Chie Mitsuyama (Japanese, born 1977)
of Ginghami Co. (Japan, est. 2008)
Rubber, wood, and steel
1 5/16 x 1 1/8
x 3 7/8" (3.4 x 2.7 x 10 cm)
Kikuchi Mfg Co.,
Ltd., Japan
Emoticons have become both staples
and clichés of digital communication.
Kaoiro (meaning “facial expression” in
Japanese) is a low-tech emoticon device
in the form of an old-fashioned date
stamp. Seven belts with 20 punctuation
symbols each can be used in combination
to create more than 2,000
analog emoticons to stamp on letters,
notes, and books. Kaoiro introduces a
uniquely digital mode of expression into
the realm of ink and paper and, made by
hand at a small artisanal stamp factory
in Japan, also unites the disparate worlds
of lightning-quick communication and
time-tested craft.
Category: Double Entendre
Tags: Communications / Pets