Finger implant: optical characterrecognition
system and network
transmitter; ear attachment:
text-to-speech system and network
Finger implant: 3/8 x 3/8 x 1/8"
(1 x 1 x 0.2 cm); ear attachment:
3/16 x 5/16 x 1/8"
(0.5 x 0.8 x 0.2 cm)
Looking up unfamiliar words while
reading is disruptive, creating a break,
however momentary, in narrative flow.
The Touch Hear text-recognition
dictionary (unfortunately still a concept)
renders the task built-in and seamless,
requiring only the scanning of a finger
implant over a word or phrase to
bring up related information, such as
meaning and pronunciation, into a small
device attached near the ear. Touch
Hear explores a way for technology to
enhance human capacity in an everyday