also referred to in correspondence and announcements as the "New York branch"] for an exhibition of works at the Wildenstein Galleries, 647 Fifth Avenue, New York [see Item No. 77, file I.B.24.]. Also during the 1920s, advertisements in international art journals list the Hotel Pierre as PR's New York contact address.

Series II. Paul Rosenberg and Company (New York) [1940-1987; 1987-93]

The early Series II files, coinciding with the period when Paul Rosenberg led the gallery in New York, are described at the folder level, with additional descriptive information provided including the name of each individual correspondent and author. The files from the 1960s to the 1980s, those following the death of Paul Rosenberg and the assumption of the gallery's direction by Alexandre Rosenberg, will for the present (2010) remain described at the folder title level.

The series reflects the Rosenbergs' respect for consistency and transparency in well-planned and managed business practice. Personal and corporate names that are directly linked to the transactions or discussion are included in the file description as well. Titles of individual files in all subseries of this finding aid, are in the majority of instances provided with the titles originally assigned by the creators of these records. Files originally kept without specific titles (i.e. simple alphabetical or chronological arrangement, miscellaneous project files or a limited amount of dispersed materials) are described summarily following titles derived from their physical location or source.

Descriptions, in the form of lists of all named correspondents - including missives and draft notes by PR, APR and their delegates - respects original order, generally following a descending chronological order.

Notes to and for the benefit of the wartime Offices of Censorship in the US and in the UK are common complements to telegrams and letters dispatched and received circa 1940-1950.

Occasional conspicuous gaps in the flow of the Archive's correspondence, as well as an understanding of Paul Rosenberg's professional and social relations, suggest that he occasionally or frequently sent handwritten notes and letters directly, and without copy, to correspondents. As with his very frequent use of and request for telegraphic communication, handwritten notes could serve as expedients, guarantors of privacy or as signs of particular affection or respect.

The M & P files (1947-1955) [see II.QQ.1-21], arranged as a subseries at the end of the chronological sequence of Series II (1940-1987), are those of Paul Rosenberg and his wife Marguerite, married in France according to the regime of the equal division of all property (known in French as the 'régime de la communauté universelle') and so considered to be 'partners' not only domestically, but also with regard to their art collections and the revenues of business affairs. These files were originally maintained within the chronological and alphabetical orders of Series II, but have now (2010) been specifically arranged as their own associated group of records.

Subseries II.RR [bulk dates are 1940 to 1945] represents a selection of files from the PR & Co series that are in part pertinent to family matters, but are also of interest to researchers who are interested in Paul Rosenberg's activities in New York and France in light of the impact of World War II events on his collections and public affairs. These files were originally maintained within the chronological and alphabetical orders of Series II, but have since (after 1987) been specifically arranged as their own associated group of records. Subseries II.OO (1987-89) and II.PP (1989-93), document aspects of the closing of the Paul Rosenberg Gallery.

Interspersed with records are occasionally black and white photographic prints; Color prints, transparencies, and negatives have been extracted and segregated in Series III.F, as indicated within the files for each item or group of items.

Series III. Photographic materials of the Rosenberg galleries (Paris) and Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)[circa 1910-1989]

This series contains collections and miscellaneous groups of black/white photographic prints and black/white photographic negatives; color photographic prints, negatives and transparencies; miniature black/white photos mounted on data cards in an index card file system; and albums and scrapbooks of the Galerie Paul Rosenberg (Paris) [circa 1907-1928] and Paul Rosenberg and Company (New York) [circa 1941-1989].

In addition to the original collection of large- and medium-format negatives of French artists, works by PR & Co American artists were progressively included. For reasons of format continuity and preservation control, yet another group of works by American artists, originally separate, has been arranged within the subseries as an addendum to this collection of negatives.

Access to records in a fragile condition may be restricted.

Original filing order has been maintained, based on alphabetical and chronological arrangements, according to the purpose to which a particular group of photos was destined. Wherever possible, alphabetical or chronological arrangement has been reconstituted. Black/white photo prints embedded in the Series II paper files have been maintained within those files, protected by archival bond interleaving and/or transparent Mylar sleeves. Negatives, slides and transparencies have been segregated, substituted by lists of original arrangement, by artist and/or folder and present location, reference data also contained in the finding aid.

Portions of the collection have been systematically captioned or annotated in French, English, and occasionally German (i.e. the miniature photo index and the "History of Pictures" files in III.C.2), complete with PR & Co photo index file numbers (see Series IV).

NOTE: Among the photo prints series are examples bearing the embossed copyright mark "Photo Paul Rosenberg" and "Reproduction interdite" (reproduction not permitted) along the bottom of the print. These marks are indicative of a work having been originally photographed prior to 1940 [see, for example, the print of "La fenêtre ouverte" (1937) in subseries III.B.1.250].

Series IV. Indexes, ledger volumes, lists and miscellaneous reference tools

Series IV reference tools refer to documents past and present created and kept within the archives of Paul and Alexandre P. Rosenberg, their heirs and associates. The series consists of reference instruments produced in-house such as indexes of artists (without photos); business indexes (clients cards and mailing lists); indexes of names prepared by the archives of the French Ministère des Affaires Étrangères (MAE) for the papers of the Galerie Paul Rosenberg (repatriated from the Russian State Archives); and the finding aid and collection summary of the Paul Rosenberg papers prepared by the Russian State Archives.

A finding aid of the papers now comprising Series I, composed circa 1949-1998 at the Russian State Archives, is now included in this series. Related inventory, processing and administrative materials have been kept at the beginning of each file within Series I.

Also added to Series IV during the course of archival processing is a list of exhibition catalogues of Paul Rosenberg (Paris) and Paul Rosenberg and Company (New York). A selection of these catalogues has been made available to accompany consultation of the Paul Rosenberg Archives: see Subseries IV.E.

Multiple containers exist for each group within the index card files of IV.C.1-9: sequential order is alphabetical or chronological, as indicated.

Series V: Paul Rosenberg and Company, New York: Files Compiled by PR and Company to Research and Support War Losses and Restitution Claims

The bulk of the documentation contained in this series covers the years 1945 to 1970. The files of this series include: 'Missing pictures' in-house research and correspondence (arranged as organized by various successive creators, most in chronological order); extensive photocopied documentation of external archival holdings, particularly papers created by or concerning Paul Rosenberg and the Galerie Paul Rosenberg in the archives of the Ministère des Affaires Étrangères (France) and from war archives in France, Germany and the US; and related correspondence and printed materials. The records include private and legally mandated research notes, correspondence and officially published documentation generated by the advent of war, war losses, looted pictures and property.

Subseries A. and B. correspond to the time periods of Series II (1940-1987), but are still to be considered active files at the time of this writing.


Language of correspondence and documentation is primarily French until 1940, when English begins to share the pre-eminence of French. Significant groups of personal and professional correspondence are in German, as are many copies and reproductions of World War II-era documents. Also contains instances of Italian, Spanish, Hungarian, Swedish and Czech. Evidence of Russian State Archives custodial history of the Series I papers appears in inventory and administrative materials (circa 1949-1998) and is in Russian Cyrillic print and script.

Document Types

Handwritten drafts of business and personal letters and texts; office copy (duplicates) of outgoing typescript correspondence; handwritten and typescript incoming correspondence (most with personal signatures); business and personal orders, receipts, invoices, accounts; signed agreements, certificates, licenses; index card files; handwritten indexes, lists and ledgers; photographic prints, negatives, slides, transparencies; photo albums and scrapbooks; PR gallery exhibition catalogues and brochures.


The Paul Rosenberg Archives consists of five series, each representing a distinct group of records, and appropriate subseries and further divisions representing the original order of the records.

Series I: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (1906-1908); Galeries Paul Rosenberg [1905-1928]
Subseries I.A: Correspondence
Subseries I.B. Exhibitions
Subseries I.C: Invoices and receipts; Related correspondence
Series II: Paul Rosenberg and Company (New York) [1940-1987; 1987-93]
Subseries II.A: PR & Co files, 1940 - 1942
Subseries II.B: PR & Co files, 1942 - 1943
Subseries II.C: PR & Co files, 1944 - [1946]
Subseries II.D: PR & Co files, 1946 - 1947
Subseries II.E: PR & Co files, 1948 - 1949
Subseries II.F: PR & Co files, 1950 - 1951
Subseries II.G: APR files, [1949] - 1952
Subseries II.H: PR & Co files, 1952 - 1953
Subseries II.I: PR & Co files, 1954 - 1955
Subseries II.J: PR & Co files, 1956 - 1957
Subseries II.K: PR Co files, 1958 [1959]
Subseries II.L: PR & Co files, 1959
Subseries II.M: PR & Co files, APR, 1959 - 1960
Subseries II.N: PR & Co files, 1960 - 1961
Subseries II.O: PR & Co files, 1961 - 1962
Subseries II.P: PR & Co files, 1962 - 1963
Subseries II.Q: PR & Co files, 1963 - 1964
Subseries II.R: PR & Co files, 1964 - 1965
Subseries II.S: PR & Co files, 1965 - 1966
Subseries II.T: PR & Co files, 1966 - 1967
Subseries II.U: PR & Co files, 1967 - 1968
Subseries II.V: PR & Co files, 1968 - 1969
Subseries II.W: PR & Co files, 1969 - 1970
Subseries II.X: PR & Co files, August 1970 - July 1971
Subseries II.Y: PR & Co files, August 1971 - July 1972
Subseries II.Z: PR & Co files, August 1972 - July 1973
Subseries II.AA: P.R. files, August 1973 - July 1974
Subseries II.BB: PR & Co files, 1974 - 1975
Subseries II.CC: PR & Co files, September 1975 - August 1976
Subseries II.DD: PR & Co files, September 1976 - August 1977
Subseries II.EE: PR & Co files, September 1977 - August 1978
Subseries II.FF: PR & Co files, August 1978 - July 1979
Subseries II.GG: PR & Co files, August 1979 - July 1980
Subseries II.HH: PR & Co files, 1980 - 1981
Subseries II.II: PR & Co files, 1982, September 1981 - August 1982
Subseries II.JJ: PR & Co files, 1982 - 1983
Subseries II.KK: PR & Co files, 1983 - 1984
Subseries II.LL: PR & Co files, 1984 - 1985
Subseries II.MM: PR & Co files, 1985 - 1986
Subseries II.NN: PR & Co files, 1986 - 1987
Subseries II.OO: PR & Co files, September 1987 - August 1989
Subseries II.PP: PR & Co files, September 1989 - August 1993
Subseries II.QQ: PR & Co: M & P files, 1946 - 1955
Subseries II.RR: PR & Co (New York and London): Selected research files, [1940 - 1945]
Series III: Photographic materials of the Galerie Paul Rosenberg and Paul Rosenberg & Company [circa 1910-1987]
Subseries III.A: Rosenberg galleries (Paris) [circa 1910-1940]
Subseries III.A.1: Photographic prints
Subseries III.A.2: Negatives, transparencies, slides
Subseries III.A.3: Color film transparencies (Paris gallery)
Subseries III.B: Photographic prints and negatives of PR & Co gallery research files; miscellaneous manuscript and print materials [1940s-1987]
Subseries III.B.1: Black/white photo prints (various formats and supports)
Subseries III.B.2: Black/white negatives, transparencies, slides
Subseries III.B.3: Color prints, negatives, transparencies, slides
Subseries III.C: Miscellaneous photo and text materials [1940s-1987]
Subseries III.C.1: Photographs, negatives
Subseries III.C.2: "History of Pictures" files
Subseries III.C.3: Scrapbooks
Subseries III.C.4: "Parcae" research/editing dossier
Subseries III.D: Miniature photo index collection and slide collections [circa 1910-1987]
Subseries III.D.1: Rosenberg Galleries: Photographic prints on index cards
Subseries III.D.2: APR Miniature Photo Prints and Miscellaneous Acetate Slides
Subseries III.D.3: APR Miniature Black/White Photos on Index Cards
Subseries III.D.4: APR Glass Slides of Color Stills
Subseries III.D.5: APR Color Slides
Subseries III.E: Oversize black/white prints [and oversize* negatives]; miscellaneous printed materials. [1940s-1987]
Subseries III.E.1: Miscellaneous Oversize and Fragile Documents, 1940s–1960s
Subseries III.E.2: Oversize and Fragile Black/White Photo Prints (from Series I, II and III, Paris and New York Galleries), 1900s–1960s
Subseries III.E.3: Oversize and Fragile Black/White Photo Prints (from Series II and III, New York Galleries), 1960s–1980s
Subseries III.E.4: Oversize Miscellaneous Advertisement Proofs and Printed Materials (from Series II and III, New York Galleries), 1960s–1980s
Subseries III.F: Negatives and color transparencies and prints removed from Subseries II.A-QQ files
Subseries III.F.1: Black/white negatives
Subseries III.F.2: Color negatives, transparencies, prints, Polaroids, slides
Series IV: Reference materials: Indexes, ledger volumes, inventories, lists
Subseries IV.A: PR & Co indexed ledger lists and 'stock books'
Subseries IV.B: PR & Co working reference lists and indexes
Subseries IV.C: Index card containers
Subseries IV.D: Inventories prepared by external agencies
Subseries IV.E: Selection of Paul Rosenberg Exhibition Catalogues, Lists, Brochures, and Publications
Subseries IV.F: Exhibition Catalogues of Third-Party Shows held at PR & Co
Subseries IV.G: Exhibition Catalogues of Artists Represented and/or Works Loaned by PR & Co
Subseries IV.H: Exhibition Catalogues with "Property of Paul Rosenberg & Co" Stamp
Series V: 'Missing Pictures' files
Subseries V.A: files compiled by PR and APR to research and support war losses and restitution claims [1940-1959]
Subseries V.B: files compiled by PR, APR and EAR to research and support war losses and restitution claims [1959-2001]
Subseries V.C: files compiled by EAR and Rosenberg heirs to research and support art and archives war losses and restitution claims; files from PR Series I and II, selected and researched; related printed materials [1987 to present]


Conditions Governing Access

The records are open for access and contain few restricted materials.

Ownership and Literary Rights

The Paul Rosenberg Archives are the physical property of The Museum of Modern Art. Literary rights for works created by the Rosenberg family are copyright The Museum of Modern Art. Literary rights for works by other authors in the collection, including copyright, belong to those authors or their legal heirs and assigns.

Index Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in the library catalog of The Museum of Modern Art. Researchers desiring materials about related topics, persons, or places should search the catalog using these headings.
Persons and Organizations:
L. & P. Rosenberg Fils
Paul Rosenberg & Co.
Rosenberg, Alexandre Paul
Rosenberg, Elaine
Rosenberg, Léonce, 1879-1947
Rosenberg, Paul, 1881-1959 -- Archives
Sales records
Rosenberg, Paul, 1881-1959 -- Archives
Sales records
Document Types:
Card files
Exhibition catalogs
Financial records
Folders (containers)
Photograph albums

Related Material

Among the holdings at The Museum of Modern Art Archives, correspondence with Paul Rosenberg and with Alexandre Paul Rosenberg is to be found among the Alfred H. Barr, Jr., Papers, René d'Harnoncourt Papers, William S. Lieberman Papers, James Thrall Soby Papers, James Johnson Sweeney Papers, Monroe Wheeler Papers, as well as among other collections of personal and business papers of Museum directors, curators and the Registrar officers.

Of special interest within the Museum Archives holdings are the letters to Léonce Rosenberg from artists associated with his Galerie de l'Effort Moderne and its Bulletin. See: Léonce Rosenberg Papers: Correspondence relating to Cubism, 1914-1932.

For information on individual artists associated with the Rosenberg galleries, see the Artist Files or relevant monographs in the Museum Library.

Holdings of related and associated correspondence and documents may also be accessed at the following institutional repositories:
Pierpont Morgan Library, New York [Paul Rosenberg correspondence with artists]
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York [Paul and Alexandre P. Rosenberg correspondence]
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York [Paul and Alexandre P. Rosenberg correspondence]
Ministère des Affaires Étrangères. Services des Archives et de la Documentation. Paris [Paul and Léonce Rosenberg correspondence]
Musée Picasso, Paris [Paul Rosenberg correspondence with Pablo Picasso]
Musée National d'Art Moderne, Paris [Léonce Rosenberg correspondence and photographs]
Bibliothèque Jacques Doucet, Paris [Paul and Léonce Rosenberg correspondence with Doucet]
The Archives of American Art of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. [correspondence from Paul Rosenberg to many different artists, art dealers and collectors]
The Durand-Ruel Archives, Paris [Alexandre (père), Paul and Léonce Rosenberg correspondence]
Manuscripts Department, The New York Public Library [John Quinn papers, Paul Rosenberg correspondence]
The Getty Center, Los Angeles [Douglas Cooper papers, Paul and Alexandre P. Rosenberg correspondence]
The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration [documentary collections and official correspondence concerning Second World War art looting, recovery, and restitution] [See: Holocaust-Era Assets: A Finding Aid to Records at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1999)]
Fondazione Giacomo Manzù, Ardea (Rome) [Alexandre P. Rosenberg and PR & Co correspondence]

Administrative Information

Provenance and Custodial History

The papers and records of Series I (1905-1928) had been deposited in safe storage in Paris in 1928, apparently a routine practice for the Rosenbergs, but were looted from Paris during the Occupation of France during the Second World War and hidden among great quantities of war booty in an underground mine in Germany, or possibly in what was then the Byelorussian SSR. At war's end, the papers were 'liberated' by the Soviet army in the area of the Russian-German frontier after the retreat of Nazi forces, and kept - as were many other thousands of train carloads of personal papers, books and works of art as 'trophies', at first by the Byelorussian Central State Archives. In 1955 the Rosenberg archives were transferred to the Russian State Archives in Moscow, where in 1961 the documents were definitively catalogued under the Rosenberg name. The integrity of most of the files - if not necessarily the original extent of the collection - appears to have been respected. Through bilateral agreements reached between the governments of Russia and Western European nations at the end of the 'Cold War', the papers of Paul Rosenberg and his galleries were among the treasures recuperated from the Russian State Archives through the intermediary of the French Foreign Office in 2000.

The Series II papers have been continuously in the custody of Paul Rosenberg and Company in New York since 1940, the date which marks the starting point of their creation. These have been in their current location and order since 1953, the year in which Paul Rosenberg established his second gallery in New York, and accessed only by the firm's lawyers, accountants and selected researchers on-site at 79th street.

Series III: The early 20th century French photo prints in the collection were originally those of the Rosenberg galleries in Paris, prudently sheltered by Rosenberg in England before the Second World War and imported to the USA during and after the war. Later prints and negatives have been generated and collected by the New York company during its normal course of affairs and have always remained under the control of Paul Rosenberg and Company. The photographic materials are clearly identifiable with PR & Co through their systematic labeling, stamping, annotations and coding. The original glass plate negatives for several hundred of the pre-war images have remained in France, offered by Alexandre Rosenberg to the Musée National d'Art Moderne in Paris during his lifetime.

Series IV indexes and ledgers have been created in-house as rigorously-kept business reference tools, photo accession inventories, indexes and lists: elements of these survived the Second World War and were imported to the USA by Paul Rosenberg; others - still very much in use - were reconstructed from memory and other sources of documentation (especially correspondence with clients and friends) and have always been compiled and maintained by Paul Rosenberg and Company in New York.

Series V, which includes correspondence, transcriptions of court proceedings, copies of Second World War-era documents, handwritten and typescript lists and copies thereof, photos, news clippings and official publications, has been assembled since the earliest years of the war by Paul and Alexandre Rosenberg among their personal and company papers. In several instances, these papers continue to represent active files regarding inquiries or proceedings begun over half a century ago.

Preferred Citation

Published citations should take the following form:

Long version: The Paul Rosenberg Archives, a Gift of Elaine and Alexandre Rosenberg, [series.folder]. The Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York.

Short version: Paul Rosenberg, [series.folder]. MoMA Archives, NY.

Processing and Condition Information

The Paul Rosenberg Archives in The Museum of Modern Art Archives are a gift of Elaine and Alexandre Rosenberg. The processing of the collection has been funded through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation, the Art Dealers Association of America, the Museum's Trustee Committee on Museum Archives and Library, and the Museum's Library Council.

Important elements of the collection date from the beginning of the 20th century, while the bulk has been created since the outbreak of World War II: all materials are generally in very good condition. Image quality and stability of the photographic prints created in France before the war continue to be excellent, as their storage has always been carefully controlled. All paper-based materials have been re-housed in acid-free archival folders and containers, with special attention to inserting war-era copy paper, grown brittle and very vulnerable, either into Mylar sleeves or interleaved with archival-quality bond paper. Significant items among the acidic or fragile correspondence, manuscript and printed materials have been scanned to produce preservation copies in order to facilitate research access. Photo collections, containing examples of various photographic processes and film emulsions, have also received particular care though reduction of storage density, interleaving with acid-free and other special archival papers, sleeving (or re-sleeving and re-labeling) with Mylar and segregation of the black and white, color and film negative materials of the collection in separate, but contiguously arranged containers.

The archives have been well maintained and their state of preservation poses few problems of accessibility. This is in part due to having their been in continuous use and made available to art professionals and historians, a process which has apparently had the effect of organically 'weeding' superfluous or unstable elements. The historical significance of the fact that so much of the Series I collection at a certain point first went into 'hiding' - having been looted and kept as a special archival collection - has ironically favored the retention and preservation of the early 20th century documents offered in the bequest.


Accruals to the Series V 'Missing pictures' files are likely the future. Given the history of several components of the archives, it is not to be excluded that other sets of records remain extant since the Second World War - such as the 1929-1939 papers, early groups of original photo negatives and components of Paul Rosenberg's art reference library - and could possibly be discovered, restituted and integrated into the established archival series at The Museum of Modern Art Archives.

Additional Descriptive Data

Explanation of Abbreviations

AR is Alexandre Rosenberg (père)
PR is Paul Rosenberg
LR is Léonce Rosenberg
L & P is the original L & P Rosenberg Fils gallery in Paris (Avenue de l'Opéra)
GPR is the original Galerie Paul Rosenberg in Paris (rue de la Boétie)
RH is Rosenberg and Helft in London
PR & Co is Paul Rosenberg and Company, New York
M & P is Marguerite and Paul Rosenberg (private collections)
APR is Alexandre Paul Rosenberg (fils)
EAR is Elaine (Mrs. Alexandre) Rosenberg
IF is Ilda François (PR & Co.)
MAE is the Ministère des Affaires Étrangères is the French Government Foreign Office
MoMA is The Museum of Modern Art, New York
MNAM is the Musée Nationale d'Art Moderne, Paris
RSA is the Russian State Archives, Moscow
ADAA is the Art Dealers Association of America (New York)
re: stands for regarding
[s.d.] stands for no date identified
[s.l.] stands for no place of origin identified

File numbers marked by an asterisk (*) indicate oversize material. Researchers should include the asterisk when issuing a request for such material.

Container List

Series I: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (1906-1908); Galeries Paul Rosenberg (1908-1928)

The series business and some personal correspondence; invoices and receipts, incoming and outgoing, and related correspondence. Many of the personal letters are handwritten, with infrequent copy of outgoing mail in earliest years; typescript outgoing business correspondence frequently carbon-copied. Numerous printed handbills, invitations, announcements and gallery catalogues are present also in their production phases. The series also official and notarized documents; article and book manuscript drafts; cartes de visite; illustrated postcards; black/white photographs; architectural floor-plans; ledger pages; news clippings.

Language of correspondence and documentation is primarily French; continental or American English is also extensively used and significant groups of letters received are in Swiss German. There are also instances of Italian, Spanish, Hungarian, Swedish and Czech. Evidence of Russian custodial history appears occasionally in brief notes and numbering on items and folders, in addition to the regular appearance of RSA administrative forms and data introduced into each file, now assembled for convenience of access into a single file concluding the Series.

Subseries I.A: Correspondence: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (1906-1908); Galeries Paul Rosenberg (1908-1928)

Folder Title Date
I.A.1 Correspondence: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (Paris)

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by Léonce and Paul Rosenberg, as individuals and as partners, as well as a few in the name of their father, Alexandre Rosenberg (through to 1913); cartes de visite; typescript lists; banking, transport and insurance notices; postcards. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-122; item numbers not present: 46, 63. Item numbers 28-40 inclusive are given twice; documents from 1909 and 1924-1925 having been added post-RSA inventory.

Chemins de Fer de l'Ouest (Paris)
Obach & Co. (London)
Rosenberg, Paul
Chemins de Fer de l' État (Paris)
Depeaux (Rouen)
E. Blot
Paris New-York Agency (Paris)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Parr's Bank Limited (London)
Abraham, Walter J.
J. Allard (Paris) La Confiance, assurances (Paris)
Goujon, Pierre
M. Goldschmidt & Co. (Frankfurt)
L. Moline, expert (Paris)
République Française. Ministère de l'Instruction Publique, des Beaux-Arts et des Cultes.
Georges Meunier, expert (Paris)
May, Ernest
Marchesi (London)
Massion, Paul
William Marchant & Co. (London)
The Goupil Gallery (London)
F. Lair Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Talbot, A.
McLean, Publisher & Printer (London)
D. Heinemann, Gemäldegalerie (Munich)
Hollender & Koekkoek, Ancient and Modern Pictures (London)
Lonquéty, M.
Lebourg, Albert
Kunsthandlung Steinmeyer (Cologne)
Eduard Schulte, Kunsthandlung (Berlin)
J.P. Schneider Jr., Kunsthandlung (Frankfurt)
Rosenberg, Paul
Duncan J. Kirkpatrick (Glasgow)

1909 and 1924-1925:
André Aucoc, orfèvrerie (Paris)
L'Art et les Artistes (Paris)
Dayot, Armand
Union des Entreprises Modernes (Paris)
Monteux, Marcel
Rosenberg, Paul
Anzon-Caccamisi (London)
Musée Carnavalet (Paris)
Hirsch, Louis
R. Gaillard, architecte (Paris)
[De Boisneuf]

I.A.2 Correspondence: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (Paris)

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; a copy of letter sent by LR/PR Fils; cartes de visite; typescript lists; banking, transport and insurance notices; postcards. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-129; item numbers not present: 17.

Duveen Brothers (London)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Dowdeswell Galleries (London)
Dowdeswell & Dowdeswells (London)
Freund-Deschamps, Charles
L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (Paris)
Gay, Wallis
Caillard, André
Comptoir d'Escompte de Montargis
Beatty, John M.
Carnegie Institute (Pittsburgh) [item No. 29]
McCormick, Hamilton
Eugène Cremetti (London)
Galerie Félix Cavaroc (Paris)
Société Française de Sculpture d'Art (Paris)
C.L. Charley (Paris)
Charvet (Paris)
Aux forges de Vulcain (Paris)
Chouanard, Émile
Compagnie Parisienne de l'Air Comprimé (Paris)
Paul Cassirer (Berlin)
Friedrich Volda (Berlin)
M. Knoedler & Co. (Paris)
Königliche National-Galerie (Berlin)
Königliche Gemäldegalerie (Dresden)
Kunsthalle zu Hamburg
Alex. Reid (La Société des Beaux-Arts) (Glasgow)
La Réunion Française, assurances (Paris)
Forbes, J.S.
Silva White (London)
Bradley & Co., Picture Frame Makers (London)
Boussod, Valadon & Cie, tableaux (Paris)
Botzong, A.
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Leicester Galleries (London)
Julius Böhler, Hof-Antiquar (Munich)
Bertault-Séguin, publicité (Neuilly)
Bernheim Jeune & Fils, experts (Paris)
Turner, Charles A.
Félix Tuby (Alexandria, Egypt)
Tavernier, Adolphe
Verger, Ferdinand
Viau, George

I.A.3 Correspondence: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (Paris)

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-107; item numbers not present: 59, 74, 100.

Obach & Co. (London)
Ocampo, Charles-Vincent
Petrovsky, D.
Dr. Joe Oppenheimer, Rechtsanwälte (Frankfurt)
Pohl, N.
Dr. jur. G. Ohlenschlager, Rechtsanwalt (Frankfurt)
Goldammer, F. von (baron)
Bernheim Jeune & Fils (Paris)
Dowdeswell Galleries (London)
Dowdeswell & Dowdeswells (London)
Duveen Brothers (London)
F.J. Wall, Fine Art Dealer (London)
Weil, J.
Wallis & Son, French Gallery (London)
A. van Buuren (Amsterdam)
A. & W. Bauer's, Kunst- und Antiquitätenhandlung (Munich)
F. Berlin, huissier (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Fils (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Berliner Speditions (Berlin)
Publications Américaines, Bertault-Séguin (Neuilly-Paris)
J.J. Biesing, tableaux (The Hague)
Julius Böhler, Hof-Antiquar (Munich)
Brasch & Rothenstein, expéditeurs (Paris)
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Leicester Galleries (London)
Agence Générale Française (Toulouse)
C. Brunner, tableaux (Paris)
Bülow, von
Buttery, Ayersol H.
A. van Buuren (Amsterdam)

I.A.4 Correspondence: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (Paris)

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; pencil sketch [item No. 163]. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-221; item numbers not present: 13, 61, 169. Item number added to unmarked item: 25a.

Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
Compagnie Parisienne de l'Air Comprimé (Paris)
Colnaghi (London)
Marlborough Gallery (London)
Wall, Sidney E.
Alexander Rosenberg (Paris)
F. Cohen & Cie (Paris)
Cassirer, Paul
Hotel Cecil (London)
J. Chenue, French Packer (London)
Kann, Alphonse
A.F. Knoepfler, artiste-peintre, conservator et restaurator (Paris)
Frank J. Sabin, books-engravings (London)
Durlacher, Alfred
Fauchier-Magnan, A.
E.A. Fleischmann's Hof-Kunsthandlung (Munich)
Doinard, A.
J. Féral, expert (Paris)
Fontaine, L.
Frankfurter-Hof (Frankfurt)
M. Goldschmidt & Co. (Frankfurt)
Le Monde Illustré (Paris)
Phillipe, Henri
La Réunion Française, assurances (Paris)
Louis Ricard Nachfolger, Alte & moderne Gemälde (Frankfurt)
Frank J. Sabin, books-engravings (London)
Sackville Gallery, Limited (London)
H. Sayet, avocat (Paris)
Oscar Schmitz (Dresden)
H. Schmitz (Paris)
J.P. Schneider Jr. (Frankfurt)
Charles Sedelmeyer, tableaux (Paris)
Louis Ricard Nachfolger, Alte & moderne Gemälde (Frankfurt)
Verlagsbuchandlung E.A. Seemann (Leipzig)
Seligmann (Paris)
Arthur Smith, Berkeley Art Galleries (London)
Staiger & Cie, graveurs statuaires (Paris)
Steinmeyer & Stefan Bourgeois (Paris)
Steinmeyer, Fritz
Hessel, Jos
Max Rosenberg (Paris)
Rosenberg, Alexandre (elder)
Roth, Margarethe
Stibbard, Gibson & Co. (London)
Duveen, Joseph
Sulley & Company (London)
Banque Commerciale Hongroise de Pest (Budapest)
Turner, Charles A.
Tulpinck, objets d'art (Paris)
Pierre Thorel (Barbizon)
Vollon, Alexis
Vignier, objets d'art d'Orient (Paris)
Pierre Lafitte & Cie (Paris)
J. Larigaldie & L. Duhailler, contentieux civil & commercial (Paris)
W.D. Lawrie & Son (Paris)
Carl Lebeau, éditeur d'estampes (Heidelberg)
Émile Lefranc (Paris)

I.A.5 Correspondence: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (Paris)

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; banking and shipping notices; postcards. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-248; item numbers not present: 3, 31, 34.

Merrell, Harry
Paul Mersch (Paris)
Millet (Paris)
République Française. Sous-Secrétaire d' État des Beaux-Arts. (Paris)
Paul Massion, notaire (Paris)
Marx, Bernard
William Marchant & Co., Goupil Gallery (London)
Société de sculpture et de peinture "Manès" (Prague)
Macintosh, J.
Léonce Rosenberg (Paris)
Ofort (London)
Sedgwick (London)
Peltier, L.
Lowengard, Charles
Lacoin de Villemorin, A.
John G. Johnson (Philadelphia)
Lion, S.
Piénard, A.
Liebermann, Max
Lesser, A.C.
J. & A. Le Roy frères, tableaux (Brussels)
Lemarchand Inc. (Rouen)
Leggatt Brothers (London)
Leggatt, Martin
S. Jourdan (Frankfurt)
Galerie Heinemann (Munich)
D. Heinemann, Gemäldegalerie (Munich)
J. St. Hensé (London)
Hugo Helbing (Munich)
Hendecourt, Bernard de
J. St. Hensé (London)
A. Hersent, sculpteur (Paris)
Hollender & Koekkoek, Ancient & Modern Pictures (London)
Hollender, Bertie
Jesurum, Eugenia
Jonge, S. de
Leggatt Brothers (London)
Lebourg, Albert
Freund-Deschamps, Charles
Egger, Jos
Deutsche Bank (Berlin)
Rosenberg, Léonce A.
Paul Dessaix, huissier (Paris)
Freund-Deschamps, Charles
Dowdeswell Galleries (London)
G. Duplaquet (Paris)
Drey, A.S.
Drey, Franz
Deutsche Effecten- & Wechsel Bank (Frankfurt)
Depeaux (Rouen)
Duveen Brothers (London)
Kann, Alphonse
Duncan J. Kirkpatrick (Glasgow)
Duveen Brothers (London)
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Paul Cassirer (Berlin)
Anzon-Caccamisi (London)
Gustave Cahen, avocat (Paris)
Caillard, André
Cartier, Karl
Le Journal, quotidien littéraire, politique et artistique (Paris)
J. Casper, Kunst-Verlag & Gemälde-Ausstellung (Berlin)
Cassirer, Bruno
Bruno Cassirer, Verlag (Berlin)
Julius Cassirer (Charlottenburg)
A.F. Knoepfler, artiste-peintre (Paris)
S. Koudacheff (prince)
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
McCormick, Hamilton

View PDF of folder I.A.5

I.A.6 Correspondence: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (Paris)

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; cartes de visite; typescript lists; banking, transport and insurance notices; postcards. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-101; all item numbers present.

Pradier, P.
E. Petit, emballeur-expéditeur (Paris)
Bruno Cassirer (Berlin)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Thos. Agnew Sons, Fine Art Publishers (London)
Le Figaro (Paris)
Alexandre, Arsène
American Art News (Paris)
Neuville, Félix
Arenberg, de (duc) [Secrétaire particulier du]
L'Art pour Tous, groupe artistique populaire (Paris)
Netherlands Gallery (London)
Abraham, Walter J.
M. Goldschmidt & Co., Gemälde moderner Meister (Frankfurt)
Goute, H.
Fox, F.W.
von Goldammer, F. (baron)
Greffulhe, de (comtesse)
Permanente Gemälde-Ausstellung M. Goldschmidt & Co. (Frankfurt)
J. Goldberg, antiquités (Paris)
La Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouot (Paris)
Frappart, A.
Germiny, Charles de
J. Gieules, avocat (Paris)
Languellier, Marcel
Museum Boijmans (Rotterdam)
Nochlin, E.
Georges Normand, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
A. van Buuren (Amsterdam)
Nardus, Léo
Modigliani, A.
Frederik Muller & Cie, ventes publiques de tableaux (Amsterdam)
Musées Royaux de Peinture et de Sculpture de Belgique (Brussels)
Goupil Gallery, William Marchant & Co. (London)
Melnik, C.
Dr. Maximilian Melnik, Landesadvokat (Prague)

I.A.7 Correspondence: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (Paris)

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; postcards; cartes de visite; bank and insurance policy notices. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-186; item numbers not present: 63, 87, 88.

Kann, Alphonse
Bruno Cassirer, Verlag (Berlin)
Caspari, Georg
Cassirer, Bruno
Kunst und Künstler, Redaction (Berlin)
Cassirer, Paul
Galerie des Artistes Modernes (Paris)
J. Chaine & Simonson, experts (Paris)
Chapuis, Ernest
Chénard-Huché, Georges
J. Chenue, French Packer (London)
Marcel Cocteau, notaire (Paris)
F. Cohen & Cie (Paris)
Albemarle Gallery (London)
Cabruja, Juan
Anzon-Caccamisi (London)
Caramon-Chimay, de (princesse)
Eugène Cremetti, Publisher & Printseller (London)
Cunliffe, H.S.
A. Cousin, tableaux modernes (Paris)
Louis Ricard Nachfolger, Antiquitäten (Frankfurt)
Richardson Cass
Rothschild (lord)
Rosenberg, Alexandre (père)
Rouvier, Ch.
Rouart, Henri
Rosenberg, Alexandre (père)
Roux, F.
Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum (Berlin)
S. Koudacheff (prince)
French, Lemon & Co. (Florence)
L. François (Amiens)
Fauchier-Magnan, A.
J.P. Schneider Jr. (Frankfurt)
Schoellberg, N.
The Erich Galleries (New York)
Erich, Louis R.
Fauchier-Magnan, A.
Sulley & Company (London)
Fr. Speth (Antwerp)
Spiridon, Joseph [item Nos. 114-119 inclusive]
Sulley & Company (London)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Personnaz & Gardin (Paris)
Capdevielle, F.
M.H. Souget (Amsterdam)
Nardus, Léo
Sulley & Company (London)
Redon, Odilon [item Nos. 144, 145, 146]
Richard, A.
Alex. Reid (La Société des Beaux-Arts) (Glasgow)
[Quinn, John]
Reinach, Fanny
Reinach, Théodore
La Réunion Française, assurances (Paris)
Louis Ricard Nachfolger, Antiquitäten (Frankfurt)
Café de Paris (Vervins)
Société du Salon d'Automne (Paris)
Prager, Ludwig
Museum Boijmans (Rotterdam)
Esposizione delle Arte Veneziane (Venice)
Seemann, E.A.
Tulpinck, tableaux (Paris)
Van Hoof, François
H. Vian, bronzes (Paris)
Buttery, Ayersol H.
C. Brunner, tableaux (Paris)
Brunner, C.

I.A.8 Correspondence: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (Paris)

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; postcards; cartes de visite; bank and insurance policy notices. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-190; all item numbers present.

Mont, Pol de
Musée des Beaux-Arts (Antwerp)
Pluyette, L.
Pfister, Jos.
Thos. Agnew & Sons (London)
J. Allard (Paris)
Konrad Astfalck (Berlin)
Aulun, Louis
Goujon, Pierre
G. Guastalla, agent de change (Paris)
Félix Gerard fils, tableaux (Paris)
Gerard, R.
J. Gieules, avocat (Paris)
Languellier, Marcel
Frédéric Gittler, libraire-éditeur (Paris)
J. & S. Goldschmidt, Antiquitäten (Frankfurt)
E. Gossin, tableaux - reproductions artistiques (Paris)
G. Guastalla, agent de change (Paris)
Guillaumin, Armand
Glogau, Benny
Léon Gerard, tableaux modernes (Paris)
Kann, Alphonse
Rowland, E.B.
Docteur Noblet (Paris)
Nardus, Léo
Glogau, Benny
Frederik Muller & Cie, ventes publiques de tableaux (Amsterdam)
Massion, Paul
Paul Mersch (Paris)
William Marchant & Co., Goupil Gallery (London)
Marx Frères (Paris)
Hollender & Koekkoek, Ancient and Modern Pictures (London)
McLean, Publisher & Printseller (London)
Lebourg, Albert
Leggatt Bros. (London)
Lemarchand Inc (Rouen)
Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris)
Lemoisne, P.A.
Nardus, Léo
H. Lepper (London)
L. Lévy, antiquités & tableaux (Paris)
Lonquéty, M.
Direction des Musées Nationaux (Paris)
Émile Loyet, objets d'art (Paris)
Delteil, Loÿs
Loÿs Delteil, artiste-graveur (Paris)
Théodore Jacob (Paris)
Édouard Jonas (Paris)
Pierre A. Jourdan, Franco-British Exhibition, 1908 (London)
Alfred Jourdan (Paris)
Hartz, Louis
D. Heinemann, Gemäldegalerie (Munich)
van Hemeldonck
J. St. Hensé (London)
Hollender, Bertie
Reid, Alex.
Elias, Julius
Louis Dreyfus & Cie (Paris)
Pall Mall Safe Deposit (London)
Dreyfus, Ernest
République Française. Sous-Secrétaire d' État des Beaux-Arts. (Paris)
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Duret, Théodore
Duveen Brothers (London)
Duncan J. Kirkpatrick (Glasgow)
Freund-Deschamps, Charles
Blot, E.
Depeaux, armateur (Rouen)
G.J. Demotte, antiquités (Paris)
Jacques A. van Dam, Antiquitäten (Berlin)
Koudacheff, S. (prince)
Kann, Alphonse
Kersten & Tuteur (Berlin)
Duncan J. Kirkpatrick (Glasgow)
Koudacheff, S. (prince)

I.A.9 Correspondence: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (Paris)

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; postcards; cartes de visite; transport carrier notices. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-68; all item numbers present.

E. Belval, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Belval, Marcel
Benny Glogau, Sachverständiger (Hamburg)
Paul Opitz, Baugeschäft (Hamburg)
C. Brunner, tableaux (Paris)
Beurdeley, A.
Berger, E. [letter to ALR]
Rosenberg, Alexandre L.
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Berliner Speditions (Berlin)
Galerie de Tableaux G. Berne-Bellecour (Paris)
Berne-Bellecour, G.
Bianchetti & Belzacq, fabrique de stores (Paris)
Blanchet, Adrien
Bloch-[Pimenhel], Émile
Galerie Eugène Blot (Paris)
Blot, Eugène
Prosper Bobin, architecte (Paris)
Böhler, Julius
Bonjean, Théodore
Boussod, Valadon & Cie, tableaux (Paris)
Bredius (Madrid)
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Leicester Galleries (London)
C. Brunner, tableaux (Paris)

I.A.10 Correspondence: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (Paris)

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; postcards; cartes de visite; transport carrier and insurance notices. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-231; item numbers not present: 165.

Galerie des Artistes Modernes (Paris)
J. Chaine & Simonson, experts (Paris)
Charon, ingénieur conseil (Paris)
Bruno Cassirer, Verlag (Berlin)
Cassirer, Bruno
Paul Cassirer, Kunst-Ausstellung (Berlin)
Cassirer, Paul
Cassirer, Bruno
Commission du Musée des Beaux-Arts (Ghent)
Société des Amis du Musée de Gand (Ghent)
Casier, Joseph
Parzelles, P.
Cabié, Louis
Anzon-Caccamisi (London)
Ayersol H. Buttery (London)
Cabié, Louis
Burgsthal, Richard
C. Brunner, tableaux (Paris)
B. Coureau, Dealer in Works of Art (London)
Julius Böhler, Hof-Antiquar (Munich)
Bonnat, Léon
École des Beaux-Arts (Paris)
Boucher-Beaurain (Paris)
Boussod, Valadon & Cie, tableaux (Paris)
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Leicester Galleries (London)
Mrozitz, M. de
Charles, Antiques, Works of Art, & C. (London)
J. Chenue, French Packer (London)
Chouanard, Émile
Aux Forges de Vulcan (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
F. Cohen & Cie (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de l'Air Comprimé (Paris)
Baillehache, Al.
Maison Bal (Paris)
[Bérénis, Léonce]
Bergisch Märkische Bank (Elbenfeld, Germany)
Wolff-Ebenrod (Dusseldorf)
Bernard, Jacques
Berne-Bellecour, G.
Galerie de Tableaux G. Berne-Bellecour (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Bernstein, Henri
Beurdeley, A.
Biesing, J.J. (The Hague)
S. Bleichröder (Berlin)
Wolff-Ebenrod (Dusseldorf)
Galerie Eugène Blot (Paris)
Les Fontes d'Art Eugène Blot (Paris)
Blot, Eugène
Julius Böhler, Hof-Antiquar (Munich)
Wagenhoff, F.
Charles Drecoll (Paris)
Harry Wallis (London)
Wolff-Ebenrod (Dusseldorf)
Ward & Co. (London)
Ward, M. (count)
Wagenhoff (Wagh)
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum (Cologne)
Hagelstange, Alfred

I.A.11.a Correspondence: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (Paris)

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; postcards (some illustrated); cartes de visite; transport carrier, bank and insurance notices. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-170; item numbers not present: 25, 32, 75, 76, 132, 133, 143, 156. Item number added to unmarked item: 45a.

Duveen Brothers (London)
J. Chenue (London)
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Koechlin, Raymond
C.W. Kraushaar, Importer of Oil Paintings (New York)
D. Heinemann, Gemäldegalerie (Munich)
Hugo Helbing (Munich)
Ganay, de (marquise)
Gerard, R.
Goldammer, F. von(baron)
Gutsverwaltung Plausdorf (Plausdorf bei Kirchbain)
J. & S. Goldschmidt, Antiquitäten (Frankfurt)
Rosenberg, Alexandre L.
Gosselin, marchand d'estampes (Paris)
Goupy, Gustave
G. Guastalla, agent de change (Paris)
Gulbenkian, C.S.
Marchesi (London)
Fritz Gurlitt, Kunstverlag und Kunsthandlung (Berlin)
Ephrussi, Jules
Esnault-Peltérie, G.
Martial Eynard, avocat (Paris)
Maurice Fabre (Gasparets par Lézignan)
Ville de Paris. Service des Beaux-Arts.
Fauchier-Magnan, A.
Fayet, Gustave
Gustave Fayet (Béziers)
Jules Féral, expert (Paris)
L. François (Amiens)
Fritz Gurlitt, Kunstverlag - Kunsthandlung (Berlin)
Baillehache, Al.
Thos. Agnew & Sons (London)
J. Allard (Paris)
Almeràs, J.
Arnold & Tripp, experts (Paris)
Arnoult, Léon
Koechlin, Raymond
Albert Jaffé (Hamburg)
Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum (Berlin)
Kann, Alphonse
N. Keim & Fils, comptoir Castiglione (Paris)
Koechlin, Raymond
Lemaire, antiquités (Paris)
Lemarchand Inc. (Rouen)
Jacquet & Bouchoux, encadrements (Paris)
Albert Jaffé (Hamburg)
Lebourg, Albert
Leggatt Brothers, Printsellers & Publishers (London)
Frederik Muller & Cie, ventes publiques de tableaux (Amsterdam)
Ed. Largier, Agence Générale (Paris)
Lebourg, Albert
Leggatt Bros. (London)
Lewis & Simmons, Antiques (London)
Mont, Pol de (Antwerp)
Mitteldeutsche Creditbank (Berlin)
Fritz Gurlitt (Berlin)
Mondain, Guessard & Cie (Angers)
Rudolf Mosse (Munich)
Muller, Alfred
Société Parisienne de Banque (Paris)
[Neerens, Léon]
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Paul von
Paul Mersch (Paris)
H.O. Miethke, Kunsthandlung Kunstverlag (Vienna)

View PDF of folder I.A.11.a

I.A.11.b Correspondence: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (Paris)

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; postcards (some illustrated); cartes de visite; transport carrier, bank and insurance notices. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 171-335; item numbers not present: 238, 240, 255, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308.

Mitteldeutsche Creditbank (Berlin)
Fritz Gurlitt (Berlin)
Massion, Paul
C.M. May & Son, Steam Picture & Glass Frame Works (London)
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Leicester Galleries (London)
Direction des Musées Nationaux (Paris)
Pottier, E.
Marcy, André de
Henri Portier & Cie (Paris)
Mont, Pol de (Antwerp)
Musée des Beaux-Arts (Antwerp)
Perzyinski, Friedrich
Durandeau (Arceuil-Cachan)
Drey, Franz
J.P. Schneider jr., Kunsthandlung (Frankfurt)
Amédée Schuffenecker, amateur d'art (Meudon)
Scrile, Fernand
Société des Amis du Musée de Gand (Ghent)
Seligmann (Paris)
Sforni, Gustavo
Violet Speyer (Brussels)
Steimeyer & Stephan Bourgeois (Paris)
Stadtkasse, Reichsbank-Giro-Konto (Cologne)
Krantz, Jules
Sulley & Company (London)
Tavernier, Adolphe
Thiebault Sisson (Paris)
Thomitz, Guido
De Toledo & Cie (Paris)
Alte Pinakothek (Munich)
Louis Verdury (Versailles)
Yamanaka & Co. (London)
Nicolas Zervudachi (Alexandria, Egypt)
Zygomalas, Alexandre
Zurich, assurances (Paris)
Delbis, Pierre
Grande Remise Delpiano Aîné (Cannes)
Mauclair, Camille
Delteil, Loÿs
Depeaux, armateur (Rouen)
Freund-Deschamps, Charles
André Desvouges, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Dorotheum, Hâtel des Ventes Imp. Roy. (Vienna)
Dowdeswell & Dowdeswells (London)
Dowdeswell Galleries (London)
Roux, Félix
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (Buenos Aires)
Schiaffino, Ed.
Kunst-Ausstellung "Badener Salon" (Baden-Baden)
Roux, Félix
Ricketts, C.
New Gallery (London)
Rollin, Victor
C.F. Roos & Co., Kunstveilingen (Amsterdam)
Rosenberg, Léonce [item Nos. 304-308 inclusive]
Hessel, Jos.
Roux, Félix
Louis Ricard Nachfolger, Antiquitäten (Frankfurt)
Reinach, Théodore

View PDF of folder I.A.11.b

I.A.12 Correspondence (office copy of outgoing letters): L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (Paris)

The collection's only group of outgoing office copy, part of which is in the handwriting of Paul Rosenberg, most in that of G. [Gabriel] Vicart, secretary (carbon tracing on yellow tissue paper, formerly with stationery binding, each page stamped with original numbers): correspondence, invoices, statements of account. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-151; all item numbers present.

C. Brunner (Paris)
Ernest Brown & Phillips (London)
Duveen Brothers (London)
C. Brunner (Paris)
Cabruja, Juan
Roux, Félix
Cabruja, Juan
Roux, Félix
Fauchier-Magnan, A.
Fritz Gurlitt (Berlin)
Union des Contribuables. Directeur.
Roux, Félix
Ernest Brown & Phillips (London)
C. Brunner (Paris)
Fritz Gurlitt (Berlin)
Kraushaar (New York)
Roux, Félix
Ernest Brown & Phillips (London)
Cassirer, Paul
de Brozick
Caccamisi (baron)
Strauss, J.
Fauchier-Magnan, A.
de Brozick
Fauchier-Magnan, A.
Fritz Gurlitt (Berlin)
Berne-Bellecour, G.
Blot, Eugène
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum (Cologne)
de Brozick
R. Mondain (Angers)
Kann, Alphonse
Church, H.
Blot, Eugène
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum (Cologne)
Boussod, Valadon & Cie (Paris)
Félix Gerard (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Julius Boehler (Munich)
Goldner, F.
Bernheim, Georges
Kann, Alphonse
Bernheim, Georges
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum (Cologne)
Durandeau (Arceuil-Cachan)
Stadtkasse (Cologne)
Ricketts (London)
Cloix, Pierre
Duveen Brothers (London)
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris. Direction.
Cloix, Pierre
Caccamisi (baron)
Kelekian, Dikran
Caccamisi (baron)
Kelekian, Dikran
C. Brunner (Paris)
Cassirer, Paul
Kraushaar (New York)
Cloix, Pierre
David-Weill (Paris)
Agnew & Sons (Paris)
Cassamisi (baron)
Brown & Phillips (London)
Roux, Félix
Brown & Phillips (London)
Berard, G.
Simu (Bucarest)
Kann, Alphonse
J. & S. Goldschmidt (Frankfurt)
Rosenberg, Alexandre L.
Herbert Speyer (Brussels)
Goldammer, F. von (baron)
Bonjean (Paris)
Goldscheider, F.
Mutiaux, Eugène
Guérin, Marcel
Kann, Alphonse
Eger, Jacques
Bernheim fils (Paris)
Fritz Gurlitt (Berlin)
Goldammer, F. von (baron)
Wolf-Ebenrod (Dusseldorf)
F. Cohen & Cie (Paris)
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Paul von
Wolf-Ebenrod (Dusseldorf)

View PDF of folder I.A.12

I.A.13 Correspondence: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (Paris)

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; news clippings. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-70; item number not present: 70.

Fould-Springer (baron)
Jean Garnier, avocat (Paris)
Gentili di Giuseppe, Federico
Jean Garnier, avocat (Paris)
Flameng, François
Courrier de la Presse (Paris)
Daily Mail (Paris)
Jules Foa & Fils, antiquaires (Marseille)
Foa, Albert
Fould-Springer (baron)
Jean Garnier, avocat (Paris)
Fritz Gurlitt, Kunstverlag und Kunsthandlung (Berlin)
Guyot, commissaire-priseur (Vienne, Isère)
Gunzburg, Vladimir de
Gulbenkian, Calouste
Gunzburg, Vladimir de
Goldschmidt, Marcel
Guérin, Marcel
M. Goldschmidt & Co. (Frankfurt)
J. Gieules, avocat (Paris)
Chemins de Fer de l' État. Services des Mouvements (Paris)
Gabriel Faure, expert (Paris)
Fayet, G.
Jules Féral, expert (Paris)
Flameng, François
Gentili di Giuseppe, Federico

View PDF of folder I.A.13

I.A.14.a Correspondence: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils; Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; postcards (some illustrated); cartes de visite; bank and insurance notices; PR balance sheets. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-243; item numbers not present: 4, 5, 190, 191, 222, 225-229 inclusive. Item numbers 61 and 192-196 inclusive, correspond to documents apparently extraneous to the PR collection and were transferred to file I.A.14.b while further clarifications are sought with regard to their origin.

Cardon, Ch. Léon
Caramon Chimay, de (princesse)
Commission du Musée des Beaux-Arts (Ghent)
Société des Amis du Musée de Gand (Ghent)
Bruno Cassirer, Verlag (Berlin)
Paul Cassirer, Kunst-Ausstellung und Verlagsanstalt (Berlin)
Cassirer, Paul
Rosenberg, Paul [item Nos. 15, 16]
Cassirer, Paul
Georges, Charbonneaux (Reims)
Chazeret, Prud'hon & Cie, banquiers (Paris)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
J. Chenue, French Packer (London)
Christie, Manson & Woods (London)
H.M. Clark (London)
Cloix, Pierre
F. Cohen & Cie (Paris)
Commerz- und Disconto-Bank (Berlin)
Bruno Cassirer, Verlag (Berlin)
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
Maxime Coupa, huissier (Paris)
Bergsthal, Richard
Léon Bucaille, notaire (Paris)
Charles Brunner, tableaux (Paris)
Henry Barbazanges, tableaux (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
E. Belval (Reims)
Bernheim Jeune, J.
Berne-Bellecour, G.
Bloche, Arthur
Böhler, Julius
Julius Böhler, Hof-Antiquar (Munich)
Bonjean (Paris)
Braun & Cie (Paris)
Léon Bourgeois, liquidateur judiciaire (Paris)
Braun Clément & Cie, éditeurs (Paris)
Boussod, Valadon & Cie, tableaux (Paris)
Bonjean, Théodore
Brion, C.
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Leicester Galleries (London)
Caramon Chimay, de (princesse)
Anzon-Caccamisi (London)
Crédit Lyonnais (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Roux, Félix
Reinach, Théodore
Eugène Rintz, entrepreneur (Paris)
M. Renard, artiste-peintre (Alençon)
Rosenberg, Léonce [item Nos. 190, 191]
Silva White (London)
Albert Jaffé (Hamburg)
Banque Charles Weisweiller (Paris)
Tecla (Paris)
Jesurum, Eugenia
Kann, Alphonse
Hugo Helbing, Kunsthandlung und Kunstantiquariat (Munich)
J. St. Hensé (London)
Hagelstange, Alfred
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum (Cologne)

View PDF of folder I.A.14.a

I.A.14.b Correspondence: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils; Paul Rosenberg

Item numbers 61 and 192-196, inclusive, originally included in the sequence of numbers of I.A.14.a, correspond to miscellaneous documents apparently extraneous to the PR collection and are currently segregated in this separate folder pending further clarification with regard to their origin. See Series I description in 'Scope and Content' for further clarification.

One 3x4" black/white photograph [item No. 61]
Rothschild, Edmond de (baron)
Edwards, Lewis

I.A.15 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; cartes de visite. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-89; item numbers not present: 23, 45, 89. Item number 56 is given twice.

Ludwig Schames, Kunsthandlung (Frankfurt)
Sforni, Gustavo
Gebrüder Simon (Berlin)
Silvestre (Lyon)
James Simon (Berlin)
Sforni, Gustavo
Gebrüder Simon (Berlin)
Thiollier, F.
Bloch, Eugène
Town Topics Publishing Co. (New York)
Tribunal de Commerce de la Seine (Paris)
Tabbagh Frères & Cie, antiquaires (Paris)
Ch. Hyvernaud, huissier (Paris)
Alexandre Zygomalas (Marseille)
Zygomalas, Alexandre
Wolf-Ebenrod (Dusseldorf)
S.T. Smith & Son, Fine Art Dealers (London)
Société Générale (Paris)
Tabbagh Frères & Cie, antiquaires (Paris)
Petit Cercle (Marseille)
Tavernier, Adolphe
Thomas, Gabriel
Alte Pinakotehek (Munich)
Sforni, Gustavo
Thiollier, F.

I.A.16.a Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; handwritten copy of letters sent; news clippings; brochure re: Crocker estate sale [item No. 206]. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-207; item numbers not present: 52, 71, 131. Item numbers 54, 73, and 140 were transferred to file I.A.16.b. Item number added to unmarked item: 174a.

Cunliffe (London)
Bastelaer, René van
Cabinet des Estampes, Bibliothèque Royale (Brussels)
Herzog M.L. és Tàrsa (Budapest)
E.M. Hodgkins (Paris)
Holzmann, W.
Homere, S.
Van Horne, William (sir)
Ch. Eggimann, librairie (Paris)
Fauchier-Magnan, A.
Société des Arts de Mulhouse
Favre, Alfred
Féral, Jules
Flechtheim, Alfred
M. Flechtheim (Dusseldorf)
Foinard (Paris)
Fossati, H.
Fould-Springer (baron)
Städelsches Kunst-Institut (Frankfurt)
L. François (Amiens)
Freund-Deschamps, Charles
Jules Foa & Fils, antiquités (Marseille)
Herzog M.L. és Tàrsa (Budapest)
Hagelstange, Alfred
Hatvany, François de (baron)
Alex. Hatvany-Deutsch (Budapest)
Hatvany, Franz
Herzog M.L. és Tàrsa (Budapest)
Dowdeswell & Dowdeswells (London)
Cardon, Charles Louis
Dowdeswell Galleries (London)
Königliche Gemäldegalerie (Dresden)
Posse, Hans
Drey, A.
Durand (Marseille)
J. Cagniat (Epinay-sur-Seine)
G. Camentron, expert (Paris)
F. Cohen & Cie (Paris)
Rosenberg, Mathilde [Jellinek] [mother of Paul Rosenberg]
Goldammer, F. von (baron)
A. Colin (Paris)
Delpiano (Cannes)
Deutsche Nationalbank (Dortmund)
M. Flechtheim (Dusseldorf)
Hatvany, François de (baron)
Deutsche Vereinsbank (Frankfurt)
Holzmann, W.
Donop de Monchy, E.
Dowdeswell Galleries (London)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Cloix, Pierre
Georges Charbonneaux (Reims)
Chauvière (Paris)
Charbonneaux, Georges
Chauvière (Paris)
Chénard-Huché, Georges [item No. 182: ink sketch]
Société des Amis du Musée de Gand (Ghent)
Cassirer, Paul
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris (Marseille)
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris (Paris)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Léon Geoffroy Aîné (L'Isle sur Sorgue)
McCormick, L.H.
Max Cramer, Antiquitäten (Cassel)
American Art Association. Managers. (New York)
Crocker, George [estate of]

I.A.16.b Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

One black/white photo print postcard [item No. 54]; one black/white photo print postcard [item No. 73]; one color postcard [item No. 140].

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 54, 73, 140.

Freund-Deschamps, Charles
Cloix, Pierre
Tarsa, Maurice de

I.A.17 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; handwritten copy of letters sent; news clippings. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-76; item numbers not present: 72, 74, 75.

Sonderbund Westdeutscher Kunstfreunde und Künstler (Dusseldorf)
Gabriel, A.
Gentili di Giuseppe, Federico
Gabriel (Brussels)
Gachet, Paul (fils)
Jean Garnier, avocat (Paris)
Gabriel (Brussels)
Léon Geoffroy Aîné (L'Isle sur Sorgue)
Caro-Delvaille, Henry
Chapuis, Pierre
Lebourg, Albert
Rosenberg, Paul
Vendâme, de (duchesse)
Les Amis de Paris (Paris)
Guillaume, A.
Chartrand, S.
Lhermite, Léon
Caro-Delvaille, Henry
Detaille, Édouard
Delteil, Loÿs
Maufra, Maxime
Mathan, Raoul de
Renouard, Paul
Chartrand, S.
Lebourg, Albert
Reinach, Théodore
Hessel, Jos
Reybert, Ariel [letter to ALR]
Rosenberg, Léonce
A. Ricard (Paris)

I.A.18 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters received. Original folder ["A, Correspondance, 1911"] segregated in file (pencil inscription on inside cover refers to letters of PR associates: André; Hatvany).

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-19; all item numbers present.

Thos. Agnew & Sons (London)
Louis Angles, emballeur (Marseille)
Thos. Agnew & Sons (Paris)
Somervell, R.G.
Williams, Charles Romer
Andreas, G.
J.P. Schneider Jr. (Frankfurt)
Arnold & Tripp, experts (Paris)

I.A.19 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; banking notices; cartes de visite. Original folder ["B, Correspondance, 1911"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-103; item numbers not present: 1, 2, 33, 34, 38, 39, 50, 56.

Bank & Wechselstuben-Actien-Gesellschaft Mercur (Vienna)
Jacques Modern (Vienna)
Henry Barbazanges (Paris)
Cassirer, Paul
Thomas Beard (London)
Berger, B.
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Galerie Eugène Blot (Paris)
[Brossu, Jean Louis]
H. Breux, photographie (Paris)
Broussillon, de (comtesse)
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Leicester Galleries (London)
Brunner, Charles
Musées Royaux de Peinture et de Sculpture (Brussels)
Bunau-Varilla, Ph.
Burgsthal, Richard
Le Comte, L.
Librairie de l'Art Indépendant (Paris)
Bailly, Ed.
Burgsthal, Richard

I.A.20 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters received; bank notice; carte de visite; postcard (illustrated). Original folder ["I-J-K, Correspondance, 1911"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-23; item numbers not present: 20.

Ignace, Édouard
Kann, Alphonse
N. Keim & Fils (Paris)
Furbers (London)
Kirby, Edmund
Koechlin, Raymond
Jordaan & Cie (Paris)
Christie Manson & Woods' (London)
Kirby, Edmund
Max Koch, Ingénieur des Arts & Manufactures (Amsterdam)
Koechlin, Raymond

I.A.21 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; carte de visite. Original folder ["L, Correspondance, 1911"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-42; item numbers not present: 38.

Liénard, Auguste
F. Lair Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Exposition de l'Oeuvre de Ingres, Petit Palais (Paris)
Rohan, de (duchesse)
Galerie Georges Petit (Paris)
Lapauze, Henry
Leggatt Bros. (London)
Meissonier, Charles
Leonino (baronne)
Lepper, H.
Kirby, E.
Direction des Musées Nationaux (Paris)
Leprieur, P.
Liénard, Auguste
Michel, L.
Loÿs Delteil, artiste-graveur (Paris)
Loeser, Charles

I.A.22 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters (some on small format note cards) and telegrams received; carte de visite. Original folder ["M, Correspondance, 1911"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-64; item numbers not present: 30, 56, 57.

Massion, Paul
May, Ernst
Société des Arts de Mulhouse
E. & F. Madon, courtiers de commerce (Marseille)
M. Mallet, expert (Paris)
Jules Boutin, banquier (Dinard)
Massion, Paul
May, Ernst
Pelletier, Charles
Thiébault Sisson
Auguste Mignot, antiquités (Montpellier)
Mitteldeutsche Creditbank (Berlin)
Gurlitt, Fritz
Jacques Modern (Vienna)
Exposition Centennale de l'Art Français à Saint-Pétersbourg (Paris)
Erberto Ferretti & Luigi Mosca, céramiques d'art (Naples)
Frederik Muller & Co., ventes publiques de tableaux (Amsterdam)
Marcy, André de
Massion, Paul

I.A.23 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Printed form letter completed in handwriting. Original folder ["N, Correspondance, 1911"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-2; both item numbers present.

Germanisches Nationalmuseum (Nürnberg)

I.A.24 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; shipping carrier notices. Original folder ["O, P, Q, Correspondance, 1911"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-32; item numbers not present: 26.

Pomerat, G.
Obach & Co. (London)
Marius Paulme, expert (Paris)
Phillips, F.W.
Pillot Momerat
Pomerat, G. Mont, Pol de
G. Pomerat

I.A.25 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received. Original folder ["S, Correspondance, 1911"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-46; all item numbers present.

Saleeby, K.M.
Chicago Daily News, Foreign Service (Paris)
Schneider, J.P.
J.P. Schneider Jr., Kunsthandlung (Frankfurt)
Speyer, Ch.
Société des Arts de Mulhouse
Salomon, A.
Gunzburg, de (baron)
Ect, Théophile
Ville de Saint-Quentin (Aisne). Direction des Musées.
A. Salomon (Vichy)
H. Sayet, avocat (Paris)
Ludwig Schames, Kunsthandlung (Frankfurt)
J.P. Schneider Jr., Kunsthandlung (Frankfurt)
Sforni, Gustavo
Gebrüder Simon (Berlin)
Direktor, Städel'schen Kunst-Instituts (Frankfurt)
Straus, Jules
Spitz, Arnold
Steinmetz, Marcel
Straus, Jules

I.A.26 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters received. Original folder ["T, U, Correspondance, 1911"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-18; all item numbers present.

Tavernier, Adolphe
Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs, Bibliothèque (Paris)
Thomitz, Guido
Thévin, Jules
F. & J. Tempelaere (Paris)
Thelen, Peter
Alte Pinakothek (Munich)
Arnold & Tripp, experts (Paris)
Vander, Henri

I.A.27 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; postcards; one 4.25x6.25" black/white photograph [item No. 7, segregated in first file folder]. Original folder ["V, W, Correspondance, 1911"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-61; all item numbers present.

Galerie St-Augustin (Paris)
Vauquelin, Gaston
Verrou-Balasse, tableaux anciens (Paris)
Wallis & Son, French Gallery (London)
Weill, J.
Carl Weismann (Cologne)
Silva White (London)
J. Michelhaus & Sohn (Elberfeld, Germany)
M. Flechtheim (Dusseldorf)

I.A.28 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten letters received. Original folder ["X, Y, Z, Correspondance, 1911"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-9; all item numbers present.

Alexandre Zygomalas (Marseille)

I.A.29 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten letters received; postcards; typescript draft and text of PR letter sent; addressed/stamped envelopes received. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-50; all item numbers present.

Flechtheim, Alfred
Bennett, Gordon
Ambassade de Russie (Paris)
Rudolph Lepke's Kunst-Auctions-Haus (Berlin)
Rochegrosse, Georges Antoine
Billotte, René
Ochsé, Louise
Léandre, C.
Jourdain, Francis
Maufra, Maxime
Denis, Maurice
[Lecreux, G.]
Lebourg, Albert
[Décâte, G.]
Robin, Maurice
Delteil, Loÿs
[Jeanniot, G.]
Synave, T.
Caro-Delvaille, Henry
Juste, René
Rosenberg, Paul [item Nos. 40, 41]
Cassirer, Bruno
Journé, A.L. (monseigneur)

View PDF of folder I.A.29

I.A.30 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; receipt stub for telegram. Original folder ["A, Correspondance, 1912"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-26; all item numbers present.

Edmond André (Marseille)
Ahméras, Y.
Agence des Théâtres (Paris)
Thos. Agnew & Sons (Paris)
Scott, H.M.
A.L. Aillaud (Sanary, Var)
Rosenberg, Paul
Adolphe Albert (Les Andelys, Eure)
Louis Angles, emballeur (Marseille)
Galerie Arnot (Vienna)
Arnold Cohen (Paris)

I.A.31 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; receipt stub for telegram. Original folder ["B, Correspondance, 1912"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-61; item numbers not present: 26.

Berger, B.
Joseph Belin, commissaire-priseur (Saint-Brieuc)
A. Bastide ainé, antiquités (Montélimar)
Beurdeley, A.
Berg, M.
Berger, B.
Bergisch Märkische Bank (Barmen)
Gebrüder Reber (Barmen)
Reber, G.F.
L. Bernard, encadrements (Paris)
Bernheim, Georges
Berthaud, antiquaire (Paris)
Maurice Bloémist, encadreur (Paris)
Galerie Eugène Blot (Paris)
Blot, Eugène
Julius Böhler, Hof-Antiquar (Munich)
République Française. Chambre des Députés.
Bonge, A.
Boussod, Valadon & Cie, tableaux (Paris)
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Leicester Galleries (London)
Léon Bucaille, notaire (Paris)
Burgsthal, Richard
Verrerie Burgsthal (Bièvres, Seine et Oise)
R. Bürner & Co. (Milan)

I.A.32 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; receipt stub for telegram. Original folder ["C, Correspondance, 1912"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-84; item numbers not present: 33.

Perls (Frankfurt)
[Rosenberg, Paul]
Carlier, A.
Cassirer, Bruno
Bruno Cassirer, Verlag (Berlin)
[Chanbon de Rosambeau]
Charlot, Louis
Chartran, R.
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Clément Poitiers (Ramans, Drâme)
Cloix, Pierre
Costa, Guido
F. Cohen & Cie (Paris)
Coolen, A.
Eugène Cremetti, Publisher & Printseller (London)

I.A.33 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; banking notices. Original folder ["D, Correspondance, 1912"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-58; all item numbers present.

Doucet, Jacques
O. Dubourg, encadreur (Paris)
Durand, R.
Duret, Théodore
Ernest Dalbret, antiquités (Paris)
Georges David, avocat (Marseille)
Rosenberg, Paul [letter draft, item No. 14]
Dayot, Armand
L'Art et les Artistes (Paris)
René Debayser (Paris)
A. Debourdeau, galerie de tableaux (Lyon)
Decourcelle, Pierre
Depeaux (Rouen)
Freund-Deschamps, Charles
G.F. Descovich (Marseille)
Ig. Deutsch & Sohn (Budapest)
Hatvany, Franz von (baron)
Deutschenationalbank (Dortmund)
M. Flechtheim (Dusseldorf)
Dowdeswell Galleries (London)
Durand-Ruel (Paris)

I.A.34 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; postcards [one illustrated, item No. 44]; news clipping. Original folder ["E, F, Correspondance, 1912"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-45; all item numbers present.

Girieud, P.P.
Lombard, Alfred
[Erbloh, Alolph]
Excelsior, illustré quotidien (Paris)
Boissy, Pierre
Fayet, G.
Jules Féral, expert (Paris)
Rosenberg, Alexandre [letter to AR, as Avenue de l'Opéra leaseholder, item No. 9]
La Foncière, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
A. Fossati, antiquités (Marseille)
Fould-Springer (baron)
L. François (Amiens)
Frankfurter Kunstverein (Frankfurt)
Swarzenski, George
Städelsches Kunst-Institut (Frankfurt)
A. Franquinet, dessinateur en broderie (Paris)
Flechtheim, Alfred

View PDF of folder I.A.34

I.A.35 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; postcards; cartes de visite; banking notices. Original folder ["G, H, Correspondance, 1912"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-108; all item numbers present.

Ville de Marseille. Conservatoire de Musique et de Déclamation.
[Fouéraux, André]
Jean Garnier, avocat (Paris)
Goujon, H.
Sammlung Dr. F. Graefe (Wiesbaden)
Goldammer, F. von (baron)
Société du Salon de Mai (Marseille)
[Pachotte Garnet]
Gavot, Fanny
Hâtel des Pyrénées (Saint- Étienne-de-Baigorry)
Gineste, Paul
Zygomalas, Alexandre
Château de Pradines (Pertuis, Vaucluse)
Girieud, P.P.
Fitch, Douglas
Geoffroy, Antoine
Léon Geoffroy Ainé (L'Isle sur Sorgue, Vaucluse)
Gentili di Giuseppe, Federico
F. Gil, tableaux (Marseille)
Girieud, P.P.
Lombard, Alfred
Goldammer, F. von (baron)
Gutsverwaltung Plausdorf (Plausdorf, Germany)
M. Goldschmidt & Co., Gemälde moderner Meister (Frankfurt)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
Gebrüder Gondrand, Transport-Gesellschaft (Munich)
[Fouéraux, André]
Guérin, Marcel
Fritz Gurlitt, Hofkunsthandlung (Berlin)
Caspari, Georg
Nicolai, Carl
Gurlitt, Wolfgang
Hagelstange (Cologne)
Hanriot, Eugène
Heftler, Lucien (Dr.)
Heinemann (Munich)
Henrion (baron)
D. Heinemann, Gemäldegalerie (Munich)
Hessel, Jos
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum (Cologne)
Hazai Bank (Budapest)
Singer, Charles
Schossberger, Claire
Heftler, Lucien (Dr.)
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Compagnie Générale de Filtrage des Eaux (Paris)
Hoveman, E.A.
Hubscher, Jacques

I.A.36 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; illustrated postcards [item Nos. 1, 3, 5]. Original folder ["I, J, K, Correspondance, 1912"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-13; all item numbers present.

Koechlin, Raymond
Sonderbund Internat. Kunst Austellung (Cologne)
Klug, Walter
Koch, Alfred
Merlin, Gerald de
Koechlin, Raymond
Société des Amis du Louvre (Paris)
C.W. Kraushaar, Importer of Oil Paintings (New York)

I.A.37 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received. Original folder ["L, Correspondance, 1912"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-13; all item numbers present.

F. Lair Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Léon Leirens, ingènieur (Ghent)
Rudolph Lepke's Kunst-Auctions-Haus (Berlin)
G. Liechti (Zurich)
Liechti-vanWeel, G.
Delteil, Loÿs

View PDF of folder I.A.37

I.A.38 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; banking notices. Original folder ["M, Correspondance, 1912"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-36; item numbers not present: 2, 3, 34.

Marcy, André de
Manowsky, Serge
Exposition Centennale de l'Art Français (au XIXe s.) à Saint-Pétersbourg (Paris)
Manowsky, Serge
Massion, Paul
May, E.
Galerie Heinemann (Munich)
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Paul von
République Française. Sous-Secrétaire d' État des Beaux-Arts. (Paris)
Bérard, L.
Mitteldeutsche Creditbank (Berlin)
Gurlitt, Fritz
Jacques Modern (Vienna)
L. Molinard, tableaux modernes (Marseille)
Montheuil, A.
Revue Municipale (Paris)
Frederik Muller & Co., vente publique de tableaux (Amsterdam)
Myers & Co., Stock & Share Brokers (London)
M. Flechtheim (Dusseldorf)
Jordaan & Cie (Paris)
Jules Boutin, banquier (Dinard)
Massion, Paul

View PDF of folder I.A.38

I.A.39 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received. Original folder ["N, O, Correspondance, 1912"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-22; item numbers not present: 12.

Nemes, Marczell von (Budapest)
Devevey (Paris)
Nemes Marczell (Budapest)
Orosdi, Léon

I.A.40 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; banking notices. Original folder ["P, Q, Correspondance, 1912"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-6; all item numbers present.

Pester Ungarische Commercial Bank (Budapest)
Nemes, Marczell von
L. Pohl (Paris)
Pomerat, G.
Zygomalas, Alexandre

I.A.41 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; original pencil sketch [on retro of item No. 3]; outgoing telegram message drafted by PR. Original folder ["R, Correspondance, 1912"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-92; all item numbers present.

Reber, G.F.
Gebrüder Reber (Barmen)
Reber, Ernst
Maison M. Pottier, emballage d'objets d'art (Paris)
Sonderbund Westdeutscher Kunstfreunde un Kuenstler (Barmen)
Reiche, R.
Kunstverein in Barmen (Barmen)
Sonderbund Internat. Kunst Austellung (Cologne)
Klug, Walter
Alex. Reid (La Société des Beaux-Arts) (Glasgow)
Félix Riche, impresario (Paris)
A. Robinot, expéditeur (Paris)
Société du Salon d'Automne (Paris)
Alex. Reid (La Société des Beaux-Arts) (Glasgow)
Trésorerie Générale de la Haute-Vienne (Limoges)
Roux, Pierre
M. Royannez, tableaux - encadrements (Marseille)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Arthur Le Roy, tableaux (Brussels)
Reber, G.F.
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 35]
Sonderbund Westdeutscher Kunstfreunde un Kuenstler (Cologne)
Klug, Walter
J.P. Schneider, Kunsthandlung (Frankfurt)
Regnault, Eugène
Reinach, Théodore
Gebrüder Reber (Barmen)
[Roesen, Jos]
Rouart, Ernest
Reber, G.F.
Rosenberg, Paul

I.A.42 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received. Original folder ["S, Correspondance, 1912"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-29; all item numbers present.

Société du Salon d'Automne (Paris)
J.P. Schneider Jr., Kunsthandlung (Frankfurt)
Singer, Charles
Société du Salon d'Automne (Paris)
Jourdain, Frantz
J.P. Schneider Jr., Kunsthandlung (Frankfurt)
Samson Seligmann, Bankgeschäft (Cologne)
Klug, Walter
Sforni, Gustavo
Dr. James Simon (Berlin)
Société des Lunetiers (Paris)
Alte Pinakothek (Munich)
Mayr, August L.
J.H. Stein (Cologne)
Internationalen Sonderbund-Kunstausstellung (Cologne)
Jules Strauss (Paris)

I.A.43 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten letters received. Original folder ["T, U, Correspondance, 19.."] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-3; all item numbers present.

Tavernier, Adolphe
Peter Thelen, Expert and Broker in Pictures (Antwerp)

I.A.44 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; carte de visite. Original folder ["V, W, Correspondance, 1912"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-24; all item numbers present.

Weismann, Carl
Viau, G.
Wendel, Humbert de
Wendland, Hans
Reber, G.F.
Vie Heureuse (Paris)
Weill, V.
Weismann, Carl
Wendland, Hans
Silva White (London)
Wyler, Otto
Wisner, Léon

I.A.45 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten letters received. Original folder ["X, Y, Z Correspondance, 1912"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-2; both item numbers present.

Zygomalas, Alexandre

I.A.46 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received. Original folder ["Z, Correspondance"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-5; all item numbers present.

Zervudachi, Nicolas
Zurich, compagnie d'assurance (Paris)

I.A.47 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR copy of outgoing letter [item No. 108]; postcards, one with color illustration [item No. 7]; woodblock print on writing paper [item No. 21]; banking notices and statements. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-152; item numbers not present: 142, 152.

Ruhlmann, décoration (Paris)
Dunand, Jean
Paul Follot, architecte décorateur (Paris)
Majorelle (Paris)
Guyot, Paul
Zygomalas, Alexandre
Zimmermann, W.
Elsys, A.
Thomas, T.H.
Térey, Gabriel de
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Budapest
Decourcelle, Pierre
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Tardy-Gonin, objets d'art (Mâcon)
Tobeen, Félix- Élie [item No. 21]
Wendland, Hans
Blot, E.
Société Cinématographique des Auteurs & Gens de Lettres (Paris)
Decourcelle, Pierre
E. Deman, libraire-expert (Brussels)
Degraux (Le Hâvre)
Dell, Robert
Duplaquet, Gustave
Société de la Rue Édouard VII (Paris)
Fauchier Magnan, A.
Echevarria, Juan de
Jules Féral, expert en tableaux (Paris)
Freund-Deschamps, Charles
Decourcelle, Pierre
Grabias-Bagnéris (Toulouse)
Greffulhe, de (comte)
H. Guastalla, agent de change (Paris)
Tourisme, revue illustrée, régionale du Sud-Ouest (Toulouse)
Holmwood & Holmwood (Foreign) Ltd., assurances (Paris)
S. Guiraud (Paris)
Guerre, Jean de (baron)
Hault, Aug. de la
D. Heinemann, Gemäldegalerie (Munich)
Galerie Helbing (Munich)
Guérin, Marcel
Hessel, Jos
Vicart, Gabriel
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Bernstein, Henry
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Bensinger, Adolf
Hessel, Jos
Rosenberg, Paul
F. Lair Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
A. Lalande, administrateur d'immeubles (Paris)
Paul Iribe & Cie (Paris)
Iribe, Paul
François Honnorat (Marseille)
L. Huvé, marbrerie-sculpture (Paris)
Kuno Kocherthaler (Madrid)
Paul Iribe & Cie (Paris)
Direction Générale des l'Enregistrement des Domaines et du Timbre (Paris)
Reiss Frères, fabrique de sièges (Paris)
Wetsch's Kunst & Mobilientransport (Munich)
Glaspalast (Munich)
Société des Amis du Louvre (Paris)
Koechlin, Raymond
Vilmorin, J. de
Vigier Ainé, tapis (Paris)
Cercle de l'Union (Le Châtre)
Valette, A.
Vary Frères, pelleterie (Autun)
Charlot, Louis
Virieux, P.
Wendland, Hans

View PDF of folder I.A.47

I.A.48.a Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received (significant personal correspondence with Georges Chénard-Huché, Pierre Cloix, Jules Chavasse, Louis Charlot); PR handwritten drafts of letters sent; postcards, some illustrated; banking, transport and insurance notices; cartes de visite; printed authorization forms. Original folder [hand-labeled "Vendues, Photographies W à Z, 1913," corresponding only in part to contents] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-151; item numbers not present: 96, 97, 131, 149. Item number 13 given twice.

McCormick, L.H.
Courrier de la Presse (Paris)
Eugène Cremetti, Publisher & Printseller (London)
F. Cohen & Cie (Paris)
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris (Paris)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Cloix, Pierre
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 22]
Chavasse, Jules
Charlot, Louis
Renaudot, Paul
Challié, J.L.
Chaleil de Larue, L.
Caumont, M. de
Galerie Caspari (Munich)
Cassirer, Bruno
Caraman Chimay, de (princesse)
Paul Cailleux, tableaux (Paris)
Bonifoy, Léon
Girieud, P.P.
Société du Salon d'Automne (Paris)
Société des Artistes Indépendants (Paris)
L'Art Décoratif (Paris)
Roches, Fernand
Wilhelm Abels, Centrale für alte und moderne Graphik (Cologne)
Burlington Magazine (London)
Dell, Robert
A. Brisson, rentoileur des Musées Nationaux (Paris)
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Leicester Galleries (London)
Burgsthal, Richard

I.A.48.b Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received (significant personal correspondence with Georges Chénard-Huché, Pierre Cloix, Jules Chavasse, Louis Charlot); PR handwritten drafts of letters sent; postcards, some illustrated; full-page blue and black pencil sketch [item No. 158]; banking, transport and insurance notices; cartes de visite; printed authorization forms.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 152-300; item numbers not present: 189, 241, 254, 258, 259, 260, 261, 282.

