What is Talk to Me?
Talk to Me is an exhibition on the communication between people and objects that opened at The Museum of Modern Art on July 24th 2011. It features a wide range of objects from all over the world, from interfaces and products to diagrams, visualizations, and furniture, dreamed up by by bona-fide designers, students, scientists, all designed in the past few years or currently under development.
As you can tell, our net was cast very wide and the exhibition happened at the end of a long hunting and gathering exercise. This online journal has documented the process and progress of Talk to Me, and lives on to prolong the delight and continue the conversation.
While doing our research we used this blog as a tool to organize out findings: under the queue tab you could find projects that piqued our interest and were awaiting further research, whereas if something was tagged as checked, it had already gone successfully through the initial phase and it sat in our preliminary database, categorized by type of design. When we began organizing the exhibition and the catalogue, we classified our finds in a new way, by scale, under the who's talking? tab. This is how they remain organized today in the exhibition, catalogue and on the official website for the show, www.moma.org/talktome.
By allowing you behind the scenes of Talk to Me, we hope to shed some light on the curatorial process.
—the TTM curatorial team archive
- November 2011 (1)
- October 2011 (11)
- September 2011 (13)
- August 2011 (6)
- July 2011 (1)
- November 2010 (1)
- September 2010 (2)
- June 2010 (2)
- May 2010 (1)
- April 2010 (3)
- March 2010 (4)
- Checked (3)
- Events (1)
- Just In (1)
- Uncategorized (39)
- Updates (1)
- 10,000 Words
- A bunch of stuff about game controllers
- app.itize.us
- Auger Loizeau
- Bobulate
- Boing Boing
- Bolt | Peters
- Brand Avenue
- Brynnafred
- Change Observer
- Core 77
- Culture
- D-Crit at SVA
- Daring Fireball
- Design Boom
- Design Droplets
- Design Observer
- Designing Devices
- dezeen
- Digital Urban
- Dynamist
- Engadget
- Fast Company
- Gizmodo
- Good
- Google Blogoscoped
- Google Operating System
- Graphpaper
- Guerilla Innovation
- Henrik Werdelin
- Hrag Vartanian
- Information is Beautiful
- Infrastructurist
- interactions magazine
- Interactive Architecture
- Interactive Institute Umea
- Interactive Multimedia Technology
- Inventing Interactive
- It's Nice That
- Kevin Kelly
- Kottke
- Layer Tennis Live
- Lifehacker
- Mashable
- Mauj
- movito
- Murketing
- Netdiver
- New York Times | Bits
- Nussbaum on Design
- O'Reilly Radar
- Pink Tentacle
- Print Blog
- RAPP Blog
- ReadWriteWeb
- Rhizome
- Robin Sloan
- Scobleizer
- Scripting News
- Significant Objects
- Smashing Magazine
- Speedbird
- Strange Maps
- Studio 360
- Studio Banana
- Subtraction
- Swiss Miss
- TechCrunch
- TED blog
- The Arch
- The Official Google Blog
- Thinking for a Living
- Touch Blog
- Toxel
- TUI Blog by Form+Zwek
- Walker Art Center | Design
- We Make Money Not Art
- WIRED | Gadget Lab
schools & centers
Here are programs that have a strong focus in interactive design, information art, media and computation. We like to keep an eye on degree exhibitions to learn about bright, young talent.
