schools & centers

Here are programs that have a strong focus in interactive design, information art, media and computation. We like to keep an eye on degree exhibitions to learn about bright, young talent.

US-East Coast
Brown University | Visualization Research Lab
Carnegie Mellon | Computer Interaction Institute
Carnegie Mellon | Communication Planning and Information Design
Carnegie Mellon | Living Environments Lab
Clemson University | IMSA
Cornell University | Computer Graphics
Eyebeam Art + Technology Center
Georgia Tech | HCI Research Group
Harvard | Graduate School of Design
IBM Watson Research Center | Collaborative user experience research, Cambridge, MA
Massachusetts College of Art and Design | Dynamic Media Institute
MIT | Media Lab
MIT | Mobile Experience Lab
MIT | Tangible Media Lab
UNH | Visualization Lab
Parsons, The New School for Design | Design and Technology
Parsons, The New School for Design | Transdisciplinary Design
Pratt Institute | Interactive Design
Pratt Institute | School of Art & Design
Rensselaer | Human Computer Technology
RISD | Digital Media
SVA | Interaction Design
Stevens Institute of Technology | Art and Technology Program
Syracuse University | COLAB

US-Midwest and Southwest
Art Institute of Chicago | Art and Technology
Austin Center for Design

Illinois Institute of Technology | Interaction
Illinois Institute of Technology | Visualization
University of Illinois | Electronic Visualization Lab
Indiana University | Human-Computer Interaction
Indiana University | Information Visualization Lab
University of Kansas | Interaction Design
Miami University | Interactive Media Studies
University of Michigan | Human-Computer Interaction
University of Michigan | Informatics
Texas A&M | Visualization

US-West Coast
Art Center Pasadena | Media Design
California College of the Arts | MLAB
UC Berkeley | iSchool
UC Berkeley | Visualization Lab
UCLA Design | Media Arts
UCSB | Media Arts and Technology
Human Interface Technology Lab | Research and development in Seattle
The Long Now Foundation | Think tank for long-term futuring in San Francisco
Rosetta Project | Creating a digital library of human languages in San Francisco
Stanford University | HCI group
Stanford University | Hasso Plattner Institute of Design

University of Calgary | Innovations in Visualization Laboratory
Concordia University | Computation Arts
Simon Fraser University | School of Interactive arts + Technology

Aberystwyth University | Vision Graphics and Visualisation
Central Saint Martins | Communications
University College London | The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment
De Monfort University | Institute of Creative Technologies
Goldsmiths University of London | Interaction Research Studio
Helen Hamlyn Center | People-centered design team at the RCA
London College of Communications | Interactive Media
London College of Communications | Information Environments
Middlesex University | Interaction Design
Newcastle | Digital Media
Ravensbourne University | Digital Media and Design
University of Reading | Information Design
Royal College of Art | Design Interactions

University of Dundee | Interactive Media Design
Edinburgh Napier University | Centre for Interaction Design

Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design

Aalto University, School of Art and Design | Systems of Representation

Aachen University | Media Computing Group
Fachhochschule Potsdam | Interface Design
Fachhochschule Potsdam | Interaction Design Lab
Konstanz University | Human-Computer Interaction
Pforzheim University, School of Design | Creative Direction
University of Stuttgart | Visualization and Interactive Systems Group
TU Berlin | Interaction Design and Media
ZKM Center for Art and Media,
Academy of Media Arts, Cologne

Domus Academy | Interaction Design
| Benetton’s communication research centre

The Netherlands
Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam | Design and Media
Eindhoven University of Technology | Industrial Design
Jan van Eyck Academie

TU Delft | Design for Interaction

Elisava | Interaction Design
Medialab Prado

Interactive Institute | Kista, Sweden
Interactive Institute | Umea, Sweden
Linköping University | Advanced Computer Graphics
Malmo University | Interaction Design
Umea Institute of Design

ENSCI | Industrial Design

ECAL | Media and Interaction Design
European Graduate School | Media and Communication
SUPSI | Advanced Studies in Interaction Design
ZHdK Zurich | Interaction Design

University of Canberra | Digital Design
Swinburne University of Technology | Multimedia Design
University of Western Sydney | Communication Arts

Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences
Keio University | Media Design
Kobe Design University
Kyoto Seika University | Digital Creation
National University of the Arts, Tokyo | New Media
Osaka University of Arts | Design
Tama Art University | Information Design
Tokyo University | Knowledge Interaction Design Lab
University of Tsukuba | Information Design
Waseda University | Media Design
Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences

CAFA | Media Art
Donghua University | Digital Media Art
Raffles Design Institute
Tongji University | College of Communication and Arts
Tsinghua University | Information Art and Design

Hong Kong
Hong Kong Polytechnic University | Interaction Design

KAIST | Design Media Lab

NUS-Keio Cute Center | Connective Ubiquitous Technology

IIT Bombay | Interaction Design
The National Institute of Design | New Media and Software Interfaces
Shristi School of Art | Interface Design