Les Fontes d'Art d'Eugène Blot (Paris)
Wendland, Hans
Boucher-Beaurain (Paris)
Comptoir Méditerranéen des Benzines et Corps Gras (Marseille)
Berger, B.
Bergisch Märische Bank (Barmen)
Reber, G.F.
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Bernheim, Georges
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Kuno Kocherthaler (Madrid)
Eug. Betsellère, transportes y aduanas (Irùn, Spain)
Berger, B.
H. Bénazech, antiquaire-expert (Bordeaux)
Baugries, Jacques
Baudry, Léon
A. Bastide Ainé, art ancien-moderne (Montélimar)
André Barrier (Valence sur Rhâne)
Jules Strauss (Paris)
Stroffe, Alexis
Société Générale de Belgique (Brussels)
Maus, Octave
Société de Lunetiers (Paris)
République Française. Chambre des Députés (Paris)
Ben Simon
J.P. Schneider Jr., Kunsthandlung (Frankfurt)
Sainctelette (Brussels)
Museum Boymans (Rotterdam)
Docteur Héliot (Meulan, Seine et Oise)
Borel, Albert
Docteur P. Pradignat (Les Lilas)
Charles Deniset, notaire (Lusigny)
A. Chevalier, chauffage moderne (Caen)
H. Pasquet Fils (Mantes-sur-Seine)
Roux, Félix
Rosenberg, Léonce [item Nos. 258-261 inclusive]
Rosenberg, Paul
Romanoff, N.
Berg, Boris de (comte)
République Française. Chambre des Députés (Paris)
Reinach, Joseph
A. Roland-Gosselin, administrateur d'immeubles (Paris)
Richter, J. de
Le Livre a un Sou (Paris)
Riche, Félix
Reber, G.F.
Wendland, Hans

I.A.48.c Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received (significant personal correspondence with Georges Chénard-Huché, Pierre Cloix, Jules Chavasse, Louis Charlot); PR handwritten drafts of letters sent; postcards, some illustrated; small ink sketch [retro of item No. 353]; banking, transport and insurance notices; bank statements for year 1911; cartes de visite; printed authorization forms.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 302-448; item numbers not present: 301, 304, 403, 404.

Pomerat, G.
Syndicat de la Propriété Artistique (Paris)
Le Miroir (Paris)
M.H. Souget (Amsterdam)
Nardus, Leo
Marczell von Nemes (Budapest)
Wendland, Hans
Der Neue Kunstsalon (Munich)
Dietzel, Mx
Hans Goltz, Neue Kunst (Munich)
Massion, Paul
Reber, G.F.
Pomerat, G.
Pohl, Lucien
Petit-Laurent, René
E. Petit, expéditeur (Paris)
Joa Soères (Rio de Janeiro)
A. Petit, encadrements (Paris)
Wendland, Hans
Perrot, H.
Girieud, P.P.
Le Miroir (Paris)
Charlot, Louis
J. Moleux, tableaux (Paris)
XI. Internationale Kunst-Ausstellung im Kgl. Glaspalast (Munich)
Zimmermann, Walther
E. Olivier, encadrement (Paris)
Pacquement, Ch.
B. Meille (Marseille)
E. Milaire (Paris)
R. Meyer-Riefstahl, antiquités (Paris)
Riefstahl, Marie
Albert Messein, éditeur (Paris)
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Paul von
Méhul (Nancy)
Maus, Octave
La Libre Ésthétique (Brussels)
Docteur Mauger (Versailles)
Massion, Paul
Agence Monceau (Paris)
Marazel, antiquités (Angoulême)
Jean Manteau & fils, encadrements (Brussels)
Manzi, Joyant & Cie, éditeurs-imprimeurs (Paris)
Salon de 1913 (Paris)
V. Mantelet, miroiterie (Paris)
L. Malabert, électricité (Paris)
Majorelle (Paris)
Guyot, Paul
Magallon, Xavier de
Banque de France (Paris)
Gabriel Thomas (Bellevue, Seine & Oise)
Cloix, Pierre
Cohen, F.
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris (Paris)

View PDF of folder I.A.48.c

I.A.49 Correspondence H-L: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters received; hand-compiled printed form ['procès-verbal']; cartes de visite. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-35; item numbers not present: 17, 25, 34.

Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Lucas Moreno, E.
Musées de la Ville de Lyon
Lombard, Alfred
Linet (Paris)
Monuchon, L.
Paul Leprieur, conservateur, Musée du Louvre (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
Lebasque, Henri
Ernst Muzeum (Budapest)
Launay, A.
Laroche, H.
Langlois, antiquaire (Rouen)
République Française. Octroi de Paris.

I.A.50 Correspondence R-S-T-U: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR [and LR?] handwritten letter drafts; stamped envelope of the Galeries Paul Rosenberg (Paris); two full-page sketches in black and blue pencil [item Nos. 138, 139]; cartes de visite. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-199; item numbers not present: 59, 60, 61, 62, 85, 184.

Galeries Paul Rosenberg (Paris)
Le Temps (Paris)
Thiébault Sisson
Thiollier, F.
Tiffen, agence immobilière (Paris)
de Traynel
Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs (Paris)
Maison Traignac (Toulouse)
Koechlin, Raymond
L'Urbaine, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Stoicoff, D.S.
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 16]
Seyssaud, René
Singer, Charles
Städtische Kunsthalle Mannheim
Städel'sches Kunst-Institut (Frankfurt)
Swarzenski, George
Sainsère, Olivier
De la Rancheraye & Co., transports (Paris)
Reber, G.F.
Reiss Frères, sièges (Paris)
Carl Reininghaus (Vienna)
La Réunion Française, assurances (Paris)
La Revue Moderne (Paris)
Emil Richter, Moderne Kunst (Dresden)
A. Robinot, expéditeur (Paris)
L'Art Décoratif (Paris)
Roches, Fernand
Rosenberg, Léonce [item Nos. 59, 60, 61]
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 62]
Rohozinski, W.
[Roesen, Jos]
Roure, Auguste
Seyssaud, René
Banque de France (Boulogne sur Seine)
Roux, Félix
Oller, Jean
Paris-Etranger (Paris)
Meunier, Paul
Gauffin, Axel
Nationalmuseum (Stockholm)
Rochon Garnet
Gachet, Paul (fils)
Jean Garnier, avocat (Paris)
Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs (Paris)
Koechlin, Raymond
Klausner, Arthur
Duncan J. Kirkpatrick (Glasgow)
Lombard, Alfred
Jules Lonhienne, laines (Verviers)
Ville de Lyon. Exposition Internationale Urbaine de 1914. Section des Beaux-Arts.
Paul Iribe & Cie (Paris)
Jacquier & Securins (Berlin)
Cassirer, Paul
L. Jallot, décoration (Paris)
Albert Jehn, expertises & restaurations (Paris)
Bercher-Moguiet (Marseille)
Berger, B.
Bergisch Märkische Bank (Barmen)
Reber, G.F.
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Cabruja, Juan
Bernheim, Georges
Orosdi, Léon
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 167, 172, 173]
Rosenberg, Léonce [item Nos. 169, 170]
Marcel Bernheim, tableaux et estampes (Paris)
Bessonneau (Angers)
Bibliothèque d'Art et d'Archéologie (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul [retro of item No. 177]
Maurice Bloch & Cie, tailleurs (Paris)
Marx, Lucien
Boehringer, Émile
Borgmeyer, C.L.
Bourdelle, Antoine
Edgar Brandt, ferronnier d'art (Paris)
A. Brisson, rentoileur des musées nationaux (Paris)
Léon Bucaille, notaire (Paris)
C. Brunner, tableaux (Paris)
Burlington Magazine (London)

View PDF of folder I.A.50

I.A.51 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR handwritten draft copy of letters sent; banking and insurance notices; postcards; cartes de visite. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-134; item numbers not present: 21, 33, 34, 75, 104.

Rosenberg, Paul [item Nos. 1, 2, 4]
Crédit Industriel et Commercial (Paris)
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris (Paris)
Musée Royal des Beaux-Arts (Copenhagen)
Madsen, Karl
Courrier de la Presse (Paris)
F. Cohen & Cie (Paris)
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Van Hoof, François
Borel, Albert
Honnorat, François
Seyssaud, René
Hatvany, Franz von (baron)
Hérault, E.
Gondrand Frères, transports (Paris)
[Louiraud], André
Ville de Marseille. Conservatoire de Musique. Le Directeur.
Guérin, Marcel
Gresham Life Assurance Society Ltd. (Paris)
Guillaumin, Armand
S. Guiraud (Paris)
Librairie Hachette & Cie (Paris)
Gerard, Félix
G. Gérard (Limoges)
J. Gieules, avocat (Paris)
Girieud, P.P.
M. Goldschmidt & Co., Gemälde moderner Meister (Frankfurt)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
Goldammer, Henri
François Honnorat (Marseille)
Van Horne, William (sir)
Jordaan & Cie (Paris)
H. Affraix, entrepreneur (Paris)
Société des Amis du Luxembourg (Paris)
Sainsère, Olivier
Alexandre, Arsène
Aubry, H.
Axyl, Gabriel de L'Art et les Artistes (Paris)
Dayot, Armand
Badon-Pascal, Pommier & Cie, banque (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul [retro of item No. 95]
Banque de France (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 98]
Lombard, Alfred
Stephan Link & Co., Antiquitäten-Handler (Vienna)
Laguionie (Paris)
F. Lair Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
H. Laroche (Ghent)
Lebasque, Henri
Le Cerf, Georges
Lévy, P.
Eugène Mayer (Amiens)
Dr. Max Linde (Lubeck)
République Française. Présidence de la République.
Ludwig Prager (Munich)
Nadelman, Eli
Muée Cernuschi (Paris)
Tizac, Ardenne de
Nemes, von
Netter, Carl
Neitzel, L.H.

I.A.52 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR handwritten draft of letters sent; typescript lists of artists' names; dossier labeled "Publicité" [item Nos. 24-83, inclusive] containing press clippings; postcards; printed authorization form. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-212; item numbers not present: 38, 179, 180.

M. Molina (Marseille)
Meille, de (Marseille)
Musés Nationaux. Palais du Louvre. (Paris)
Massion, Paul
L. Malabert, ingénieur électricien (Paris)
Malpel, Charles
Jean Manteau & fils, encadrements (Brussels)
Manzi, Joyant & Cie, éditeurs-imprimeurs (Paris)
Marx & Goldschmidt (Mannheim)
Böhringer, Otto
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Paul von
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 17]
L. Simon (Paris)
Marquet, Albert
Hâpital Saint Michel (Paris)
Courrier de la Presse (Paris)
Carnet de la Semaine (Paris)
La Nouvelle Revue (Paris)
Comoedia (Paris)
Paris Magazine (Paris)
Europe Nouvelle (Paris)
Journal des Arts (Paris)
La Nouvelle Égalité (Paris)
Le Temps (Paris)
Journal du Peuple (Paris)
L'Heure (Paris)
Le Pays (Paris)
Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouot (Paris)
Journal des Arts (Paris)
L'Information (Paris)
L' Éclair (Paris)
Le Petit Journal (Paris)
L'Oeuvre (Paris)
L'Avenir (Paris)
La Lanterne (Paris)
New York Herald (Paris)
L'Intransigeant (Paris)
Paris-Journal (Paris)
Galerie Alfred Flechtheim (Dusseldorf)
Fournier, [Marcel]
Établissements Orosdi-Back (Paris)
Fraissinet, Fernand
Imprimerie Frazier-Soye (Paris)
Paillard, Jean
Fua, Albert
Daressy (Toulouse)
Decourcelle, Pierre
Burlington Magazine (Paris)
Dell, Robert
Renoir, Pierre Auguste [copy of letter to Robert Dell, item No. 117]
Dowdeswell Galleries (London)
Ig. Deutsch & Sohn (Budapest)
Hatvany, Franz von (baron)
Rosenberg, Paul
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Dunand, Jean
Dupuis, E.
Durand, Jules
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Cutu-Michel (Beauquesne, Somme)
Musée Royal de Peinture (Copenhagen)
Madsen, Karl
Paul Cailleux (Paris)
Ville de Lyon. Exposition Internationale Urbaine de 1914. Section des Beaux-Arts.
Caraman Chimay, de (princesse)
Galerie Caspari (Munich)
Paul Cassirer, Kunst-Ausstellung (Berlin)
Challié, J.L.
Cassirer, Paul
Somnier, André
Charlot, Louis
Varvier, L.
Cribal, A.
Thibaudeau, G.
Charlot, Louis
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Jules Féral, expert (Paris)

View PDF of folder I.A.52

I.A.53 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters received; PR handwritten draft of letter sent. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-30; all item numbers present.

Paul Iribe & Cie (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 9]
Herscher, E.
Jacques Dulud, avocat (Paris)
Maison Labourdette (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
Léonard Rosenthal & Frères, perles fines (Paris)
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Lemare, Paul
Charlot, Louis
Havemeyer, L.W.
Société des Gens de Lettres (Paris)
Lecomte, Georges
La Renaissance, Politique, Littéraire et Artistique (Paris)

View PDF of folder I.A.53

I.A.54 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters received; handwritten copy of two outgoing company business letters. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-48; all item numbers present.

Bureaux Central des colis-Postaux Militaires (Paris)
Cailleux, Paul
Charlot, Louis
République Française. Direction des Beaux-Arts et des Musées de la Ville de Paris.
H. Morin, liquidateur syndic (Paris)
Le Nord, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Seitz, Georges
Galeries Paul Rosenberg (Paris)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Chenue, emballeur-expéditeur (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Cohen, A.
Crawley, Bluett & Co. Ltd., Insurance Brokers (London)
Daressy, J.
Raoul Demanche, notaire (Paris)
Freund-Deschamps, Charles
Duret, Théodore
Koechlin, Raymond
Hoentschelt, Georges
Roux, Félix
Georges Martaux, expert-comptable (Paris)
H. Morin, liquidateur syndic (Paris)
Wendland, Hans
Edgar Brandt, ferronier d'art (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)

I.A.55.a Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; press clippings; pen and ink sketches in body of letter [item No. 35]; printed materials [item Nos. 37, 38]; cartes de visite. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-198; item numbers not present: 39, 50, 143, 144, 157. Item number 14 corresponds to a document apparently extraneous to the PR collection and was transferred to file I.A.55.b while further clarification is sought with regard to its origin. Item number added to unmarked item: 14a.

Daressy, J.
[Foinard, A.]
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Brown, Sidney W.
Anzon-Caccamisi (London)
Cailleux, Paul
Carvallo, D.I.
Charlot, Louis
La Triennale, Exposition d'Art Français (Paris)
Bonifoy, Léon
Charlot, Louis [item No. 35]
Amis des Artistes (Paris)
Sainsère, Olivier
Galerie Georges Petit (Paris)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Chavasse, Jules
Charlot, Louis
Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts. Secrétariat Général. (Paris)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Chenue, emballeur (Paris)
Art Institute of Chicago. Office of the Director.
Carpenter, Newton H.
République Française. Direction Générale des Contributions Directes (Paris)
Fongoli & Bozzoni, antiquités (Toulouse)
Daressy, Jules
République Française. Ministère des Affaires Étrangères. (Paris)
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Durand, Marguerite
Duret, Théodore
Armand Dayot, Inspecteur Général des Beaux-Arts (Paris)
Decourcelle, Pierre
Daressy, Jules
Deudon, M.
O. Devars, expert (Perpignan)
Galerie Sévigné (Vichy)
Galerie E. Druet (Paris)
Durand, Marguerite [item No. 107: letter to father of Marguerite Rosenberg, née Loevi]
Dumas, Georges
F. Lair Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Lemare, Paul
Arthur Lénars, transports maritimes (Paris)
Gentili di Giuseppe, Federico
Girieud, P.P.
Halvorsen, Walther
Gaston Joliet, Conservateur Adjoint du Musée de Dijon
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Jean Garnier, avocat (Paris)
Gasquet Exuilles
Nationalmuseum (Stockholm)
Gauffin, Axel
Gentili di Giuseppe, Federico
La Foncière, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Imprimerie Frazier-Soye (Paris)
Gangnat, M.
Durand, Marguerite
La Vie (Paris)
Leblond, Marius
Joliet, Gaston
Lebasque, Henri
Jacques Hubscher (Marseille)
Van Hoof, François
Hessel, Jos
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Lombard, Alfred
Association Nationale des Mutilés de Guerre (Paris)
Malleterre (general)
Carnegie Institute (Pittsburgh)
Beatty, John W.
Auguste Mignot, antiquités (Montpellier)
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Kent, H.W.
Burroughs, Bryson
American Manufacturers Export Association (New York)
Roché, Henri Pierre
Rosenberg, Léonce [item Nos. 185, 186]
Rivière, Henri
Roché, Henri Pierre
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Auguste Mignot, antiquités (Montpellier)
Montag, Charles

View PDF of folder I.A.55.a

I.A.55.b Miscellaneous

Item number 14, originally included in the sequence of numbers of I.A.55.a, corresponds to a French press clipping apparently extraneous to the PR collection and is currently segregated in this separate folder pending further clarification with regard to its origin. See Series I description in 'Scope and Content' for further clarification.

Ferrat, André [author of journal article]

c. 1933
I.A.56 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received including a letter mentioning a work by Henri Rousseau [item Nos. 117-118]; pen/ink sketch in body of letter [item No. 3]; printed invitations; cartes de visite; news clipping. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-162; item numbers not present: 51, 52, 80, 124, 142.

Cloix, Pierre
Berard, André
Bourgeois (New York)
Berger, B.
Bernheim, Georges
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Meyer, Arthur
Fraternité des Artistes (Paris)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Brunet, Maurice
Ch. Bosse, beaux livres (Paris)
Edmond Bourdel, courtier (Narbonne)
Brown, Sidney W.
Brenner, Michael
Sidney W. Brown (Baden, Switzerland)
E. Brunet, meubles de luxe (Paris)
Brunet, Maurice
Bühler, E. Richard
Cassirer, Bruno
Carvallo, D.I.
Charlot, Louis
Société du Salon d'Automne (Paris)
Chambre des Commissaires-Priseurs (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Daressy, Jules
L'Art et les Artistes (Paris)
Dayot, Armand
Decourcelle, Pierre
Freund-Deschamps, Charles
Desmé, Madeleine
Donop de Monchy, E.
Durand, Marguerite
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Durrio, F.
Duret, Théodore
La HAFNIA, assurances (Paris)
Hansen, Wilhelm
Imprimerie Frazier-Soye (Paris)
La Fraternité des Artistes (Paris)
Bonnat, Léon
Syndicat de la Presse Parisienne. Oeuvre des Éprouvés de la Guerre.
L' Événement (Paris)
Fabre, Maurice
André, Albert
Oeuvre de l'Allaitement Maternel et des Refuges Ouvroirs pour les
Femmes Enceintes (Paris)
May, Paul
Association Nationale des Mutilés de la Guerre (Paris)
Malleterre (general)
Affraix, H.
Henri Baudoin, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
May, Paul
Baillot, M.C.
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 137]
La Nouvelle Revue (Paris)
André Bastide, art ancien (Montélimar)
Bernheim Jeune, J.
Berard, André
May, Paul
André, Albert [item No. 156]
Robert, Françoise
Amsterdamsche Bank (Amsterdam)
Nardus, Leo
Affraix, H.

I.A.57 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR handwritten letter draft; handwritten copy of text on Cézanne [item Nos. 7, 8]; postcards; cartes de visite. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-108; all item numbers present.

Frères et Soeurs de Guerre, Union des Familles Françaises et Alliées (Paris)
Lemaire Crémieux, Esther C.
R. Gaillard, architecte (Paris)
A. Lalande, administrateur d'immeubles (Paris)
Gangnat, Maurice
Gasquet, Joachim [item Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Le Gaulois (Paris)
Lainé, Edmond
Vicart, Gabriel [letter addressed to, for Galeries Paul Rosenberg]
Girieud, P.P.
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
Goldner, Val
Crawley, Dixon & Co. Ltd, Insurance Brokers (London)
Guérin-Delangrenier (Paris)
Guillaume, Paul
Gulbenkian, Calouste S.
Jourdain, Frantz
Société du Salon d'Automne (Paris)
La Fraternité des Artistes (Paris)
Bonnat, Léon
Halvorsen, Walther
Jules Roy, société de transit (Rouen)
Halvorsen, Walther
[Item No. 53: signatures of:]
Paul Rosenberg
Georges Bernheim
Jos Hessel
L. Druet
Halvorsen, Walther
A.A. Hébrard, fondeur d'art (Paris)
Hessel, Jos
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Hessel, Jos
Kelekian, Dikran Khan (Madame)
Ignace, Édouard
Joliet, Gaston
Kann, Alphonse
Rosenberg, Paul [retro of item No. 74]
A. Lalande, administrateur (Paris)
Laroche, Henri Jean
Lombard, Alfred
Ligue Navale Française (Paris)
Vauxcelles, Louis
Comité de Secours aux marins Mobilisés (Paris)
Lepère, E. (Cap d'Antibes)
Arthur Lénars, transports maritimes (Paris)
République Française. Sous-Secrétariat d' État des Beaux-Arts. (Paris)
Leblond, Ary
Paul Leprieur, conservateur, Musée du Louvre (Paris)
Laurens, Henri
Lassus, Bernard de
Laroche, Henri Jean
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 108]

View PDF of folder I.A.57

I.A.58 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; signed typescript letters sent; PR handwritten drafts for letters sent; postcards (some illustrated and color); original hand-drawn 'note' on letter [item No. 146]; cartes de visite. Original folder ["Correspondance, M à Z, 1917"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-170; item numbers not present: 7, 17, 85-91 inclusive, 92, 93, 94, 96, 128, 148, 149.

Hâpital Auxiliaire, Paris VIe (Paris)
Malpel, Charles
Le Général Malleterre et le Conseil d'Administration de l'Association Nationale des Mutilés de la Guerre (Paris)
Mandiargues, L. de
Joyant, Maurice
Maitre, J.-B.
Gazette des Beaux-Arts et Chronique des Arts (Paris)
Marguillier, A.
Massion, Paul
S. Mayer, tableaux (Paris)
Hâpital Temporaire, Chenonceaux
Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs (Paris)
République Française. Sous-Secrétariat d' État des Beaux-Arts. (Paris)
Leblond, Ary
Auguste Mignot (Montpellier)
Montag, Charles
République Française. Sous-Secrétariat d' État des Beaux-Arts. (Paris)
Simon, Henri
Lombard, Alfred
Montag, Charles
République Française. Commissariat des Expositions des Beaux-Arts en France et à l' Étranger. (Paris)
Saglio, André
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 44]
Royannez, M.
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 71]
Saglio, André
Roux, Félix
Rousseau, J. Rij
Rouart, J.M.
Rosenberg, Léonce [item Nos. 92, 94]
Roché, Henri Pierre
La Réunion Française, assurances (Paris)
Reinach, Joseph
Rasmussen (Copenhagen)
Maison de la Presse (Paris)
Courtalet, Guy de
Porgès, H.
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Pallard, Jean
Un Peu pour Tous (Ex Secouristes Coloniaux) (Paris)
Chemin de Fer de Paris à Lyon et à la Méditerranée (Paris)
Oeuvre de l'Allaitement Maternel et des Refuges Ouvroirs pour les Femmes Enceintes (Paris)
Ottoz, E.
Musée de l'Armée (Paris)
Niox (general)
Nardus, Leo
Frederik Muller & Cie, vente de tableaux (Amsterdam)
H. Morin, liquidateur syndic (Paris)
Wendland, Hans
Montandan, J.
Montag, Charles
Royannez, M.
République Française. Commissariat des Expositions des Beaux-Arts en France et à l' Étranger.
Saglio, André
République Française. Exposition d'Art Français à Barcelone, 1917.
Saglio, André
Olivier Sainsère, Secrétaire général civil de la Présidence de la République (Paris)
St. Maur, G. de (comte)
Jean Schemit, librairie (Paris)
SIE, Lettres Musique Beaux-Arts (Paris)
Albert-Birot, Pierre
Chambre de Députés (Paris)
Ben Simon
Staub, Emil
Strauss, Jules
Hâpital Janson de Sailly (Paris)
de Tejada
Strauss, Elisabeth
Toplis & Harding, Assessors (Paris)
L'Union Commerciale, renseignements commerciaux (Paris)
Victoria and Albert Museum (London)
Smith, Cecil H.
Zurich, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Kunsthaus (Zurich)
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 168]
Ministère des Affaires Étrangères (Paris)
Pourtalès, de
Ministère des Finances. Directeur Général des Douanes. (Paris)

I.A.59.a Correspondence G-H-K-L-M: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR handwritten drafts of letters sent; postcards (some illustrated); press clippings; a typescript professional report [item Nos. 113-117, inclusive]. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-185; item numbers not present: 19, 22, 23, 46, 47, 48, 63. Item number 45 corresponds to a document apparently extraneous to the PR collection and was transferred to file I.A.59.b while further clarification is sought with regard to its origin. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 138a, 138b.

Menier, Georges
Chemins de Fer du Midi (Biarritz)
Menier, Georges [item Nos. 3, 4, 5]
Moline, L.
Gouvernement Militaire de Paris. Hâpital Militaire de Rueil.
Montag, Charles
Musée des Beaux-Arts (Geneva)
Morgan, Harjes & Cie (Paris)
Montag, Charles
Morière, René
Menier, Georges
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Menier, Georges
Charles Marret, courtier d'assurances (Paris)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
Massion, Paul
Melleris, André
Menier, Georges
Magallon, de
Mapon, Ch.
Mutualité Maternelle du 46e Regiment d'Infanterie (Paris)
Malleterre (general)
Lonquéty, Maurice
Madeline, P.
Kelekian, Dikran G.
Knoedler & Co. (Paris)
Hamman, M.
F. Lair Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
A. Lalande, administrateur (Paris)
Lapauze, Henri
Laurent, Henri
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Lepoutre, C.
Loevi & Jauriat (Paris)
Havemeyer, L.W.
Médiard, A.
Heimendahl, S.V. de
Rosenberg, Paul [item Nos. 108, 109]
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Huot (Roquemaure, Gard)
Édouard Jonas, expert (Paris)
République Française. Ministère des Finances. Commission des Dérogations aux Prohibitions d'Entrée.
Chambre Syndicale des Négociants en Objets d'Art, Tableaux et Curiosités (Paris)
Jonas, Édouard
Jonas, C.
S.L. Jonas (Paris)
Vicart, Gabriel
Cohen, Arnold
Halvorsen, Walther
Rosenberg, Paul [item Nos. 152-159, inclusive]
Vicart, Gabriel
Halvorsen, Walther
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 164]
Halvorsen, Walther
Halou, A.J.

View PDF of folder I.A.59.a

I.A.59.b Miscellaneous

Item No. 45, originally included in the sequence of numbers of I.A.59.a, corresponds to a document apparently extraneous to the PR collection and currently segregated in this separate folder. See Series I description in 'Scope and Content' for further clarification.

Collections André Neuberger
Cour d'Appel de Paris

I.A.60 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; typescript lists of pictures [item Nos. 94, 95]; insurance notices; cartes de visite. Original folder ["Pièces particulières, Année 1909"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-190; item numbers not present: 1, 10, 27, 188, 189.

Jules Dard, vins à la commission (Arles sur Rhâne)
Cunière, L.
Cohen, Arnold
Compagnie Industrielle et Commerciale Franco Hollandaise (Paris)
Crawley, Dixon & Co., Insurance Brokers (London)
Cloix, Pierre
Rosenberg, Paul [item Nos. 28, 29, 31]
Art Institute of Chicago
Eggers, George William
Cloix, Pierre
Chardon-Pesson (Genillé, Indre-et-Loire)
Charlot, Louis
John Wanamaker (Paris)
Charlot, Louis
La Triennale, Exposition d'Art Français (Paris)
Bonifoy, Léon
Charlot, Louis
Meyer, Sylvain
République Française. Sénat.
Baschet, René
L'Illustration (Paris)
Gulbenkian, Calouste S.
Guillaume, Paul
Jeoffroy, Pierre
Musées Nationaux. Palais du Louvre.
Guillaume, Paul
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
Goldner, Val
Girieud, P.P.
Gerard, Félix
Gentili di Giuseppe, Federico
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 109-112, inclusive]
Ville de Genève. Musée d'Art et d'Histoire.
Bovy, Adrien
Bréal, Auguste
Ville de Genève. Le Conseil Administratif.
Stoessel, Marius
Viret, D.
Bovy, Adrien
Gauguin, V.
Feuz, Werner
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 144]
Esnault-Peltérie, G.
L' Éclair (Paris)
Wertheimer, René
La HAFNIA, assurances (Paris)
Hansen, Wilhelm
Duret, Théodore
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Duret, Théodore
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Galerie E. Druet (Paris)
Vicart, Gabriel
Halvorsen, Walther
Freund-Deschamps, Charles
Dowdeswell Galleries (London)
Donop de Monchy, E.
Zygomalas, Alexandre
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Paul von
Donop de Monchy, E.
Devambez (Paris)
Delteil, Loÿs
Decourcelle, Pierre
Massion, Paul

View PDF of folder I.A.60

I.A.61 Correspondence B-C-D

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; cartes de visite; typescript lists; banking, transport and insurance notices; postcards. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-127; item numbers not present: 26, 36, 44, 45, 64, 80, 126. Item number added to unmarked item: 60a.

Biema, Jan van
Besnard, L.
Bernstein, Henry
Biedermann, E.
Maison Camus
Boissier, François
Bonvalet, Eugène
Borel, E.
Borel, Albert
Bouvaist, M.
Brandt, Edgar
Bressan, B.
Brisson, A.
Chambre Syndicale des Négociants en Objets d'Art Anciens et Tableaux (Paris)
Jonas, Édouard
Chabas, Maurice
Capdevielle, Félix
Ernest Brown & Phillips. Leicester Galleries (London)
Chappaz, Jh.
Chapuis, Charles
République Française. Ministère de la Guerre.
Cloix, Pierre
Coles, H.A.V.
Musée Royal des Beaux-Arts (Copenhagen)
Delaunay, Robert
Decourcelle, Pierre
Dequoy, A.
Le Courrier de la Presse (Paris)
Deudon, M.
Donis, J.
Donop de Monchy, E.
Doucet, Jacques
Dufrenoy, Georges Léon
Durand, Marguerite
Durandeau, Jane
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Duret, Théodore
Galerie J. Allard (Paris)
Baudin, Pierre
Boyer Moussouri
Billard, Charles
Maurice Barbier Fils (Paris)
Bastide, M.-A.
Baudoin, Henri
Benquet, Jules
Bérard, M.
Bernheim, Georges
Bernheim-Jeune, Gaston

I.A.62.a Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; typescript copy of PR letters sent; postcards (illustrated, one color); cartes de visite; insurance and shipping notices. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-184; item numbers not present: 10, 92, 96, 107.

Albert, Adolphe
Hugo Lundquist, exportation-importation (Paris)
Romdahl (Gothenberg)
G. Gié, menuiserie (Paris)
Girieud, P.P.
M. Grün (Paris)
Gulbenkian, Calouste S.
Halvorsen, Walther
Rosenberg, Paul [item Nos. 22, 23]
Havemeyer, H.O.
Dr. Albert S. Heide (Paris)
Henraux, A.P.
Henri Herrmann, arbitre rapporteur (Paris)
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Jallot, L.
Kann, Émile
Kann, Alphonse
Jonas, Édouard
F. Lair Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
A. Lalande, administrateur (Paris)
E. Larcade, objets d'art anciens (Paris)
Laroche, Henri Jean
Chenue, emballage et transport (Paris)
Bernheim, Georges
Laroche, Henri Jean
E. Layton Bennett Sons & Co., Chartered Accountants (London)
Dowdeswell & Dowdeswells (London)
Rosenberg, Paul [retro of item No. 71]
Archives Départementales et Communales, 4e arr. (Paris)
Linet, Ph.
Lloyds Bank (France) (Paris)
Lombard, Alfred
Lonquéty, Maurice
Fegdal, Charles
J. Féral, expert (Paris)
Flament, Albert
La Foncière, assurances (Paris)
Freund-Deschamps, Charles
Gachet, Paul (fils)
R. Gaillard, architecte (Paris)
Picasso, Pablo
Galerie d'Art Français et Suisse (Zurich)
Gangnat, M.
des Garets, O.
Garrigue, Juliette
Gasquet, Joachim
Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouot (Paris)
Bovy, Adrien
Thos. Agnew & Sons (Paris)
Madeline, P.
Mainssieux, Lucien
Maïtena Léon (Biarritz)
[Mancini, S.]
Goupil Gallery, William Marchant & Co. (London)
Marchant, William
Meismorin de Dombasle, L. de
Marchant, William

I.A.62.b Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; typescript copy of PR letters sent; postcards (illustrated, one color); cartes de visite; insurance and shipping notices. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 185-325; item numbers not present: 193, 194, 210, 247, 249, 271, 272.

Massion, Paul
Meismorin de Dombasle, L. de
Menier, Georges
Mion, Louis
Mitt, Robert C.
Montag, Charles
H. Morin, liquidateur syndic (Paris)
Wendland, Hans
Frederik Muller & Cie, tableaux (Amsterdam)
Halvorsen, Walther
J. Roy, transitaire (Rouen)
National Gallery (London)
Aitken, Charles
Parent, Armand
Persin, expertises (Versailles)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Pissarro, C. (Madame veuve) [item Nos. 228-237, inclusive]
Pissarro, Paul Émile
Pissarro, Lucien
Pitt & Scott, Ltd., agents de transports et de douane (Paris)
Rasty, de (comtesse)
Reid, Alex
Alex. Reid (La Société des Beaux-Arts) (Glasgow)
Renoir [item Nos. 250, 251]
Hans Renold Ltd. (Manchester)
Rafael Riquelme, antiquaire (Biarritz)
Rochecouste, Edgar de
[Roesen, Jos]
Jules Roy, transitaire (Rouen)
[Panet Oliée, P.]
Sainctelette (Brussels)
Staub, Emil [item No. 274]
Stoop, Frank
Stora, Maurice
Galerie Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Zurich)
Tanner, G.
Tastes, L. de
Tavernier, Adolphe
L. de Tastes, avocat (Séquard)
Toplis & Harding, Assessors (Paris)
Trochain Ménard, Maurice
Vauxcelles, Louis
P. van der Velde (Havre)
Wallis & Son (London)
Wildenstein, G.
Zygomalas, Alexandre
Esnault-Peltérie, G.
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
République Française. Ministère des Affaires Étrangères. Commission des réclamations concernant les intérêts privés en pays ennemi ou occupé. (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)

View PDF of folder I.A.62.b

I.A.63 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-172; item numbers not present: 96, 124, 130, 133, 134, 135, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161.

Charles Aignier, constructeur de voitures (Paris)
Bedel, Maurice
Hahnloser, A.
Heide, Albert S.
Heimendahl, Adèle de
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 20]
Vicart, Gabriel
Van Horne, A.
Hüldschinsky, Paul
Haus Grüneck, Dorf Kreuth (Tegernsee, Bavaria)
Direction Générale des Contributions Directes (Paris)
Imberti, tableaux (Bordeaux)
Hodebert, L.C.
Légation de la République Tchécoslovaque à Paris
Kann, Alphonse
M. Knoedler & Co. (New York)
Carstairs, C.S.
M. Knoedler & Co. (Paris)
Das Kunstblatt (Berlin)
Westheim, Paul
Fels, Florent
Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag (Potsdam)
Kleinwort, Sons & Co. (London)
Sachs, Paul J.
Laubheimer, T.
A. Lalande, administrateur (Paris)
Laporte, Eugène
Laroche, Henri Jean
Jacques Rotil, cadres (Paris)
Lattswill, Gauthier
E. Layton Bennett Sons & Co., Chartered Accountants (London)
Dowdeswell & Dowdeswells (London)
Arthur Le Roy, expertises (Brussels)
L. Grandel (Paris)
A.F. Gruenwald (Cologne)
G. McKay, Morant & Co. Insurance Brokers (London)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
Wildenstein (New York)
Gobin, Maurice
Gangnat, M.
Gachet, Paul (fils)
Kalebdjian, arts et antiques (Paris)
Rouart, Ernest
Jonas, Édouard
Gachet, Paul (fils)
Pissarro, C. (Madame)
Fred. Olsen & Co. (Christiania)
Stang, Jorgen B.
Jules Roy, transitaire (Rouen)
Perls, Hugo
Rouart, J.
Rosenberg, Léonce [item No. 96]
du Petit-Shouars, P.
William Marchant & Co., Goupil Gallery (London)
Musée de l'Armée (Paris)
Malleterre (general)
William Marchant & Co., Goupil Gallery (London)
Marchesi, Blanche
Docteur Masselon (Versailles)
Massion, Paul
Montag, Max
Perls, Hugo
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 126]
Perls, Hugo
Chemins de Fer de Paris à Lyon et à la Méditerranée (Paris)
Parent, Armand
Wildenstein (Paris)
Roché, Henri Pierre [item No. 132]
Robin, Albert
Raynal, Maurice [item Nos. 141, 142]
Renault (Paris)
Renault, usine (Billancourt)
Rosenberg, Paul [item Nos. 147, 149]
Alex. Reid (La Société des Beaux-Arts) (Glasgow)
[Rupert, W.A.] [item Nos. 153, 154]
Quinn, John [item No. 155]
Alex. Reid (La Société des Beaux-Arts) (Glasgow)
Département des Alpes-Maritimes. Le Maire de Puget-Théniers.
Ch. Pottier, emballage d'objets d'art (Paris)
Pitt & Scott, Ltd., agence de transports (Paris)
Wildenstein, Félix
Alex. Reid (La Société des Beaux-Arts) (Glasgow)
Pissarro, C. (Madame)

View PDF of folder I.A.63

I.A.64 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; typescript of meeting agenda and lists of pictures; cartes de visite; insurance notices. Original folder ["A-F, Correspondence, Année 1920"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-183; item numbers not present: 8, 82, 83, 113, 116, 117, 119, 123, 126, 127, 149, 170, 171.

République Française. Ministère des Affaires Étrangères. Office des Biens et Intérêts Privés.
Compagnie Générale d'Assurances (Paris)
République Française. Chambre des Députés.
Barety, Léon
M.-A. Bastide, antiquaire (Montélimar)
Bedel, Maurice
Bénard Frères & Cie (Paris)
Musée National du Luxembourg (Paris)
Sénélis, Léonce
Bennett, Arnold
Jules Benquet (Biarritz)
Berard, M.
Besnard, L.
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Université de Paris. Bibliothèque d'Art et d'Archéologie. (Paris)
République Française. Mairie du 6e Arrondissement de Paris.
Borel, Albert
Établissements Borel (Puteaux)
American Chamber of Commerce in France (Paris)
Berry, Walter
Bistolfi, Guillaume
Boissery, François
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 40]
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Leicester Galleries (London)
Rosenberg, Léonce
Édouard Brun, artiste-peintre (Grenoble)
Bulletin de la Vie Artistique (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie, éditeurs (Paris)
Camus, Jacques
Galerie Caspari (Munich)
Caspari, Georg
Bruno Cassirer, Verlagsbuchhandlung (Berlin)
Cessole, de (comtesse)
Chambre Syndicale de la Curiosité et des Beaux-Arts (Paris)
Jonas, Édouard
Charlot, Louis
Madeline, P.
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Sava Choumanovitch, artiste-peintre (Paris)
Chenue, emballeur (Paris)
République Française. Ministère de la Guerre.
Jean Raynal, avocat (Paris)
P. Clavel fils (Biarritz)
Cleef, E. van
Bell, Clive
Cochin, D.
Daudet, Lucien
Crédit Suisse (Zurich)
Staub, Emil
Donop de Monchy, E.
Dreyfus, L.
Dreveton, Em.
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Duret, Théodore
Durand-Ruel, Paul
Librairie Centrale d'Art et d'Architecture (Paris)
N.V. Eisenloeffels Kunsthandel (Amsterdam)
Esnault-Peltérie, G.
Chemins de Fer de l' État (Dieppe)
Fabbri, Egisto
N.V. Eisenloeffel's Kunsthandel (Amsterdam)
Flechtheim, Alfred [item Nos. 165-169, 172-179]
Laurencin, Marie
La Foncière, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Robert Fontana, notaire (Paris)

I.A.65 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; postcards (illustrated); cartes de visite. Original folder ["Correspondence, S-Z, 1920"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-80; item numbers not present: 13, 26, 41.

Stoop, Bertha
Staub, Emil
Stoop, Frank
Société du Salon d'Automne (Paris)
Bonifoy, Léon
St. Maur, G. de
Sazias fils, agents en douane (Nice)
Durel & Boulegue, service rapide Marseille-Lyon-Paris (Paris)
Galerie Simon (Paris)
Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry
Flechtheim, Alfred
Soma, M.
Sorensen, Henrik
J.B. Stang (Christiania)
Städel'sches Kunstinstitut (Frankfurt)
Swarzenski, George
Menier, Georges
Galerie Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Zurich)
Tavernier, Adolphe
Association des Journalistes Républicains Français (Paris)
Thiis (Christiania)
Thory, L.
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Lausanne)
Vallotton, Paul
P. van der Velde (Havre)
Vauxcelles, Louis
Verdier, L.
F. Giletta (Nice)
Verdier, L.
Vignier, arts d'Asie (Paris)
Velloni, Georges
Union de Banques Suisses (Winterthur)
Hahnloser, A.
P. van der Velde (Havre)
Violette, E.
Vollard, Ambroise
Wildenstein, Georges
Wildenstein (Paris)
Zurich, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Leroux, Blanche

I.A.66 Correspondence: "Exposition Delacroix - Organisation"

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR handwritten letter draft; cartes de visite; typescript lists, including a register, by district of Paris, of exhibition poster locations; printed material. Also contains material re: Marie Laurencin exhibition, 1921, including published text by André Lhote. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-37; all item numbers present.

Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul [or Vicart, Gabriel for PR] [retro of item No. 2]
Chouanard, Émile
Franck, Jules
Esnault-Peltérie, G.
Beldi, F.
Vernisy, Edmond de
Muller, Émile
Duconseil, Marc
Affichage National Dufayel (Paris)
G. Bénard

View PDF of folder I.A.66

I.A.67 Correspondence A-F

Letters (ALS, TLS) and telegrams received; cartes de visite; stamped postcards; typescript text in German [item Nos. 92-109, inclusive]. Also contains material re: Marie Laurencin exhibition, 1921. Original folder ["Correspondence, A-F, 1921"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-115; item numbers not present: 5, 43, 55, 114.

André, Léon
Barnes, Albert C.
Bastide, M.-André
Beaumont, Étienne de (comte)
Association Franco-Américaine d'Exposition de Peinture et de Sculpture (Paris)
Bénard, G.
Berard, M.
Bernheim Jeune et Cie (Paris)
Bernheim-Jeune, Joseph
Bernheim-Jeune, Gaston
Bignou, Étienne Jean
Birrel and Garnett (London)
Bissière, Roger
Galeries Boigelot (Brussels)
Borel, Albert
Bokanowski, Maurice
Ernest Brown & Phillips. Leicester Galleries (London)
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Burroughs, Bryson
Anzon-Caccamisi (London)
M. Knoedler & Co. (London)
Carstairs, Carroll S.
Galerie Caspari (Munich)
Casparí, Georg
Cassirer, Bruno
Kunst und Künstler Verlag (Berlin)
Chambre Syndicale de la Curiosité et des Beaux-Arts (Paris)
Jonas, Édouard
Chappaz, Jh.
Charlier, G.
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Ciolkowska, Muriel
Bell, Clive
Delphin-Verlag (Munich)
Landauer, Richard
Huldschinsky, Paul
Donop de Monchy, E.
Dupré et Cie (Paris)
Durand, Marguerite
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Duveen, Joseph
Duveen and Walker (London)
Edizioni d'Arte di Valori Plastici (Rome)
Broglio, Mario
Eisenloeffel (Amsterdam)
Faure, Élie
Faure, Louise
Feuillets d'Art (Paris)
Galerie Alfred Flechtheim (Dusseldorf)
Flechtheim, Alfred
Fontana, Robert

View PDF of folder I.A.67

I.A.68 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; leaf of woodblock-printed writing paper [item No. 48]. Original folder ["Correspondence, G-L, 1921"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-75; all item numbers present.

Gachet, Paul (fils)
Halvorsen, Walther
Galloway, F.W.
Résidence Générale de la République Française au Maroc (Oudjda)
Grangeon, M.
Jean Garnier, avocat (Paris)
Gentili di Giuseppe, Federico
Gillet, Louis
Gold, Alfred
Reinhart, Oskar
White (London)
Halvorsen, Walther
Olson, Gøsta
Hatvany-Deutsch, Franz (baron)
Henraux, A.P.
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Gentili di Giuseppe, Federico
Henraux, Albert S. (Madame)
Kunsthandel Huinck (Utrecht)
Imberti, tableaux (Bordeaux)
Iturrino, Francisco [item Nos. 45-46]
Marty, André
Daniel Jacomet & Cie (Paris)
Kammerer, Robert
M. Knoedler & Cie (Paris)
Kunsthandel Huinck (Utrecht)
Daniel Jacomet & Cie (Paris)
Kainarsky, L.
M. Knoedler & Cie (Paris)
Carstairs, Charles S.
Alexander Koch, Verlagsanstalt (Darmstadt)
Deutschen Kunst und Dekoration (Darmstadt)
À l'Arche de Noé, ferme du Château de Sentheim (Germany)
F. Lair Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
A. Lalande, administrateur (Paris)
John Lane, Publisher, The Bodley Head Ltd. (London)
Édouard Larcade, objets d'art (Paris)
Laroche, Henri Jean
Dowdeswell & Dowdeswells (London)
Lefèvre, André

View PDF of folder I.A.68

I.A.69 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; handwritten list of pictures; ink sketches in letters [item Nos. 68, 70]; postcards (illustrated); cartes de visite. Original folder ["Correspondence, M-R, Année 1921"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-71; item numbers not present: 38-43 inclusive, 50, 58, 59. Item number 13 is given twice.

Menier, Georges
Montag, Charles
[Nachet, Albert]
Muller, Emile
Piper, Reinhard
Perls, Hugo
Max Montag, Agentur und Kommissiongeschäft (Winterthur)
Moses, Hugo
Kunsthandlung Hugo Moses (Berlin)
Perls, Hugo
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Propert, W. [London]
Registre du Commerce (Paris)
Alex. Reid (La Société des Beaux-Arts) (Glasgow)
Oskar Reinhart (Winterthur)
La Renaissance de l'Art Français et des Industrie de Luxe (Paris)
Robert, A.M.
Roché, Henri Pierre
Carlos Braun, éditions artistiques (Marseille)
Royannez, M.
Robin, Albert
Robert Foster, Jeanne
Propert, W.
Royannez, M.

View PDF of folder I.A.69

I.A.70 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received. Original folder ["Correspondence, S-Z, 1921"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-26; item numbers not present: 4, 16. Item number added to unmarked item: 2a.

Shinizu, K.
Richard Swierzy (Berlin)
Stein, Gertrude
[Toklas, Alice B.]
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Zurich)
Tanner, G.
Tedesco Frères (Paris)
Moderne Galerie, Heinrich Thannhauser (Munich)
Vauxcelles, Louis
Vicart, Gabriel
Thannhauser, Heinrich
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 14]
P. van der Velde (Havre)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Lausanne)
Vallotton, Paul
Das Kunstblatt (Berlin)
Westheim, Paul
Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag (Potsdam)
Berry, Walter
Chambre de Commerce Américaine (Paris)
Verdier, L.
Société du Salon d'Automne (Paris)
Wildenstein (New York)
Wildenstein (Paris)

I.A.71 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR handwritten drafts of letters sent. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-185; item numbers not present: 81, 87, 178, 185. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 2a, 56a, 74a-e. Item number 168 given twice.

Chénard-Huché, Georges
Flechtheim, Alfred
H. Mallon & Cie, transports internationaux (Paris)
Watson, James Sibley
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
Société des artistes tchécoslovaques MÀNES (Prague)
Nebeský, V.
Volné Sm?ry (Prague)
Jelínek, Hanuš
Bureau de Presse tchécoslovaque (Paris)
Kafka, B.
Thannhauser, Heinrich
Malpel, Charles
William Marchant & Co., Goupil Gallery (London)
Marcy, André de
Marsault, Y.
Mesguich, G.
Montag (Winterthur)
Montag, Charles
Max Montag, Agentur und Kommissiongeschäft (Winterthur)
Monteux (Paris)
Galerie Moos (Paris)
Moreau-Nélaton, E.
Morgan, Harjes & Cie (Paris)
Fabbri, Egisto
Narusé, S.
Matsukata, Kojiro
National Gallery (London)
Manson, J.B.
Noreels, Mary
Norès, M.
Österreichischen Staatsgalerie (Vienna)
Pallard, G.
Paraf, Louis
Perls, Hugo
Petitjean, E.
Quinn, John [foldered item Nos. 62-80, inclusive; 82-86, inclusive; 88-106, inclusive]
Reber, G.F.
Alex. Reid (La Société des Beaux-Arts) (Glasgow)
Faugère, de (comte)
Faille, Jacob-Baart de la
Bibliothèque d'Art et d'Art Industriel (Brussels)
Errera, Isabella
Duret, Théodore
Duveen, Joseph
Ernst-Museum (Budapest)
Lazar, Bela
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Durand-Ruel, Lea
Durand-Ruel, Jos [item No. 135]
Durandeau, Paul
Durand, Marguerite
Club des Femme Journalistes (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul [retro of item No. 140]
Dreyfus, M.
Doucet, Jacques
Detroit Institute of Arts
Burroughs, Clyde H.
H. Desmidt, transports internationaux (Paris)
Wildenstein (New York)
Coleman, H.C.
van Cleeff, E.
Chenue, emballeur (Pars)
Direction Générale des Douanes (Paris)
Bourgeois Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Eglington, Guy
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Leicester Galleries (London)
Brummer, Joseph
Quinn, John
Bucaille, L.
Burrell, W.
Carstairs, Charles S.
Caspari, Georg
Cassirer, Bruno
Librairie Ancienne Honoré Champion, éditeur (Paris)
Champion, Édouard
Jh. Chappaz & Cie, exportation (Béziers)
Chapuis (Paris)
Charlot, Louis
Bourgeois, S.
Bourgeois Galleries, Inc. (New York)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
Alex. Reid (La Société des Beaux-Arts) (Glasgow)
Renoir, Jean
Renoir, Pierre
Roché, Henri Pierre

View PDF of folder I.A.71

I.A.72 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received, postcards (some illustrated). Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-191; item numbers not present: 3, 11, 12, 185. Item number added to unmarked item: 27a. Item number 118 is given twice.

Bourgeois Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Borel, Albert
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Ebstein, Paul
Bernheim Jeune, Josse
Paul Lamare, avocat (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Tanner, G.
Imberti, tableaux (Bordeaux)
Hirsch, Robert von
Direction Générale des Contributions Directes (Paris)
Daniel Jacomet & Cie, Ateliers André Marty (Paris)
Kann, Alphonse
Kunst und Künstler (Berlin)
Laroche, H.J.
Leblond, Marius
Lit Tout (Paris)
Francillon, A.
Art Institute of Chicago
MacLean, Arthur
Bank für Handel und Industrie (Munich)
Moderne Galerie Heinrich Thannhauser (Munich)
D. Croal Thomson (London)
Barnes, Albert C.
Musée Rodin (Paris)
Matsukata, Kojiro
Sénélis, Léonce
Musée National du Luxembourg (Paris)
Sénélis, Léonce
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Imberti, tableaux (Bordeaux)
Imberti, Vincent
Loo, Julius de
Imberti, éditeur (Bordeaux)
Kunsthandel Huinck (Utrecht)
Havemeyer, H.O.
Hirsch, Robert von
Lucien Sancholle-Henraux (Paris)
Herzog, Maurice (baron)
Hessel, Jos
Havemeyer, H.O.
Henraux, A.P.
Hatvany (baron)
Blanchard, Maria
Hammacher, A.M.
Arthur H. Harlow & Co., Etchings, Engravings and Paintings (New York)
Hatvay-Deutsch, Franz (baron)
Halvorsen, Walther
Gulbenkian, Calouste S.
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
Crawley, Dixon & Bowring Ltd., Insurance Brokers (London)
Galerie M. Goldschmidt & Co. (Frankfurt)
Gold, Alfred
Gemäldegalerie des Kunsthistorischen Museums (Vienna)
Gaffé, René
Gachet, Paul (fils)
Sachs, Paul J.
Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
August Scherl, Illustrations-Centrale (Berlin)
Schiff, Sydney
Arnold Seligmann (Paris)
Shinizu, K.
Société du Droit d'Auteur aux Artistes (Paris)
Delavenne, Georges
J.B. Stang (Christiania)
Stevens, Léopold
Stransky, Josef
Styles (Paris)
Jouvenel, de
Syndicat des Marchands de Tableaux, Objets d'Art & Curiosités (Paris)
Montag, Charles
Syndicat des Négociants Antiquaires Français et Commerçants Assimilés (Paris)
Moderne Galerie Heinrich Thannhauser (Munich)
Thannhauser, Heinrich [foldered item Nos. 133-176, inclusive]
Hatvany, Franz (baron)
Thein, Zoltán
Tsuchida, K.
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Lausanne)
Vallotton, Paul
Das Kunstblatt (Berlin)
Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag (Potsdam)
ZoubaloffWildenstein (Paris)
Lewino, Walter Affroville

View PDF of folder I.A.72

I.A.73.a Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR handwritten draft of letter sent. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-108; item numbers not present: 56, 107. Item number 108 corresponds to a document apparently extraneous to the PR collection and was transferred to file I.A.73.b while further clarification is sought with regard to its origin. Item number 44 is given twice.

Reininghaus, Carl
Rivere (Courthézon, Vaucluse)
Binder, Frank
Renaissance de l'Art Français et des Industries de Luxes (Paris)
Lapauze, Henry
Reinhart, Oskar
Alex. Reid (La Société des Beaux-Arts) (Glasgow)
Reinhart, Oskar
Reid, Alex
Reid, A.J. McNeill
Österreichischen Staatsgalerie (Vienna)
Reber, G.F.
Zayas, Marius de
Reber, G.F.
Reid, A.J. McNeill
Perls, Hugo
Galerie St-Pierre (Lyon)
Poyet, Alfred
Quinn, John
Im Obersteg, Charles
H. Mallon & Cie, transports (Paris)
Wildenstein (New York)
Société des artistes tchécoslovaques MÀNES (Prague)
Nebeský, V.
William Marchant & Co., Goupil Gallery (London)
Quigley, Arthur G.
Walker Art Gallery (Liverpool)
Marcy, André de
Matsukata, Kojiro
Menier, Georges
Montag, Max
Établissements Monteux (Paris)
Exposition d'Art Français Moderne de Stockholm (Sweden)
Morgan, Harjes & Cie (Paris)
Montag, Max
Musée Royal des Beaux-Arts de Belgique (Brussels)
National Gallery (London)
Aitken, Charles
Manson, J.B.
Nielsen, Carl O.
Rosenberg, Paul [retro of item No. 98]
Norès, M.
H. Mallon & Cie, transports internationaux (Paris)

I.A.73.b Miscellaneous

Item number 108, originally included in the sequence of numbers of I.A.73.b, corresponds to miscellaneous clippings apparently extraneous to the PR collection and is currently segregated in this separate folder pending further clarification with regard to its origin. See Series I description in 'Scope and Content' for further clarification.

Two newspaper or official gazette clippings, upon which is stamped "Collections André Neuberger"; typescript headings on support sheet: "G.P. 2 Aout 1938" / "25 Mai 1938, C. Cass. (Ch. Civ.)" / "M. Péan, Président."

I.A.74 Correspondence B-Z

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; postcards (some illustrated, one color); printed exhibition invitation card; cartes de visite; banking, transport and insurance notices; printed text.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-216; item numbers not present: 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 27, 28, 31, 32, 44, 70, 71, 94, 142, 152, 159, 160, 161, 171. Item number 30 is given twice.

Brummer, Joseph
François Buffa & Fils (Amsterdam)
Burrell, W.
Galerie du Centaure (Brussels)
Schwarzenberg, Walter
Ceux de Demain (Brussels)
Delgouffre, Jean
[Lhote, André] [item Nos. 9, 10]
[Blanchard, Maria] [item No. 11]
Cheney, Sheldon
Robin, Albert
Roché, Henri Pierre
Gourgaud, Napoléon (baron) [item No. 22]
Lair Dubreuil, F.
Alexandre, Gaston
Wildenstein & Co. (New York)
Willoughby, Hugh
Wright, Thomas
Young, Howard
Howard Young Galleries (New York)
Baratte, Émile
Zwemmer, A.
Galerie du Centaure (Brussels)
Scott, Stevenson
Scott & Fowles (New York)
Sedelmeyer, Charles
Seldes, Gilbert
Sforni, Gustavo
Société du Droit d'Auteur aux Artistes (Paris)
Weill Lang, L.
Delavenne, Georges
Stransky, Josef
Tanner, G.
Staub, Emil [item No. 78]
Galerie Thannhauser (Lucerne)
Delgouffre, Jean
Canonne, H.
Chevalier, Robert
Coleman, H. C.
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Cloix, Pierre
Cochet, Charles
Burrell, W.
Coureau, B.
Cresp, Marius
Gurlitt, Fritz
Halverson, Walther
Hatvany-Deutsch, François (baron)
Georges Helminger & Co. (Paris)
Hément, Blanche
Henraux, L.S.
Hessel, Jos
Hâtel de Crillon (Paris)
Hâtel Meurice (Paris)
Imberti Éditeur (Bordeaux)
Gulbenkian, Calouste
French Institute in the United States (New York)
Mottet, J.
Jobert, Pierre
Paul & Marcel Jonas (Paris)
Société du Salon d'Automne (Paris)
Jourdain, Frantz
Kann, Alphonse
Karjinsky, J.
M. Knoedler & Co. (Paris)
M. Knoedler & Co. (London)
Carstairs, Carroll S.
Simpson, L.
Kranenberg, F.
Larcade, E.
République tchécoslovaque. Légation à Paris.
Léon, Maïtena
Le Petillon, H.
Lewis, Sarah H.
Kato, Lic
Société des Amis des Arts de Limoges
Lit Tout (Paris)
Loeser, Olga
Loeser, Charles
Gachet, Paul (fils)
Gaillard, R.
Gauthier, Joseph
Gentili di Giuseppe, Federico
Léon Geoffroy Ainé (Vaucluse)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
Gourgaud, Napoléon (baron)
Musée du Louvre. Conservation.

View PDF of folder I.A.74

I.A.75 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-90; item numbers not present: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 93, 106, 140, 183.

Danzas & Cie, transports internationaux (Paris)
De Keyser, Thornton & Co., courtiers de navires (Antwerp)
Kunstverforbundet (Christiania)
Halvorsen, Walther
Denis, Etienne
G. Delinon, avocat (Paris)
Faille, Jacob-Baart de la
Koehler, Bernhard
Banque Immobilière de Paris (Paris)
N. Eisenloeffel's Kunsthandel (Amsterdam)
Duveen & Walker, Insurance Brokers (Paris)
Duveen Brothers (New York)
Stransky, Josef
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Doucet, Jacques
Donop de Monchy, E.
Fauchier-Magnan, A.
Flausch, F.P.
Thos. Agnew & Sons (London)
Albi, L. de
La Porcelaine Théodore Haviland (Limoges)
Société du Salon d'Automne (Paris)
Bonifoy, Léon
Banque des Pays du Nord (Paris)
Nilsen Nyquist Co. (Christiania)
Nyquist, Otto
Barrey, F.
Société National des Beaux-Arts (Paris)
Bartholomé, A.
Berne-Bellecour, G.
M.-A. Bastide, antiquaire (Montélimar)
Bayerisches Transport-Comptoir Schenker & Co. (Munich)
Beauchier, Marcel
Berard, A.
Bernheim, Georges
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Ebstein, Paul
Albert Berthel, Library & Museum Agent (London)
République Française. Ministère des Affaires Étrangères. Office des Biens et Intérêts Privés. (Paris)
Bignou, Etienne
Bloementhal, Molly
Bonchaud, Th. (Alzac, Gironde)
[Brangers, G.]
Bronner & Cie, transports (Basel)
Brown, Boveri & Cie (Baden)
Brown, Sidney W.
Schweizerisches Bundesbahnen (Baden)

View PDF of folder I.A.75

I.A.76 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR handwritten draft and typescript copy of letters sent; cartes de visite. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-222; item numbers not present: 18, 19, 93, 106, 140, 142, 143, 144, 183, 207.

F. Lair Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Favrolle, recours-contentieux (Paris)
Compagnie d'Assurances Générales (Paris)
Marcel Rivière, administrateur d'immeubles (Paris)
Lebourg, Albert
Léon, Paul
Million-Guiet (Levallois-Perret)
Borel, Albert
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 16]
Wildenstein & Co. (New York)
Willoughby, Hugh
Wladimiroff (Montpellier)
Arta Liber? (Bucharest)
Greceanu, Olga
Exposition d'Art Français à San Francisco (Paris)
National Gallery (London)
Aitken, Charles
Gesellschaft zur Förderung Moderner Kunst in Wien (Vienna)
Tietze, Hans [item Nos. 29, 30, 31]
Toplis & Harding, Assessors (Paris)
The Independent Gallery (London)
Turner, Percy Moore
Avogli Trotti, René (comte)
Tyler & Co., Assessors (Paris)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Casa Editrice d'Arte Valori Plastici (Roma)
Broglio, M.
Vlaminck, Maurice de [item No. 44]
Wallis & Son, French Gallery (London)
Éditions des Quatre Chemins (Paris)
Walter, V.
Watson, James S. (Jr.)
Wiborg, Mary
Wendland, Hans
Wildenstein & Co. (New York)
Bieman (Berlin)
Straus, Emile
Städelsches Kunstinstitut (Frankfurt)
Swarzenski, George
Tanner, G.
Jelzen-Lünd (Copenhagen)
Galerie Thannhauser (Lucerne)
Moderne Galerie Heinrich Thannhauser (Munich)
Thayer, Scofield
Jelzen-Lünd (Copenhagen)
Bibliothek der Kunstgeschichte (Vienna)
Tietze, Hans [item Nos. 87, 88]
Le Temps (Paris)
Thayer, Scofield
Sforni, Gustavo
Staatliche Kunstbibliothek (Berlin)
Stransky, Josef
Staechlin, Rudolf
Reber, G.F.
Georges Servant, éditeur d'art (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 107]
Sadler, Michael
Schnitzler, G. von
Schiff, Sydney
M.-G. Roux, expert (Marseille)
Roullier, Alice
Reinhart, Oskar
Reininghaus, Carl
'S Rijks Prentenkabinet, Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam)
Marcel Rivière, administrateur (Paris)
M. Robert & H. Rondeau (Paris)
Roché, Henri Pierre [item No. 133]
Quinn, John [estate of]
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 138]
Rosenberg, Léonce [item No. 144]
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosengart, Siegfried
Galerie Thannhauser (Munich)
Reinhart, Oskar
Reber, G.F.
Alex. Reid (La Société des Beaux-Arts) (Glasgow)
Reid, A.J. McNeill
Reinhart, Oskar
Pomerat, G.
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Quinn, John
Quinn, John [estate of]
Ramsay's, service importation (Paris)
Rasty, de (comtesse)
Reber, G.F.
Pomerat, G.
Perls, Hugo
[Rollas, Hans]
Pomerat, G.
Pall Mall Deposit and Forwarding Co., Limited (London)
Rosengart, Siegfried
Pallard, G.
Perls, Hugo
G. Nougarède (Avignon)
Charles Im Obersteg & Co. (Basel)
Im Obersteg, Charles
Paul Rosenberg (New York)
Pallard, G.
May, Paul
Goldschmidt Rothschild

View PDF of folder I.A.76

I.A.77.a Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR handwritten draft of letters and messages sent; letter paper with woodblock print; cartes de visite; postcards (some illustrated); insurance and shipping notices. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-149; item numbers not present: 1, 52, 102, 109.

Émile Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Compagnie Générale d'Assurances (Paris)
Marty, René (capitaine)
Thos. Agnew & Sons (London)
Fearon Galleries (New York)
Fabbri, Egisto
Faille, Jacob-Baart de la
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 20]
Fabbri, Egisto
N. Eisenloeffel's Kunsthandel (Amsterdam)
Crane Chadbourne, E.
G. Delinon, avocat (Paris)
Daudet, Lucien
A. d'Estailleur, architecte (Paris)
Durand-Ruel, J.
Donop de Monchy, E.
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 53]
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Freedley, D.
Burrell, William
L'Art de l'Intérieur (Prague)
Markalous, B.
Carnegie Institute (Pittsburgh)
Saint-Gaudens, Homer
Caspari, Georg
Galerie Caspari (Munich)
Bruno Cassirer, Verlagsbuchhandlung (Berlin)
Ceux de Demain (Brussels)
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
J. Chenue, French Packer (London)
Cassirer, Bruno
Art Institute of Chicago
Harshe, Robert B.
Kelley, Charles F.
Cunard, Nancy [item No. 90]
Cleveland Museum of Art
Milliken, William
Cloix, Pierre
Golden-Sanderson, Anne
Coleman, Herbert
Courtauld, Samuel
Banque Immobilière de Paris (Paris)
Société du Salon d'Automne (Paris)
Comptoir Financier Toulousain (Toulouse)
Barault, A.
M.-A. Bastide, antiquaire (Montélimar)
Les Amis du Pont d'Arc et des Sites Ardechois (Montélimar)
Beauchier, M.
Behague, de (comtesse)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Bissière, Roger
Bernheim Jeune, Josse
Berry, Walter
Bernheim Jeune, Gaston
Braun, W.
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 126]
Bourgeois Galleries, Inc. (New York) [item Nos. 127-135, inclusive]
League of Composers Review (New York)
H. Mallon & Cie, transports (Paris)
Comité de l'Exposition Française des Arts et de l'Industrie de New York
Esnault-Peltérie, G.
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Leicester Galleries (London)
H. Mallon & Cie, transports (Paris)

I.A.77.b Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR handwritten draft of letters and messages sent; deed of gift [item No. 169]; cartes de visite; postcards (some illustrated); insurance and shipping notices. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 150-300; item numbers not present: 183, 207, 234, 272, 287.

H. Mallon & Cie, transports (Paris)
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Leicester Galleries (London)
Bronner & Cie (Basel)
Reber, G.F.
Bromhead, Cutts & Co., Fine Art Dealers and Publishers (London)
Arts Club of Chicago
Roullier, Alice
Art Institute of Chicago [item No. 169-170]
Harshe, Robert B.
Kunst Van Heden, Art Contemporain (Antwerp)
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 172]
Lange, J. de
Ryerson, Martin A.
Henraux, A.P.
Hutchinson, St John
Imberti, éditeur (Bordeaux)
Rosenberg, Paul [retro of item Nos. 187, 188]
Direction Générale des Contributions Directes (Paris)
Iturrino, Marcelo
Faure, Elie
Kahnweiler, Daniel Henri [item Nos. 198-199]
Kapferer, Marcel
M. Knoedler & Co. (London)
Carstairs, Carroll
Kochno, Boris
Kröller, A.G.
League of Composers (New York)
Reis, Claire R.
Lapauze, Henry
Laporte, E.
Larousse Mensuel Illustré (Paris)
E. Larcade, objets d'art anciens (Paris)
Kelly, Gerald
Lair Dubreuil, Fernand
Adolph Lewisohn & Sons (New York)
Lewisohn, Sam
Léon, Maïtena
Ligue Franco-Anglo-Américaine contre le Cancer (Paris)
Guérin, Marcel
Lloyds & National Provincial Foreign Bank Ltd. (Paris)
Loebl, Allen
Wendland, Hans
R. Gaillard, architecte (Paris)
Galerie Georges Giroux (Brussels)
Goddard & Smith, estate agents (London)
A. Lalande, administrateur (Paris)
van Gogh, J.
van Gogh-Bonger, J.
Guérin, Marcel
Gold, Art
Exposition Degas, au profit de la Ligue Franco-Anglo-Américaine contre le Cancer (Paris)
Galerie George Petit (Paris)
Halvorsen, Walther
Handke, E.
Hansen, Wilhelm
Gachet, Paul (fils)
Paul May (Amsterdam)
Murray, James
A. Nachet, instruments de précision (Paris)
Malpel, Charles
William Marchant & Co., Goupil Gallery (London)
Exposition Française des Arts et de l'Industrie de New York
Garden, Émile
Union des Négociants Transitaires et Commissionnaires (Le Havre)
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Leicester Galleries (London)
Wladimiroff (Montpellier)
Worcester, Charles H.
Workman, E.A.
Zygomalas, Alexandre
Wladimiroff (Montpellier)

I.A.78 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR handwritten drafts of letters sent; brief typescript description of African art collection [item No. 17]; hand-compiled, printed invoices; cartes de visite. Original folder ["Correspondence, A-F, 1925"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-137; item numbers not present: 38, 40, 59, 60, 61, 62, 101, 118, 137. Item number added to unmarked item: 71a.

M.-A. Bastide, antiquaire (Montélimar)
Emile Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Galerie Caspari (Munich)
Gustave Doyen, docteur en droit (Paris)
M.-A. Bastide, antiquaire (Montélimar)
[description: collection of African art]
Ahmed, I.
Szantó, Theodor
Kunst van Heden, L'Art Contemporain (Antwerp)
Lange, de
Art et Décoration (Paris)
Art Institute of Chicago
Harshe, Robert B.
Association Française d'Expansion et d' Échanges Artistiques (Paris)
Brussel, Robert
Steinhof, Eugène
Balsan, Jacques
Band, Max
Banque Populaire Suisse (Soleure)
Dübi-Muller, Gertrud
Galerie Barbazanges, Hodebert successeur (Paris)
Barth, G.
Bernheim, Emile
Bernheim, Georges
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 45]
E.D. de Biéville, docteur en droit (Paris)
Brown, Sidney W.
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Leicester Galleries (London)
F. Bruckmann A.-G./Verlag (Munich)
Die Kunst (Berlin)
Brun, E.
Bulletin de la Vie Artistique (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie, éditeurs (Paris)
Carco, Francis
Carnegie Institute (Pittsburgh)
Lerolle, Guillaume
Goodyear, Conger
Saint-Gaudens, Homer
Carrive, Jean
Galerie Caspari (Munich)
Cassirer, Bruno
Ceux de Demain (Brussels)
Delgouffre, Jean
Cloix, Pierre
Hatvany (baron)
Hotel Drouot (Paris)
Doyen, Gustave
Courtauld, Samuel
Dallas Doxford, W.B.
Galerie d'Art Français (Amsterdam)
van Deene, J.F.
De Gruijter & Co., Meubeltransport (Amsterdam)
van Buuren, Arn.
Nardus, Léo
Dormoy, Marie
Alliance Française (Prague)
Galeries Druet (Paris)
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Duveen & Walker, Insurance Brokers (London)
Duveen, Ernest
Duret, Théodore
Einstein, Carl
Errazuriz, Eugenia
Faille, Jacob-Baart de la
Galerie H. Fiquet (Paris)
Librairie Ernest Flammarion (Paris)
Flechtheim, Alfred
A. Fossati (Marseille)
La Fraternité des Artistes (Paris)
Bartholomé, A.
C.E. Fritzes Bok- & Konsthandel (Stockholm)

I.A.79 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR handwritten drafts of letters sent; typescript draft of legal agreement; cartes de visite. Original folder ["G-L, Correspondence, Année 1925"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-128; item numbers not present: 19, 21, 95, 96, 114, 118. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 34a, 107a.

Hessel, Jos
Gachet, Paul (fils)
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 3]
Gasquet, Joachim [estate of]
Gasquet, Marie
Jaloux, Edmond
Rosenberg, Paul [item Nos. 5-6]
Gentili di Giuseppe, Federico
Girieud, P.P.
Robinot Frères, transports (Paris)
van Gogh-Bonger, J.
Galerie M. Goldschmidt & Co. (Frankfurt)
Goldschmidt Rothschild, von
Perls, Hugo
Gondrand Frères, transports (Paris)
Goodyear, A.C.
Gourgaud, Napoléon (baron)
Guiraud & Fils, antiquaires (Paris)
Gulbenkian, Calouste S.
Halvorsen, Walther
Auffroy (Paris)
Hansen, Wilhelm
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 60]
Georg Hartmann, in Firma, Bauersche Giesserei (Frankfurt)
Hugelin, Auguste
Iturrino, Marcelo
Faure, Élie
[Jamot, Paul]
Jonsill, William A.
Kann Alphonse [item Nos. 76-77]
[Kollbrunn] (Le Havre)
Kopman, B.D.
Kunst und Künstler (Berlin)
Scheffler, Karl
René Lafitte, avocat (Paris)
Laforge, M. (Grenoble)
Laurencin, Marie [item Nos. 97-100 and 110-111]
Levy, Edgar A.
Levy, Georges
[Le Fuel]
Gasquet, Marie
Hansen, Wilhelm
Mairie de Saint- Étienne (Loire). Conseil Municipal.
[Lhote, André ?] [item No. 108]
Lebasque, Henri
Laforge, M.
Henraux, A.P.
Henraux, Albert S. (Madame)
Léon Helft Fils (Paris)
Healy, Estelle Langner [item Nos. 119-120]
Laurencin, Marie
Hatvany (baron)
Hansen, Wilhelm
Levy, Edgar A.
Loeser, Charles

View PDF of folder I.A.79

I.A.80 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; cartes de visite. Original folder ["M-R, Correspondence, Année 1925"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-95; item numbers not present: 14, 22-27 inclusive, 33, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90.

William Marchant & Co., Goupil Gallery (London)
Bucaille, L.
Masurel, Ernest
Mayer, August L.
Staatsgemäldesammlungen (Munich)
Meyer, Agnes E.
Miller, Nathan J.
Galerie am Brandenburger Tor (Berlin)
National Gallery (London)
Aitken, Charles
Astre, Achille
G. Nougarède (Avignon)
Direktion der Österreichischen Galerie (Vienna)
Chemins de Fer de Paris à Lyon et à la Méditerranée (Paris)
Perls, Hugo
Galerie Pierre (Paris)
Plesch, Joh. (professor)
Pollak, Hans
Einstein, Carl
Der Propyläen-Verlag (Berlin)
Der Querschnitt (Berlin)
Rabbione, C.
Rasson, Édouard
Reber, G.F.
Zürcher Kunsthaus (Zurich)
Alex. Reid (La Société des Beaux-Arts) (Glasgow) [item Nos. 62-63]
Reinhart, Oskar
Renouard, Jane
Marcel Rivière, administrateur (Paris)
Riché, Ed.
Roché, Henri Pierre
Terza Biennale Romana, Esposizione Internazionale di Belle Arti
Roullier, Alice
J. Rump (Copenhagen)

I.A.81 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; typescript office copy of PR letter sent; PR handwritten list of painters; cartes de visite; 2 black/white printed pictures cut from catalogs. Original folder ["S-Z, Correspondence, Année 1925"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-101; all item numbers present.

Weill, David
Galerie Thannhauser (Lucerne)
Schürer, Oskar
Georges Servant, éditeur d'art (Paris)
Max Silberberg (Breslau)
Flechtheim (Berlin)
Kahnweiler, Daniel Henri
Simon, Hugues
Société des Beaux-Arts Bâle (Basel)
Barth, G.
Rosenberg, Paul [item Nos. 19-20]
Sorensen, Henrik
Ehrenswaerd (comte)
Staatliche Kunstbibliothek (Berlin)
Staechelin, Rudolf
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 26]
Staub, Emil
Staub, Alma
Stenberg, Elvira
Dr. Joachim Stern Verlag (Berlin)
Maecenas (Berlin)
Stransky, Josef
Swarzenski, George
Sutro, Esther
Städelsches Kunstinstitut (Frankfurt)
Swarzenski, George
Galerie Tanner (Zurich)
Galerie Thannhauser (Lucerne)
Terza Biennale Romana, Esposizione Internazionale di Belle Arti (Rome)
[Villand, Rodolfo]
Tietz, Alfred Leonhard
Tooth, Dudley
Leland, Louis
Daber, Alfred
Galerie Vavin Raspail (Paris)
Légation de l'Autriche (Paris)
Les Amis des Musées de Vienne (Paris)
Direction Générale des Contributions Directes (Paris)
Wallis & Son, French Gallery (London)
Gunn, Alex H.
White, Samuel S.
Rosenberg, Paul [item Nos. 64, 65]
Wiborg, Mary
Daber, Alfred
Galerie Vavin Raspail (Paris)
Wladimiroff (Montpellier)
Wildenstein & Co. (New York)
Wildenstein, Felix
Salon d'Art Wolfsberg (Zurich)
Laurencin, Marie
Baltensperger, Ernest
Musée des Beaux Arts de Zurich
Weill, David
Internationale Kunstausstellung 1926 (Dresden)
Posse, H.
Galerie Thannhauser (Lucerne)
Wiborg, Mary
Zayas, Marius de

View PDF of folder I.A.81

I.A.82 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR handwritten drafts of replies; postcards. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-48; item numbers not present: 43.

Huize van Hasselt, Kunsthandel (Rotterdam)
Lange, Herman
Hackenbach, Carl
M. Knoedler & Co. (London)
Carstairs, Carroll
Joliot, M.
Carl Laballe (Hamburg)
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 9]
Lange, Hermann
Magyar Müvészet, Hungarian Art (Budapest)
Lazar, Bela
Lemasle, Robert
Levaillant & Co. (Le Chaux-de-Fonds)
M. Knoedler & Co. (Paris)
Carstairs, Carroll
Kann, Alphonse
Publicité Kaplan (Paris)
Carstairs, Charles S.
Carstairs, Carroll
New York Times (Paris)
Laurencin, Marie
Josephy, Helen
Jaunbersin, Joh.
Franz Hanfstaengl, Kunst-und Verlagsanstalt (Munich)
Georg Hartmann, in Firma, Bauersche Giesserei (Frankfurt)
Musée des Beaux-Arts (Le Havre)
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 32]
Jac. Hecht, Kunst-Auctions-Haus (Charlottenburg)
Rosenberg, Léonce
Henraux, Albert S.
Hirschland, Georg
Rodé, Pierre
D.A. Hoogendijk & Co., Kunsthandel (Amsterdam)
Halvorsen, Walther
Joliot, M.

I.A.83 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR handwritten draft of letter sent; typescript office copy of letter sent; postcards; insurance notices. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-53; item numbers not present: 26, 41, 42. Item number added to unmarked item: 50a.

Compagnie d'Assurances Générales (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul [item Nos. 4, 5]
Bernheim Jeune, Josse
Muel, notaire (Saint-Cloud)
Lathuille, G.
Henry Binder (Paris)
Lathuille, G.
Ch. Pericieau (Paris)
[Marlé, Géza]
Simon, Marcel
Garçon, Maurice
Laurencin, Marie
Wildenstein, Félix [item No. 14]
Stransky, Josef
Allain, Victor
Lathuille, G.
Bokanowski, Maurice
Richard Andréani (Versailles) [item No. 24]
Bucaille, Léon
Garçon, Maurice
A. Audiger, ingénieur constructeur (Paris)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
G. McKay, Morant & Co. Insurance Brokers (London)
Julius Elias (Berlin)
Reber, G.F.
Automobiles de Place (Levallois-Perret)
Swaine, Photographer and Portrait Painter (London) [item Nos. 44, 45]
Allain, Victor
Duveen, Joseph
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 50]
Perls, Hugo

View PDF of folder I.A.83

I.A.84.a Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; black-ground photostat interpositive; PR notes on letters received or handwritten drafts of letters sent; typescript office copy of PR letters sent; cartes de visite; handwritten statement of account; drafts of legal agreement [item Nos. 108-115]. Original folder ["Correspondence, A-F, Année 1926"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-140; item numbers not present: 27.

Ahlström, John E.
Rosenberg, Paul [retro of item No. 1]
National Gallery, British Art (London)
Aitken, Charles
Frua de Angeli, Carlo
Kiel, Hanna
Galerie Arnold (Dresden)
Préfecture du Département de la Seine. Services Administratifs de l'Enseignement. (Paris)
Apollo, A Journal of the Arts (London)
[Boremis], Tancred
Carstairs, Carroll
Association Française d'Expansion et d' Échanges Artistiques (Paris)
Brussel, Robert
Herzmansky, Theodor
Les Nouvelle Littéraires / L'Art Vivant (Paris)
Guenne, Jacques
Société des Artistes Indépendants (Paris)
Syndicat des Éditeurs d'Art et des Négociants en Tableaux (Paris)
Exposition d'Art Français Moderne (Antwerp)
Association Française d'Expansion et d' Échanges Artistiques (Paris)
Lange, J. de
Internationale Kunstausstellung 1926 (Dresden)
Galerie Ernst Arnold (Dresden)
Gutbier, L.W.
M.-A. Bastide, antiquaire (Avignon)
Pach, Walter [to N.E. Montross] [item No. 35]
N.E. Montross Gallery (New York) [to F.C. Bartlett] [item Nos. 36, 37]
Duret, Théodore [to W. Pach] [item Nos. 38-41, inclusive]
Bartlett, Frederic Clay [to PR] [item Nos. 42-43]
M.-A. Bastide, antiquaire (Avignon)
Kunsthalle Bâle (Basel)
Barth, G.
Athis, Alfred
Bachstitz Gallery (The Hague)
Barbezat Packard (Paris)
Atelier Primavera (Paris)
Laguionie & Cie (Paris)
Association Française d'Expansion et d' Échanges Artistiques (Paris)
Brussel, Robert
Exposition d'Art Français Moderne (Geneva)
Rosenberg, Paul [retro of item No. 52]
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune, Gaston
Bernheim, Josse
Bernheim Jeune & Cie, éditeurs (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Berthel, Albert
Bernheim Jeune, Jean
Rosenberg, Paul [retro of item No. 62]
Bernheim Jeune, Claude
Bernheim Jeune, Gaston
Berthel, Albert
Bodenhausen-Degener (Berlin)
Rosenberg, Paul retro of item No. 70]
C.T. Bowring & Co. (Insurance) Ltd. (London)
Brown, Sidney
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Leicester Galleries (London)
Léon Bucaille, notaire (Paris)
Bucher, Jeanne
Bibliothèque Étrangère, tableaux-éditions de gravures (Paris)
Librairie Budry & Cie (Paris)
Buehler, Richard
Carnegie Institute, European Representative (Paris)
Lerolle, Guillaume
M. Knoedler & Co. (London)
Carstairs, Carroll
Cassirer, Bruno
N.V. Amsterdamsche Kunsthandel, Paul Cassirer & Co. (Amsterdam)
Feilchenfeldt, Walter
Paul Cassirer Kunst-Ausstellung (Berlin)
Rosenberg, Paul [item Nos. 108-115, inclusive]
Albert Cavalier Fils (Marseille)
Vicart, Gabriel
Le Centaure, Galerie d'Art Contemporain (Brussels)
Schwarzenberg, W.
Christie Manson & Woods (London)
The Bookshop (Bristol)
Cleverdon, Douglas
Christie Manson & Woods (London)
Gourgaud, Napoléon (baron)
Weill, David
Cleverdon, Douglas
Cloix, Pierre
P. & D. Colnaghi & Co. (London)
Chambre des Commissaire-Priseurs (Paris)
Wendland, Hans
Administration des Contributions Directes. Contrâle de la Madeleine (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 138]

View PDF of folder I.A.84.a

I.A.84.b Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; black-ground photostat interpositive; PR notes on letters received or handwritten drafts of letters sent; typescript office copy of PR letters sent; cartes de visite; handwritten statement of account; drafts of legal agreement [item Nos. 108-115]. Original folder ["Correspondence, A-F, Année 1926"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 141-275; item numbers not present: 153. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 162a, 170a.

