What a Hundred Million Calls to 311 Reveal About NYC
Wesley Grubbs (American, born 1976)
and Mladen Balog (Croatian, born 1973)
of Pitch Interactive (USA, est. 2007)
Illustrator and Processing software
Pitch Interactive’s data visualizations illuminate complex sets of information in a way that is dynamic, accessible, and visually eloquent. NYC’s 311 call center, which receives more than 50,000 calls each day, offers citizens information on school closings, recycling rules, etc. and fields complaints on anything from property taxes to rodents. In an undulating, colorful graphic, Pitch Interactive plotted the most common complaints by time of day, exposing what irks New Yorkers at all hours of the day and night. Originally published in Wired magazine in 2010.
Category: City
Tags: Communications / Visualizations / Networks / Maps / Liminal Spaces