Installation with video (color, sound),
screens, and printed panels, 3:50 min,
dimensions variable; device: polystyrene,
acrylic, Arduino board, speaker, and
23 5/8 x 11 13/16 x 3 7/8"
(60 x 30 x 10 cm)
The artist known as Sputniko! explores
technology, feminism, and pop culture by
collaborating with scientists on works
that suggest possible intersections
among these fields. Crowbot Jenny,
inspired by Donna Haraway’s philosophical
memoir When Species Meet (2007),
is a solitary girl who, despite her generation’s
tendency toward communication
overload, has trouble relating to her
peers. In fact, Crowbot Jenny prefers to
talk with animals and uses the Crowbot,
an instrument that replicates a range of
crow calls, to commune with her army of
birds. Sputniko! collaborated with Nathan
Emery and Nicola Clayton, specialists
in crow intelligence at the University
of London and University of Cambridge,
UK, respectively, who provided her
with sample calls collected in London’s
Finsbury and Hyde parks. From that
collaboration she learned that crows
are capable of advanced social communication,
and even of reading other animals’
minds. Crowbot Jenny contemplates
the potential of cross-species interaction,
suggesting a scenario in which
technology lets us, as the artist
says, “re-realize the urban animals
surrounding us.”