Paul E. Cremetti, Fine Art Dealer (London)
Credito Svizzero (Lugano)
Kiel, Hanna
Dayot, Armand
Decourcelle, Pierre
Decourcelle, Edmée
Galerie d'Art Français J.-F. van Deene (Amsterdam)
Delgouffre, Jean
La Crémaillère (Paris)
Delore, Jacques
Devambez, graveur (Paris)
Laurencin, Marie
J. van der Does, tableaux anciens (Brussels)
Dreveton, Em.
Donop de Monchy, E.
Galerie van Diemen & Co. (Berlin)
Plietzsch, Eduard
Jahresschau Deutscher Arbeit Dresden 1926: Internationale Kunstausstellung (Dresden)
Pevsner, Nikolaus
Donnoy, Marie
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Donop de Monchy, E.
Duveen Brothers, Ltd. (London)
Duveen & Walker, Insurance Brokers (London)
Wallis & Son, French Gallery (London)
Duveen, Ernest [item No. 175]
Ehrensperger (Zurich)
Elias, Julius
Kunstzalen Erica (The Hague)
Zürcher, P.J.
Comédie Française, Administration Générale (Paris)
Fabre, Émile
Faille, Jacob-Baart de la [item Nos. 185-204, 206-212]
Rosenberg, Paul [item Nos. 212, retro of 185]
Galerie H. Fiquet (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul [item Nos. 214, 215, 216]
Rudolf Bangel (Frankfurt)
Syndicat des Éditeurs d'Art et Négociants en Tableaux Modernes
Bernheim Jeune, Jean
Porzellanfabrik Arno Fischer (Jlmenau i. Thüringen)
Galerie Alfred Flechtheim (Dusseldorf / Berlin)
Flechtheim, Alfred [item Nos. 219-228, 230-271]
Jahresschau Deutscher Arbeit Dresden 1926: Internationale Kunstausstellung (Dresden)
Posse, Hans [item No. 229]
Grosse Ausstellung Düsseldorf 1926 für Gesundheitspflege, Soziale Fürsorge und Leibesübungen (Dusseldorf) [item No. 236]
Rosenberg, Paul [item Nos. 234, 244, 261, 264]
Foire Internationale de Francfort, Agence Générale pour la France (Paris)
Syndicat des Éditeurs d'Art et Négociants en Tableaux Modernes (Paris)
La Fraternité des Artistes (Paris)
Bartholomé, A.

View PDF of folder I.A.84.b

I.A.85 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR notes on letters received or handwritten drafts of letters sent; typescript office copy of PR letters sent; cartes de visite. Original folder ["Correspondence, M-R, Année 1926"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-85; item numbers not present: 41, 83.

MacColl, D.S.
A. Mak (C.F. Roos & Cie), ventes d'antiquités et d'objets d'art (Amsterdam)
Faille, Jacob-Baart de la
H. Mallon & Cie, transports (Paris)
Société des artistes tchécoslovaques MÀNES (Prague)
Toman, Josef
National Gallery (London)
Manson, J.B. [item No. 12]
Masurel, Ernest
Galerie Matthiesen (Berlin)
Wolowski, A.
Monet, Blanche Hoschedé [item No. 21]
Monteux, J.L.
Mourey, Gabriel
Muller, Alfred
National Art-Collections Fund (London)
MacColl, D.S.
Prince, D.W.
National City Bank of New York (New York)
Stillman, C.C. [estate of]
Murat, Hélène (princesse)
Neffgen-Antoine, Berthe
Noailles, Charles de
Hugo Perls, Kunsthandlung (Berlin)
Paraf, Louis
Perls, Hugo
Wouters, Ch.
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Plesch, Joh.
Polignac, J. de (comte)
Internationale Kunstausstellung, Jahresschau Deutscher Arbeit
Dresden 1926 (Dresden)
Posse, Hans
De la Rancheraye & Co., transports (Paris)
Rasty, de (comte)
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 63]
Rasty, de (comtesse)
Reber, G.F.
Fritsch, G.H.
Reinhart, Oskar
Renouard, Jane
Direction Générale des Contributions Directes (Paris)
Emil Richter, Moderne Galerie und Bücherstube (Dresden)
Baumbach, Erich E.
Ring, Grete
Marcel Rivière, administrateur (Paris)
Rosambert, Willy
Royer, G.
J. Rump (Copenhagen)

I.A.86 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR notes on letters received or handwritten drafts of letters sent; typescript office copy of PR letters sent; cartes de visite; typescript of expertise opinion; small black/white photo print [item No. 27]. Original folder ["Correspondence, S-Z, Année 1926"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-138; item numbers not present: 69, 72.

Jenny Salzer, Kunsthandlung (Vienna)
Arthur Schey, Rechtsanwalt (Vienna)
S. Sevadjian (Paris)
Max Silberberg (Breslau)
Galerie Simon (Paris)
Kahnweiler, Daniel Henri
Heinrich Stahl (Berlin-Dahlem)
Staub, Emil
Stoperan, Th.
Meier-Graefe, Julius [typescript copy of text with indication "gez Meier-Graefe" (abbreviation for "signed")] [item No. 14]
Stoperan, Th.
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 17]
Wildenstein & Co. (New York)
Stransky, Josef
Perls, Hugo
Paul Sturmer & Fils, antiquités (Metz) [photo attached, item No. 27]
Sturmer, Ernest
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 28]
Ed. Sturzenegger (Saint Gallen)
Rosenberg, Paul [retro of item No. 32]
Städelsches Kunstinstitut (Frankfurt)
Swarzenski, George
Paul Sturmer & Fils, antiquités (Metz)
Syndicat des Éditeurs d'Art et Négociants en Tableaux Modernes (Paris) [item No. 40]
Bernheim Jeune, Jean
Galerie Thannhauser (Lucerne)
Thannhauser, Justin
Moderne Galerie Heinrich Thannhauser (Munich)
Tooth, Dudley
R. Tullat (Paris)
Vanity Fair (New York)
Crowninsheild, Frank
Rahman, Lincoln
Galerie Vavin Raspail (Paris)
Daber, Alfred
Maurice Vidal, tapis d'Orient (Paris)
Estailleur, W.A. de
Rosenberg, Paul [item Nos. 82-85 inclusive]
William Marchant & Co., Goupil Gallery (London)
Volterra, Giuseppe
French Gallery (London)
Winchester, W.P.
Wallis & Son, French Gallery (London)
Bonnaire, Henri
The Sphere (London)
Société du Droit d'Auteur aux Artistes (London)
Weil, David
Ernest Wengenmayer & Co. (Munich)
Geo. W. Wheatley & Co. (Munich)
Wiborg, Mary
Wildenstein (Paris)
Wildenstein & Co., Inc. (New York)
Wildenstein, Félix
Frua de Angeli, Carlo
Reber, G.F.
Mak, A.
Zayas, Marius de [item Nos. 134, 135, 136-137]

View PDF of folder I.A.86

I.A.87 Correspondence: Paul Rosenberg

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR notes on letters received or handwritten drafts of letters sent; typescript office copy of PR letters sent; cartes de visite; handwritten list of pictures. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-238; item numbers not present: 172-177 inclusive, 182, 220. Item number added to unmarked item: 206a.

Volterra, Giuseppe
Volterra, Gualtiero
Wallis & Son (London)
Wallis, Harry
Wilenski, R.H.
Winchester, W.P.
Gourgaud (baron)
Wiborg, Mary
Weil, Colette
Galerie Mantelet, tableaux modernes (Paris)
Laurencin, Marie
Wiborg, Mary
Wildenstein & Co. (New York)
Wildenstein, Félix
Goodyear, A. Conger
Hinze van Hasselt (Rotterdam)
École Nationale des Beaux-Arts de Dijon
Les Cahiers d'Art (Paris)
Société du Droit d'Auteur aux Artistes (Paris)
Ratter, Frank
Sunday Times (London)
Zervos, Christian
Duret, Théodore
Zervos (Madame)
Zayas, Marius de
Société du Droit d'Auteur aux Artistes (Paris)
Duchemin, J.-L.
A.M.A.K., vente d'antiquités et d'objets d'art (Amsterdam)
Faille, J.-B. de la
Musée du Luxembourg (Paris)
Masson, Charles
Marx, Claude Roger
E. Masurel-Huet (Roubaix)
Michelle, Louis
Moch, F.
Moser, Hugo
Muller, Alfred
Müller, C.E.Th.
Koechlin, Raymond
Direction des Musées Nationaux et de l' École du Louvre (Paris)
Verne, Henri
Noailles, Charles de
Les Éditions G. Van Oest (Paris)
Galerie d'Art Moderne (Ostende, Belgium)
Établissements I. Oppenheimer (Paris)
Silva, R.
Pacquement, Charles
Pageot, R.
Palette Française (Paris)
J. Rotil, cadres anciens (Paris)
F. Rieder et Cie Éditeurs (Paris)
Marcel Rosenbaum (Strasbourg)
Alex Reid & Lefèvre, Ltd. (London)
Reid, A.J. McNeill
Reber, G.F.
Fritsch, G.H.
Macdonald, D.M.
Alex Reid & Lefèvre, Ltd. (London)
Rétat, G.
Éditions des Quatre Chemins (Paris)
[Walter, W.]
Staub, Emil
Stoperan, Th.
Stransky, Josef
Stahl, Heinrich
Staub, Emil
Société du Droit d'Auteur aux Artistes (Paris)
Laurencin, Marie
Duchemin, J.-L.
La Victoria de Berlin, assurances (Paris)
Hesse & Stahl (Berlin)
Sforni, Gustavo
Sevadjian, S.
Seligmann, O.S.
M. Knoedler & Co. (London)
Carstairs, Carroll .S.
Rosenberg, Paul [verso of No. 149]
Krasinski, Jean (comte)
René Lafitte, avoué près la Cour de Paris (Paris)
F. Lair Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Maître Lanquest, notaire (Paris)
Duret, Théodore [estate of]
Comité d'Expansion Intellectuelle & Artistique aux Colonies (Paris)
Leblond, Ary
Léon, Maïtena
Lérolle, Guillaume
Goodyear, A. Conger
Rosenberg, Paul [verso of 167]
Carnegie Institute, Department of Fine Arts (Pittsburgh)
Direction Générale des Contributions Directes (Paris)
Sadler, M.E.
Schmitz, Oscar
Posse, Hans
Schweizerischer Bankverein (Basel)
Kleine Galerie, C. Stenzel (Munich)
Stenzel, C.
Rosenberg, Paul
Joubin, André
Kahn, Pierre
Joliot, M.
Imberti, éditeur (Bordeaux)
Hirsch, Robert von
Michel, Hubert
Dombours (Madame)
Henraux, A.P.
[Herold, W.]
Hirsch, Robert von
Rosenberg, Paul [verso of Item No. 201]
Huize van Hasselt, Kunsthandel (Rotterdam)
Henke, Karl
Reber, G.F.
Franz Hanfstaengl, Kunst- und Verlagsanstalt (Munich)
Halmloser (Madame)
Hackenbach, Carl
Halvorsen, Walther
Rosenberg, Paul [verso of Item No. 209]
Gulbenkian, Calouste S.
Atelier Primavera, atelier d'art moderne (Paris)
Guillaume, Paul
Goodyear, A. Conger
Guilleré, René (Madame)
Guérault, F.
Gieger, J.M.
Goodyear, A. Conger
Rosenberg, Paul [verso of Item No. 219]
Gourgaud (baron)
F. Goldner, assureur ()
Goodyear, A. Conger
Stransky, Josef
Lérolle, Guillaume
P. Navez (Paris)
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Goodyear, A. Conger
Le Rouge et le Noir (La Madeleine-lez-Lille)
Thomas Agnew & Sons (London)
Kunstsalon Hermann Abels (Cologne)
Faille, Jakob Bart de la
Rosenberg, Paul [on recto of Item No. 234, also a miniature sketch]
Préfecture du Département de la Seine (Paris)
Administration générale de l'Assistance publique à Paris
American Express Company Inc. (Paris)
Les Amis de l'Amour de l'Art (Paris)

View PDF of folder I.A.87

I.A.88 Correspondence S-T

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; illustrated postcards; cartes de visite; copy of text of legislative decree; printed material.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-155; item number not present: 53, 104, 144.

Stokvis, H.
Strecker, W.
Sweeney, James J.
Syndicat des Éditeurs d'Art et Négociants en Tableaux Modernes (Paris)
Bernheim-Jeune, Josse
Dussieux, A.R.
Galerie Tanner (Zurich)
Tedesco Frères (Paris)
Goldschmidt, Jakob
Tavel, N.
Galerien Thannhauser (Berlin)
Galerie Thannhauser (Lucerne)
The Studio Magazine (London)
Holme, C.G.
Thiele, Ivan
Tietz, Alfred Leonhard
Rosenberg, Paul
Toplis and Harding (Paris)
Tyler & Co. Assessors (Paris)
Deene, J.F. van
Galerie Vavin Raspail (Paris)
Berger, Max
Verdier, L.
Verhoustraeten, L.
Éditions des Quatre Chemins (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Perls, Hugo
Pissarro, Paul Émile
Preslier & Dorel Architectes (Paris)
Der Propyläen-Verlag (Berlin)
Galerie Simon (Paris)
Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry
Clarkson, Grosvenor
Chadbourne, M.
Rosenberg, Paul
Galerie Marcel Bernheim (Paris)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Cailleux, Paul
Cassirer, Bruno
Rosenberg, Paul
Bruno Cassirer Verlagsbuchhandlung (Berlin)
Kunst und Künstler (Berlin)
Paul Cassirer (Berlin)
Feilchenfeldt, Walter
Caspari, Georg
Rosenberg, Paul
Galerie Caspari (Munich)
Bühler, E. Richard
Frans Buffa & Zonen (Amsterdam)
Bibliothèque Étrangère (Paris)
Bucher, Jeanne
Ernest Brown & Phillips. Leicester Galleries (London)
Brown, Sidney W.
C.T. Bowring & Co. Insurance Ltd. (London)
Braunschweigische Bank (Braunschweig)
Brame, Hector
Antiquités P. Bouvier (Paris)
Bourdariat, Édouard
Berthel, Albert
Bernheim-Jeune, Josse
Rosenberg, Paul
Bernheim de Villers, Claude
Bernheim, Georges
Bernadotte, de (baron)
Éditions Les Beaux-Arts (Paris)
Belvalette, Jacqueline
Bastide, M.-A.
Les Amis de l'Amour de l'Art (Paris)
André, Paul
Galerie Ernst Arnold (Dresden)
Arts Club of Chicago
Carpenter, John Alden
Association Française d'Expansion et d' Échanges Artistiques (Paris)
Bakwin, Ruth Morris
Baraer, Pierre
Baudet, Donon & Roussel (Paris)

View PDF of folder I.A.88

I.A.89 Correspondence S-T

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; news clippings; cartes de visite.

Range of item numbers assigned: 1-135; all item numbers present. Item numbers added: 94a, 94b.

Elias, Ludwig
Fabbri, Egisto
Faille, Jacob-Baart de la
Ventes d'Antiquités et d'Objets d'Art (Amsterdam)
Féral, Jules
Flechtheim, Alfred
Galerie Alfred Flechtheim (Dusseldorf)
De Maré, Rolf
Rosenberg, Paul
Valentin, Curt
Levy, Rudolf
Fletcher, Richard
Rosenberg, Paul
Freundlich, Otto
Furst, Herbert
Carnegie Institute (Pittsburgh)
Lerolle, Guillaume
Laroche, Jacques
Laroche, Henry Jean
Lieffroy de Grivel
Lévy, Georges
Liljevalchs Konsthall (Stockholm)
Albert Loevenich Antiquitäten (Cologne)
Gold, Alfred
Gallatin, A.E.
Galerie M. Goldschmidt (Frankfurt)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
Elias, Ludwig
Éditions des Quatre Chemins (Paris)
Walter, W.
Duveen, Joseph
National Gallery (London)
Ede, H.S.
Duveen Brothers Inc. (Paris)
Lowengard, Armand
Durand-Ruel, Joseph
Duval-Fleury, Émile
Pioche, René
Deloncle, Charles
L'Art et les Artistes (Paris)
Dayot, Armand
Dalì, Salvador
Cunard, M. (Lady)
Coleman, H.C.
Cohen, B.
Villon, Jacques
Crotti, Jean
Laurencin, Marie
Rosenberg, Paul
Cournault, A.
Courtauld, Samuel
Stanhope, Cicely

I.A.90 Correspondence [PR personal]

Handwritten and typescript letters received; insurance notices; receipts for services and goods.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-17; all item numbers present.

Établissements Radio L.L.
Touring-Club de France (Paris)
Estailleur, W.S. de
Parry, Georges
L'Urbaine & La Seine Assurances (Paris)
Compagnie Anonyme des Établissements Chéri (Paris)
Stéphan Nollet Décoration (Paris)

I.A.91 Correspondence [Chénard-Huché; Charlot]

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; bills and receipts for services; two original pencil sketches (circa 3x5") by Chénard-Huché [item Nos. 16, 17]; one page of six miniature sketches by Charlot [item No. 61].

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-83; item numbers not present: 38, 48. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 20a, 72a.

Chénard-Huché, Georges
A. Garnier (Aix-en-Provence)
Charlot, Louis
Société du Salon d'Automne (Paris)
Exposition Française de Sarrebruck (1919)
Vicart, Gabriel
Renoir, R.

I.A.92 Correspondence [Chénard-Huché]

Handwritten letters and telegrams received; receipts for services; one original pencil portrait sketch by Chénard-Huché [item No. 47].

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-96; all item numbers present.

Chénard-Huché, Georges
Louis Anglès, Emballeur (Marseille)

I.A.93.a Correspondence [Gros; Silva White; Wallis and Son]

Handwritten letters and telegrams received by PR; letters handwritten letters received by Charles Gros in reply to advertisement [item Nos. 72, 73, 74]; stamped postcards (some illustrated); cartes de visite; handwritten lists; a receipt and an invoice.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-469; item numbers not present: 43. Item number 62 and 255 are given twice. Item number added to unmarked item: 85a.

Gros, Charles [various correspondents of]

I.A.93.b Correspondence [Gros; Silva White; Wallis and Son]

Handwritten letters and telegrams received by PR. See I.A.93.a.

Silva White

I.A.93.c Correspondence [Gros; Silva White; Wallis and Son]

Handwritten letters and telegrams received by PR. See I.A.93.a.

Silva White
Wallis and Son, The French Gallery (London)
Ward, M.
Wedmore, Frederick
Wolf, Sylvain

I.A.94.a Correspondence [Miscellaneous]

Handwritten letters received by PR; letter (ALS) received by Alexandre Rosenberg (père), dated 1893 [item No. 102]; cartes de visite; stamped postcard and envelope; handwritten lists.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-132; all item numbers present. Item numbers 15 and 16 are given twice. Item number added to unmarked item: 16a. Item numbers 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 108, 109, 110, 111, and 112 correspond to documents apparently extraneous to the PR collection and were transferred to file I.A.94.b while further clarifications are sought with regard to their origin.

Bissière, Roger
André, Albert
Allard, J.
Girod, S.
Fayet, Gustave
Goldammer, F. von (baron)
Esnault-Peltérie, G.
Roux, Félix
Hollender, B.
Wilmerding, Louis
Sternberg-David, N.
Espagnat, Georges de
Delteil, Loÿs
Flechtheim, Alfred
Flechtheim, M.
Dagnan, P.
Jourdain, Francis
Béraud, Jean
Resvallières, G.
Devambez, André
Guérin, Marcel
Guinand, Hélène
Marin, René
Rochet-Schneider (Lyon)
Apollinaire, Guillaume [item No. 77]
Bernheim, Georges
Chadbourne, Marjorie
Beaumont, Étienne de (comte)
Berne-Bellecour, G.
Bernheim, Georges
Esnault-Peltérie, G.
Rosenberg, Alexandre (père) [item No. 102]
Weill, J.
Ward, H.
Sevadjian, S.
Roux, Félix
Saint Paul Institute (Minnesota)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Roby, Gabriel
Barbazanges, H.
Poole, Abram
Fayet, Gustave

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1893, 1909-1923
I.A.94.b Correspondence [Miscellaneous]

Item numbers 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 and 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, originally included in the sequence of numbers of I.A.94.a, correspond to miscellaneous documents apparently extraneous to the PR collection and are currently segregated in this separate folder pending further clarification with regard to their origin. See Series I description in 'Scope and Content' for further clarification.

Subseries I.B: Exhibitions files 1906-1928

Folder Title Date
I.B.1 "Exposition de l'Art Français du XIXe siècle"

Press clippings from French and international newspapers; PR handwritten letter drafts; handwritten copy of PR letters sent; handwritten and typescript letters received by PR; exhibition permissions; handwritten lists; receipts for loans of pictures; hand-compiled, printed ledger pages; miscellaneous expense and sales receipts. Original folder ["Publicité; Recettes; Dépenses; Souscriptions; Divers; Factures conditionelles; Lettres; Reçus; Commandes Photos"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-112; item numbers not present: 74, 75, 76, 77. Item number added to unmarked item: 59a.

Rosenberg, Paul
Galerie Georges Petit (Paris)
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune et Cie (Paris)
Galerie Haussmann (Paris)
Paris. Cabinet du Préfet de Police.
République Française. Ministère de l'Instruction Publique et des Beaux-Arts. (Paris)
Association Nationale des Mutilés de la Guerre (Paris)
Roux, Félix
Desgranges, Lucien
Sevadjian, S.
Société du Salon d'Automne (Paris)
Jourdain, Frantz
République Française. Présidence de la République.
Ville de Paris. Cabinet du Président du Conseil Municipal.
Rosenberg, Paul
Kann, Alphonse
Duret, Théodore
Strauss, J.
Decourcelle, Pierre
Viau, S.
Georges Petit (Paris)

I.B.2 "Exposition Bissière"

Press clippings from French newspapers (some illustrated); typescript letter from postering company; typescript and handwritten lists. Original folder ["Publicité"] segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-39; item numbers not present: 4.

Affichage Moulin (Paris)

I.B.3 "Exposition du Bon Bock"

Handwritten and typescript letters received by PR; typescript and handwritten lists and ledger pages; receipts; printed announcements. Original file segregated in folder.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-13; all item numbers present.

Fraternité des Artistes (Paris)
Société des Amis du Louvre (Paris)
République Française. Chambre des Députés.
Koechlin, Raymond
Paris. Cabinet du Préfet de la Seine.
République Française. Ministère du Commerce et de l'Industrie.
République Française. Sénat.
Deloncle, Charles
Chaumy, E.

I.B.4 "Exposition Cézanne - Renoir"

PR handwritten notes, lists and editing of typescript and handwritten letter drafts and proofs. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-17; all item numbers present.

Rosenberg, Paul
Bernheim, Georges
Malleterre (general)
Greffulhe, de (comtesse)
Niox (general)
Association des Mutilés de la Guerre (Paris)
Galerie Manzi, Joyant & Cie (Paris)

I.B.5 "Exposition Challié"

Press clippings from French newspapers (includes clippings related to the Toulouse-Lautrec exhibition); telegram; penciled editing of printer's proofs; handwritten letters and loan receipts received by PR; exhibition catalog. Original folder segregated in file (handwritten notes on inside cover).

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-81; item numbers not present: 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81.

Challié, Jean-Laurent
Edgar Brandt ferronnier d'art (Paris)
Borel, Albert
Roblès, Rafael
Aesculape, revue mensuelle (Paris)
Nord, D.

I.B.6 "Exposition Louis Charlot"

Handwritten ledger pages and lists; copies of printed exhibition brochure and flyer; letters (ALS, TLS), receipts, invoices, notices received by PR; press clippings from French newspapers.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-45; item numbers not present: 25.

Charlot, Louis
Adler, Jules
Alger & Chénot (Paris)
Société Nationale des Beaux Arts (Paris)
Raguet, Eugène

I.B.7 "Exposition Louis Charlot - Galeries Barbazanges"

Handwritten lists; copies of printed exhibition invitations (and proofs); invoices and reports on postering from publicity company; blueprint of Galeries Barbazanges; handwritten draft for critique of the artist's work; four catalog photos, commercially printed. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-40; all item numbers present.

Affichage National Dufayel (Paris)
Galeries Barbazanges (Paris)

I.B.8 "Exposition Louis Charlot" [and François Durrio Exhibition]

Handwritten exhibition plans, sketches and lists; drafts of exhibition catalog; copies of printed catalog proofs; letters (ALS) received by PR; clippings from French newspapers. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-116; item numbers not present: 15, 19. Item numbers 42 and 71 are given twice.

Rosenberg, Paul
Charlot, Louis
Durrio, François

I.B.9 "Exposition Louis Charlot"

Letters (ALS) received by PR; editing of typescript and handwritten catalog drafts and proofs for Charlot exhibition (along with Jean Dunand); other handwritten lists; clippings from French newspapers (includes clippings related to "Exposition Centennale de l'Art Français du XIXe siècle au Musée Royal de Copenhague"). Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-46; item numbers not present: 1, 3-18 inclusive.

Rosenberg, Paul
Dunand, Jean

I.B.10 "Exposition Daumier"

Letters (ALS) received by PR; PR handwritten letter drafts; handwritten lists; receipts for loan of pictures. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-32; all item numbers present.

Esnault-Peltérie, G.
Koechlin, Raymond
Mallet, M.
Viau, G.
Camentron, G.
Durand-Ruel & Fils (Paris)
Cahen, Gustave
Delteil, Loÿs
Rosenberg, Paul
Rouart, Henri
Tavernier, Adolphe

I.B.11 "Exposition P. Girieud"

Pages from La Gerbe containing exhibition reviews and wood block print illustrations; clippings from French newspapers and journals; Girieud exhibition invitations, one edited in pencil as draft copy. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-52; item numbers not present: 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38.

La Gerbe, (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul

I.B.12 "Exposition P. Girieud"

Exhibition catalog with full-page illustrations; clippings from French newspapers and journals (includes clippings related to "Exposition Centennale de l'Art Français du XIXe siècle au Musée Royal de Copenhague"). Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-46; item numbers not present: 1-8 inclusive.

I.B.13 Exhibitions (various artists) and Correspondence

Exhibition catalogs (some illustrated, some annotated by hand with prices); clippings from French newspapers and journals; handwritten annotations or editing in invitation and catalog proofs; handwritten and typescript lists of pictures, names, addresses, calculations; printed exhibition invitation cards, announcements, envelopes; letters (ALS, TLS) received by PR; receipts for loan of pictures; 8.5x6.5" black/white-sepia tone photograph [item No. 95]; two commercially printed catalog photographs; cartes de visite; folded (folio) copy of American Art News, Vol. V, No. 6, November 24, 1906 [item. Nos. 337-340]; folded (folio) copy of May 20, 1908 Paris newspaper Le Temps [item No. 358-359*; see Oversize III.E.2.a*]. Original folders segregated in file: press clippings (item Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4) pasted into retro of front cover of folder labeled "Exposition Hartz."

Exhibition catalogs of the Galeries Paul Rosenberg in this file:
Exposition Alfred Muller, May 1908 [2 copies]; Exposition Louis Hartz d'Amsterdam, May-June 1908; Exposition Zandomeneghi, October 1908.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-469; item numbers not present: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 68, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 146, 189, 190, 197, 198, 199, 234, 243, 244, 245, 255, 288, 320, 321, 343, 394, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420. Item number 50 given twice. Item number added to unmarked item: 154a. Item numbers 407-408 and 426-427 are glued together and are only partially legible.

Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Maison F. Langweil (Paris)
Halphen, Fernand
Adhémar, Jules
Kann, Alphonse
Vauvineux, M. de (comtesse)
Beurdeley, A.
Reinach, Joseph
Esnault-Peltérie, G.
Berne-Bellecour, G.
Legendre, E.
Rosenberg, Paul
Encadrements E. Paintendre (Paris)
Galerie de Tableaux Berne-Bellecour (Paris)
République Française. Manufacture Nationale des Gobelins. (Paris)
Viau, G.
Gaillard, Th.
Moreau-Nélaton, E.
Goupy, Gustave
Chapuis, Laurent
Sainsère, Olivier
Goujon, Étienne
Donop de Monchy, E.
Librairie Jean Schemit (Paris)
Seligmann, Jacques
Sforni, Gustavo
Sichel, A.
Staub, Emil
Bühler, Emil R.
Vauxcelles, Louis
Galerie Vildrac (Paris)
Vildrac, Rose
Villain, Auguste
Wildenstein, Georges
Cotelle, L.
Lonquéty, M.
Blot, Eugène
Carrier, Paul
Reinach, Joseph
Vicart, Gabriel
Gardin, Édouard
Galerie Eugène Blot (Paris)
St. Maurice, J. de
Royannez (Marseille)
Ruby, Léon
Saint-Léon, de (comte)
St-Maur, G. de (comte)
Reiss Frères (Paris)
Jean, René
Rosenberg, Paul
Roux, M.-G.
Royannez (Marseille)
Lemoisne, Paul André
Rosenberg, Paul
Estissae, de (duchesse)
Les Céramiques de Lachenal (Paris)
Durand-Ruel & Fils (Paris)
Caraman Chimay, de (princesse)
Baudin, Pierre
Girod, Pierre
Molènes, P. de
F. & J. Tempelaere (Paris)
Esnault-Peltérie, G.
Biron, de (marquis)
Th. Bonjean (Paris)
G. Camentron (Paris)
Delteil, Loÿs
Durand-Ruel & Fils (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Halphen, Fernand
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Sainsère, Olivier
Rouart, Henri
Saõ Joaquim, de (baron)
Leonino (baronne)
Kohn, Eugénie
Doucet, Jacques
Reinach, Joseph
Lachenal, J.
Tavernier, Adolphe
Eugène Blot, fondeur-ciseleur (Paris)
Félix Gerard Fils (Paris)
Durand-Ruel & Fils (Paris)
Esnault-Peltérie, G.
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Galerie des Artistes Modernes (Paris)
Boussod, Valadon & Cie (Paris)

View PDF of folder I.B.13

I.B.14 "Exposition Marie Laurencin"

PR handwritten notes [verso of item No.1]; exhibition catalog with full-page illustration: Exposition Marie Laurencin, March 1921 [3 copies]; clippings and pages from French newspapers and journals (including clippings related to "Exposition Picasso, 1921" and "Exposition Bon Bock"); folded (folio) copy of Paris arts newspaper Comoedia, 16 March 1921. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-137; item numbers not present: 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 134, 135.

Rosenberg, Paul

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I.B.15 "Exposition A. Lhote"

Letters (ALS): one receipt for PR and a letter to André Lhote; drafts of Lhote exhibition brochures with illustration; brochure for 1921 Picasso exhibition, with illustration; clippings and pages from French newspapers and journals. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-64; item numbers not present: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 24.

Rosenberg, Paul
Lhote, André

I.B.16 "Exposition Alfred Lombard"

Clippings from French and international newspapers and journals; draft copy of Lombard exhibition (with ceramics by Paco Durrio) catalog with handwritten price annotations; handwritten and typescript lists of names and of texts for Lombard catalog; letters (ALS) received by PR; eight printed pages extracted from L'Art Décoratif, with black/white illustrations. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-102; item numbers not present: 1-12 inclusive, 38, 80, 97, 98, 99.

Rosenberg, Paul
Fauchois, René
Lombard, Alfred
Gasquet, Joachim

I.B.17 "Exposition Léo Nardus"

Handwritten ledger account pages; full-page proof for magazine advertisement of exhibition; 4 black/white photographic prints; 9 commercially printed black/white reproductions of Nardus portraits; invitation card to exhibition, with pasted-in black/white illustration; ALS Léo Nardus-PR; typescript and handwritten lists of names/addresses. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-38; item numbers not present: 29-38 inclusive.

Ivanovitch, SV.
Nardus, Léo
Rosenberg, Paul

I.B.18 "Exposition Henri Rousseau"

Handwritten lists of names on inside of original folder; handwritten lists and calculations; clippings from French newspapers and journals; hand-corrected printed proofs for and 2 copies of catalog list of Rousseau exhibition; 3 copies of catalog list for Marie Laurencin 1923 exhibition at PR gallery, one updated by hand; cover of catalog list for Braque, Derain, Laurencin, Matisse, Picasso 1923 group exhibition at PR gallery, updated by hand; letters (ALS) received by PR from exhibition lenders. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-78; item numbers not present: 47, 48, 63, 64, 65, 66, 69, 70.

Villard, Antoine
Lefèvre, André
Level, André
Giraud, Léon
Guérin, Charles
Rosenberg, Paul

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I.B.19 "Exposition René Seyssaud"

Seyssaud exhibition catalog, with black/white illustration on cover; signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR from exhibition lenders; clippings and pages from French newspapers and journals; 2 handwritten pages, signed Arsène Alexandre, of text for printed catalog introduction; printed proofs of Seyssaud catalog; typescript lists of pictures; invoices for picture frames; handwritten drafts of text for printed invitations and catalog; stamped envelope. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-94; item numbers not present: 77, 81, 89. Item number 34 given twice.

Alexandre, Arsène
Honnorat, François
Viau, S.
Ruhlmann Décoration (Paris)

I.B.20 "Exposition Toulouse-Lautrec"

Clippings from French and international newspapers and journals; printed invitation card and first proofs of exhibition catalog, corrected in pencil; letters (ALS), memoranda, receipts received from lenders, or issued by PR; invitation to PR gallery exhibition (1914) of sculptures by A.J. Halou and of decorative art objects by Paul Iribe. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-85; item numbers not present: 1-13 inclusive, 72.

Rosenberg, Paul
Pellet, Gustave
Personnaz & Gardin (Paris)
Blot, Eugène
Galerie Eugène Blot (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Oller, Joseph
Duret, Théodore
Jardin de Paris aux Champs- Élysées (Paris)
Dunand, Jean
Kann, Alphonse
Duret, Théodore
Laroche, H.
Manzi, Joyant & Cie (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)

View PDF of folder I.B.20

I.B.21 "Vignon"

Handwritten calculations in pencil on inside cover (folded folio leaf) of original folder; letters (ALS), handwritten and typescript lists on printed letterhead paper, brief notes and receipts detailing PR acquisition among and sale to associates of shares in paintings by Victor Vignon.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-33; all item numbers present.

Rosenberg, Paul
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Bernheim, Georges
Hessel, Jos

I.B.22 "Exposition Cézanne-Renoir"

Letters of invitation (TLS); handwritten and typescript letter drafts and memoranda. Original folder segreagted in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-8; item numbers not present: 8.

Malleterre (general)
Association des Mutilés de la Guerre (Paris)
Galerie Manzi, Joyant & Cie (Paris)
Bernheim, Georges
Rosenberg, Paul

I.B.23 "Exposition Picasso," 1921; miscellaneous correspondence, notes, clippings, and other printed materials

Clippings and pages from French and international newspapers and journals related to Exposition Picasso, May-June 1921, Exposition Henri Rousseau, 1923, and Exposition A. Lhote, 1921; exhibition catalog with full-page illustration: Exposition Picasso, May-June 1921 [item Nos. 111-114]; folded folio copy of Paris daily L'Avenir of May 23, 1921 [item No. 153]; 9x11" black/white photo print [item No. 172]; PR handwritten letter drafts; handwritten drafts for exhibition catalog; carte de visite; replies to PR (ALS, TLS) from exhibition lenders; index cards with artwork information on Degas, Boudin, and Bissiere.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-183; item numbers not present: 4, 72, 73, 74, 75, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 108, 109, 115, 116, 117, 154, 160, 161, 164, 165, 168. Item number added to unmarked item: 23a.

Gimpel, G.
Williams, Wythe
Stein, Gertrude
Rosenberg, Paul
Beaumont, Étienne de (comte)

I.B.24 "Publicité New York"

Clippings and pages from French, American and international newspapers and journals (includes clippings related to a Braque exhibition and "Quelque peintres du XX siècle"); 5 folded folio leaves of complete copy of The Chicago Evening Post, Magazine of the Art World of May 4, 1926 [item Nos. 44-51, inclusive]; 4 folded folio leaves of complete copy of The Chicago Evening Post, Magazine of the Art World of May 11, 1926 [item Nos. 52-59, inclusive]; letterhead invoice sent to PR; 2 folded folio leaves of complete copy of Kunstauktion (Berlin) of July 15, 1928 [item Nos. 71-74 inclusive]; 3 copies of PR Toulouse-Lautrec exhibition brochure in New York, 1925. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-84; item numbers not present: 65, 66, 67, 68, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82. Item number added to unmarked item: 62a.

Destres & Caron, bois sculptés (Paris)
Paul Rosenberg & Co., Inc. (Paris)
Wildenstein Galleries (New York)

I.B.25 Miscellaneous documents re: collections

Clipping from an American newspapers [s.d.]; typescript catalog draft (no illustrations) of 230 impressions from engravings forming "The Bourbon Teniers Collection" [item Nos.: 2-31, inclusive]; 3 copies of lists of works of art, medieval to modern, in public and private collections in Europe and America, also containing textual references to a proposed 'exhibition' (date and author unknown) [item Nos.: 32-56, inclusive; 57-80, inclusive; 81-108, inclusive]; 2 leaves of handwritten names and addresses of individual collectors in Paris well-known to PR.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-111; item numbers not present: 103, 104, 105, 106, 107.

Rosenberg, Paul
Teniers, David [paintings by]
Bourbon (family) [art collections]

I.B.26 "Acceptations"

4 leaves with typescript lists of names of artists and collectors of Rosenbergs' circle.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-4; all item numbers present.

Rosenberg, Paul

c. 1925
I.B.27 "Mutilés de la guerre"

Printed envelope of the Associaton Nationale des Mutilés de la Guerre (Paris); Alphabetical lists of names and (Parisian) addresses composed in PR's hand and by others; shorter lists of names, by Parisian district; draft of text for letter of public appeal.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-30; item numbers not present: 1, 2, 3.

Association Nationale des Mutilés de la Guerre (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Léonce [?]
Malleterre (general)

c. 1917
I.B.28.a Miscellaneous print and graphic documents

Original black crayon sketch corresponding to design of J.-L. Challié exhibition catalog, Galeries Paul Rosenberg, 1914, along with 2 copies of final printed version of cover; Galeries PR Picasso exhibition letterhead envelope.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-222; item numbers not present: 138. Item numbers 1-2 and 7-222 correspond to documents apparently extraneous to the PR collection and were transferred to file I.B.28.b while further clarifications are sought with regard to their origin.

Challié, Jean-Laurent
Galeries Paul Rosenberg (Paris)

c. 1914
I.B.28.b Miscellaneous print and graphic documents

Prospectus brochure in English and full page example of an illustrative plate from "Early Italian Engraving. A critical catalogue … by A.M. Hind," to be published in 1938 and 1943; typescript copy in German of Hind catalogue text [presumably] on fine weight paper, with handwritten annotations and bibliographic updates as late as 1938; printed page of illustrations from book, with handwritten notes on verso [item No. 199]. Also contains 2 leaves with lists of paintings and prices, from the Galerie George Petit, Paris, 1921 [item Nos. 26, 27]. The dates of all items in this file exceed those of the PR Archives Series I collection.

NOTE: Item numbers 1-2 and 7-222, originally included in the sequence of numbers of I.B.28.a, correspond to miscellaneous documents apparently extraneous to the PR collection and are currently segregated in this separate folder pending further clarification with regard to their origin. See Series I description in 'Scope and Content' for further clarification.

M. Knoedler & Company (New York)
Bernard Quaritch, Ltd. (London)
Hind, A.M.
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)

c. 1938
I.B.29 Miscellaneous print, photo and graphic documents

Black/white photo print with handwritten expertise on retro by W. Bode, dated 1911; small exhibition catalogue of French paintings, printed in German and annotated by PR; printers' proofs for sale catalogue of "Benson: Holford Collection," bearing note and signature of Salomon Reinach; folded, printed folio leaves of illustrated auction catalogue; ledger leaves (with sewn binding now loosened) of handwritten lists (by PR secretary) and accounts of paintings and art objects on consignment among PR and colleagues, with PR annotations on first page and in margins throughout; handwritten ledger pages recording ordinary business accounting; typewritten pages of addresses of contacts residing throughout France and North Africa; typescript and handwritten PR letter drafts and notes; letter to PR regarding Millet.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-227; item numbers not present: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 216, 218, 221, 226, 227.

Bode, W.
Rosenberg, Paul
Neroccio [painted panel by]
Oxford University Press (United Kingdom)
Reinach, Salomon
Rosenberg, Paul
Galerie Georges Giroux (Brussels)
Finoelst, A. [collection of]
Rosenberg, Paul
Seligmann, Jacques
Davies (London)
Montesquieu, Robert de (comte)
Kraemer, Eugène
Wertheimer, Charles
Gramont, Louis René de (comte)

c. 1909-1930
I.B.30 "Quelque peintres du XXe siècle" exhibition, 1925; miscellaneous correspondence; lists.

Insurance and shipping notices; printed invitations; handwritten and typescript notes, lists of names and addresses, of pictures (with and without prices), of advertising locations in Paris; page of notarized legal petition; PR handwritten letter drafts and lists; cartes de visite; hand-drafted architectural plans for spaces occupied by Galeries PR, 38 Avenue de l'Opéra, Paris [item Nos. 27*, 27a*: in Oversize III.E.2.b*]; unsigned copy of rental agreement; handwritten, notarized copy of legal decision; typescript of deliberations of art merchants' association re: proposed legislation; press clippings and pages from French newspapers and journals; typescript, hand-corrected draft of text re: Franco-Scandinavian art exhibit [s.d.]; handwritten and typescript drafts of PR letters, with PR notes; 2.5 typescript leaves of text on art, in Swedish; letters received by PR. Former original Russian Archives file folder in Oversize III.E.2.b*.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-180; item numbers not present: 2, 4, 75, 76, 77, 78, 120, 121, 122, 123, 142, 143. 153, 154, 155. Item numbers 118 and 130 are given twice. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 27a and 28a.

Goupil Gallery (London)
Parry, G.
Rosenberg, Paul
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Halvorsen, Walther
Sayet, H.
Chez Paul Rosenberg (Paris)
Marcy, André de
Charlot, Louis
Grande Tombola des Artistes et des Écrivains français (Paris)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Vauxcelles, Louis
Rosenberg, Léonce
Rosenberg, Paul
Echevarria, Juan de
Gourgaud, Napoléon (baron)
F. Goldner assureur-conseil (Paris)
G. Mackay Morant & Co. (London)

View PDF of folder I.B.30

I.B.31 "Tombola" [benefit exhibit, 1914]; plus Miscellaneous correspondence, invoices and receipts

Handwritten and typescript receipts, invoices, bills; rental, service, transport, taxation notices; sketch of exhibition layout for Galerie PR by Edgar Brandt; notes and records re: charity exhibition and raffle; handwritten PR gallery balance sheets, 1914; handwritten lists of artists (incl. Picasso) and pictures, with prices.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-142; item numbers not present: 11, 19, 24, 25. Item numbers 79 and 97 are given twice.

H. Mallon & Cie (Paris)
Laglenne, Jean Francis
Charles Bastidon & Auguste Douet (Paris)
Romàn, Aurel
S. Nollet, tapisserie-décoration (Paris)
Art Institute of Chicago
Bossu, Virginie
Berne-Bellecour, G.
Bernheim, Georges
J. Garnier (Paris)
Lepoutre, C.
Brandt, Edgar
L. Jallot (Paris)
Ruhlmann (Paris)
Hopital Saint-Michel (Paris)
Th. Bonjean (Paris)

I.B.32 Mutilés de la guerre

Various documents related to the 1917 PR exhibition, "Exposition d'art français du XIXe siècle au profit de l'Association générale des mutilés de la guerre président-fondateur Général Malleterre," including correspondence and a list of names.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-11; all item numbers present.

Rosenberg, Paul
Lebasque, Henri
Guillaumin, Armand
Bail, Joseph(?)
Maxence, Edgar
Beltrand, Jacques
Girieud, P.P.
Chénard-Huché, Georges

Material integrated into the collection in 2023.


Subseries I.C: Invoices and receipts; miscellaneous correspondence, 1906-1928

Folder Title Date
I.C.1 Receipts: L. & P. Rosenberg Fils

Handwritten and printed receipts for local and international charges and services, purchase and sale of pictures, restoration and framing, consignments and returns.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-231; item numbers not present: 8, 30, 44, 45, 55, 64, 74, 90, 92, 110, 144, 147, 165, 188, 226, 231. Item numbers 179 and 223 are given twice.

P. Schneider (Frankfurt)
Bertault-Séguin (Neuilly)
Berliner Spedtion (Berlin)
Leggatt Brothers (London)
Madame E. Mey, journaux (Paris)
Brisson Frères-Chapuis, rentoileurs (Paris)
A.F. Knoepfler (Paris)
Gerard, Léon
Bonner, Frédéric
V. Louvet, calligraphie (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de l'Air Comprimé (Paris)
Kann, Alphonse
Cambrézy, doreur sur bois (Paris)
Caillard, André
Dowdeswell & Dowdeswells (London)
Charles Sedelmeyer (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Fils (Paris)
Joyant (Paris)
L. Lévy (Paris)
Gerard, Raphaël
Georges Bernheim (Paris)
Netherlands Gallery (London)
Jonas, Édouard
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Leicester Galleries (London)
Leggatt Bros. (London)
C. Brunner (Paris)
Bonjean, Théodore
Mauvalet, doreur sur bois (Paris)
Victor Decock, restaurateur (Paris)
A.H. Buttery (London)
Leggatt Bros. (London)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Christie Manson & Woods (London)
S. Guiraud (Paris)
Madame Vve Tulpinck (Paris)
Schall, J.
Rosenberg, Alexandre
Ephrussi, Ignace
Reinach, Théodore
Bertault-Séguin (Paris)
Lair-Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Fils (Paris)
L. Lévy (Paris)
J. & A. Le Roy frères (Bruxelles)
Leggatt Bros. (London)
E. Petit, emballeur-expéditeur (Paris)
A.H. Buttery (London)
Paul Chevallier, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
H. Sayet (Paris)
Georges Normand, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Cambrézy, doreur sur bois (Paris)
Paul Cassirer (Berlin)
Jonas, Édouard
Lair-Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
L. Lévy (Paris)
Sulley & Company (London)
Leggatt Bros. (London)
Jules Féral, expert (Paris)
Charles Sedelmeyer (Paris)
Th. Bonjean (Paris)
Rosenberg, Alexandre
C. Brunner (Paris)
Le Temps (Paris)
Le Figaro (Paris)
Steinmeyer & Stephan Bourgeois (Paris)
Paul Chevallier, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Imagerie de Luxe Killinger et Faivret (Paris)
A.F. Knoepfler (Paris)
Sulley & Company (London)
Th. Bonjean (Paris)
Librairies E. Flammarion & A. Vaillant (Paris)
Cusenier (Paris)
Mati, ameublement (Paris)
Béarn, Jean de (comte)
André, H.
Jonas, Édouard
Georges Bernheim (Paris)
Félix Gerard fils (Paris)
Compagnie Cosmos (Paris)
Maison Cambrézy (Paris)
Goupil Gallery (London)
Thomas McLean (London)
Marchant, William
Boussion & De Brauwer (Paris)
Stockwell & Cie (Paris)
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Leicester Galleries (London)
Michel-Lévy, L.
Obach & Co. (London)
Jules Féral, expert (Paris)
Bouvard, rentoilage (Paris)
Fortin & Cie (Paris)
Arnold & Tripp (Paris)
Marcy, André de
Charles Sedelmeyer (Paris)
Léon Gerard (Paris)
L. Accoyer (Paris)
Marlborough Gallery (London)
Silva White (London)
S. Guiraud (Paris)
Félix Gerard fils (Paris)
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Leicester Galleries (London)
Fortin & Cie (Paris)
Landras (Paris)
Bertault-Séguin (Paris)
J. Chenue (Paris)
Paul Chevallier, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
William Marchant & Co., Goupil Gallery (London)
Wallis & Son, French Gallery (London)
Dowdeswell & Dowdeswells (London)

I.C.2.a Receipts

Multiples of handwritten and printed receipts and documents for local and international taxes, charges and services, shipping and insurance, purchase and sale of pictures, consignments and returns; banking statements; travel expense accounts; cartes de visite.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-279; item numbers not present: 167, 198. Item number added to unmarked item: 216a.

Édouard Théveniaud, expéditions (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, dorure-encadrements (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Ch. Pottier, expéditeur (Paris)
H. Mallon & Cie, agence maritime (Paris)
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Ernest Dalbret, antiquités (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Marcel Rivière, administrateur (Paris)
Hessel, Jos
Picasso, Pablo [item No. 47: see Special collection folders.]
Wildenstein (Paris)
L. Maurice, annuaire des ventes (Paris)
Bernheim, Georges
Renoir, E.
Labille, Charlotte
Sachs, Paul J.
Garnier, transports (Paris)
Paul Rosenberg (Paris)
Édouard Théveniaud, expéditions (Paris)
Lloyds & National Provincial Foreign Bank Ltd. (Paris)
Paul Lemare (Paris)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
A. Tardif & Cie, décoration d'intérieurs (Paris)
J. Rotil, cadres anciens (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)
Paul Lemare (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, dorure-encadrements (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Édouard Théveniaud, expéditions (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. (London)
Inagaki (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
F. Goldner, assurance (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. (London)
Hutchison, John (sir)
Jacques Chenue (London)
Charles Muller (Amsterdam)
Alex. Reid (Glasgow)
Paul Rosenberg (New York)
Galeries Wildenstein (New York)
Ingersoll, Anna
Thannhauser (Lucerne)
Oskar Reinhart (Winterthur)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Douanes Françaises (Paris)
Duveen (London)
Baratté, Emil
Chemins de Fer de l' État et de Brighton (Paris)
Chemins de Fer de l'Est (Paris)
Reinhart, Oskar
Internationale Spoorwegvervoer (Amsterdam)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Société du Salon d'Automne (Paris)
Charlot, Louis
Lalande, administrateur (Paris)
Lecomte, Valerie
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Direction des Services Téléphoniques de Paris (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, fabrique de cadres (Paris)
J. Rotil, cadres (Paris)
Legendre, produits chimiques (Paris)
Blot père & fils, emballages objets d'arts (Paris)
F. Goldner, assurances
G. McKay Morant & Co. (London)
Wallis (London)
Knoedler & Co. (London)
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, fabrique de cadres (Paris)
New York Herald Tribune (Paris)
Marlin-Nivet, fleurs (Paris)
Préfecture du Département de la Seine (Paris)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
Service Téléphoniques (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Chemins de Fer de l'Est (Paris)
Galerie Tanner (Zurich)
Laurencin, Marie
Journal Le Temps (Paris)
Schneider & Marais, transports internationaux (Paris)
Compagnie Internationale des Wagon-Lits & des Grands Express
Européens (Paris)
L'Art & les Artistes (Paris)
Joseph Pascal, restauration de tableaux (Paris)
Le Temps (Paris)
Geo. W. Wheatley & Cie, transports internationaux (Paris)
Wallis & Son (London)
F. Lair Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
Jules Roy, société de transit (Rouen)
Fred. Olsen & Co. (Christiana)
E. Olivier, cadres et décoration (Paris)
Papeterie F. Dupré (Paris)

I.C.2.b Receipts

Multiples of handwritten and printed receipts and documents for local and international taxes, charges and services, shipping and insurance, purchase and sale of pictures, consignments and returns; banking statements; travel expense accounts; cartes de visite.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 280-536; item numbers not present: 331, 334, 411, 414, 415, 419, 459, 489. Item numbers 433, 434-458 inclusive, and 536 correspond to documents apparently extraneous to the PR collection and were transferred to file I.C.2.d while further clarifications are sought with regard to their origin.

Postes, Télégraphies et Téléphones (Paris)
Vauxcelles, Louis
Lalande, administrateur (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Meismorin de Dombasle, L. de
Bernheim-Jeune & Cie (Paris)
F. Toinet & Cie, maçonnerie et travaux (Paris)
Besana & Cie, constructeurs (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de l'Air Comprimé (Paris)
Durand-Ruel & fils (Paris)
L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (Paris)
Lombard, Alfred
Compagnie Française pour l'Exploitation des Procédés
Thomson-Houston (Paris)
L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Carly (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
A. Gérard, cadres et dorure (Paris)
P. Mellet, encadrements (Paris)
Librairies E. Flammarion & A. Vaillant (Paris)
Gunzburg, Robert de (baron)
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)
François Van Hoof, doreur sur bois (Paris)
E. Coullet & Cie, ébénisterie (Nice)
Henri Baudoin, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Ville de Paris. Impât Général sur le Revenu.
Galeries Paul Rosenberg (Paris)
Vicart, Gabriel
Charles Bastidon & Auguste Douet, meubles anciens (Paris)
Société des Steeple-Chases de France (Paris)
S. Nollet, décoration (Paris)
Éditions des Quatre Chemins (Paris)
Société Anonyme des Établissements Borel (Neuilly-sur-Seine)
Zurich, Compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
J. Rotil, cadres anciens (Paris)
Société Générale de Crédit Industriel & Commercial (Paris)
Odilon Roche, cadres (Paris)
Lloyds & National Provincial Foreign Bank Ltd. (Paris)
Wall, Sidney E.

I.C.2.c Receipts

Multiples of handwritten and printed receipts and documents for local and international taxes, charges and services, shipping and insurance, purchase and sale of pictures, consignments and returns; banking statements; travel expense accounts; cartes de visite.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 537-830; item numbers not present: 622-690, 758, 823, 828. Item number 554 is given twice. Item number 536 has been transferred to file I.C.2.d.

Lloyds & National Provincial Foreign Bank Ltd. (Paris)
Société Générale de Crédit Industriel & Commercial (Paris)
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
Chemins de Fer du Nord (Paris)
Bourg, David
Hirschland, Georg Simon
Weigel, Leygonie & Cie, transports-douanes (Paris)
Au Printemps, Laguionie & Cie (Paris)
Établissements Lefranc (Paris)
Chemins de Fer de l' État, Grande Vitesse (Paris)
Moderne Galerie (Munich)
Thannhauser, Heinrich
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
Banque de France (Paris)
Hazai Bank (Budapest)
Ch. Pottier, emballage-expédition (Paris)
Personnaz & Gardin (Paris)
Georges Peyraud (Paris)

I.C.2.d Miscellaneous items

Item numbers 433, 434-458 inclusive, and item number 536, originally included in the sequence of numbers of I.C.2.b, correspond to miscellaneous documents apparently extraneous to the PR collection and are currently segregated in this separate folder pending further clarification with regard to their origin. The authors are unknown, handwriting not identified. See Series I description in 'Scope and Content' for further clarification.

c. 1938-1939
I.C.3 "Pièces particulières:" Receipts and bills

Receipt consignment of painting to PR; telephone bills; telegram message; brief handwritten note; printed receipt stub; local taxation notices; half sheet of blank taxed legal paper watermarked "République Française 1907." Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-20; all item numbers present. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 1, 11a and 11b.

Goldammer, F. von (baron)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Baguet, huissier (Paris)
République Française. Directeur des Contributions Directes.
Rosenberg, Léonce
Rosenberg, Paul

I.C.4 "Dossier particulier, M. Paul Rosenberg, 1917:" Correspondence and receipts

Handwritten and typescript letters and receipts received by PR; handwritten and typescript copy of letters sent by PR; printed and handwritten telegram messages; printed receipt stubs. Also includes six copies of letter transcriptions plus cover letter submitted to Alexandre P. Rosenberg of PR & Co in 1965: letters written in French in 1917 by PR in Paris to Henri-Pierre Roché in New York. The original letters passed into the collection of the son of Marius de Zayas. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-43; item numbers not present: 1, 15, 16.

Laurent, E.
Chocolat Dominique (Bayonne)
A. Demon (Paris)
Brandt, Edgar
Doucet Jeune (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Robert, Françoise
Pallard, G.
Rosenberg, Paul
Lalande, A.
L. Fontaine (Paris)
Malleterre (general)
Gaillard, architecte (Paris)
Lamarche-Guy Fils (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)
McVicker & Co., Tailors (London)
Paris. Président du Conseil Municipal.

I.C.5 "Dossier particulier, M. Paul Rosenberg, 1920:" Correspondence and receipts

Handwritten and typescript letters and receipts received by PR; cartes de visite; travel expense receipts; insurance policy and notices; printed receipt stubs; handwritten notes. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-56; all item numbers present. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 10a, 10b, 22a, 25a and 29a.

Maurice Vidal (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
Hotel Baur au Lac (Zürich)
Hotel Löwen (Winterthur)
L'Illustration (Paris)
Lévy, Raphael (grand rabbi)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Compagnie des Art Français (Paris)
E. Cana, fabrique de bronzes, marbres (Paris)
Grands Magasins du Louvre (Paris)
Roux, F.
Charles Aigner, constructeur de voitures (Paris)
Dreyfus, Henri
Compagnie d'Applications Mécaniques (Paris)
A. de Luze & Fils (Bordeaux)
Cartier, joaillier (Paris)
Compagnie d'Assurances Générales (Paris)
F. Goldner, assureur-conseil (Paris)
Crawley, Dixon & Bowring, Insurance Brokers (London)
Le Zénith, assurances (Paris)
D.W. Chapman, Fine Art Conveyancer (London)
Jordaan & Cie (Paris)
J. Baubiet, fabrique de bronzes, marbres (Paris)
L. Thirion, marbrier (Vaucresson)
L. Fontaine (Paris)
Robert, Françoise
Jules Coudyser, décorateur (Paris)

I.C.6.a Receipts

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and bills received by PR; cartes de visite; insurance policy notices; printed receipt stubs, most for registered mail sent; handwritten notes; and an invitation to "Exposition Challié," 1914.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-419; all item numbers present. Item numbers 8 and 333 are given twice. Also contained another distinct series of receipts: dated 1920, numbered 90-100, which have been transferred to file I.C.6.b.

Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Maison Maillard (Paris)
Comptoir National d'Escompte (Paris)
Chemins de Fer de l'Est (Paris)
Compagnie du Chemin de Fer du Nord (Paris)
Chemins de Fer de l' État, Grande Vitesse (Paris)
Zigomas, G.
Besana & Cie, constructeurs (Paris)
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)

I.C.6.b Receipts

File contains a distinct series of receipts: dated 1920, numbered 90-100, transferred from file I.C.6.a.

Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)

I.C.7 "Dossier personnel, Mr. P. Rosenberg, Année 1918:" Correspondence and receipts

Handwritten and typescript letters and receipts received by PR; handwritten notes. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-206; item numbers not present: 1, 5-15 inclusive, 23, 28, 32, 74, 154.

Chénard-Huché, Georges
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
Servan, joaillier (Biarritz)
Henri Winter, tailor (Paris)
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
J. Garnier, expéditeur (Paris)
Société du Gaz de Paris
J. Garnier, expéditeur (Paris)
William Marchant & Co. (London)
Électro-Modern (Paris)
Chemins de Fer de l'Est (Paris)
Jules Roy, transitaire (Rouen)
Crédit Industriel et Commercial (Paris)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Humbert de Wendel
Courrier de la Presse (Paris)
Jules Roy, transitaire (Rouen)
Bernheim, Georges
Fred Olsen & Co. (Christiania)
Stang, Joergen B.
Courrier de la Presse (Paris)
Léon Carnevali (Paris)
Ernest Dalbret, antiquités (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)
Duret, Théodore
Georges Peyreaud (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
F. Stassart, encadrements (Paris)
Vollard, Ambroise
Paul Lemare, photographe (Paris)
La Renaissance (Paris)
Béarn, J.B. de (comte)
Pierre Chenue, expéditeur (Paris)
J. Garnier, expéditeur (Paris)
F. Dupré (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Donop de Monchy, E.
Pierye de Mandiargues, D.
Galerie Druet (Paris)
Affraie, J.
Syndicat de la Presse (Paris)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Donop de Monchy, E.
Royannez (Marseille)
J. Garnier, expéditeur (Paris)
Émile Ottoz, dévernissage de tableaux (Paris)
Donop de Monchy, E.
La Foncière Compagnie d'Assurances (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe (Paris)
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
Vollard, Ambroise
Cloix, Pierre
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Société du Gaz de Paris
J. Garnier, expéditeur (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe (Paris)
Atelier de Reliure A. Keitt (Paris)
Rouart, J.
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Georges Bernheim (Paris)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Roger Renault & Cie, expéditeurs (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Astre, Achille
Halvorsen, Walther

I.C.8 Correspondence and receipts

Handwritten and typescript receipts and incoming invoices; ledger pages; printed bank statements; PR handwritten letter drafts; handwritten notes. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-251; item numbers not present: 191, 192, 193, 194, 199. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 166a, 180a.

Brown, Sidney W.
Cassirer, Bruno
Cie Parisienne de l'Air Comprimé (Paris)
F. Roser, courtier d'assurances (Paris)
F. Cohen & Cie (Paris)
A. Colbert, restaurateur de tableaux (Paris)
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
Madame F. Langweil (Paris)
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
Lloyds & National Provincial Foreign Bank Limited (Paris)
Crédit Industriel et Commercial (Paris)
Bruno Cassirer Verlag (Berlin)
Galerie l'Effort Moderne (Paris)
Rosenberg, Léonce
Henri Birman, décoration (Paris)
Bernheim, Georges
Rosenberg, Paul
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Crédit Industriel et Commercial (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Lloyds & National Provincial Foreign Bank Limited (Paris)
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Royannez (Marseille)
Guigou, Paul
Oller, Joseph
Fossati, A.
Tavernier, Adolphe
Coutard, joaillier (Paris)
Wendland, Hans
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Henry Binder, Aboucaya & Cie (Paris)
L. Bernard, sculpture (Paris)
Duveen Brothers (London)
A. Mak (Amsterdam)
Faille, Jacob-Baart de la

View PDF of folder I.C.8

I.C.9.a Correspondence and receipts

Handwritten and typescript receipts for goods and services, taxation, pictures bought and sold, consignments and third-party transactions; handwritten correspondence received by PR; typescript and handwritten memoranda, notes, ledger entries; printed receipt stubs for registered mail sent; banking statements and exchange notices; insurance policies and notices. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-215; item numbers not present: 39, 40, 129, 144, 145. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 50a, 61a, and 71a. Item numbers 1 and 188 are given twice.

Crédit Industriel et Commercial (Paris)
H. Sayet, avocat (Paris)
République Française. Direction Générale des Contributions Directes. (Paris)
L. Jallot, décoration (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Tabbagh Frères & Cie (Paris)
L. & P. Rosenberg Fils (Paris)
Galerie Eugène Blot (Paris)
E. Paintendre, encadrements (Paris)
Lepine, horlogerie (Paris)
Degas, Edgar [No. 51]
Cloix, Pierre
Rosenberg, Paul
Direction Générale des l'Enregistrement des Domaines et du Timbre (Paris)
Thos. Agnew & Sons (Paris)
Fayet, Gustave
Francis Legrand (Paris)
Lloyds & National Provincial Foreign Bank Limited (Paris)
Crédit Industriel et Commercial (Paris)
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
Chenue, emballeur (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Decourcelle, Pierre
H. Guastalla (Paris)
Montag, Max
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
John Underwood & Co. (Paris)
Chemins de Fer de Paris à Lyon et à la Méditerranée
Halvorsen, Walther
Crawley, Dixon & Co. Ltd. (London)
J. Garnier (Paris)
Roch Filippi (Maisons-Laffitte)
Fidele Souvenir (Paris)
O. Garros & Fils (Bordeaux)
Franklin Desmoulins (Deauville)
Lair-Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Automobiles de Place (Paris)
Roch Filippi (Maisons-Laffitte)
Thomson-Houston (Paris)
Établissements Chéri (Paris)
Touamoutou [PR race-horse, Paris]
Le Combat (Paris)
John Lane The Bodley Head Limited (London)
A. Keitt, atelier de reliure (Paris)
E. Chevalier (Paris)
Marcel Rivière (Paris)
Le Zénith, assurances (Paris)
Fleurs Naturelle Mme Marlin (Paris)
R. Gaillard, architecte (Paris)
Stransky, Josef
Staub, Emil
Duveen Brothers (New York)

View PDF of folder I.C.9.a

I.C.9.b Correspondence and receipts

Handwritten and typescript receipts for goods and services, taxation, pictures bought and sold, consignments and third-party transactions; handwritten correspondence received by PR; typescript and handwritten memoranda, notes, ledger entries; ten 3.5x5.5" black/white photos of French forces on parade in Wiesbaden [item Nos. 279-290, inclusive]; printed receipt stubs for registered mail sent; banking statements and exchange notices; insurance policies and notices. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 216-427; item numbers not present: 219, 257. Item number added to unmarked item: 225a.

J. Garnier (Paris)
Chemins de Fer de l' État (Paris)
Van Oppen Ltd. (Paris)
Quinn, John
John Underwood & Co. (Paris)
Old Bond St Galleries (London)
Thos Agnew & Sons (London)
Mme Vve A. Keitt, atelier de reliure (Paris)
La Renaissance (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Galerie Thannhauser (Basel)
Wildenstein (Paris)
Air Union (Paris)
Eisenloeffel (Amsterdam)
Ligue Franco-Anglo-Américaine contre le Cancer (Paris)
L. Gadon (Paris)
Joseph Pascal (Paris)
E. Baudoin (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Georges Bernheim (Paris)
Laurencin, Marie
Imberti, Paul
Daniel Jacomet & Cie (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. Insurance Brokers (London)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
Photohaus W. Lückefett (Wiesbaden)
Gazette des Beaux-Arts (Paris)
Baratte, Émile
Douanes Françaises (Paris)
Galerie Thannhauser (Lucerne)
Borel, Albert
Chemins de Fer de l' État et de Brighton (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Imberti, Paul
Galerie Simon (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, gravure (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Montag, Max
Transports Mondiaux (Paris)
J. Vala, encadrements (Paris)
Syndicat des Marchands de Tableaux, Objets d'Art, Curiosités (Paris)
République Française. Direction Générale des l'Enregistrement et du Timbre. (Paris)
Tedesco Frères, tableaux modernes (Paris)
A. Morin, encadrements (Paris)
J. Garnier, expéditeur (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, gravure (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Ph. Marzloff & Cie, transports maritimes (Paris)
Lepoutre, C.
Anzon-Caccamisi (London)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
Flamidor (Paris)
Crowley, Dixon & Bowring Ltd. Insurance Brokers (London)
R. Troulet, enseignes (Paris)
Affichage Moulin (Paris)
Tedesco Frères (Paris)
Automobiles Rochet-Schneider (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)
Audigier, Grimaud & Cie (Paris)
Roch Filippi (Maisons-Laffitte)
Gualdoni, opticien (Paris)
Agence Desmoulins (Deauville)
B. Esquerré (Paris)
S. Bleichröder (Berlin)
A. Brézina & Fils (Paris)
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
Jos. Hessel, expert (Paris)
Jacobi, expert (Paris)
Paris. Directeur des Contributions Diverses.
Comptoir National d'Escompte (Paris)
Société d'Assistance par le Travail (Paris)
Gustav Knauer, Möbeltransport (Berlin)
Galerie Flechtheim (Berlin)

I.C.10 Correspondence and receipts

Handwritten and typescript receipts and incoming invoices for goods and services, taxation, pictures and frames purchased or consigned; ledger pages; printed bank and insurance notices and statements; receipt stubs for registered mail and money orders sent. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-104; item numbers not present: 57, 93. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 2a, 25a, 65a, 101a.

Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
République Française. Service des Contributions Directes.
F. Henry Humbert (Florence)
Assicurazioni d'Italia (Florence)
Algier & Chénot, gravure (Paris)
Tassinari & Chatel (Paris)
Radio Magazine (Paris)
G. Loevi (Paris)
Association Nationale des Veuves de Militaires de Carrière Morts pour
la France
Établissements Radio-L.L. (Paris)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Hessel, Jos.
Joseph Pascal, chassis pour tableaux (Paris)
Louis Conrad, sculpteur-doreur (Paris)
J. Garnier, expéditeur (Paris)
G. Labori, transports (Paris)
Goldschmidt, J.A.
A. Tardif & Cie, décorateurs (Paris)
Ernest Dalbret, antiquités (Paris)
Douanes Françaises (Paris)
Baratte, Émile
Chemins de Fer de l'Est (Paris)
Montag, Max
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
A. Morin, encadrements (Paris)
Stoll, encadrements anciens (Paris)
Annuaire du Commerce Didot-Bottin (Paris)
Bissière, Roger
Tedesco Frères, tableaux modernes (Paris)
Louis Conrad, sculpteur-doreur (Paris)
E. Leclerc, tapisserie (Paris)
Guillaumin, Armand
Rosenberg, Léonce
G. Loevi (Paris)
L'Urbaine et la Seine, assurances (Paris)
Dhuit & Schwab (Paris)
Laurencin, Marie
Établissements Chéri (Paris)
G. Loevi

I.C.11 Correspondence: "Direction des Douanes - Litige"

Correspondence received and draft copy of letters handwritten by PR; receipt stubs for registered mail sent and property claimed. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-11; all item numbers present.

Jules Strauss (Paris)
Esnault-Peltérie, G.
République Française. Douanes Françaises. Visite des Marchandises.
Rosenberg, Paul
Chemin de Fer du Nord (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul

I.C.12.a Correspondence and receipts: "Comptes de Banques, 1924"

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts, notices and statements from transport firms and banks; handwritten notes. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-47; all item numbers present. Item numbers 12-25 inclusive, 45, 46, and 47 correspond to documents apparently extraneous to the PR collection and are currently segregated in file I.C.12.b while further clarifications are sought with regard to their origin.

H. Mallon & Cie (Le Havre)
Domaine des Monts-Chénevaux (Epernay)
New York Herald (Paris)
Trotti & Cie (Paris)
French Gallery (London)
L. Lévy, tableaux anciens (Paris)
Lloyds & National Provincial Foreign Bank Limited (Paris)
Crédit Industriel et Commercial (Paris)

I.C.12.b Miscellaneous

Item numbers 12-25 inclusive, 45, 46, and 47, originally included in the sequence of numbers of I.C.12.a, correspond to miscellaneous documents apparently extraneous to the PR collection and are currently segregated in this separate folder pending further clarification with regard to their origin. See Series I description in 'Scope and Content' for further clarification. The file includes handwritten, typescript and printed documents.

Rothschild, Édouard de (baron) [official document, France and Russia, 1901]
Unknown author [handwritten notes in German on philosophy topics, circa 1940]

I.C.13 Receipts and invoices: "Factures acquittees, 1909"

Handwritten and typescript receipts and invoices, most for the purchase by PR of pictures; handwritten lists. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-58; all item numbers present. Item number 2 is given twice.

La Foncière, assurances (Paris)
Compagnie Générale Transatlantique (Le Havre)
Steinmeyer & Stephan Bourgeois (Paris)
L. Lévy, tableaux anciens (Paris)
Francis Legrand (Paris)
Félix Gerard Fils, tableaux (Paris)
A. Cousin, tableaux modernes (Paris)
Nicole Groult (Paris)
Mustad, Wilhelm
J. Roy, transitaire (Rouen)
Olson, Gosta
Kaland, Moritz
Bedard, Maurice
Halvorsen, Walther
Jos. Hessel (Paris)
Charles Chapuis, rentoilage de tableaux (Paris)
Viviers, de (baronne)
Lalande, A.
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouot (Paris)
Vicart, Gabriel
R. Gaillard, architecte (Paris)
Vollard, Ambroise
Algier & Chénot (Paris)
Chambre Syndicale des Négociants en Objets d'Art Anciens, Tableaux et Curiosités (Paris)
Jonas, Édouard
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
Th. Bonjean, tableaux (Paris)
Decourcelle, Pierre

I.C.14 Correspondence and receipts

Handwritten and typescript letters and a postcard received by PR; handwritten and typescript receipts, invoices, statements received or issued by PR; handwritten notes on exhibition catalog cover; printed receipt stubs for utilities payments. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-58; all item numbers present.

J. Allard, tableaux modernes (Paris)
L. Vacca (Avignon)
Vie heureuse (Paris)
Wagram, de (prince)
Humbert de Wendal
Galerie Alfred Flechtheim (Düsseldorf)
Flechtheim, Alfred
Bernheim Jeune & Fils (Paris)
Annuaire de la Curiosité et des Beaux-Arts (Paris)
Montag, Max
J. Garnier, expéditeur (Paris)
Pitt & Scott Ltd. Transports (Paris)
Wm. Marchant & Co. (London)
Reid, Alex
M. Petit, emballeur (Paris)
Postes, Télégraphies et Téléphones (Paris)
J. Garnier, expéditeur (Paris)
Thomas, Gabriel
Vignier, Charles
Zayas, Marius de
Sachs, Paul J.
Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Poiret, Ed.
Musée Rodin (Paris)
Tavernier, Adolphe
Galerie Tanner (Zürich)
Chemins de Fer P.L.M, Grande Vitesse (Paris)
Picasso, Pablo
Staub, Emil
Eisenloeffel (Amsterdam)
Charles Pottier, emballeur (Paris)
Campbell, Francis
Stettiner, antiquaire (Paris)
Renault Automobiles (Paris)
Lebrun, cadres (Paris)
Caspari, Georg
Aéroplanes Borel (Neuilly-sur-Seine)
Brown & Phillips (London)
Quinn, John
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Nardus, Léo

I.C.15 Receipts and incoming invoices, paintings: "Factures, 1909"

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices for L. & P. Rosenberg Fils or PR purchase, share, deposit or consignment of paintings; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport notices. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-128; all item numbers present. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 31a-31l, inclusive.

Doucet Jeune (Paris)
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
Ernest d'Albret, antiquités (Paris)
Huvé & Viel, marbrerie (Paris)
Compagnie d'Assurances Générales (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. (London)
Reber, G. F.
Duveen Brothers (London)
F. Goldner, assureur-conseil (Paris)
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
Thos. Agnew & Sons (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Destres & Caron, bois sculptés (Paris)
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Jules Féral, expert (Paris)
A. Foinard, expertises (Paris)
Gerard, Raphaël
Guillaumin, Armand
Félix Gerard Fils, expert (Paris)
Schuffenecker, Amédée
Arnold & Tripp, tableaux (Paris)
Thos. Agnew & Sons (Paris)
J. Allard, tableaux (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
G. Berne-Bellecour, Galerie de tableaux modernes (Paris)
Galerie Eugène Blot (Paris)
Guillaumin, Armand
Th. Bonjean, tableaux (Paris)
Boussod, Valadon & Cie, tableaux (Paris)
Charles Brunner, tableaux (Paris)
Demond, Robin & Bourdon, joailliers (Paris)
Dowdeswell & Dowdeswells, Limited (London)
Durand-Ruel & Fils (Paris)
Duveen Brothers (London)
Duveen Brothers (Paris)
Kann, Alphonse
Frazier-Soye, imprimerie (Paris)
Félix Gerard Fils, expert (Paris)
Kalebdjian Frères, antiquités (Paris)
F. Langweil, objets d'art anciens (Paris)
Loyer, antiquaire (Paris)
P. Mellet, cadres (Paris)
N. Pohl, importation-exportation (Paris)
Henri Portier & Cie, Yokohama Trading Co. (Paris)
Chemins de Fer du Nord (Paris)
Cassirer, Bruno
Maurice Bloemist, doreur-encadreur (Paris)
Dowdeswell & Dowdeswells, Limited (London)

View PDF of folder I.C.15

I.C.16.a Correspondence and receipts: "Factures, 1918"

Handwritten and typescript receipts received by L. & P. Rosenberg Fils or PR concerning purchase and sale of pictures; list (dated 1906), in German, of officers and civilians collaborating on an "Army and Navy handbook" [item Nos. 11-20, inclusive]; leaf of handwritten ledger entries; handwritten letters, in German, received by PR or L. & P. Rosenberg Fils. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-35; all item numbers present. Item number 10 corresponds to a document that is apparently extraneous to the PR collection and was transferred to file I.C.16.b while further clarification is sought with regard to its origin.

Aéroplanes Borel (Neuilly-sur-Seine)
Halvorsen, Walther
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Galerie "L'Effort Moderne" (Paris)
M. Stora & Cie (Paris)
[Alten Generalleutnant z.D.]
Goldammer, F. von (baron)
Gutsverwaltung Plausdorf (Plausdorf bei Kirchbain)
Knauff, E.

View PDF of folder I.C.16.a

I.C.16.b Miscellaneous

Item number 10, originally included in the sequence of numbers of I.C.16.a, corresponds to an undated, untitled clipping from a French newspaper apparently extraneous to the PR collection and is currently segregated in this separate folder pending further clarification with regard to their origin. See Series I description in 'Scope and Content' for further clarification.

c. 1936-1938
I.C.17 Receipts

Typescript journal-invoice of electrical works undertaken at LR/PR gallery; handwritten and typescript receipts received by L. & P. Rosenberg Fils or PR concerning purchase and sale of pictures; various printed receipts or invoices for gallery services and charges; banking, transport and insurance notices and statements; one leaf of ledger entries. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-108; all item numbers present.

Industrie Électrique Schmitt & Zivy (Paris)
J. Garnier, expéditeur (Paris)
J. Allard, tableaux (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Fils (Paris)
Chapuis Frères & Cie (Paris)
Rosenberg, Alexandre (père)
L. Lévy, antiquités (Paris)
Réunion Française Compagnie d'Assurances (Paris)
Nessi & Paganetti (Paris)
F. Kleinberger, tableaux (Paris)
Steinmeyer & Stephan Bourgeois (Paris)
Ch. Sedelmeyer, tableaux (Paris)
Sulley & Company (London)
Compagnie Parisienne de l'Air Comprimé (Paris)
Maison Maillard (Paris)
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
South Eastern and Chatham Railway (London)
Dowdeswell & Dowdeswells Ltd. (London)
Fortin & Cie, imprimerie (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Fils (Paris)
Boussod, Valadon & Cie, tableaux (Paris)
Bouvard & H. Laurent, rentoilage de tableaux (Paris)
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Leicester Galleries (London)
Durand-Ruel & Fils (Paris)
J. Féral, tableaux (Paris)
Léon Gerard, expert (Paris)
William Marchant & Co., Goupil Gallery (London)
S. Guiraud, curiosités (Paris)
Thomas McLean, Publisher & Printseller (London)
L. Lévy, antiquités (Paris)
Obach & Co., Dealers in Pictures (London)
S. Ratzersdorfer & Fils (Paris)
Henri Schiller, imprimeur (Paris)
Charles Sedelmeyer, tableaux (Paris)
Stettiner, antiquaire (Paris)
Wildenstein (Paris)
J. Allard, tableaux (Paris)
Thos. Agnew & Sons (London)
Georges Bernard, antiquaire (Paris)
Berliner Speditions (Berlin)
Cassirer, Bruno
Nationalgalerie (Berlin)
Compagnie Parisienne de l'Air Comprimé (Paris)
F. Lair-Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Thos. Agnew & Sons (London)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
F. & J. Tempelaere (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Fils (Paris)

I.C.18 Receipts

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase, share, deposit or consignment of paintings; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-305; item numbers not present: 50, 136, 141, 240, 241, 246, 293.

Cloix, Pierre
Donop de Monchy, E.
J. Garnier, expéditeur (Paris)
F. Stassart, encadrements (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe (Paris)
Bournart, H.
Cloix, Pierre
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
La Foncière, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Montag, Charles
Royannez (Marseille)
Hessel, Jos
A. Saint-Hubert, antiquités (Versailles)
M. Brault, agent de change (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Berard, André
Frazier-Soye, imprimerie (Paris)
Malleterre (general)
Paul Lemare, photographe (Paris)
Émile Ottoz, dévernissage de tableaux (Paris)
Association Nationale des Mutilés de la Guerre (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Moraa, serrurerie (Paris)
Kraemer, N.J.
Alfred Valette, ébénisterie (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe (Paris)
Postes Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Bucaille, notaire (Paris)
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Imprimerie Georges Petit (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
La Foncière, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Zürich
Brown, S.W.
Cloix, Pierre
Ernest Dalbret, antiquités (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune, Josse
Montag, Charles
Bühler-Kohler (Wintherthur)
Gaston Roulleau, entrepreneur (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
R. Charpentier, dorure-encadrement (Paris)
Stettiner, Henri
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
F. Stassart, encadrements (Paris)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Goupil & Cie, Manzi Joyant & Cie (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Chénard-Huché, Georges
English and foreign Insurance Co. Ltd. (Paris)
F. Cohen & Cie, négociants-exportateurs (Paris)
Worms, E.
E. Petit, emballeur (Paris)
Rosenberg, Margot
Marcel Rivière (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, imprimerie (Paris)
Charles Pottier, emballeur (Paris)
Paul Cassirer, Kunst-Ausstellung und Verlagsanstalt (Berlin)
Hessel, Jos
Louis, L.
Montag, Charles
Halvorsen, Walther
P. Navez, emballeur (Paris)
Courrier de la Presse (Paris)
Freund-Deschamps, Charles
J. Garnier, expéditeur (Paris)
Picasso, Pablo
Biedermann, E.
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Mme Vve. A. Keitt (Paris)
L'Art et les Artistes (Paris)
Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouot (Paris)
Lamarche-Guy Fils (Paris)
V. Mantelet, miroiterie et dorure (Paris)
La Foncière, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Hatvany, François (baron)
Galerie de Tableaux Modernes E. Druet (Paris)
E. Druet, photographies d'oeuvres d'art (Paris)
L. Jallot, meubles modernes (Paris)
Chenue, expéditeur (Paris)
Arthur Lénars, transports (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Burroughs, Bryson
Mignot, Auguste
Doucet Jeune (Paris)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Henri Baudoin, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Maison Labourdette (Paris)
Malleterre (general)
L'Illustration (Paris)
Jordaan & Cie (Paris)
Peck & Wyatt (London)
McVicker & Co. Tailors (London)
L. Jallot, meubles modernes (Paris)
Arnold Van Moppès, expert (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Ernest Dalbret, antiquités (Paris)
Hessel, Jos
Leblanc, antiquaire (Nîmes)
Auguste Mignot, antiquités (Montpellier)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Vve. Kahn Sabourin, curiosités (Paris)
Stassart, encadrements (Paris)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)

I.C.19.a Receipts

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase, share, deposit or consignment of paintings; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-201; item numbers not present: 75, 90, 153. Item numbers 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, and 67 correspond to documents apparently extraneous to the PR collection and were transferred to file I.C.19.b while further clarifications are sought with regard to their origin.

