
These links give some historical context to Talk to Me.

Kodak’s First Digital Camera | A camera that would capture images using a CCD imager Project Cybersyn | An attempt at real-time computer-controlled planned economy in Chile, 1970-1973
About Mark Weiser | At XEROX Parc, considered the Father of ubiquitous computing
The World Wide Web: a very short personal history | by Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the WWW
A Brief History of Human Computer Interaction Technology | from the Director of the HCI Institute
The Internet in 1969 | A video posted on Kottke.org
Behold the Computer Revolution | National Geographic article from 1970
Aesthedes | An early graphic design machine
Don Wetzel | Inventor of the ATM
Bill Wasik | Flashmob
BBC News | 40 Ways We Still Use Floppy Disks
Charles and Ray Eames | The Do-Nothing Machine
How I Met Your Motherboard | Tales of Early Computing
The Web Time Forgot | Learn about Paul Otlet, a 1930s technology pioneer
Meet the Last Generation of Typewriter Repairmen | Wired.com  visits three Bay Area workshops whose proprietors keep typewriters from disappearing into the grave.
Remembering Quokka | Revisiting the late 90’s and early 00’s, Quokka Sports’ groundbreaking design
Aspen Movie Map | Created in the late 1970’s, the Aspen Movie Map was a groundbreaking interactive virtual tour of the real-world city of Aspen, Colorado
Muriel Cooper: Information Landscapes | An early example of transforming typography into three dimensions