double entendre

Sputniko! | Crowbot Jenny
Chris Woebken And Natalie Jeremeijenko | Bat Billboard
Sputniko! | Menstruation Machine
Jaakko Tuomivaara | Hide & See
Bandai | Mojibakeru
FL@33 | Bzzzpeek
Susan Woolf | Taxi Hand Signal User Guide
aruliden | Check Mate
Design Incubation Centre | Touch Hear
Ginghami Co. | Kaoiro
Katrin Baumgarten | The Disgusted Object
Konstantin Datz | Rubiks Cube for the Blind
Danielle Pecora | be-B Braille Education Ball
Toshio Iwai | TENORI-ON (this piece is already in MoMA’s collection.  Read more about it on INSIDE/OUT)
Brian Crabtree and Kelli Cain | Monome
Max Weisel | Soundrop
Henry Chu | Squiggle
Johan Halin | Kontrol
SWAMP | Notepad
Sebastian Bettencourt | Beyond the Fold
Dan Collier | Typographic Links
Minimaforms | Becoming Animal
Tahir Hemphill | Hip Hop Wordcount
NoDesignLab | Wablog