J. Rotil, cadres-antiquités (Paris)
R. Troulet, enseignes (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, dorure-encadrements (Paris)
Édouard Théveniaud, emballages-expéditions (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, gravure (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)
Chemins de Fer de l'Est (Paris)
Galerie Thannhauser (Lucerne)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, dorure-encadrements (Paris)
Syndicat des Marchands de Tableaux, Objets d'Art, Curiosités (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
G. Laborie, transports (Paris)
Rennann, Auguste
J. Chenue, French Packer (London)
Chemins de Fer de l'Est (Paris)
Reinhardt, Oskar
Le Combat (Paris)
Léon Helft Fils, curiosités (Paris)
Mme Marlin, fleurs (Paris)
Chemins de Fer de l'Est (Paris)
Galerie Thannhauser (Lucerne)
Charles Chapuis, rentoilage de tableaux (Paris)
Ramsay's Direct Foreign Service (Paris)
Willoughby, Hugh
Gourgaud, Napoléon (baron)
Chenue, expéditeur (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
R. Troulet, enseignes (Paris)
J. Rotil, cadres-antiquités (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, dorure-encadrements (Paris)
A. Morin, dorure-encadrements (Paris)
Franklin Desmoulins (Deauville)
Hopital St-Louis (Paris)
Paris. Contributions Directes.
Zurich, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
John Underwood & Co. (Paris)
Douanes Françaises (Paris)
Baratte, Émile
Chemins de Fer de l'Etat (Paris)
London Brighton and South Coast and French State Railways (Paris)
J. Chenue, French Packer (London)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
Reinhardt, Oskar
Emery, L.
Whitney Studio (New York)
Reid, Alex
Zayas, Marius de
Whitney Studio (New York)
Destres & Caron, encadrements (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe (Paris)
Chemins de Fer de l'Etat et de Brighton (Paris)
Courtauld, Samuel
Baratte, Émile
Schweizerische Bundesbahnen (Lugano)
Reber, G.F.
Rosenberg, Léonce
Joseph Pascal, fabricant de chassis (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Chemins de Fer de Paris à Lyon et à la Méditerranée (Paris)
Galerie Thannhauser (Lucerne)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. (London)
Rosengart (London)
G. Roux (Marseille)
C.T. Bowring & Co. (Insurance), Ltd. (London)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Schneider & Marais, European General Express (Paris)
Bronner Co. (Basel)
Schweizerische Bundesbahnen (Lugano)
Reber, G.F.
Borel, Albert
Chemins de Fer de l'Etat et de Brighton (Paris)
Tate Gallery (London)
Chemins de Fer de l'Est (Paris)
Reinhardt, Oskar
Postes Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Willoughby, Hugh
Reber, G.F.
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Hâtel des Ventes (Paris)
Joseph Pascal, fabricant de chassis (Paris)
Duveen & Walker (Paris)
Paris. Contributions Directes.
Bucaille, notaire (Paris)
La Renaissance (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe (Paris)
Chenue, expéditeur (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, dorure-encadrements (Paris)
Émile Ottoz, dévernissage de tableaux (Paris)
Chemin de Fer du Nord, Grande Vitesse (Amiens)
Hatvany, François (baron)
Hernu, Péron & Co. Ltd. (Paris)
Van Horne, William
Maison Ad. Braun & Cie, éditeurs (Paris)

I.C.19.b Receipts

Item numbers 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, and 67, originally included in the sequence of numbers of I.A.19.a, correspond to miscellaneous documents apparently extraneous to the PR collection and are currently segregated in this separate folder pending further clarification with regard to their origin. See Series I description in 'Scope and Content' for further clarification.

Landau, Edmond
Maison Weismann (Paris)
Sté AME Paris-France (Paris)
Aux Dames de France (Bordeaux)
Adrex, constructeurs (Paris)
Les Nouvelles d'Allemagne, journal (Paris)

I.C.20.a Receipts

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase, share, deposit or consignment of paintings; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post; handwritten notes (with calculations) in Greek script [item Nos. 64-65]; detailed working journals-invoices of gallery decoration. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-249; item numbers not present: 133-142, 150-154, 201, and 237. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 8a and 40a. Item number 100 is given twice.

Établissements Demaria-Lapierre (Paris)
Société des Lunetiers (Paris)
Demond, Robin & Bourdon, joailliers (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, imprimerie (Paris)
Société du Gaz de Paris
Marcy, André de
Jonas, Paul
Lair-Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de l'Air Comprimé (Paris)
Bouvard & Laurent, rentoilage de tableaux (Paris)
A. Brézina & Fils, maroquinerie fine (Paris)
A. Cousin, tableaux (Paris)
L'Urbaine, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
La Nationale, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Thurner, Amélie
Fontaine, l.
Jacquet & Bouchoux, encadrements & dorure (Paris)
Chapuis, rentoileurs (Paris)
Brunner, C.
Cambrézy, doreur sur bois (Paris)
La Foncière, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Victor Decock, artiste-peintre-restaurateur (Paris)
Leggatt Bros. (London)
Félix Gerard Fils, expert (Paris)
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
London Guarantee & Accident Co. Ltd. (Paris)
E. Petit, emballeur (Paris)
Gerard, Raphaël
Félix Gerard Fils, expert (Paris)
F.W. Phillips Antiquary (Hertfordshire)
F. & J. Tempelaere, tableaux (Paris)
Jules Féral, expert (Paris)
Doinard, A.
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Galerie Eugène Blot (Paris)
J. Camentron, expert (Paris)
Durand-Ruel & Fils (Paris)
Thos. Agnew & Sons (Paris)
Chemins de Fer de l'Ouest et de Brighton (Paris)
Dowdeswell & Dowdeswells Ltd. (London)
Stockwell & Cie (Paris)
Ernest Brown & Phillips (London)
L. Fontaine, réparation de meubles (Paris)
Internationaler Eisenbahntransport (Frankfurt)
Goldammer, F. von (baron)
Schneider, J.P.

I.C.20.b Receipts

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase, share, deposit or consignment of paintings; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post; partially intact wax seal on shipping papers [item No. 331], Budapest-Paris 1910; detailed working journals-invoices of gallery decoration. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 250-451; item numbers not present: 259-265 inclusive, 288, 300, 394. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 309a, 347a, 362a, 388a, and 409a. Item number 436 is given twice.

Van Horne, William
Holzmann (Berlin)
Librairie H. Floury (Paris)
H. Sayet, avocat (Paris)
A. Durandeau, artiste-peintre-restaurateur (Arcueil)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)
G. Gié, entrepreneur (Paris)
Bonjean, tableaux (Paris)
A. Foinard, tableaux (Paris)
Bianchetti & Belzacq (Paris)
Eugène Lemoine Fils, encadrement (Paris)
Paris. Contributions Directes et Taxes Diverses.
L. Baudoin, entrepreneur (Paris)
L'Art et les Artistes (Paris)
Strauss & Cie (Paris)
E. Petit, emballeur (Paris)
Simon, James
V. Mantelet, miroiterie (Paris)
L'Urbaine, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Rosenberg, Alexandre (père)
Brisno, Antoine G.
Ch. Bernard, sculpture (Paris)
Emile Pelletier, serrurerie (Paris)
A. Petit, encadrements artistique (Paris)
Tabbagh Frères & Cie (Paris)
Chemin de Fer du Nord (Paris)
Ch. L. Cardon (Brussels)
Duveen Brothers (Paris)
Chemins de Fer de l'Est (Budapest)
Marczell Nemes (Budapest)
P. Rosenberg Fils (Paris)
Sforni, Gustavo
Cohen, Arnold
Librairies E. Flammarion & A. Vaillant (Paris)
Chenue, transport (Paris)
Phillips (Hertfordshire)
Silva White
Minerbi (Venice)
Gunzburg, de (baron)
E. Druet, photographies d'oeuvres d'art (Paris)
L. Malabert, électricien (Paris)
Rosenberg, Alexandre (père)
Schuffenecker, Amédée
Internationaler Eisenbahntransport (Cologne)
Lorenz Wilhelm Weber (Cologne)
N. Pohl, importations-exportations (Paris)
Maison Ad. Braun & Cie, Éditeurs photographes (Paris)
P. Rosenberg Fils (Paris)
Hagelstange, Alfred
Musée Wallraf Richartz (Cologne)
Duveen Brothers (Paris)
Heinemann (Munich)
James Simon (Berlin)
Eschudi, von
K. B. Pinacothek (Munich)
Musée d'Anvers (Antwerp)
Mont, Pol de
Musée de Bruxelles (Brussels)
Stockwell & Cie (Paris)
Ernest Brown & Phillips (London)
Exposition de Leipzig (1910)
Rechberg, Arnold
Arcangeli Gatti & C. (Florence)
Dowdeswell (London)
Boehler (Munich)
Sforni, Gustavo
Gunzburg, de (baron)
Roux, F.
Nardus, Léo
Maison Ad. Braun & Cie, éditeurs (Paris)
Goldammer (baron)
A. Joguet, photographie (Paris)
Besana & Cie, constructeurs (Paris)
Duveen (London)
Brown (London)
Messageries Meudonnaises Auguste Tripier (Meudon)
Schuffenecker, Amédée
Sforni, Gustavo
Courrier de la Presse (Paris)

I.C.20.c Receipts

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase, share, deposit or consignment of paintings; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post; partially intact wax seal on shipping papers [item No. 331], Budapest-Paris 1910; handwritten notes (with calculations) in Greek script [item Nos. 64-65]; detailed working journals-invoices of gallery decoration. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 452-677; item numbers not present: 522, 622, 631, 641, 654. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 514a, 516a, 662a, 662b, and 676a.

Chemin de Fer de l'Etat Belge (Brussels)
Maeterlink, L.
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Gand
Ernest Brown & Phillips (London)
S. Guiraud, curiosités (Paris)
Durand-Ruel & Fils (Paris)
Henri Baudoin, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Félix Gerard Fils, expert (Paris)
Elie Cohen & Cie (Paris)
Charles Hyvernaud, notaire (Paris)
Arnold & Tripp, tableaux (Paris)
Obach & Co. Dealers in Pictures (London)
Thos. Agnew & Sons (London)
Dowdeswell & Dowdeswells, Ltd. (London)
Gerard, Raphaël
Mauvalet, doreur sur bois (Paris)
Loyer, ameublements anciens (Paris)
Félix Gerard Fils, expert (Paris)
F. Cohen & Cie, négociants-exportateurs (Paris)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
M. Hersent, restauration de boiseries (Paris)
P. Mellet, cadres (Paris)
H. Sayet, avocat (Paris)
Jules Féral, expert (Paris)
Michell & Kimbel, transports (Paris)
F.W. Phillips Antiquary (Hertfordshire)
Mme F. Langweil, importation d'art (Paris)
Dinon, Godefroy
Odilon Roche, cadres anciens (Paris)
L. Fontaine, ébéniste (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)
Guigou, A.
Jules Foa & Fils, antiquités (Marseille)
A. Foinard, tableaux (Paris)
Félix Gerard Fils, expert (Paris)
Henri Portier & Cie, Yokohama Trading Co. (Paris)
Sarkissian, A.
Massion, notaire (Paris)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Durand-Ruel & Fils (Paris)
Burgsthal, Richard
H. Sayet, avocat (Paris)
E. Valentin, ameublements (Paris)
A. Cousin, tableaux (Paris)
Bandin, H.
J. Berthier, restauration de tableaux (Lyon)
Henri Portier & Cie, Yokohama Trading Co. (Paris)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Schuffenecker, Amédée [item No. 551]
H. Sayet, avocat (Paris)
A. Foinard, tableaux (Paris)
Schuffenecker, Amédée
Berne-Bellecourt, G.
J. Gieules, avocat (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
J. Boyer, clou universel automatique (Paris)
P. Mellet, encadrements artistiques (Paris)
E. Petit, emballeur (Paris)
V. Mantelet, miroiterie (Paris)
Lanoy & Falaize, encadrements et dorure (Paris)
S. Lion, tapisseries meubles & bronzes (Paris)
A. Durandeau, artiste-peintre-restaurateur (Paris)
Jean Garnier, avocat (Paris)
H. Sayet, avocat (Paris)
F. Cohen & Cie, négociants-exportateurs (Paris)
Chemins de Fer de l'Ouest et de Brighton (Paris)
Colnaghi (London)
Demaria-Lapierre, appareils pour la photographie (Paris)
A. Petit, doreur antiquaire (Paris)
Maurice Bloemist, doreur-encadreur (Paris)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Odilon Roche, cadres anciens (Paris)
J. & J. Heilbronner, papeterie-imprimerie (Paris)
E. Petit, emballeur (Paris)
Henri Portier & Cie, Yokohama Trading Co. (Paris)
Roux, F.
E. Gossin, photographie artistique (Paris)
H. Thomas, plomberie (Paris)
Jean Garnier, avocat (Paris)
F. Langweil, importation d'objets d'art anciens (Paris)
L. Malabert, électricien (Paris)
Oppenheimer Frères, articles de la Chine et du Japon (Paris)
Félix Gerard Fils, expert (Paris)
Duveen Brothers (Paris)
Albert Petit & Cie, étoffes (Paris)
Charles Brunner, tableaux (Paris)
Galerie des Artistes Modernes (Paris)
J. Chaine & Simonson, experts (Paris)
Sarkissian, A.
G. Gié, menuiserie (Paris)
Dowdeswell & Dowdeswells, Limited (London)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Loyer, ameublements anciens (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)
E. Petit, emballeur (Paris)
Sforni, Gustavo
Arnold & Tripp, tableaux (Paris)
A. Cousin, tableaux (Paris)
Chazeret, Prud'hon & Cie, banquiers (Paris)
G. Camentron, tableaux (Paris)
Henri Portier & Cie, Yokohama Trading Co. (Paris)
Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouot (Paris)
L. Stern (Munich)
Rosenberg, Alexandre

View PDF of folder I.C.20.c

I.C.21.a Receipts

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR (some on behalf of his parents) regarding the purchase, share, deposit or consignment of paintings; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients; receipts for gallery maintenance and gifts to artist friends. Original folder not present; original binding clasps retained for document groups in first folder.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-354; item numbers not present: 3, 153, 155. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 21a, 21b, 21c, 26a, 50a, 88a, 88b, 98a, 225a, 225b, 232a, 232b, and 241a. Item numbers 145 and 308 are given twice.

Sylva White (London)
Boussion & De Brauwer, transports (Paris)
William Marchant & Co. (London)
Koechlin, Raymond
Cassirer, Paul
Nicolas Zervudachi (Alexandria, Egypt)
Chemins de Fer de l'Ouest (Paris)
Dowdeswell & Dowdeswells Ltd. (London)
Marco Ancona (Firenze)
Froeschels (Berlin)
Böhler (Munich)
Félix Gerard, expert (Paris)
Julius Elias (Berlin)
Brasch & Rothenstein, expéditeurs (Paris)
Fr. Bonner (New York)
Compagnie Parisienne de l'Air Comprimé (Paris)
Müller, F.
Louis Ricard Nachfolger (Frankfurt)
Le Lynx, Ex-Artistic Correspondence (Paris)
Heineman (Munich)
Mont, Pol de
Museé Royal d'Anvers
Chambre Syndicale des Négociants en Objets d'Art Anciens, Tableaux et Curiosités (Paris)
Ernest Brown & Phillips (London)
Stockwell & Cie, transports (Paris)
Fratelli Alinari (Florence)
Leggatt Bros. (London)
Turnowsky, Richard
Chemins de Fer de l'Est (Paris)
Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouot (Paris)
Fry (London)
Friedlander (Berlin)
Knoepfler, F.
Nicolas Zervudachi (Alexandria, Egypt)
Sulley & Co. (London)
Chapman (London)
Goldschmidt & Co. (Frankfurt)
Chemins de Fer de l'Ouest (Paris)
Dowdeswell & Dowdeswells Ltd. (London)
Sylva White (London)
J.P. Schneider (Frankfurt)
Duveen Brothers (London)
Gondrand Frères, transports (Paris)
Bouvard & Laurent, rentoilage de tableaux (Paris)
Cambrézy, doreur-encadrements (Paris)
Goldschmidt & Co. (Frankfurt)
Messageries Européennes (Paris)
Ernest Brown & Phillips (London)
Paul Cassirer (Berlin)
L. Fontaine, ébéniste (Paris)
Lole Maan & Cie (Bruxelles)
Gurlitt, Fritz
Joe Oppenheimer (Berlin)
Bertault-Séguin, Publications Américaines (Paris)
Frank (Frankfurt)
Fortin & Cie (Paris)
R. Jonemann, transports (Paris)
Stockwell & Cie (Paris)
Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouot (Paris)
Léon Gerard, expert (Paris)
Goldschmidt & Co. (Frankfurt)
Colnaghi (London)
Bradley (London)
Schneider (Frankfurt)
Manufacture Française des Lampes à Incandescence (Paris)
Louis Ricard Nachfolger (Frankfurt)
Paul Cassirer (Berlin)
Silva White (London)
Goldschmidt & Co. (Frankfurt)
Bruno Cassirer (Berlin)
L. Fontaine, ébéniste (Paris)
Louis Ricard Nachfolger (Frankfurt)
Leggatt Bros. (London)
Thos. Agnew (London)

View PDF of folder I.C.21.a

I.C.21.b Receipts

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR (some on behalf of his parents) regarding the purchase, share, deposit or consignment of paintings; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients; receipts for gallery maintenance and gifts to artist friends. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 355-678; item numbers not present: 438-442 inclusive and 592. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 504a, 579a, 632a, 649a, 649b, 658a. Item numbers 375, 376, 377, 455, and 661 are given twice. Item numbers 449 and 668 correspond to documents apparently extraneous to the PR collection and were transferred to file I.C.21.c while further clarifications are sought with regard to their origin.

Rosenberg, Edmond
Wallis & Sons (London)
Léopold Stern (Munich)
J. Stribberni fils, encadrements-restauration (Paris)
Madame E. Mey, journaux (Paris)
Paul Cassirer (Berlin)
Ernest Brown & Phillips (London)
Rosenberg, Alexandre (père)
Louis Ricard Nachfolger (Frankfurt)
Léopold Stern (Munich)
François (Amiens)
L. Fontaine, ébéniste (Paris)
Société du Gaz de Paris
Crédit Industriel et Commercial (Paris)
Worcester, Charles
L. Gadon, mécanicien spécialiste (Paris)
Oskar Reinhardt (Winterthur)
Brown, Sidney W.
Aiken, Charles
Wendland, Hans
Courrier de la Presse (Paris)
Durand, Marguerite
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
J. Heilbronner, papeterie (Paris)
Charlot, Louis
Brentano's Publishers Booksellers (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Galerie Druet (Paris)
R. Gerard frère, expert (Paris)
Loevi & Jauriat (Paris)
Renoir, Pierre Auguste [item No. 431]
La Nationale, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Mme Vve Alexandre
Maurice Vidal, tapis d'Orient (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Vollard, Ambroise
Brown, Sidney W.
Buhler-Rohler (Winterthur)
République Française. Commissariat des Expositions de Beaux-Arts en France et à l' Étranger. (Paris)
Roblin Tempelaere (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballeur (Paris)
Rosenberg, Léonce
A La Lampe Merveilleuse (Paris)
Royannez (Marseille)
Roux, F.
Alfred Valette, ébénisterie (Paris)
Halvorsen, Walther
La Fraternité des Artistes (Paris)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Royannez (Marseille)
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Brunet, Maurice
Fr. Bonner (New York)

I.C.21.c Receipts and correspondence

Item numbers 449 and 668, originally included in the sequence of numbers of I.C.21.b, correspond to documents apparently extraneous to the PR collection and are currently segregated in this separate folder pending further clarification with regard to their origin. See Series I description in 'Scope and Content' for further clarification. This file includes illustrations from a printed volume, dated 1929.

I.C.22 Receipts and correspondence

Letters (ALS) received by PR; handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; block of tickets and stubs for the "Bon Bock" Manet exhibition, Galeries PR, 1923 [item Nos. 40-137, inclusive]; handwritten and typescript lists (one includes names and addresses of PR gallery artists); handwritten fold-out ledger leaves of financial statements. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-155; item numbers not present: 22, 29, 39, 138, 139, 141.

P. Mellet, encadrements artistiques (Paris)
Van Steenbrugghe & Breton, appareils d'hygiène (Paris)
Librairies E. Flammarion & A. Vaillant (Paris)
A. Demond, joaillier (Paris)
Charles Meyer, Magasin Moderne de Photographie (Paris)
N. Pohl, importation-exportation (Paris)
Doucet Jeune (Paris)
Demaria-Lapierre, appareils pour la photographie (Paris)
Louis Imbert & Cie (Marseille)
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris (Paris)
M. Nielsen, American Shoe Maker (Paris)
Galerie Eugène Blot (Paris)
Galeries Paul Rosenberg (Paris)
Guilloud, F.
G. Guastalla, agent de change (Paris)
Henri Portier & Cie, Yokohama Trading Co. (Paris)

I.C.23.a Receipts

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients; invitation to PR gallery Picasso exhibition, 1926. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-320; item numbers not present: 37, 78-114 inclusive, 133, 134, 146, 152, 157. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 222a, 272a, 272b, and 286a.

Félix Gerard, expert (Paris)
Gerard, Raphaël
S. Guiraud, curiosités (Paris)
Édouard Jonas, tableaux (Paris)
Madame F. Langweil, importation d'objets d'art anciens (Paris)
Strauss, Jules
L. Lévy, antiquités (Paris)
Loyer, antiquaire (Paris)
Lowengard, Charles
E. Lowengard, objets d'art (Paris)
Henri Portier & Cie, Yokohama Trading Co. (Paris)
H. Sayet, avocat (Paris)
Vignier, objets d'art anciens (Paris)
Léger, Ch.
Vigier Ainé, tapis (Paris)
Carlo Frua de Angeli (Milano)
Gérard, A.
Labourdette, automobiles (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. Insurance Brokers (London)
Knoedler & Co. (London)
Sturzenegger (St. Gallen, Switzerland)
Le Temps (Paris)
Jules Féral, expert (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Courrier de la Presse (Paris)
Belle Jardinière (Paris)
Legendre, produits chimiques (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Chambre de Commerce de Paris. Manutention à la Douane Centrale.
Duveen & Walker (Paris)
Ville de Paris. Receveur municipal. (Paris)
Knoedler & Co. (London)
Douanes Françaises (Paris)
Baratte, Émile
Braque, Georges
Galeries Paul Rosenberg (Paris)
H. Mallon & Cie (Paris)
Lair Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
New York Herald Tribune (Paris)
Blot père & fils, emballages (Paris)
Transports Internationaux de la Rancheraye & Co. (Paris)
Arditi, M.A.
Sturzenegger (St. Gallen, Switzerland)
Moderne Galerie Thannhauser (Munich)
Compagnie d'Assurances Générales (Paris)
Chambre de Commerce de Paris. Manutention à la Douane Centrale.
Douanes Françaises (Paris)
Legendre, produits chimiques (Paris)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. Insurance Brokers (London)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
R. Troulet, enseignes (Paris)
B. Biberon, papeterie (Paris)
New York Herald Tribune (Paris)
Blot père & fils, emballages (Paris)
Grand Atelier de Mécanique des Champs- Élysées (Paris)
R. Tullat, tissage de tapis (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Transports Internationaux Noël & Guignies (Paris)
Marcel Rivière, administrateur d'immeubles (Paris)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)
Jean Junger, travail à façon (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
New York Herald Tribune (Paris)
B. Biberon, papeterie (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Annuaire Officiel des Adresses Télégraphiques (Paris)
Atelier de Reliure Mme Vve A. Keitt (Paris)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. Insurance Brokers (London)
Moniteur de l'Exportation et Revue Artistique réunis (Paris)
Duveen & Walker Insurance Brokers (Paris)
La Nationale Compagnie d'Assurances (Paris)
Léon Helft fils, curiosités (Paris)
Société des Amis du Musée de Dijon
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. Insurance Brokers (London)
Wildenstein & Co. (New York)
Charles Chapuis, rentoilage de tableaux (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
J. Rotil, cadres anciens (Paris)
New York Herald Tribune (Paris)
Blot père & fils, emballages (Paris)
R. Troulet, enseignes (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)

View PDF of folder I.C.23.a

I.C.23.b Receipts

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients; small brochure, with black/white illustration, for sanatorium in Bad Kissengen, Germany; handwritten and typescript lists in German of decorative objects and furnishings [item Nos. 564-566, inclusive]. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 321-570; item numbers not present: 423.

Emil Staub (Zürich)
Paul & Marcel Jonas (Paris)
Adolphe Stoll, restauration de sculpture (Paris)
A. Leroy, orfèvre (Paris)
Picasso, Pablo
Rosenberg, Paul
Panhard & Levassor, automobiles (Paris)
Joseph Pascal, fabricant de chassis (Paris)
Carlo Frua de Angeli (Milano)
Le Nord, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Chambre de Commerce de Paris. Manutention à la Douane Centrale.
Mak & Cie (Amsterdam)
Faille, Jacob-Baart de la
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Transports Internationaux de la Rancheraye & Co. (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
Blot père & fils, emballages (Paris)
New York Herald Tribune (Paris)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. Insurance Brokers (London)
Knoedler & Co. (London)
Wildenstein (New York)
Wallis & Son (London)
Emil Staub (Zürich)
Carlo Frua de Angeli (Milano)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Maison Cabale-B. Esquerré, installations d'électricité (Paris)
Laurencin, Marie
Palais de l'Automobile (Paris)
Commercial Cable Company (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Bronner & Cie (Basel)
Zurich, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
La Renaissance (Paris)
Ernest Dalbret, antiquités (Paris)
LeMasle, Robert
Laurencin, Marie
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Blot père & fils, emballages (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
H. Mallon & Co. (Le Havre)
Wildenstein & Co. (New York)
Durand-Ruel (New York)
Galerie Pierre (Paris)
Knoedler & Co. (London)
Wallis & Son (London)
Wildenstein & Co. (New York)
Lloyds & National Provincial Foreign Bank Limited (Paris)
Crédit Industriel et Commercial (Paris)
Sanatorium Dr. Apolant (Bad Kissingen)
Duveen & Walker (London)

View PDF of folder I.C.23.b

I.C.24.a Receipts and miscellaneous correspondence

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; telegrams; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients; ticket for single passage on the Orient Express, 1922 [item No. 72] and receipts for PR visit to Vienna and Budapest; miscellaneous handwritten letters to PR. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-299; item numbers not present: 103, 117, 136. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 17a, 63a, and 63b. Item numbers 47, 48, 59, 50, and 51 correspond to documents apparently extraneous to the PR collection and were transferred to file I.C.24.d while further clarifications are sought with regard to their origin.

Atelier de Reliure Mme Vve A. Keitt (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, imprimerie (Paris)
New York Herald Tribune (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Gaudillère & Cie, électricité (Paris)
Librairie Larousse (Paris)
L'Art Vivant (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Morgan & Cie (Paris)
Montag, Max
Wallis & Son (London)
George Wheatley & Cie, transports (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. (London)
Emile Staub (Zürich)
Wildenstein & Co. (New York)
Wiborg, Mary
Knoedler & Co. (London)
Courrier de la Presse (Paris)
Lloyds & National Provincial Foreign Bank Limited (Paris)
Maison Cabale-B. Esquerré, installations d'électricité (Paris)
E. Hancke (Berlin)
La Nationale, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Dowdeswell & Dowdeswells Ltd. (London)
Douanes Françaises (Paris)
Chenue, expéditeur (Paris)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. (London)
Dial Publishing (New York)
Cie Intle des Wagon-Lits (Paris)
Hâtel Bristol (Vienna)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
Julius Höfler (Munich)
Bohler (Munich)
Leggatt Bros. (London)
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
Schuffenecker, Amédée
Million-Guiet, automobiles (Paris)
Société du Salon d'Automne (Paris)
Annuaire des Ventes (Paris)
Grands Magasins du Louvre (Paris)
Bruno Cassirer (Berlin)
Lebourg, Albert
Casier (Gand)
Lloyds & National Provincial Foreign Bank Limited (Paris)
Crédit Industriel et Commercial (Paris)
Zygomalas, Alexandre [telegram and letter]
Trotti & Cie (Paris)

I.C.24.b Receipts and miscellaneous correspondence

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; telegrams; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients; miscellaneous handwritten letters to PR; typescript list of items in PR collection [item No. 568]. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 300-604; item numbers not present: 357, 412, 530. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 371a, 463a, 509a, 526a, and 526b. Item numbers 300 and 341 are given twice.

Paul Lemare, photographe (Paris)
Halou, A.J. [letter]
La Nationale, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Le Nord, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Charles Chapuis, rentoilage de tableaux (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Lair Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Atelier de Reliure Mme Vve A. Keitt (Paris)
Galerie Paul Guillaume (Paris) [item No. 333]
Paul Lemare, photographe (Paris)
F. Dupré, encadrements (Paris)
Vicart, Gabriel
Donop de Monchy, E.
Cloix, Pierre [letter]
Léon Daigrement, huissier (Paris)
Gachet, Paul
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Besnard, L.
C. Lepoutre, tableaux (Paris)
Duret, Théodore [receipt and letter]
Eugene Biedermann (Zürich)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
La Foncière, assurances (Paris)
Persin-Lisandre, meubles (Versailles)
National Gallery of Norway (Christiania)
Massine [Léonide?]
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Montag, Charles
Morgan, Harjes & Cie (Paris)
M. Stora & Cie (Paris)
Pissarro [Vve. Camille]
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
B. Biberon, papeterie (Paris)
Chenue, expéditeur (Paris)
Marty, André
M. Petit, emballeur (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe (Paris)
F. Dupré, encadrements (Paris)
Vicart, Gabriel
Emile Pelletier, serrurerie (Paris)
Blot père & fils, emballages (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe (Paris)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. (London)
New York Herald Tribune (Paris)
Knoedler & Co. (London)
Cunard (London)
Richard Bühler (Winterthur)
Santa Masina (Genoa)
Wildenstein & Co. (New York)
John Underwood & Co. (Paris)
Chambre de Commerce de Paris. Manutention à la Douane Centrale.
Max Montag (Winterthur)
S. Lion fils, objets d'art (Paris)
Maison Jeanson (Paris)
H. Mallon & Cie (Paris)
Charles Chapuis, rentoilage de tableaux (Paris)
Henri Baudoin, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Joseph Pascal, fabricant de châssis et toiles (Paris)
Le Gaulois, journal (Paris)
Syndicat des Marchands de Tableaux, Objets d'Art, Curiosités (Paris)
Helft, Jacques
Léon Helft fils, curiosités (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe (Paris)
B. Biberon, imprimerie (Paris)
Chenue, expéditeur (Paris)
J. Vala, dorure-encadrements (Paris)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. (London)
Duveen Brothers (London)
Agence Maritime H. Mallon & Cie (Paris)
Wildenstein & Co. (New York)
R. Troulet, enseignes (Paris)
Rétat, Gilbert
Wildenstein & Co. (New York)
Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouot (Paris)

I.C.24.c Receipts and miscellaneous correspondence

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; telegrams; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients; ticket for single passage on the Orient Express, 1922 [item No. 72] and receipts for PR visit to Vienna and Budapest; miscellaneous handwritten letters to PR; typescript list of items in PR collection [item No. 568]. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 605-894; item numbers not present: 608, 617, 626, 683, 776, 825. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 646a, 773a, 828a, 843a, 845a. Item number 843 is given twice.

Oeuvre des Orphelins de la Préfecture de Police (Paris)
Joseph Pascal, fabricant de chassis et toiles (Paris)
L. Fontaine, fruits et primeurs (Paris)
Compagnie d'Assurances Générales (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Maison Cabale-B. Esquerré (Paris)
Blot père & fils, emballages (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
New York Herald Tribune (Paris)
Ch. Pottier, emballeur (Paris)
Marcel Rivière, administrateur d'immeubles (Paris)
Charles Chapuis, rentoilage de tableaux (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Léon Helft Fils, curiosités (Paris)
American Express Company, Inc. (Paris)
Antiquités P. Bouvier (Paris)
Tewes, Rodolfo
Banco de Bilbao (Paris)
Annuaire des Ventes (Paris)
André Aucoc, orfèvrerie (Paris)
Ernest Dalbret, antiquités (Paris)
Baumann & Fils, constructeurs (Melun)
Paul Lemare, photographe (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
Agence Maritime H. Mallon & Cie (Paris)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. (London)
Wildenstein & Co. (New York)
Hesse & Stahl (Berlin)
Ernest Brown & Phillips. Leicester Galleries (London)
Algier & Chénot, B. Biberon (Paris)
New York Herald Tribune (Paris)
Galerie H. Fiquet (Paris)
Paris. Contribution Directes, Taxes et Produits Assimilés.
Alphonse Bellier, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
John Underwood & Co. (Paris)
Maison Labourdette, automobiles (Paris)
Oeuvre Anti-tuberculeuse de Paris
Bassin, J.
Syndicat des Éditeurs d'Art et Négociants en Tableaux Modernes (Paris)
Marlin-Nivet, fleurs (Paris)
Zurich, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
La Renaissance de l'Art Français et des Industries de Luxe (Paris)
Hector Brame, tableaux (Paris)
Blot père & fils, emballages (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
New York Herald Tribune (Paris)
Éditions des Quatre Chemins (Paris)
Direction des Services Téléphoniques de Paris
Laurencin, Marie
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. (London)
Hesse & Stahl (Berlin)
Wildenstein & Co. (New York)
Tedesco Frères, tableaux (Paris)
Chambre de Commerce de Paris. Manutention à la Douane Centrale.
Knoedler & Co. (London)
Le Combat (Paris)
Cantais, Georges
Algier & Chénot, B. Biberon (Paris)
Blot père & fils, emballages (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. (London)
Wildenstein & Co. (New York)
Knoedler & Co. (London)
Joseph Pascal, chassis et toile à tableaux (Paris)
Millward, G.
Transports Internationaux de la Rancheraye & Co. (Paris)
Laurencin, Marie
Syndicat des Éditeurs d'Art et Négociants en Tableaux Modernes (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Th. Bonjean, tableaux (Paris)
J. Chaine & Simonson, Galerie des Artistes Modernes (Paris)
G.J. Demotte, expert (Paris)
Durand-Ruel & Fils (Paris)
Duveen Brothers (London)
Jules Féral, expert (Paris)
A. Foinard, tableaux (Paris)
Félix Gerard fils, tableaux (Paris)
Gerard, Raphaël

I.C.24.d Receipts and miscellaneous correspondence

Item numbers 47, 48, 49, 50, and 51, originally included in the sequence of numbers of I.C.24.a, correspond to miscellaneous documents apparently extraneous to the PR collection and are currently segregated in this separate folder pending further clarification with regard to their origin. See Series I description in 'Scope and Content' for further clarification.

c. 1939
I.C.25.a Receipts

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; telegrams; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients; handwritten lists of pictures and artists names. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-323; item numbers not present: 1, 78, 93, 101, 238, 286, 297. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 17a, 294a, 294b, 294c, 303a, 303b.

Charles Closier, huissier (Paris)
La Foncière, assurances (Paris)
Crédit Industriel et Commercial (Paris)
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
Librairies E. Flammarion & A. Vaillant (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul [item No. 17: books purchased, August 1907]
Anzon-Caccamisi (London)
Th. Bonjean, tableaux (Paris)
Monet, Claude
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
Cloix, Pierre
Galerie Volney (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. (London)
Ernest Dalbret, antiquités (Paris)
Pomerat (Marseille)
Van Horne, William
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
Kirby (London)
Turnowksy, R.
Havemeyer, H.
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Paul von (baron)
Magallon, de
Hatvany, de
Deverin, Ed.
Jouffroy & Rochefort, photograveurs (Paris)
Imprimerie Studium (Paris)
Van Horne, William
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
Paris. Perception du 2e Arrondissement.
Préfecture de la Seine. Direction des Finances.
Rosenberg, Paul (dictated to and in the hand of G. Vicart) [item Nos. 283-284: 2 leaves of handwritten lists of pictures by Monet; the series numbers are not from Paris photo index]
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
Hatvany, de (baron)
Goldschmidt & Co. (Frankfurt)
Lombard, Alfred
Ullman & Seligmann (Vienna)
Madsen, Karl
Musée Royal de Copenhague
G. Chavanas, ébéniste (Paris)
Magallon, de
Zygomalas, Alexandre
Les Soirées de Paris (Paris)
Füller & Köhler, expéditeurs (Paris)
Hatvany Ferney (baron)
Alfred Flechtheim (Dusseldorf)
Paul Cassirer (Berlin)
Moderne Galerie Henrich Thannhauser (Munich)
National Museum (Stockholm)

View PDF of folder I.C.25.a

I.C.25.b Receipts

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; telegrams; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients; handwritten lists of pictures and artists names. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 324-499; item numbers not present: 373, 391, 392. Item number added to unmarked item: 331a.

Chénard-Huché, Georges
Kimbel & Co. (Paris)
Galerie Flechtheim (Dusseldorf)
Cassirer, Paul
Neue Künst Hans Goetz (Munich)
Laroche (Ghent)
Thomas Agnew & Sons (London)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Jules Féral, expert (Paris)
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
François Van Hoof, encadrements (Paris)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Les Bagages Moynat (Paris)
Willoughby, English Hatter (Paris)
Filard & Pelletier, joaillerie (Paris)
E. Borel, automobiles-aéroplanes (Paris)
G. Borel & Cie, automobiles (Paris)
Maison Nielsen, English Shoe Maker (Paris)
Marcellin, automobiles (Paris)
Zurich, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Lloyd de France, syndicat des assureurs franco-anglais (Paris)
A. Demond, joaillier (Paris)
McVicker & Co., Tailors (London)
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
Hâtel du Rond Royal (Compiègne)
Crédit Industriel et Commercial (Paris)

I.C.25.c Receipts

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; telegrams; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients; handwritten lists of pictures and artists names. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 500-723; item numbers not present: 511-522 inclusive, 591, 715, 720. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 558a, 662a.

Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
Zurich, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Girieud, Pierre P.
Courrier de la Presse (Paris)
New York Herald Company (Paris)
Mantelet Fils, miroiterie et dorure (Paris)
Reiss Frères, fabrique de sièges (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
Vigier Ainé, tapis (Paris)
Mme Vve A. Keitt, atelier de reliure (Paris)
Lair-Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Edgar Brandt, ferronnier d'art (Paris)
Lombard, Alfred
Zurich, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, graveur-imprimeur (Paris)
Lombard, Alfred
Bucaille, notaire (Paris)
Oller, Joseph
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
M. Petit, expéditeur (Paris)
Charlot, Louis
Augustin Donny, tailleur (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Charlot, Louis
L. Jallot, meubles modernes (Paris)
Félix Gerard fils, expert (Paris)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Paris. Caisse Municipal.
Paris. Services d'Architecture.
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Charlot, Louis
Frazier-Soye, graveur-imprimeur (Paris)
Bucaille, notaire (Paris)
Girieud, Pierre P.
J. Gieules, avocat (Paris)
La Foncière, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, graveur-imprimeur (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
François Van Hoof, cadres (Paris)
Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouot (Paris)
L. Jallot, meubles modernes (Paris)
Burlington Magazine Limited (London)
Courrier de la Presse (Paris)
Charlot, Louis
Crédit Lyonnais (Paris)
Paris. Recette-Perception.
Girieud, Pierre P.
Bucaille, notaire (Paris)
Henri Baudoin, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Girieud, Pierre P.
Burlington Magazine Limited (London)
Ernest Dalbret, antiquités (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
Jules Féral, expert (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, graveur-imprimeur (Paris)
Amis du Luxembourg (Paris)
Eugène Blot, bronzes d'art - tableaux (Paris)
J. Dulac, entreprise de peinture (Paris)
Charlot, Louis
Palais de l'Automobile (Paris)
Grands Magasins A La Place Clichy (Paris)
Hessel, Jos
Bernheim, Henry
E. Borel, automobiles-aéroplanes (Paris)
G. Borel & Cie, automobiles (Paris)
Borel, Albert

I.C.26 Receipts

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients; series of postcard-size printed tourism information notices (multiple copies of two types, in Norwegian: items numbers 1-18, inclusive). Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-277; item numbers not present: 20, 41, 62, 106, 109, 111, 112, 159, 160, 184, 235, 236, 243. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 33a, 87a, 87b, 87c, 189a, 189b, 189c, 271a.

St. Andreas Logen "St. Eystein" (Throndhiem)
St. Johs. Logen (Christiania)
Meubles Thonet (Paris)
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Paul von (baron)
Cloix, Pierre
Rodin, Auguste
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
Lair-Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Réunion Française, assurances (Paris)
E. Milaire, enseignes (Paris)
A. Garny, encadrements (Paris)
Thomson-Houston (Paris)
Reiss Frères, fabrique de sièges (Paris)
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Gil Blas, journal (Paris)
Kimbel & Co., transports (Paris)
Guillaumin, Armand
Paul Iribe & Cie (Paris)
La Foncière, assurances (Paris)
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Paul von (baron)
La Foncière, assurances (Paris)
E. Petit, expéditeur (Paris)
La Renaissance, Politique, Littéraire et Artistique (Paris)
La Séquanaise Électrique (Paris)
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
La Foncière, assurances (Paris)
A. Robinet, emballage d'objets d'art (Paris)
Société Française du Vacuum Cleaner (Paris)
Léon Carnevali, sièges (Paris)
L. Jallot, meubles modernes (Paris)
Électro Modern (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, imprimerie (Paris)
Grands Magasins du Printemps (Paris)
Charlot, Louis
Cloix, Pierre
Grands Magasins du Louvre (Paris)
A. Foinard, tableaux (Paris)
Edgar Brandt, ferronnier d'art (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Poste et Télégraphes (Paris)
Hessel, Jos
Grands Magasins A La Place Clichy, ameublements (Paris)
Bernheim, Georges
Thomson - Houston (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Lombard, Alfred
La Parisienne, Association Ouvrière, cadres (Paris)
Le Temps (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
A. Anaclet, emballeur (Toulouse)
Cloix, Pierre
Photographies d'Œuvres D'Art, procédés E. Druet (Paris)
Les Établissements Derepas Frères, Desaubliaux & Cie (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul (carte de visite)
Flechtheim, Alfred
Wendland, Hans
Brown & Phillips (London)
Stockwell & Cie Ltd. (Paris)
J.P. Schneider Jr. (Frankfurt)
G. Martin & Fils, emballeurs (Paris)
Beurdeley, A. [handwritten note]
Chapuis Frères & Cie, charbons, bois & cokes (Paris)
Exposition de Libre Ésthétique, 1913 (Paris)
A. Demond, joaillier (Paris)
Baratte, Émile
Singer (Budapest)
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon
J.P. Schneider Jr. (Frankfurt)
Paul Cassirer (Berlin)
A. Dayot (Munich)
Reber, G. F.
Rosenberg, Léonce
Girieud, Pierre P.
A. Dayot (Munich)
Mendelssohn (Berlin)
Daressy (Toulouse)
Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouotl (Paris)
V. Mantelet, miroiterie et dorure (Paris)
Photographies d'Oeuvres D'Art, procédés E. Druet (Paris)
Cremetti (London)
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Paul von (baron)
Manzi, Joyant & Cie, éditeurs-imprimeurs (Paris)
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon
Wendland, Hans
Bruno Cassirer (Berlin)
Reinach, Théodore
Flechtheim (Dusseldorf)
Wendland, Hans
Cohen, Fritz
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Paul von (baron)

View PDF of folder I.C.26

I.C.27.a Receipts and Paid Invoices

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients; brief reports by paintings restorer. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-434; item numbers not present: 2, 21, 65, 67, 68, 77, 81, 86, 87, 89, 93, 130, 137, 141, 142, 176, 177, 204, 210.

Menier, G.
Société du Gaz de Paris
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
Courrier de la Presse (Paris)
Département de la Seine. Perception.
La Foncière, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul [?]
Freund-Deschamps, Charles
Bakst, Léon
Georges Menier (Chenonceaux)
Emil Staub (Zurich)
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballage (Paris)
Kann, Alphonse
Nunès Fiquet (Paris)
Vve. Goy, Fils & Cie (Paris)
Riquelme, antiquaire (Biarritz)
Courrier de la Presse (Paris)
Agence Parisienne Immobilière (Paris)
Latinville-Guinon, confiseur (Paris)
Moreux, fleurs naturelles (Paris)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
L. Fontaine, fruits et primeurs (Paris)
Menier, fabrique de chocolat (Paris)
Ville de Paris. 8e Arrondissement.
Zurich, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
J. Coipel, maroquinerie (Paris)
Pharmacie T. Leclerc (Paris)
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
André Desvouges, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Confédération Suisse. Administration des douanes.
Sidney Brown (Baden)
Bühler-Köhler (Winterthur)
Établissements Au Châtelet (Paris)
Charles Chapuis, rentoilage de tableaux (Paris)
Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouotl (Paris)
J. Rotil (Paris)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Zurich, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
F. Dupré, encadrements (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballeur (Paris)
Gaston Roulleau, entrepreneur (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Montag, Charles
Émile Ottoz, dévernissage de tableaux (Paris)
L'Art et les Artistes (Paris)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Rafael Riquelme, antiquaire (Biarritz)
Rosenberg, Léonce
Jean Schemit, librairie (Paris)
La Foncière, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Ernest Dalbret, antiquités (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, papeterie (Paris)
Rafael Riquelme, antiquaire (Biarritz)
Lemonnier, Isabelle
Laurens, Henri
Donop de Monchy, E.
Cloix, Pierre
Rafael Riquelme, antiquaire (Biarritz)
Lair-Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Montag, Charles
Vauxcelles, Louis
Ernest Dalbret, antiquités (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
F. Dupré, encadrements (Paris)
Castagnary, A.
Duret, Théodore
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
Tierrebourg, de (baronne)
Le Foncier de France & des Colonies, assurances (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballeur (Paris)
Albert Asséo, restauration de tapis d'orient (Paris)

I.C.27.b Receipts and Paid Invoices

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients; brief reports by paintings restorer. Original folder segregated in file.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 220-434; item numbers not present: 253, 303, 304, 343, 377, 381, 396, 397, 414, 415.

Cloix, Pierre
Vicart, Gabriel
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
Bureau Comptabilité Téléphonique (Paris)
Société Générale (Bayonne)
Cloix, Pierre
Charles Marret, courtier d'assurances (Paris)
Goldner, F.
Georges Salle, notaire (Paris)
Peyreaud, L.
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
La Foncière, assurances (Paris)
Georges Menier (Chenonceaux)
Vicart, Gabriel
F. Dupré, encadrements (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballeur (Paris)
Société Anonyme des Aéroplanes Borel (Neuilly-sur-Seine)
Société Générale (Biarritz)
Société Générale (Bayonne)
Le Foncier de France & des Colonies, assurances (Paris)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
Charles Marret, courtier d'assurances (Paris)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Albert Asséo, restauration de tapis d'orient (Paris)
Vicart, Gabriel
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, papeterie (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballeur (Paris)
Chambre Syndicale des Négociants en Objets d'Art Anciens, Tableaux et Curiosités (Paris)
Tierrebourg, de (baronne)
Le Foncier de France & des Colonies, assurances (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Vicart, Gabriel
Atelier de Reliure Mme Vve A. Keitt (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
Chemin de Fer d'Orléans
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Aux Montagnes Russes, magasin de mercerie (Biarritz)
Rosenberg, Paul
Léon, Maïtena
La Foncière, assurances (Paris)
Vicart, Gabriel
Zurich, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
Vollard, Ambroise
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, papeterie (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
Carrière, Marguerite
Vicart, Gabriel
Poste Central Téléphonique (Paris)
Tierrebourg, de (baronne)
Brisson, rentoileur des Musées Nationaux (Paris)
Union Libérale Israélite de Paris (Paris)
Heimann, René
Salut aux Morts pour la Patrie, au Journal L' Événement (Paris)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
La Séquanaise Électrique, applications de téléphone (Paris)
Vicart, Gabriel
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
F. Dupré, encadrements (Paris)
Salomon & Berr, boiseries anciennes (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Vicart, Gabriel
F. Dupré, encadrements (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, papeterie (Paris)

I.C.28.a Receipts and Paid Invoices

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients; bound ledger leaves recording electrical work carried out at the Galeries PR, rue de la Boétie. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-249; item numbers not present: 38, 69, 70, 75, 115, 127-131 inclusive, 133-136 inclusive, 151, 152, 190, 207. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 275a. Item numbers 27 and 245 given twice.

Crédit Industriel & Commercial (Paris)
Lloyds & National Provincial Foreign Bank Ltd. (Paris)
Amsterdamsche Bank (Amsterdam)
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
Jordaan & Cie (Paris)
Droin (Lyon)
La Générale, nettoyage (Paris)
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Paul von (baron)
Léveque, A.
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Compagnie d'Assurances Générales (Paris)
Pitt & Scott Ltd., transports (Paris)
Stoop, Bertha
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
John Underwood & Co. (Paris)
La Nationale, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Ville de Paris. Contributions Directes.
Département de la Seine. Bureau de la Perception.
La Foncière, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballeur (Paris)
L'Art et les Artistes (Paris)
Société du Salon d'Automne (Paris)
Charlot, Louis
Courroies J. Lechat (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Atelier de Reliure Mme Vve A. Keitt (Paris)
F. Dupré, encadrements (Paris)
L'Art et les Artistes (Paris)
Daniel Jacomet & Cie, Ateliers André Marty (Paris)
Zurich, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
La Renaissance de l'Art Français et des Industrie de Luxe (Paris)
Marty, André
J. Marmonier (Paris)
La Foncière, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
L' Éclair, journal quotidien de Paris
Société Nationale des Beaux Arts (Paris)
Charlot, Louis
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Wildenstein, Georges
Stettiner, antiquaire (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Chenue, expéditeur (Paris)
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
Caroline Jelinek (Vienna)
Sakakihara (Kyoto, Japan)
P.P. Chenue (London)
Thannhauser (Munich)
Société du Gaz de Paris
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Le Courrier de la Presse (Paris)
Stoop, Bertha
Hope-Johnstone, John
Zurich, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
F. Giletta (Nice)
Sazias Fils, agent en douane (Nice)
L. Malabert, ingénieur-électricien (Paris)

View PDF of folder I.C.28.a

I.C.28.b Receipts and Paid Invoices

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients; bound ledger leaves recording electrical work carried out at the Galeries PR, rue de la Boétie. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 250-508; item numbers not present: 347, 348, 397, 409, 412, 428, 439, 444, 473, 478, 485. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 275a. Item numbers 492-498 inclusive are given twice.

L. Malabert, entrepreneur (Paris)
Lloyds & National Provincial Foreign Bank Ltd. (Paris)
Crédit Industriel & Commercial (Paris)
Cassirer, Bruno
Reid, Alex
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Ville de Paris. Contributions Directes.
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Postes et Télégraphes (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Pissarro, P.E.
Zurich, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballeur (Paris)
Vicart, Gabriel
La Foncière, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
Jean Schemit, librairie de l'art français (Paris)
La Renaissance de l'Art Français et des Industrie de Luxe (Paris)
L' Éclair, journal quotidien de Paris
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Mantelet Fils, miroiterie (Paris)
F. Dupré, encadrements (Paris)
Établissements Borel (Neuilly-sur-Seine)
La Nationale, assurances (Paris)
Charlot, Louis
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
A. Lalande (Paris)
République Française. Direction Générale de l'Enregistrement des
Domaines et du Timbre.
Ernest Dalbret, antiquités (Paris)
La Belle Jardinière (Paris)
Hâtel des Ventes Mobilières (Paris)
Henri Baudoin, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
F. Dupré, encadrements (Paris)
Ernest Dalbret, antiquités (Paris)

View PDF of folder I.C.28.b

I.C.29.a Receipts and Paid Invoices

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients; bound ledger leaves recording carpentry work carried out at the Galeries PR, avenue de l'Opéra. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-249; item numbers not present: 25, 27, 49-148 inclusive, 154, 155, 167, 168, 181, 182, 183, 192, 235, 248. Item number added to unmarked item: 5a. Item numbers 186 and 187 are given twice. Please also note that the numbering system of filed items in I.C.29.a-b has been greatly disturbed; selected documents from files preceding and following have apparently been added erroneously to the items originally numbered 1-503 in the Russian State Archives (RSA) inventory (1949 and later).

Ernest Dalbret, antiquités (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballeur (Paris)
Paris. 8e Arrondissement. Bureau de l'Enregistrement.
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Besnard, L.
A. Lalande (Paris)
Lair-Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Halvorsen, Walther
Besnard, L.
Alex Reid (Glasgow)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Stettiner, antiquaire (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballeur (Paris)
Mappin & Webb, Ltd. (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Société Anonyme pour l' Équipement Électrique des Véhicules (Issy, Seine)
Direction des Service Télégraphiques de Paris
A. Lalande (Paris)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Victor Hubert, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Max Montag (Winterthur)
Mantelet Fils, miroiterie (Paris)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
Compagnie d'Assurances Générales (Paris)
Crawley, Dixon & Bowring Ltd., Insurance Brokers (London)
A. Lalande (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Ernest Dalbret, antiquités (Paris)
Lebrun, cadres (Paris)
Photographies d'Oeuvres d'Art E. Druet (Paris)
Galerie E. Druet (Paris)
Atelier de Reliure Mme Vve A. Keitt (Paris)
Thibault, antiquités (Versailles)
Courroies J. Lechat (Paris)
L'Amour de l'Art (Paris)
Chambre Syndicale de la Curiosité et des Beaux-Arts (Paris)
Michelin & Cie (Clermont-Ferrand)
Laroche-Lechat, J.
J. Rotil, cadres anciens (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
H. Floury, libraire (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Poulet, imprimeur (Paris)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
Compagnie d'Assurances Générales (Paris)
Alex Reid (Glasgow)
Jouhand & Cie, automobiles (Paris)

I.C.29.b Receipts and Paid Invoices

Handwritten, typescript and printed receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients; bound ledger leaves recording carpentry work carried out at the Galeries PR, avenue de l'Opéra. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 250-503; item numbers not present: 257, 258, 287, 303, 318-322 inclusive, 360, 366, 367, 369, 372, 404, 407, 425, 477, 478, 481, 482, 486, 487, 503. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 345a, 371a, 456a, 457a, 480a. Item numbers 341, 413, and 414 are given twice. Please also note that the numbering system of filed items in I.C.29.a-b has been greatly disturbed; selected documents from files preceding and following have apparently been added erroneously to the items originally numbered 1-503 in the Russian State Archives (RSA) inventory (1949 and later).

H. Affraix & Cie, entrepreneurs (Paris)
Albert Asséo, restaurations de tapis d'Orient (Paris)
La Foncière, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
J. Brodu, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Dupré & Cie, encadrements (Paris)
A. Lalande (Paris)
C. Lepoutre, tableaux (Paris)
Wildenstein, Georges
Dupré & Cie, encadrements (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Weigel, Leygonie & Cie, transports (Paris)
A. Brisson & Leguay, rentoileur des Musées Nationaux (Paris)
Vollard, Ambroise
Louis Conrad, sculpteur-doreur (Paris)
Le Temps (Paris)
Le Figaro (Paris)
L' Écho de Paris (Paris)
Le Nord, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Le Gaulois (Paris)
Roché, Henri Pierre
Quinn, John
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Kimbel & Co., De La Rancheraye, transports (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballeur (Paris)
Renault Automobiles (Billancourt)
Dupré & Cie, encadrements (Paris)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
Compagnie d'Assurances Générales (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Bulletin de la Vie Artistique (Paris)
Affichage National Dufayel (Paris)
Charlot, Louis
Roché, Henri Pierre
Quinn, John
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Pitt & Scott, Ltd., agence de transports (Paris)
Félix Wildenstein (New York)
Brown & Phillips (London)
H. O. Havemeyer (New York)
J. Garnier, emballeur (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
J. Rotil, cadres anciens (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Dupré & Cie, encadrements (Paris)
E. Chevalier, couverture & plomberie (Paris)
Marty, André
Bibliographie de la France (Paris)
Étienne Bignou, tableaux (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballeur (Paris)
Georges Gié, entrepreneur (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Compagnie Anonyme des Établissements Chéri (Paris)
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Jouhan & Cie, fournitures pour automobiles (Paris)
Léger, Charles
A. Lalande (Paris)
Zurich, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Département de la Seine. Directeur des Contributions Directes.
Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouot (Paris)
Charles Chapuis, rentoilage de tableaux (Paris)
Le Zénith, assurances (Paris)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
Crawley, Dixon & Bowring Ltd., Insurance Brokers (London)
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballeur (Paris)
Alex Reid (Glasgow)
F. Dupré, encadrements (Paris)
E. Coullet & Cie, ébénisterie (Nice)
Verdier, L.
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Weigel, Leygonie & Cie (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
Ernest Dalbret, antiquités (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Bernheim, Roger
Deborgies Fils Ainé, serrurerie (Paris)

I.C.30.a Receipts and Paid Invoices [and Miscellaneous]

Handwritten, typescript and printed letters, receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements.

NOTE: The numbering system of filed items in I.C.30.a-f has been greatly disturbed. File I.C.30.a consists of a selection of documents from several subseries made for reasons and at a time unknown, no earlier than the inventory and consequent numbering series undertaken at the RSA inventory (c. 1949 and later). This file includes item numbers 2, 3, 6, 10-21 inclusive, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 114 (bulk dates are 1916, with some items from 1913, 1914, 1921). Original folder is segregated in file and is also given an item number 44.

Halvorsen, Walther
Wagram, de (prince)
Rosenberg, Léonce
Hessel, Jos
Paul Lemare, photographie (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Charlot, Louis
Lombard, Alfred
Arnaud, A.
Melleris, André
Cloix, Pierre
Melleris, André
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
À L' Éléphant Blanc, objets en ivoire (Paris)
Vollard, Ambroise
Montag, Charles
Vollard, Ambroise
Wagram, de (prince)
Behrendt, M.
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Durand Ruel

I.C.30.b Receipts and Paid Invoices [and Miscellaneous]

Handwritten, typescript and printed letters, receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements.

NOTE: The numbering system of filed items in I.C.30.a-f has been greatly disturbed. File I.C.30.b consists of a selection of documents from several subseries made for reasons and at a time unknown, no earlier than the inventory and consequent numbering series undertaken at the RSA inventory (c. 1949 and later). This file includes item numbers 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 29, 38-39-40, 41, 41, 41-42-43, 46, 48, 53, 62, 65, 67, 68, 69-70, 75, 75-76, 74-75-76-77, 77, 79, 80, 81, 81, 82, 86, 87, 88, 89, 93, 94, 106, 109, 111, 112, 115, 127-131 inclusive, 133-136 inclusive, 134, 135, 142, 141, 142, 142, 143, 151, 152, 154, 155, 157-158-159-160-161, 159, 159, 160, 160, 161, 167, 168, 171, 173, 176, 177, 178, 180, 181, 182, 183, 183, 183, 184, 185, 190, 191, 192, 194, 195, 199, 204, 210, 222, 222, 225, 226-227, 228-229, 235, 243, 248, 253, 257, 258, 269, 270, 275, 280, 286, 287, 303, 303, 304, 320, 321, 322, 343, 360, 366, 367, 372, 377, 380, 381, 397, 407, 409, 409, 412, 413a, 414, 415, 415, 420, 425, 428, 439, 444, 464, 473, 477, 478, 481-482, 485, 486, 487, 519, 586, 591, 692, 693, and 792 (bulk dates are 1920-1924, with some items from 1914-1919).

Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Galerie L'Effort Moderne (Paris)
Rosenberg, Léonce
Borel, Albert
Bernheim, Émile
Wildenstein, Georges
Wildenstein & Cie (New York)
P. Rosenberg (Paris)
Matisse, A.
Aurél, Roman
Louis Combe, tableaux (Paris)
Galerie J. Allard, tabeaux (Paris)
Quinn, John
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Rosenberg, Léonce
Quinn, John
Léon Helft, curiosités (Paris)
Zoubaloff, Jacques Michel
Gangnat, M.
André Desvouges, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Laurent, H.
Galerie Georges Petit (Paris)
Aéroplanes Borel (Neuilly-sur-Seine)
Imberti, tableaux (Bordeaux)
Fayet, Gustave [letter, item No. 75]
Paul Rosenberg (Paris) [1917 exhibition list, item Nos. 74-75-76-77]
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Kann, Alphonse
Chenue, emballage et transport (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Wildenstein, Georges
Montag, Charles
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
C. Lepoutre, tableaux (Paris)
Rosenberg, Léonce
Oller, Joseph
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Maëly, L.
Galerie L'Effort Moderne (Paris)
Rosenberg, Léonce
La Foncière, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Jules Roy (Rouen)
Montag, Max
Eisenloeffel (Amsterdam)
Hahnloser (Wintherthur)
Stoop, Bertha
William Marchant & Co. (London)
Dicks & Co. (London)
Alex Reid (Glasgow)
Rosenberg, Léonce
Daniel Jacomet & Cie, Ateliers André Marty (Paris)
La Foncière, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Bühler-Kohler (Wintherthur)
Royannez (Marseille)
Galerie L'Effort Moderne (Paris)
Rosenberg, Léonce
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Laurencin, Marie
Galerie L'Effort Moderne (Paris)
Rosenberg, Léonce
Quinn, John
Cloix, Pierre
M. Knoedler & Co. (Paris)
Chapuis, Paul
Charlot, Louis
Montag, Charles
Graat et Madoulé, tableaux (Paris)
Labrinière, A.
Fournier, Marcel
Vauxcelles, Louis
Tedesco Frères, tableaux (Paris)
Béarn, de (comtesse)
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Montag, Charles
Wildenstein, Georges
Oskar Reinhart (Winterthur)
Paul & Marcel Jonas (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Léonce Rosenberg (Paris)
Wildenstein, Georges
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Vauxcelles, Louis
Éditions de L'Effort Moderne (Paris)
Rosenberg, Léonce
Laurencin, Marie
Roché, Henri Pierre
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Galerie L'Effort Moderne (Paris)
Rosenberg, Léonce
Halvorsen, Walther
Daniel Jacomet & Cie, Ateliers André Marty (Paris)
Marty, André
Kann, Alphonse
Charlot, Louis
Pottier, transports (Paris)
Laroche (Gand)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Montag, Charles
Hahnloser (Winterthur)
Manguin, H.
Rasty, de (comtesse)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Rosenberg, Léonce
Montag, Charles
Vollard, Ambroise
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Cloix, Pierre
Émile Ottoz, dévernissage de tableaux (Paris)
Carpaux, Georges
Richard Bühler (Winterthur)
Zborowski, Léopold
Étienne Bignou, tableaux (Paris)
Kann, Alphonse
Nicole Groult, modes (Paris)
Laurencin, Marie
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Laroche, H.
Vauxcelles, Louis
Galeries Georges Petit (Paris)
Étienne Bignou, tableaux (Paris)
Muller, Geo.
Wildenstein, Georges
Pissarro, Paul- Émile
Renoir, Edmond
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Hessel, Jos
Roch Filippi (Maisons-Laffitte)
Laroche, H.
Marty, André ["Tricorne"]
La Foncière, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Biedermann (Zurich)
Laroche, H.
Loevi, G.
Iliesco, Eugène
Marty, André
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Halvorsen, Walther
Nicole Groult, modes (Paris)
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Kann, Alphonse
Gachet, Paul
Daniel Jacomet & Cie, Ateliers André Marty (Paris)
Bonin, A.

View PDF of folder I.C.30.b

I.C.30.c Receipts and Paid Invoices [and Miscellaneous]

Handwritten, typescript and printed letters, receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; typescript lists of exhibition items; brief reports by paintings restorer; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients.

NOTE: The numbering system of filed items in I.C.30.a-f has been greatly disturbed; selected documents from files preceding and following have apparently been added erroneously to the 1-820 items originally numbered (files I.C.30.c-d-e) in the Russian State Archives (RSA) inventory (1949 and later). Range of item numbers assigned: 1-269; item numbers not present: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10-22 inclusive, 24-29 inclusive, 33-36 inclusive, 38-41 inclusive, 44, 94, 114, 126, 134-140 inclusive, 142, 143, 146, 214, 216, 217, 222, 223, 225, 242, 258. Item numbers given twice: 45, 47, 48-53 inclusive, 117, 259. Item numbers 173-174 inclusive, 175-176 inclusive, 210, 241, 243-257 inclusive, correspond to photographs and printed items, and have been transferred to file I.C.30.f.

La Renaissance, Politique, Littéraire et Artistique (Paris)
N. & H. Bernasconi Frères (Paris)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
L. Petithomme, A La Lampe Merveilleuse (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballeur-expéditeur (Paris)
Hessel, Jos
Eisenhandlung Zentrum (Breslau)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballeur-expéditeur (Paris)
Société du Gaz de Paris
Bell, Clive
John Underwood & Co. (Paris)
Galerie Thannhauser (Lucerne)
Quinn, John
Pottier, transport (Paris)
Marty, André
Picabia, Francis
John Lane (London)
Germain, Jules
E. Chevalier, plomberie (Paris)
Hugo Perls (Berlin)
Maurice Hauët, encadrements (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballeur-expéditeur (Paris)
Oskar Reinhart (Winterthur)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Tedesco Frères, tableaux (Paris)
Charles Herchel, ébénisterie (Paris)
Bureau Central Téléphonique (Paris)
H. Lardanchet, libraire-éditeur (Lyon)
Bulletin de la Vie Artistique (Paris)
Bernheim Jeune & Cie, éditeurs (Paris)
Hessel, Jos
Tedesco Frères, tableaux (Paris)
Charles Chapuis, rentoilage de tableaux (Paris)
A. Brisson & Leguay, rentoileur des Musées Nationaux (Paris)
Roché, Henri Pierre
Banque de Suède et de Paris (Paris)
Olson, Gösta
Mery, G.
Gold, Alfred
Reinhart, Oskar
Borel, Albert
La Belle Jardinière (Paris)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballeur-expéditeur (Paris)
Tedesco Frères, tableaux (Paris)
Kaplan, Clementy
J. Rotil, cadres anciens (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
Ed. Badois, encadrements (Paris)
La Nationale, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Jonas, C.
Ebrahim, J.
Le Nord, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)

View PDF of folder I.C.30.c

I.C.30.d Receipts and Paid Invoices [and Miscellaneous]

Handwritten, typescript and printed letters, receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; typescript lists of exhibition items; brief reports by paintings restorer; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients.

NOTE: The numbering system of filed items in I.C.30.a-f has been greatly disturbed; selected documents from files preceding and following have apparently been added erroneously to the 1-820 items originally numbered (files I.C.30.c-d-e) in the Russian State Archives (RSA) inventory (1949 and later). Range of item numbers assigned: 270-549; item numbers not present: 270-275 inclusive, 308-316 inclusive, 368, 369, 370, 380, 385, 386, 387, 420, 464, 466, 506, 548. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 371a, 492a, 508a, 510a. Item numbers given twice: 285, 287, 486, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 518, 545. Item numbers 317-318 inclusive, correspond to printed items, and have been transferred to file I.C.30.f.

Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
Ed. Badois, encadrements (Paris)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
A.C. Cooper, Fine Art Photographer (London)
Grand Magasins du Louvre (Paris)
Lloyds & National Provincial Foreign Bank Ltd. (Paris)
Crédit Industriel et Commercial (Paris)
H. Mallon & Co., transports (Paris)
La Renaissance, Politique, Littéraire et Artistique (Paris)
Douanes Françaises (Paris)
Bruno Cassirer (Berlin)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Duveen & Walker (London)
Bruno Cassirer (Berlin)
Hâtel des Ventes Mobilières (Paris)
Emile Boudin, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouot(Paris)
A. Lalande (Paris)
Tierrebourg, de (baronne)
La Foncière, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Brown & Phillips (London)
Hope-Johnstone, John
Douanes Françaises (Paris)
E.R. Bühler (Winterthur)
Kunstverein Winterthur
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Pitt & Scott, Ltd., agence de transport et de douane (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
Dupré & Cie, encadrements (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballeur-expéditeur (Paris)
Charles Chapuis, rentoilage de tableaux (Paris)
Chemin de Fer du Nord (Paris)
Hugo Perls (Berlin)
W. Liebrecht (Berlin)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
Zurich, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Léon Helft Fils, curiosités (Paris)
Wildenstein, Georges
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Joseph Pascal, chassis pour tableaux (Paris)
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Roché, Henri Pierre
Quinn, John
Baratte, Émile
Douanes Françaises (Paris)
Knoedler & Co. (London)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
Crawley, Dixon & Bowring Ltd., Insurance Brokers (London)
Duveen & Walker (London)
Joseph Pascal, chassis pour tableaux (Paris)
A. Valette, entrepreneur (Paris)
Reverdy, Pierre [Item No. 485]
Bissière, Roger
Max Montag (Winterthur)
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Pitt & Scott, Ltd., agence de transport et de douane (Paris)
Wildenstein, Félix
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Belin-Mercier (Paris)
Bissière, Roger
Daniel Jacomet & Cie, Ateliers André Marty (Paris) [item No. 515: 'Tricorne']
Dupré & Cie, encadrements (Paris)
Société Anonyme des Châlets de Nécessité (St. Ouen)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
Atelier de Reliure Mme Vve A. Keitt (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
J. Rotil, cadres anciens (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Destres & Caron, encadrements (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Société Nationale des Beaux Arts (Paris)
Charlot, Louis
Palais de la Nouveauté, Affichage National (Paris)
Blanchard, Maria

View PDF of folder I.C.30.d

I.C.30.e Receipts and Paid Invoices [and Miscellaneous]

Handwritten, typescript and printed letters, receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; typescript lists of exhibition items; brief reports by paintings restorer; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients.

NOTE: The numbering system of filed items in I.C.30.a-f has been greatly disturbed; selected documents from files preceding and following have apparently been added erroneously to the 1-820 items originally numbered (files I.C.30.c-d-e) in the Russian State Archives (RSA) inventory (1949 and later). Range of item numbers assigned: 550-820; item numbers not present: 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 586, 587, 588, 591, 617, 632, 663, 692, 693, 698, 775, 792. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 657a and 668a.

Tedesco Frères, tableaux (Paris)
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
La Nationale, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Ville de Paris. Contributions Directes.
Hâtel des Ventes (Paris)
E. Jorin (Paris)
A. Lalande (Paris)
Kunst und Künstler, Verlag Bruno Cassirer (Berlin)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Les Éditions g. Crès & Cie (Paris)
Borel, Albert
J. Rothschild & Fils, voitures de luxe (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Ville de Paris. Contributions Directes.
Société du Salon d'Automne (Paris)
Bissière, Roger
Charlot, Louis
A. Leclaire, meubles et bronzes (Paris)
Pitt & Scott, Ltd., transports (Paris)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballeur (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Hessel, Jos
Charles Chapuis, rentoilage de tableaux (Paris)
Compagnie d'Assurances Générales (Paris)
Le Courrier de la Presse (Paris)
A. Lalande
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
Valeton (Paris)
Massine [Léonide?]
Joseph Pascal, chassis pour tableaux (Paris)
Lebrun, cadres (Paris)
Ville de Paris. Perception des Amendes.
Le Gaulois, journal quotidien, littéraire & politique (Paris)
Compagnie d'Assurances Générales (Paris)
Affichage Moulin (Paris)
Blanchard, Maria
Hâtel des Ventes (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Ville de Paris. Contributions Directes.
Bissière, Roger
Tedesco Frères, tableaux (Paris)
Affichage Moulin (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
Louis Conrad, cadres (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
A. Morin, encadrements (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Willoughby, Hugh
Photographies d'Oeuvres d'Art E. Druet (Paris)
Joseph Pascal, chassis pour tableaux (Paris)
La Renaissance de l'Art Français (Paris)
La Renaissance politique, littéraire & économique (Paris)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
La Foncière, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Hugo Perls (Berlin)
A. Lalande (Paris)
Mme Marlin, fleurs (Paris)
Syndicat des Marchands de Tableaux, Objets d'Art, Curiosités (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Bénard Frères & Cie (Paris)
Laurencin, Marie
Chemin de Fer du Nord (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballage (Paris)
Société des Artistes Indépendants (Paris)
Charlot, Louis
Bissière, Roger
Deborgies fils ainé, serrurerie (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
E. Baudoin, ébénisterie (Paris)

View PDF of folder I.C.30.e

I.C.30.f Receipts and Paid Invoices [and Miscellaneous]

Photographs and printed items withdrawn from files I.C.30.c and I.C.30.d including a Christmas card; two black/white snapshots, [Germany (?), circa .1920]; two color reproductions on post cards of paintings by P.E. Renowitzky and Bernhard Eyb; small stationery-bound manual printed in Chicago, circa 1920, by Bell & Howell Company for a motion picture camera; and two postcards with engraved drawings, A. Lhote exhibition 1921. This file specifically contains item numbers 173-174 inclusive, 175-176 inclusive, 210, 241, 243-257 inclusive, 317, 318.

Hastings, Frank
Aerokartographischesinstitut (Breslau)
Bell & Howell (Chicago)
B. Eyb (Vienna)
Galeries Paul Rosenberg (Paris)

I.C.31.a Receipts and Paid Invoices

Handwritten, typescript and printed letters, receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; typescript lists of exhibition items; brief reports by paintings restorer; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-199; item numbers not present: 29, 53, 60, 61, 67-70 inclusive, 79-85 inclusive, 88, 115-118 inclusive, 134, 163, 168, 169, 170, 171, 173. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 129a, 129b, 187a, 190a. Item numbers 75-76, inclusive, and 194-199, inclusive, correspond to documents apparently extraneous to the PR collection and were transferred to file I.A.31.b while further clarifications are sought with regard to their origin.

Galerie Thannhauser (Lucerne)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
E. Théveniaud, expéditions (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballages
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Galerie J. Allard (Paris)
Max Montag, Agentur und Kommissionsgeschäft (Winterthur)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
Staub, Emile
Villars, Antoine
C.T. Bowring & Co. Insurance Ltd. (London)
William Burrell (Ayr, Scotland)
Nathan J. Miller (New York)
Knoedler & Co. (London)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Musée d' État Tchécoslovaque (Prague)
Baratte, Émile
Bernheim Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Deborgies fils ainé, serrurerie (Paris)
Wildenstein (Paris)
Compagnie d'Assurances Générales (Paris)
Laurent, Henri
Montag, Charles
William Burrell (Ayr, Scotland)
Chemin de Fer de l' État et de Brighton (Paris)
Willoughby, Hugh
Wildenstein (Paris)
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Willoughby, Hugh
H. Coleman (Manchester)
Oskar Reinhart (Winterthur)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
Édouard Théveniaud, expéditions (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballages
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
R. Troulet, enseignes (Paris)
Walther Halvorsen
Oskar Reinhart (Winterthur)
Brown (Baden)
Nyquist, Otto
A. Lalande
Le Courrier de la Presse (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)
Bissière, Roger
Paul & Marcel Jonas (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
L. Malabert, électricité (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
E. Théveniaud, expéditions (Paris)
J. Garnier, emballages
Brown, Boveri & Cie (Baden)
Laurencin, Marie
Willoughby, Hugh
Baratte, Émile
De Keyser & Thornton (Antwerp)
Zurich, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Affichage Moulin (Paris)
La Renaissance de l'Art Français et des Industrie de Luxe (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
Baratte, Émile
Emil Staub (Zurich)
Moderne Galerie Heinrich Thannhauser (Munich)
R. Troulet, enseignes (Paris)
Zayas, Marius de
Emil Staub (Zurich)

I.C.31.b Receipts and Paid Invoices, Miscellaneous

Item numbers 75, 76, and 194-199, inclusive, originally included in the sequence of numbers of I.C.31.a, correspond to miscellaneous documents apparently extraneous to the PR collection and are currently segregated in this separate folder pending further clarification with regard to their origin. See Series I description in 'Scope and Content' for further clarification.

Maison Michel (Paris)
Rothschild, Édouard de (baronne)
Maison Martin (Paris)
Friedmann (Leipzig)
Cie du Chemin de Fer du Nord (St. Ouen)
Trémant, Denise

I.C.32.a Receipts and Paid Invoices

Handwritten, typescript and printed letters, receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; office copy of outgoing mail [item No. 67]; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients; carte de visite. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-219; item numbers not present: 46, 71, 146, 183. Item number added to unmarked item: 130a.

Jelinek (Vienna)
J. Mollex (Paris)
The New York Herald, European Edition (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
La Renaissance, Politique, Littéraire et Artistique (Paris)
Gazette des Beaux-Arts (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
Édouard Théveniaud, emballages d'objets d'art (Paris)
Zurich, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Laurencin, Marie
Joseph Pascal, chassis et toiles (Paris)
Ville de Paris. Receveur Municipal.
Sydney Schiff (London)
Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouot (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. Insurance Brokers (London)
Tietze (Vienna)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
Reber, G.F.
L'Illustration (Paris)
Le Radiola, téléphone sans fil (Paris)
A. Prioux, ébénisterie (Paris)
Reinhart, Oskar
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
Troelli (Paris)
Lair-Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Riccard (Laon) [letter, item No. 66]
Carol S. Carstairs [letter, item No. 67]
Art Institute of Chicago
Camille, manufacture de tapis (Paris)
Lair-Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Rosenberg (late Mme Vve Alexandre) [item No. 69]
Domke, Martin
Le Radiola, téléphone sans fil (Paris)
Royannez (Marseille)
Ville de Paris. Contributions Directes.
Wildenstein, Georges
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Édouard Théveniaud, emballages d'objets d'art (Paris)
G.F. Reber (Lugano)
G. Laborie, transports (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
De La Rancheraye & Co., transports (Paris)
Bourgeat & Cie, tableaux et librairie d'art (Paris)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. Insurance Brokers (London)
Ludington, Wright (Ardmore, Pennsylvania)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
Albert Asséo, restauration de tapis d'orient (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Joseph Pascal, chassis et toiles (Paris)
Jean Schemit, librairie (Paris)
Swarzenski (Frankfurt)
Stadeles Institut (Frankfurt)
Deborgies Fils Ainé, serrurerie (Paris)
Édouard Théveniaud, emballages d'objets d'art (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Consortium Savon Frères (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Estailleur, W.S. de
Ville de Paris. Receveur Municipal.
Charles Chapuis, rentoilage de tableaux (Paris)
Marcel Rivière, administrateur (Paris)
Le Temps (Paris)
Jonas (Mme Henri)
Oskar Reinhart (Winterthur)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Édouard Théveniaud, emballages d'objets d'art (Paris)
H. Mallon & Co., transports (Le Havre)
Alex Reid (Glasgow)
Félix Wildenstein (New York)
Art Institute of Chicago
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
The New York Herald, European Edition (Paris)

I.C.32.b Receipts and Paid Invoices

Handwritten, typescript and printed letters, receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; receipt stubs for money orders and registered post, some with named recipients; carte de visite; sheet of paper with title "La Doctoresse / Acte III" [item No. 405]. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 220-439; item numbers not present: 269, 274, 280. Item number 293 is given twice.

Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)
Atelier de Reliure Mme Vve A. Keitt (Paris)
R. Troulet, enseignes (Paris)
Édouard Théveniaud, emballages d'objets d'art (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
Belloir & Vazelle, ameublements-décorations (Paris)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
Josef Stransky (New York)
G. McKay Morant & Co. Insurance Brokers (London)
Swarzenski (Frankfurt)
Stadeles Institut (Frankfurt)
Chadbourne, Crane
Thayer, Scofield
Ludington, W.S.
Million - Guiet (Paris)
La Nationale, assurances (Paris)
E. Bensimon (Paris)
G. Laborie, transports (Paris)
S.A. Bronner & Cie (Basel)
L. Gadon, mécanicien (Paris)
Le Temps (Paris)
Saillard (Paris)
Rasty, de (comtesse)
J. Rotil, cadres anciens (Paris)
G. Laborie, transports (Paris)
S.A. Bronner & Cie (Basel)
André Lefèvre & Cie (Paris)
Derain, André
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Max Montag, Agentur und Kommissionsgeschäft (Winterthur)
Herold, Werner
H. Mallon & Co., transports (Paris)
Courtauld, Samuel
Thayer, Scofield
Félix Wildenstein & Co. (New York)
The New York Herald, European Edition (Paris)
Chambre de Commerce Française de New York [item No. 294]
Munroe & Cie (Paris)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Le Nord, assurances (Paris)
Joseph Pascal, chassis et toiles (Paris)
Bourgeat & Cie, tableaux (Paris)
Connery, C.
H. Mallon & Co., transports (Le Havre)
Félix Wildenstein & Co. (New York)
G. McKay Morant & Co. Insurance Brokers (London)
Oskar Reinhart (Winterthur)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
Compagnie d'Assurances Générales (Paris)
Courtier, emballeur (Marseille)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
E. Coullet & Cie, ébénisterie (Nice)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Rameau, couleurs (Paris)
Société du Gaz de Paris
Halvorsen, Walther
Wildenstein (Biarritz)
Vollard, Ambroise
Chénard-Huché, Georges
Bakst, [Léon]
Girieud, Pierre P.
Colsen (Paris)
Lombard, Alfred
Magallon (Marseille)
Le Beau (Paris)
Hallou (Paris)
Charlot, Louis
Chapuis (Parus)
Richard Bühler (Winterthur)
Duval Fleury
Lesguillier (Paris)
Magallon, de
L. Bernasconi, entrepreneur (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
Galerie Thannhauser (Lucerne)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
A. Morin, encadrements (Paris)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
H. Mallon & Co., transports (Le Havre)
Duveen Brothers (New York)
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)

I.C.33.a Receipts and Paid Invoices

Handwritten, typescript and printed letters, receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; international rail travel tickets and hotel receipts. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 1-240a; item numbers not present: 17, 20, 21, 22, 25, 51, 68, 74, 84, 85, 97, 101, 104, 146, 153, 209. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 205a, 234a, 235a, 236a, 237a, 238a, 239a, 240a. Item number 34 is given twice.

