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Dorothy C. Miller Papers
in The Museum of Modern Art Archives

The Museum of Modern Art Archives
11 West 53 Street
New York, NY 10019-5497
© 1989
The Museum of Modern Art Archives
Processed by Rachel Wild and Rona Roob, 1989; revised by Rachel Wild and Rona Roob, 1993; revised by Michelle Elligott, 1996 and 1998; updated by Rachel Garbade, 2023.

Overview of the Collection

Creator: Miller, Dorothy Canning, 1904-2003
Title: Dorothy C. Miller Papers
Bulk Dates: 1929-1984
Quantity: 15.84 linear feet
31 document boxes, 1 15" storage box containing 3 albums, 1 16" x 19" box of photographs, 2 boxes of 3" x 5" index cards, 1 box 5" x 7" index cards, 1 box of postcards, 1 box of address books and notebooks, 1 15" storage box containing appointment calendars
Abstract: Personal and professional papers of Dorothy C. Miller, who held various curatorial positions at The Museum of Modern Art, 1935-1984.


In arranging these Papers original order was maintained wherever possible. The Papers have been processed down to the file folder unit. The Papers are arranged in eight series:
Series I: Exhibitions (1932, 1939, 1942-1969)
Series II: Non-Museum Publications and Writings (ca. 1930-1981)
Series III: Museum Matters (ca. 1941-ca. 1978)
Series IV: Subject Interest Material and Other Activities (ca. 1940s-ca. 1970s)
Series V: Biographical Material
Series Va: Museum Matters II (1957-1965)
Series Vb: Museum Matters III (1942-1971)
Series VI: Addendum A. [Susanna] Coggeshall Gift
Subseries VI.A: Articles (ca. 1935-1971)
Subseries VI.B: Correspondence (1950-1972)
Subseries VI.C: Exhibition Announcements and Brochures (ca. 1962-1972)
Subseries VI.D: Museum Matters (ca. 1929-1970)
Subseries VI.E: Biographical Material (ca. 1961-ca. 1975)
Series VII: Addendum B. Materials Added After 1986
Subseries VII.A: Correspondence, Alfred H. Barr, Jr. (1945-1975)
Subseries VII.B: Correspondence, Family (1934-1961)
Subseries VII.C: Correspondence, Williamsburg (1955-1960s)
Subseries VII.D: Correspondence, General (1945-1982)
Subseries VII.E: Museum Matters (1944-1977)
Subseries VII.F: Biographical Materials (1961-1984)
Subseries VII.G: Photographs (1936-1969)
Subseries VII.H: Additional Files Received from Susanna Coggeshall (1933-1970)
Subseries VII.I: "Photographs of Modern Art"

Biographical Note

Dorothy Canning Miller was born in Hopedale, Massachusetts in 1904, to Arthur Barrett Miller and Edith Almena Canning. She graduated from Smith College in 1925 (Honorary Degree, 1959).

In 1925, she took the ten-month museum-training course at the Newark Art Museum taught by John Cotton Dana, that Museum's pioneering founding Director. Holger Cahill (1887 - 1960), whom Miller married in 1938, helped to teach this course. Through Cahill, Miller became knowledgeable about contemporary American art as students in this course visited studios and met artists working in New York. Miller was a member of the curatorial staff of the Newark Museum from 1926 to 1930.

From 1930-32, she worked for Mrs. Henry Lang at the Montclair Art Museum cataloging, researching, and installing a collection of American Indian art.

In 1932 she was asked by Holger Cahill, who had become Acting Director of The Museum of Modern Art during the absence of Alfred H. Barr, Jr., to work on the catalog for the Museum's American Painting and Sculpture, 1862-1932 exhibition. She also worked with Cahill on the exhibitions American Folk Art: The Art of The Common Man in America, 1750-1900, held at the Museum, November 30 - January 14, 1933, and American Sources of Modern Art, held at the Museum, May 8 - July 1, 1933. In 1933-34, Miller worked with Cahill on the Municipal Exhibitions in the RCA building in New York. They presented the work of some 5,000 New York artists.

