prettymaps, Beijing, Manhattan, and Tokyo
Aaron Straup Cope (Canadian
and American, born Canada 1971)
of Stamen Design (USA, est. 2001)
Polymaps, Mapnik, and TileStache
prettymaps are interactive maps that
integrate data from freely available
sources into multidimensional renderings
of different places. The application pulls
geographic data from open-mapping
projects—including street-level data
from OpenStreetMap, land-formation
data from Natural Earth, and place-specific
data from Flickr—and plots
them atop one another. Users can view
the maps at varying degrees of detail,
zooming from a view of the world to
a view of a single neighborhood. They are
visually striking, with cities transformed
into colorful abstractions, but the shapes
are recognizable for anyone already
familiar with the terrain.
Category: City
Tags: Maps / Networks / Visualizations / Open Source