What is Talk to Me?
Talk to Me is an exhibition on the communication between people and objects that opened at The Museum of Modern Art on July 24th 2011. It features a wide range of objects from all over the world, from interfaces and products to diagrams, visualizations, and furniture, dreamed up by by bona-fide designers, students, scientists, all designed in the past few years or currently under development.
As you can tell, our net was cast very wide and the exhibition happened at the end of a long hunting and gathering exercise. This online journal has documented the process and progress of Talk to Me, and lives on to prolong the delight and continue the conversation.
While doing our research we used this blog as a tool to organize out findings: under the queue tab you could find projects that piqued our interest and were awaiting further research, whereas if something was tagged as checked, it had already gone successfully through the initial phase and it sat in our preliminary database, categorized by type of design. When we began organizing the exhibition and the catalogue, we classified our finds in a new way, by scale, under the who's talking? tab. This is how they remain organized today in the exhibition, catalogue and on the official website for the show, www.moma.org/talktome.
By allowing you behind the scenes of Talk to Me, we hope to shed some light on the curatorial process.
—the TTM curatorial team archive
- November 2011 (1)
- October 2011 (11)
- September 2011 (13)
- August 2011 (6)
- July 2011 (1)
- November 2010 (1)
- September 2010 (2)
- June 2010 (2)
- May 2010 (1)
- April 2010 (3)
- March 2010 (4)
- Checked (3)
- Events (1)
- Just In (1)
- Uncategorized (39)
- Updates (1)
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- Walker Art Center | Design
- We Make Money Not Art
- WIRED | Gadget Lab
Chris Woebken and Kenichi Okada | Animal Superpowers
Area/Code | Sharkrunners
David McCandless | When Sea Levels Attack
CAMP | Pad.ma
Berg | BBC Dimensions
Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Laura Kurgan, Mark Hansen, and Ben Rubin. In collaboration with Stewart Smith and Robert Gerard Pietrusko | Terre Natale: Exits
Louise O’Connor | Walk the Solar System
Josh On | They Rule
Marcos Weskamp | newsmap
Brendan Dawes | DoodleBuzz
Futurefarmers | ANTIWARGAME
Will Wright | SimCity
Bay 12 Games | Dwarf Fortress
Elias Holmlid, Dmitri Kurteanu, Guy Lima Jr., and Stefan Mikaelsson | Continuity
Jason Rohrer | Sleep is Death
Media Molecule | LittleBigPlanet
Poke | Good Things Should Never End
Will Wright | Spore
Marc Owens | Avatar Machine
Linda Kostowski and Sascha Pohflepp | Export to World
Yu Uchida and Masa Inakage | Kageo
Hudson-Powell, Joel Gethin Lewis and Karsten Schmidt | Hungry Hungry Eat Head
Chris O’Shea | Hand from Above
Bernd Hopfengärtner | Hello World!
Sander Veenhof | Augmented Reality Flash Mob
Joon Moon | Augmented Shadow
Camille Scherrer | Haunted Book
Camille Scherrer | Le Monde des Montagnes
Maarten Baas | AnalogDigital
Superflux | Fifth Dimensional Camera
Tellart | Augmented Reality Cookies