On October 1, 1934, she joined the staff of The Museum of Modern Art as Assistant to the Director, Alfred H. Barr, Jr. The first exhibition for which she was responsible was New Horizons in American Art, Sept. 14 - Oct. 12, 1936. Miller worked at the Museum in various capacities until her retirement in June, 1969:

Senior Curator: 1967-1969
Curator of Museum Collections: 1947-1967
Curator of Painting and Sculpture: 1943-1947
Associate Curator of Painting and Sculpture: 1942
Assistant Curator of Painting and Sculpture: 1935-1941

In 1959, Miller was asked to join the Art Committee of the Chase Manhattan Bank. After her retirement from the Museum, she became an art advisor to or trustee of many businesses and institutions, including Rockefeller University, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the Rothko Foundation, and the Joseph H. Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden.

Her contributions to Museum connoisseurship and the art world have been recognized by Williams College (Honorary Degree, 1982), the Art Dealers Association (Special Award, 1982) and the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture (Governor's Award, 1983).

From March 14, 1984 until her death in 2003, she served as an Honorary Trustee of The Museum.

Scope and Content

The Dorothy C. Miller Papers include correspondence, photographs, research notes and ephemera.

Series I includes information on exhibitions Miller organized for MoMA. For these shows she was responsible for the selection of artists and works to be included, for borrowing, assembling, installing and cataloguing, and for other details such as publicity and the accompanying reception. The Papers document all these activities.

Dorothy Miller is perhaps best known for the remarkable series of six exhibitions which were devoted to contemporary American artists. These shows were held periodically from 1942 through 1963, and introduced these artists to the Museum public in an original format devised by Miller. Unlike the usual large group show in which hundreds of artists are each represented by one work, Miller arbitrarily limited her choices so that each artist shown might be given a separate small gallery. Accordingly, Miller maintained separate filing units for each artist to be included. Her dilemmas (or difficulties) in making the final choices for these and other shows are reflected in her Papers.

Miller organized dozens of other exhibitions for the Museum such as, American Realists and Magic Realists (1943), The New American Painting (1959), The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture (1967), The Sidney and Harriet Janis Collection (1968), and Twentieth-Century Art from the Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection (1969).

For over three decades, she worked closely with Alfred H. Barr, Jr. selecting, acquiring and installing the Museum's permanent collection. She organized innumerable exhibitions of Recent Acquisitions. Her gift for installation was much admired; she said "I have a tremendous passion for making a good exhibition ... there has to be an element of drama in it, it [... should] knock your eyes out."

Series II includes publications and writing by Miller, not related to The Museum.

Series III includes correspondence and subject files related to The Museum.

Series IV includes subject files, not related to The Museum.

Series V includes personal material, such as photographs, notebooks, and calendars.

Series Va includes two files regarding Nelson A. Rockefeller, with some relation to The Museum.

Series Vb includes files related to Miller's time as Curator of Museum Collections.

Series VI Addendum A includes articles, exhibition announcements, inter-Museum memos and Museum correspondence relating to projects on which Miller was working when she retired in 1969.

Series VII Addendum B includes correspondence, writings, newspaper clippings, photographs of Miller and others, and exhibition ephemera. These files cover Miller's tenure at The Museum and her retirement.


Access Restrictions

The records are open for research and contain few restricted materials.

Ownership and Literary Rights

The Dorothy C. Miller Papers are the physical property of The Museum of Modern Art. Literary rights, including copyright belong to the authors or their legal heirs and assigns. Rights to work produced during the normal course of Museum business resides with The Museum of Modern Art. For further information, and to obtain permission to publish or reproduce, contact the Museum Archivist.