Édouard & Butler, outfitters (Paris)
Alfred Charlot, entrepreneur (Paris)
Puiforcat, orfèvre (Paris)
J.Gayraud, chaussures de luxe (Paris)
René Pia, soieries & tissus (Paris)
Troelli (Paris)
Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d' Électricité (Paris)
Zurich, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Daressy (Toulouse)
Charbonneaux (Reims)
Chenue, emballage et transport (Paris)
Brown & Phillips (London)
Gabriel, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
François Van Hoof, cadres (Paris)
Marlin-Nivet, fleurs (Paris)
R. Troulet, enseignes (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)
Blot Père et Fils, emballages (Paris)
New York Herald Company (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
Caureil (Paris)
Le Temps (Paris)
Chenue, emballage et transport (Paris)
Galerie Simon (Paris)
Trendell & Leland (Paris)
Barnichon-Frêlon (Créteil)
Laroche, H.
Oskar Reinhart (Winterthur)
Cie Internationale des Wagons-Lits (Paris)
Hotel Esplananade (Berlin)
Amstel Hotel (Amsterdam)
P. Walon, transports (Paris)
Firma P.P. Kuijper, transport (Amsterdam)
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)
Laurencin, Marie
Préfecture de la Seine. Direction Générale des Travaux de Paris.
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Duveen (London)
Le Combat (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
F. Kuijper Expeditie (Amsterdam)
G. Laborie, transports (Paris)
Muller, Gertrud Dube
Grivel Lieffroy
Deborgies fils ainé, électricité (Paris)
R. Troulet, enseignes (Paris)
Ernest Dalbret, antiquités (Paris)
Blot Père & Fils, emballages objets d'art (Paris)
J. Rotil, cadres anciens (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
Chambre de Commerce de Paris. Manutention à la Douane Centrale.
Ponthieu Automobiles (Paris)
Zurich, compagnie d'assurances (Paris)
Baratte, Émile
Christie Manson & Woods (London)
The Carlton Hotel, Limited (London)
Rasty, de (comtesse)
L. Gadon, mécanicien (Paris)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
The New York Herald, European Edition (Paris)
Blot Père & Fils, emballages objets d'art (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
Frazier-Soye, imprimeur (Paris)
Douanes Françaises (Paris)
Chemin de Fer de l' État (Paris)
Chenue, emballage et transport (Paris)
Lair Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
Marcel Rivière, administrateur (Paris)
Rasty, de (comtesse) [letter, item No. 219]
Marlin-Nivet, fleurs (Paris)
Public Offices - Parisiens (Paris)
The New York Herald, European Edition (Paris)
F. Goldner, assureur (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. Insurance Brokers (London)
F. Wildenstein (New York)
Muller, Gertrud Dube
Duveen Bros. (London)
C.C. Stullmann (New York)

I.C.33.b Receipts and Paid Invoices

Handwritten, typescript and printed letters, receipts and invoices received by PR regarding the purchase or offer of paintings and art objects; receipts for the purchase of books, photographic services, personal and gallery services and materials; bank receipts and statements; insurance and transport policies and notices; international shipping documents; international rail travel tickets and hotel receipts. Original folder not present.

NOTE: Range of item numbers assigned: 241-467; item numbers not present: 297, 430, 449. Item numbers added to unmarked items: 255a, 288a.

The New York Herald, European Edition (Paris)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Georges Bernheim, expert (Paris)
Julius Elias (Berlin)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
The New York Herald, European Edition (Paris)
Blot Père & Fils, emballages objets d'art (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
[Gasquet, Joachim]
Oskar Reinhart (Winterthur)
Ville de Paris. Contributions Directes.
L. Fontaine, fruits et primeurs (Paris)
Le Courrier de la Presse (Paris)
The Piccadilly Hotel (London)
Trendell & Leland (Paris)
Gourgaud, Napoléon (baron)
Willoughby, Hugh
Maison Labourdette, automobiles (Paris)
Grands Magasins Aux Galeries Lafayette (Paris)
Douanes Françaises (Paris)
Max Montag (Winterthur)
De La Rancheraye & Co. (Paris)
J. Rumpe (Copenhagen)
Nelly Herz (Berlin)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. Insurance Brokers (London)
Oskar Reinhart (Winterthur)
Milton Steiner (Riverdale, New York)
R. Wyndham (London)
Courtauld, Samuel
Édouard & Butler, outfitters (Paris)
L. Gadon, mécanicien (Paris)
[personal thank you note to PR, item No. 342]
H. Mallon & Cie, transports (Paris)
Léon Helft Fils, curiosités (Paris)
C. Lepoutre, tableaux (Paris)
Jos Hessel, expert (Paris)
Wallis & Son (London)
Chambre de Commerce de Paris. Manutention à la Douane Centrale.
Oskar Reinhart (Winterthur)
Hâtel Baur au Lac (Zurich)
Grand Hâtel national (Lucerne)
Hâtel Bristol (Lugano)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Wallis & Son (London)
Faille, Jacob-Baart de la
Masurel, Ernest
La Renaissance de l'Art Français et des Industrie de Luxe (Paris)
The New York Herald, European Edition (Paris)
Chambre de Commerce de Paris. Manutention à la Douane Centrale.
Wallis & Son (London)
Paul Chambaudet, encadrements (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
Chenue, emballeur-expéditeur (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)
H. Leguay, restaurateur des Musées Nationaux (Paris)
F. Goldner, assurances (Paris)
G. McKay Morant & Co. Insurance Brokers (London)
Wallis & Son (London)
Oskar Reinhart (Winterthur)
Ernest Masurel (Roubaix)
Ville de Paris. Contributions Indirectes.
The Carlton Hotel, Limited (London)
Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones (Paris)
Société d'Assistance par le Travail (Paris)
Léon Helft Fils, curiosités (Paris)
Marcel Rivière, administrateur (Paris)
Geo. W. Wheatley & Cie, transports (Paris)
Douane Françaises (Paris)
Léon Helft Fils, curiosités (Paris)
Algier & Chénot, Biberon, gravure (Paris)
Reber, G.F.
B. Esquerre, installations d'électricité (Paris)
Blot Père & Fils, emballages objets d'art (Paris)
Paul Lemare, photographe-éditeur (Paris)


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Series II. Paul Rosenberg and Company, New York (1940-1993)

Subseries II.A: PR & Co files, 1940-1942

Folder Title Date
II.A.1 A Miscellaneous

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR autograph drafts of letters and telegrams sent; office copy of outgoing correspondence; hand-annotated typescript lists of pictures in collections; initialed copies of third-party letters sent.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Rosenberg, Paul
Rich, Daniel Catton
Art Institute of Chicago
Katzman, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Aglion, Raoul
Free French Delegation (New York).
H.V. Allison & Co. (New York)
Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Howe, Beatrice
Washburn, Gordon
Buffalo Fine Arts Academy (Buffalo, New York)
W.S. Budworth & Son (New York)
Art Association of Montreal (Montreal, Canada)
Bohn, Norman (Mrs.)
Martin, C.D.
Loan Exhibition of Masterpieces of Painting for the benefit of the Men
of the Merchant Navy (Montreal, Canada)
Kimball, Fiske
Philadephia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
Goodyear, A.C.
Harriman, Averell (Mrs.)
Coe, Ralph
Cleveland Art Museum (Cleveland, Ohio)
Rich, Daniel Catton
Art Institute of Chicago
Cheek, Leslie
Baltimore Museum of Art
Walters Gallery (Baltimore)
Milliken, W.M.
Tannahill, Robert
[Thannhauser, Justin]
McIlhenny, Henry P.
Phillips, Duncan
Brown, Thomas R.
Rhode Island School of Design (Providence)
Pitcairn, Raymond
Gasser, Herbert
Rockefeller Institute (New York)
Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Marie-Anne de (baronne)

View PDF of folder II.A.1

II.A.2 B Miscellaneous

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR autograph drafts of letters and telegrams sent; office copy of outgoing correspondence.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Rosenberg, Paul
Bernheim, Henri
Bernheim, Roger
Bernheim, Georges
Bernheim, Josse (Madame)
Bernheim Jeune, Josse
Bernheim, Henri
Bernheim Jeune, Josse
Bernheim, Georges
Baratte, Émile
Rosenberg, Paul
Banque de France (Clermont-Ferrand)
Banque Nationale pour le Commerce et l'Industrie (Châtel-Guyon, France)
Rosenberg, Paul
Beatty, A. Chester
Birnbaum, Martin
Bennett, Edward H.
Bernard, Pierre
Service de l'Information (Brazzaville, French Equatorial Africa) [colonial name of area now including Gabon, Chad, the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo]
Bowen, Stephen
Manhattan Storage & Warehouse Company (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Co. (New York)
Bradley-Dyne (lady)
Cassirer, Bruno
Rosenberg, Paul
Valentin, Curt
Katzman, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Buchholz Gallery New York
Jacques de Sieyes (New York)
Brunschwig, Roger
Free French Forces (New York)

View PDF of folder II.A.2

II.A.3.a-b Accounting (Bienstock, A.)

[2 folders]

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams and invoices; typescript list of pictures.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, these original files are not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in these folders for researcher consultation.

Bienstock, Abraham L.
Paul Rosenberg & Co. (New York)
Delbende, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Rosenblum, Alan L.
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Carden Corporation (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Bowen, Stephen [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Bienstock, Marjorie

View PDF of folder II.A.3.a

View PDF of folder II.A.3.b

II.A.4 Budworth

Typescript letters, invoices and shipping notices received by PR and PR & Co; hand-annotated typescript lists of pictures.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

W.S. Budworth & Son, Packers and Movers of Works of Art (New York)
Manhattan Storage & Warehouse Co. (New York)
Katzman, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.A.4

II.A.5 Carden Corporation

Typescript letters received by PR & Co; hand-annotated typescript lists of pictures.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Carden Corporation (New York)
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Katzman, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Hite, Georges
Milbank, Tweed & Hope (New York)
Rosenblum, Alan L.
Holt, Charles D.
Butler & Baldwin (New York)
Harlow, Keppel & Co., Inc. (New York)
Keppel, David

View PDF of folder II.A.5

II.A.6 C Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing correspondence.

Rosenberg, Paul
Callery, Mary Meric
Corn Exchange Bank & Trust Co. (New York)
Carcano (Argentine ambassador to France)
Cassirer, Bruno
Bruno Cassirer (Publishers) Ltd. (Oxford)
Cleveland Museum of Art (Cleveland)
Milliken, William M.
Coureau, Alfred B.
Chenier, Charles
Commissaire Générale de l'Exposition de Buenos Aires
Katzman, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Cremetti, Paul E.
Tooth, Dudley W.
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.A.6

II.A.7 D Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters and invoices received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing correspondence; hand-annotated typescript list of pictures.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Durand-Ruel, Inc. (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Valentiner, W.R.
Detroit Institute of the Arts
Richardson, E.P.
Duveen Brothers, Inc. (New York)
Burdett, Basil
Herald Office (Melbourne, Australia)
Valentine Gallery (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.A.7

II.A.8 Eisner & Lubin

Signed typescript letters and invoices received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts for pictures sold and acquired.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Eisner & Lubin, Certified Public Accountants (New York)
Rosenberg & Helft, Ltd. (London)
Janin, Harry
Cézanne, Inc. (New York)
Delbende, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Helft, Jacques
Helft, Yvon

View PDF of folder II.A.8

II.A.9 Fifth Avenue Bank

Signed typescript letters and invoices received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing correspondence, including list of pictures and corresponding values.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Fifth Avenue Bank of New York (New York)
Rosenberg & Helft, Ltd. (London)
Katzman, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Federal Reserve Bank of New York (New York)

View PDF of folder II.A.9

II.A.10 E, F Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters, receipts and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; small black/white photo print; office copy of outgoing correspondence, including list of pictures and corresponding values.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Emergency Rescue Committee (New York)
France Forever, The Free French Movement in America (New York)
Wibault, Marie Rose
Wibault, Michel
Frankfurter, Winnifred
Katzman, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Frankfurter, Alfred M.
Rosenberg, Paul
Federal Reserve Bank of New York (New York)
Czecho-Slovak Consulate General (New York)
Feigl, Hugo
Manufacturers Trust Company (New York)
Focillon, Henri
Rosenberg, Paul
Sachs, Paul J.
Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Bevan, Gertrude E.
Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation Limited (New York)
Frenkel & Co., Inc., General Insurance (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Fuller, Alvan T.
French & Co., Inc. (New York)

View PDF of folder II.A.10

II.A.11 G Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters, receipts and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; PR handwritten message drafts; small black/white photo print; office copy of outgoing correspondence, including list of pictures and corresponding values.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Glaser Contracting Company, Inc. (New York)
Katzman, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Veyrac, R. de
Goodyear, A.C.
France Forever ('France Quand-Même') (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Great Bear Spring Co. (New York)
Bowen, Stephen [for PR & Co]
Greenfield, Jacob C.
Gregory, Georges (Madame)
Gibbings, Robsjohn
Brooks, Boyd
Griscom, W.M. (Jr.)
Gouy, Léon
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.A.11

II.A.12 H Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters, receipts and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; copies and translation of professional curriculum vitae [Georges Huisman]; office copy of outgoing correspondence, including invoices; typescript and copy of meeting minutes, texts, hand-annotated lists of pictures; printed programs.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Rosenberg, Paul
Huisman, Georges
Lowenheim, Edith H.
Venturi, Lionello
Schniewind, Carl O.
Art Institute of Chicago
Rich, Daniel Catton
Emergency Rescue Committee (New York)
Hessel, Jos
Rosenberg, Paul
Higgins, Aldus C.
The Herald (Melbourne, Australia)
Duveen Brothers (New York)
France Forever (France Quand-Même) (New York)
Hoffherr, Fred G.
[Comité pour la Sauvegarde du Rayonnement Français en Amérique]
Katzman, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Honolulu Academy of Arts (Hawaii)
Schenck, Edgar C.
Hahn Brothers (New York)
Katzman, Alexandre [for PR & Co]
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Hayes Storage, Packing & Removal (New York)
Art Institute of Chicago
Selznick, David O.
Society of Liberal Arts (Omaha, Nebraska)
Hart, J.
British Embassy (Lisbon)

View PDF of folder II.A.12

II.A.13 Helft, Jacques

Signed handwritten and typescript receipts and invoices received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing correspondence, including invoices.

Helft, Jacques
Helft, Yvon
Katzman, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.A.13

II.A.14 I, J Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten letters and typescript invoices received by PR; office copy of PR replies.

Jonas, Édouard
Rosenberg, Paul
Parke-Bernet Galleries Inc. (New York)
Stonborough, Jerome

View PDF of folder II.A.14

II.A.15 K Miscellaneous

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received; PR autograph drafts of letters and telegrams sent; office copy of outgoing correspondence; shipping instructions, notices, invoices; photocopies of PR-A. Kann correspondence.

Rosenberg, Paul
Kann, Alphonse
Keating & Co. (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Katzmann, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Compagnie Française Matadi (Belgian Congo) [colonial name for territory now included in the Democratic Republic of Congo]
Keating & Co. (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Keil, Luis
Kling, Ralph André
M. Knoedler & Co. (New York)
Davey, Georges H.
M. Knoedler & Co. (London)
Rosenberg, Paul
Henschel, Charles R.
David Kramer, Inc. (New York)

View PDF of folder II.A.15

II.A.16 'Licences'

Hand-annotated typescript lists of PR & Co licenses for regulated financial transactions in the United States.

Paul Rosenberg & Co. (New York)

View PDF of folder II.A.16

II.A.17 L Miscellaneous

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; PR handwritten drafts of letters sent; museum registrar receipts; office copy of outgoing correspondence; incoming invoices and receipts; typescript price list from exhibition catalog.

Lurcy, Georges
Rosenberg, Paul
Lévy, Olivier
Normille, James
Los Angeles County Museum of History, Science and Art (Los Angeles)
Lipchitz, Jacques
Gaston I. Lévi, restauration de tableaux (New York)
MacKinney, Roland J.
Los Angeles County Museum of History, Science and Art (Los Angeles)
Hessel, Josse
Lévy, Georges
Rosenberg, Paul
Lloyd, Carolyn A.
Lodington, Wright
Levy, David M. (Mrs.)
Normille, James
Los Angeles County Museum of History, Science and Art (Los Angeles)
Lévy, Georges
Person Hall Art Gallery (Chapel Hill, North Carolina)
Loew, Melita S.
Rosenberg, Paul
Laroche, Jacques
Levy, Adele R.
Rosenberg, Paul
Lloyd, Carolyn A.
Lilienfeld Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Lilienfeld, Karl
MacKinney, Roland J.
Los Angeles County Museum of History, Science and Art (Los Angeles)
[Lapari, Marcell]
Lebel, Robert
Léger, Fernand

View PDF of folder II.A.17

II.A.18 M Miscellaneous

Handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; PR handwritten drafts of letters sent; MoMA registrar receipts and correspondence; office copy of outgoing correspondence; typescript lists of paintings in storage; incoming and outgoing invoices and receipts; copy of letters from PR to Henri Matisse.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Manhattan Storage & Warehouse Co. (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)
Cunningham, Charles C.
Bowen, Stephen [for PR & Co]
Mersbach, A.J.
Matisse, Henri
Rosenberg, Paul
Duthuit, Marguerite
Plimpton, Russell A.
Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Minnesota)
Marie Harriman Gallery (New York)
Katzman, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Constable, W.G.
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)
Free French Relief Committee (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Masson, André
Matta (Roberto Matta Echaurren)
Marie Harriman Gallery, Inc. (New York)
Panagini, L.
Mettler Weber
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Marie-Anne de (baronne)
Marie Harriman Gallery (New York)
Moser, Maria
Moser, Hugo
Rosenberg, Paul
Marie Harriman Gallery (New York)
Bowen, Stephen
Maitland, Ruth
Constable, W.G.
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Dudley, Dorothy H.
Rosenberg, Paul
Barr, Alfred H. (Jr.)
Wheeler, Monroe
Rosenberg, Paul
Courter, Elodie
Barr, Alfred H. (Jr.)

View PDF of folder II.A.18

II.A.19 Morgan & Co.

Signed typescript letters, telegrams, invoices and receipts received by PR; office copy of outgoing correspondence.

Rosenberg, Paul
Morgan & Cie (Chatel-Guyon, France)
J.P. Morgan & Co. (New York)
Katzman, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Banco de Portugal (Lisbon)

View PDF of folder II.A.19

II.A.20 Mc Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by PR; office copy of outgoing correspondence, including invoices and receipts; copy of typescript lists of Corot paintings.

McIlhenny, Henry P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Philadelphia Museum of Art

View PDF of folder II.A.20

II.A.21 Madison Hotel (New York City)

Signed typescript letters received by PR; leases for residential and studio space.

Madison Hotel (New York)

View PDF of folder II.A.21

II.A.22 N, O Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by PR; printed invitation and commercial service contracts; office copy of outgoing correspondence; decorated paper binding for commercial agreement.

Oberlin College (Oberlin, Ohio)
Johnson, Ellen
New York Steam Corporation (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Co. (New York)
Otis Elevator Company (New York)
Nettler, Hans
Katzman, Alexandre [for PR & Co]
The National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)

View PDF of folder II.A.22

II.A.23 P Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices and receipts; office copy of outgoing correspondence.

Pach, Walter
Rosenberg, Paul
Paul Rosenberg & Co. (New York)
James Pendleton Inc. (New York)
Perls, Hugo
Rosenberg, Paul
Allcott, John V.
Person Hall Art Gallery (Chapel Hill, North Carolina)
Suzanne Katzman [for PR & Co]
Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc. (New York)
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Person Hall Art Gallery.
Phillips Memorial Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Pissarro, Lucien
W.S. Budworth & Son (New York)
Portland Art Museum (Oregon)
Davis, Robert Tyler
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.A.23

II.A.24 Renoir Exhibition [correspondence and notes]

PR hand-annotated copy of typescript lists of paintings, collection provenance, values; typescript lists of exhibition lenders; signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR; unsigned copy of "Notes sur Renoir" [with correction by PR]; office copy of outgoing PR correspondence.

Rosenberg, Paul
Renoir Centennial Loan Exhibition 1841-1941, for the Benefit of the
Free French Relief Committee (New York)
Robinson, Edward G.
Weinberg, W.

View PDF of folder II.A.24

II.A.25 R Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices and receipts; office copy of outgoing correspondence.

File also includes the following material, formerly IV.B.3: 10 PR handwritten leaves on old Madison Hotel stationary: Paul Rosenberg on Picasso [notes for a public lecture for the Free France exhibition 1940?]; [p. "4" is missing, also from the attached transcription, circa 1995, by EAR and IF]; 1 PR handwritten leaf of a planning agenda for "F.F.E.;" 4 leaves of list in PR handwriting: "16.11.40 / List of pictures being presently in the States, being all my full property.

Rothschild, Robert de (baron)
Rosenberg, Paul
Robinson, Edward G.
Ross Sign Co. Inc. (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Remarque, Erich Maria
Rockefeller, Nelson A. (Mrs.)
Montgomery, Margot
Robinson, Edward G.
Rosenberg, Paul
Riverside Museum, Master Institute of United Arts, Inc. (New York)
Robinson, Edward G.

View PDF of folder II.A.25

NOTE: The 4 leaves of list in PR handwriting: "16.11.40 / List of pictures being presently in the States, being all my full property," was not present at the time of transfer when the Paul Rosenberg Archives was moved to the MoMA Archives in the summer of 2020.

II.A.26 S Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices, receipts and shipping reports; copy of typescript lists of paintings and prices; office copy of outgoing correspondence, including invoices; copy of third-party correspondence.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Sam Salz (New York)
City of San Diego, California. Fine Arts Gallery.
Rosenberg, Paul
Poland, Reginald
Salz, Sam
Katzman, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Sandwich (lord)
Rosenberg, Paul
Santamarina, Mercedes
Schaeffer Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Schulman, Gaston
Rosenberg, Paul
Seligmann, André
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc. (New York)
Carstairs, Carroll
Seligmann, Germain
Selz, Frank E.
Rosenberg, Paul
Selznick, David O.
Sherry, Wine & Spirits Co., Inc. (New York)
Thurber, Elaine
Society of Arts and Crafts (Detroit)
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Steegmuller, Francis
Bowen, Stephen
Rosenberg, Paul
Stokowski, Leopold

View PDF of folder II.A.26

II.A.27 T Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices and receipts; office copy of outgoing correspondence.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

City of New York. Department of Finance.
Tannahill, Robert H.
Rosenberg, Paul
Tobias & Company (New York) [pictures/books, ex London & Australia]
Herald & Weekly Times (Melbourne, Australia)
Duveen Brothers (New York)
Cremetti, Paul E.
Dudley Tooth & Son (London)
Federal Reserve Bank of New York (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Co. (New York)

View PDF of folder II.A.27

II.A.28 Veyrac, Robert de (alterations)

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and invoices received by PR and PR & Co from the architect-decorator of the Paul Rosenberg Gallery (16 East 57th Street, New York City); includes handwritten and typescript invoices, descriptions of work (estimates) and receipts from subcontractors.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Veyrac, Robert de
Robert de Veyrac, architecte (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.A.28

II.A.29 V, W, Y, Z Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices and receipts; handwritten PR drafts of letters and telegrams sent; typescript lists of paintings on loan; typescript list of paintings in private collections, with provenance and values; museum registrar forms; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Weil, Robert
Julius H. Weitzner, Incorporated (New York)
Wertheim, Maurice
Pissarro, Lucien
Willoughby, Hugh
Rosenberg, Paul
R. Jeffrey & Son, Dispensing Chemists (Cheltenham, England)
Worcester Art Museum (Massachusetts)
Werner, Helen E.
Valentine Gallery (New York)
Heil, Walter
M.H. De Young Memorial Museum (San Francisco)
Hessel, Josse
Benton, Genevieve R.
Katzman, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Chenier, Charles
Rosenberg, Paul
San Francisco Bay Exposition. Golden Gate International Exposition.
Venturi, Lionello
Rosenberg, Paul
République Française. Exposition Internationale New York 1940. (New
Villeneuve, M. de
Rosenberg, Paul
Vilmorin, Henry de
Vilmorin, Elisabeth de
Rosenberg, Paul
Vicart, Gabriel
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company (New York)
Zimmerman, Meyer
Frenkel & Co. Inc., General Insurance (New York)
Morris Berler, Counselor at Law (New York)

View PDF of folder II.A.29

II.A.30 Rosenberg, Alexandre

Copy of typescript letters and telegrams sent by Paul Rosenberg to his son Alexandre P. Rosenberg in England and French Equatorial Africa.

Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.

NOTE: This file was not present at the time of transfer when the Paul Rosenberg Archives was moved to the MoMA Archives in the summer of 2020.

II.A.31 PR - Correspondence with Edmond [Rosenberg]

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR; copy of outgoing PR letters and telegrams to his brother in France.

Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Edmond
Roisneau, Léa

NOTE: This file was not present at the time of transfer when the Paul Rosenberg Archives was moved to the MoMA Archives in the summer of 2020.


Subseries II.B: PR & Co files 1942-1943

Folder Title Date
II.B.1 A Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts; hand-annotated copy of typescript lists of paintings and lenders for exhibition; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Aglion, Raoul
Délégation du comité National Français (New York)
Eisner & Lubin, Certified Public Accountants (New York)
Cézanne, Inc. (New York)
American Airlines Inc. (New York)
Aram Gallery (New York)
Aram, Siegfried de Forest
Martin, C.D.
Loan Exhibition of Masterpieces of Painting for the benefit of the Men
of the Merchant Navy (Montreal, Canada)
Art Association of Montreal (Montreal, Canada)
Bohn, Norman (Mrs.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Arpels-Hessel, Lucie
Art and Antique Dealers League of America (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Sydney Morning Herald, Overseas News Service (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rothman, A.D.
Art in Australia (Sydney, Australia)
Bellew, P.
Rich, Daniel Catton [Note: "1940-41" is author's error.]
Rosenberg, Paul
Art Institute of Chicago
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Odenheimer, Dorothy
Rosenberg, Paul
Art News (New York)
Frankfurter, Alfred
Frost, Rosamund
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Eleanora von
Neumann, J.B.
Goodyear, Conger
Art and the Stars Exhibition (New York)
Schweikher, Paul
Arts Club of Chicago
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Ritchie, Andrew C.
Story, Ala
American British Art Center (New York)
Ames, Paul S.
Amory, Mary B.
Art and Antique Dealers League of America, Inc. (New York)
Phillips, Alfred
Boswell, Peyton (Jr.)
Art Digest (New York)
The Art Foundation, Inc. (New York)
Art Gallery of Ontario (Toronto, Canada)
Baldwin, Martin
Loan Exhibition of Great Paintings in Aid of Allied Merchant Seamen (Toronto, Canada)
Navy League of Canada (Toronto, Canada)
Art Institute of Chicago
Sweet, Frederick A.
Schniewind, Carl O.
Rosenberg, Paul
Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Marie-Anne de (baronne)
Rich, Daniel Catton
Matisse, Henri
Art Institute of Chicago
Art of This Century (New York)

View PDF of folder II.B.1

II.B.2 Avery, Milton

Signed handwritten letters received by PR and PR & Co; handwritten lists of Avery paintings; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including draft of contract agreement.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Rosenberg, Paul
Delbende, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Avery, Milton

View PDF of folder II.B.2

II.B.3 Bankers Trust Co.

Bank receipts and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including registration of corporate signatures.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

United States Treasury Department. War Bonds.
Bankers Trust Co. (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Easton, Winnifred
Rosenberg, Marguerite
Rosenberg, Micheline

View PDF of folder II.B.3

II.B.4 Bienstock

Signed typewritten letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts for pictures sold and acquired.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Bienstock, Abraham L.
Rosenberg, Paul
Delbende, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Rosenblum, A.L.
Rosenberg, Paul
Kann, Alphonse
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]

View PDF of folder II.B.4

II.B.5 Budworth & Son

Signed typewritten letters received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including receipts.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

W.S. Budworth & Son (New York)
Delbende, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Society of Liberal Arts, Joslyn Memorial (Omaha, Nebraska)
Sweeney, John L.
Phillips Memorial Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Sweetbriar College, Art Department (Sweetbriar, Virginia)
Warner, Keith
Carnegie Institute (Pittsburgh)
Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara, California)
Rhode Island School of Design (Providence)
France Forever Exhibition (Boston)
William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art (Kansas City)
St. Paul Gallery and School of Art (Saint Paul, Minnesota)
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Burden, William A.M.
Wertheim, Maurice
Smith College Museum of Art (Northampton, Massachusetts)
Neuberger, R.
Selznick, David O.
Lathrop, Homer C.
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Schempp, Theodore
Ludington, Wright
Rogers, Huddleston
Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute (Utica, New York)
Lloyd, H. Gates
Wintersteen, John
Morris, Herbert C.
Resor, Stanley R.
Indiana University (Bloomington, Indiana)
Sweeney, James Johnson
Dodge, Joseph J.
Osborn, William Church
Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Marie-Anne de (baronne)
Valentiner, William
Maitland, L.M.

View PDF of folder II.B.5

II.B.6 Bowen, Stephen

Signed handwritten and typewritten letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including receipts; expense accounts.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Bowen, Stephen
Rosenberg, Paul
Delbende, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Bienstock, Abraham L.

View PDF of folder II.B.6

II.B.7 B Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts; typescript lists of paintings; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and box invoices for shipping; museum registrar receipts.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Baltimore Museum of Art (Maryland)
Breeskin, Adelyn D.
Fox, Douglas C.
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Powell, Margaret M.
Rosenberg, Paul
Breeskin, Adelyn D.
Barbee, Stanley N.
Beatty, A. Chester
Rosenberg, Paul
Bennett, Edward H.
Henry Bernheim
Rosenberg, Paul
Birnbaum, Martin
Keller, Georges
Bowes, E.
Bruce, David K.E.
Coordinator of Information (Washington, D.C.)
Bowen, Stephen
Bucholz Gallery (New York)
Valentin, Curt
Balsan, Jacques
Barbee, Stanley N.
Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Los Angeles
Bartlett, Frederic C.
Beatty, Edith
Beatty, A. Chester
Beers Bros. Company Inc. Restoration of Paintings (New York)
Bendix, Juliette
Bernheim, Henry
Bernheim, Georges
Keller, Georges
Billy Rose's Diamond Horseshoe, Inc. (New York)
Bixby, Mildred E.
Bliss, Robert Woods
Block, Lee B.
Boecop, de (baronne)
Bossevain, Estrella
Brewster, Walter S.
Bromfield, Louis
Roberts, Laurance P.
Brooklyn Museum (New York)
Bruce, David K.E.
Bucholz Gallery (New York)
Valentin, Curt
Rosenberg, Paul
Avery, Milton
Bruce, David K.E.
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Butler Institute
Burden, William A.M.

View PDF of folder II.B.7

II.B.8 C Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts; typescript lists of paintings; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices; copy of third-party correspondence.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Independent Transit System (New York)
O'Connor, John (Jr.)
Carnegie Institute (Pittsburgh)
Rosenberg, Paul
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Casey, Mary
British Ministry of State for the Middle East (Cairo)
Cassirer, Bruno (Madame)
Cézanne, Inc. (New York)
Churchill, Ivor (lord)
Clark, Stephen C.
Coe, Ralph M.
Hanna, L.C. (Jr.)
Howe, Thomas Carr (Jr.)
Bowen, Stephen [for PR & Co]
California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
MacAgy, Jermayne
Callery, Mary Meric
Rosenberg, Paul
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Carnegie Institute (Pittsburgh)
Rosenberg, Paul
Weber, Max
O'Connor, John (Jr.)
Corn Exchange Bank Trust Company (New York)
Cameron, Roderick W.
Cassel van Doorn (baron)
Giovanni Castano, Paintings and Works of Art (Boston)
Venturi, Lionello
Cézanne, Inc. (New York)
Eisner & Lubin, Certified Public Accountants (New York)
Children's Aid Society, Homeless Children's Committee (New York)
Siple, Walter H.
Cincinnati Art Museum (Ohio)
Bowen, Stephen [for PR & Co]

View PDF of folder II.B.8

II.B.9 D Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts; typescript lists of paintings; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices; copy of third-party correspondence.

Diamant-Berger, Henri
Fighting French Delegation, Motion Picture Division (Beverly Hills)
Rosenberg, Paul [texts]
Goodyear, Rosalie
Diana Studio (South Bend, Indiana)
Davis, Richard S.
Dominion Gallery of Fine Art (Montreal, Canada)
Stern, Max
Thalheimer, S.
Treasury Department. United States Customs Service (New York)
Tobias & Company (New York)
Railway Express Agency (New York)
Mendelsohn Brothers Limited (Montreal, Canada)
F.A. Drey, Paintings, Works of Art (London)
Dunn, Montfort
Daniel H. Burdett, Inc. (New York)
Di Tella, Torcuato
Di Tella Corporation (Buenos Aires)
Dale, Chester Date
Rosenberg, Paul
Diamant-Berger, Henri
Bullard, Mary
Davidson, Jo
Lewinsky, Eva
Denver Art Museum
Downs, Anne Arneill
Bartlett, Fred S.
Valentiner, William R.
Detroit Institute of the Arts
Douglas, Jean
Goodyear, Rosalie
Diana Studio (South Bend, Indiana)
Venturi, Lionello
Makielsi Art Shop (South Bend, Indiana)
Dulin, André
Dodge, Joseph J.

View PDF of folder II.B.9

II.B.10 Durand-Ruel

Signed typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices and receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Durand-Ruel Inc. (New York)
Delbende, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Elfers, Herbert H.
1943 Red Cross War Fund (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.B.10

II.B.11 E Miscellaneous

Office copy of PR & Co typescript business letters.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Eldred, Thomas
Emerson, Richard H.

View PDF of folder II.B.11

II.B.12 Exhibition, Navy Relief

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts; handwritten and typescript lists of paintings on loan; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including receipts; shipping instructions; copy of third-party correspondence.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Art Institute of Chicago
Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Marie-Anne de (baronne)
Bernard, Paul
Navy Relief Society, Benefits Committee (New York)
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Navy Relief Society, New York City Citizens Committee
Goodyear, A. Conger
Hudson, Elizabeth
Phillips Memorial Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Marie Harriman Gallery (New York)
Bowen, Stephen [for PR & Co]
Navy Relief Society, Third Naval District Citizens Committee
(New York)
Elliman, Douglas (Mrs.)
Harriman, W. Averell (Mrs.)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Griffis, Stanton
Snowdon, Montague (Mrs.)
Levy, David M.
Clark, Stephen C.
Osborn, William Church
Art Institute of Chicago
Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Marie-Anne de (baronne)
Goodyear, A. Conger
Caleb Printing Co. (New York)
Astoria Press (New York)
Coyne & Company, Printers and Mailers (New York)
Bradford Press Inc. (New York)
Rich, Daniel Catton
Art Institute of Chicago
Mendl (lady)
Mercati (countess)
Snowdon, Montaigue (Mrs.)
Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Marie-Anne de (baronne)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rogers, Francis (Mrs.)
Levy, David H. (Mrs.)
Frenkel & Co. Inc., General Insurance (New York)
Chelsea Warehouse, Inc. (New York)
Clark, Stephen C.
Hudson, Elizabeth
Rich, Daniel Catton
Goodyear, A. Conger
Clark, Stephen C.
Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Marie-Anne de (baronne)
Osborn, William Church
Harriman, Averill (Mrs.)
Tannahill, Robert H.
Gerry, Peter
Payson, Charles
Goodyear, A.C.
Riezler, K.
Bingham, Harry Payne
Art Institute of Chicago
Marshall, C. Morgan
Walters Gallery (Baltimore)
Goodyear, A.C.
Bowen, Stephen [for PR & Co]
Ford, Edsel B.
Milliken, William M.
Cleveland Museum of Art (Ohio)
Kramarsky, S.
Valentiner, William
Detroit Institute of Arts
Banks, Miriam A.
Rhode Island School of Design Museum (Providence)
Osborn, William Church
Webb, J. Watson, (Mrs.)
Havemeyer, Horace
Cleveland Museum of Art (Ohio)
Francis, Harry Sayles
Osborn, William Church
Detroit Institute of Arts
Valentiner, W.R.
Rich, Daniel Catton
Art Institute of Chicago
Rosenberg, Paul
Goodyear, A. Conger
Bingham, Harry Payne
Freylinghuysen, H.O.
Rosenberg, Paul
Minnegerode, C. Powell
Corcoran Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Clark, Stephen C.
Clark, Huguette M.
Hudson, Elizabeth
Corcoran Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Mercati (countess)
Bowen, Stephen [for PR & Co]
Navy Relief Society, New York City Citizens Committee
McCain, Charles S.
Marie Harriman Gallery (New York)
Rich, Daniel Catton
Clark, Stephen C.
Rogers, Cornelia
Nast, Condé
Navy Relief Society, National Citizens Committee (New York)
Andrews, Adolphus (rear admiral)
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.B.12

II.B.13.a-b Eisner & Lubin

[2 folders]

Signed typescript letters and invoices received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including business invoices and receipts for paintings sold and acquired; typescript lists of paintings [documenting PR & Co stock already in the U.S. as of this date].

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Eisner & Lubin, Certified Public Accountants (New York)
Delbende, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.B.13.a

View PDF of folder II.B.13.b

II.B.14 F Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including museum registrar receipts; typescript lists of paintings.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Keller, Georges
Fighting French Relief Committee (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Tixier, Adrien
Délégation du Comité National Français (Washington, D.C.)
Field, Marshall
Foy, Byron (Mrs.)
Lange, Robert
French-American Club, Inc. (New York)
Delbende, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Federal Reserve Bank of New York (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Feilchenfeldt, Walter
Focillon, Marguerite
Focillon, Henri
Rosenberg, Paul
Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Hope, Arlene
Dodge, Joseph J.
Crandall Library (Glenn Falls, New York)
Sachs, Paul J.
Rosenberg, Paul
Fighting French Delegation (New York)
Hoppenot, M.H.
Délégation du Comité National Français (Washington, D.C.)
Free French Relief Committee, Inc. (New York)
Dougherty, Marian A.
Roseberry, Hélène
Free French Delegation (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul [texts]
Rosenberg, Paul
Hoppenot, M.H.
Délégation du Comité Français de la Libération Nationale (Washington, D.C.)
De Manziarli (captain)
Fighting French Delegation (New York)
Gaulle, Charles de (general)
Fighting French Headquarters (London)
Lange, Robert
French-American Club, Inc. (New York)
Forces Libres Françaises (London)
Délégation de la France Libre aux États-Unis (New York)
Aglion, Raoul
France Libre. Commissariat National à la Guerre. (London)
République Française. Ministère de la Justice. Commission Cas
Déchéances Nationalité (Vichy)
Feigl Gallery (New York)
Ferrargil Gallery (New York)
French-American Club, Inc. (New York)
Carville, Germaine de
Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Deknatel, Frederick B.
Foy, Thelma C.
Rosenberg, Paul
Lanux, Jeanne de
Cantine La Marseillaise, Foyer des Vétérans Français (New York)
Fighting French Headquarters (London)
Vogel, Lucien
Free World (New York)
Fuller, Alvan T.
I. Freeman & Son (New York)
French & Co., Inc. (New York)
French & European Publications, Inc. (New York)
La Maison Française (New York)
French Antique Co., Inc. (New York)
Clapp, F.M.
Frick Museum (New York)

View PDF of folder II.B.14

II.B.15 Fifth Avenue Bank

Office copy of PR & Co banking instructions.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Perls, Hugo
Callery, Mary Meric
Durand-Ruel, Inc. (New York)
Hallgarten & Co. (New York)
Valentine Gallery of Modern Art, Inc. (New York)
Free French Relief Committee (New York)

View PDF of folder II.B.15

II.B.16 France Forever

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR correspondence and telegrams; copy of third-party correspondence; copy of text on France Forever institutional strategy.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Heintzelman, Arthur W.
France Forever, Boston Chapter (Boston, Massachusetts)
Jackson, F. Ellis
Messières, René de
Rosenberg, Paul
Public Library of the City of Boston
Heintzelman, Arthur W.
Bixby, Mildred E.
Comité Français de la Libération Nationale (Algiers, Algeria)
France Forever (New York)
Holland, Hilda
Comité National Français. Délégation aux États-Unis (New York)
Gaston-Chérau, Bernard
Radio Corporation of America (Camden, New Jersey)
Reilly, W.J.
Weill, Pierre-André
Lamoureux, Jean A.
Gentil, Eugène
Assié, Georges L.
Laugier, Henri
Rosenberg, Paul
Pons, Lily
Georges-Michel, Michel
Steck, J.
Houdry, Eugène J.
Weill, Pierre-André
Léger, Fernand
Commission de Propagande de France Forever (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.B.16

II.B.17 Frenkel and Co.

Signed typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts and insurance policy notices; office copy of outgoing PR correspondence; copy of third-party correspondence.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Frenkel & Co. Inc., General Insurance (New York)
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Delbende, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Loeb, Pierre
Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation Limited (New York)
Polygraphic Company of America (New York)
State of New York. Department of Labor. Workmen's Compensation. (New York)
Robinson, Earl A.
Gaston Lévi (New York)
Julius Loewy (New York)
National City Bank of New York (New York)

View PDF of folder II.B.17

II.B.18 G Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices, receipts, remittances; third-party correspondence; detailed typescript lists of paintings; 2 leaves of typescript text copy in German ("Meier Graefe").

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Gallery of Modern Art (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Lindon, Jacques
Gaston Levi Studios (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Marie-Anne de (baronne)
Miness, Irwin
Railway Express Agency (New York)
C.E. Racine & Cie Limitée (Montreal, Canada)
Tobias & Company (New York)
Martin, C.D.
Art Association of Montreal (Montreal, Canada)
Rosenberg, Paul
Galantière, Lewis
Goodspeed, Elizabeth F.
Goodyear, A. Conger (brigadier-general)
Second Brigade, New York Guard, Headquarters (New York)
Arts Club of Chicago (Chicago)
Eisendrath, William N. (Jr.)
[Sapor / Saba] [PR & Co]
Gouy, Léon
Ballantine, Arthur A.
Greater New York Fund (New York)
Griffin, William V.
Gulbenkian, Calouste
Rosenberg, Paul
Gallery of Modern Art, Inc. (New York)
Glaser, William A.
Glaser Contracting Company, Inc. (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Alba, Gertrude
Garbo, Greta
Glidden Buick Corporation (New York)
Goldschmidt, Jakob
Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Marie-Anne de (baronne)
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Goodyear, A. Conger
Neumann, J.B.
Goriany, Jean
Gouy, Léon
Office of Censorship, Cable and Radio Censor (New York)
[Sapor / Saba] [PR & Co]
Bienstock, Abraham W.
Gouy, Léon
Rosenberg, Paul
Rideout, Richard
Grace Horne Galleries (Boston, Massachusetts)
["Meier Graefe."]
Griscom, William (Jr.)
Guggenheim, Marguerite

View PDF of folder II.B.18

II.B.19 H Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts and invoices; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence; copy of third-party correspondence.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Hudson, Elizabeth
Rosenberg, Paul
Hélion, Jean
France Forever (New York)
Jacques Helft & Company (New York)
Jacquemar Inc., French Antiques (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul [written expertise]
Nathan Greenbaum & Co. (New York)
Hillman, Alex L.
Dodge, Joseph Jeffers
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Herrmann, E. S.
Braun & Cie, Art Publishers (New York)
Loomis Agency Inc (Glen Falls, New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Hessel, Jos
Consulat Général de France (New Orleans)
Delalande, J.
Lacour-Gayet, Robert
Rosenberg, Paul
Hessel, Jos
M.H. De Young Museum (San Francisco)
Heil, Walter
Benton, Genevieve
Rosenberg, Paul
Stewart, Alice F.
Halversen, Albert
Hallgarten & Co. (New York)
Cassel van Doorn (baron)
Helft, Jacques
Jacques Helft & Company (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Huisman, Georges
International Rescue and Relief Committee (New York)
Lewinski, Eva
Crowninshield, Frank
Condé Nast Publications, Inc. (New York)
United States Department of State. Visa Division. (Washington, D.C.)
Katzman, Alexander
Délégation de la France Libre aux États-Unis (New York)
Aglion, Raoul
Paul Rosenberg & Co. (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Huisman, Georges

View PDF of folder II.B.19

II.B.20 Hartley, Marsden

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts; typescript lists of paintings and drawings; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence; copy of third-party correspondence.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Platt Lynes, George
Delbende, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Berger, Norma
Rosenberg, Paul
Walker, Hudson D.
Newell, Theodore R.
Wells, Henry W.
Columbia University, Department of English and Comparative Literature (New York)
Heydenryk (New York)
Hartley, James
Rosenberg Gallery (New York)
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Hartley, Edmund Marsden
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.B.20

II.B.21 I Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices and receipt stubs; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence; two sheets of photostatic copy; copy of third-party correspondence.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

United States Treasury Department. Internal Revenue Service. (New York)
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Pennsylvania)
Indiana University, Department of Fine Arts (Bloomington)
Delbende, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Hope, Henry R.
Biddle, W.G.
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Institute of Modern Art (Boston)
Allen, W.G. Russel
Rosenberg, Paul
Plaut, James S.
Ittleson, Henry (Jr.)
Frankfurter, Alfred M.

View PDF of folder II.B.21

II.B.22 Inventory 1942

Two distinct groups [A and B, in original order, now Mylar-sleeved] of typescript and handwritten lists of paintings, most including date of acquisition and name of vendor.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Rosenberg, Paul
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)

View PDF of folder II.B.22

II.B.23 J Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and boxed invoice of shipped paintings.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Arthur Jaffé, Inc. (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Javal, Fernand
Jewell, Edward Alden
Jonas, Édouard
Rosenberg, Paul
Grummann, Paul H.
Society of Liberal Arts, Joslyn Memorial (Omaha, Nebraska)
Delbende, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]

View PDF of folder II.B.23

II.B.24 K Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices and receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence; one mounted black/white photo print.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Dikran G. Kelekian (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Kempner, Frederick
Mendelssohn, Eleonora von
J.P. Morgan & Co. (New York)
King, Charles M.
Lévi, Gaston I.
Charles M. Koenigswerther Inc. (New York)
King, Donald
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Knoedler M. & Co. (New York)
Koven, Gustav H.
W.R. Keating & Company (New York)
Kronberg, Louis
Sperling, Harry
Kleinberger Gallery (New York)
King, Ralph
King, Charles M.
Kempner, Frederick
King, Serge
Dikran G. Kelekian (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Kann, Alphonse
W.R. Keating & Company (New York)
Kramarsky, S.
Lévi, Gaston
Koven, Gustav H.
Agency Lucerna Company, Inc. (New York)
Kootz, Samuel
Kleeman Gallery (New York)

View PDF of folder II.B.24

II.B.25 L Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Lam, Wifredo
Rosenberg, Paul
Lathrop, Arthur B. (Mrs.)
Lehman, Allan S.
Rosenberg, Paul
Levy, Adele Rosenwald
Gaston I. Lévi, Studios Inc., Restauration de Tableaux (New York)
Library of Congress. Registrar of Copyrights. (Washington, D.C.)
Bouvé, C.L.
Delbende, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Lloyd, H. Gates, Jr. (Mrs.)
Lovet-Lorski, Boris
Lowenthal, Milton
Ludgin, Earle
Ludington, H. Wright
Luzzato, Luigi
Lurcy, Georges
Rosenberg, Paul
Library of Congress. Registrar of Copyrights. (Washington, D.C.)
Bouvé, C.L.
Lebel, Robert
Léger, Fernand
Brazilian Embassy (Washington, D.C.)
Wyeth, Dorothy L.
Sweeney, James Johnson
Thompson, Juliet
Lurcy, Georges
Ludington, H. Wright
Léger, Fernand
Lévi, Gilbert
Levy, Adele Rosenwald
Lurcy, Georges
Gaston I. Lévi, Studios Inc., Restauration de Tableaux (New York)
Levy, Guy
Laurens, Henri
Léger, Fernand
Rosenberg, Paul
Gaston I. Lévi, Studios Inc., Restauration de Tableaux (New York)
Levy, Georges (Mrs.)
Lurcy, Georges

View PDF of folder II.B.25

II.B.26 Loeb, Pierre

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR correspondence, including invoices and receipts; copy of third-party correspondence.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Rosenberg, Paul
Loeb, Pierre
Luzzato, Ettore
République Française. Délégation du Comité Français de la Libération Nationale
(Washington, D.C.)
Hoppenot, M.H.
Luzzato, Ettore
United States. Department of State. Visa Division.
Loeb, Pierre
Luzzato, Luigi
République Française. Délégation du Comité Français de la Libération Nationale
(Washington, D.C.)
Luzzato, Ettore
Rosenberg, Paul
Loeb, Pierre
American Embassy (Havana)
Rosenberg, Paul
Délégation du Comité Français aux États-Unis, Mission Militaire (Washington, D.C.)
Chevigné, P. de
Seligmann, Germain
Humbert, J.
Délégation du Comité Français aux États-Unis, Mission Militaire (New York)
Sweeney, James Johnson
Rosenberg, Paul
Loeb, Pierre
Luzzato, Ettore
Tixier, Adrien
Fighting French Delegation (New York)
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Loeb, Pierre
Frenkel & Co. Inc., General Insurance (New York)
Luzzato, Gustavo
Beers Bros. Company Inc., Restoration of Paintings (New York)
Murray, Eugene
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Loeb, Pierre
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.B.26

II.B.27 Lowy, Julius

Hand-compiled forms for invoices, receipts and consignment memoranda received by PR and PR & Co; cartes de visite; printed exhibition invitations.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Julius Lowy, Inc., Antique Frames and Reproductions (New York)

View PDF of folder II.B.27

II.B.28 M Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence; one black/white photo print postcard.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Rosenberg, Paul
Wintersteen, John (Mrs.)
McIlhenny, Henry P.
McKim, William L.
Morris, Herbert C.
Mann, Fredric R.
MacDonald, Duncan
Maisch, Jacques (Mrs.)
Malcolm, Thalia W.
Marshall Field & Company, Picture Galleries (Chicago)
Northam, Naomi
Samuel A. Marx, Architect (Chicago)
Matta (Roberto Matta Echaurren)
Mersbach, Alice B.
Michel, Michel Georges
Milbank, Tweed & Hope (New York)
Cumming, Burton
Milwaukee Art Institute (Wisconsin)
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Mitchell, Carlton (Jr.)
Moon, Peter G.
Morgan & Cie (Châtel-Guyon, France)
Morris, Herbert C.
Moss, Armand
India Precious Stones Corporation (New York)
Valentiner, William
Museum of Fine Art, Detroit
Constable, William George
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Edgell, G.H.
Matta (Roberto Matta Echaurren)
McIlhenny, Henry P.
Rosenberg, Paul
William MacBeth Inc. (New York)
Hartley, Edmund Marsden
Maitland, L.M.
Marx, Samuel A.
Martin, A. Bradley
Bowen, Stephen [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Masson, André
Matisse, Henri
Mendelssohn, Eleonora von
S.E. Mishkind Co. (New York)
Mersbach, A.J.
M.H. De Young Memorial Museum (San Francisco)
Benton, Genevieve R.
Heil, Walter
Bowen, Stephen [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Michel, Michel Georges
Moon, Peter G.
Apex Railway Products Co. (Chicago)
Müller, Federico C.
Galeria Müller (Buenos Aires)
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Trovato, Joseph
Munson-Williams-Proctor-Institute (Utica, New York)

View PDF of folder II.B.28

II.B.29 Monet [exhibition]

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including shipping notices, receipts and museum registrar receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including shipping instructions; two black/white photo prints ["Automne à Jeufosse" (Boston Museum of Fine Arts)].

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Webster, Edwin S. (Mrs.)
Doll & Richards, Inc., Fine Arts (Boston)
Bowen, Stephen [for PR & Co]
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Palmer, Honoré
Duveen Art Galleries (New York)
Field, Dorothea E.
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Whittemore, Harris (Jr.)
Durand-Ruel, Inc. (New York)
Scott & Fowles (New York)
Rosegrant, Robert G.
Edgell, G.H.
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Constable, W.G.
Bowen, Stephen [for PR & Co]
Whittemore, Harris (Jr.)
W.J. Megin, Inc. (Naugatuck, Connecticut)
J.H. Whittemore Company (Naugatuck, Connecticut)
Scott & Fowles (New York)
Duveen Brothers, Inc. (New York)
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Palmer, Honoré
Howe, Thomas
California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
Lawson, William
Palmer, Potter
Haas, Otto
Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design (Providence)
Danforth, Murray S.
Banks, Miriam A.
Greenhough, Busch (Mrs.)
Greenough, Charles (Mrs.)
Osborn, William Church
Trustees of the Metropolitan Museum (New York)
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Pennsylvania)
Clifford, Henry
Marceau, Henri
Rich, Daniel Catton
Art Institute of Chicago

View PDF of folder II.B.29

II.B.30 Morgan & Co.

Signed typescript bank correspondence and receipts received by PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co instructions.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
J.P. Morgan & Co. (New York)
Morgan Grenfell & Co. Ltd. (London)
Kann, Alphonse
Rosenberg, Paul
Mendelssohn, Eleonora von

View PDF of folder II.B.30

II.B.31 Museum of Modern Art

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices and museum registrar receipts; PR handwritten drafts of letters sent; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence; correspondence relative to MoMA exhibits "Twentieth Century Portraits" and "Emilio Pettoruti"; typescript lists of paintings.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Soby, James Thrall
Barr, Alfred H.
Rosenberg, Paul
Soby, James Thrall
Barr, Alfred H.
Rosenberg, Paul
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Ulrich, Ione
Soby, James Thrall
Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Barr, Alfred H.
Rosenberg, Paul
Monroe Wheeler
Dudley, Dorothy H.
Barr, Alfred H.
Rosenberg, Paul
Courter, Elodie
Wheeler, Monroe
Rosenberg, Paul
The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Armed Services Division.
Levy, Adele Rosenwald
United States Army. Special Services Branch. (New York)
Wheeler, Monroe
Soby, James Thrall
Barr, Alfred H.
Rosenberg, Paul
Picasso, Pablo
Kann, Alphonse
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)

View PDF of folder II.B.31

II.B.32 N Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts; hand-annotated typescript lists of paintings; copy of third-party correspondence.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Neuberger, Roy
Winser, Beatrice
Newark Museum Association (Newark, New Jersey)
Nierendorf Gallery (New York)
Berger, Norma
Rosenberg, Paul
Clark, Kenneth (sir)
National Gallery (London)
Nichols, J.C.
Parsons, Harold
Rosenberg, Paul
Nierendorf, Karl
United Jewish Appeal (New York)
Neuberger, Roy
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
James, M.
The National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
National City Bank (New York)
Loeb, Pierre
Luzzatto, Ettore
National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa, Canada)
Rosenberg, Paul
McCurry, H.O.
Van Riemsdijk, Rombout
Netherlands Information Bureau (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Publishers Printing Company (New York)
Ettenberg, Eugene
National Academy of Design (New York)
Arms, John Taylor
Bowen, Stephen [for PR & Co]
Nichols, Hobart

View PDF of folder II.B.32

II.B.33 P Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices and receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

King, Hazel B.
Dudley Peter Allen Memorial (Oberlin, Ohio)
Palmer, Honoré
Parke-Bernet Galleries (New York)
Perls, Hugo
Rosenberg, Paul
Permanent Thermographic Press (New York)
Kimball, Fiske
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Pennsylvania)
Phillips, Duncan
Phillips Memorial Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Stephen Bowen [for PR & Co]
De Pinna, L.S.
Polygraphic Co. of America (New York)
Frenkel & Co. Inc. (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Pons, Lily
Kostalanitz, André (Mrs.) (Lily Pons)
Walter J. Pritchard, Plumbing & Heating Contractors (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Phillips, Duncan
Bier, Elmira
Marjorie Phillips
Parke-Bernet Galleries (New York)
Perls, Hugo
Palmer, Honoré
Perls Galleries Incorporated (New York)
Perls, Klaus G.
Perls, Hugo
Rosenberg, Paul
Clifford, Henry
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Pennsylvania)
1943 Red Cross War Fund of New York City
Pinacotheca Gallery (New York)
Podgoursky, Ivan (count)
Pons, Lily
Tirindelli, Margherita
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.B.33

II.B.34 R Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts; typescript list of slides used by PR for lectures; typescript lists of pictures, including provenance data.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Rosenberg, Paul
Read, Helen Appleton
1943 Red Cross War Fund of New York City
Elfers, Herbert H.
Durand-Ruel, Inc. (New York)
Remarque, Erich Maria
Rosenberg, Paul
Rendon, Manuel
Rosenberg, Paul
Rewald, John
Washburn, Gordon
Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design (Providence)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rogers, Huddleston (Mrs.)
Tulp, Ellen
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Riddle, John Wallace (Mrs.)
Riezler, K.
Rochemont, Richard de
Rothschild, Guy de (Mrs.)
Rothschild, Robert de
Rosenberg, Paul
Loevi, Adrien Michel
Goldschmidt, Pierre
Remarque, Erich Maria
Rendon, Manuel
Resor, Stanley (Mrs.)
Rewald, John
Washburn, Gordon
Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design (Providence)
Riezler, K.
Rosenberg, Paul
Rogers, Huddleston (Mrs.)
Emma Romeyn, Inc. (New York)
Russell, Marie
Rosenberg, Paul
Roosevelt, Eleanor
White House (Washington, D.C.)

View PDF of folder II.B.34

II.B.35 Rattner

Signed handwritten (and one typescript) letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including receipts; handwritten (autograph) lists of Rattner pictures; typescript autobiographical text [edited]; newspaper clipping.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Rosenberg, Paul
Rattner, Abraham
Lipman, John
Art in America (New York)
Goldwater, Robert
George, Manfred
Aufbau, American Jewish Weekly in German and English (New York)

View PDF of folder II.B.35

II.B.36 Rosenberg, Paul

Typescript copies of PR letter to the 'Commission Cas Déchéances Nationalité' of the French Ministry of Justice in Vichy, along with copies of a PR 'curriculum vitae' meant as enclosure.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Rosenberg, Paul
République Française. Ministère de la Justice. Commission Cas
Déchéances Nationalité (Vichy)

View PDF of folder II.B.36

II.B.37 S Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices and receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices and receipts.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Salz, Sam
Scott & Fowles (New York)
Security Storage Company (Washington, D.C.)
Selznick, David O.
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Society of Liberal Arts, Joslyn Memorial (Omaha, Nebraska)
Rosenberg, Paul
Sicé (general)
Dulin, André
Mauduit, de
Smith College Museum of Art (Northampton, Massachusetts)
Spaeth, Otto (Mrs.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Speicher, Eugene
Spenser, Niles
Spitzer, Julius
Steegmuller, Francis
Rosenberg, Paul
Stern, Louis E.
Salz, Sam
Rosenberg, Paul
Dunn, Montfort
St. Paul Gallery and School of Art (Saint Paul, Minnesota)
Sandwich (lord)
Rosenberg, Paul
Easton, Winnifred [for Rosenberg & Helft (London)]
Schempp, Theodore
Rosenberg, Paul
Schulmann, Gaston
Selznick, David O.
Sharpe, Mary Elizabeth
Sharpe, Henry D.
Duplaix, Georges
Simon and Schuster, Publishers (New York)
Simons, H.
Bucholz Gallery (New York)
Valentin, Curt
Abbott, Jere
Smith College Museum of Art (Northampton, Massachusetts)
Parsons, Harold W.
Society of Liberal Arts, Joslyn Memorial (Omaha, Nebraska)
Sweeney, John L.
Robinson, Florence H.
Sweetbriar College, Art Department(Sweetbriar, Virginia)

View PDF of folder II.B.37

II.B.38 T Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices, receipts and certification; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices and receipts; PR handwritten draft notes for messages sent; copy of third-party correspondence; printed copy of articles from Treasury Department Code of Regulations.

Tobias & Company (New York)
United States Treasury Department. War Finance Committee. (New York)
Clyfford Trevor, Consultant on Art Matters (New York)
Trevor, Clyfford
Tobias & Company (New York)
United States Treasury Department. Customs Services. (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Tooth, Dudley Tooth
Easton, Winnifred [for Rosenberg & Helft (London)
Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio)
United States Treasury Department. Commissioner of Internal Revenue. (Washington, D.C.)
Rosenberg, Marguerite
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.B.38

II.B.39 Van Gogh Exhibition

Signed typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices and receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams and receipts.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Frederick Giles, Caterer (New York)
Kempner, Frederick
Rosenberg, Paul
Kramarsky, Siegfried
Eleonora and Francesco von Mendelssohn Family Foundation (New York)
American Red Cross. New York Chapter.
Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio)
Gosline, William A.
Remarque, Erich Maria
Field, Marshall (Mrs.)
Clark, Stephen C.
Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Marie-Anne de (baronne)
Rosenberg, Paul
American Red Cross. New York Chapter.
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Bowen, Stephen [for PR & Co]

View PDF of folder II.B.39

II.B.40 U, V Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices and receipts; typescript lists of paintings, drawings, etchings; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Valentine Gallery of Modern Art (New York)
Venturi, Lionello
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond)
Weddell, Alexander W.
Rosenberg, Paul
Duthuit, Georges
Keller, Beatrice von
Commonwealth of Virginia. Museum of Fine Arts. (Richmond)
Rosenberg, Paul
Vilmorin, Henri de
Vilmorin, Elisabeth de
Valentine Gallery of Modern Art (New York)
Leidesdorf, Samuel D.
United Jewish Appeal (New York)
University of Nebraska Art Galleries (Lincoln)
Kirsch, Dwight
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]

View PDF of folder II.B.40

II.B.41 W Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices and receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including provenance information, invoices and receipts.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Warner, Keith
Kewar Company (Gloversville, New York)
Wertheim, Maurice
Rosenberg, Paul
Wintersteen, John (Mrs.)
Worcester Art Museum (Worcester, Massachusetts)
Sawyer, Charles H.
White, Samuel S.
E. Weyhe, Prints and Books (New York)
Warner, Keith
Weitzner, Julius H.
Wertheim, Maurice
E. Weyhe, Prints and Books (New York)
Whittemore, J.H.
Kramarsky, Siegfried
Wolkenberg, Sidney L.
Commercial Union Assurance Company Limited (New York)
Worcester Art Museum (Worcester, Massachusetts)
Rhode Island Museum of Art (Providence)
Werner, Helen E.
Sawyer, Charles H.

View PDF of folder II.B.41

II.B.42 Weber, Max

Signed handwritten and typescript letters [some with hand-printed color letterhead] received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices and receipts; handwritten and typescript lists of paintings; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts.

NOTE: Because of its fragile condition, this original file is not available for viewing. Color print-outs of reference-quality images are included in this folder for researcher consultation.

Weber, Max
Rosenberg, Paul
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Bowen, Stephen [for PR & Co]

View PDF of folder II.B.42


Subseries II.C: PR & Co files 1944-1945 [-1946]

Folder Title Date
II.C.1 A Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices, receipts, consignment notes and lists of paintings.

Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy (Andover, Massachusetts)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Hayes, Bartlett H. (Jr.)
Morgan, Patrick
Ritchie, Andrew C.
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Alexandre, Arsène
Golden, Samuel
American Artists Group Inc. (New York)
American Red Cross, New York Chapter (New York)
Art of This Century (New York)
Association pour le Rétablissement des Institutions et Œuvres Israelites en France et dans ses Possessions d'Outremer, Inc. (A.R.I.F.) (New York)
Rothschild, Édouard de (baron)
Art Association of Montreal (Montreal, Canada)
Martin, C.F.
Rosenberg, Paul
Baldwin, Martin
Art Gallery of Toronto (Toronto, Canada)
Macomber & Company, Inc. (New York)
Navy League of Canada (Toronto, Canada)
Art Association of Montreal (Montreal, Canada)
Martin, C.F.
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Daniel Catton Rich
Society for Contemporary American Art (Chicago)
Schniewind, Carl O.
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Eisendrath, William N. (Jr.)
Mandel, Estelle
Associated American Artists, Inc. (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Abrams, Harry
Batigne, René
Conservateur des Oeuvres d'Art Françaises aux États-Unis (Washington, D.C.)
Bérard, Armand
Ambassade de France (Washington, D.C.)
Parker, Thomas C.
American Federation of Arts (Washington, D.C.)
American British Art Center (New York)
Seymour Halpern Associates, Inc. (New York)
Schniewind, Carl O.
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Rich, Daniel Catton
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
McCormick, Chauncey
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Rosenberg, Paul
Brewster, Walter S.
Pepsi-Cola Company Second Annual Portrait of America Exhibition and Competition (New York)
Artists for Victory, Inc. (New York)
Frankel, Robert S.
Art News (New York)
Associated American Artists, Inc. (New York)

II.C.2 "Inventory / [War losses]"

Photocopies of pages from volume "Liste de photographies, Paris" [see Series IV] in labeled folder.

NOTE: File title is misleading, but indicative: lists used as a tool for an overview of inventory items past to present.

Galeries Paul Rosenberg (Paris)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)

View PDF of folder II.C.2

II.C.3 Milton Avery

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including autograph lists of paintings and receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including guest lists, remittances, receipts, incoming and outgoing consignment notes and invoices; illustrated signed postcard; exhibition notices.

Wildenstein Galleries (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Avery, Milton
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)

II.C.4 American Federation of Arts / Art Digest / Art News

Incoming invoices and receipts for advertising and subscriptions; printed PR & Co full-page advertisement color proof.

American Federation of Arts (Washington, D.C.)
American Art Annual (Washington, D.C.)
Art Digest (New York)
Charles Z. Offin, Advertising (New York)
Art News (New York)
The Art Foundation, Inc. (New York)
Art News Annual (New York)

II.C.5 Bankers Trust Co.

Typescript and printed PR and PR & Co banking instructions for remittances and receipts.

Bankers Trust Company (New York)
Bankers Trust Company (London)
Easton, Winnifred
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Churchill, Ivor Spencer (lord)

II.C.6 B Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including museum registrar receipts, invoices; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams; PR handwritten notes on letter drafts; third-party correspondence.

Baltimore Museum of Art (Baltimore, Maryland)
Breeskin, Adelyn D.
Bareiss, Walter
Batigne [René]
French Participation to the World's Fair (New York)
Ambassade de France aux États-Unis (Washington, D.C.)
Conservateur des Oeuvres d'Art Françaises aux États-Unis (Washington, D.C.)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Beatty, A. Chester
Beatty, A. Chester (Madame)
Berdeau, LeRay
Berkowitz, Sidney
Bernheim de Villers, Gaston
Société Coloniale des Artistes Français (Paris)
Bernheim, Georges
Bernheim Dauberville, Henry
Bernheim, Roger
Rosenberg, Paul
Consul Général de France (Washington, D.C.)
French-American Club (New York)
Bernstein, Henri
Bonnet, Henri
Ambassade de France aux États-Unis (Washington, D.C.)
Bosworth, Renée
Blutman, Harry A.
Weber, Max
Boecop, de (baronne)
Brooklyn Museum of Art (New York)
Braque, Georges
Brady, J.C.
Brewster, Walter S.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Valentin, Curt
Bucholz Gallery (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Bullrich, Rafael
Adolfo Bullrich & Cia. Ltda. (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Burden, William A.M.
Rosenberg, Paul
Balsan, Jacques (Madame)
Churchill, Ivor Spencer (lord)
Barbee, Stanley N.
Bareiss, Walter
Battigne, René
Délégation du Comité National de la Libération (Washington, D.C.)
Ortiz Etchagüe (Madame)
Chavroche, Marguerite
Berdeau, Audrey
Blanc, George
Bobbs, J.
Boecop, de (baronne)
Brach, Eliane
Blutman, Harry A.
Burden, William A.M.
Assistant Secretary of Commerce (Washington, D.C.)
Bernheim, Henry

View PDF of folder II.C.6

II.C.7 Block, L. B.

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices, receipts and telegrams.

Block, Leigh B.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design (Providence)
Kaldis, Laurie Eglington
Rosenberg, Paul

II.C.8 W. S. Budworth

Signed typescript letters and shipping notices received by PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including shipping instructions.

W.S. Budworth & Son (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara, California)
Blaffer, R.L.
Spaeth, Otto L.
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Weintraub, William
Block, Leigh B.
Smith College Museum of Art (Northampton, Massachusetts)
Federation of Modern Painters & Sculptors (New York)
Orswell, Lois
Hamilton, George
Saltanstall, Nathaniel
Fine Arts Gallery (San Diego, California)
Department of Fine Arts, Yale University (New Haven, Connecticut)
Los Angeles County Museum (Los Angeles, California)
Warner, Keith
Flint Institute of Arts (Flint, Michigan)
Schramm, James S.
Brewster, Walter S.
Rochester Memorial Art Gallery (Rochester, New York)
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
Reed, Verner Z. (Mrs.)
Fogg Museum of Art, Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Lugin, Earle
Artists for Victory (New York)
Cleveland Museum of Art (Cleveland, Ohio)
University of Iowa, Department of Art (Iowa City, Iowa)
School of the Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)
Museum of the Cranbrook Academy of Art (Bloomfield Hills, Michigan)
John Herron Art Institute (Indianapolis, Indiana)
M.H. de Young Memorial Museum (San Francisco, California)
Baltimore Museum of Art (Baltimore, Maryland)
Jones, Alfred E. (Jr.)
Fine Arts Department, Indiana University (Bloomington, Indiana)
Spreckels, Adolf (Mrs.)
Ludington, Wright
Morris, Herbert C. (Mrs.)
Society for Contemporary Art, Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Heydenryk (New York)
Berdeau, Audrey
Hyde, L.F.
Berkowitz, Sidney
Hope, Henry R.
McKeever, Chauncy (Mrs.)
J. Chenue (London)
Wildenstein Gallery (New York)
Wertheim, Maurice
Davidson, Jo
Schramm, James S.
Bareiss, Walter
Goldschmann, V.
Rogers, Huddelston (Mrs.)
Foy, Byron (Mrs.)
Kook (Mrs.)
Hayward, Leland
Levy, Adele R.
Karoly, Fred
Jaffe, William B.
Kettanah (Mrs.)
Portrait of America Competition (New York)
Artists for Victory, Inc. (New York)
Bucholz Gallery (New York)
City Art Museum of St. Louis (St. Louis, Missouri)
Pratt, Arthur (Mrs.)
Dayton Art Institute (Dayton, Ohio)
Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan)
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Tannahill, Robert H.
Peat, Wilbur D.
Phillips, Duncan
San Francisco Museum of Art (San Francisco, California)
Callery, Meric
Burden, William A.M.
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Sweeney, John L.
Joslyn Memorial Art Gallery (Omaha, Nebraska)
Weldon, Janet
Ludgin, Earle
Schempp, Theodore (Mrs.)
Rhode Island School of Design (Providence, Rhode Island)
Phillips Memorial Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
San Francisco Museum of Art (San Francisco, California)

View PDF of folder II.C.8

II.C.9 C Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including museum registrar receipts and consular declarations; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices and receipts; PR handwritten drafts and notes for messages.

Nagel, Charles (Jr.)
City Art Museum of St. Louis (St. Louis, Missouri)
Office of Censorship, District Cable Censor (New York)
Macagy, Jermayne
California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
Rosenberg, Paul
Callery, Mary
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Cameron, G.M.
Cerf, Bennett
Tobias & Company (New York)
J. Chenue (London)
Chinese Gallery, Ltd. (New York)
Wacker, Harold
Churchill, Ivor Spencer (lord)
Rosenberg, Paul
Clark, R.S.
Clearwater Art Museum (Clearwater, Florida)
Cleveland Museum of Art (Cleveland, Ohio)
Francis, Henry Sayles
Schniewind, Carl O.
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts (Columbus, Ohio)
Thos. Cook & Son (New York)
Corcoran Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Cowdin, J.Cheever (Jr.)
Adams, Harriet Dyer
Museum of the Cranbrook Academy of Art (Bloomfield Hills, Michigan)
Croisset, de (Madame)
Rosenberg, Paul
City of New York. Department of Finance.
Callery, Meric
California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
Macagy, Jermayne
Callery, Meric
Rosenberg, Paul
Cameron, Roderick W.
Carnegie Institute, Department of Fine Arts (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
O'Connor, John (Jr.)
Carnegie Magazine (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
Francis, Henry Sayles
Cleveland Museum of Art (Cleveland, Ohio)
Chagall, Marc
Nagel, Charles (Jr.)
City Art Museum of St. Louis (St. Louis, Missouri)
Coe, Ralph N.
Rosenberg, Paul
Chase, Ilka
Churchill, Ivor Spencer (lord)
J. Chenue (London)
American Consular Service (London)
Rosenberg, Paul
Clark, Hervey Park
Coe, Ralph M.
Jones, Dorothy A.
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts (Columbus, Ohio)
Kornfeld, Albert
Condé Nast Publications, Inc. (New York)
Cone, Etta
Crocker, William W.

View PDF of folder II.C.9

II.C.10 Consignment Invoices

Office copy of outgoing PR & Co invoices, receipts, shipping notices re: consignments for sale and exhibition purposes.

M. Knoedler & Co., Inc. (New York)
Chinese Gallery, Ltd. (New York)
Cleveland Museum of Art (Cleveland, Ohio)
Helft, Jacques
Witte Museum (San Antonio, Texas)
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (Philadelphia)
Greenhill, Annabel
William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art (Kansas City, Missouri)
Sauer Studio (New York)
Abrams, Harry
Glickman, Morris
Greenhill, Kalman
Fine Arts Gallery (San Diego, California)
Magazine of Art (New York)
Pepsi-Cola Company Second Annual Portrait of America Exhibition And Competition (New York)
Artists for Victory, Inc. (New York)
Hugo Gallery (New York)
Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)
Flint Institute of Arts (Flint, Michigan)
Lowenthal, Milton
American Federation of Arts (Washington, D.C.)
Renaissance Society, University of Chicago (Chicago)
Biesel, Frances Strain
Lewis, Edward B. (Jr.)
Abrams, Harry
Clearwater Art Museum (Clearwater, Florida)
Louis F. Hyde Collection (Glenn Falls, New York)
Dodge, Joseph J.
Block, Leigh B.
Rochester Memorial Art Gallery (Rochester, New York)
Baltimore Museum of Art (Baltimore, Maryland)
Seymour Halpern Associates, Inc. (New York)
Critic's Section, Arts and Antiques Show (New York)
Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio)
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts (Columbus, Ohio)
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Wildenstein Galleries (New York)
Batigne, René
Conservateur des Oeuvres d'Art Françaises aux États-Unis (Washington, D.C.)
Ginsburg, Aaron
American British Art Center (New York)
City of Paris (San Francisco, California)
Cerf, Bennett
Segredakis, E.
McKinney, Roland
Los Angeles County Museum of History, Science and Art (Los Angeles)
Croisset, de (Madame)
Simon, Leo (Mrs.)
Cleveland Museum of Art (Cleveland, Ohio)
W.S. Budworth & Son (New York)
Milliken, William M.
Institute of Modern Art (Boston, Massachusetts)
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
Munson-William-Proctor-Institute (Utica, New York)
University of Iowa, Department of Art (Iowa City, Iowa)
Simon, Leo (Mrs.)
School of the Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, Massachusetts)
Museum of Cranbrook Academy of Art (Bloomfield Hills, Michigan)
Kleeman Gallery (New York)
Rogers, Huttleston (Mrs.)
Fine Arts Society of San Diego (San Diego, California)
The Book Shop (St. Louis, Missouri)
M.H. de Young Memorial Museum (San Francisco)
Institute of Modern Art (Boston)
Trevor, Clifford
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Artists for Victory, Inc. (New York)
School of the Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)
Warner, Keith
Fesler, James W.
John Herron Art Institute (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Baltimore Municipal Museum of Art (Baltimore, Maryland)
Denver Art Museum (Denver, Colorado)
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Smith College Museum of Art (Northampton, Massachusetts)
Jones, Alfred E. (Jr.)
William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art (Kansas City, Missouri)
Weintraub, William
Jacques Helft & Co. (New York)
Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)
American Federation of Arts (Washington, D.C.)
Haft, Morris W. (Mrs.)
Steegmuller, Frances
Siple, Walter H.
Cincinnati Museum Association (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Lord & Taylor (New York)
Brooklyn Museum of Art (New York)
Pierre Matisse Gallery (New York)
Hirshhorn, Joseph
Dayton Art Institute (Dayton, Ohio)
Juviler, A.A.
Corcoran Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Illinois Wesleyan University (Bloomington, Illinois)
Jacques Helft & Co. (New York)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Philadelphia Art Alliance (Philadelphia)
Rochester Memorial Art Gallery (Rochester, New York)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Department of Art, University of Nebraska (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Society of the Four Arts (Palm Beach, Florida)

II.C.11 Carden Corp.

Signed typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including leasing agreements; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including remittances.

Carden Corporation (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Milbank, Tweed & Hope (New York)

II.C.12 Cutting

Signed handwritten letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts.

Cutting, Charles Suydam (Mrs.)
Cutting, Helen
Rosenberg, Paul
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]

II.C.13 D Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and telegrams; typescript lists of pictures.

Spaeth, Otto
Dayton Art Institute (Dayton, Ohio)
Davidson, Jo
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Davidson, Florence
Rosenberg, Paul
Picasso, Pablo
République Française. Présidence du Gouvernement Provisoire. Cabinet du Général de Gaulle.
Davis, Richard Siebe
Bach, Otto Karl
Denver Art Museum (Denver, Colorado)
Rosenberg, Paul
Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan)
Valentiner, W.R.
Goodyear, Rosalie
Goodwin, Arthur C. [estate of]
Rosenberg, Paul
Castano, Giovanni
Diana Studio (South Bend, Indiana)
Tella, Torcuato Di
Douglas, Robert Langton
Rosenberg, Paul
Dreyfus, Émile
Spaeth, Otto
Dayton Art Institute (Dayton, Ohio)
Dale, Chester
Bywaters, Jerry
Dallas Museum of Fine Arts (Dallas, Texas)
Davis, Robert Tyler
Portland Art Museum (Portland, Oregon)
Davis, A.W.
Valentiner, W.R. Keating & Company (New York)
Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan)
Rosenberg, Paul
Burroughs, Clyde H.
Detroit Museum of Art, Founders Society (Detroit, Michigan)
Peterkin, L. Denis
Diana Studio (South Bend, Indiana)
Goodwin, Arthur C. [estate of]
Rosenberg, Paul
Venturi, Lionello
Covington & Moesel, Counselors at Law (New York)
Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Marie-Anne de (baronne)
Rosenberg, Paul
Stern, Max
Dominion Gallery of Fine Art (Montreal, Canada)
Luzzato, Ettore
[Loeb, Pierre]
[Lam, Wifredo]
Duthuit, Georges
Duveen, Albert

View PDF of folder II.C.13

II.C.14 de Gaulle Reception

Signed handwritten and typescript letters of reply to PR invitation to attend presentation of bronze bust of Charles de Gaulle.

Keller, Georges
Bignou Gallery (New York)
Lewisohn, Samuel A.
Gosford, Mildred
Yaleur, Robert
City of New York. Office of the President of the Council.
Morris, Newbold
Bromfield, Louis
Valentin, Curt
Gouvernement Provisoire de la République Française (Washington, D.C.)
Pleven, R.

II.C.15 Durand-Ruel

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices and receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices and receipts; typescript lists of paintings.

Durand-Ruel & Cie. (Paris)
Elfers, Carmen
Elfers, Herbert
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Durand-Ruel, Inc. (New York)
Mizner, Alice [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Children's Aid Society, Homemaker Service (New York)
Ashforth, Henry Adams (Mrs.)

II.C.16 E Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts.

Newark Paraffine & Parchment Paper Company (Newark, New Jersey)
Eisner, William J.
Associated American Artists, Inc. (New York)
Encyclopaedia Britannica (New York)
Easton, Winifred
Rosenberg, Paul
Ebstein, Paul
Roisneau, Lea
Rosenberg, Paul
Elfers, Herbert

II.C.17 Eisner & Lubin

Office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence; lists of paintings; oversize ledger sheets with hand-compiled lists, including stock numbers.

Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Eisner & Lubin, Certified Public Accountants (New York)

II.C.18 F Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts.

Foy, Thelma C.
Feigl Gallery (New York)
Instituto de Investigaciones Esteticas (Mexico City, Mexico)
Fernández, Justino
Rosenberg, Paul
Mongan, Agnes
Fogg Museum of Art, Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Fesler, Caroline
France-Amérique, America's French Weekly (New York)
Frankfurter, Alfred M.
Samuel T. Freeman & Co., Auctioneers (Philadelphia)
Fesler, Mrs. James W.
John Herron Art Institute (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Fifth Avenue Bank of New York (New York)
French-American War Bond Committee (New York)
Fine Arts Gallery (San Diego, California)
Poland, Reginald
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Flexner, Abraham (Mrs.)
Flint Institute of Arts (Flint, Michigan)
Frankfurter, Alfred M.
Friedman, Charles (Mrs.)

II.C.19 France Forever

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams and receipts; copy of third-party correspondence.

France Forever (France Quand-Même) (New York)
Behrens, Clara L.
Louisville Free Public Library (Louisville, Kentucky)
Brewster, Walter S. (Mrs.)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Laugier, Henri
République Française. Ministère des Affaires Étrangères. (Paris)
Breeskin, Adelyn
Baltimore Museum of Art (Baltimore, Maryland)
Boas, Simone B.
France Forever (Baltimore, Maryland)
Rosenberg, Paul
Brewster, Walter S. (Mrs.)
France Forever (Chicago)
France Forever, Commission de Propagande et d'Information (New York)
Weill, Paul
Weill, Pierre-André
Hotel Waldorf-Astoria (New York)
Mizner, Alice [for PR & Co]
Institute of Modern Art (Boston, Massachusetts)
Allen, W.G. Russell
France Forever (New York)
Weill, Pierre-André

II.C.20 Frenkel & Co.

