Garden Registry
Amy Franceschini (American, born 1970)
of Futurefarmers (USA, est. 1995)
Flash, Flex Builder, PHP, and MySQL software
Garden Registry is an online map and
social network where users can add their
own gardening sites and identify potential
future locations in San Francisco. The
registry includes everything from window
boxes and terraces to yards, community
gardens, and vacant plots, creating
what the artist group Futurefarmers
calls an “important portrait of land use.”
The site also maps the city’s microclimates,
indicating which areas are most
suitable for which vegetables according
to the amount of direct sunlight and
moisture they receive. Gardeners can
let each other know about their surplus
produce so that they can benefit from
and contribute to a broader exchange
of locally grown food.
Category: City
Tags: Communications / Liminal Spaces / Maps / Networks