Index Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in the library catalog of The Museum of Modern Art. Researchers desiring materials about related topics, persons, or places should search the catalog using these headings.
Persons and Organizations:
Art, American -- Sources
Art, Japanese -- Sources
Barr, Alfred H., Jr., 1902-1981 -- Archives
Graves, Morris, 1910-2001 -- Archives
Miller, Dorothy Canning, 1904-2003
Miller, Dorothy Canning, 1904-2003 -- Archives
Rockefeller, Nelson A. (Nelson Aldrich), 1908-1979 -- Archives
Spencer, Niles, 1893-1952 -- Archives
Art, American -- Sources
Art, Japanese -- Sources
Barr, Alfred H., Jr., 1902-1981 -- Archives
Graves, Morris, 1910-2001 -- Archives
Miller, Dorothy Canning, 1904-2003 -- Archives
Rockefeller, Nelson A. (Nelson Aldrich), 1908-1979 -- Archives
Spencer, Niles, 1893-1952 -- Archives

Related Material

A lengthy oral history and additional papers regarding Miller's Smith College years, the art collections of Nelson A. Rockefeller, Smith College, the Chase Manhattan Bank, and her activities after her retirement from The Museum in 1969 are held by the Archives of American Art.

The papers of Holger Cahill are held by the Archives of American Art and The New York Public Library, which include correspondence with Miller.

Installation photographs of exhibitions organized by Miller have been removed from these Papers and can be found in the Photographic Archive.

For complementary exhibition-related materials, please consult The Museum of Modern Art Exhibition Records, Department of Circulating Exhibitions Records, and the International Council and International Program Records.

Related correspondence and ephemera is included in Series I of James Lee Byars Correspondence in The Museum of Modern Art Archives.

The records of The Smith College Museum of Art also include information on Miller's activities at the college.

Administrative Information


The papers in Series I through Series Va were removed from One MacDougal Alley, where Miller maintained an office from 1969 through 1987. They were deeded to The Museum of Modern Art Archives on October 27, 1986.

Series VI: Addendum A was donated to The Museum in 1994 by Susanna Wilson Coggeshall. This series consists of materials that were, at some unknown date, mistakenly sent from One MacDougal Alley to the home of Susanna and Calvert Coggeshall in Maine.

Series VII: Addendum B also consists of assorted materials from Dorothy Miller's office at One MacDougal Alley, donated in increments to The Museum by Wendy Jeffers in the years following 1986. One manuscript box of papers was also mistakenly sent to the Coggeshall house in Maine; this box was donated by Jeffers in 2008 and added to the collection in 2023 as Subseries VII.H. The most recent additions were donated and processed in 2023.

Preferred Citation

Published citations should take the following form:

Long version: Dorothy C. Miller Papers, [series.folder]. The Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York.

Short version: DCM, [series.folder]. MoMA Archives, NY.

Additional Descriptive Data

Explanation of Abbreviations

ALS is an Autographed Letter Signed.
TLS is a Typed Letter Signed.
TL stands for Typed Letter.
mss stands for handwritten manuscript(s)
typescript stands for typewritten manuscript(s)
MoMA is The Museum of Modern Art.
n.d. stands for no date.
[] dates in brackets were determined from outside source(s)
DCM is Dorothy Canning Miller
AHB is Alfred H. Barr, Jr.
MSB is Margaret Scolari Barr
JTS is James Thrall Soby
RDH is René d'Harnoncourt
NAR is Nelson A. Rockefeller
HC is Holger Cahill
WSL is William S. Lieberman

C/E refers to the national circulating version of the exhibition.
Dates that follow are the years during which the exhibition toured.

ICE refers to International Circulating Exhibition, an exhibition circulated under the auspices of the International Program.

Container List

Series I: Exhibitions 1932, 1939, 1942-1969

Note: titles in quotation marks refer to DCM-labeled file folders

Folder Title Date
I.1. American Painting and Sculpture, 1862-1932

[MoMA Exh. #20; 1932 Oct. 31 - Jan. 31, 1933; published catalog, intro. by HC. American Painting and Sculpture, 1862-1932. NY: MoMA; 1932. Exh. directed by HC.]

Catalog notes [incl. DCM's notes re: catalog bibliography.]