Signed typescript letters received by PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR & Co correspondence, including list of paintings.

Frenkel & Co., Inc., General Insurance (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Goldschmidt, Jakob

View PDF of folder II.C.20

II.C.21 G Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams invoices, receipts, lists of paintings; one small photostat copy ("V-mail").

Gabriel, A.
Mexican Consulate General (New York)
Davidson, Jo
Rosenberg, Paul
Geis, Bernard
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Getty, J. Paul
Contsoudis, Constantin Iolas
Gilmour, Geoffrey
House of H. Heydenryk, Jr. (New York)
Ginsburg, Aaron
David Ashley, Inc. (New York)
Gitterman, J.L. (Jr.)
Goldschmidt, Jakob
Golschmann, Vladimir
Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra (St. Louis, Missouri)
Goldschmidt, Jakob
Kempner, Frederick
Rosenberg, Paul
Gouy, Léon
Greater New York Fund (New York)
Greenhill, Mrs. Annabel
Gaulle, Charles de (general)
République Française. Présidence du Gouvernement Provisoire. Cabinet du Général de Gaulle. (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Hoppenot, M. H.
Gouvernement Provisoire de la République Française
(Washington, D.C.)
Geller, Maurice P.
Gerry, Peter (Mrs.)
Golschmann, Vladimir
Rosenberg, Paul
Goodwin, Philip L.
Goodyear, A. Conger (brigadier-general)
Grand Central Art Galleries (New York)
Barrie, Erwin
Greater New York Fund, Incorporated (New York)
Great Neck Storage Company (Great Neck, New York)
Griffin, J.H.
Gutmann, Morris

View PDF of folder II.C.21

II.C.22 H Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including museum registrar receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, receipts and invoices.

Haft, Morris W. (Mrs.)
Seymour Halpern Associates, Inc. (New York)
Hamilton, George
Department of Fine Arts, Yale University (New Haven, Connecticut)
Foy, Byron (Mrs.)
Sharpe, Henry D. (Mrs.)
Harris, Caryl
Helm, McKinley
U.S. State Department. Department of Cultural Relations. (Washington, D.C.)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
République Française. Commission de Récupération Artistique. (Paris)
Henraux, Albert
John Herron Art Institute (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Hill, Genevieve Carpenter
Hirshhorn, Joseph
Rosenberg, Paul
Schenk, Edgar C.
Honolulu Academy of Arts (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Hope, Henry R.
Fine Arts Department, Indiana University (Bloomington, Indiana)
Rosenberg, Paul
Hoppenot, M.H.
Davidson, Jo
Rhoades, Norris E.
Hugo Gallery (New York)
Huisman, Georges
Rosenberg, Paul
Dodge, Joseph J.
Louis F. Hyde Collection (Glen Falls, New York)
Hyde, Louis F. (Mrs.)
Douglas, Robert L.
Crane, Aimee
Hyperion Press (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Haft, Morris W. (Mrs.)
Hanauer, Anne
Harkness, Marcia
Hayes Storage, Packing & Removal Service (New York)
Artists for Victory, Inc. (New York)
Hayter, S.W.
Hayward, Leland
Herrmann, E.S.
Erich S. Herrmann, Inc., Fine Art Publishers and Importers (New York)
John Herron Art Institute (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Peat, Wilbur D.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Rosenberg, Paul
Hope, Henry R.
Fine Arts Department, Indiana University (Bloomington, Indiana)
Rosenberg, Paul
Hope, Sally
Délégation du Gouvernement Provisoire de la République Française.
(Washington, D.C.)
Hoppenot, M.H.
Rosenberg, Paul
Gaulle, Charles de (general)
République Française. Présidence du Gouvernement Provisoire. (Paris)
Housen, Mildred
Hyland, E.J.B.
Huisman, Georges
Rosenberg, Paul
Hyde, Louis F. (Mrs.)
Gloeckner, André
Hyperion Press (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul

II.C.23 Marsden Hartley

Signed typescript letters and lists received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including copy of PR affidavits; third-party document (New York State certification).

Hartley, Edmund Marsden [estate of]
Rosenberg, Paul
Walker, Hudson D.
Newell, T.R.
Delbende, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Phelps, Walter G.
Maloney, Ross & Phelps, Law Offices (New York)
Pious, Edward
Diamond, Moses
Lewis, Hazel J.
William Macbeth Inc. (New York)
Katzman, Alexander [for PR & Co]
Surrogate's Court of the County of New York (New York City)

[1942-] 1944
II.C.24 Marsden Hartley

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including lists of paintings; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including handwritten and typescript lists of paintings and drafts of artist's biographical note; third-party documents (estate agreements).

Hartley, Edmund Marsden [estate of]
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Phelps, Walter G.
Newell, Theodore R.
Walker, Hudson D.
M. Knoedler & Co. (New York)
Surrogate's Court of the County of New York (New York City)
Delehanty, James A. (Hon.)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Walker, Hudson D.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Lowenthal, Milton

II.C.25 Helft, Jacques

Signed typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices and receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts.

Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Helft, Jacques
Jacquemar, Inc. (New York)
Jacques Helft & Company (New York)
Mizner, Alice [for PR & Co]
Delbende, Suzanne [for PR & Co]

II.C.26 Hélion, Jean

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and three illustrated, color postcards received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including remittances and receipts; handwritten and typescript lists of paintings and biographical notes for 1945 Hélion exhibition; copy of signed professional agreement.

New York Telephone Company (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Hélion, Jean
Delbende, Suzanne [for PR & Co]
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Hélion, Jean
Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo
Zervos, Christian
Bonnet, Henri
Ambassade de France (Washington, D.C.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Hélion, Jean
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.C.26

II.C.27 I Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices and receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts; PR & Co biographical note for Max Weber.

Art Department, Illinois Wesleyan University (Bloomington, Illinois)
Loomis, Kenneth B.
Midtown Galleries (New York)
Gruskin, Alan D.
Ingersoll, R. Sturgis
Rosenberg, Paul
Metcalfe, Thomas N.
Coughlin, Aveline F.
Allen, W.G. Russell
Institute of Modern Art (Boston, Massachusetts)
Rosenberg, Paul
Messières, René de
France Forever (Boston, Massachusetts)
Seligmann, André
Imbrie, James
National Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution (Washington, D.C.)
Walker, John
Batigne, René
Hope, Henry R.
Fine Arts Department, Indiana University (Bloomington, Indiana)
Lathrop, Arthur B.
Bobbs, Julian
McClennan, S. Adams
Cairns, Huntington
National Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution (Washington, D.C.)
Batigne, René
Walker, John
République Française. Comité Français de la Libération Nationale. (Washington, D.C.)
Pleven, Anne René

II.C.28 J Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices and receipts; PR hand-edited draft of letter.

Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Janis, Sidney
Jaujard, Jacques
République Française. Direction Générale des Beaux-Arts. (Paris)
Jewish Community Center (Detroit, Michigan)
Neimand, E. Louis
Jones, Alfred E. (Jr.)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Juviler, A.A.
Jaffe, William B.
Jaujard, Jacques
Rosenberg, Paul
Jonas, Édouard

II.C.29 K Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices and receipts.

Kann, Alphonse
Rosenberg, Paul
Karoly, Frederic
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Kennedy, R.C.
Kettaneh, Francis A.
King, Suzanne
Rosenberg, Paul
M. Knoedler & Co., Inc. (New York)
Hoert, Harry L.
Henschel, Charles R.
Kook, Edward F.
Kootz, Samuel M.
Koven, Gustav H.
Lucerna Company, Inc. (New York)
Keil, Luis
Museo Nacional Los Coaches (Lisbon, Portugal)
Santos, Rainaldo dos
Dikran G. Kelekian (New York)
Kempner, Frederick C.
Manhattan Warehouse and Storage Co. (New York)
Kleemann Gallery (New York)
M. Knoedler & Co., Inc. (New York)
Kootz, Samuel M.
Lucerna Company, Inc. (New York)
Koven, Gustav H.

View PDF of folder II.C.29

II.C.30 Knaths

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence; lists of paintings; postcards.

Knaths, Karl
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Porter, David
Rochester Memorial Art Gallery (Rochester, New York)
David Porter Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Knaths, Helen
Bennington College (Bennington, Vermont)
Rosenberg, Paul

II.C.31 L Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices and receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices and receipts; postcards.

Lam, Wifredo
Rosenberg, Paul
Laugier, Henri
Lasker, Mary
Lasker, Albert D.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Block, Leigh H.
Philippe Delorme, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Laugier, Henri
Laurencin, Marie
Léger, Fernand
Rosenberg, Paul
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Ltd., Leicester Galleries (London)
Leval, F.
Levy, David M. (Mrs.)
Gaston I Lévi Studios Inc., Restauration de Tableaux (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Lloyd, H. Gates
Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, Louisiana)
Lowenthal, Milton
Ludgin, Earle
Ludington, Wright S.
Luzzato, Ettore
Valentine Gallery of Modern Art (New York)
Loeb, Pierre
Lasker, Albert D.
Laugier, Henri
Rosenberg, Paul
République Française. Ministère des Affaires Étrangères. Direction Oeuvres. (Paris)
LeGall, Louis
Leggett, Frances
Gaston I Lévi Studios Inc., Restauration de Tableaux (New York)
Lewis, Edward B., Jr. (Mrs.)
Librairie de France (New York)
Lindsay, Daryl
Liss, Alexander
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Little Red School House (New York)
McKinney, Roland
Los Angeles County Museum (Los Angeles, California)
Lowenthal, Milton
Lowenthal, Edith
Lucerna Company, Inc. (New York)
Ludgin, Earle
Ludington, Wright S.

II.C.32 Loeb, Pierre

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence; lists of paintings.

Loeb, Silvia
Rosenberg, Paul
Loeb, Pierre
Luzzato, Ettore
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Dudley, Dorothy
Rosenberg, Paul
Loeb, Pierre
Luzzato, Ettore
Manziarli, A. de (capitaine)
French Military Mission (New York)
Mortimer Brandt Gallery (New York)
Duthuit, Georges
Sicré, José Gómez
Hastings House (New York)
Dwyer, Margaret
Rosenberg, Paul
Syndicat des Éditeurs d'Art et Négociants en Tableaux Modernes (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Loeb, Pierre
Luzzato, Ettore

II.C.33 M Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices and receipts; MoMA Registrar receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoice and receipts; lists of paintings; news clipping.

Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Edith
Rosenberg, Paul
Malcolm, Thalia W.
Mann, Fredric R.
Jacobs, Arnold
Rosenberg, Paul
Marsden, C.
Marshall Field & Company. Picture Galleries (Chicago)
Martin, J. Bradley
Martins, Maria
Brazilian Embassy (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Matisse, Henri
Pierre Matisse Gallery (New York)
Mersbach, A.
Metcalf, Elizabeth P.
Michel, Michel Georges
Morris, Herbert C. (Mrs.)
Mortimer Brandt Gallery (New York)
Murray, Arthur
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Wheeler, Monroe
Rosenberg, Paul
Soby, James Thrall
Barr, Alfred H.
Rindge, Agnes
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Miller, Dorothy C.
Soby, James Thrall
Wheeler, Monroe
Toronto Art Gallery (Toronto, Canada)
Baldwin, Martin
Magazine of Art (New York)
Pierre Matisse Gallery (New York)
Kempner, Frederick C.
Goldschmidt, Jakob
Manhattan Warehouse and Storage Co. (New York)
Mendelssohn, Eleonora von
Michel, Georges Michel
Boris Mirski Art Gallery (Boston, Massachusetts)
Swetzoff, Hyman
Bilbo, Jack
Modern Art Gallery, Ltd. (London)
Bromily, R.B.
Morse, John D.
Magazine of Art (New York)
Morris, Herbert C. (Mrs.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Moss, Herbert M.
Munson-Williams-Proctor-Institute (Utica, New York)
Trovato, Joseph
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Courter, Elodie
Barr, Alfred. H.
Wheeler, Monroe
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Soby, James Thrall

View PDF of folder II.C.33

II.C.34 Mc Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence. Also contains an informal brief memoir of Ambroise Vollard by PR.

McCormick, Chauncey
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Rosenberg, Paul
Miami Corporation (Chicago)
McIlhenny, Henry P.
MacIntyre, Robert G.
Macbeth Gallery (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Addison Gallery (New York)
McPherson, Kenneth
McBride, Henry
Rosenberg, Paul [re: A. Vollard]
McClennan, S. Adams
Alex Reid & Lefèvre Ltd. (London)
MacDonald, Duncan
Rosenberg, Paul
McBride, Henry
McClennan, S. Adams
McCormick, Chauncey
McKeever, Chauncey (Mrs.)

II.C.35 N Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams; lists of paintings.

William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art (Kansas City, Missouri)
Jones, Herbert V.
William Rockhill Nelson Trust (Kansas City, Missouri)
Jackson, Ethlyne
Neuberger, Roy R.
New York War Fund, Incorporated (New York)
Newark Paraffine & Parchment Paper company (Newark, New Jersey)
New York National War Fund. French Committee. (New York)
Newberry, John S. (Jr.)
Browse, Lillian
National Gallery (London)
Vertue, Son and Churcher (London)
Finley, David E.
National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Rosenberg, Paul
National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa, Canada)
McCurry, H.O.
Jackson, Ethlyne
William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art (Kansas City, Missouri)
Farley, James A.
French Committee of the New York War Fund (New York)
Newberry, John S. (Jr.)

II.C.36 O Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence.

Orswell, Lois
Ordway, Katharine

II.C.37 Correspondence with P.R. (while in France)

Office copy of typescript letters and telegrams sent to PR in France from PR & Co, including third-party messages to PR and PR & Co; telegrams received by PR & Co from PR and APR, including third-party messages to PR and PR & Co.

Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rich, Daniel Catton
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)

II.C.38 P Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including one wartime "V-Mail" message; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices and receipts; PR handwritten drafts of messages sent; detailed lists of paintings.

Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Parke (major)
Barbee, Stanley
Rosenberg, Paul
Parsons, Harold Woodbury
Peele, Corris
Pellequer, Max
Banque Nationale Commerce Industrie (Paris)
Penrose, Spencer (Mrs.)
Pepsi-Cola Company (New York)
Perls Galleries Inc. (New York)
Phillips Memorial Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Phillips, Duncan
Rosenberg, Paul
Bier, Elmira
Rosenberg, Paul
Picasso, Pablo
Stephen S. Pichetto, Expert Restorer of Paintings (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Pobers, Michel
Pour La Victoire (New York)Pobers, Michel
Pratt, Arthur (Mrs.)
Prescott, John (Mrs.)
Proskrauer, Richard (Mrs.)
Weber, Max
Rosenberg, Paul
Play Schools Associations, Inc. (New York)
Perls, Hugo
Pach, Walter
Paley, William S.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Ernest O. Parent, Carpenter & Cabinet Maker (New York)
Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc. (New York)
British Passport Control Office (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Pellan, Alfred
Rosenberg, Edmond
Rosenberg, Paul
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (Philadelphia)
Fraser, Joseph T.
Spector, Claire Lee
Philadelphia Art Alliance (Philadelphia)
Kohl, Dorothy
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
Clifford, Henry
Marceau, Henri
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Phillips, Duncan
Picasso, Pablo
Reynolds, Mary
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Picasso, Pablo
Pichetto, Stephen
Portland Art Museum (Portland, Oregon)
Davis, Robert Tyler
Poublanc, Guy Eugène
Prescott, John (Mrs.)
Wheeler, Monroe
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Rosenberg, Edmond
Picasso, Pablo
Claflin, Philip W.

II.C.39 R Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence.

American Red Cross, New York Chapter (New York)
Remarque, Erich Maria
Guildhall Galleries of London (New York)
Montllor, James P.
Reed, Verner Z., Jr. (Mrs.)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Rendon, Manuel
Rewald, John
Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design (Providence)
Kaldis, Laurie Eglington
Rich, Daniel Catton
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Roberts, Owen J. (justice)
Rosenberg, Paul
Robinson-Smith, Gertrude
Rochemont, Richard de
The March of Time (New York)
Moore, Gertrude H.
Rochester Memorial Gallery (Rochester, New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rockefeller, Nelson A.
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Rogers, Huddleston (Mrs.)
Seiff, Mathilde C.
Rosenberg, Paul
Rothschild, Alix de (baronne)
Rothschild, Robert de (baron)
Loevi, Michel
Goldschmidt, Pierre
Radio City Synagogue and Torah Center (New York)
Remarque, Erich Maria
Rosenberg, Paul
République Française. Délégation du Gouvernement Provisoire. (New York)
Seyrig, Henri
Resor, Helen
J. Walter Thompson Co. (New York)
Roberts, Beverly
Rochemont, Richard de
Rosenberg, Paul
Rogers, Huddleston (Mrs.)
Seiff, Mathilde C.
Tulp, Ellen
Roko Frames (New York)
Rogers, Jane
Romano, A.
Roothbeart, Albert
Walters Art Gallery (Baltimore, Maryland)
Rosen, David
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenbloom, Charles J.
Department of Fine Arts, Carnegie Institute (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
Rosenwald, Lessing J.
Hayter, Stanley
Rothschild, Édouard de (baron)

II.C.40 Rattner

Signed handwritten letters and postcards received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including receipts and remittances; detailed lists of paintings; copy of third-party correspondence.

Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Rattner, Abraham
Morse, John D.
The Magazine of Art (New York)
Gallantière, Nancy
Fortune Magazine (New York)
Boris Mirski Gallery (Boston, Massachusetts)
Isserman, Joan
Cultural Committee, National Council of American-Soviet Friendship (New York)
Soyer, Moses
Rosenberg, Paul
Berlowitz, Sidney
Artists for Victory, Inc. (New York)
Hayter, Bill

II.C.41 S Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including consignment invoices and receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices and receipts; copy of third-party correspondence; detailed lists of paintings; anonymous [France Forever] draft of circular letter.

Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Sachs, Arthur
Sales, Georges
République Française. Direction des Musées Nationaux. (Paris)
Saltonstall, Nathaniel
Institute of Modern Art (Boston, Massachusetts)
Coughlin, Aveline F.
San Francisco Museum of Art (San Francisco, California)
Morley, Grace L. McCann
Rosenberg, Paul
Bach, Otto Karl
Denver Art Museum (Denver, Colorado)
Frenkel & Co., Inc. (New York)
Schiess, Walter S.
Aronson, David
School of the Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, Massachusetts)
Schrag, Paul J.
Hardin, Hess & Eder (New York)
Schramm, James S.
J.S. Schramm Company (Burlington, Iowa)
Rosenberg, Paul
Segredakis, E.
République Française. Délégation du Gouvernement Provisoire aux
États-Unis. (New York)
Seligmann, André
Shapiro, Louis (Mrs.)
France Forever (New York)
Sharpe, Mary Elizabeth
Harper & Brothers, Publishers (New York)
Nordstrom, Ursula
Brown, Margaret Wise
Simon, Leo (Mrs.)
Sloan, J.S.
Abbott, Jere
Smith College Museum of Art (Northampton, Massachusetts)
Society of the Four Arts (Palm Beach, Florida)
Spaeth, Otto L.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Spanish Refugee Appeal (New York)
United States State Department. Priorities Division. (Washington, D.C.)
Steegmuller, Francis
De Sylva, Marie
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Salz, Sam
Kennedy, Mary Catherine
San Francisco Museum of Art (San Francisco, California)
Morley, Grace L. McCann
Rosenberg, Paul
Clark, Hervey Park
Crocker, W.W.
Field, Virginia
Schempp, Theodore
E. Segredakis, Classical Art (New York)
République Française. Délégation du Gouvernement Provisoire.
Services du Conseiller Culturel. (New York)
Seligmann, André
Selznick, David O.
Shaefer, Bertha
Shapiro, Louis (Mrs.)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Skira, Albert
Rosenberg, Paul
Enciso, Jorge
Sociedad de Arte Moderno (Mexico City)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Poeller, Ann
Society of the Four Arts (Palm Beach, Florida)
McKim, William L.
Martin, Frank T.B.
Joslyn Memorial Art Museum (Omaha, Nebraska)
Henry W. Solfleisch Co., Engraving (New York)
Spaeth, Otto L.
Spencer, Niles
Stieglitz, Alfred
Stone, Maurice

View PDF of folder II.C.41

II.C.42 T Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices, receipts and exhibition consignment invoices; PR & Co citation for meritorious war service.

Tepper, Benjamin
College of Fine Arts, University of Texas (Austin, Texas)
Tobias & Company, Custom House Brokers (New York)
J. Chenue (London)
Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio)
Gosling, William A. (Jr.)
United States Treasury Department. War Finance Committee for New York. (New York)
United States Treasury Department. Foreign Funds Control. (New York)
Trevor, Clifford
Tannahill, Robert H.
Detroit Institute of Art (Detroit, Michigan)
Tobias & Company, Custom House Brokers (New York)
Churchill, Ivor S. (lord)
Toplis & Harding, Adjusters and Surveyors (New York)
Torrès, Henri
Rosenberg, Paul
Tyng, Sewell (Mrs.)
Tyson, Carroll

II.C.43 Weber

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence; lists of paintings handwritten by Max Weber.

Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Weber, Max
Sherry-Netherland Hotel (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Ginsburg, Aaron
David Ashley, Inc. (New York)

II.C.44 W Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices and receipts; detailed lists of paintings and sculptures; copy of third-party correspondence.

Hotel Waldorf-Astoria (New York)
France-Forever (New York)
Walker, Hudson D.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Warner, Keith
Kewar Company (Gloversville, New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Hotel Washington (Washington, D.C.)
Webster, Edwin S.
Weil, André
Weintraub, William
Wertheim, Maurice
Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)
More, Hermon
Sharkey, Alice M.
Miller, G. Macculloch
Rattner, Abraham
Force, Juliana
Spreckels, Adolf (Mrs.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Wescott, Glenway
Wildenstein Galleries (New York)
Winterbotham, Joseph
Jones, Clarence E.
J.H. Whittemore Company (Naugatuck, Connecticut)
Witte Museum (San Antonio, Texas)
Worcester Art Museum (Worcester, Massachusetts)
Dresser, Louisa
Wurmser, Roger
Walker Art Center (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Walker, Hudson D.
Hartley, Marsden [estate of]
Wallis, Robert
Rosenberg, Paul
Warner, Keith
Frankfurter, A.M.
Wertheim, Maurice
Rosenberg, Paul
Wertheimer, Pierre J.
Wescott, Glenway
Willoughby, Hugh
Jones, Clarence E.
J.H. Whittemore Company (Naugatuck, Connecticut)
Whittemore, Harris (Jr.)
Wiborg, Mary
Williams, J.H.A.
Williams, H.E.
Williams Book Store (Boston, Massachusetts)

II.C.45 U-V-X-Y-Z Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including museum registrar receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts; detailed lists of paintings.

Renaissance Society, University of Chicago (Chicago)
University of Nebraska, Department of Art (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Kirsch, Dwight
University of Iowa, Department of Art (Iowa City, Iowa)
Usseau, Arnaud de
University of Oregon, School of Architecture and Allied Arts (Eugene, Oregon)
Baldinger, Wallace S.
Weber, Max
Valente, Alfredo
Hugo Gallery (New York)
Myers, John
View (New York)
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond, Virginia)
Colt, Thomas C. (Jr.)
Valente, Alfredo
Venturi, Lionello
Rosenberg, Paul
Yale University, Department of Fine Arts (New Haven, Connecticut)
M.H. De Young Memorial Museum (San Francisco)
Heil, Walter
Zagajski, M.
Polish Consulate (New York)


Subseries II.D: PR & Co files 1946-1947

The 1946-1947 files are missing from the archives. Paul Rosenberg was present in New York for most of the period covered, while also preoccupied with the research and arrangements necessary for the return of his property looted and confiscated during the war. His son Alexandre P. Rosenberg had arrived in New York March 4, 1946 and was soon drawn into the affairs of the Paul Rosenberg Gallery, but was not directly responsible for the production of correspondence and records related to the business. The secretary of the Gallery was Miss Bambhurst, with Florence Walters as acting director.

Léonce Rosenberg died in Paris in November 1947, but it has become clear that there was no Gallery correspondence with him during the period preceding his death.

Reconstitution of the files could in part be suggested by studying: Correspondents from 1945-1946 and from 1948-1949 in Series II; the M & P files in Series II and V; files related to "War Losses" and "Missing Pictures" in Series V; and Pictures acquired and sold by the gallery during 1946-1948. In consequence of the gathering of such lists, relevant archival materials and contemporary publications could be consulted, thus enabling an historical timeline and synthetic narrative of the period's evolution.

Subseries II.E: PR & Co files Paris Records 1948-1949

Folder Title Date
II.E.1 Charmant - Hatvany

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence and telegrams; importation and shipping documents; photostat copy of Rosenberg, Paul 1947 letter.

United States Customs Service (New York)
W.R. Keating & Company (New York)
Charmant, S. de
Rosenberg, Paul
Hatvany, de (baron)
C. Blenk & Fert (Geneva)
S. Stern, Henry & Co., Customs Brokers (New York)
Foreign Service of the United States of America (Geneva)

II.E.2 D Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence and telegrams, also including invoices and receipts; PR handwritten notes and letter drafts on verso of letters and telegrams; consular invoices, importation and shipping documents.

Daber, Alfred
Rosenberg, Paul
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Alfred Daber (Paris)
Frey, J.
Sinclair, Robert
Dale, Chester
Dalì, Gala
Rosenberg, Paul
De la Chapelle, galerie de tableaux (Paris)
Zayas, Marius de
Rosenberg, Paul
Marsan, Anna
Éditions du Dimanche (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
David, E.
Galerie Drouant-David (Paris)
Dubourg, Jacques
Durand-Ruel, Pierre
Durand-Ruel & Cie. (Paris)
Dudensing, Richard (3rd)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Daber, Alfred
Rosenberg, Paul
Dauvé, Roland [Roland Gilles Normand]
Rosenberg, Paul
Lansford, Alonzo
Isaac Delgado Museum (New Orleans)
Ambassade de France (New York)
Tschaikowsky, S.
Service des Expositions Françaises aux États-Unis (New York)
Denver Art Museum (Denver, Colorado)
Bach, Otto Karl
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Zayas, Marius de
Zayas, V. de
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Sozio, Torcuato A.
Sociedad Industrial Americana Maquinarias (Buenos Aires)
Rosenberg, Paul
Donati, Enrico
Javal, Fernand
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Galerie Drouant-David (Paris)
Patrix, Michel
Éditions du Mouflon (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
David, E.
Gabrielli, Jean Pierre
Transports Internationaux Cane, Martin, Buisine & Cie (Paris)
Galerie Drouant-David (Paris)
Foreign Service of the United States of America
David, E.
Rosenberg, Paul
Dudensing, Richard
Dudensing, Gertrude H.
Durand-Ruel, Pierre
Rosenberg, Paul
Durand-Ruel, Inc. (New York)
Durand-Ruel & Cie (Paris)

II.E.3 E Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence and telegrams, also including typescript carbon copies of letters received and translations; lists of PR pictures.

Rosenberg, Paul
Schlosser, Jack
Eisner & Lubin (New York)
Bernheim, Roger
Daber, Alfred
Hirsch, Robert von
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Schlosser, Jack
Blanchot, Marguerite
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Eisner & Lubin (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Easton, Winnifred
Rosenberg, Paul
Ebstein, Paul (Madame)
Eliel & Loeb Company (Philadelphia)
Rosenberg, Paul
Easton, Winnifred
Kann, Alphonse [estate of]

II.E.4 F Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including telegrams, invoices and receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including letter drafts with handwritten editing, typescript carbon copy of letters received invoices and receipts; typescript lists of PR pictures.

Federation of French War Veterans, Inc. (New York)
Fédération des Vétérans de Guerre Français (New York)
Triou, Pierre
Walter Feilchenfeldt, Kunsthandel (Zurich)
Feilchenfeldt, Walter
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
A. Welti-Furrer Ltd. (Zurich)
Stirlin, H.R
Follain, M.D.
Denis, Dominique
Foote, Cone & Belding, Advertising (New York)
Whitney, Elwood
Hall Brothers, Inc. (Kansas City, Missouri)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
République Française. Office des Changes. Bureau du Contentieux et des Apurements Spéciaux. (Paris)
Rosenberg, Edmond
Rosenberg, Paul
Feilchenfeldt, Walter
Fain, Yonia
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Fifth Avenue Association, Inc. (New York)
Hughes, Thomas W.
Hatvany, François de
Pictures on Exhibit (New York)
Coolidge, John
Fogg Museum of Art, Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Sachs, Paul J.
Bradley, Morton C. (Jr.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Fowler, Thyra B.
Parrish Museum of Southampton (Southampton, New York)
Fowler, Harold (Mrs.)
Davey, Denise
Association des Français Libres aux États-Unis (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
French Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Inc. (New York)
Ravaud, Jean
Steck, Jean
French Committee (New York)
Freund, Robert
Clapp, Frederick M.
Frick Museum (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Howell, Henry W., Jr. (Mrs.)
Frick Art Reference Library (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul

II.E.5 French Government

Signed typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence; typescript lists of pictures; list of French Franc rates, 1920-1940.

Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Office des Changes (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul

II.E.6 Frenkel and Co.

Signed typescript letters received by PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR & Co correspondence, including list of paintings.

Frenkel & Co., Inc. (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Frenkel, George P.
Tuchmann, F.C.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Triumph Agency Limited, Insurance (Montreal, Canada)
The Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation, Limited (New York)
Federal Insurance Company (New York)
The Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation, Limited (New York)
Lopez del Campo, Michel
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Triumph Agency Limited, Insurance (Montreal, Canada)
Reinhart, Oskar
Frenkel, George P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Lévi, Gaston
A.P. Rosenberg & Co., Inc. (New York)

II.E.7 G Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams.

Goldschmidt, Pierre
W.R. Keating & Co. (New York)
Dalì, Gala
Rosenberg, Paul
Dalì, Salvador
Goldschmidt, Jakob
Gouy, Maurice
Rosenberg, Paul
Greenhill, Kalman (Mrs.)
Greenhill, Annabel
Gilman, Elizabeth
Borel, E.
Debor (Neuilly sur/ Seine)
Rosenberg, Marguerite
Goldner, F. (Madame)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
République Française. Conseil Français des Approvisionnements en Amérique du Nord. (French Supply Council) (New York)
Kramer, Murray
New Era Shipping co., Inc. (New York)
Air France (New York)
Goldschmidt, Jakob
Golschmann, Vladimir
Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra (St. Louis, Missouri)
Golschmann, Odette
Rosenberg, Paul
Gourgaud (baronne)
Musée Gourgaud et Museum Africain (L'Ile d'Aix, Charente-Inférieure)
Gouy, Maurice
Rosenberg, Paul
Green, Mabel
The Sun (New York)
Greenhill, Kalman
Greenhill, Annabel

View PDF of folder II.E.7

II.E.8 Goetz - Van Gogh

Signed typescript letter received by PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR & Co reply.

Weisman, Grant & Jaffe (New York)
Bambust, M.M. [for PR & Co]

II.E.9 H Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including telegrams and list of pictures; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams and receipts.

Havemeyer, Horace
Art et Cinéma (Brussels)
Haesaerts, Paul
Rosenberg, Paul
Hanley, T.E.
Fuller, W. Atherton (Jr.)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
A.P. Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Hélion, Jean
Hill, Jérome
Durand-Ruel (New York)
Hines, Ralph J.
Hope, Henry Radford
Easton, Winnifred
M. Harris & Sons, Antique Furniture and Works of Art (London)
Rosenberg, Paul
Kann, Alphonse [estate of]
House of H. Heydenryk, Jr. (New York)
Halphen, Alice
Rosenberg, Paul
Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Harrison, Maxine
Hartley, Marsden [estate of]
Newell, T.R.
Rosenberg, Paul
Hill, Jérome
Hill, Louis W.
Hines, Ralph J.
Edward Hines Lumber Co. (Hines, Oregon)
Horowitz, Vladimir
Huggler (professor)
Berner Kunsthaus (Bern, Switzerland)
Rosenberg, Paul
Huisman, Georges
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Dudley, Dorothy H.
Rosenberg, Paul
Hope, Henry R.

View PDF of folder II.E.9

II.E.10 I Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letter received PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence.

Imbrie, James
Rosenberg, Paul
Art Association of Indianapolis, Indiana.
Indiana University (Bloomington, Indiana)
John Herron Art Institute (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Parks, Robert O.

II.E.11 J Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts and copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence.

Jonas, Édouard
Rosenberg, Paul
Vollard, Ambroise [estate of]
Vien (sénateur)
Mouton (président de tribunal)
Bertol, Rodrigue
Saxe, William
Weil, [André]
Rosenberg, Paul
Donati (Mrs.)
Javal, Fernand
Jonas, Édouard
Bambust, M.M. [for PR & Co]
National Carloading Corporation, Judson-Sheldon Division (New York)
United States Customs Service (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Jonas, Édouard
Jonas, Paul
Janin, Louise
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.E.11

II.E.12 K Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including shipping invoices; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence.

Rosenberg, Paul
Kann, Alphonse
Vandercom, Stanton & Co. (London)
Rosenberg, Paul
Koutoulakis, N.
Segredakis (Paris)
Meyer, Maurice E.

II.E.13 W. R. Keating

Signed typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including customs declarations and shipping invoices; office copy of outgoing PR & Co correspondence, including shipping instructions.

United States Customs Service (New York)
W.R. Keating & Company (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Reinhart, Oskar
Feilchenfeldt, Walter
[Le Corbusier (Charles- Édouard Jeanneret-Gris)]

II.E.14 Meyer, Maurice-E.

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams.

Francisco Soler, Avocat (Madrid)
Meyer, Maurice-E.
Rosenberg, Paul
Maurice-E. Meyer et Claude Mercier, avocats (Lausanne)
Tribunal Fédéral Suisse (Lausanne)
Ente Autonomo La Biennale di Venezia (Venice)
Ponti, Giovanni
Rosenberg, Edmond
Meyer, Maurice-E.

View PDF of folder II.E.14

II.E.15 N Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams and invoices.

Rosenberg, Paul
Nathan, Fritz
Missingham, Hal
National Art Gallery of N.S.W. (Sydney, Australia)
National Carloading Corporation, Judson-Sheldon Division (New York)
Jonas, Édouard
The National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Walker, John
Fuerstenberg-Cassirer, Lotte
Rosenberg, Paul
Aetna Casualty and Surety Company (Washington, D.C.)
Shea, Dermot P.
Neuberger, Roy R.
Corcoran Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Neuberger & Berman (New York)
Neuberger, Roy R.
Newberry, John S. (Jr.)
Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Nolan, Sidney
Rosenberg, Paul
Nalot, Pierre
Nathan, Fritz
Missingham, Hal
National Art Gallery of N.S.W. (Sydney, Australia)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
National City Bank (New York)
Nathan, Fritz
Newark Museum (Newark, New Jersey)
Newberry, John S. (Jr.)

II.E.16 O, P Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices and receipts; PR handwritten draft of reply on recto or verso of correspondence. Also includes copies of brochure catalogues for color slides (for which PR & Co affiliate Pamiel, Inc. (New York) was distributor).

Rosenberg, Paul
Parisia s.a. (Geneva)
Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Petit, Claudius
Patrix, Michel
Galerie Drouant-David (Paris)
Benson, E.M.
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Phillips, Duncan
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Phillips, Duncan (Mrs.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Picasso, Pablo
Powers, Maxwell
Glass, Robert
Greenwich House (New York)
Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Office of the Solicitor General (Washington, D.C.)
Perlman, Philip B.
Rosenberg, Paul
Galerie O. Pétridès (Paris)
Paul Pétridès, tableaux modernes (Paris)
Eliel and Loeb Company (Philadelphia)
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
Clifford, Henry
A.P. Rosenberg & Co., Inc. (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Kimball, Fiske
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
Marceau, Henri
John G. Johnson Collection (Philadelphia)
Clifford, Henry
Rosenberg, Paul
Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Phillips, Duncan
Bier, Elmira
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Picasso, Pablo
Pons, Lily
Davidson, James
Portland Art Museum (Portland, Oregon)
Palmer, Potter (Mrs.)
Pamiel, Inc. (New York)
Esmalta, Inc. (Stamford, Connecticut)

View PDF of folder II.E.16

II.E.17 R Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR, PR & Co and APR & Co, Inc. correspondence, including telegrams and invoices; one 9x7" black/white photo print.

Rivera, Diego
Reinhart, Oskar
Rosenberg, Paul
Kraemer-Raine, Pierre
Redmond, Roland L.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Reid and Lefèvre (London)
MacDonald (London)
Reinhart, Oskar
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rendon, Manuel
Weber, Max
Rosenberg, Paul
Rivera, Diego
Roberts, Beverly
Rosen, David
Walters Art Gallery (Baltimore)
A.P. Rosenberg & Co., Inc. (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Galerie Rosengart (Lucerne)
Rosengart, Siegfried
Roth, Sanford H.
Rosenberg, Paul
Redmond, Roland L.
Reinhart, Oskar
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Reinhart, Oskar
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Rendon, Manuel
[Rosenberg, Lucienne]
Rosenberg, Paul
Renou (Paris)
Colle, Pierre
Rewald, John
Rhode Island School of Design, Museum of Art (Providence)
Washburn, Gordon B.
Rosenberg, Paul
Frey, A.J.
Ring (London)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rivera, Diego
A.P. Rosenberg & Company, Inc. (New York)
Robinson, Mary Turlay
Rosenberg, Paul
Galerie Rosengart (Lucerne)
A.P. Rosenberg & Company, Inc. (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Rosengart, Siegfried
Galerie Rosengart vorm. Thannhauser (Lucerne)
Meyer, Maurice-E.
Rothberg, Howard Perry
Rosenberg, Paul
Rothschild, Maurice de (baron)
Rothschild, Cécile de
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.

II.E.18 Rosenberg, Paul

News clippings, re: self-portrait by Van Gogh; signed printed and typescript forms, shipping instructions and invoices; customs documents.

New York Herald Tribune (New York)
New York Times (New York)
Foreign Service of the United States of America (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Maison Chenue (Paris)
Office des Changes (Paris)
[Picasso, Pablo]

View PDF of folder II.E.18

II.E.19 S Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR, PR & Co and APR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR, PR & Co and APR & Co correspondence, including invoices, receipts and telegrams; one PR handwritten draft of reply on verso of letter received; one page of unsent letter with stamped addressed envelope.

San Francisco Museum of Art (San Francisco)
Topping, Helen
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Sandbloom (Stockholm)
Rosenberg, Paul
Schapiro, Morris
Rosen, David
Selznick, Irene
Wl. Semcesen (Oslo, Norway)
Simon, Leo (Mrs.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Spaeth, Otto L.
United States Department of State. Division of Occupied Areas.
(Washington, D.C.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Stirlin, H.R.
Straus, Robert David
Sweeney, James Johnson
Art Gallery of Toronto (Toronto, Canada)
Consulate General of Switzerland (New York)
Walthard, F.
Meyer, Maurice-E.
Syracuse University (Syracuse, New York)
San Francisco Museum of Art (San Francisco)
Freeman, Richard B.
Rosenberg, Paul
Selznick, David O.
Selznick, Irene
Oliver & Company (Beverly Hills, California)
Stebbins, Helene R.
Wl. Semcesen (Oslo, Norway)
Rosenberg, Paul
Smith College Museum of Art (Northampton, Massachusetts)
Willard, Myrtle
McKim, William L.
Society of the Four Arts (Palm Beach, Florida)
Spaeth, Otto L.
Craig Stanton & Co. (New York)
United States Department of State. Office of Information and Educational Exchange. (Washington, D.C.)
Swiss Federal Court (Lausanne)
Rosenberg, Paul
Stansky, Lyman
Sternheim, Théa
Ripper, de (Madame)
Maître Marcel de Gallaix, avocat (Paris)
United States Department of State. Division of Economic Security
Controls. (Washington, D.C.)
Rosenberg, Paul
S. Stern, Henry and Company (New York)

View PDF of folder II.E.19

II.E.20 Paul Rosenberg & Co. - Sales

Office copy of outgoing PR & Co invoices and receipts.

Durand-Ruel, Inc. (New York)
Spaeth, Otto
Morgan, John W. (Mrs.)
Waldheim, Willard
Donati, Enrico
Dudensing, Gertrude H.
Whitney, John H.
Lasker, Albert D. (Mrs.)
Wertheim, Maurice
Palmer, Potter
Hines, Ralph J. (Mrs.)
Phillips, Duncan
Phillips Memorial Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Astor, Vincent
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Thompson, Lynne
Spaeth, Otto
Foote, Cone & Belding (New York)
Newberry, John S. (Jr.)
Dudensing, Richard (3rd)
Hill, Jerome (captain)
Astor, Vincent (Mrs.)
Taplin, Frank E.
Lasker, Albert D.
Hirsch, Robert von
Marx, Samuel A.
Crocker, William W.
McIlhenny, Henry P.
Labalme, George (Jr.)
Abrams, Harry N.
Reinhart, Oskar
Cleveland Museum of Art (Cleveland, Ohio)

View PDF of folder II.E.20

II.E.21 T Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence.

Tannahill, Robert H.
Rosenberg, Paul
Taplin, Frank E.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio)
Godwin, Molly Ohl
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Art Gallery of Toronto (Toronto, Canada)
Thompson, Lynne
Tremaine, Emily Hall
Miller Company (Meriden, Connecticut)
Plaut, James
Institute of Contemporary Art (Boston)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul

II.E.22 Trip to France - Correspondence

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams sent and/or received by PR, APR and PR & Co, also including shipping invoices; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, especially telegrams; handwritten draft lists and notes by PR.

Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Gouy, Maurice
Berner Kunsthaus (Bern)
Rosenberg, Edmond
Somerset-Maugham, W.

II.E.23 U Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts and notices; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence.

National Association for the Jewish Blind, Inc. (New York)
United States Customs Service (New York)
Union Bank and Trust Company of Los Angeles (Los Angeles)
Rosenberg, Paul
United Press Associations (New York)
Mocsanyi, Paul
United States Department of Justice. Immigration and Naturalization Service. (Philadelphia)


Subseries II.F: PR & Co 1950-1951

Folder Title Date
II.F.1 A Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts and shipping notices; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and typescript lists of pictures; full-page color reproduction of Picasso painting from American periodical: "The Dream", 1923; one (Great Britain) international postal reply coupon.

Harry N. Abrams Incorporated, Publishers (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Armitage, Margaret H.
Casa della Cultura (Milan)
Rosenberg, Paul
Galerie de France (Paris)
Kunsthalle (Basel)
Palais des Beaux-Arts (Brussels)
All Transport Inc. (New York)
New York Chapter, American Red Cross (New York)
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Bush, Margaret
Rosenberg, Paul
Rich, Daniel Catton
Rousseau, Ted
Frankfurter, Alfred W.
Art News (New York)
Art Films Productions, Inc. (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Avery, Milton
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Avery, Sally

II.F.2 B Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices and receipts.

Bragaline, Edward
Bareiss, Walter
Bambust, M. [for PR & Co]
Bazin, Germain
République Française. Ministère de l' Éducation Nationale. Direction des
Musées de France. (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Beatty, Chester
Benatov, L.
Bernoulli, Christoph
Block, Leigh B.
Braque, Georges
Brody, Sidney F.
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Bronner & Cie (Basel)
Bucaille, Pierre
Bührle, Emil
Bullrich, Enrique E.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Burden, William A.M.
Rosenberg, Paul
G. Bac, cadres anciens (Paris)
D.H. Baudoin, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Beatty, Chester
Rosenberg, Paul
Alphonse Bélier, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Bellanger, A.
Bernoulli, Christoph
Ente Autonomo La Biennale di Venezia (Venice)
Pallucchini, Rodolfo
Bignou, Etienne (Madame)
Galerie Bing (Paris)
Block, Leigh B.
Boecop, de (baronne)
Rollins College (Winter Park, Florida)
Bouis, Louis
Bragaline, Edward A.
Bührle, Emil
Rosenberg, Paul
Drack, Walter
Bullrich, Enrique E.
Bulova, A. (Mrs.)
Bye, Arthur Edwin
Berro, E.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.

View PDF of folder II.F.2

II.F.3 W. S. Budworth

Outgoing office copy of detailed PR & Co correspondence, especially shipping instructions to their transport agents.

W.S. Budworth & Son (New York)

II.F.4 C Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence.

California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
Rosenberg, Paul
Howe, Thomas C. (Jr.)
Wallace, William R. (Jr.)
Cameron, Roderick
Lernoud de Casaubon, Madeleine
Cassel van Doorn (baron)
Fuerstenberg-Cassirer, Lotte
Cassou, Jean
Musée National d'Art Moderne (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Castaing, Madeleine
Rosenberg, Paul
Charlet, Blanche
J. Chenue (Paris)
J. Chenue, Fine Art Packer (London)
Twenty Brook Street, Ltd., Gallery of the Arts (London)
Rubin, Harold
American Consular Service (London)
Marlborough Fine Art, Ltd. (London)
Fischer, Henry Robert
Chenue, Jacques
Ramus, C.
Sidney Chiverton, Painter Decorator (New York)
Clark, Stephen C.
Clifford, Henry
Rosenberg, Paul
Coe, Ralph T.
Coutot, Maurice
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
Howe, Thomas C. (Jr.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Cassel van Doorn (baron)
Fuerstenberg-Cassirer, Lotte
Castaing, Madeleine
Chadourne, Paul
Rosenberg, Paul
J. Chenue, French Packer (London)
American Consular Service (London)
Coureau, Alfred
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Jennings, L.
Matthiessen Ltd. (London)
Chenue (Paris)
Weill, Raymond
Cortnery, Marcelle
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts (Columbus, Ohio)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rewald, John
Le Corbusier (Charles- Édouard Jeanneret-Gris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Maurice Coutot (Paris)
Cuttoli, Marie

II.F.5 Consignments Incoming

Office copy of receipts and agreements, including detailed descriptions of pictures.

Weill, Charles
Lopez del Campo, Miguel
Hirschland, Paul M.
Nathan, Marthe
Cuttoli, Marie

II.F.6 Consignments Outgoing

Office copy of receipts and agreements, including detailed descriptions of pictures and provenance.

Ford, Henry (II)
California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
Howe, Thomas C. (Jr.)
Haupt, Ira
Bienstock, Abraham
Simon, Leo (Mrs.)
Zinsser, Rudolph
Armour, George (Mrs.)
Fogg Museum of Art, Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts (Columbus, Ohio)
American University (Washington, D.C.)
University of Nebraska Art Galleries (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, Connecticut)
Hillman, Alex
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)

II.F.7 D Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence; two graphite sketches on half and quarter size sheets of tracing paper.

David-Weill, David
Rosenberg, Paul
Turner, G. Alan
Design (Columbus, Ohio)
de Sylva, Georges W. Stanley (Mrs.)
Di Tella, Maria R.
Donati, Enrico (Mrs.)
Donati, Claire
Javal, Fernand
Duveen Brothers, Inc. (New York)
Boggis, B.S.
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Daber, Alfred
Rosenberg, Paul
Dahl, Georges L.
Dauvé, Roland
Normand, (Roland) Gilles
De la Rozière, F. and R.
Molyneux, E.H.
Rosenberg, Paul
Dieterle, Jean
Jean Dieterle & Cie (Paris)
E. Le Roy & Cie, tableaux modernes (Paris)
de Galea
Marsan, Anna
Éditions du Dimanche (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul [leaf of graphite tracings attached]
Dreyfus, G.
Nathan, Marthe
Dudensing, Richard (3rd)
Durand-Ruel, Inc. (New York)
Flynn, C. Lawrence
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Durand-Ruel & Cie (Paris)
Durand-Ruel, Pierre
Alayer, Jean de (Mrs.)
Durand-Ruel, Charles

II.F.8 E Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams.

G. Koll, Interior Woodworking (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Easton, Winifred
Rothschild (lord)
Rosenberg, Paul
Ebstein, Paul (Madame) [Roisneau, Léa]
Eisendrath, William N. (Jr.)
Arts Club of Chicago (Chicago)
Eissler, Hermann
Easton, Winifred
Rosenberg, Paul
Kann, Alphonse [estate of]
Ebstein, Paul (Madame) [Roisneau, Léa]
Rosenberg, Paul
Elfers, Herbert

II.F.9 F Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR& Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams.

Feilchenfeldt, Walter
Fifth Avenue Association (New York)
Hughes, Thomas W.
Ford, Henry (II)
Foy, Byron (Mrs.)
French Chamber of Commerce (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Frey, Jacques
Fuerstenberg-Cassirer, Lotte
Weill, André
Bank of New York and Fifth Avenue Bank (New York)
Cowles, Fleur
Flair (New York)
Chadourne, Paul
Fogg Museum of Art, Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Ford Motor Company (Dearborn, Michigan)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Frey, Jacques
Rosenberg, Paul
Fukushima, Shigetaro

II.F.10 French Government

Signed typescript letters and printed forms received by PR and his brother Edmond, acting with power of attorney; office copy of outgoing PR correspondence, including letter drafts, completed forms and detailed inventories of PR & Co pictures (many are original copy). Also contains two pages of PR professional curriculum vitae.

Rosenberg, Paul [draft of statement to the Légion d'Honneur (Paris)]
République Française. Commission des Non-Résidents. (Paris)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
République Française. Office des Changes. Contrâle Commercial et
Apurements Spéciaux. (Paris)
Rosenberg, Edmond
République Française. Ministère de l' Éducation Nationale. Direction des
Musées de France. (Paris)
Salles, G.
Musée National d'Art Moderne (Paris)
Bazin, Germain
République Française. Ministère de l' Éducation Nationale. Direction des
Musées de France. Musée du Louvre. Département des
Peintures et Dessins. (Paris)
République Française. Office des Changes. Bureau du Contentieux et des Apurements Spéciaux. (Paris)
French Embassy (New York)
Messières, René de
Vertès, Marcel
Caisse Centrale de l'Impât de Solidarité Nationale (Paris)

II.F.11 French Government

Signed typescript letters and printed forms received by PR and his brother Edmond, acting with power of attorney, and by PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR correspondence, including lists of pictures.

République Française. Office des Changes. Bureau du Contentieux et des Apurements Spéciaux. (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Edmond
Guérin de Beaumont
République Française. Assemblée Nationale. (Paris)
Ambassade de France. Services du Conseiller Culturel. (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
République Française. Office des Changes. Bureau du Contentieux et des Apurements Spéciaux. (Paris)
Cariven, Jean
Bonnet, Henri
Ambassade de France (Washington, D.C.)
Rosenberg, Edmond
République Française. Direction de l'Office des Changes. (Paris)
Seydoux, Roger
Consulat Général de France (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Ambassade de France. Services du Conseiller Culturel. (New York)
French Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Inc. (New York)
Rosenberg, Edmond
Cariven, Jean
République Française. Direction de l'Office des Changes. (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul

II.F.12 Frenkel & Co.

Signed typescript letters and printed forms received by PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR & Co correspondence, including list of paintings.

Frenkel & Co., Inc. (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
del Campo, Miguel Lopez
Somerset Maugham, W.
Buhrle, Emil
Kunsthaus (Zurich)
Triumph Agency Limited, Insurance (Montreal, Canada)
Borel, Lucie Amélie (Rosenberg)
Rosenberg, Edmond
Hirsch, Robert von
Bronner & Cie (Basel)
J.H. Minet & Co. Ltd. (London)
Golschmann, Vladimir

II.F.13 G Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters and printed materials received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including appraisal declarations, invoices and receipts.

Société Auxiliaire des Expositions du Palais des Beaux-Arts (Brussels)
Giron, Robert
Rosenberg, Paul
Goldschmidt, Jakob
Goldwyn, Frances
Goldwyn, Samuel
Rosenberg, Paul
Golschmann, Odette
Goodyear, Stephen
Griffin, William V.
Carl Gabler, Verlag und Anzeigenverwaltung (Munich)
Gericke, Herbert
Gilbert, I.
Goldschmidt, Jakob
Goodwin, Philip L.
Gouy, Maurice
Rosenberg, Paul
SABA, S.A. (Geneva)
Greenwich House (New York)

View PDF of folder II.F.13

II.F.14 Heydenrijk

Hand-compiled printed copies of invoices and receipts and one handwritten business postcard received by PR and PR & Co.

House of H. Heydenryk Jr., Makers of Fine Frames (New York)

II.F.15 H Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including lists of pictures with provenance details and ownership, invoices and receipts; news clippings.

NOTE: Includes 'Misc. H' grouping (1950 dates) - probably previously mis-filed - from 'Receipted Invoices 1950.'

Haft, Morris W.
Hales, Dorothy G.
Pantukoff, Igor
Hanley, T.E.
Hanna, Leonard C.
Haupt, Ira
Helm, MacKinley (Mrs.)
Hélion, Jean
Rosenberg, Paul
New Art Circle (New York)
Hill, Jerome
Hirschland, Paul M.
Hokin, Edwin E.
Rosenberg, Paul
Ader, Etienne
American Red Cross, New York Chapter (New York)
American University (Washington, D.C.)
Frua De Angeli, Carlo
Rosenberg, Paul
Archivio Storico d'Arte Contemporanea della Biennale (Venice)
Apollonio, Umbro
Armitage, Margaret H.
Armour, George (Mrs.)
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Bush, J.L.
Rich, Daniel Catton
Rosenberg, Paul
Astor, Vincent
Azcarraga, Emilio
Byk, Paul (Madame)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Lloyd's London (New York)
Helft, Madeleine
Helft, Jacques
Walters, Florence
Zayas, Marius de
Hazen, Joseph O.
Hélion, Jean
Hokin, Edwin E.
Hélin, A.
Rosenberg, Paul
Hill, Jerome
Hillman, Alex
Hirschland, Paul M.
Hokin, Edwin E.
Hope, John (lady)
Huisman, Georges
République Française. Ministère de l' Éducation Nationale. Direction des
Musées de France. (Paris)
Huyghe, René

View PDF of folder II.F.15

II.F.16 I Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence; copy of third-party correspondence.

Rosenberg, Paul
Ingersoll, R. Sturgis
Ballard;, Spahr, Andrews & Ingersoll (Philadelphia)
Ignon, M.G. Ingersoll, R. Sturgis
Rosenberg, Paul
John Herron Art Institute (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Parks, Robert O.
IBM Corporation (New York)
Bienstock, Abraham L.

II.F.17 J Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams and receipts.

James, Oliver B.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Janis, Sidney
Sidney Janis Gallery (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Jaudel, Jean
Jonas, Édouard

II.F.18 K Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices and receipts; printed publicity materials.

Vandercom, Stanton & Co. (London)
Kann, Alphonse Kann [estate of]
Rosenberg, Paul
Kahn, Gilbert W.
Kook, Edward F.
Century Lighting Inc. (New York)
Korda, Alexander (sir)
Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry
Galerie Louise Leiris (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Kahn, Gilbert W.
Kaplan, Jacques M.
Chadourne, Paul
Kaganovitch, Max
Galerie Max Kaganovitch (Paris)
M. Knoedler & Co. (New York)
Warner, Keith
Ed. Kressman & Co. (Bordeaux)
Rosenberg, Paul

II.F.19 W. R. Keating

Signed typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including customs declarations and shipping invoices; office copy of outgoing PR & Co correspondence, including shipping instructions; printed consular invoice forms, not compiled.

W.R. Keating & Company (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Hirsch, Robert von
Bell, Marie
Honorable Collector of Customs. Port of New York. (New York)
Museum of São Paulo (São Paulo, Brazil)
Rosenberg, Edmond
Lopez del Campo, Miguel
Somerset-Maugham, W.
Hope, John (lady)
Galerie Rosengardt (Lucerne)
Bührle, Emil
Kunsthaus (Zurich)
Foreign Service of the United States of America (Paris)

II.F.20 L Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, PR handwritten draft notes, shipping instructions, invoices, receipts and lists of pictures; copies of printed consular declarations, compiled and certified; copies of third-party correspondence.

Arthur Lénars & Cie (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Haas, René
Molyneux, E.
Galerie de l' Élysée (Paris)
A.P. Rosenberg & Co., Inc. (New York)
Rosenberg, Edmond
Reichenbach, François
Lesser, S. (Mrs.)
Levy, David M. (Mrs.)
Loening, Albert P. (Mrs.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Lombard, Alfred
Alex Reid & Lefèvre Ltd (London)
Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris)
Lemoine, P.
Lehmann, Léon
Lukacs, Catherine
Lukacs, Anthony F.
Rosenberg, Paul
Lowenthal, Milton
Lasker, Mary
Lasker, Albert D.
Latour, Raymond
Rosenberg, Paul
Laurencin, Marie
Mettler-Lavater, H.
[Grivel], Madeleine
Laugier, Henri
Le Corbusier (Charles- Édouard Jeanneret-Gris)
[Includes original pen sketch: item kept in Special collection folders.]
Musée National d'Art Moderne (Paris)
Cassou, Jean
Sert, José Luis
Wiener, Paul Lester
Town Planning Associates (New York)
A.P. Rosenberg & Co., Inc. (New York)
Lefèvre Gallery (London)
Lehmann, Léon
Luce, Henry (Mrs.)
Lasker, Albert D.
Layer, M.K.
Rosenberg, Paul
Lasker, Mary
Laugier, Henri
Rosenberg, Paul
Laurencin, Marie
Berkson, Eleanor Lambert
Bousquet, Marie-Louise
Dr. H. Mettler-Lavater, Rechtsanwalt (Zurich)
Reid, A.J. McNeill
Alex Reid & Lefèvre, Ltd. (London)
Haas, René
Rosenberg, Paul
Arthur Lénars & Cie (Paris)
Renou & Poyet (Paris)
Rosenberg, Edmond
A.P. Rosenberg & Co., Inc. (New York)
Gaston I. Lévi, Restoration of Paintings (New York)
John Levy Galleries (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Lhermitte (Madame)
Musée d'Art Moderne (Basel)
Lighthouse of the New York Association for the Blind (New York)
Bazin, Germain
Département de Peintures et Dessins. Musée du Louvre. (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Lombard, Alfred
Rosenberg, Paul
Ludgin, Mary
Rosenberg, Paul

II.F.21 M Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, PR handwritten draft notes, invoices, receipts and lists of pictures.

B. Schott's Söhne (Mainz)
Galerie de France (Paris)
Martin, P.
Marlborough Fine Art Ltd. (London)
Fischer, H.R.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Marsan, Anna
Éditions du Dimanche (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Marx, Samuel A.
Matthiessen, Durand
Rosenberg, Paul
Matisse, Henri
Central Motion Picture Exchange (Tokyo)
Motion Picture Association of America (New York)
Motion Picture Export Association, Inc. (New York)
Mayer, Charles
Schreiber, Sidney
Rosenberg, Paul
Matsukata, Gisaburo
Mayor, Fred H.
Mayor Gallery Ltd. (London)
Rosenberg, Paul
McIlhenny, Henry P.
McKean, Q.A. Shaw
Balay, Roland
Carroll Carstairs Gallery (New York)
Michelson, Leo
Meyer, Maurice-E.
Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Davis, Richard S.
Plimpton, Russell A.
Rosenberg, Paul
Monniez, Charles
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Dudley, Dorothy H.
Rosenberg, Paul
Woodruff, Harry A. (Mrs.)
Whitney, John Hay
The Museum of Modern Art Library (New York)
Barr, Alfred H. (Jr.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Miller, Margaret
Malcolm (Madame)
Hill, Jerome
Manhattan Storage & Warehouse Co. (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Marx, Samuel A.
Marx, Flint & Schonne, Architects (Chicago)
Matthiesen Ltd. (London)
Maison, K.E.
Rosenberg, Paul
Somerset Maugham, W.
Martin, J.
Hope, John (lady)
Mayor, Fred
Coureau, Alfred
McIlhenny, Henry P.
McKean, Q.A. Shaw
Macdonald, Elizabeth
Miestchaninoff, Oscar
Miller, Helen
Miller, Max
Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Mitchell, Carlton (Jr.)
Weill, Raymond
Cortney (Mrs.)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Dudley, Dorothy H.
Ulrich, Ione
Barr, Alfred H. (Jr.)
Wheeler, Monroe
Burden, William A.M.
Lombard, Alfred
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Edmond
Morgan & Cie (Paris)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)

View PDF of folder II.F.21

II.F.22 N Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including receipts and detailed lists of pictures (Avery; Hélion).

Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Nathan, Marthe
Dreyfus, G.
Thannhauser, Justin K.
Scofield, Adele Joseph
Nathan, Fritz
Rosenberg, Paul
Musée National d'Art Moderne (Paris)
Cassou, Jean
Nerdy, Philip
National Gallery (London)
National Gallery of Art. Board of Trustees (Washington, D.C.)
Walker, John
Cott, Perry B.
Finley, David E.
Rosenberg, Paul
Neuberger, Roy M.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Neumann, J.B.
New Art Circle (New York)
Hélion, Jean
Newberry, John S.
Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan)
New York Heart Association (New York)
Nolan, Sidney
Casey, R.G. (Mrs.)
Nathan, Marthe
Bleichroeder, Bing & Co. Inc., General Insurance (New York)
Nathan, Fritz
University of Nebraska (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Netter, J.
Rosenberg, Paul
Newberry, John S. (Jr.)
Detroit Institute of the Arts (Detroit, Michigan)
Barrett (captain)
New York Police Department. Seventeenth Precinct. (New York)

II.F.23 O, P Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices, receipts and lists of pictures; typescript provenance certification; typescript biographical note of Michel Patrix.

Ott, Gustav
Michelson, Leo
Rosenberg, Paul
Paley, Dorothy
Pantunoff, Igor
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
Marceau, Henri
Rosenberg, Paul
Phillips, Duncan
Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Pissarro, Ludovico Rodolphe
Rosenberg, Paul
Rewald, John
Syndicat de la Propriété Artistique (Paris)
Rosenberg, Edmond
Plimpton, Russell A.
Minneapolis Institute of Art (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Pohl, Herbert H.
Rosenberg, Paul
New York Police Department (New York)
Ente Autonomo La Biennale di Venezia (Venice)
Ponti, Giovanni
Pach, Walter
Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Parker, de Witt (Mrs.)
Dahl, George L.
Galerie Drouant-David (Paris)
Frank Perls Gallery (Beverly Hills, California)
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
Gifford, Virginia M.
Marceau, Henri
Rosenberg, Paul
Ingersoll, P. Sturgis
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Commissioners of Fairmount Park (Philadelphia)
Clifford, Henry
Marceau, Henri
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenbach, A.S.W.
New York Police Department. Police Athletic League. (New York)
Phillips, Duncan
Phillips Gallery (Philadelphia)
Rosenberg, Paul

II.F.24 Purchases

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, mostly receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence; typescript hand-annotated lists of pictures and handwritten ledger sheets; printed customs declarations, compiled; banking notices.

Reichenbach, François
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Bell, Marie
Galerie Bing (Paris)
Sarraut, Albert
Matthiesen Ltd. (London)
Fabiani, Martin
Assemblée de l'Union Française (Paris)
Granoff, Katia
Galerie Pierre (Paris)
Loeb, Pierre
Coutot, Maurice
Raoul Solar, éditeur (Monte-Carlo)
Raviola, L.
Sternheim, Théa
L. Schirman, avocat (Paris)
Stansky, Lyman
Paul Pétridès (Paris)
Marlborough Fine Art Ltd. (London)
Arthur Tooth & Sons Ltd. (London)
Adams Bros., Paintings and Drawings (London)
Twenty Brook Street, Gallery of the Arts (London)
Rubin, Harold
Matthiesen Ltd. (London)
Adams Bros. (London)
Michelson, Leo
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Alltransport Incorporated (New York)
Ott, Gustav
Messagerie Danzas (Basel)
Rogers, Millicent A.
J. Chenue, Fine Art Packer (London)
Foreign Service of the United States of America (London)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)

View PDF of folder II.F.24

II.F.25 Purchases

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, mostly receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence; typescript hand-annotated lists of pictures and typescript and handwritten ledger sheets; banking notices.

Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Cuttoli, Marie
Vilmorin, Henry de
Zayas, Marius de
A.P. Rosenberg & Co., Inc. (New York)
Galerie Rosengart (Lucerne)
Kleinmann & Cie, tableaux modernes (Paris)
Belin, R.
Rosenberg, Edmond
Galerie André Weil (Paris)
Galerie de l'Art Moderne (Paris)
Léon Guillet, transports (Paris)
Marquiset (Madame)
Galerie Bing (Paris)
Matthiesen Ltd. (London)
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Ltd., Leicester Galleries (London)
Roché, H.P.
Molyneux, E.H.
Weil, André
F. & R. de la Rozière (New York)
Bellanger, A.
Ebstein, Paul

View PDF of folder II.F.25

II.F.26 R Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts; detailed handwritten lists of Abraham Rattner pictures; consular certification of PR identity and residence status.

Rattner, Abraham
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Reber, G.F.
Reeves, B.M.
Reichenbach, François
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Remarque, Erich Maria
A La Samaritaine. Direction. (Paris)
Renand, Georges
Rosenberg, Paul
Rockefeller, David
Rogers, Millicent
Yaple, Dixie Lee
Sinsheimer, Jerome W.
Rogers, Huddleston (Mrs.)
Rosen, David
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosengart, Siegfried
Compagnie Radio France (Paris)
Reber, G.F.
Rosenberg, Paul
Reed, Gladys
Reichenbach, François
Reinhart, Oskar
Remarque, Erich M.
Renou & Poyet (Paris)
Rockefeller, David
Rosenberg, Paul
Rochefeller, Margaret
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rogers, Millicent A.
Rosenblatt (Madame)
Rosengart, Siegfried
Rosenberg, Paul
Consulat Général de France à New York.

II.F.27 Rosenberg, Edmond

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR; office copy of outgoing PR and APR correspondence, including telegrams; one printed, folded leaf.

Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Edmond
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Syndicat de la Propriété Artistique (Paris)
Pissarro, Ludovico Rodolphe
Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouot (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Edmond
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Bellanger, A.

II.F.28 Paul Rosenberg - personal

Contains a file with correspondence from various dates, 1942-1951, labeled "Arpels - PR & Co": signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR; office copy of outgoing PR correspondence.

Rosenberg, Paul
Arpels, Jacques
Arpels, Claude
Arpels-Hessel, Lucie

View PDF of folder II.F.28

II.F.29 Receipted Invoices

Office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence.

California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
Hanley, T.E.
Brody, Sidney F.
Sandler, Ted
Warren, Georges H.
Marx, Samuel A.
Goldwyn, Samuel
Hill, Jerome
Hirsch, Robert von
Tannahill, Robert H.
Bragaline, Edward
Bareiss, Walter
Stillman, C.W.
Pohl, Herbert H.
Simon, Leo (Mrs.)
Bragaline, Edward A.
James, Oliver B.
Hanna, Leonard C.
Block, Leigh B.
Windfohr, Robert (Mrs.)
Shevlin, Rowan (Mrs.)
Hales, Dorothy G.
Bienstock, Abraham
Kook, Edward F.
Century Lighting Inc. (New York)
Saidenberg, Eleanor
Neuberger, Roy R.
Kahn, Gilbert
Schulte, A. (Mrs.)
Newberry, John S. (Jr.)

View PDF of folder II.F.29

II.F.30 Receipted Invoices

Office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence.

Block, Leigh B.
Wintersteen, John (Mrs.)
Tannahill, Robert H.
Marx, Samuel A.
Bragaline, Edward A.
Commissioners of Fairmount Park (Philadelphia)
Ingersoll, R. Sturgis
Newberry, John S. (Jr.)
Hope, John (lady)
Parker, de Witt (Mrs.)
Hokin, Edwin E.
Kahn, Gilbert
Miller, M.
Dahl, George L.
Loening, Albert P.
Azcarraga, Emilio
Block, Leigh B.
Sidney Janis Gallery (New York)
Bührle, Emile
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts (Columbus, Ohio)
Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc. (New York)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Wertheim, Maurice
Marx, Samuel A.
Selznick, Irene M.
Bienstock, Abraham L.
McIlhenny, Henry P.
Dudensing, Richard (3rd)
Hill, Jerome

View PDF of folder II.F.30

II.F.31 S Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts.

Rosenberg, Paul
Sandbloom, P.
Schine, Meyer (Mrs.)
Schreiber, Sidney A.
Motion Picture Association of America (New York)
Imperial Household Ministry (Tokyo)
Fukushima, Shigetaro
Scofield, Adele Joseph
Sellin, Theodore
Söderlund, Gustaf
Selznick, Irene M.
Sié, C.K
Yuan, Wang Chi
Hitchcock, Henry-Russell
Smith College Museum of Art (Northampton, Massachusetts)
Rosenberg, Paul
Barr, Alfred H. (Jr.)
Söderlund, Gustaf
Söderlund, Hans G.
Sellin, Theodore
Spaeth, Otto
Stirlin, H.R.
Sandler, Ted
Schulte, A. (Mrs.)
Scofield, Adele Joseph
Season, Lester
Rosenberg, Paul
United States Department of State. Secretary of State. (Washington, D.C.)
Hodge, Philip G.
United States Department of State. Special Services Branch. Division
of Libraries and Institutes. (Washington, D.C.)
Shevlin, Rowan (Mrs.)
Simon, Leo (Mrs.)
Sinsheimer, Jerome W.
Rogers, Millicent A.
Société Auxiliaire des Expositions du Palais des Beaux-Arts (Brussels)
Giron, Robert
Söderlund, Gustaf
Olay, Palayo G.
Consulado General de España (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Sandberg, W.
Stedelijk Museum (Amsterdam)
Elmendorf, Laura
Sternheim, Théa
Stansky, Lyman
Schirman, L.
Galerie Barreiro Stiébel (Paris)
Stillman, C.W. (Mrs.)
Strecker, Willy

View PDF of folder II.F.31

II.F.32 T Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including receipts; copy of third-party correspondence.

Rosenberg, Paul
Tamayo, Rufino
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Tannahill, Robert H.
Thannhauser, Justin K.
Nathan, Marthe
Thompson, Lynne
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Éditions Pierre Tisné (Paris)
Rosenberg, Edmond
Tooth, Dudley
Kann, Alphonse [estate of]
Rosenberg, Paul
John A. Roebling's Sons Company (Trenton, New Jersey)
Tyson, Charles R.
Légation de Belgique (Lisbon)
van der Elst, Jo (baron)
Tannahill, Robert H.
Rosenberg, Paul
Abrams, Harry N.
Tyson, Carroll S. (Jr.)

II.F.33 Trip to France - Correspondence

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and mostly telegrams sent and/or received by PR and PR & Co; office copy or originals of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, especially telegrams; handwritten notes by Rosenberg, Paul; copy of third-party correspondence.

Rosenberg, Paul
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Helft, Jacques
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]

II.F.34 Trip to France - Correspondence

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams sent and/or received by PR and PR & Co; office copy or originals of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, especially telegrams; handwritten notes by Rosenberg, Paul; typescript lists of pictures; copy of third-party correspondence.

Rosenberg, Paul
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Bambust, M.M. [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Burden, William A.M.
Warner, Keith
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts (Columbus, Ohio)
Malone, Lee H.B.
Meyer, Maurice-E.
Soler, Francisco
Neiman-Marcus (Dallas, Texas)
Marcus, Stanley
A.P. Rosenberg & Co., Inc. (New York)

II.F.35 U Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR reply.

Uzielli, Mario
Rosenberg, Paul
United States Post Office. Classification Section. (New York)

II.F.36 V Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices.

Hirsch, Robert von
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
W.J.E. Vanhoutte, Advocaat (Ostende, Netherlands)
Vogel, Florence
New York Philharmonic Society (New York)
van Dovski, Lee
Venturi, Lionello
Rosenberg, Paul
Vicart, Gabriel
Vilmorin, Henri de
Hirsch, Robert von
Vogel, Edwin C.

II.F.37 W Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence; typescript carbon copy of legal deposition; one color postcard.

Rosenberg, Paul
Weill Wallier, Raymond
Warin, Édouard
Warner, Keith
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Warren, George H. (Mrs.)
Weil, André
David-Weil, David
Weill, Charles
Weill, Paul
Officier Commissaire aux Délégations Judiciaires de l'Arrondissement de Bruxelles (Brussels, Belgium)
Gaffé, René
Rosenberg, Paul
Weiller, Lazare
Wertheimer, Otto [see photo of Cranach picture with certificate by Friedlander: Series III.C.2: "History of Pictures" file.]
Sidney Janis Gallery (New York)
Whitney, John Hay
Windfohr, Robert (Mrs.)
Eastman, Alvan C.
Winnipeg Art Gallery (Winnipeg, Canada)
Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, Connecticut)
Cunningham, C.C.
Walter (Madame Dominique)
Warin, Édouard
Warner, Keith
M. Knoedler & Co. (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Weil, André
Weill, Paul
David-Weil, David
Weill, Raymond
Cortney (Mrs.)
Wertheim, Maurice
Wertheimer, Pierre
Wintersteen, John (Mrs.)
Wittenborn and Company, Books on Fine Arts (New York)

II.F.38 X Y Z Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence.

Zellerbach, J.D.
Zayas, Marius de
Rosenberg, Paul
Zervos, Yvonne
Zervos, Christian
Éditions Cahiers d'Art (Paris)

View PDF of folder II.F.38


Subseries II.G: APR files [1949]-1950-1951-1952

Contains files documenting a period of APR's administration of a company (initiated in 1949 and dissolved in late November 1952), not entirely independent of and certainly parallel to PR & Co. Being so intimately intertwined with the persons and events of PR & Co., part of the raison d'être of APR & Co is to be understood in relation to PR's age and health problems. The young company's records are thus maintained as a subseries of the PR & Co series groups. See also: "M & P" files, active throughout the 1950s, for which records pertinent to PR & Co are maintained within the order of the PR & Co Series II: II.J.34-35 and II.K.31; "M & P" files arranged as subseries II.QQ.1-21.

Folder Title Date
II.G.1 A Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters and telegrams received by PR, APR and APR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and APR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices and receipts.

Hayes, Bartlett H. (Jr.)
Committee of the Boston Art Festival (Boston, Massachusetts)
Schenk, Edgar C.
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Lowenthal, Milton
Anderson, A. Scott (Mrs.)
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Schniewind, Carl O.
Rich, Daniel Catton
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rattner, Abraham
Artists Equity Association (New York)
Schenk, Edgar C.
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
American Express Company (New York)
American Red Cross, New York Chapter (New York)
Addison Gallery of American Art (Andover, Massachusetts)
Anderson, A. Scott (Mrs.)
American Federation of Arts (Washington, D.C.)
A.P Rosenberg & Co., Inc. (New York)
Cummings, Burton
Pope, John A. (Mrs.)
University of Arkansas, Department of Art (Fayetteville, Arkansas)
Durst, David
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Schniewind, Carl O.
Arts Club of Chicago (Chicago)
Eisendrath, William N.

II.G.2 B Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR, APR and APR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and APR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices and receipts.

Bienstock, Abraham L.
Reiss, Richard
A.P Rosenberg & Co., Inc.(New York)
Breeskin, Adelyn D.
Baltimore Museum of Art (Baltimore, Maryland)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Gallagher, Edward J. (Jr.)
Barbee, Stanley N.
Block, Joseph L.
Blumberg, Fannie B.
Boel, René (baron)
Brooklyn Museum (New York)
Baur, John I.H.
Barbee, Stanley N.
Bean, Mabel
Berstein, Arnold
Galeria de Arte Berro (Montevideo, Uruguay)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Biel, John J.
Walters, Florence [for APR & Co]
Birmingham Museum of Art (Birmingham, Alabama)
Bogioaca, Virginia
Bradley, Harry
Bragaline, Edward A.
Braque, Georges
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Brody, Sidney F.
Baur, John I.H.
Brody, Frances

View PDF of folder II.G.2

II.G.3 Budworth and Son

Signed typescript letter of receipt received by APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR and APR & Co correspondence, all of which are instructions for shipping pictures.

W.S. Budworth & Son (New York)
A.P. Rosenberg & Co., Inc. (New York)

II.G.4 C Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters and telegrams received by PR, APR and APR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and APR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices and receipts; printed customs form, compiled; typescript letter on retro small section of detailed road map of Hudson River north of New York City.

California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
Guaranty Trust Company of New York (New York)
Rattner, Abraham
Howe, Thomas C. (Jr.)
Verdier, Paul
Cannon, Eleanor Rixson
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Chase National Bank (New York)
Society for Contemporary American Art (Chicago)
Cleveland Museum of Art (Cleveland, Ohio)
Milliken, William M.
Francis, Henry G.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Colin, Georgia T.
Colin, Ralph
University of Colorado, Fine Arts Department (Boulder, Colorado)
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts (Columbus, Ohio)
Corcoran Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
Howe, Thomas C. (Jr.)
Mintz, Raymond
Washburn, Gordon Bailey
Carnegie Institute, Fine Arts (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
J. Chenue (London)
Marlborough Fine Art Ltd. (London)
Rosenberg & Helft (London)
Foreign Service of the United States of America (London)
A.P. Rosenberg & Co., Inc. (New York)
Congress for Jewish Culture, Inc. (New York)

II.G.5 Consignments Outgoing

Office copy of outgoing APR & Co memorandum invoices and lists of pictures.

California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (Philadelphia)
Norton Gallery and School of Art (West Palm Beach, Florida)
Sarasota Art Association (Sarasota, Florida)
Bradley, Harry (Mrs.)
Forth Worth Art Museum (Fort Worth, Texas)
Birmingham Art Museum (Birmingham, Alabama)
Witte Memorial Museum (San Antonio, Texas)
Whitney Museum of Art (New York)
Federation of Painters and Sculptors (New York)
National Arts Club (New York)
American Federation of Arts (Washington, D.C.)
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
American Federation of Arts (Washington, D.C.)
Brooklyn Museum (New York)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Biennial International Exhibition (São Paulo, Brazil)
May, Tom
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
University of Colorado, Fine Arts Department (Boulder, Colorado)
Spaeth, Otto (Mrs.)
University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Arts Club of Chicago (Chicago)
Norton Gallery and School of Art (West Palm Beach, Florida)
American Federation of Arts (Washington, D.C.)
Los Angeles County Museum (Los Angeles, California)
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
University of Colorado, Fine Arts Department (Boulder, Colorado)
American Federation of Arts (Washington, D.C.)
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts (Columbus, Ohio)
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
University of Arkanas (Fayetteville, Arkansas)
National Academy of Design (New York)
Dallas Museum of Fine Arts (Dallas, Texas)
Society for Contemporary American Art (Chicago)
Philbrook Art Center (Tulsa, Oklahoma)
University of Minnesota (Duluth, Minnesota)
Detroit Institute of Fine Arts (Detroit, Michigan)
Des Moine Art Center (Des Moines, Iowa)
Neuberger, Roy
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts (Columbus, Ohio)
Podgoursky, Ivan (count)
Worcester Museum (Worcester, Massachusetts)
University of North Carolina, Women's College (Greensboro, North Carolina)
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
College of Fine and Applied Arts, University of Illinois (Urbana, Illinois)
Nebraska Art Association (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Corcoran Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Albright Art Museum (Buffalo, New York)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Worcester Museum (Worcester, Massachusetts)
Sidney Janis Gallery (New York)
Guild Hall (East Hampton, Long Island, New York)
Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, Connecticut)
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Carnegie Institute, Fine Arts (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Gallagher, Edward J. (Jr.)
Committee of the Boston Art Festival (Boston, Massachusetts)
Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio)
May Hill Galleries, Inc. (Wellfleet on Cape Cod, Massachusetts)
Congress for Jewish Culture, Inc. (New York)
Gallagher, Edward J. (Jr.)
Randolph Macon Woman's College (Lynchburg, Virginia)
Artists Equity Association (New York)
Yale University (New Haven, Connecticut)
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Springfield Museum of Fine Arts (Springfield, Massachusetts)
Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara, California)
Hartt, Frederick
Washington University, Department of Art and Archeology (Saint Louis, Missouri)
Robinson, Beulah G.
Hogan, James D.
Laging, Duard W.
University of Nebraska, University Galleries (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Portland Art Museum (Portland, Oregon)
Manhasset Art Association (Manhasset, New York)
Des Moines Art Center (Des Moines, Iowa)
Fort Worth Art Museum (Fort Worth, Texas)
Simon, Charles

View PDF of folder II.G.5

II.G.6 Consignments Incoming

Office copy of outgoing APR & Co memorandum lists of pictures and receipts.

Rattner, Abraham
Mintz, Raymond
Hartley, Marsden [estate of]
Chidsey, Alan G.
Weber, Max
Knaths, Karl
Warner, Keith

II.G.7 D Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR & Co correspondence, including telegram.

Dallas Museum of Fine Arts (Dallas, Texas)
Des Moines Art Center (Des Moines, Iowa)
Detroit Institute of Fine Arts (Detroit, Michigan)
Edmundson Art Foundation, Inc. (Des Moines, Iowa)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Kirsch, Dwight
Des Moines Art Center (Des Moines, Iowa)
Duveen & Walker, Insurance Brokers (London)
Hartley Cooper & Co. Ltd (London)

II.G.8 E Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by APR & Co, including third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing APR and APR & Co correspondence.

Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Easton, Winnifred
Eaton, Jerome A.
Mintz, Raymond
Walters, Florence [for APR & Co]
Everson, Landis

II.G.9 F Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by APR and APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR and APR & Co correspondence, including receipts.

Fleischman, Lawrence
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Weber, Max
Florsheim, Harold M.
Fort Worth Art Museum (Fort Worth, Texas)
Frankel, Roy (Mrs.)
Federation of Painters and Sculptors (New York)
National Arts Club (New York)
Ford, Henry (Mrs.)
Ford, Walter (Mrs.)
Fort Worth Art Museum (Fort Worth, Texas)
Defenbacher, Daniel S.
Frenkel & Co., Inc. (New York)
Freedman, Charles [or Friedman]
Green, Lilian
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)

II.G.10 G Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten letters received by APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR & Co correspondence, including receipts.

Gallagher, Edward J. (Jr.)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
[Baltimore Museum of Art (Baltimore, Maryland)]

II.G.11 H Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR & Co correspondence, especially receipts.

