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In the U.K., as in many countries, the
elderly population is growing at a much
faster rate than other groups. Research
by the design group Participle has
shown that the keys to good quality
of life for senior citizens are rather basic:
a regular social network of at least six
people and freedom from worrying about
physically challenging problems, such
as changing lightbulbs. Southwark Circle,
a membership organization based in
the London borough of the same name,
mobilizes public, private, and volunteer
resources to help seniors take care
of household chores, forge stronger
social and neighborhood connections,
and contribute their own skills to the
Circle community. Southwark Circle
was created in collaboration with
Participle and tested by more than
250 seniors and their family members,
and the service was launched in 2009.
It is an alternative model for senior
care, one that moves away from formal
government-run or social services
and toward community.