I.1a. African Negro Art

[MoMA Exh. #39; March 18 - May 19, 1935; published catalog, ed. and intro. by James Johnson Sweeney. African Negro Art. NY: MoMA; 1935. Exh. directed by James Johnson Sweeney.]

Catalog [incl. DCM's notes.]

I.2. Paintings and Sculpture by Children

[Note: C/E exh. traveled 1938-39 to 4 venues. Exh. selected from works submitted to the WPA Federal Arts Project. Poss. MoMA Exh. #75a. Children's Work, Apr. 4-22, 1938.]

General [incl. 7 TLS WPA-DCM ca. 1938, 1 TLS Henry S. Churchill-AHB 1938 Dec. 30.]

View PDF of folder I.2.

I.2.a. Charles Sheeler

[Note: MoMA Exh. #90; 1939 Oct. 2-Nov. 1; published catalog, Charles Sheeler. NY: MoMA; 1939. Exh. dir. by DCM. For related materials, see Registrar's files.]

General [incl. 1 newsclipping.]

I.3.a. Americans 1942 - 18 Artists from 9 States

[Note: MoMA Exh. # 168; 1942 Jan. 21 - March 8; published catalog, DCM, ed. Americans 1942 - 18 Artists from 9 States. NY: MoMA; 1942.]

[alphabetically arranged; incl. bios/statements; corresp.: Cashwan-DCM; Davis/Boyer Galleries.]

ca. 1942
I.3.b. Americans 1942 - 18 Artists from 9 States

[alphabetically arranged;incl. HC-DCM (1941)(1); White House-DCM (1942) (1); checklists; lenders list.

ca. 1941-43
I.3.c. Americans 1942 - 18 Artists from 9 States


ca. 1942
I.3.d. Americans 1942 - 18 Artists from 9 States

"Comments & Clippings"
[incl. Crowninshield review in Vogue, 5/15/42; c/e pamphlet; press release.]

ca. 1941-43
I.4.a. American Realists and Magic Realists

[Note: MoMA Exh. # 217; 1943 Feb. 10 - March 21; published catalog, DCM, AHB, ed. American Realists and Magic Realists. NY: MoMA; 1943.]

"Americans 1943- Catalog, Original Mss."

ca. 1941-44
I.4.b. American Realists and Magic Realists

"American Realists & Magic Realists"
[incl. artist bios, statements: Atherton, Buller, Carter, Cartier, French, Harari, Hurd, Kupferman, Lewandowski, Lux, Papsdorf, Rain, Suba, Wengenroth; draft intros; lists; invitation; catalog cover; corresp.; lists, notes, catalog draft, c/e notes, clippings.]

ca. 1941-44, 1967-69
I.4.c. Romantic Painting in America

[Note: MoMA Exh. # 246, Nov. 17, 1943 - Feb. 6, 1944; published catalog, JTS, DCM, Romantic Painting in America. NY: MoMA, 1943. Exh. directed by DCM.]

Original folder title: "Romantic Ptg. in Amer."

This folder was added in 2023.

I.5.a. Fourteen Americans

[Note: MoMA Exh. # 329; 1946 Sept. 10 - Dec. 8; published catalog, DCM, ed. Fourteen Americans. NY: MoMA; 1946.]

"Fourteen Americans"
[incl. corresp., clippings, artist bios/statements, lists, floor plan.]

ca. 1946-56
I.5.b. Fourteen Americans

Research notes

I.6.a. Fifteen Americans

[Note: MoMA Exh. # 507; 1952 April 9 - July 27; published catalog, DCM, ed. 15 Americans. NY: MoMA; 1952.]