House of H. Heydenryk Jr. (New York)
Harris, Caryl
Hettleman, Philip
Hirshhorn, Joseph H.
Hanley, T.E.
Brown, Frey [for Hauser, Gayelord]
Hunt, Kathlyn

II.G.12 Hartley Estate

Signed typescript letters received by APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR & Co correspondence, all remittances.

Hartley, Marsden [estate of]
Chidsey, G. Alan
City Bank Farmers Trust Company (New York)
Fuller, W. Atherton (Jr.)

II.G.13 I Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR & Co correspondence, including invoices.

College of Fine and Applied Arts, University of Illinois (Urbana, Illinois)
Hogan, James D.
Art Association of Indianapolis, John Herron Institute (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Parks, Robert O.

II.G.14 J Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten letters received by APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR and APR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts; one printed and folded art gallery leaflet.

American Art Collection. Arizona State College. (Tempe, Arizona)
Sidney Janis Gallery (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
James, Oliver B.
Batchellor, Harold
Jones, H. Harris
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.

II.G.15 K Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR, APR and APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR & Co correspondence, including telegram, invoices and receipts.

W.R Keating & Co. (New York)
Art Gallery of Toronto (Toronto, Canada)
Hume, George
Melzer, David
Kaufman, Katja
Kocher, Sylvan
Kryl, Bohumir
Klein, Jan

II.G.16 Karl Knaths

Signed handwritten letters received by APR and APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR and APR & Co correspondence, including remittances, lists of pictures and consignment receipts.

Knaths, Karl
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]

II.G.17 Karl Knaths

Signed handwritten letters, telegrams and postcards received by APR and APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, remittances and consignment receipts.

Knaths, Karl
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]

II.G.18 L Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams by APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, lists of pictures, invoices and receipts; also includes copy of third-party correspondence.

Lowenthal, William
Luhan, Mabel Dodge
Le Corbusier (Charles- Édouard Jeanneret-Gris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Levin, Hoke
Museum Association, Los Angeles County Museum (Los Angeles, California)
Gehring, C.F.
Valentiner, William R.
Porter, Grace V.
Luhan, Mabel Dodge
Yale University Library (New Haven, Connecticut)
Gallup, Donald C.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Brand, Emily H.

II.G.19 M Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by APR and APR & Co, including museum registrar receipts and detailed lists of pictures; office copy of outgoing APR & Co correspondence, including memorandum invoices and receipts.

Wilmer, R.W.
Manhasset Art Association (Manhasset, New York)
Martin, Crozer F.
Durand-Matthiessen, S.A. (Geneva)
May, Morton D.
Famour-Barr Co. (St. Louis, Missouri)
Gaglione, Thomas A.
Mayo Hill Galleries, Inc. (Wellfleet on Cape Cod, Massachusetts)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Meltzer, David
Hume, George
Art Gallery of Toronto (Toronto, Canada)
Melzer, Elise B.
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Dudley, Dorothy H.
Marx, Samuel A.
Durand-Matthiessen, S.A. (Geneva)
May, Tom
May Co. (Los Angeles, California)
May, Anita
Mayer, Robert
Maurice L. Rothschild & Co. (Chicago)
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Milburn, Alvaro
Milliken, Gerrish (Mrs.)
Minkoff, Alvin H.
University of Minnesota, University Gallery (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
University of Minnesota, Tweed Gallery (Duluth, Minnesota)
Triplett, Fred J.
Hutchison, Joseph Shields
Mint Museum of Art (Charlotte, North Carolina)
Morse, John D.
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Dudley, Dorothy H.
Biennial International Exhibition. United States Section. (São Paulo, Brazil)
Ritchie, Andrew
Rosenberg, Paul

II.G.20 Mintz, Raymond

Office copy of outgoing APR and APR & Co correspondence, including consignment invoices; also includes one folded leaf brochure of MoMA exhibition, hand-annotated by APR.

The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Di Spirito, Henry
Kriesberg, Irving
Mintz, Raymond August
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.

II.G.21 N Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by APR and APR & Co, including consignment receipts; office copy of outgoing APR and APR & Co correspondence, including receipts, memorandum and consignment invoices.

Laging, Duard W.
University of Nebraska Art Galleries (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Neuberger, Roy
A.P. Rosenberg & Co., Inc. (New York)
National Academy of Design (New York)
Nebraska Art Association, University of Nebraska (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Neuberger, Roy
New Gallery (New York)
Thaw, Eugene Victor
Women's College, University of North Carolina (Greensboro, North
Norton Gallery and School of Art (West Palm Beach, Florida)
Woods, Willis F.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]

II.G.22 P Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by APR and APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR, PR and APR & Co correspondence, including receipts, memorandum and consignment invoices.

Philadephia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara, California)
Phillips, Duncan
Piping Rock Service (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Colt, Thomas C. (Jr.)
Portland Art Museum (Portland, Oregon)
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (Philadelphia)
Fraser, Joseph T. (Jr.)
Perls, Frank
Frank Perls Gallery (Beverly Hills, California)
Philbrook Art Center (Tulsa, Oklahoma)
Phillips, Duncan
Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Podgoursky, Ivan (count)
Powell, Gerald S.
Richard Ito Studio, Photographer (Los Angeles, California)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Solomon, Sid
Sarasota Art Association (Sarasota, Florida)
Pulitzer, Joseph (Jr.)

II.G.23 Payments to Artists

Office copy of outgoing APR & Co remittances and list of pictures.

Knaths, Karl
Weber, Max
Rattner, Abraham
Chidsey, G. Alan
Hartley, Marsden [estate of]
Avery, Milton

II.G.24 Purchases

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by APR and APR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co receipts or remittances.

Reichenbach, Claude
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Marlborough Fine Art Ltd. (London)
Rosenberg & Helft Ltd (London)

II.G.25 Q Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegram received by APR and APR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegram.

University of Minnesota, College of Science, Literature and the Arts
(Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Quirt, Walter
Thaw, Eugene Victor
New Gallery (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Quinn, Elizabeth
Quinn-Johnson, Contemporary Art (Indianapolis, Indiana)

II.G.26 R Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by APR and APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR and APR & Co correspondence, including remittances and receipts.

Reeves, B.M.
Rhode Island School of Design (Providence, Rhode Island)
Rood, John
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg & Stiebel (New York)
Randolph Macon Woman's College (Lynchburg, Virginia)
Rothschild, B. de (Mrs.)

II.G.27 R Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by APR and APR & Co, including receipts; office copy of outgoing APR and APR & Co correspondence and receipts; lists of pictures.

Rockefeller, Mrs. John D. (3rd)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Galerie Rosengart (Lucerne)
Reinhart, Oskar
Credit Suisse (New York)
Rhode Island School of Design, Museum of Art (Providence, Rhode Island)
Malloy, E.M.
Washburn, Gordon
John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art (Sarasota, Florida)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.

II.G.28 Rattner, A.

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR, APR and APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR and APR & Co correspondence, including remittances and consignment receipts; also includes printed museum registrar forms.

Rattner, Abraham
First Biennal of the São Paulo Museum of Modern Art
Pinter, Margaret
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Tosi, Guy
Éditions Denoël (Paris)
Miller, Henry

II.G.29 Rattner, A.

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by APR and APR & Co, including handwritten color postcards; office copy of outgoing APR and APR & Co correspondence, including lists of pictures, remittances and consignment receipts; also includes printed museum entry forms, compiled.

Rattner, Abraham
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture (Skowhegan, Maine)
Mostra Internazionale del Disegno Moderno (Bergamo, Italy)
Rosenberg, Paul
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]

II.G.30 Rattner, A.

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegram received by PR, APR and APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR and APR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, lists of paintings and drawings, remittances and consignment receipts; also includes copy of third-party correspondence.

A.P. Rosenberg & Co., Inc. (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rattner, Abraham
Higgins, Ben
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.

II.G.31 Receipted Invoices

Office copy of outgoing APR & Co final receipts.

Windfohr. Robert F.
Meltzer, David
Vogel, Francis
Barbee, Stanley N.
Walker, Hudson
Artists Equity (New York)
Neuberger, Roy
Frankel, Roy
Martin, Crozer F.
Straus, Robert D.
Gallagher, Edward J. (Jr.)
May, Morton D.
Blumberg, Fannie B.
Barbee, Stanley N.
Gallagher, Edward J. (Jr.)
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
Hirshhorn, Joseph H.
Yale University Library (New Haven, Connecticut)
Simon, Charles
Edmundson Art Foundation, Inc. (Des Moines, Iowa)
Barbee, Stanley N.
Florsheim, Harold
California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco, California)
Hirshhorn, Joseph H.
Lowenthal, Milton
Barbee, Stanley N.
Straus, Robert D.
Gallup, Donald
Yale University Library (New Haven, Connecticut)
Hartt, Frederick
Washington University, Department of Art and Archeology (Saint Louis, Missouri)
Steinberg, Jay Z.
San Antonio Art League, Witte Memorial Museum (San Antonio, Texas)
Rothschild, B. de (Mrs.)
Hettleman, Phillip
Durand-Matthiessen, S.A. (Geneva)
Weil, Richard K.
Blumberg, Fannie B.
Phillips, Duncan
Simon, Charles
Season, Lester
Straus, Robert D.

II.G.32 Receipted Invoices

Office copy of outgoing APR & Co final receipts.

Barbee, Stanley N.
Brody, Sidney F.
Kryl, Bohumir
James, Oliver B.
Colin, Georgia T.
Ford, Henry (Mrs.)
Hirsch, Robert von
Blumberg, Fannie B.
Stafford, H.E. (Mrs.)
Wolf, Stanley J.
California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
Bragaline, Edward A.
Whitney, Harry P.
Hanley, T.E.
Cannon, Eleanor Rixson
Kocher, Silvan
Waldheim, Millard A.
Museum Association, Los Angeles County Museum (Los Angeles, California)
Schupf, M.
May, Tom.
Buffalo Fine Arts Academy (Buffalo, New York)
Walker, Hudson
University of Minnesota, University Gallery (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Hanley, T.E.
Windfohr, Robert (Mrs.)
Norton, R.H.
Norton Gallery and School of Art (West Palm Beach, Florida)
Marx, Samuel A.
Shapiro, Joseph Randall
Hanley, T.E.
Levin, Hoke
Walker, Hudson D.
Artists Equity (New York)
Friedman, Charles
Hanley, T.E.
Bernstein, Arnold
Worcester Art Museum (Worcester, Massachusetts)
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts ((Philadelphia)
Shapiro, Joseph Randall
Hanley, T.E.
Walker Art Center (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Minkoff, Alvin H.
Schulte, John

II.G.33 Sales

Office copy of outgoing APR & Co invoices and receipts.

NOTE: "Receipted invoices" absent from subseries for 1950.

Eakin, Jane E.
Schulte, John
Schulte, John
Bogioaca, Virginia
Phillips, Duncan
Olmstead, C.M.
Ordynski, Richard (Mrs.)
James, Oliver B.
Stafford, H.E. (Mrs.)
Washington University, Department of Art and Archeology (Saint Louis, Missouri)
Hanley, T.E.
James, Oliver B.
Walker, Hudson
Munson Williams Proctor Institute (Utica, New York)
Block, Joseph L. (Mrs.)
Brooklyn Museum (New York)
Phillips, Duncan
University of Illinois, Department of Art (Urbana, Illinois)
Vogel, Edwin C.
Stone, J.H.
Ford, Henry (II)
Shapiro, Joseph Randall
Koven, Gustav H.
Hope, John (lady)
Saidenberg, Eleanore B.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Malcove, Lillian
Cabinet Craftsmen, Inc. (New York)
Lowenthal, Milton
McCormick, Cyrus

II.G.34 S Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by APR and APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR and APR & Co correspondence, including consignment invoices and receipts.

Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara, California)
Schuster, M. Lincoln
Season, Lester
Simon, Charles
Springfield Museum of Fine Arts (Springfield, Massachusetts)
Steinberg, Jay Z.
Straus, Robert D.
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Biennial International Exhibition. United States Section. (São Paulo, Brazil)
Schulte, A.
Schupf, M.
Shapiro, Joseph Randall
Simon, Leo
Spaeth, Otto Lucien
Spaeth, Eloise
Stafford, Harold E. (Mrs.)

II.G.35 T Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by PR, APR and APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR and APR & Co correspondence, including a consignment invoice.

Art Gallery of Toronto (Toronto, Canada)
Hulme, George
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio)
Tamayo, Rufino
Rosenberg, Paul
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Thompson, Lynne

II.G.36 U V Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR and APR & Co correspondence.

Vogel, François
Powers, J.H.
University Prints (Newton, Massachusetts)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Hirsch, Robert von

II.G.37 W X Y Z Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters and telegrams received by PR, APR and APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR and APR & Co correspondence, including a consignment invoice.

Yale University, Division of the Fine Arts (New Haven, Connecticut)
Yale University Library (New Haven, Connecticut)
Gallup, Donald
Hamilton, George
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Walker, Hudson
Artists Equity (New York)
Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, Connecticut)
Hartt, Frederick
Washington University, Department of Art and Archeology (Saint Louis, Missouri)
Weil, Richard K.
Windfohr, Robert F.
Witte Memorial Museum (San Antonio, Texas)
San Antonio Art League (San Antonio, Texas)
Urschel, Charles F. (Jr.)
Wragge, Sidney
Robinson, Beulah G.
Waldheim, Millard A.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Walker, Hudson
University of Minnesota, University Gallery (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Walker Arts Center (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Hartley, Marsden [estate of] [lists of drawings]
T.B. Walker Foundation, Inc. (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Warner, Keith
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Webster, E.S. (Mrs.)
Weinstein, Joseph
Whitney, Harry P.
Whitney Museum of Art (New York)
Windfohr, Robert F.
Windfohr, Robert F. (Mrs.)
Witte Memorial Museum (San Antonio, Texas)
Wolf, Stanley J.
Worcester Art Museum (Worcester, Massachusetts)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Dresser, Louisa

II.G.38 Weber, Max

Signed handwritten letter received by PR and APR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR & Co correspondence, including remittances and receipts; also includes handwritten detailed ledger lists of Weber pictures.

A.P. Rosenberg & Co., Inc. (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Weber, Max
Rosenberg, Paul


Subseries II.H: PR & Co files 1952-1953

Folder Title Date
II.H.1 A Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including museum receipts and customs forms; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices and list of pictures; detailed handwritten ledger lists of pictures by Milton Avery.

Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Durand-Ruel Inc. (New York)
Abrams, Harry N.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Fox, Milton. S.
University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa, Alabama)
Alazard, Jean
Musée d'Alger (Algiers, Algeria)
Rosenberg, Paul
Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Schenk, Edgar C.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Allayer de Costemore d'Arc, Jean de
American Federation of Arts (New York)
Messer, Thomas M.
Field, Virginia
American Peoples Encyclopedia, Yearbook (Chicago)
Wagner, Elizabeth
American Red Cross, New York Chapter (New York)
Arnhold, Hans
Adler & Co., banquiers (Zurich)
Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Hyam, Leslie A.
Arpels, Jacques
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Rich, Daniel Catton
Rosenberg, Paul
Kuh, Katharine
Auchincloss, Bayard C.
The Bookhouse (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)
Adams Bros., Paintings & Drawings (London)
Foreign Service of the United States of America (London)
Warnecke, Edward H.
Thomas Agnew & Sons Limited (London)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Arpels, Jacques
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Bush, Margaret F.
Rich, Daniel Catton
Rosenberg, Paul
Kuh, Katharine
Lutz, Louise
N.W. Ayer & Son Inc. (Philadelphia)
Warwick, Edward W.

II.H.2.a B Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, PR handwritten drafts of replies, invoices, receipts, detailed lists of pictures, bank notices, remittances; also includes copy of third-party correspondence; a museum gift receipt; one news clipping; one miniature black/white photograph; one black- ground photostat interpositive.

New York Herald Tribune (Paris) [Buchwald, Art]
Parke-Bernet Galleries Inc. (New York)
Goetz, Oswald
Baltimore Museum of Art (Baltimore, Maryland)
Rosenberg, Paul
Breeskin, Adelyn D.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Kinder, Robert
Adsuar, Joseph
Bankers Trust Company (New York)
Turnowsky, Leo
Societad Tecnica y Commercial (Caracas, Venezuela)
Barbee, Stanley N.
Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Los Angeles (Los Angeles, California)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Bareiss, Walter
San Francisco Museum of Art (San Francisco, California)
Rosenberg, Paul
Bean, Mabel Greene
Bayonne Jewish Community Center (Bayonne, New Jersey)
Rose, Sydney A. (Mrs.)
Beatty, A. Chester
Rosenberg, Paul
Beatty, Chester (Jr.)
Belgian-American Banking Corporation (New York)
Gaffé, René
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Belien, Henri
Bellanger, Albert
Benatov (Paris)
Huguette Berès (Paris)
Berkshire Art Center (Canaan, New York)
Bernheim, Gaston
Bernheim-Jeune & Cie (Paris)
Dauberville-Bernheim Jeune
Rosenberg, Paul
Bevan, Jeanne Marie
Rosenberg, Paul
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Abraham L. Bienstock (New York)
Reiss, Richard
Rosenberg, Paul
Davis, Helen M.
Delson, Robert
Delson, Levin & Gordon (New York)
Abraham L. Bienstock (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rothschild, Maurice de (baron)
Blaffer, Robert Lee
Block, Leigh B.
Boecop, de (baronne)
Rosenberg, Paul
Bondanini, M. (Madame)
Reichenbach, François
Kent-Bragaline, Inc. (New York)
Indemnity Marine Insurance Company Limited (Paris)
Commission du 4ème Centenaire de Sao-Paulo (San Paulo, Brazil)
La Capitale, agence d'assurances (Paris)
Brody, Frances
Rosenberg, Paul
Bronfman, Allan
Brooklyn Museum (New York)
Brooks Memorial Art Gallery (Memphis, Tennessee)
Clark, Louise B.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Bührle, Emile
Rosenberg, Paul
Drack, Walter [miniature black/white photograph]
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Industrie und Handelsbank Zürich AG. (Zurich)
Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik Oerlikon Bührle & Co. (Zurich)
Rothschild, Maurice de (baron)
Kunsthaus (Zurich)
Wehrli, R.
Bache & Co. (New York)
Bevan, Jeanne Marie

View PDF of folder II.H.2.a

II.H.2.b B Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, PR handwritten drafts of replies, invoices, receipts, detailed lists of pictures, bank notices, remittances; also includes copy of third-party correspondence; a museum gift receipt; one news clipping; one miniature black/white photograph; one black-ground photostat interpositive.

Bakwin, Ruth M.
Rosenberg, Paul
Barbee, Stanley N.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Bareiss, Walter
Barret-Décap, Maurice
Rosenberg, Paul
Bazin, Germain
Musée du Louvre. Peintures et Dessins. (Paris)
Beatty, A. Chester
Rosenberg, Paul
Bekins Van and Storage Company (San Francisco, California)
Magnin, Grover A.
Bellanger, Albert
Rosenberg, Paul
Benatov (Paris)
Bernard, Georges (Madame)
Berro, G.
Galeria de Arte Berro (Montevideo, Uruguay)
Bethencourt, P
Reiss, Richard
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P. (Mrs.)
Bienstock, Abraham L.
Robbins, Melvin C.
Bliss (Mrs.)
Block, Leigh B.
Rosenberg, Paul
Bondanini, M. (Madame)
Musée de l'Athénée (Geneva)
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, Massachusetts)
Alexander, Janice
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Baron, Richard
Rosenberg, Paul
Braque, Georges
Brusset, Jean Paul
Michel, Michel Georges
Bührle, Emile
Drack, Walter
Burden, William A.M.
Industrie und Handelsbank Zürich AG. (Zurich)
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.H.2.b

II.H.3 W. S. Budworth

Outgoing office copy of detailed PR & Co correspondence, especially shipping instructions to their transport agents.

W.S. Budworth & Son (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]

II.H.4 C Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices, remittances and receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices, detailed lists of pictures and receipts; also includes copy of third-party correspondence.

Callery, Mary
Cailleux, expert (Paris)
Cameron, R.
Carnegie Institute (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
Fell, C.P.
National Gallery of Canada. Board of Trustees. (Ottawa, Canada)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Washburn, Gordon Bailey
Carnegie Institute, Department of Fine Arts (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
Casey, Maie
Musée National d'Art Moderne (Paris)
Vienne, Gabrielle
Rosenberg, Paul
French Line, Compagnie Générale Transatlantique (New York)
F.L. Kraemer & Co., Custom Brokers (New York)
Musée National d'Art Moderne (Paris)
Cassou, Jean
Rosenberg, Paul
Castaing, Madeleine
Cézanne Memorial Committee (New York)
Rewald, John
Rosenberg, Paul
Charlet, Blanche
Cincinnati Modern Art Society (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Rathbone, Perry T.
City Art Museum (St. Louis, Missouri)
Rosenberg, Paul
Steinberg, Etta E.
Cleveland Museum of Art (Cleveland, Ohio)
Francis, Henry S.
Milliken, William M.
Rosenberg, Paul
Coe, Ralph M.
Colin, Ralph F. [re:fakes]
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Consulate General of France (New York)
Conzett & Huber (Zurich)
Herzer, A.E.
Cooper, Douglas
Rosenberg, Paul
Corcoran Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
McCall, Jane F.
Harry W. Allers (Baltimore, Maryland)
Universal Lithographers Inc. (Baltimore, Maryland)
Williams, Hermann (Jr.)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rattner, Abraham
Cranbrook Academy of Art, Museum (Bloomfield Hills, Michigan)
Cummings, Nathan
Rosenberg, Paul
California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
Howe, Thomas C. (Jr.)
Städtisches Museum (Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Germany)
Dirksen (Dr.)
Cameron, Roderick
Catherwood, Cummins
Charlet, Blanche
J. Chenue, Fine Art Packer (London)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Rosenberg, Edmond
City Art Museum (St. Louis, Missouri)
Rathbone, Perry T.
Cleveland Museum of Art (Cleveland, Ohio)
Francis, Henry S.
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts (Columbus, Ohio)
Combs, Tram
Cummings, Nathan
United States Office of Public Information. Headquarters of the Far East Command. (Washington, D.C.)
Musée National d'Art Moderne (Paris)
Matsukata, Kojiro
Cummings, Nathan

II.H.5 Consignments Incoming

Office copy of outgoing PR & Co receipts and lists of pictures.

Barbee, Stanley N.
Knaths, Karl
Mintz, Raymond

II.H.6 Consignments Outgoing

Office copy of outgoing APR & Co memorandum invoices and lists of pictures; also includes historical description of Corot, "Woman with Large Hat".

Milwaukee-Downer College, Department of Art (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (Philadelphia)
Museum of Fine Arts (Houston, Texas)
Cleveland Institute of Art (Cleveland, Ohio)
Block, Leigh B.
Denver Art Museum (Denver, Colorado)
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Contemporary Arts Association (Houston, Texas)
Bayonne Jewish Community Center (Bayonne, New Jersey)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio)
University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa, Alabama)
Musée National d'Art Moderne (Paris)
Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)
Florida Gulf Coast Art Center (Clearwater, Florida)
Intercultural Publications Inc. (New York)
Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)
Cranbrook Academy of Art (Bloomfield Hills, Michigan)
Cincinnati Modern Art Society (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Guild Hall (East Hampton, New York)
Los Angeles County Fair Assoc. (Pomona, California)
Dennis Art Center (Denis, Massachusetts)
Berkshire Art Center (Canaan, New York)
Museum of Art (Ogunquit, Maine)
University of Wisconsin, School of Education (Madison, Wisconsin)
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Smith College Museum of Art (Northampton, Massachusetts)
Des Moines Art Center (Des Moines, Iowa)
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Smithsonian Institution (Washington, D.C.)
Spaeth, Otto
Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio)
St. Olaf College, Department of Art (Northfield, Minnesota)
National Academy of Design (New York)
M.H. de Young Museum (San Francisco)
State University of Iowa, School of Fine Arts (Iowa City, Iowa)
Reves, Emery
Brooklyn Museum (New York)
Congress for Jewish Culture, Art Center (New York)
Odom, Jamie
Walker Art Institute (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Carnegie Institute (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
University of Florida, College of Architecture and Applied Art (Gainesville, Florida)
Norfolk Museum of Art (Norfolk, Virginia)
Rhode Island School of Design, Museum (Providence, Rhode Island)
New School of Social Research (New York)
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Brooks Memorial Art Gallery (Memphis, Tennessee)
University of Illinois, Department of Art (Urbana, Illinois)
University of Michigan, Museum of Art (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Great Neck Education Association, Fine Arts Committee (Great Neck, New York)
Corcoran Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Museum of Non-Objective Painting (New York)
Sweeney, James Johnson
University of Nebraska, Art Galleries (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Norton Gallery and School of Art (West Palm Beach, Florida)
City Art Museum (St. Louis, Missouri)
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (Philadelphia)
John Herron Art Institute (Indianapolis, Indiana)
American Federation of Arts (New York)
Denver Art Museum (Denver, Colorado)
Pierre Matisse Gallery (New York)
American Federation of Arts (New York)
Seligmann, Georges
Religious Art Committee, Union Theological Seminary (New York)
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts (Columbus, Ohio)
De Cordova and Dana Museum (Lincoln, Massachusetts)
Kaufmann Art Gallery (New York)
University of Illinois, Department of Art (Urbana, Illinois)
Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)
Rattner, Abraham
Phillips, Duncan
Worcester Art Museum (Worcester, Massachusetts)
Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, Connecticut)
Florida Gulf Coast Art Center (Clearwater, Florida)
Federation of Modern Painters and Sculptors (New York)
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts (Columbus, Ohio)
Roll, Henry Baekenland
Guild Hall (East Hampton, New York)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Ritchie, Andrew C.
Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, Connecticut)
Lloyd, F.K.
Marlborough Fine Art Ltd. (London)
Barnett, James F.
McKim, William
Society of the Four Arts (Palm Beach, Florida)
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)

II.H.7 D Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including museum registrar receipts and insurance notices; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices, lists of pictures and receipts.

Dessin Incorporated (New York)
Daber, Alfred
Rosenberg, Paul
Dale, Chester
Darnetal, Roger
Eisner & Lubin (New York)
Dennis Art Center (Dennis, Massachusetts)
Denver Art Museum (Denver, Colorado)
Des Moines Art Center (Des Moines, Iowa)
Edmundson Art Foundation (Des Moines, Iowa)
Kirsch, Dwight
M.H. De Young Memorial Museum (San Francisco)
Heil, Walter
Donnelly, H.P.
Bareiss, Walter
Drinkwater & Sons, Inc. (Greenwich, Connecticut)
Dubourg, Jacques
Rosenberg, Paul
Duveen & Walker Ltd. (London)
Duveen, Ernest
Dale, Chester
National Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Davies, Hardy, Schenck & Soons (New York)
Durand, Harrison F.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Hines, Ralph J. [estate of]
Rosenberg, Paul
Davis, Norman
De Cordova and Dana Museum (Lincoln, Massachusetts)
Delas-Guerin, L.
Denver Art Museum (Denver, Colorado)
Bach, Otto Karl
Edmundson Art Foundation (Des Moines, Iowa)
Kirsch, Dwight
Des Moines Art Center (Des Moines, Iowa)
Donnelly, H.P.
Walter, Florence [for PR & Co]
Donnelly, Helen
Durand-Matthiessen S.A. (Geneva)
Durand, J.P.
Durand-Ruel (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Durand-Ruel, Charles
Duveen, Ernest

II.H.8 de Staël

Signed handwritten letters and telegrams received by PR & Co, including remittance receipts; office copy of outgoing PR correspondence, including telegrams.

Rosenberg, Paul
Morgan & Cie (Paris)
Staël, Nicolas de

II.H.9 E Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams.

Easton, Winifred
Rosenberg, Paul
Eknayan, Myran
Esnault-Peltérie, Robert
Association Française d'Action Artistique (Paris)
Bank of England (London)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Esnault-Peltérie, Robert

II.H.10 F Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including telegrams; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices and receipts; also includes one 9x11" portrait sketch in pencil.

Rosenberg, Paul
Fabiani, Martin
McMorrow, R.
Famous Artists Course (Westport, Connecticut)
Feller, I.
Feilchenfeldt, Walter (Madame)
Publishers Printing Company (New York)
Field, Sampson R.
Fifth Avenue Association Inc. (New York)
Florida Gulf Coast Art Center (Clearwater, Florida)
University of Florida, College of Architecture & Allied Arts (Gainesville, Florida)
Fogg Museum of Art, Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Frankfurter, Alfred
Art News (New York)
French Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Inc. (New York)
Frick Art Reference Library (New York)
Friedman, Charles
Fritsche, G.H.
Syndicat des Antiquaires et Négociants en Tableaux (Paris)
Fifth Avenue Association (New York)
McKim, William
Society of the Four Arts (Palm Beach, Florida)
Foy, Byron
Freeman, Stanley M.
French Cable Company (New York)
French Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Inc. (New York)
Fukushima, Shigetaro
Fuller, Alvan T.

II.H.11 French Government

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including official donation receipts and printed invitations; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including lists of pictures.

Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
République Française. Office des Changes. Bureaux des Contentieux et
des Apurements Spéciaux. (Paris)
Poher, Claude
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Edmond
République Française. Ministère de l' Éducation Nationale. Direction Générale des Arts et des Lettres. (Paris)
Consulat Général de France à New York
Lagarde, Jean de
Rosenberg, Paul
Messières, René de
Huisman, George
Rosenberg, Paul

II.H.12 Frenkel & Co.

Signed typescript letters received by PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR & Co correspondence, including list of paintings and printed forms, compiled.

Frenkel & Co., Inc. (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Bührle, Emile
Golschmann, Vladimir
Reves, Emery
Staël, Nicolas de
Kunsthaus (Zurich)
Wehrli, R.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft. Kunsthaus. (Zurich)
Triumph Agency Limited (Montreal, Canada)
Financial Controller and Special Disbursing Agent in the United States For the Republic of France. (Washington, D.C.)
République Française. Ministère de l' Éducation Nationale. Direction des Musées de France. (Paris)
Lloyd, F.K.

II.H.13 G Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices, receipts and lists of pictures; also contains three black-ground photostat interpositives.

Rosenberg, Paul
Gaffé, René
Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouot (Paris)
Gerson, Otto (Mrs.)
Société Auxiliaire des Expositions du Palais des Beaux-Arts (Brussels)
Giron, Robert
Rosenberg, Paul
Goldschmidt, Jakob
Golschmann, Vladimir
Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra (Saint Louis, Missouri)
Goodwin, Philip L.
Goodyear, A. Conger
Great Bear Spring Company (New York)
Great Neck Education Association, Fine Arts Committee (Great Neck, New York)
Great Neck Storage Company, Inc. (Great Neck, New York)
Paley, William S.
Goodyear, A. Conger
Whitney, John Hay
Wolf, Stanley J.
Griffin, J. Hollis
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Time Incorporated (New York)
Grover, Allen
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (New York)
Guild Hall (East Hampton, New York)
Gaffé, René
Gaffé, Jane
Frappart, A.
Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouot (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Galerie Pierre (Paris)
Gershwin, Arthur
Gitterman, J.L. (Jr.)
Glass, Robert R.
Gieure, Maurice
La Diffusion Française (Paris)
Giron, Robert
Société Auxiliaire des Expositions du Palais des Beaux-Arts (Brussels)
Gourgaud, Eva (baroness)
Greenhill, Annabelle
Lukas, Anthony F.
Guild Hall (East Hampton, New York)
Glass, Robert R.
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.H.13

II.H.14 H Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts.

Hanley, T.E.
Dalzell Hatfield Galleries (Los Angeles)
Verhoust, Carolus
William Heinemann (The Hague, Netherlands)
Barr, Alfred H. (Jr.)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Helm, MacKinley
Rosenberg, Paul
Hergerhausen, Lore
Hermanos, M.L.
Hoken, Edwin
Holm, Julia
Hoppenot, Henri
Délégation Française auprès des Nations Unies (New York)
Contemporary Arts Association (Houston, Texas)
Museum of Fine Arts (Houston, Texas)
Malone, Lou H.B.
Musée des Beaux Arts (Berne)
Rosenberg, Paul
Huisman, Georges
Rosenberg, Edmond
Hunyady, Imre
Talleyrand, de (marchioness)
Haas, René
Arthur Lénars & Cie (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Haas, Walter A. (Mrs.)
Hanley, T.E.
Hanna, Leonard C. (Jr.)
Harkness, Marshall (Mrs.)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Harriman, W. Averell (Mrs.)
Haupt, Ira (Mrs.)
Hearst, Jack (Mrs.)
Helm, MacKinley
Rosenberg, Paul
Heydt, E. van der
Hill, Jerome
Hillman Periodicals (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Lachenal, François
Holbeing Publishing Company Ltd. (Basel)

II.H.15 Hartley Estate

Signed typescript letter and printed invoice forms, compiled, received by PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, all remittances, lists of pictures and receipts for sales and consignments; also includes one handwritten memorandum.

Chidsey, G. Allen
Hartley, Marsden [estate of]
Lincoln Warehouse Corporation (New York)
Gallup, Donald
Yale University Library (New Haven, Connecticut)
City Bank Farmers Trust Company (New York)
A.P. Rosenberg & Co., Inc. (New York)

II.H.16 I Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and lists of pictures.

Roos, Frank J. (Jr.)
University of Illinois, College of Fine and Applied Arts (Urbana, Illinois)
Intercultural Publications Inc. (New York)
Freelander, Ronald
Harper, Earl E.
State University of Iowa, School of Fine Arts (Iowa City, Iowa)
McNeil, Edward B.
University of Illinois, College of Fine and Applied Arts (Urbana, Illinois)
Hogan, James Denton
Donovan, C.V.
Perlman, Raymond
Im Oberstag, Charles
Rosenberg, Paul

II.H.17 J Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegram, invoices and receipts.

James, Oliver B.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Jardot, Maurice
Rosenberg, Paul
Escritório da Comissão do IV Centenário de São Paulo (São Paulo, Brazil)
Jaretzki, Alfred (Jr.)
Congress for Jewish Culture, Art Center (New York)
Josten, W.
Jaffe, William B.
James, Oliver B.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
John Herron Art Institute (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Parks, Robert O.
Johnston, George
Jonas, H. Harris (Mrs.)

II.H.18 K Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including registrar receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts.

Kahn, Gilbert W.
Rosenberg, Paul
Kramarsky, Siegfried
Kunsthaus (Zurich)
Wehrli, R.
Kunstkreis-Verlag (Lucerne)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Whitney, John Hay
Kaufmann Art Gallery (New York)
Kende, Herbert
Kende Galleries (New York)
Braque, George
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Wunderlich, Margaret
Kennedy & Company (Kennedy Galleries) (New York)
Kook, Edward
Century Lighting Inc. (New York)
F.L. Kraemer & Co., Customs Brokers (New York)

II.H.19 W. R. Keating

Signed typescript letters received by PR & Co, especially printed shipping notices and customs forms, compiled; office copy of outgoing PR & Co correspondence, especially lists of pictures, shipping instructions and consignment invoices.

United States Customs Service (New York)
W.R. Keating & Company (New York)
Reeves, Emery
Bührle, Emile
Kunsthaus (Zurich)
Foreign Service of the United States (Geneva)
Ferrero, Roger
Galerie Georges Moos (Geneva)
Kunsthaus (Zurich)
National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa, Canada)
Hirsch, Robert von
Alex Reid & Lefèvre (London)
Reichenbach, François
Lloyd, F.K.

II.H.20 Karl Knaths

Signed handwritten letters, lists of paintings and transport notices received by APR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including remittances and consignment memoranda.

Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Knaths, Karl
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Railway Express Agency (New York)

II.H.21 L Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including consignment memoranda, shipping notices, receipts, invoices and printed consular and customs forms, compiled; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, shipping instructions, invoice and receipts; also includes discussion of PR-Marie Laurencin Power-of-attorney arrangements.

Rosenberg, Paul
LaBeaume, Louis
Landsberg, A. Clinton
Laroche, Jacques
Rosenberg, Paul
Laurencin, Marie
Laurens, Charles
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Museum of Art (Ogunquite, Maine)
Lavanchy & Co. Ltd, International Forwarding Agents (Lausanne)
Le Corbusier (Charles- Édouard Jeanneret-Gris)
Musée National d'Art Moderne (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Tom Lee, Ltd. (New York)
D. Lisner & Co. (New York)
Kislik, Louis
Haas, René
Arthur Lénars & Cie (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Office des Changes (Paris)
Léonardi, M.P. de
Lewisohn, Margaret
Van Diemen-Lilienfeld Galleries (New York)
Logan, Joshua L.
Sheets, Millard
Los Angeles County Fair Association (Pomona, California)
Lowenthal, Milton
Julius Lowy, Inc. (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Ludgin, Earle
Lurcy, Georges
Lüscher & Cie (Basel)
Rosenberg, Paul
Lutz, Josef
Jullian, René
Musée des Beaux-Arts (Lyon)
Langbert, Thomas H.
Laroche, Jacques
Rosenberg, Paul
Lasker, Mary
Laurencin, Marie
[Léger, Alexis]
Lawson, Helen
Arpels, Jacques
Haas, René
Arthur Lénars & Cie (Paris)
Paul Pétridès (Paris)
Léonardi, M.P. de
Rosenberg, Paul
Lipschitz, Jacques
Le Corbusier (Charles- Édouard Jeanneret-Gris)
Haas, René
Arthur Lénars & Cie (Paris)
Loeb, Pierre
Galerie Pierre (Paris)
Valentiner, William
Los Angeles County Museum (Los Angeles)
République Française. Ministère de l' Éducation Nationale. Direction des
Musées de France. (Paris)
Salles, G.
Rosenberg, Paul
Frenkel & Co., Inc. (New York)
Bazin, Germain
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Musée de l'Orangerie des Tuileries (Paris)
F.L. Kraemer & Co. (New York)
Express Transport Ltd (Paris)
Bazin, Germain
Rosenberg, Paul
Sterling, Charles
Lombard, Alfred
Julius Lowy, Inc. (New York)
Lukas, Anthony F.
Lurcy, Georges
Lüscher & Cie (Basel)

View PDF of folder II.H.21

II.H.22 M Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts and consignment memoranda; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices and receipts; also includes copy of third-party correspondence and reference to PR company records from the 1930s.

Madeira, Louis C (IV)
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
Galerie Maeght (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Magnin, Grover A.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Magriel, Paul
Maison Maquet (Paris)
Maritime Anchor Club (New York)
Marlborough Fine Art Ltd. (London)
Lloyd, F.K.
Fischer, H.R.
Rosenberg, Paul
Martin, Cozer F.
Germantown Academy (Philadelphia)
Marx, Samuel A.
Durand-Matthiessen S.A. (Geneva)
Durand-Matthiessen, J.P.
Matignon Art Galleries Inc. (New York)
Pierre Matisse Gallery Corp. (New York)
Matisse, Pierre
Matsukata, Gisaburo
Matsukata, Masahiro
Matsumoto, Shigeharu
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
McNeil, Edward B.
Barnett, James F.
Meridan Gravure Company (Meridan, Connecticut)
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Meyer, Maurice-E.
Carlos Soler y Monsalvo, abogado (Madrid)
Meyer et Mercier, avocats (Lausanne)
Miedl, Aloïs
Rosenberg, Paul
Michelson, Leo
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Molyneux, Edward
Morgan & Cie (Paris)
Morgan Grenfell & Co. Limited (London)
The Museum of Modern Art. Membership Committee. (New York)
Macdonald, Ranald H.
The Museum of Modern Art. Registrar. (New York)
Dudley, Dorothy H.
Ritchie, Andrew C.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Barr, Alfred H. (Jr.)
Myrer, Raymond L.
McIlhenny, Henry P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Magnin, Grover A.
Crocker First National Bank (San Francisco)
National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (New York)
Noble, Edward J.
Marcus, Betty B.
Marcus, Stanley
Maremont, Arnold
Markson, Robert
Lloyd, F.K.
Marlborough Fine Art, Ltd. (London)
Marx, Samuel A.
Rosenberg, Paul
Matisse, Henri
Matisse, Pierre
Mayor, F.H.
Mayor Gallery Ltd. (London)
McCausland, Elizabeth
Chidsey, G. Alan
Walker, Hudson D.
Goodrich, Lloyd
Merrill, Lynch, Pierce (New York)
Hale, Robert
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Meyer, Maurice-E.
Michelson, Leo
Rosenberg, Paul
University of Michigan, Museum of Art (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Milwaukee-Downer College, Department of Art (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
Morris, Herbert C.
Mudd, H.C. (Mrs.)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
The Museum of Modern Art. Registrar. (New York)
Dudley, Dorothy H.
Ritchie, Andrew C.
Barr, Alfred H. (Jr.)
Rosenberg, Paul
The Museum of Modern Art. Membership Committee. (New York)
Macdonald, Ranald H.
McCray, Porter A.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Tillet, Elizabeth
Pelles, Geraldine
Parkinson, E. Bliss (Mrs.)
Robinson, Edward G.
Keppel, Charles T.
Myrer, Raymond L.

View PDF of folder II.H.22

II.H.23 Raymond Mintz

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including lists of pictures, remittances and consignment memoranda; also includes copy of third-party correspondence.

Rosenberg, Paul
Clark, Stephen C.
Taylor, Davidson
Herring, H. Lawrence
Mellon, Gertrud A.
Vogel, Irving H.
The Museum of Modern Art. Picture Lending Department. (New York)
Taylor, Davidson
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Clark, Stephen C.
Herring, H. Lawrence
Mintz, Raymond
Mellon, Gertrud A.
Vogel, Francis
Mellon, Matthew
Clark, Stephen C.
Taylor, Davidson
Rockefeller, Nelson A.
Mintz, Raymond
Herring, Lawrence H.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Washburn, Gordon Bailey
Carnegie Institute, Department of Fine Arts (Pittsburgh)

II.H.24 N Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including banking notices and receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, consignment memoranda, invoices, receipts and banking instructions.

National City Bank of New York (New York)
Jacques O'Hana Ltd. (London)
Reber, G.F.
Weiller, Paul Louis
Boesiger, W.
Gaffé, René
National Academy of Design (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
E.J. van Wisselingh & Co. (Amsterdam)
The National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Shepard, Katharine
James, Macgill
National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa, Canada)
McCurry, H.O.
University of Nebraska Art Galleries (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Neuberger, Roy
Neuman, Betty
Neumann, Morton G.
Rosenberg, Paul
Newberry, John S. (Jr.)
New School of Social Research (New York)
New York City Police Department (New York)
Norfolk Museum of Art (Norfolk, Virginia)
Palm Beach Art League (West Palm Beach, Florida)
Norton Gallery and School of Art (West Palm Beach, Florida)
Poland, Reginald
The National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Campbell, William P.
Walker, John
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Naef, Hans
Neuberger, Roy
Newberry, John S. (Jr.)
New York Times, Neediest Case Fund (New York)
Norton Gallery and School of Art (West Palm Beach, Florida)
Poland, Reginald

II.H.25 O Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence.

Hamilton, Chloe
Dudley Peter Allen Memorial Art Museum (Oberlin, Ohio)
Odom, Jamie
Ohana Gallery (London)
O'Hana, Jacques
Paul Rosenberg, éditeur (Paris)
Sherman, Hoyt L.
Ohio State University, Visual Demonstration Center (Columbus, Ohio)
Oury, François

II.H.26 P Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including acknowledgement of donation, invoices and receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices, receipts and consignment memoranda.

Pan-American Photo Services (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Pappenheimer, Louis B.
Pappenheimer, Ralph
Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Goetz, Oswald
Arpels, Jacques
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (Philadelphia)
Frazer, Joseph T. (Jr.)
Vytlacil, Vaclav
Perls Gallery (New York)
Goldsmith, Herman C.
Paul Pétridès (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
Marceau, Henri
Zieget, Julius
Kimball, Fiske
Rosenberg, Paul [PR Rodin cast "purchased in 1946"]
Phillips, Duncan
Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Poher, Claude R.
Smithsonian Institution (Washington, D.C.)
Porter, Edith
Lenox Hill Station Post Office (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Publishers Printing Company (New York)
Field, Sampson R.
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (Philadelphia)
Esnault-Peltérie, Robert
Pétridès, Paul
Rosenberg, Paul
Phillips, Duncan

II.H.27 Purchases

Signed handwritten and typescript annotated and labeled notes, letters and bank notices and exchange receipts, as accumulated by PR and APR during buying tours; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co remittances; handwritten lists of "purchases in Europe/1953" and "bought in Europe 1952".

Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Staël, Nicolas de
Staël, Françoise de
Office des Changes (Paris)
Reber, G.F.
Ohana Gallery (London)
Bareiss, Walter
Morgan & Cie (Paris)
Staël, Nicolas de
Rheims, Maurice
Fabiani, Martin
Staël, Nicolas de
Sinclair, Robert
Maître Maurice Rheims, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Fabiani, Martin
Bernard Rosenthal, tableaux modernes (Paris)
Galerie Rosengart (Lucerne)
Reichenbach, François
Galerie les Tourettes S.A. (Basel)
Walter, W.
Société Quatre-Chemins - Éditart (Paris)
Dortu, M.G.
Cailleux, expert-conseil (Paris)
Marlborough Fine Art Ltd. (London)
Bareiss, Walter
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
E.J. van Wisselingh & Co., Kunsthandelaren (Amsterdam)
De Jong, J.
Morgan & Cie (Paris)
Molyneux, Edward
Bellanger, Albert
Survage, Germaine
Matignon Art Galleries (New York)
Dutilleul, Roger
Charlet, B.
Alex Reid & Lefèvre, Ltd. (London)
Arthur Tooth & Sons, Ltd. (London)
Kann, Alphonse [estate of]
Swiss Bank Corporation (Zurich)
Giorgini, George Schiff
Galerie Maeght (Paris)
Maeght, Aimé
Duveen, Ernest
Rosenberg & Helft Ltd. (London)
Easton, Winifred
Thos. Agnew & Sons, Ltd. (London)
Sinclair, Robert
Feilchenfeldt, Walter
Kann, Alphonse [estate of]
Galerie Marigny (Paris)
Schick, G.A.
Morgan & Cie (Paris)
Étienne Ader, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Braque, Georges
Jacques Dubourg (Paris)
Magriel, Paul

View PDF of folder II.H.27

II.H.28 Payments to Artists

Office copy of outgoing PR & Co remittances.

Knaths, Karl
Rattner, Abraham
Chidsey, G. Alan
Hartley, Marsden [estate of]
Mintz, Raymond
Weber, Max

II.H.29 R Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including printed and compiled consular forms, payments and receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, remittances, invoices and receipts; numerous handwritten draft notes for replies by PR.

Compagnie Radio-France (Paris)
Raykis, Vl.
Galerie Zak (Paris)
RCA, Western Union, Central Registration Bureau (New York)
RCA Communications, Inc. (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Reber, G.F.
Rosenberg, Paul
Lavanchy & Co Ltd (Lausanne)
Reichenbach, François
Rosenberg, Paul
Popovich (Mademoiselle)
Musées de Reims (Reims)
Reinhart, Oskar
Reves, Emery
Rosenberg, Paul
Rewald, John
Cézanne Memorial Committee (New York)
Rhode Island School of Design, Museum of Art (Providence)
Schwarz, Heinrich
Ring, Gustave
Rosenberg, Paul
Rockefeller, David
Rockefeller, John D. (III)
Rodgers, Richard (Mrs.)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosengard, Siegfried
Rosenberg, Paul
Galerie Rosengart (Lucerne)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosewood Fabric Corporation (New York)
Ross, Walter
Rosenberg, Paul
Moser, Jean
Rothschild, Maurice de (baron)
Abraham L. Bienstock, Law Offices (New York)
Reiss, Richard
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rothschild, Maurice de (baron)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rousseau, Theodore
Rüdlinger, A.
Kunsthalle (Bern)
Ryan, John Berry
Compagnie Radio-France (Paris)
Reber, G.F.
Reber-Sander, Erma
Reichenbach, François
Rosenberg, Paul
Alex Reid & Lefevre, Ltd. (London)
Corcoran, Gerald
Peploe, Willy
Rosenberg, Paul
Remington-Rand Inc. (New York)
Robinson, Edward G.
Rockefeller, Nelson D.
Roll, Henry Baekeland
Romulus Films Ltd (London)
Rosen, Israel
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg & Helft Ltd. (London)
Foreign Service of the United States of America (London)
Easton, Winifred
Rouault, I.
Rosenberg, Paul

II.H.30 Rattner, Abraham

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including remittances and consignment memoranda; also includes a drawing within the text of a letter from Rattner to PR: see Special collections folders.

Rattner, Esther
Rattner, Abraham
Walters, Florence
University of Illinois, College of Fine and Applied Arts (Urbana, Illinois)
Blai, Boris
Stella Elkins Tyler School of Fine Arts of Temple University (Philadelphia)
University of Illinois, College of Fine and Applied Arts (Urbana, Illinois)
Weller, Allen S.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Washington University (Saint Louis, Missouri)
Goebel, Edith
Rattner, Abraham
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
American Federation of Arts (Washington, D.C.)
Messer, Thomas M.
Rattner, Abraham
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
National Academy of Design (New York)
Clark, Eliot
Eric Schuster Co., Inc., Picture Frames (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Williams, Hermann Warner (Jr.)
Corcoran Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Brooklyn Museum (New York)
Johnson, Una E.
Grover, Allen
Time, Incorporated (New York)
Rattner, Abraham
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
N.W. Ayer & Son Inc. (Philadelphia)
Warwick, Edward W.
Rattner, Abraham [drawing in text of letter to PR: see Special collections folders.]
Rosenberg, Paul
Rattner, Abraham
McKinney, Roland
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.

II.H.31 Receipted Invoices

Office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence.

NOTE: Multiple entries exist for many among listed collectors.

Bührle, Emile
Kahn, Gilbert
Saidenberg Gallery (New York)
Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio)
Tully, Alice
Neumann, Morton G.
Pappenheimer, Ralph
Kent-Bragaline, Inc. (New York)
Barbee, Stanley N.
Publicker, Robert
Reves, Emery
Rosewood Fabric Corporation (New York)
Block, Leigh B.
Tom Lee, Ltd. (New York)
Magnin, Grover A.
Weller, Allen S.
City Art Museum (St. Louis, Missouri)
Marx, Samuel A.
Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
San Francisco Museum of Art (San Francisco)
Auchincloss, B.C.
Bookhouse (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)
Newberry, John S. (Jr.)
Saidman, Victor
Hanley, T.E.
Publishers Printing Company (New York)
Griffin, J. Hollis
Wolf, Stanley J.
James, Oliver B.
Tyson, Carroll S.
Van Diemen-Lilienfeld Galleries (New York)
Stern, Louis E.
Porter, Edith
Walker, Herschel Carey
Ryan, John Barry
Ring, Gustave
Kramarsky, Siegfried
Myrer, Raymond L.
Goodwin, Philip L.
Jaretzki, Alfred (Jr.)
Perls Gallery (New York)
Edmundson Art Foundation (Des Moines, Iowa)
Norton Gallery & School of Art (West Palm Beach, Florida)
Hirsch, Robert von
Martin, Crozer F.
Germantown Academy (Philadelphia)
Hill, Jerome
Vogel, Irving H.
Langbert, Thomas H.
Freeman, Stanley M.
Hirsch, Robert von (Mrs.)
McNeil, Edward B.
University of Illinois, College of Fine and Applied Arts (Urbana, Illinois)
Jonas, H. Harris (Mrs.)
Hillman Periodicals (New York)
Lurcy, Georges
Dale, Chester
National Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Lasker, Albert (Mrs.)
Bareiss, Walter
Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, Connecticut)
Roll, Henry Baekeland
Simon, Leo (Mrs.)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Sandler, Ted
Matthiessen-Durand S.A. (Geneva)
Hanna, Leonard C. (Jr.)
Burden, William A.M.
Phillips, Duncan

View PDF of folder II.H.31

II.H.32 S Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, consignment memoranda, invoices and receipts; also includes one small black/white photo greeting card and one color reproduction of Kandinsky work, publicity for a Munich gallery.

Saidenberg Gallery (New York)
Présidence de l'Assemblée de l'Union Française (Versailles)
Sandbloom, Ph.
San Francisco Museum of Art (San Francisco)
Baker, Katharine
Schick, Georges A.
Rosenberg, Paul
Seidman, Victor
Arnold Seligmann-Helft Corp. (New York)
Falkenstein, Henry
Selz, Frank (Mrs.)
Babbin, Jacqueline
Irene M. Selznick Company (New York)
Serger, Frederic (Mrs.)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Éditions d'Art Albert Skira (Geneva)
Rosenberg, Paul
Field, Earleen
Skira Inc., Publishers (New York)
Skira, Albert
Rosenberg, Paul
Sloan, J. Seymour
Smith College Museum of Art (Northampton, Massachusetts)
Hitchcock, Henry Russell
Spaeth, Otto Lucien
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Stern, Louis E.
E. Lasry & Company (New York)
Sternheim, Théa
Brown Brothers & Harriman (New York)
Museum of Non-Objective Painting (New York)
Sweeney, James J.
Olmstead, Anna Wetherill
Syracuse Museum of Fine Arts (Syracuse, New York)
Sachs, Paul J.
Salles, Georges
Rosenberg, Paul
Sandler, Ted
Seligmann, Georges
Simon, Charles
Simon, Leo
Columbia Pictures Corporation (New York)
Spingold, Nate B.
Rosenberg, Paul
Sprayregen, Morris
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Stangl, Otto
Moderne Galerie (Munich)
United States Department of State. International Information Administration. (Washington, D.C.)
Hall, Ardelia R.
Sternheim, Théa
Stirlin, H.R.
Strauss-Ignace, Jules
Roche, Serge
Loyer, Maurice
Syndicat National des Antiquaires Négociants en Objets d'Art, Tableaux Anciens et Modernes (Paris)

View PDF of folder II.H.32

II.H.33 T Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including printed and compiled customs invoice; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, consignment memoranda, invoices and receipts; also contains one black/white printed catalog reproduction of Picasso picture.

Tamayo, Olga
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Tamayo, Rufino
Rosenberg, Paul
Allen, Ronald
Tate Gallery (London)
Rosenberg, Paul
Tischler, Kenneth
Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio)
Godwin, Blake-More
Rosenberg, Paul
Wittmann, Otto (Jr.)
Art Gallery of Toronto (Toronto, Canada)
Baldwin, Martin
Hulme, George
Rosenberg, Paul
Tyson, Carroll S. (Jr.)
Tamayo, Olga
Tamayo, Rufino
Tate Gallery (London)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg & Helft (London)
LeRoux, L.S.
Thacher, John S.
Harvard University. Dumbarton Oaks Library. (Washington, D.C.)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Bliss (Mrs.)
Bland, Elizabeth
Thibault (inspecteur)
Police Judiciaire (Paris)
Tisné, Pierre
Rosenberg, Paul
Éditions Pierre Tisné (Paris)
Arthur Tooth & Sons (London)
Tooth, Dudley W.
Foreign Service of the United States of America (London)
Ryder, George William
Tournon, Robert
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.

II.H.34 Trips - Correspondence

Telegrams and handwritten letters sent by PR and APR to PR & Co; office copy of outgoing correspondence to PR and APR abroad, including reports and accounting; also includes copy of incoming correspondence from third parties, forwarded to PR abroad.

Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Bevan, Jeanne Marie

II.H.35 U V Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including invoices; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams.

United States Post Office (New York)
E.J. van Wisselinghe & Co., Kunsthandelaren (Amsterdam)
de Jong, Jan
Rosenberg, Paul
Vanderbilt, Cornelius (Jr.)
Vogel, Edwin C.
Hirsch, Robert von
Union Theological Seminary. Religious Art Committee. (New York)
Vogel, Irving H.
Rosenberg, Paul
Vogel, Francis
Galerie Alex Vömel (Dusseldorf)
Hirsch, Robert von
Hirsch, Robert von (Madame)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
von Ripper, Rudolph C.
Rosenberg, Paul
Villers, Gaston de

II.H.36 W Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including an affidavit with certified signature, museum registrar receipts and copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices, consignment memoranda and receipts.

Rosenberg, Paul
Cunningham, Charles
Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, Connecticut)
Wahren, Uno
Rosenberg, Paul
Walker Art Center (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Walker, Herschel Carey
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Weil, André
Rosenberg, Paul
Galerie André Weil (Paris)
Matignon Art Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Weill, Paul
Rosenberg, Edmond
Weiller, Paul-Louis
The National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Walker, John
Weinberg, W.
Weller, Allen S.
University of Illinois, College of Fine and Applied Arts (Urbana, Illinois)
Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)
Wijsenbeek, L.J.F.
Gemeentemuseum ('S-Gravenhage, Netherlands)
University of Wisconsin. School of Education. (Madison, Wisconsin)
Wolf, Stanley J.
Stout, George L.
Worcester Art Museum (Worcester, Massachusetts)
Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, Connecticut)
Cunningham, C.C.
Warner, Keith
Weil, André
Rosenberg, Paul
Weil, Charles
Weill, Paul
Gaffé, René
Rosenberg, Edmond
Rosenberg, Paul
Weiller, Paul-Louis
Weller, Allen S.
Établissements Pottier (Paris)
Wertheimer, O.
Weyhe Art Books (New York)
Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)
Wolf, Stanley J.
Worcester Art Museum (Worcester, Massachusetts)
Wunderlich, Herman (Mrs.)
Kennedy Galleries, Inc. (New York)

View PDF of folder II.H.36

II.H.37 Weber, Max

Handwritten list [MW] of paintings, and telegram received by PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegram, remittances and consignment memorandum.

Abrams, Marjorie
Iowa State College, WOI-TV (Ames, Iowa)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Weber, Max

II.H.38 X Y Z Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including list of photographs; office copy of outgoing PR reply.

Raykis, Vladimir
Galerie Zak (Paris)
Boesigner, W.
Éditions Cahiers d'Art (Paris)
Zervos, Christian

View PDF of folder II.H.38


Subseries II.I: PR & Co files 1954-1955

Folder Title Date
II.I.1 A Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including loan authorizations and insurance notices; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, consignment memoranda, invoices and receipts; also includes one printed leaf from publication, reproductions of Braque pictures (recto and verso).

Addison Gallery (Andover, Massachusetts)
Hayes, Bartlett (Jr.)
Etienne Ader, commissaire (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Schenck, Edgar C.
Rosenberg, Paul
Aldrich, Larry L.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Allen, Isidore
American Federation of Arts (New York)
Aetna Insurance Group (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Annenberg, Walter
Arnhold, Hans
Art et Luxe (Paris)
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Edwards, Hugh
Rich, Daniel Catton
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
McNear, Everett
Arts Club of Chicago (Chicago)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Atlanta Art Association (Atlanta, Georgia)
Avery, Milton
Rosenberg, Paul
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Schenck, Edgar C.
Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Morse, Marjorie [for PR & Co]
Howe, Beatrice
Aldrich, Larry
Messer, Thomas M.
American Federation of Arts (New York)
American Jewish Tercentenary (New York)
American Red Cross, New York Chapter (New York)
Rich, Daniel Catton
Rosenberg, Paul
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Kuh, Katharine
Haas, René
Schniewind, Carl O.
Art News (New York)
Frankfurter, Alfred M.
Art Students League of New York (New York)
Asch, Elinor

II.I.2 Angeli - Restorer

Signed typescript invoices, estimates and technical reports received by PR & Co; office copy of outgoing consignment memoranda.

Alberto P. Angeli, Restoration of Paintings (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)

II.I.3 B Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, lists of pictures, consignment memoranda, invoices and receipts; also includes, as letter enclosure, a half-page pencil sketch of a Bonnard picture

Babcock Galleries (New York)
Dalesio, Carmine
Bakwin, Edward
Bambust, Marie-Madeleine
Bareiss, Walter
Rose, Sidney A.
Bayonne Jewish Community Center (Bayonne, New Jersey)
Beal, James H.
Beckwith, R.D.
Contemporary Arts Establishment (Vaduz, Liechtenstein)
Bernstein, Arnold
Berrien, Martha
Berthelemy, Louis
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Berthold, Gertrude
Howard, Richard F.
Birmingham Museum of Art (Birmingham, Alabama)
Blatas, Sylvia
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Block, Leigh B.
Janis, Sidney
Blot, Jacques
Rosenberg, Paul
Bobbs, Helen Adams
Mairie de Bordeaux (Bordeaux)
Martin-Mery, G.
Simon, Matila
Centro Internazionale di Arte e di Cultura (Bordighera, Italy)
Rathbone, Perry T.
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)
School of the Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)
Bowers, A. [pencil sketch]
Bragaline, Edward A.
Brennan, Francis
Time-Life-Fortune (New York)
Brody, Sidney F.
Brooks, Romaine
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Société Auxiliaire des Expositions du Palais des Beaux-Arts (Brussels)
Giron, Robert
Bryant Sign Shop (New York)
Burden, William A.
Bührle, Emile
Olkon Research Corporation (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Busch, G.
Kunsthalle Bremen (Bremen, Germany)
Breeskin, Adelyn D.
Baltimore Museum of Art (Baltimore, Maryland)
Bankers Trust Company (New York)
Giron, Robert
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Baratte, Emile
Galeries Paul Rosenberg (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Barbee, Stanley N.
Bazin, Germain
République Française. Direction des Musées Nationaux. (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Berthold, Gertrude
Galerie Bing (Paris)
Bing-Bodmer, Henri
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Block, Leigh B.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Boecop, de (baronne)
Bores, William C.
Eaton, John David (Mrs.)
Bowdoin College Museum of Art (Brunswick, Maine)
Bradley, Harry L. (Mrs.)
Kent - Bragaline Inc. (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Braque, Georges
Sobrinho, Francisco Matarazzo
Museu de Arte Moderna (São Paulo, Brazil)
Rosenberg, Paul
Bureau de la Commission du Ive Centenaire de São Paulo (Paris)
Berrêdo Carneiro, Paulo E. de
Brochier (Lyon)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Brody, Sidney F.
Rosenberg, Paul
Brooklyn Museum (New York)
Brooks-Goddard, Romaine
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Burden, William A.M.
Bührle, Emile
Rosenberg, Paul
Drack, V.
Industrie- und Handelsbank Zürich AG. (Zurich)
Bullrich, Enrique E.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Butler Art Institute (Youngstown, Ohio)

View PDF of folder II.I.3

II.I.4 Beatty

Documentation of Chester Beatty collection sale to PR & Co: signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR, APR and PR & Co, including insurance and shipping notices; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including lists of pictures with detailed provenance data, shipping and insurance instructions, remittances instructions and bank notices; handwritten draft of APR letter.

Beatty, A. Chester
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Darley & Co. (Dublin, Ireland)
National City Bank of New York (New York)
Arbuckle, Smith & Co. Ltd. (Dublin, Ireland)
McGillycuddy, Dermot
McCarthy, Frank A.
Keating & Co. (New York)
Frenkel & Co., Inc. (New York)

View PDF of folder II.I.4

II.I.5 Budworth

Typewritten confirmation memoranda received by PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR & Co shipping and delivery instructions [Clients as per A-Z files, Receipted Invoices, Consignments - Outgoing].

W.S. Budworth & Co. (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)

II.I.6 C Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters, postcards and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, memoranda, invoices and receipts; also includes copy of third-party correspondence.

California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
Howe, Thomas C. (Jr.)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Carstairs Gallery (New York)
Sharkey, Margaret
Keller, George
Balay, Roland
Rosenberg, Paul
Chrysler, Walter P. (Jr.)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Mayglothling, William
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
[Kann, Alphonse [estate of]]
Eisendrath, William N. (Jr.)
City Art Museum of St. Louis (St. Louis, Missouri)
Nagel, Charles
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Calderwood, Jack
California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
Howe, Thomas E.
Cameron, Roderick
New York City Cancer Committee (New York)
Card, Elizabeth Paine
Rosenberg, Paul
Rugoff, Milton
Chanticleer Press (New York)
Charlet, Blanche
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Cincinnati Art Museum (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Adams, Philip R.
Rathbone, Perry T.
City Art Museum of St. Louis (St. Louis, Missouri)
Rosenberg, Paul
New York City Center Gallery (New York)
Cleveland Museum of Art (Cleveland, Ohio)
Francis, Henry Sayles
Florida Gulf Coast Art Center (Clearwater, Florida)
W.S. Budworth & Son, Inc. (New York)
Milliken, William M.
Lagarde, Jean de
Consulat Général de France (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Vienne, Gabrielle
Musée National d'Art Moderne (Paris)
Le Corbusier (Charles- Édouard Jeanneret-Gris)
Rosenberg, Paul
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Drexler, William
Johnson, Philip C.
Cummings, Nathan
Rosenberg, Paul
Cumberland Furniture Co. (New York)

II.I.7 Consignments Incoming

Outgoing office copy of PR & Co consignment memoranda.

Rattner, Abraham
Knaths, Karl
Mintz, Raymond
Tully, Alice
Publishers Printing Company (New York)
Field, Sampson

II.I.8 Consignments Outgoing

Outgoing office copy of PR & Co correspondence, mostly consignment memoranda, including detailed lists of pictures.

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (Philadelphia)
Rochester Memorial Art Gallery (Rochester, New York)
Atlanta Art Association (Atlanta, Georgia)
Walker Art Center (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Gottesman, D.S.
National Council of Jewish Women (North Essex, New Jersey)
Federation of Modern Painters and Sculptors, Inc. (New York)
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)
Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
American Federation of Arts (New York)
New School for Social Research (New York)
Galerie Maeght (Paris)
Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)
Friedland, George
American Federation of Arts (New York)
deCordova and Dana Art Museum and Park (Lincoln, Massachusetts)
Walkey, Frederick P.
Rockefeller, Nelson
Whitney, John Hay
William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art (Kansas City, Missouri)
New School for Social Research (New York)
Aldrich, Larry
Trovato, Joseph S.
Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute (Utica, New York)
Spingold, Nate B.
Mellon, Paul
American Federation of Arts (New York)
Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, New York)
Fleischman, Lawrence
Addison Gallery (Andover, Massachusetts)
Deutsch, Armand
National Institute of Arts and Letters (New York)
Jaglom, Simon
Gallery 21 (New York)
Whitney, John Hay
Hale, Robert Beverly
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Kirsch, Dwight
Des Moines Art Center (Des Moines, Iowa)
Welliver, Neil
Yale University (New Haven, Connecticut)
Luce, Henry C.
Vogel, Edwin C.
Rockefeller, David
Palmer, Fred L.
Bernstein, Arnold
Emil, Allan D.
Kirsch, Dwight
Des Moines Art Center (Des Moines, Iowa)
Simon, Matila
Centro Internazionale di Arte e di Cultura (Bordighera, Italy)
Kahn, Gilbert
Wittman, Otto (Jr.)
Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio)
Preissman, Archie
Fraser, Joseph T. (Jr.)
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (Philadelphia)
Moe, Henry Allen
John Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (New York)
Hilles, Frederick W. (Mrs.)
McFadden, Harrison (Mrs.)
Bartlett, Fred S.
Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
Kelleher, Patrick J.
William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art (Kansas City, Missouri)
Skinner, Carl
Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego (San Diego, California)
Luce, Henry C.
Nathan, Fritz
Chrysler, Walter P. (Jr.)
Weston, Harold
Federation of Modern Painters and Sculptors, Inc. (New York)
Dunn, Montfort
University of Minnesota, University Gallery (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Donovan, C.V.
College of Fine and Applied Arts, University of Illinois (Urbana, Illinois)
Elliott, James H.
Walker Art Center (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Rose, Sydney A. (Mrs.)
Bayonne Jewish Community Center (Bayonne, New Jersey)
Kelleher, Patrick J.
William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art (Kansas City, Missouri)
Smith, Russell T.
School of the Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, Massachusetts)
Marx, Carl (Mrs.)
Woods, Willis F.
Norton Gallery and School of Art (West Palm Beach, Florida)
Fagen, Abel E. (Mrs.)
Nathan, Fritz
Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)
Jaffe, William B.
Schenk, Edgar C.
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Block, Leigh B.
Peat, Wilbur D.
John Herron Art Institute (New York)
Richardson, Edgar P.
Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan)
Society of the Four Arts (Palm Beach, Florida)
Brody, Sidney F.
Schenk, Edgar C.
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Rich, Daniel Catton
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Cincinnati Art Museum (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Fagen, Abel
College of Fine and Applied Arts, University of Illinois (Urbana, Illinois)
Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio)
Vogel, Edwin C.
Art Students League of New York (New York)
New York City Center Gallery (New York)
Florida Gulf Coast Art Center (Clearwater, Florida)
Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan)
American Jewish Tercentenary (New York)
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Houston Museum of Fine Arts (Houston, Texas)
Fort Worth Art Center (Fort Worth, Texas)
Rhode Island School of Design (Providence)
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Spencer, Harold
D. Lisner & Co. (New York)
University of Miami (Coral Gables, Florida)
Bowdoin College Museum of Art (Brunswick, Maine)
American Jewish Tercentenary, Graphic Arts Exhibit (New York)
Butler Art Institute (Youngstown, Ohio)
American Federation of Arts (New York)
Church of the Ascension (New York)
Wadhams, A. Elizabeth
Walker Art Center (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
American Federation of Arts (New York)
Passedoit Gallery (New York)
Munson-William-Proctor Institute (Utica, New York)
National Academy of Design (New York)
Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan)
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Farnsworth Museum, Wellesley College (Wellesley, Massachusetts)
Web & Knapp (New York)
Holloway, Layton
Ohio University, College of Fine Arts (Athens, Ohio)
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Blai, Boris
Stella Elkins Tyler School of Fine Arts of Temple University (Philadelphia)
Florsheim, Harold
Randolph Macon Woman's College (Lynchburg, Virginia)
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond, Virginia)
Museum of Fine Arts of Houston (Houston, Texas)
Denver Art Museum (Denver, Colorado)
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
University of Nebraska, Art Galleries (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Schenectady Museum Association (Schenectady, New York)

II.I.9 D Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence.

Rosenberg, Paul
Daber, Alfred
Dale, Chester
Rosenberg, Paul
Kirsch, Dwight
Des Moines Art Center (Des Moines, Iowa)
Deutsch, Armand (Mrs.)
Dieterle, Jean
Marsan, Anna
Éditions du Dimanche (Paris)
Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouot (Paris)
Dubourg, Jacques
[Staël, Nicolas de]
Rosenberg, Paul
Daber, Alfred
Dale, Chester
Deladier, Pierre
Defrenne, E.
Denver Art Museum (Denver, Colorado)
Bach, Cile M.
Richardson, Edgar P.
Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan)
Grigaut, Paul L.
Drinkwater & Sons, Inc. (Greenwich, Connecticut)
Bareiss, Walter
Stuart, Milton (Mrs.)
Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouot (Paris)
Frappart, A.
Dubourg, Jacques
Rosenberg, Paul
Durand-Matthiessen, J.P.

II.I.10 E Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR, APR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment memoranda, invoices and receipts.

Easton, Winifred
Rosenberg, Paul
M. Harris & Sons, Antique Furniture & Works of Art (London)
Einstein, Herbert
Emil, Allan D.
Biller, Ossias
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Goetz, Philip W.
Encyclopaedia Britannica (Chicago)
Easton, Winifred
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Eaton, John David (Mrs.)
T. Eaton Co Limited Canada, Buying office (New York)
Lord Provost, City Chambers (Edinburgh)
Rosenberg, Paul
Buckle, Richard
Edinburgh Festival Society Ltd., Diaghilev Exhibition 1954 (Edinburgh)
Ehrlich, Alfred
Eilers, P.
E.J. van Wisselingh & Co., Kunsthandelaren (Amsterdam)
Ernst, Richard C.

II.I.11 F Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR, APR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment memoranda, invoices and receipts.

Art et Luxe (Paris)
Fabiani, Martin
Sontag, Arnold
Rosenberg, Paul
Fagen, Abel E.
Federation of Modern Painters & Sculptors, Inc. (New York)
Weston, Harold
Fleischman, Lawrence
Ford, Henry (II)
Caldwell, Henry B.
Fort Worth Art Center (Fort Worth, Texas)
Fraad, Daniel (Jr.)
French Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Inc. (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Frey, Jacques
Friedland, George
Fabiani, Martin
Fagen, Abel E.
Publishers Printing Company (Pound Ridge, New York)
Field, Sampson
Publishers Printing Company (New York)
Fisher, H.R.
Marlborough Fine Art Ltd. (London)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Florsheim, Harold M.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Fort Worth Art Center (Fort Worth, Texas)
Society of the Four Arts (Palm Beach, Florida)
Foy, Byron (Mrs.)
Frick Art Reference Library (New York)
Friedland, George
Fukyshima, Shigetaro
Rosenberg, Paul
Fuller, William M.

II.I.12 Frenkel & Co.

Signed typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including insurance coverage notices and notices to shipping firms; office copy of outgoing PR & Co correspondence, including detailed lists of pictures, insurance queries and instructions.

Frenkel & Co. Inc. (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
J.H. Minet & Co, Ltd. (London)
Lloyd's Underwriters (London)
Triumph Agency Limited (Montreal, Canada)

II.I.13 G Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters and telegrams received by PR, APR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, invoices and receipts.

Gabrilovitch, V.
Librairie des Quatre Chemins - Éditart (Paris)
Gangnat, Philippe
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Gimpel, Charles
Gimpel Fils (London)
Duveen, Ernest
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Gimpel, Peter
Giron, Robert
Rosenberg, Paul
Gold, Alfred
Rosenberg, Paul
Weil, Gotshal & Manges (New York)
Wolff, Jesse D.
Goldschmidt, Jakob [estate of]
Goldschmidt, A. Erwin
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Goolrick, C. O'Conor
Cheek, Leslie (Jr.)
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond, Virginia)
Gottesman, D.S.
Rosenberg, Paul
Granick, Max
Moharam, Sam
Northern Trust Company (Chicago)
Griffin, J. Hollis [estate of]
Gaffé, René
Rosenberg, Paul
Gangnat, Philippe
Rosenberg, Paul
D. Lisner & Co. (New York)
Ganz, Victor
Getlein, Frank
Gerber, René
Galerie Pro-Arte (Peseux-Neuchatel, Switzerland)
Eeckhout, Paul
Museum voor Schone Kunsten (Ghent, Belgium)
Giron, Robert
Société Auxiliaire des Expositions du Palais des Beaux-Arts (Brussels)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Goldschmidt, Jakob
Great Neck Storage Company (Great Neck, New York)
Weber, Max
Griffin, William V.
Guild Hall (East Hampton, New York)
Spaeth, Otto (Mrs.)
Galerie Gurlitt Gurlitt Verlag (Munich)
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.I.13

II.I.14 H Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including exhibition loan receipts; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment memoranda, invoices and receipts.

Huisman, Georges
République Française. Conseil d' État. (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Haftman, Werner
Hanna, Leonard C.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Harrison, McFadden (Mrs.)
Chidsey, G. Alan
Hartley, Marsden [estate of]
Hauser, Russell
Fernand Hazan, éditeur (Paris)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Baer, Jack
Hazlitt Gallery (London)
New York Heart Association, Inc. (New York)
John Herron Art Institute (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Parks, Robert O.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Hilles, Frederick W.
Greenwald, Lena
Hirshhorn, Joseph H.
Horton, Miles C. (Jr.)
Malone, Lee
Museum of Fine Arts (Houston, Texas)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Drukkerij C. Huig (Zaandam, Holland)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Huisman, Georges
République Française. Conseil d' État. (Paris)
Hahn, Stephen
Hanna, Leonard C.
Chidsey, G. Alan
Hartley, Marsden [estate of]
Rosenberg, Paul
Hatfield, Dalzell
Hermanos, M.L.
Heron, Patrick
Rosenberg, Paul
Peat, Wilbur D.
John Herron Art Institute (New York)
House of H. Heydenryk, Jr. (New York)
Hillman, Alex L.
Hirshhorn, Joseph
Hirshhorn, Walter (Mrs.)
Holloway, Layton (Mrs.)
Weber, Max
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Griffing, Robert P. (Jr.)
Honolulu Academy of Arts (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Indiana University College of Arts and Sciences (Bloomington, Indiana)
Hope, Henry R.
Rosenberg, Paul
Museum of Fine Arts of Houston (Houston, Texas)
Malone, Lee
Hudson Shipping Company, Inc. (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Huisman, Georges
Hunter, Sam
Western Printing and Lithographing Co. (New York)

II.I.15 I Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten letter received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts.

Donovan, C.V.
College of Fine and Applied Arts, University of Illinois (Urbana, Illinois)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Ittleson, Henry (Jr.)
Rosenberg, Paul

II.I.16 J Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including printed shipping receipt; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including invoices and receipts.

Jaffe, William B.
Jaglom, Marie
Jaglom, Simon
Sidney Janis Gallery (New York)
Jardot, Maurice ["M.J.'s correspondence under Picasso"]
Rosenberg, Paul
Joyce, Thomas H. (Mrs.)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.

II.I.17 K Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegram, invoices and receipts.

M. Knoedler & Co., Inc. (New York)
Kahn, Gilbert
Kraemer-Raine, Pierre
Rosenberg, Paul
Knox, Seymour H.
F.L. Kraemer & Co, Custom Brokers (New York)
Lienhard, C.
Kunstkreis (Lucerne)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.

II.I.18 Keating

Signed typescript letters received by PR & Co, especially printed shipping notices, compiled consular and customs forms; office copy of outgoing PR & Co correspondence, including lists of pictures, shipping instructions and consignment invoices.

W.R. Keating & Company (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Galerie Maeght (Paris)
Ets Lucien Lefebvre-Foinet (Paris)
Arthur Lénars & Cie (Paris)
Art et Luxe (Paris)
Arbuckle, Smith & Co. Ltd. (Dublin, Ireland)
Nathan, Fritz
Hirshhorn, Joseph
Warin, Édouard
United States Treasury Department. Bureau of Customs (New York)
Reber, G.F.
Foreign Service of the United States of America (Paris)
Haas, René
Fabiani, Martin
Pétridès (Paris)
Maurice Rheims, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Eaton, John David (Mrs.)
Staël, Nicolas de

II.I.19 Knaths

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including third-party correspondence and shipping receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including remittances and consignment receipts.

Knaths, Karl
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Dundee Designs (Louisville, Kentucky)
Kroll, Leon
National Institute of Arts and Letters (New York)
Federation of Modern Painters and Sculptors, Inc. (New York)
Weston, Harold

II.I.20 L Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence.

Lasker, Loula
Laurencin, Marie
Rosenberg, Paul
M.-P. de Léonardi, statuaire (Paris)
Lessley, Parker
Levis, William E.
deCordova and Dana (Lincoln, Massachusetts)
Walkey, Frederick P.
van Linge, A.R.
Rosenberg, Paul
Loew, David
Lombard, Alfred
Rosenberg, Paul
Bazin, Germain
Low, V. Theodore
Luce, Henry R.
Time, Incorporated (New York)
Lasker, Loula D.
Lasry, E.N.
Sternheim, Théa
Levy, David M.
United Jewish Appeal of Greater New York, Women's Division (New York)
Art for Humanity Auction (New York)
Langman, Anne Wertheim
Lewis, Eugene John
Lindon, Jacques
D. Lisner & Co. (New York)
Loeb, Henry
Rosenberg, Paul
Bazin, Germain
République Française. Ministère des l' Éducation Nationale. Direction
des Musées de France. (Paris)
Salles, Georges A.
[Gachet, Paul (fils)]
Jullian, René
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon (Lyon, France)

View PDF of folder II.I.20

II.I.21 Lénars & Cie.

Signed typescript letters received by PR & Co, including printed invoices, shipping notices, compiled consular and customs forms; office copy of outgoing PR & Co correspondence, including telegram, lists of pictures, shipping instructions and consignment memoranda.

Arthur Lénars & Cie (Paris)
Haas, René
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Royal Dutch Airlines (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Charlet, Blanche
Weil Warin, E.
Galerie A. Daber (Paris)
Foreign Service of the United States of America (Paris)

II.I.22 M Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including loan receipts, remittances and agreements; also includes copy of third-party correspondence and a printed, illustrated public notice plus descriptive index card concerning stolen art work; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, consignment memoranda and receipts; also includes one black/white photo print on 8x11" sheet.

Maeght, Aimé
Rosenberg, Paul
Ets Lucien Lefebvre-Foinet (Paris)
Malcom, Thalia
Stroh, Earl
Mandelbaum, Joseph
Marcus, Stanley
Marks, Carl
Mellon, Paul
Hale, Robert Beverly
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Meyer, Maurice-E.
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Milwaukee Art Institute (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
Pohl, LaVera
Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Davis, Richard S.
Plimpton, Russell A.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Dunn, Montfort
University of Minnesota, University Gallery (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Mintz, Raymond
Moe, Henry Allen
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (New York)
Morris, Kyle R.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute (Utica, New York)
Prior, Harris K.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Keppel, Charles T.
Burden, William A.M.
Moeller, Pearl
Magnin, Grover
Rosenberg, Paul
Malraux, André
Marcus, Stanley
Neiman-Marcus Company (Dallas, Texas)
Maremont, Arnold H.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Marlborough Fine Art Ltd (London)
Fischer, H.R.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Martin, Crozer F.
Rosenberg, Paul
Marx, Samuel A.
Durand Matthiessen (Geneva)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Maison, K.
Matthiesen Galleries (London)
Hâtel Castiglione (Paris)
Spaeth, Otto L.
Schmidt, Georg
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Meyer, Maurice-E.
Rosenberg, Paul
University of Miami, Lowe Gallery (Coral Gables, Florida)
Milwaukee-Downer College, Department of Art (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
Riter, Carl F.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Davis, Richard S.
Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Quinn, Inez M.
Mintz, Raymond [draft of recommendation letter for]
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (New York)
Morris, Herbert C.
Morse, Marjorie
Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute (Utica, New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Musée National d'Art Moderne (Paris)
Cassou, Jean
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Burden, William A.M.
Dewey, Marjorie S.G.
Ritchie, Andrew C.
Keppel, Charles T.
Sabersky, Jane

II.I.23 N Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegram received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment memoranda and receipts.

