Out of the Box
Clara Gaggero (Italian, born 1980)
and Adrian Westaway (British and
French, born Singapore 1982)
of Vitamins Design (UK, est. 2008)
with Samsung Design Europe (UK,
est. 1999) and the Helen Hamlyn Centre
for Design (est. 1999), Royal College
of Art (UK, est. 1837)
9 1/8 x 6 11/16 x 2"
(23 x 17 x 5 cm)
Out of the Box is an easy-to-understand
mobile phone—instruction manual specifically
aimed at senior citizens. Designers
Clara Gaggero and Adrian Westaway
worked with the Helen Hamlyn Centre
for Design, an interdisciplinary design-research
unit devoted to projects aimed
at improving people’s lives, especially the
elderly and disabled. The outcome was
this mobile-phone packaging that doubles
as an instruction manual based on familiar
non-digital communication. Seniors often
find learning new technologies frustrating,
especially, the designers explain,
“as they apply analogue modes of learning
to the digital experience—looking in the
box for help that is not there.” Here,
the box is also a bound book that contains
the phone. The new owner leafs through
the pages of the book, gradually encountering
both assembly instructions and
the corresponding hardware parts, which
are integrated within the bound book.
Once the user is comfortable with the
workings of the phone, the package
can be stored on a bookshelf.
Category: Objects
Tags: Visualizations / Interfaces