"A - L"
[incl. corresp., bios, statements, etc.; TLS Corbett-DCM (8); ALS Dickinson-DCM (7); TLS Downtown Gallery (E. Halpert)-DCM; Glasco-DCM (1); ALS Katzman-DCM (2); ALS Kiesler-DCM (1).]

ca. 1952
I.6.b. Fifteen Americans

"M - Z"
[incl. Rose-DCM (1); Rothko-DCM (1); DCM-C. Valentin Gallery.]

ca. 1952
I.6.c. Fifteen Americans


ca. 1952
I.6.d. Fifteen Americans

"Letters of Comment"

ca. 1952
I.6.e. Fifteen Americans

"Installation Photos"; photos sent to Rights and Reproduction, 5/89.

I.6.f. Fifteen Americans

"Press, Receipts, etc."

Material added to this folder in 2023.

ca. 1952
I.7.a. Niles Spencer

2 s; 1 16" x 19" archival box (box 4); 3" of index cards (box 26).
[Note: MoMA Exh. # 560; 1954 June 22 - Aug. 15. Retrospective exhibition organized by DCM for the Circulating Exhibitions dept. Traveled; 1954. Materials received 2/90; for additional Spencer material, see also, box 28, III.26.]

General [press releases, memos, corresp., notes, chronology, artist biography, and installation photos.]

ca. 1954
I.7.b. Niles Spencer

Photographic material
[photos of works of art included in exh.]

ca. 1954
I.Box 4 Niles Spencer

[16" x 19"; incl. 9 photographs of works of art signed or annotated by Spencer.]

ca. 1954
I.8.a. 50 Ans D'Art Aux Etats-Unis

[Note: Shown in Paris; 1955 April - May; catalog published in France. 50 Ans D'Art Aux Etats-Unis Collections du Museum of Modern Art de New York. Paris: Musee National D'Art Moderne; (1955); painting, sculpture, prints, architecture, graphics, typography, photography and cinema organized by Musee National D'Art Moderne, Paris and MoMA International Program, New York; DCM selected painting and sculpture; HC wrote painting and sculpture intro. for catalog.]

[alphabetically arranged; incl. floor plan; TLS Noguchi-DCM (1) 1955.]

ca. 1954-56
I.8.b. 50 Ans D'Art Aux Etats-Unis

"Press & Comment"

ca. 1955-57
I.8.c. 50 Ans D'Art Aux Etats-Unis

"Cahill Manuscript"
[Note: incomplete mss.]

ca. 1955
I.8.d. 50 Ans D'Art Aux Etats-Unis

"General (Memos, lists)"

ca. 1954-56
I.9.a. 12 Americans

[Note: MoMA Exh. #604; 1956 May 30 - Sept.9; published catalog, DCM, ed. 12 Americans. NY: MoMA; 1956.

"Corresp. A - G"

ca. 1955-57
I.9.b. 12 Americans

"Corresp. H - L"

ca. 1955-57
I.9.c. 12 Americans

"Corresp. M - Z"
incl. Larry Rivers statement; JTS-DCM (1 item) 1956.

ca. 1955-57
I.9.d. 12 Americans

"Press...Floor Plan"
incl. JTS draft review; opening photos of MSB, JTS, RDH, & L. Castelli.

ca. 1956
I.9.e. 12 Americans

"Orders, Sales, etc."

ca. 1956-57
I.9.f. 12 Americans

Artists A - J
"Ernest Briggs"
"James Brooks"
"Sam Francis"
"Fritz Glarner"
"Philip Guston"
"Raoul Hague"
"Grace Hartigan"

ca. 1955-57
I.9.g. 12 Americans

Artists K - Z
"Franz Kline"
"Ibram Lassaw"
"Seymour Lipton"
"Jose de Rivera"
"Larry Rivers"

ca. 1954-56
I.10. Recent Works by Young Americans

[Note: C/E Exh. #488; 12 bookings; circulated 1954 - 1956; 30 works.]

ca. 1956
I.11. Recent American Watercolors

"Watercolors Show"
[Note: ICE F# 28-56; circulated 1956 Oct. 31 - June 9, 1957; traveled to French provincial cities.]

ca. 1955-56
I.12. Young American Painters

DCM selected works for inclusion in this C/E exh.; 15 bookings; circulated 1956 - 1958.

ca. 1956
I.13. Recent Sculpture U.S.A.