Nathan, Fritz
Rosenberg, Paul
Schweizerische Bankgesellschaft (Zurich)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Nathan, Peter
National Council of Jewish Women, North Essex Section (North Essex, New Jersey)
National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (New York)
National Institute of Arts and Letters (New York)
Nelson-Atkins Gallery, Friends of Art (Kansas City, Missouri)
Freeland, J. Milton
William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art (Kansas City, Missouri)
Kelleher, Patrick J.
New School for Social Research (New York)
Newark Museum (Newark, New Jersey)
Coffey, Catherine
Bareiss, Walter
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
New York Tuberculosis and Health Association, Inc. (New York)
Norton Gallery and School of Art (West Palm Beach, Florida)
Woods, Willis F.
Rosenberg, Paul
National Academy of Design (New York)
James, McGill
The National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
University of Nebraska, Art Galleries (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Selleck, John K.
Geske, Norman A.
Neff, Joseph (Mrs.)
Neumann, Morton G.
New York Heart Association, 1954 Fund (New York)
New York Times, Neediest Cases Fund (New York)

II.I.24 O Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment memoranda.

McCray, Porter
Committee for the Exhibition of 19th Century French Paintings from American Collections
at the Orangerie, Paris, Spring 1955 (New York)
Ott, G.H.
National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa, Canada)
Buchanan, D.W.
Rosenberg, Paul
Ohio University, College of Fine Arts (Athens, Ohio)

II.I.25 P Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including loan receipts, insurance notices and copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, detailed lists of pictures, memorandum invoices and receipts.

Packard, Frank William
Pain (Paris)
Palmer, Fred L.
Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Goetz, Oswald
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (Philadelphia)
Fraser, Joseph T. (Jr.)
Freid, Sam
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
Clifford, Henry
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Marceau, Henri
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Phillips, Duncan
Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
[Delestre, Gaston]
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Jardot, Maurice
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Musée des Arts Décoratifs (Paris)
Guerin, Jacques
Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs (Paris)
Preissman, Archie (Mrs.)
Pulitzer, Joseph (Jr.)
Parsons, Betty
Betty Parsons Gallery (New York)
Passedoit Gallery (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Richardson, John
Penguin Books Ltd. (Harmondsworth, England)
Rosenberg, Paul
Chamson, André
Ville de Paris. Petit Palais. (Paris)
Pétridès, Paul
Rosenberg, Paul
Marceau, Henri
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Phillips, Duncan
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Museum Boymans (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Wubben, J.C. Ebbinge
Rosenberg, Paul
Picasso, Pablo

II.I.26 Payments to Artists

Office copy of outgoing remittances and lists of pictures.

Chidsey, G. Alan
Hartley, Marsden [estate of]
Knaths, Karl
Rattner, Abraham
Avery, Milton
Weber, Max (Mrs.)

II.I.27 Projected Exhibitions

Typescript and handwritten notes: lists of artists, paintings and jury members participating in the Paris 'Salons', 1864-1870.

Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.

II.I.28 Purchases

Signed handwritten and typescript annotated and labeled notes, letters and bank notices and exchange receipts, as accumulated by PR and APR during buying tours; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co remittances; typescript list of "Paintings Purchased, March 8 - September 14, 1954" and handwritten list of "Purchased in Europe 1954" [corresponding receipts numbered in red, upper-right corners].

Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Helft, Jacques
Berrien, Martha
Fabiani, Martin
Helft, Madeleine
Reichenbach, Philippe
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosengart, Siegfried
Galerie Rosengart (Lucerne)
Fabiani, Martin
Galerie Maeght (Paris)
Beatty, A. Chester
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Eisner & Lubin (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Gomès, Henriette
Charlet, Blanche
Daber, Jacques
Marlborough Fine Art Ltd. (London)
M. Knoedler & Co. Inc. (New York)
Weitzner, Julius H.
Jean Dieterle & Cie (Paris)
Galerie M. Bénézit (Paris)
Maurice Rheims, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Paul Pétridès (Paris)
Fabiani, Martin
Galerie M. Bénézit (Paris)
R.G. Laurin, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Sarfati, L.
Jacques Dubourg (Paris)
Brooks-Goddard, Romaine
Marlborough Fine Art Ltd. (London)
J.H. Bernheim-Jeune (Paris)
E.J. van Wisselinghe & Co. (Amsterdam)

II.I.29 Q Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letter received by PR; office copy of outgoing PR reply.

Rosenberg, Paul
Walter, W.
Quatre Chemins - Éditart (Paris)

II.I.30 R Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, memorandum invoices and receipts.

Remington-Rand Inc. (New York)
Foster, Beatrice [for PR & Co]
Maurice Rheims, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Ridder, Herman H.
Long Beach Independent Press Telegram (Long Beach, California)
Reichenbach, Philippe
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Alex Reid & Lefèvre, Ltd. (London)
Peploe, Willy
Memorial Art Gallery, University of Rochester (Rochester, New York)
Rockefeller, David
Rosenberg, Paul
Rockefeller, Laurance S.
Rosenberg, Paul
Rockefeller, Nelson A.
Rosenberg, Paul
Roditi, Édouard
Galerie Rosengart (Lucerne)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosengart, Siegfried
Rosenberg, Paul
Rothschild, Herbert M.
William Rand, Inc. (New York)
Randolph Macon Woman's College (Lynchburg, Virginia)
Reber, G.F.
Rosenberg, Paul
Reichenbach, François
Alex Reid & Lefèvre, Ltd. (London)
Corcoran, Gerald
Reid, A.J. McNeill
Rosenberg, Paul
Rhode Island School of Design (Providence, Rhode Island)
Ring, Gustave
Rosenberg, Paul
Moore, Gertrude Herdle
Rochester Memorial Art Gallery (Rochester, New York)
Rodgers, Richard (Mrs.)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Roëll, David (chevalier)
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosen, David
Stiebel, Hans
Rosenberg & Stiebel (New York)
Rosengart, Siegfried
Rosenberg, Paul
Ross, Walter
Galerie M. Rousso (Paris)
Ryan, John Barry

II.I.31 Rattner, Abraham

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including handwritten lists of pictures and copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including remittances, lists of pictures and consignment memoranda.

Rattner, Abraham
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Schniewind, Carl O.
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Giroux, Marcelle [for PR & Co]
Edwards, Hugh
Smithsonian Institution. National Collection of Fine Arts. (Washington, D.C.)
Pope, Annemarie H.
Smithsonian Institution. Traveling Exhibition Service. (Washington, D.C.)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Alberts, Jane Debran
Spaeth, Otto L.
Birmingham Museum (Birmingham, Alabama)
Freid, Sam
Fagen, Abel E.
Birmingham Museum (Birmingham, Alabama)
Howard, Richard F.
University of Wisconsin. School of Education. (Madison, Wisconsin)
University of Illinois. Art Department. (Urbana, Illinois)
Stella Elkins Tyler School of Fine Arts of Temple University (Philadelphia)
Blai, Boris

II.I.32 Receipted Invoices

Office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence.

NOTE: Multiple entries exist for many among listed collectors.

Low, V. Theodore
Fraad, Daniel (Jr.)
Horton, Miles C. (Jr.)
Women's College Library (Greensboro, North Carolina)
Minneapolis Institute of the Arts (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Davis, Richard S.
Art et Luxe (Paris)
Aldrich, Larry L.
Bakwin, Edward
Rothschild, Herbert M.
Bragaline, Edward A.
Saidenberg Gallery (New York)
Beckwith, R.D.
Sandler, Ted
Nelson Atkins Gallery, Friends of Art (Kansas City, Missouri)
Brody, Sidney F.
Chrysler, Walter P. (Jr.)
Rockefeller, Nelson A.
Palmer, Fred L.
Steinberg, Mark C.
Contemporary Arts Establishment (Vaduz, Liechtenstein)
Whitney, John Hay
M. Knoedler & Co., Inc. (New York)
Walker, Hudson D.
Spingold, Nate B.
Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Annenberg, Walter
Mellon, Paul
Bernstein, Arnold
Luce, Henry R.
Rockefeller, David
Jaglom, Marie
Fleischman, Lawrence
Spaeth, Otto L.
Ridder, Herman H.
Walker, Philip
Vogel, Edwin C. (Mrs.)
Biller, Ossias
Emil, Allan D.
Babcock Galleries (New York)
Dalesio, Carmine
Beal, James H.
Levis, William E.
Rockefeller, Laurance S.
Arnhold, Hans
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Schenk, Edgar C.
Van Buurin, David Michel
Hauser, Russell
Gimpel, Charles
John Herron Art Institute (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Marcus, Stanley
Allen, Isidore
Simon, Charles
Nathan, Fritz
Hanna, Leonard C. (Jr.)
Hirshhorn, Joseph
Baer, Jack
Hazlitt Gallery (London)
Shields, Paul (Mrs.)
Marks, Carl

II.I.33 S Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including loan receipts, shipping notices and copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, consignment memoranda invoices and receipts; also includes large and small formats (plus one small black-ground photostat interpositive) of certificate for a public gift by PR.

Saidenberg, Eleanore B.
Saidenberg Gallery (New York)
Sandler, Ted
San Francisco Museum of Art (San Francisco)
Morley, Grace L. McCann
Selz, Lucile E.
Rosenberg, Paul
Simon, Charles
Skinner, Carl
Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego (San Diego, California)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Skira Inc., Publishers (New York)
Field, Earleen
Parks, Robert O.
Smith College Museum of Art (Northampton, Massachusetts)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Hitchcock, Henry R.
Smith College. Office of the President. (Northampton, Massachusetts)
Wright, Benjamin F.
Rosenberg, Paul
Spaeth, Otto Lucien
Spingold, Nate B.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Steinberg, Etta E.
Rosenberg, Paul
Sternheim, Théa
Stiébel, Christian Gilbert
Stirlin, H.R.
Sweeney, James Johnson
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Saidenberg Gallery (New York)
Sandler, Ted
Sandwich (lord)
Rosenberg, Paul
Smith, Donald S.
Schenectady Museum Association (Schenectady, New York)
Railway Express Agency, Incorporated (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Schulte, John
Schulte, Arthur D.
Selz, George
Shields, Paul
Cowdrey, Mary Bartlett
Smith College Museum of Art (Northampton, Massachusetts)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Smithsonian Institution. National Collection of Fine Arts. (Washington, D.C.)
Pope, Annemarie
Spaeth, Otto L.
Spencer, Harold (Mrs.)
Spertus, Herman
Spingold, Nate B.
Rosenberg, Paul
Steinberg, Mark C. (Mrs.)
Steiner, Lynn
Sternheim, Théa
E. Lasry & Company (New York)
Stirlin, H.R.
Stuart, Milton
Swano, Leo
Ordrupgardsamlingen (Charlottenlund, Denmark)
Olmsted, Anna W.
Syracuse Museum of Fine Arts (Syracuse, New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio)
Godwin, Blake-More

View PDF of folder II.I.33

II.I.34 de Staël

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including receipts, banking and exchange notices; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, consignment memoranda and remittances; also includes typescript list of PR & Co purchases from de Staël, 1953-1954; newspaper clippings from March, 1955.

Staël, Nicolas de (Madame)
Rosenberg, Paul
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Haas, René
Dubourg, Jacques
Staël, Nicolas de
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Arthur Lénars & Cie (Paris)
Day & Meyer, Murray & Young Corp. (New York)

II.I.35 T Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR, APR and PR & Co, including consignment receipts; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, consignment invoices and receipts.

Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio)
Godwin, Blake-More
Wittman, Otto (Jr.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Triumph Agency Limited, Insurance (Montreal, Canada)
Tully, Alice
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Tyson, Helen R.
Rosenberg, Paul
Gallery 21 (New York)
Tate Gallery (London)
Alley, Ronald
Staub Terlinden (Madame)
Rosenberg, Paul
Blai, Boris
Stella Elkins Tyler School of Fine Arts of Temple University (Philadelphia)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Tisné, Pierre
Rosenberg, Paul
Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio)
Godwin, Blake-More
Tooth, Dudley W.
Stewart, Michael
Kann, Alphonse [estate of]
Baldwin, Martin
Art Gallery of Toronto (Toronto, Canada)
Hulme, George
Tournon, Robert Ch.
Rosenberg, Paul
New York Tuberculosis and Health Association, Inc. (New York)
Tully, Alice

II.I.36 Travelling Shows / Yes

Signed typescript letters received by APR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment lists of pictures for exhibition loan; also includes leaves of handwritten notes and calculations; five leaves of photocopy, de Staël exhibition catalog, PR & Co, February-March 1954.

Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Hogan, Carroll E.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Schenk, Edgar
Breeskin, Adelyn D.
Baltimore Museum of Art (Baltimore, Maryland)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Bartlett, Fred S.
Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
Kirsch, Dwight
Des Moines Art Center (Des Moines, Iowa)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Moore, Gertrude Herdle
Rochester Memorial Art Gallery (Rochester, New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Milwaukee Art Institute (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
Pohl, LaVera
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art (Kansas City, Missouri)
Kelleher, Patrick J.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Woods, Willis F.
Norton Gallery and School of Art (West Palm Beach, Florida)
Kolb, Delmar
Saint Paul Gallery and School of Art (Saint Paul, Minnesota)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Lein, Malcolm E.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Robertson, Thomas B.
Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego (San Diego, California)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Walker Art Center (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Brooks, William F., Jr. (Mrs.)
Belwood, Elizabeth
Skinner, Carl
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Foster, Beatrice [for PR & Co]
Marshall, Fey
Elliott, James H.
Arnason, H.H.

II.I.37 Travelling Shows / No

Signed typescript letters and telegrams received by APR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR and PR & Co correspondence, including template letters for multiple recipients and telegrams.

Baltimore Museum of Art (Baltimore, Maryland)
Adelyn D. Breeskin
Berkshire Museum (Pittsfield, Massachusetts)
Henry, Stuart C.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Cincinnati Art Museum (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Adams, Philip R.
Corcoran Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Williams, Hermann Warner (Jr.)
Vigtel, Gudmund
Isaac Delgado Museum of Art (New Orleans, Louisiana)
Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan)
Richardson, Edgar P.
Grigaut, Paul L.
Fort Worth Art Association (Fort Worth, Texas)
Cantey, Sam (III)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Heil, Walter
M.H. de Young Memorial Museum (San Francisco)
University of Illinois. Art Department. (Urbana, Illinois)
Donovan, C.V.
Museum of Fine Arts of Houston (Houston, Texas)
Malone, Lee H.B.
Kansas City Art Institute (Kansas City, Missouri)
Los Angeles County Museum (Los Angeles)
Ross, Marvin C.
University of Miami, Lowe Gallery (Coral Gables, Florida)
McNab, Allan
Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Davis, Richard S.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Plimpton, Russell
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
Kimball, Fiske
Phillips, Duncan
Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Portland Art Museum (Portland, Oregon)
Colt, Thomas C. (Jr.)
Pomona College, Art Department (Claremont, California)
Rogers, Helen J.
Rhode Island School of Design, Museum of Art (Providence,
Rhode Island)
Maxon, John
Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara, California)
Story, Ala
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Morley, Grace L. McCann
San Francisco Museum of Art (San Francisco)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Seattle Art Museum (Seattle, Washington)
Sheldon Swope Art Gallery (Terre Haute, Indiana)
Albert, Allen D.
Olmsted, Anna Wetherill
Syracuse Museum of Fine Arts (Syracuse, New York)
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond, Virginia)
Christison, Muriel B.
Arnason, H.H.
Walker Art Center (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Wichita Art Association (Wichita, Kansas)
Indiana University, Fine Arts Department (Bloomington, Indiana)
Hope, Henry R.
Joslyn Art Museum (Omaha, Nebraska)
MacGregor, Mary
Kingman, Eugene
Society of Liberal Arts, Joslyn Memorial (Omaha, Nebraska)
University of Nebraska, Art Galleries (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Geske, Norman A.
Dallas Museum of Fine Arts (Dallas, Texas)
Bywaters, Jerry
Howe, Thomas C.
California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
State University of Iowa (Iowa City, Iowa)
Leach, Frederick D.
Newark Museum (Newark, New Jersey)
Coffey, Katharine
Budd, Dorothy
Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio)
Godwin, Blake-More
Rich, Daniel Catton
Kuh, Katharine
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Springfield Museum of Fine Arts (Springfield, Massachusetts)
Foote, David S.
Smith College Museum of Art (Northampton, Massachusetts)
Cowdrey, Mary Bartlett
Hitchcock, H. Russell
Denver Art Museum (Denver, Colorado)
Bach, Otto Karl
Cleveland Museum of Art (Cleveland, Ohio)
Francis, Henry S.
Milliken, William M.
Rathbone, Perry T.
City Art Museum of St. Louis (St. Louis, Missouri)
Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, Connecticut)
Cunningham, Charles C.
Addison Gallery of American Art (Andover, Massachusetts)
Hayes, Bartlett H. (Jr.)
Institute of Contemporary Art (Boston, Massachusetts)
Marston, Natalie
Plaut, James S.
John Herron Art Institute (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Peat, Wilbur D.

II.I.38 Travelling Shows

Signed typescript letters and telegrams received by APR and PR & Co, also including exhibit loan receipts and third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing APR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams and consignment memoranda; also contains handwritten annotation to refer also to "Consignments outgoing".

Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Schenck, Edgar C.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Kelleher, Patrick J.
William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art (Kansas City, Missouri)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Baltimore Museum of Art (Baltimore, Maryland)
Bodenstein, Jean
Breeskin, Adelyn D.
Des Moines Art Center (Des Moines, Iowa)
Kirsch, Dwight
Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego (San Diego, California)
Skinner, Carl
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Norton Gallery and School of Art (West Palm Beach, Florida)
Rochester Memorial Art Gallery (Rochester, New York)
Moore, Gertrude Herdle
Herdle, Isabel C.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute (Utica, New York)
Trovato, Joseph S.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Prior, Harris K.
William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art (Kansas City, Missouri)
Kelleher, Patrick J.

View PDF of folder II.I.38

II.I.39 Trip to France

Signed typescript letters (originals and office copy) and telegrams sent, received and forwarded by PR, APR and PR & Co between New York and Europe, grouped and filed in New York.

Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]

II.I.40 Trip to France

Signed typescript letters (originals and office copy) and telegrams sent, received and forwarded by PR, APR and PR & Co between New York and Europe, grouped and filed in New York.

Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]

II.I.41 U Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters and memorandum received by PR and PR & Co.

Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
United Jewish Appeal of Greater New York (New York)
Art for Humanity Auction, 1954. (New York)
Liebovitz, Abraham L.
Levy, Adele R.

II.I.42 V Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including receipts and consignment memoranda.

Van Buurin, David Michel
Vassar College, Art Department (Poughkeepsie, New York)
Battaglia, Gino
Graphic Art Color, edizioni d'arte (Milan, Italy)
Hess, Thomas
Art News (New York)
Venturi, Lionello
18° Congresso Internazionale degli Storici dell'Arte, 1955. (Venice)
Christison, Muriel B.
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond, Virginia)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Vogel, Edwin C.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Vogel, Irving H. (Mrs.)
Galerie André Weil (Paris)
Ente Autonomo La Biennale di Venezia (Venice)
Pallucchini, Rodolfo
Rosenberg, Paul
Archivio Storico d'Arte Contemporanea della Biennale, Ca' Giustinian (Venice)
Apollonio, Umbro
Amministrazione Giuseppe Gemellaro, assicurazioni (Venice)
Hudson Shipping Co., Inc. (New York)
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond, Virginia)
Vogel, Edwin C.
Vose Galleries of Boston (Boston, Massachusetts)
Vose, Robert C.

II.I.43 W Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co; also includes third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment memoranda, invoices and receipts; also includes (incoming letter enclosure) one pencil and ink sketch (5.5x3.75") of a Picasso 1924 picture.

Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, Connecticut)
Cunningham, C.C.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Walker, Hudson
Walker, Philip
Walter, W.
Quatre Chemins - Éditart (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Weil, André
Weil, Charles
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Weil, Richard K.
Kraemer-Raine, Pierre
Hichew, John O.
Reiss, Richard
Abraham L. Bienstock (New York)
Welliver, Neil
Wertheimer, Otto
Rosenberg, Paul
Whitney, John Hay
Park, Samuel C. (Jr.)
Triumph Agency Limited, Insurance (Montreal, Canada)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)
E. Wildenstein, tableaux (Paris)
Wildenstein, Elisabeth
Rosenberg, Paul
Arnason, H.H.
Walker Art Center (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Rosenberg, Paul
Warin, Edgar
Webb & Knapp (New York)
Weil, André
Rosenberg, Paul
Weil, Charles
Weiller, Paul Louis
Walker, Herschel Carey
Arnason, H.H.
Walker Art Center (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Farnsworth Museum (Wellesley, Massachusetts)
McAndrew, John
Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)
Windfohr, Anne B.
Wise, James W.
E.J. van Wisselingh & Co. (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

View PDF of folder II.I.43

II.I.44 Weber

Office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including remittances and lists of pictures.

Weber, Max
Weber, Frances
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul

II.I.45 X Y Z Miscellaneous

Office copy of outgoing PR & Co letter.

Zadock, Charles


Subseries II.J: PR & Co files 1956-1957

Folder Title Date
II.J.1 A Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR, APR and PR & Co, including exhibition loan receipts and copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, consignment memoranda, invoices and receipts. Also includes a list of sales to Museums since the 1940s.

Harry N. Abrams, Incorporated (New York)
Fox, Milton S.
Hunter, Sam
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Atkinson, Tracy
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Altman, Harold
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
Rubin, Ida E.
American Association for the United Nations, Inc. (New York)
American Federation of Arts (New York)
Deutsch, Sanna S.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Prior, Harris K.
Lane, William H.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Benedict, Florence S.
Saks, Sanna
Amherst College (Amherst, Massachusetts)
King, David S.
Archer, Richard
Chapin Library (Williamstown, Massachusetts)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Armitage, Kenneth
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Gimpel Fils, Ltd. (London)
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Rich, Daniel Catton
Rosenberg, Paul
Kuh, Katharine
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Beatty, A. Chester
National Gallery (London)
Hendy, Philip
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Fagen, Abel E.
Fagen, Mildred R.
Schniewind, Carl O.
Arts Club of Chicago (Chicago)
Benette, Margaret
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Bragaline, Edward A.
Hirshhorn, Joseph H.
Astor, Vincent
Atlanta Art Association (Atlanta, Georgia)
Poland, Reginald
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Harry N. Abrams, Inc. (New York)
Fox, Milton S.
Ader, Etienne
Rosenberg, Paul
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Smith, Gordon M.
Hogan, Carroll Edward
Alva Studios, Inc. (New York)
Wolkenberg, Alfred
American Federation of Arts (New York)
Saks, Sanna
Cogswell, Margaret
Annenberg, Walter
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Kuh, Katharine
Rich, Daniel Catton
Schniewind, Carl O.
Huth, Marta
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Fagen, Mildred
Landau, Wallace
Society for Contemporary American Art (Chicago)
Johnson, Robert B.
Rosenberg, Paul
Rich, Daniel Catton
Schniewind, Carl O.
Art News (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Arts Club of Chicago (Chicago)
Church of the Ascension (New York)
Atlanta Art Association (Atlanta, Georgia)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.

II.J.2 B Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters, telegrams and loan receipts received by PR, APR and PR & Co; also includes third-party correspondence, one printed/serigraphed greeting card and a group of photostat copies of shipping documents; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, consignment memoranda, invoices and receipts; also includes newspaper clippings and carbon copy typescript of draft for news article.

Babcock Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Dalesio, C.
Barbee, Stanley N.
Barone Gallery, Inc. (New York)
Bayonne Jewish Community Center (Bayonne, New Jersey)
Bareiss, Walter
Loeb, Henry A.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Bennett, Ward
Galerie Beyeler (Basel)
Beyeler, E.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Biddle, Samuel (Mrs.)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Blackmur, R.P.
Princeton University, Department of English (Princeton, New Jersey)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Bliss, Robert Woods
Block, Leigh B.
Boissonas, Eric
Bolton & Fairhead, Ltd. (London)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Sutherland, Graham Vivian
Boston Arts Festival (Boston, Massachusetts)
Temple, Peter
Rathbone, Perry T.
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, Massachusetts)
Little, David B.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
MacPherson, Norma
Maytham, Thomas M.
Constable, W.G.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Bowen, Louis W.
Bragaline, Edward A.
Kent - Bragaline Inc. (New York)
Straus, Donald (Mrs.)
Brearly School (New York)
Brest, Mia
Werner, Mary
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. (Chicago)
Werner, Mary
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Brochier, J.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Brody, Sidney F.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Brown, Ruth C.
Bryant Sign Shop (New York)
Bullitt, Thomas W. (Mrs.)
Barney Burstein, Photographic Reproductions (Boston, Massachusetts)
New York Times [article clipping: Sunday, March 11, 1956]
Wildenstein & Co. (New York)
Knoedler & Co., Inc. (New York)
Babcock Galleries (New York)
Bakwin, Edward M.
Eleanor Le Maire (New York)
Ball, Charles W.
Walters, Ruby
Manufacturer's Trust Company (New York)
Bareiss, Conrad
Bareiss, Walter
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Gaston Levi (New York)
Beatty, A. Chester
Beatty, Helen
Rosenberg, Paul
Beckwith, R.D.
Berg, Siegbert
Berggruen & Cie (Paris)
Galerie Beyeler (Basel)
Biddle, Sally Metz
Block, Leigh B.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, Massachusetts)
Little, David B.
Dooley, William G.
Rathbone, Perry T.
Rosenberg, Paul
Bowers, A.
Rosenberg, Paul
Bradley, Harry L.
Éditions Braun & Cie (Paris)
Besson, Georges
Rosenberg, Paul
Brody, Sidney F.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Brochier (Lyon)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Bührle, Emile
Dietschi, Peter
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Drack, Walter
Butler, Reg
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.

View PDF of folder II.J.2

II.J.3 Budworth

Typewritten correspondence and confirmation memoranda received by PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR & Co shipping and delivery instructions. Clients as per A-Z files, Receipted Invoices, Consignments - Outgoing.

W.S. Budworth & Co. (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)

II.J.4 C Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR and PR & Co, including copy of sale contracts; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, consignment memoranda, invoices, lists of pictures and receipts.

California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
Paul Rosenberg & Company. "Masterpieces Recalled" (1957) (New York)
Howe, Thomas C.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Madison, Marshall
New York City Cancer Committee (New York)
Carnegie Institute (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
Washburn, Gordon Bailey
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Chrysler, Walter P. (Jr.)
Mayglothling, William
City Art Museum of St. Louis (St. Louis, Missouri)
Nagel, Charles
Eisendrath, William N. (Jr.)
Hitt, Merritt S.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Cleveland Museum of Art (Cleveland, Ohio)
Francis, Henry S.
Coe, Nancy
Cohn, Joan
Colin, Ralph F.
Rosenman, Goldmark, Colin & Kaye (New York)
Valentin, Curt [estate of]
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Curt Valentin Gallery (New York)
University of Colorado, Department of Fine Arts (Boulder, Colorado)
Megrew, Alden F.
Craft, John Richard
Columbia Museum of Art (Columbia, South Carolina)
Cope, Mac S.
Corcoran Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Dorra, Henri
Williams, Hermann W. (Jr.)
Cunard Steam-Ship company Limited (New York)
Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, Connecticut)
Cunningham, Charles C.
Buckley, Charles E.
Currier Gallery of Art (Manchester, New Hampshire)
California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
Howe, Thomas C.
Rosenberg, Paul
Callery, Mary
Cambanis, Z.
Mohlman, G.
Chrysler, Walter P. (Jr.)
Mayglothling, William
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Cincinnati Art Museum (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Adams, Philip
City Art Museum of St. Louis (St. Louis, Missouri)
Eisendrath, William N. (Jr.)
Steinberg, Mark C. (Mrs.)
Nagel, Charles
Clarke, Alden
Cochrane, J.P.
Cohn Harry, Mrs.
University of Colorado, Department of Fine Arts (Boulder, Colorado)
Columbia University. Clerk of the Trustees. (New York)
Columbia University. Office of the President. (New York)
Kirk, Grayson
[Schapiro, Meyer]
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Contemporary Art Establishment (Vaduz, Liechtenstein)
Cooper, Douglas
Rosenberg, Paul
Wollheim, Richard
[Braque, Georges]
Corcoran Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Vigtel, Gudmund
Cornell University. Andrew Dickson White Museum of Art. (Ithaca, New York)
Delestre, Gaston
Les Amis de Gustave Courbet (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Crafton Graphic Company (New York)
Cremonini, Leonardo
Currier Gallery of Art (Manchester, New Hampshire)
Buckley, Charles E.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.

II.J.5 Consignments Incoming

Outgoing office copy of PR & Co artists' and sales consignment memoranda, including lists of paintings and sculptures.

Maldarelli, Oronzio
Knaths, Karl
Weiss, Harvey
Farr, Fred
Rattner, Abraham
Brody, Sidney F.
Goldschmidt, Jakob [estate of]

II.J.6 Consignments Outgoing

Outgoing office copy of PR & Co consignment memoranda, including detailed lists of pictures.

NOTE: Multiple entries exist for many among listed collectors.

Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Reves, Emory
Logan, Joshua L.
Milwaukee Art Institute, Children's Art Program (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
John Herron Art Institute (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Ittleson, Henry (Jr.)
Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)
Pope, John A. (Mrs.)
Smithsonian Institution (Washington, D.C.)
Rich, Daniel Catton
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Poland, Reginald
Atlanta Art Association (Atlanta, Georgia)
Spitzer, A.L.
Marcus, Stanley
Kirsch, Dwight
Des Moines Art Center (Des Moines, Iowa)
Bronk (New York)
Rockefeller Institute (New York)
Stewart, Milton (Mrs.)
University Club (New York)
Brest, Mia
Schimmel, Norbert
Mellon, Paul
Wagman, Eric (Mrs.)
National Council of Jewish Women. North Essex Section. (West Orange, New Jersey)
Mount Holyoke College, Department of Art (South Hadley, Massachusetts)
Freeman, Reuben
Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, Connecticut)
Cunningham, Charles C.
Davis, Richard S.
William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art, Friends of Art (Kansas City, Missouri)
Simon, Norton
Arts Club of Chicago
Rattner, Abraham
University of Virginia. Mary Washington College. (Fredericksburg, Virginia)
Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, Massachusetts)
Dayton Art Institute (Dayton, Ohio)
Feigen, Richard
Haas, Walter (Mrs.)
Rothchild, Herbert
Galerie Beyeler (Basel)
Babcock Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Dalesio, Carmine
Brody, Sidney
Deely, James S.
Dintenfass, Arthur (Mrs.)
Buckley, Charles E.
Currier Gallery of Art (Manchester, New Hampshire)
Strater, Henry
Museum of Art of Ogunquit (Ogunquit, Maine)
Wald, Eleanor
Stable Gallery (New York)
Straus, Donald (Mrs.)
Brearly School (New York)
Eliot, Ruth
Great Neck Ice Skating Rink (Great Neck, New York)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Randolph Macon Women's College, Department of Art (Lynchburg, Virginia)
Thompson, G. David
Lane, William H.
University of Colorado, Department of Fine Arts (Boulder, Colorado)
American Federation of Arts (New York)
Florsheim, Harold
Embiricos, George
Fellowship of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (Philadelphia)
Columbia Museum of Art (Columbia, South Carolina)
Bayonne Jewish Community Center (Bayonne, New Jersey)
University of Illinois, Department of Art (Urbana, Illinois)
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond, Virginia)
Fischbach, H. (Mrs.)
Heyman, David M.
Society of the Four Arts (Palm Beach, Florida)
Maryland Institute (Baltimore, Maryland)
Kreisler, B. Bernard
University of Nebraska Art Galleries (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Rochester Memorial Art Gallery (Rochester, New York)
Denver Art Museum (Denver, Colorado)

View PDF of folder II.J.6

II.J.7 Consignments Outgoing

Outgoing office copy of PR & Co consignment memoranda, including detailed lists of pictures.

NOTE: Multiple entries exist for many among listed collectors.

California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco)
Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago (Chicago)
Society of the Four Arts (Palm Beach, Florida)
Straight, Michael
Josten, W.E.
Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Ittleson, Henry (Jr.)
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Rich, Daniel Catton
Riverside Museum (New York)
University of Florida (Gainesville, Florida)
Poplack, William J.
Wintersteen, John
Cohn, Harry
Lehman, Robert
Rhode Island School of Design (Providence, Rhode Island)
Federation of Modern Painters and Sculptors, Inc. (New York)
Corcoran Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)
Des Moines Art Center (Des Moines, Iowa)
Linder, Cortland (Mrs.)
William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art (Kansas City, Missouri)
Michigan State University (East Lansing, Michigan)
Steinberg, Mark C. (Mrs.)
Eisendrath, William N. (Jr.)
City Art Museum of St. Louis (St. Louis, Missouri)
Los Angeles County Fair Association (Pomona, California)
New Haven Jewish Community Center (New Haven, Connecticut)
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond, Virginia)
Denver Art Museum (Denver, Colorado)
Guild Hall (East Hampton, New York)
Art Gallery of Toronto (Toronto, Canada)
Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation (New York)
Philadelphia Art Alliance (Philadelphia)
Grailville (Loveland, Ohio)
Ball, Charles W.
Eleanor Le Maire (New York)
Currier Gallery of Art (Manchester, New Hampshire)
Luce, Claire Booth
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Crafton Graphic Company (New York)
Museum of Art (Ogunquit, Maine)
Rockefeller, David
Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia (Fredericksburg, Virginia)
Haas, Walter A.
Clarke, Alden
Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, Connecticut)
Church, Howard
Block, Leigh B.
Arts Council of Great Britain (London)
North Carolina Museum of Art (Raleigh, North Carolina)
University of Colorado, Department of Fine Arts (Boulder, Colorado)
Hofstra College, Department of Fine Arts (Hempstead, New York)
May, Wilbur
Rockefeller, Laurence S.
Marx, Samuel A.
Phillips, Duncan
Mayers, John J.
Schniewind, Carl O.
Church of the Ascension (New York)
La Napoule Art Foundation (New York)
White Art Museum (Ithaca, New York)
United States Committee of the International Association of Plastic Arts, Inc. (New York)
Newark Museum (Newark, New Jersey)
Arts Club of Chicago (Chicago)
National Academy of Design (New York)
Society for Contemporary American Art (Chicago)
Stanford Art Gallery (Stanford, California)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan)
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (Philadelphia)
National Institute of Arts and Letters (New York)

II.J.8 Critics

Office copy of outgoing PR & Co letter sent to multiple individuals.

Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Lewis, Emory
Cue Magazine (New York)
Buck, B.
WNYC, Public Radio (New York)
Saarinen, A.
Preston, S.
Talley, V.
Devree, H.
New York Times (New York)
Schiff, Bennet
New York Post (New York)
Genauer, E.
Burrows, C.
New York Herald Tribune (New York)
Coates, Robert
New Yorker (New York)
France in US Monthly (New York)
Moscanyi, P.
United Press Associates (New York)
Taylor, T.S.
Olsen Foundation (Bridgeport, Connecticut)
Jones, C.
Time Magazine (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]

II.J.9 Customs

Signed printed and handwritten forms received by PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR & Co correspondence.

Office of the U.S. Appraiser of Merchandise (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.

II.J.10 D Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR, APR and PR & Co, including museum receipts and copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including provenance data, consignment memoranda and receipts.

Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Daber, Alfred
Daber, Jacques
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Lyman Hanes, Adjustors (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Davis, Richard S.
Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Dayton Art Institute (Dayton, Ohio)
Farr, Fred
Deely, James Sedgewick
Des Moines Art Center (Des Moines, Iowa)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Kirsch, Dwight
Denver Art Museum (Denver, Colorado)
Deutsch, Richard
Deutsch, Katharine S.
Nathan W. Levin (New York)
Marks, Joseph A.
Contemporary Paintings (Atlantic City, New Jersey)
Dintenfass, Arthur (Mrs.)
Dudensing, Valentine
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Boissonnas, Eric
Dupin, Jacques
Harry N. Abrams (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Daber, Alfred
Daulte, François
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Del Campo, Michel Lopez
Delubac, Jacqueline
Denver Art Museum (Denver, Colorado)
Bach, Otto Karl
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Micheline
Des Moines Art Center (Des Moines, Iowa)
Weeren-Griek, Hans van
Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan)
Deutsch, Richard
Dieterle, Jean
Dodge, Joseph J.
Bareiss, Walter
Rosenberg, Paul
Dubourg, Jacques
Staël, Nicolas de [estate of]
Durand-Matthiessen, J.P.

II.J.11 E Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR, APR and PR & Co, including copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing APR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment memoranda and receipts.

Editorial Estùdios Cor, Lda. (Lisbon, Portugal)
Canhão, F.
Eisenberg, Abram
Embiricos, George
Erskine, C.A.
Trinity College, School of Anatomy (Dublin, Ireland)
Eknayan, E.
Evans, E.A. (Jr.)
University of Chicago, Department of Biochemistry (Chicago)

II.J.12 Fred Farr

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by APR and PR & Co, including copy of third-party correspondence and paid invoices; office copy of outgoing APR and PR & Co correspondence, including remittance letters, consignment memoranda and receipts; also contains draft copy of artist's biographical note and lists of sculptures and drawings.

Farr, Fred
Andersen, Wayne V.
Modern Art Foundry, Inc. (New York)

II.J.13 F Miscellaneous [includes D.H. Fraser]

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR, APR and PR & Co, including copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment memoranda, lists of paintings and receipted invoices.

Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Fabiani, Martin
Feigen, Richard
Feilchenfeldt, Marianne
Michel Fert (Geneva)
Fischbach, H. (Mrs.)
University of Florida (Gainesville)
Purser, Stuart R.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Florsheim, Harold M.
Fonatsch, Eva
Fort Worth Art Center (Fort Worth, Texas)
Caldwell, Henry Bryan
Forum Verlag (Vienna)
Read, Herbert
Plimpton, Russell A.
Society of the Four Arts (Palm Beach, Florida)
Foy, Byron C.
Freeman, Reuben
Fusillo, Robert J.
Art et Luxe (Paris)
Federation of Modern Painters and Sculptors, Inc. (New York)
Feilchenfeldt, Marianne
Rosenberg, Paul
Feinberg, Boris
University of Florida (Gainesville)
Purser, Stuart R.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Ford, Henry (II)
Fortune (New York)
Calkins, Deborah
Knaths, Karl
Society of the Four Arts (Palm Beach, Florida)
Frazier, Jo
Frankel, Roy (Mrs.)
Franklin, Harold
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Frick Art Reference Library (New York)
Howell, Hannah J.
Fraser, Donald Hamilton
Gimpel Fils (London)
Interiors' Import Co., Inc. (New York)
Marangoni, Andrew

View PDF of folder II.J.13

II.J.14 Frenkel & Co.

Signed typescript letters received by APR and PR & Co, including insurance coverage notices and notices to shipping firms; office copy of outgoing PR & Co correspondence, including detailed lists of pictures and sculptures, insurance queries and instructions.

Frenkel & Co., Inc. (New York)
J.H. Minet & Co. Ltd. (London)
Paul Rosenberg and Company (New York)
James Bourlet & Sons, Ltd. (London)
Gimpel Fils (London)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Institute of London Underwriters (London)
Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Davis, Richard S.

II.J.15 G Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR, APR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment memoranda, lists of paintings and receipts.

Gazette de l'Hâtel Drouot (Paris)
Sincerbeaux, Robert A.
Eva Gebhard-Gourgaud Foundation (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Gourgaud (baroness)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Gill, Leslie
Société Auxiliaire des Expositions du Palais des Beaux-Arts (Brussels)
Giron, Robert
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Arts Council of Great Britain (London)
Edinburgh Festival Society Ltd.(Edinburgh)
Tate Gallery (London)
James, Philip
Greater New York March of Dimes Campaign (New York)
Greater New York Fund (New York)
National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (New York)
Eliot, Ruth
Great Neck Ice Skating Rink (Great Neck, New York)
Grosso & Co. (New York)
Coe, Nancy
Cleveland Museum of Art (Cleveland, Ohio)
Giacometti, Alberto
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Gimpel Fils (London)
Gimpel, Charles
Gimpel, Peter
Ginche, Esther
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Gitterman, Joseph L.
Goldschmidt, Jakob [estate of]
Weil, Gotshal & Manges (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Goldschmidt, A.E.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Pinewood South Corporation (Palm Beach, Florida)
Grailville (Loveland, Ohio)
Grand Rapids Art Gallery (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
Arts Council of Great Britain (London)
White, Gabriel
Rosenberg, Paul
Edinburgh Festival Society Ltd.(Edinburgh)
Ponsonby, Robert
Banks, John G. (Lord Provost of Edinburgh)
Cooper, Douglas
Guild Hall (East Hampton, New York)
Paul Rosenberg and Company (New York)
Whipple, Warren (Mrs.)
Loomis, Alfred L. (Mrs.)
Rosenberg, Paul

View PDF of folder II.J.15

II.J.16 Gimpel Fils

Signed typescript letters and telegrams received by APR and PR & Co, including U.S. Customs appraisal forms, consignment memoranda, receipts and lists of paintings and sculptures; office copy of outgoing APR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment memoranda, lists of sculptures and receipts. Also contains biographical notes for Kenneth Armitage, Bernard Meadows and Donald Hamilton Fraser.

Gimpel Fils Ltd. (London)
Paul Rosenberg and Company (New York)
Fraser, Donald Hamilton
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Gimpel, Peter
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Gimpel, Charles
Armitage, Kenneth
James Bourlet & Sons Ltd. (London)
U.S. Appraiser of Merchandise (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul

II.J.17 H Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR, APR and PR & Co, including museum registrar receipts; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment memoranda, lists of paintings, collection evaluations, invoices and receipts.

Haas, René
Haas, Robert K.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Haas, Elise S.
Haas, Walter A.
Ruckert's (San Francisco)
Librairie Hachette, service des illustrations (Paris)
Billot, M.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Harris, Jean C.
Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Hanover Gallery (London)
Greenwood, A.Michael
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Manzù, Giacomo
Brausen, Erica
Hardin, B.L., Jr. (Mrs.)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Librairie Hachette, service des illustrations (Paris)
Billot, M.
Marceau, Henri
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
New York Heart Association, Inc. (New York)
Cunningham, Charles C.
Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, Connecticut)
Hecht, Harold
Shaw, Sam
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Heller, Lawrence J.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Helm, McKinley
Heyman, David M.
Hilles, Frederick W.
Hirshhorn, Joseph H.
Lerner, Abram
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Höllmüller, Hans
Rotary Club Rottenmann (Rottenmann, Austria)
Hope, Henry R.
Indiana University, Department of Fine Arts (Bloomington, Indiana)
Malone, Lee
Museum of Fine Arts of Houston (Houston, Texas)
Rosenberg, Paul
Huisman, Georges
Conseil d'Etat (Paris)
Hutton, Edward F. (Mrs.)
Haas, Walter A.
San Francisco Museum of Art (San Francisco)
Brausen, Erica
Hanover Gallery (London)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Hardin, B.L., Jr. (Mrs.)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Harkness, Marshall (Mrs.)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Harriman, Averell (governor) [Confidential.]
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Haverhill Public Library (Haverhill, Massachusetts)
Fleischner, Charles M.
Hertzberg, Benjamin
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Metropolitan Brewery of N.J., Inc. (Trenton, New Jersey)
Hirschl & Adler (New York)
Hirshhorn, Joseph H.
Technical Mine Consultants Limited (Toronto, Canada)
Kay, Stephen
Hofstra College, Department of Fine Arts (Hempstead, New York)
Hope, Henry R.
Indiana University, Department of Fine Arts (Bloomington, Indiana)
Rosenberg, Paul
Horton, Miles C. (Jr.)
Women's College Library (Greensboro, North Carolina)
Malone, Lee
Museum of Fine Arts of Houston (Houston, Texas)
Hutton, Edward F. (Mrs.)

II.J.18 Hartley Estate

Copy of outgoing PR & Co letters accompanying remittances.

Paul Rosenberg and Company (New York)
Hartley, Marsden [estate of]
Chidsey, G. Alan

II.J.19 I Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by PR, APR and PR & Co, including lists of drawings and sculptures; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment memoranda and lists of pictures.

Peat, Wilbur D.
John Herron Art Institute (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Nichols, Alice W.
Ball State Teachers College, Department of Art (Muncie, Indiana)
University of Illinois. College of Fine and Applied Arts. (Urbana, Illinois)
Hogan, James D.
Rattner, Abraham
Institute of Contemporary Art (Boston, Massachusetts)
Dunlop, Natalie M.
Wotruba, Fritz
Huneke, Frederick R.
Internal Revenue Service. Valuation Section. (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Ittleson, Henry (Jr.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.

II.J.20 J Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by PR, APR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment memoranda and receipts.

Jaffe Agency, Inc. (Beverly Hills, California)
Ullman, Queenie
Jaffe, Sam
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Janis, Sidney
Josten, Peter
Carl M. Loeb, Roades & Co. (New York)
Josten, W.E.
Jules, Mervin
Hillyer Art Gallery, Smith College (Northampton, Massachusetts)

II.J.21 K Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR, APR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment memoranda, lists of paintings and receipts.

Knaths, Karl
Kashden, Ray S.
Knox, Seymour
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Kreisler, B. Bernard
Kaganovitch, Max
Rosenberg, Paul
Kaplan, Harvey
Katzman, Suzanne
Rosenberg, Paul
Alexander Katzman (Zurich)
M. Knoedler & Co., Inc. (New York)
Jennings, Martin G.
Koerfer, Jacques
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Hirsch, Robert von
Rosenberg, Paul
Kraemer-Raine, Pierre
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Kramarsky, Lola
Maurice Utrillo Retrospective Exhibition (New York)
Wildenstein Galleries (New York)
United Artists Corporation (New York)
Krim, Arthur B.
Preminger, Otto

II.J.22 Keating

Signed typescript letters received by PR & Co, especially invoices, printed shipping notices, compiled consular and customs forms; office copy of outgoing PR & Co correspondence, including lists of pictures and sculptures, shipping instructions and consignment invoices.

W.R. Keating & Company (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Rey, Robert
Musée de l'Athénée (Geneva)
J. Chenue (London)
Sinclair, Robert
Foreign Service of the United States of America (London)
Galerie Beyeler (Basel)
Daber, Alfred
Nathan, Fritz
Ernest Brown & Phillips Ltd., Leicester Galleries (London)

II.J.23 Keating

Signed typescript letters received by PR & Co, especially invoices, printed shipping notices, compiled consular and customs forms; office copy of outgoing PR & Co correspondence, including lists of pictures and sculptures, shipping instructions and consignment invoices; also includes [exemplary] copy of printed blank U.S. Customs forms.

W.R. Keating & Company (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
United States Treasury Department. Bureau of Customs (New York)
Pitt & Scott Ltd. (London)
Arts Council of Great Britain (London)
Wollheim, Richard
Feilchenfeldt, Marianne
Bührle, Emile
Arthur Lénars & Cie (Paris)
Arthur Tooth & Sons, Ltd. (London)

II.J.24 Karl Knaths

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by APR and PR & Co, including copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing APR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, remittances and consignment memoranda; also includes one hand-annotated, priced brochure and one announcement card for Knaths PR & Co exhibition, October-November 1957.

Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Knaths, Karl
Crosby Corporation (Boston, Massachusetts)
Myrer, Raymond L.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Biers, Elmira
Temple, Peter
Boston Arts Festival (Boston, Massachusetts)
Carnegie Institute of Technology (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
Beaman, Richard B.
Auer's Van & Express Co. (New York)

II.J.25 Karl Knaths

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment memoranda and remittances; also includes printed prospectus for the National Academy of Design (New York) 131st Annual Exhibition 1956.

Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Knaths, Karl
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Stanford University, Art Gallery and Museum (Stanford, California)
Moerdyke, N. Perry (Jr.)
Stanford University. Committee for Art at Stanford. (Stanford, California)
National Academy of Design (New York)
Laufman, Sidney

II.J.26 L Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR, APR and PR & Co, including invoices, lists of pictures and copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, consignment memoranda, invoices, lists of pictures and receipts.

Lake, Carlton
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Lane, William H.
William H. Lane Foundation (Leonminster, Massachusetts)
American Federation of Arts (New York)
La Beaume, Louis
Lasker, Albert D. (Mrs.)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York). Exhibition "Masterpieces Recalled". (1957)
League for Emotionally Disturbed Children, Inc. (New York)
Ernest Brown & Phillips Ltd., Leicester Galleries (London)
Brown, Nicholas E.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Olitsky, Jules
C.W. Post College of Long Island University (Greenvale, New York)
Eleanor Le Maire (New York)
Lexington Stationery Co., Inc. (New York)
Lilienthal, Ruth H.
Lindborg, Carl
Logan, Joshua L.
Lopez-Rey, José
New York University, Institute of Fine Arts (New York)
Julius Lowy, Frame & Restoring Co., Inc. (New York)
August Luchow, Inc. (New York)
Lasker, Mary
Lawrence Art Museum (Williamstown, Massachusetts)
Le Corbusier (Charles- Édouard Jeanneret-Gris)
Matisse, Pierre
Albert R. Lee & Co., Inc. (New York)
American Federation of Arts (New York)
Ets. Lucien Lefebvre-Foinet (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Lemoine, J.-G.
Musée des Beaux-Arts (Bordeaux)
M.-P. Léonardi, statuaire (Paris)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Lewyt, Alex M.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Liebowitz, Robert
Limmat Versicherungs-Gesellschaft (Zurich)
Bührle, Emile G.
Rosenberg, Paul
Linder, Cortland
Lipschitz, Jacques
Lombard, Alfred
Rosenberg, Paul
Los Angeles County Fair Association (Pomona, California)
Julius Lowy, Inc. (New York)
Luce, Claire Booth
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]

II.J.27 Lénars & Cie.

Signed typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including printed invoices, receipts and shipping notices; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including shipping instructions, remittances, invoices and receipts.

Arthur Lénars & Cie (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Haas, René
Pan American World Airways System (New York)

II.J.28 Lénars & Cie.

Signed typescript letters received by PR & Co, including printed invoices, and shipping notices, compiled consular and customs forms; office copy of outgoing PR & Co correspondence, including shipping instructions and remittances.

Arthur Lénars & Cie (Paris)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Haas, René
Rosenberg, Paul

II.J.29 M Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters and telegrams and telegrams received by PR, APR and PR & Co, including receipts, museum loan agreement forms and receipts, insurance memoranda and copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, consignment memoranda, list of pictures, invoices and receipts. Also contains copy of typescript press release for the PR & Co "Masterpieces Recalled" exhibition, February 1957.

Helm, MacKinley
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Brausen, Erica
Hanover Gallery (London)
Rosenberg, Paul
Marcus, Stanley
Maritime Anchor Club, Port of New York (New York)
Marks, Carl (Mrs.)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Martin, Alastair Bradley
Maryland Institute (Baltimore, Maryland)
May, Wilbur
Mellon, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Neumeyer, Alfred
Mills College, Art Gallery (Oakland, California)
Milwaukee Art Institute, Children's Art Program (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Davis, Richard S.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
W.S. Budworth & Son, Inc. (New York)
Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Society of the Four Arts (Palm Beach, Florida)
Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Company (New York)
Moss, Aubrey L.
Mount Holyoke College, Department of Art (South Hadley, Massachusetts)
Janson, Richard H.
Morss, Edward L. (Mrs.)
Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute (Utica, New York)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Marguerite
Burden, William A.M.
Barr, Alfred H. (Jr.)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
The Museum of Modern Art. Library. (New York)
Leavenworth, Coman
Moeller, Pearl
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Miller, Dorothy C.
Dudley, Dorothy H.
Barr, Alfred H. (Jr.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Keppel, Charles T.
Thompson, David
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Maeght, Aimé
Galerie Maeght (Paris)
Kiam, Victor K.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Société Franco-Américaine de Banque (Paris)
Mangin, Nicole
Clayeux, L.G.
Rosenberg, Paul
Maeght, Aimé
Maeght, Paule
Maharam Fabric Corporation (New York)
Malcove, Lillian
Mandelbaum, Joseph
Manhattan Storage & Warehouse Company (New York)
Manzù, Giacomo
Gnecco, Laura
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Marini, Marino
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Marks, Carl
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Marx, Samuel A.
Lloyd, F.K.
Marlborough Fine Art Ltd. (London)
Matthiesen Gallery (London)
Maison, Stefanie
Le Corbusier (Charles- Édouard Jeanneret-Gris)
Matisse, Pierre
May, Wilbur D.
Double Diamond Land and Livestock Co. (Reno, Nevada)
Mayers, John J.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rousseau, Theodore (Jr.)
Michigan State University (East Lansing, Michigan)
Church, Howard
Davis, Richard S.
Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Mitchell, Jan
Moore, Henry
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Morrison, McChlery & Co. (Glasgow, Scotland)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Burden, William A.M.
Dudley, Dorothy H.
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Pierre Matisse Gallery (New York)
Barr, Alfred H. (Jr.)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Moeller, Pearl L.
Ritchie, Andrew C.
Rosenberg, Paul
Barr, Alfred H. (Jr.)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Burden, William A.M.
Dudley, Dorothy H.

II.J.30 Maillol

Office copy of PR letter.

Rosenberg, Paul
Vierny, Dina

View PDF of folder II.J.30

II.J.31 Maldarelli

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR & Co, including lists of sculptures and third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment memoranda.

Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Maldarelli, Oronzio
Strater, Henry
Museum of Art of Ogunquit (Ogunquit, Maine)
Maldarelli, Thema
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]

II.J.32 Maldarelli

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR & Co, including lists of sculptures; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment memoranda.

Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Maldarelli, Oronzio
Maldarelli, Thema
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.

II.J.33 Meadows

Two copies of exhibition brochure (one foglio sheet folded into four pages), with cover photograph and lists of sculptures.

Gimpel Fils (London)
Meadows, Bernard
Wilson, Scottie

II.J.34 M & P Correspondence

Signed handwritten and typescript letters, telegrams and deeds of gift received by PR and MLR; personal copy of outgoing letters and telegrams, including consignment memoranda; also includes photo-illustrated copy of Boston Museum of Fine Arts calendar of events', Summer 1957, announcing gift of Still Life with Blue Plums by Georges Braque.

Rosenberg, Marguerite
Lorimer, Graeme (Mrs.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rich, Daniel Catton
Walters, Florence [for PR]
Lasker, Albert D. (Mrs.)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Krauss, Ursula
Verlag Gerd Hatje Gmbh (Stuttgart)
Weyhe Gallery (New York)
The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, Massachusetts)
Maytham, Thomas N.
Rathbone, Perry T.
Constable, W.G.
Little, David B.
W.S. Budworth & Son (New York)
Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Goetz, Oswald

II.J.35 M & P Correspondence

Signed typescript letters and inscribed certificate (plus black-ground photostat interpositive of latter) issued by The Museum of Modern Art (New York) received by PR and MLR for the gift of the Reclining Nude by Renoir; also includes folded leaf from the New York Times with photo and caption re: Renoir painting; also includes insurer's notices and reports.

The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Marguerite
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Howe, Letitia
Toplis & Harding, Wagner & Glidden (New York)
Sheldon Keck (New York)
Soby, James Thrall
Barr, Alfred H. (Jr.)
Frenkel & Co., Inc. (New York)
Burden, William A.M.

II.J.36 N Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR, APR and PR & Co, including copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment memoranda, telegrams, invoices and receipts.

Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Nathan, Fritz
Nathan, Peter
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
The National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Walker, John
William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art (Kansas City, Missouri)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Kelleher, Patrick J.
Wagman, Eric (Mrs.)
National Council of Jewish Women. North Essex Section. (West Orange, New Jersey)
New York City Cancer Committee (New York)
University of Nebraska Art Galleries (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Geske, Norman
Spreyregen, Morris (Mrs.)
New York Guild for the Jewish Blind (New York)
Neuberger, Roy R.
Nissing, Norman F.
La Napoule Art Foundation (New York)
Bruno, Phillip A.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Nathan, Peter
National Academy of Design (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
The National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Walker, John
National Institute of Arts and Letters (New York)
William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art (Kansas City, Missouri)
Kelleher, Patrick J.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Neuberger, Roy R.
Newark Museum Association (Newark, New Jersey)
New Haven Jewish Community Center (New Haven, Connecticut)
Shanok, Louis M.
Levine, David H.
Lozinski, Philip (Mrs.)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Lieberman, William
Newman, Robert J.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Brée, Germaine
New York University. Department of French. (New York)
Eichelbaum, Stanley
The New Yorker (New York)
North Carolina Museum of Art (Raleigh, North Carolina)

II.J.37 O Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR and PR & Co, including copy of third-party correspondence and six-page photostat text, The Little International Exhibition by Fred Olsen; office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence.

Dayton Art Institute (Dayton, Ohio)
Colt, Thomas C. (Jr.)
Farr, Fred
Strater, Henry
Museum of Ogunquit (Ogunquit, Maine)
Knaths, Karl
Olsen Foundation Inc. (Bridgeport, Connecticut)
Taylor, T.S.
Olsen, Fred
Svensk-Franska Konstgalleriet (Stockholm)
Olson, Gösta
Rosenberg, Paul
Strater, Henry
Museum of Ogunquit (Ogunquit, Maine)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
O'Hana, Jacques
O'Hana Gallery (London)

View PDF of folder II.J.37

II.J.38 P Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR, APR and PR & Co, including lists of pictures and copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, consignment memoranda, lists of pictures, invoices and receipts.

Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (Philadelphia)
Johnson, Homer V.
Rosenberg, Paul
Patrix, Michel
Pennsylvania State University. College of the Liberal Arts. (University Park, Pennsylvania)
Hyslop, Francis (Jr.)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Penrose, Roland
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Peyre, Henri
Yale University. Department of French. (New Haven, Connecticut)
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
Marceau, Henri
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Phillips, Duncan
Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Bier, Elmira
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Poplack, William J.
Preissman, Archie
Preminger, Otto
United Artists Corporation (New York)
Krim, Arthur
Goldberg, Leon
Preminger, Otto
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Pappenheimer, Ralph
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (Philadelphia)
Philadelphia Art Alliance (Philadelphia)
Lear, John
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
Clifford, Henry
Jayne, Horace H.F.
Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Phillips, Duncan
Rosenberg, Paul
Picasso, Pablo
Pinewood South Corporation (Palm Beach, Florida)
Poplack, William J.
Popper, Hans
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Maldarelli, Oronzio
Portraits, Inc. (New York)
Read, Helen Appleton
Garden Club (Nashville, Tennessee)
Hobbs, Anna Weaver
Sears Roebuck Company (Nashville, Tennessee)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Preminger, Otto
Moriarty, Rita
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Pulitzer, Joseph (Jr.)

II.J.39 Payments to Artists

Office copy of outgoing remittances and lists of pictures.

Knaths, Karl
Farr, Fred
Chidsey, G. Alan
Hartley, Marsden [estate of]
Maldarelli, Oronzio
Gimpel Fils, Ltd. (London)
Sutherland, Graham Vivian
Rattner, Abraham
Weiss, Harvey

II.J.40 Payments to Artists

Office copy of outgoing remittances and lists of pictures.

Knaths, Karl
Maldarelli, Oronzio
Chidsey, G. Alan
Hartley, Marsden [estate of]
Rattner, Abraham

II.J.41 Purchases

Signed handwritten, typescript and printed vendors' receipts for purchases made by PR and APR, also including banking and exchange agency receipts; office copy of outgoing PR & Co remittances.

Michel Fert (Geneva)
Daber, Alfred
Chidsey, G. Alan
Hartley, Marsden [estate of]
Gimpel Fils Ltd. (London)
Fusillo, Robert
Morgan & Cie (Paris)
Office des Changes (Paris)
Katia Granoff (Paris)
County National Bank and Trust Company (Santa Barbara, California)
Hammond, Esther Fiske [estate of]
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Sotheby & Co. (London)
Sinclair, Robert
Fabiani, Martin
Gimpel Fils Ltd. (London)
Nathan, Peter
Arthur Lénars & Cie (Paris)
Friesz, Othon (Madame)
J. & H. Bernheim-Jeune (Paris)
Galerie de L' Élysée (Paris)
Galerie M. Bénézit (Paris)
de la Chapelle (Madame)
Saidenberg Gallery (New York)
Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Davis, Richard S.

II.J.42 Purchases

Signed handwritten, typescript and printed vendors' receipts for purchases made by PR and APR, also including banking and exchange agency receipts. The file also included a print of a watercolor by Picasso with a hand-written note by J.C. Eger(?) on the verso labeled "Purchases," removed to file III.C.2.h.

Ganz, Victor W.
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Saidenberg Gallery (New York)
Walker, Herschel Carey
Bareiss, Walter
Etienne Ader, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Jacques Dubourg (Paris)
Albert Bellanger (Paris)
Martin Fabiani (Paris)
Matthiesen Ltd. (London)
Roland, Browse & Delbanco (London)
Alex Reid & Lefèvre (London)
Durand-Matthiessen (Geneva)
Siegfried Rosengart (Lucerne)
Galerie Dina Vierny (Paris)
Galerie Beyeler (Basel)
Evans, E.A. (Jr.)
Davis, Richard S.
Brody, Sidney F.
Dayton Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
M. Knoedler & Co., Inc. (New York)
Saidenberg Gallery (New York)
Michel Bivort, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Galerie M. Bénézit (Paris)
Katia Granoff (Paris)
Martin Fabiani (Paris)
Etienne Ader, commissaire-priseur (Paris)
Daber, Jacques
Jean Dieterle & Cie (Paris)
Feilchenfeldt, Marianne

View PDF of folder II.J.42

II.J.43 Q Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letter received by PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR & Co invoices.

Quigley Music Studios (Kansas City, Missouri)
Quatre Chemins - Éditart (Paris)
Gabrilovitch, V.

II.J.44 R Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR, APR and PR & Co, including copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, consignment invoices and receipts; also includes one color printed greeting card.

Alexandre Rabow Galleries (San Francisco)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Radet, Micheline
Rand, Nettie
Randolph Macon Woman's College (Lynchburg, Virginia)
Williams, Mary F.
Rankine, Paul S. (Mrs.)
Galerie Philippe Reichenbach (Houston, Texas)
Reichenbach, François
Reichenbach, Philippe
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Alex Reid & Lefèvre, Ltd. (London)
Corcoran, Gerald
Reid, A.J. McNeill
Rosenberg, Paul
Popper, Hans
Reves, Emery
Michelson, Leo
Atlantic Transports (Paris)
Rey, Robert
Musée de l'Athénée (Geneva)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rheims, Maurice
Rhode Island School of Design, Museum of Art (Providence)
Maxon, John
Hounigringer, Robert
Ring, Gustave
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rochemont, Richard de
Rochester Memorial Art Gallery (Rochester, New York)
Herdle, Isabel C.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rockefeller Institute (New York)
Rodgers, Richard
Roland, Browse & Delbanco (London)
Roland, Henry M.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Roosevelt Hospital (New York)
Rothchild, Herbert
Rousso (Madame)
Ruder & Finn Incorporated (New York)
Weissman, N.
Raeber, Willi
Galerie Dr. Raeber (Basel)
Rand, Nettie
Reichenbach, Philippe
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Reichenbach, François
Alex Reid & Lefevre, Ltd. (London)
Corcoran, Gerald
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago (Chicago)
Biesel, Frances Strain
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rewald, John
Rheims, Maurice
Rhode Island School of Design, Museum of Art (Providence)
MacDonald, Barbara
Rhodes, Daniel
Ring, Gustave
Riverside Museum (New York)
Master Institute of United Artists, Inc. (New York)
Horch, Nettie S.
Robertson, Bryan
Whitechapel Art Gallery (London)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rochester Memorial Art Gallery (Rochester, New York)
Moore, Gertrude H.
Rockefeller, David
Rockefeller, Laurence S.
Rose, Billy
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosengart, Siegfried
Rand, Emanuel H.
Central Pasadena Corporation (Los Angeles, California)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Ross, Walter

II.J.45 Rattner, Abraham

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by APR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, consignment invoices, lists of pictures and receipts.

Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Manhattan Storage (New York)
Downtown Gallery (New York)
Marin, John (Jr.)
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
O'Leary, Eileen
Schniewind, Carl O.
Rattner, Abraham
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.

II.J.46 Rattner, Abraham

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by APR and PR & Co, including copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR & Co correspondence, including remittances, consignment memoranda, lists of pictures and receipts.

Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rattner, Abraham
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Purser, Stuart R.
Leepa, Allen

II.J.47 Receipted Invoices

Office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence.

NOTE: Multiple entries exist for many among listed collectors.

Bowen, Louis W.
Hilles, Frederick W. (Mrs.)
Rankine, Paul S. (Mrs.)
Babcock Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Bullitt, Thomas W.
Mellon, Paul
Edward H. Weiss and Company (Chicago)
August Luchow, Inc. (New York)
Rey, Robert
Musée de l'Athénée (Geneva)
Tudor, Charles W.
University of Virginia, Mary Washington College (Fredericksburgh,
Inland Steel Company (Chicago)
Babcock Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Dalesio, C.
Moss, Aubrey L.
Freeman, Reuben
Cunningham, Charles C.
Haas, Walter (Mrs.)
Wilson, Edmund C.
Contemporary Paintings (Atlantic City, New Jersey)
Simon, Robert Ellis
Cohn, Harry
Daber, Alfred
Thompson, G. David
Starr, Daniel
Simon, Norton
Brown, William H.
Galerie Beyeler (Basel)
Kashden, Ray S.
Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Walter, Florence
Bragaline, Edward A.
Kent - Bragaline, Inc. (New York)
Nathan, Fritz
University of Colorado Development Fund (Boulder, Colorado)
Poplack, William J.
Ernest Brown & Phillips, Ltd. (London)
Chrysler, Walter P. (Jr.)
Hirshhorn, Joseph H.
Boissonas, Eric
Throne-Holst, H.
Scandinavian Airlines System (Stockholm)
Hutton, Edward F.
Morss, Edward L. (Mrs.)
Smith, Louise
Florsheim, Harold
Sloan, J. Seymour (Mrs.)
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, Massachusetts)
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond, Virginia)
Jaffe Agency Inc. (Beverly Hills, California)
Martin, A. Bradley
Phillips Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
Rand, Nettie
Walker, Herschel Carey
United Artists Corporation (New York)
Le Maire, Eleanor
Fischbach, H. (Mrs.)
Zinser, Richard H.
Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute (Utica, New York)
Heyman, David M.
Barone Gallery, Inc. (New York)
City Art Museum of St. Louis (St. Louis, Missouri)
Alexandre Rabow Galleries (San Francisco)
Deutsch, Richard
Straight, Michael Whitney
Lasker, Mary
Neuberger, Roy R.
Reves, Emery

View PDF of folder II.J.47

II.J.48 Receipted Invoices

Office copy of outgoing PR and PR & Co correspondence.

NOTE: Multiple entries exist for many among listed collectors.

Steinberg, Mark C. (Mrs.)
Wintersteen, John (Mrs.)
Hardin, B.L., Jr. (Mrs.)
Cambanis, Z.
Thompson, G. David
Josten, W.E.
Jules, Mervin
Smith College, Hillyer Art Gallery (Northampton, Massachusetts)
Rand, Nettie
Chrysler, Walter P. (Jr.)
Kaplan, Harvey
Rockefeller, David
Ross, Walter
Bareiss, Walter
William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art (Kansas City, Missouri)
Linder, Cortland
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, Connecticut)
Babcock Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Dalesio, Carmine
Bareiss, Conrad
Ring, Gustave
Hertzberg, Benjamin
Haas, Walter
Guild Hall (East Hampton, New York)
Mayers, John J.
Michigan State College (East Lansing, Michigan)
Church, Howard
Galerie Maeght (Paris)
Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Brody, Sidney F.
Inland Steel Company (Chicago)
Block, Leigh B.
May, Wilbur
Cooper, Douglas
Spingold, Nate B.
Annenberg, Walter
Stanford University Art Gallery and Museum (Stanford, California)
Hirshhorn, Joseph H.
Walker, Herschel Carey
Delubac, Jacqueline
Marks, Carl
Arthur Lénars & Cie (Paris)
Bakwin, Edward
Liebowitz, Robert
Rochester Memorial Art Gallery (Rochester, New York)
Sandler, Ted
Arthur Tooth & Sons, Ltd. (London)
Pinewood South Corporation (Palm Beach, Florida)
Biddle, Samuel
Friedland, George
Ford, Henry (II)
Art et Luxe (Paris)
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, Massachusetts)
Beckwith, R.D.
Maharam Fabric Corporation (New York)
City Art Museum of St. Louis (St. Louis, Missouri)
Mandelbaum, Joseph
Horton, Miles C. (Jr.)
Women's College Library (Greensboro, North Carolina)

II.J.49 Rosenberg, Edmond

Two carbon copies of typescript third-party letters.

Rosenberg, Edmond
Manoury, Georges

II.J.50 Rosenberg, Paul

Signed typescript letters and telegram received by PR; personal copy of reply sent.

Rosenberg, Paul
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Harriman, Averell (governor)
Rockefeller, Nelson A.

II.J.51 S Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR, APR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegram, consignment invoices and receipts; also includes handwritten and typescript drafts and final lists prepared for evaluation of a private collection.

Steele, Geoffrey, Antiquarian Bookseller (Chappaqua, New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Schimmel, Norbert
Schlosser, Jack
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc. (New York)
Parker, Theresa D.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Selz, Mrs.
Charles Sessler, Rare Books (Philadelphia)
Zoha, Mabel
Simon, Norton
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Simon, Robert Ellis
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Sloan, J. Seymour (Mrs.)
Smith College Museum of Art (Northampton, Massachusetts)
Parks, Robert O.
Smith, Louise
Smith, Norris K.
Washington University, Department of Art (St. Louis, Missouri)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Pope, John A.
Smithsonian Institution. National Collection of Fine Arts. Traveling
Exhibition Service. (Washington, D.C.)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Sotheby & Co. (London)
J.B. Speed Art Museum (Louisville, Kentucky)
Steele, Geoffrey
Spitzer, A.L.
Starr, Daniel
Stein, Leonard C.
Steinberg, Mark (Mrs.)
Sternheim, Théa
Mudge, Stern, Baldwin & Todd (New York)
Stewart, Milton (Mrs.)
Straight, Michael Whitney
Sweitzer, Herbert
Saidenberg, Daniel
Saidenberg Gallery (New York)
Sandblom, Philip
Sandler, Ted
Throne-Holst, H.
Scandinavian Airlines System (Stockholm)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Schoenberg, Sydney M.
Parks, Robert O.
Spaeth, Otto L.
Rosenberg, Paul
Sperling, Harry G.
Spertus, Herman
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Spingold, Nate B.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Stanford University Art Gallery and Museum (Stanford, California)
Steinberg, Mark C. (Mrs.)
Rosenberg, Paul
Sternheim, Théa
Stone, Alex B.
Straight, Michael
Strecker, Wilhelm
Sweitzer, Herbert
Wall, Kenneth

II.J.52 Sutherland

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegram received by APR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, remittances, consignment invoices and receipts.

Sutherland, Graham Vivian
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Lund Humphries, Printers Binders Publishers (London)
Gregory, E.C.
Sutherland, Katharine

II.J.53 Sutherland

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by APR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing APR and PR & Co correspondence, including third-party correspondence.

NOTE: GS began his association with PR & Co in 1956, but had first shown with Rosenberg & Helft in London before the war, in 1937.

Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Sutherland, Graham Vivian
Rosenman Goldmark Colin & Kaye (New York)
Colin, Ralph F.
Valentin, Curt [estate of]

II.J.54 T Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR, APR and PR & Co, including loan receipts; also includes one black-ground photostat interpositive; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, consignment memoranda, invoices and receipts.

Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Tate Gallery. Deputy Keeper. (London)
Allen, Ronald
Thompson, G. David
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Thorp Brothers (New York)
Throne-Holst, H.
Kraemer, Warren
Scandinavian Airlines System (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Vierny, Dina
Galerie Dina Vierny (Paris)
Aktiebolaget Marabou (Stockholm)
Rinde, Ellert
Thornér, Karin
Rosenberg, Paul
Tisné, Pierre
Éditions Pierre Tisné (Paris)
Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio)
Hutton, William
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Wittman, Otto (Jr.)
Triumph Agency Limited, Insurance (Montreal, Canada)
Tudor, Charles W.
Life (New York)
Tully, Alice
Grosso & Company (New York)
Thompson, G. David
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Paul
Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation (New York)
Tisné, Pierre
Éditions Pierre Tisné (Paris)
Rosenberg, Paul
Gieure, Maurice
Godwin, Blake-More
Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio)
Tooth, Dudley W.
Arthur Tooth & Sons, Ltd. (London)
Art Gallery of Toronto (Toronto, Canada)
McFaddin, Charles E.
Baldwin, Martin
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Tully, Alice

II.J.55 Trips to France

Office copy of letters and especially telegrams sent, received and forwarded by PR, APR and PR & Co between New York and Europe, grouped and filed in New York.

Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
United States Customs. Port of New York. (New York)

II.J.56 Trips to France

Telegrams sent, received and forwarded by PR, APR and PR & Co between New York and Europe, grouped and filed in New York.

Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]

II.J.57 U Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by PR & Co, including receipts; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment memoranda.

United States Committee of the International Associaton of Plastic Arts, Inc. (New York)
Soprintendenza alle Gallerie per le Provincie de Firenze, Arezzo e Pistoia
(Florence, Italy)
Rossi, Filippo
Rosenberg, Paul
Galleria degli Uffizi (Florence, Italy)
United States Information Agency (Washington, D.C.)
Weston, Harold

II.J.58 V Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters and telegrams received by PR, APR and PR & Co, including lists of sculptures and third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, lists of sculptures, consignment invoices and receipts.

Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Vierny, Dina
Rosenberg, Paul
Verusio di Ceglie, Giovanni
Galerie Dina Vierny (Paris)
Gruskin, Alan D.
Midtown Galleries (New York)
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond, Virginia)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
University of Virginia. Mary Washington College. (Fredericksburg, Virginia)
Binford, Julien
Christison, Muriel B.
Vogel, Donald S. (Mrs.)
Maldarelli, Oronzio

II.J.59 W Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR, APR and PR & Co, including loan receipts; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegram, consignment memoranda, invoices and receipts.

Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, Connecticut)
Ward, Eleanor
Walker, Herschel Carey
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Warner, Keith
Rosenberg, Paul
Weil, André
Rosenberg, Paul
Weinberg [estate of]
Edward H. Weiss and Company (Chicago)
Netter, Arthur
Wescott, Barbara
Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)
Wilson, Edmund C.
Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, Connecticut)
Turner, Evan H.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Walker, Herschel Carey
Walker Art Center (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Simon, Sidney
Arnason, H.H.
Rosenberg, Paul
Walter, W.
Quatre Chemins - Éditart (Paris)
Warin, Edgar
Weil, André
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Wellesley College. Farnsworth Museum. (Wellesley, Massachusetts)
McAndrew, John
Wennberg, B.
Nationalmuseum (Stockholm)
Weyhe Art Books (New York)
Weyhe Gallery (New York)
Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)
Wescott, Barbara
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul
Wintersteen, John (Mrs.)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Wise, James W.

View PDF of folder II.J.59

II.J.60 Harvey Weiss

Signed typescript letters received by APR and PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR & Co correspondence, including list of sculptures, consignment memoranda and remittances.

Weiss, Harvey
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.

II.J.61 X, Y, Z Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letter received by PR & Co; office copy of outgoing PR & Co invoices and receipts.

Zinser, Richard H.
M.H. de Young Museum Library (San Francisco)
Young, Jean
Zacks, S.J.
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]


Subseries II.K: PR & Co files 1958-[1959]

Folder Title Date
II.K.1 A Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by PR, APR and PR & Co, including loan receipts; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including consignment memoranda, invoices and receipts.

Harry N. Abrams, Incorporated (New York)
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Magavern, Samuel D.
Rosenberg, Paul
Smith, Gordon M.
Knox, Seymour
Prior, Harris K.
American Federation of Arts (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Benedict, Florence S.
American Red Cross. 1958 Campaign. Art & Antique Dealers Division (New York)
Montllor, James P.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Indiana University, College of Arts and Sciences (Bloomington, Indiana)
University of Arizona, Art Gallery (Tucson, Arizona)
Church, Robert M.
Art Craft Theatre Equipment Co. (New York)
Abrams, Jack A.
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)
Rich, Daniel Catton
Bush, Margaret F.
Arts Club of Chicago (Chicago)
Benette, Margaret
McNear, Everett
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Atlanta Art Association (Atlanta, Georgia)
Poland, Reginald
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Belk, Marguerite

II.K.2 Kenneth Armitage

Signed typescript letters and telegram received by APR and PR & Co, including receipts and invoices; office copy of outgoing APR and PR & Co correspondence, including account remittances and receipts; brochure catalog of Armitage exhibit in London 1957; two brochure catalogs from PR & Co exhibit 1958, hand-annotated with prices; also includes lists of sculptures and their editions.

Gimpel Fils Ltd. (London)
Gimpel, Charles
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Marangoni, Andrew
Interiors' Import Co., Inc. (New York)
Armitage, Kenneth
Susse Frères, fondeurs (Arcueil, France)

II.K.3 B Miscellaneous

Signed handwritten and typescript letters received by PR, APR and PR & Co, including invoices, loan receipts and copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR, APR and PR & Co correspondence, including telegrams, consignment memoranda, invoices and receipts.

Babcock Galleries (New York)
Dalesio, Carmine
Bachman, Rose
Mauriello & Fontana Co., Dealers in Foreign Money (New York)
Daly, George
Bankers Trust Co. (New York)
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Beatty, A. Chester
Galerie Beyeler (Basel)
Biddle, Sallie Metz
Boston Arts Festival (Boston, Massachusetts)
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, Massachusetts)
Maytham, Thomas N.
Little, David B.
Rathbone, Perry T.
James Bourlet & Sons Ltd. (London)
W.R. Keating & Company (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Bowers, H.
Rosenberg, Paul
Kent - Bragaline, Inc. (New York)
Bragaline, Edward A.
Bright, David
Brochier (Lyon)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Brooklyn Museum (New York)
United States Information Agency (Washington, D.C.)
First Biennial Inter-American Exhibition of Paintings and Prints. (Mexico City, Mexico)
Gordon, John
Weidner, Marilyn Kemp
Santini Bros., Inc. (New York)
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Brown, Harold (Mrs.)
Bryant Sign Shop (New York)
Burrows, Selig (Mrs.)

II.K.4 Budworth

Signed typescript letters and telegrams received by PR & Co, including copy of third-party correspondence; office copy of outgoing PR & Co correspondence, all shipping instructions. [Clients as per A-Z files, Receipted Invoices, Consignments - Outgoing].

W.S. Budworth & Co. (New York)
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Reichenbach, Philippe
Smithsonian Traveling Exhibition Services (Washington, D.C.)
Delaware Art Center (Wilmington, Delaware)
Marshall, L.K.
Huber Gallery (Miami Beach, Florida)
Cleveland Museum of Art (Cleveland, Ohio)
Phillips, Lazarus
Sacknoff, Serge
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (Montreal, Canada)
McCormick, Roger
Museum of Fine Arts of Houston (Houston, Texas)
Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, New York)
Selznick, David O.
Weil, Richard
Florsheim, Harold
Ball State Teachers College Art Gallery (Muncie, Indiana)
Mellon, Paul
Ring, Gustave
Rood, John
Arnason, H. Harvard
University of Minnesota, University Gallery (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Knox, Seymour
Rathbone, Perry
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, Massachusetts)

II.K.5 C Miscellaneous

Signed typescript letters received by APR and PR & Co, including receipts; office copy of outgoing APR and PR & Co correspondence, including lists of sculptures, consignment memoranda and remittances.

New York City Cancer Committee (New York)
Walters, Florence [for PR & Co]
Carnegie Institute, Department of Fine Arts (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
Arkus, Leon Anthony
Washburn, Gordon B.
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Chidsey, G. Alan
Hartley, Marsden [estate of]
Christie, Manson & Woods, Ltd. (London)
Chrysler, Walter P. (Jr.)
Cleveland Museum of Art (Cleveland, Ohio)
Lee, Sherman E.
Francis, Henry S.
Milliken, William
University of Colorado, Department of Fine Arts (Boulder, Colorado)
Megrew, Alden F.

II.K.6 Caleb Printing

Office copy of outgoing PR & Co correspondence, all instructions to printer, including text drafts and lists of institutional addresses.

Caleb Printing Company (New York)
Wandel, George
Paul Rosenberg & Company (New York)
Armitage, Kenneth

II.K.7 Consignment - Incoming

Outgoing office copy of PR & Co artist's and exhibitor's consignment memoranda, including list of sculptures.

Weiss, Harvey
Rewald, John

II.K.8 Consignments Outgoing

Outgoing office copy of PR & Co correspondence, mostly consignment memoranda, including detailed lists of pictures.

NOTE: Multiple entries exist for many among listed collectors.

Perls Galleries (New York)
Chidsey, G. Alan
Hartley, Marsden [estate of]
Babcock Galleries, Inc. (New York)
Dalesio, Carmine
Smithsonian Traveling Exhibition Service (Washington, D.C.)
Des Moines Art Center (Des Moines, Iowa)
Delaware Art Center (Wilmington, Delaware)
Marshall, L.K.
Huber Gallery (Miami Beach, Florida)
Cleveland Museum of Art (Cleveland, Ohio)
Sackler, Arthur (Mrs.)
Bright, David
Museum of Fine Arts (Montreal, Canada)
Halpert, Edith
Downtown Gallery (New York)
Boston Art Festival (Boston, Massachusetts)
Denver Art Museum (Denver, Colorado)
Johnson, James W.
Brooklyn Museum for the United States Information Agency (New York)
Simon, Leo
De Cordova and Dana Museum and Park (Lincoln, Massachusetts)
New York University. La Maison Française. (New York)
Museum of the University of Puerto Rico (San Juan, Puerto Rico)
Arts Club of Chicago (Chicago)
McNear, Everett
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (New York)
Sweeney, James Johnson
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia)
Marceau, Henri
North Shore Art Festival (Great Neck, New York)
University of Colorado, Department of Fine Arts (Boulder, Colorado)
Museum of Fine Arts of Houston (Houston, Texas)
Burrows, Selig
Loeb, John H.
Lasker, Loula
Vergottes, George
Ball State Teachers College (Muncie, Indiana)
Nichols, Alice
Los Angeles County Museum (Los Angeles)
Rollins College, Morse Gallery of Art (Winter Park, Florida)
National Academy of Design (New York)
Jaretzki, Alfred
Rood, John
Arnason, H. Harvard
University of Minnesota, University Gallery (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Rathbone, Perry T.
Brown, Richard F.
Logan, Joshua

II.K.9 Critics

Office copy of outgoing letter sent to multiple individuals.

Coates, Robert
New Yorker (New York)
New York Herald Tribune (New York)
New York Post (New York)
New York Times (New York)
WNYC, Public Radio (New York)
Tonight Show (New York)
Time (New York)