US-East Coast
Brown University | Visualization Research Lab
Carnegie Mellon | Computer Interaction Institute
Carnegie Mellon | Communication Planning and Information Design
Carnegie Mellon | Living Environments Lab
Clemson University | IMSA
Cornell University | Computer Graphics
Eyebeam Art + Technology Center
Georgia Tech | HCI Research Group
Harvard | Graduate School of Design
IBM Watson Research Center | Collaborative user experience research, Cambridge, MA
Massachusetts College of Art and Design | Dynamic Media Institute
MIT | Media Lab
MIT | Mobile Experience Lab
MIT | Tangible Media Lab
UNH | Visualization Lab
Parsons, The New School for Design | Design and Technology
Parsons, The New School for Design | Transdisciplinary Design
Pratt Institute | Interactive Design
Pratt Institute | School of Art & Design
Rensselaer | Human Computer Technology
RISD | Digital Media
SVA | Interaction Design
Stevens Institute of Technology | Art and Technology Program
Syracuse University | COLAB
US-Midwest and Southwest
Art Institute of Chicago | Art and Technology
Austin Center for Design
Illinois Institute of Technology | Interaction
Illinois Institute of Technology | Visualization
University of Illinois | Electronic Visualization Lab
Indiana University | Human-Computer Interaction
Indiana University | Information Visualization Lab
University of Kansas | Interaction Design
Miami University | Interactive Media Studies
University of Michigan | Human-Computer Interaction
University of Michigan | Informatics
Texas A&M | Visualization
US-West Coast
Art Center Pasadena | Media Design
California College of the Arts | MLAB
UC Berkeley | iSchool
UC Berkeley | Visualization Lab
UCLA Design | Media Arts
UCSB | Media Arts and Technology
Human Interface Technology Lab | Research and development in Seattle
The Long Now Foundation | Think tank for long-term futuring in San Francisco
Rosetta Project | Creating a digital library of human languages in San Francisco
Stanford University | HCI group
Stanford University | Hasso Plattner Institute of Design
University of Calgary | Innovations in Visualization Laboratory
Concordia University | Computation Arts
Simon Fraser University | School of Interactive arts + Technology
Aberystwyth University | Vision Graphics and Visualisation
Central Saint Martins | Communications
University College London | The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment
De Monfort University | Institute of Creative Technologies
Goldsmiths University of London | Interaction Research Studio
Helen Hamlyn Center | People-centered design team at the RCA
London College of Communications | Interactive Media
London College of Communications | Information Environments
Middlesex University | Interaction Design
Newcastle | Digital Media
Ravensbourne University | Digital Media and Design
University of Reading | Information Design
Royal College of Art | Design Interactions
University of Dundee | Interactive Media Design
Edinburgh Napier University | Centre for Interaction Design
Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design
Aalto University, School of Art and Design | Systems of Representation
Aachen University | Media Computing Group
Fachhochschule Potsdam | Interface Design
Fachhochschule Potsdam | Interaction Design Lab
Konstanz University | Human-Computer Interaction
Pforzheim University, School of Design | Creative Direction
University of Stuttgart | Visualization and Interactive Systems Group
TU Berlin | Interaction Design and Media
ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe
Academy of Media Arts, Cologne
Domus Academy | Interaction Design
Fabrica | Benetton’s communication research centre
The Netherlands
Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam | Design and Media
Eindhoven University of Technology | Industrial Design
Jan van Eyck Academie
TU Delft | Design for Interaction
Elisava | Interaction Design
Medialab Prado
Interactive Institute | Kista, Sweden
Interactive Institute | Umea, Sweden
Linköping University | Advanced Computer Graphics
Malmo University | Interaction Design
Umea Institute of Design
ENSCI | Industrial Design
ECAL | Media and Interaction Design
European Graduate School | Media and Communication
SUPSI | Advanced Studies in Interaction Design
ZHdK Zurich | Interaction Design
University of Canberra | Digital Design
Swinburne University of Technology | Multimedia Design
University of Western Sydney | Communication Arts
Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences
Keio University | Media Design
Kobe Design University
Kyoto Seika University | Digital Creation
National University of the Arts, Tokyo | New Media
Osaka University of Arts | Design
Tama Art University | Information Design
Tokyo University | Knowledge Interaction Design Lab
University of Tsukuba | Information Design
Waseda University | Media Design
Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences
CAFA | Media Art
Donghua University | Digital Media Art
Raffles Design Institute
Tongji University | College of Communication and Arts
Tsinghua University | Information Art and Design
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Polytechnic University | Interaction Design
KAIST | Design Media Lab
NUS-Keio Cute Center | Connective Ubiquitous Technology
IIT Bombay | Interaction Design
The National Institute of Design | New Media and Software Interfaces
Shristi School of Art | Interface Design