Adi Marom (Israeli, born 1974)
Interactive Telecommunications Program
(est. 1979)
Tisch School of the Arts (est. 1965)
New York University (USA, est. 1831)
Aluminum, electronics, and Arduino
and HTML software
Elevated: 7 x 4 3/4
x 9 1/2" (17.8 x 12 x 24.1 cm)
Designs by Adi Marom and Hans Hemmert
explore how daily
functions and especially face-to-face
communication can change simply by
tweaking and tinkering with people’s
height. Marom’s robotic footwear extends
and contracts via an iPhone application,
so that the wearer becomes taller or
shorter to fit various needs and moods—
from reaching a higher supermarket shelf
to smelling a flower on a tree branch;
height thus becomes what the designer
calls an “interactive variable.”
Category: Bodies
Tags: Interactions / Mutants and Fairy Tales / Critical Design