PHP, HTML, JavaScript, Flash, and MySQL
In the age of information saturation
and overload, several news-aggregating
websites and mobile applications cut
through the noise by presenting the
news landscape in a visually organized
way. Newsmap draws on Google News’s
constantly updated feeds and is arranged
like a treemap (a hierarchical way of
representing data that uses nested
rectangles as an organizing element).
Different stories are contained in
rectangular cells whose size is dictated
by how much coverage Google News
determines that the subject has been
given; they are then grouped into easily
identified bands and color-coded by
topic (such as world affairs, business,
entertainment, sports). The news can
be filtered by country, by issue, or by
whether the subject has been updated
in the last 10 minutes, the last hour,
or more, giving users a more directed
way to digest the news while also seeing
the larger patterns of the news cycle.