Timo Arnall (British, born 1976) of Oslo School of Architecture and Design (Norway, founded 1961)
Jack Schulze (British, born 1976)
of BERG (UK, founded 2005)
Digital video (color, sound), 1:01 min
The designers of the Touch project—which explores near field communication (NFC), or close-range wireless connections between devices—set out to make the immaterial visible, specifically radio-frequency identification (RFID), used for financial transactions, transportation, and tracking anything from live animals to library books. BERG’s Nearness “addresses the fictions and speculations in the technology” by using a Rube Goldberg machine to explore interaction as an effect of mere proximity, rather than physical contact. In the film, a series of simple reactions are set off by invisible signals—illustrating, in the designers’ words, “the problems of invisibility and the magic of being close.”
Category: Objects
Tags: Interactions / Visualizations / Networks