[MoMA Exh. #644; 1959 May 13 - Aug. 16; published catalog, Recent Sculpture U.S.A.. NY: MoMA Bulletin, vol. XXVI, No. 3; 1959; sponsored by the Junior Council; DCM served on executive committee.]

"Recent Sculpture USA"

ca. 1957-59
I.14.a. The New American Painting. [7 s, 1¼" file card notes (See also Box 23)]

[MoMA Exh. #645; 1959 May 28 - Sept. 8; published catalog, The New American Painting As Shown in Eight European Countries 1958-1959. NY: MoMA; 1959; Arno Reprint, 1972.]

"Installation (photos & plan)"

ca. 1959
I.14.b. The New American Painting


ca. 1957-61
I.14.c. The New American Painting

"Correspondence A - G"
[incl. Baziotes-DCM (1) 1958; Francis-DCM (3) 1958.]

Material added to this folder in 2022.

ca. 1957-60
I.14.d. The New American Painting

"Correspondence H - N"
[Motherwell-AHB (copy); B. Newman statement.]

ca. 1957-60
I.14.e. The New American Painting

"Correspondence O - Z"

ca. 1957-59
I.14.f. The New American Painting

"General (Memos, lists, orders, etc.)"

Material added to this folder in 2023.

ca. 1958-59
I.14.g. The New American Painting

"Press & Comment"

Material added to this folder in 2022.

ca. 1958-59
I.15.a. Sixteen Americans

[MoMA Exh. # 656; 1959 Dec. 16 - Feb. 17 1960; published catalog, DCM, ed. Sixteen Americans. NY: MoMA; 1959. Exhibition originally titled 'Americans 1959.' Title changed by DCM, 1959. See Ad Hoc Program Committee mins. 1958 Oct. 28].


ca. 1959-60
I.15.b. Sixteen Americans


ca. 1959-60
I.15.c. Sixteen Americans

"Purchase Orders, etc."

ca. 1959-60
I.15.d. Sixteen Americans

"Letters of Comment"
[incl. J. Canady-DCM (1) 1960; Myers-Art in America (1) 1960 re: Canady criticism of DCM choices.]

ca. 1959-60
I.15.e. Sixteen Americans

"Installation Photos"
[Note:photos sent to Rights & Reproduction, 4/89.]

ca. 1959-60
I.15.f. Sixteen Americans

[Note:photostats destroyed on advice of Publications Dept., 4/89.]

ca. 1959-60
I.15.g. Sixteen Americans

"Corresp. A - J"
[incl. Hedrick-DCM (1961); Jarvaise-DCM (1960).]

ca. 1959-60
I.15.h. Sixteen Americans

"Corresp. K - Z"

ca. 1959-63
I.15.i. Sixteen Americans

"Press & Comment"

ca. 1959-60
I.15.j. Sixteen Americans

[incl. notes from trip to the western U.S., Summer, 1959.]

ca. 1959-60
I.15.k. Sixteen Americans

Artists A - L
[incl. artists statements, bios, corresp., photos, brochures, installation notes, etc.]

"J. DeFeo"
"Wally Hedrick"
"James Jarvaise"
"Jasper Johns"
"Ellsworth Kelly"
"Alfred Leslie"
"Landes Lewitin"
"Richard Lytle"

Restricted material removed: Condition correspondence.

ca. 1959-68
I.15.l. Sixteen Americans

Artists M - Z ca.
"Robert Mallary"
"Louise Nevelson"
"Robert Rauschenberg"
"Julius Schmidt"
"Richard Stankiewicz"
"Frank Stella"
"Albert Urban"
"Jack Youngerman"

I.16. N.Y.U. Exhibition

[non-MoMA exhibition; 1961 Dec. 4-21; works selected by DCM, Janson, Goldwater.]

"N.Y.U. Exhibition (1961)"

I.17. Recent Painting U.S.A.: The Figure

[Note: MoMA Exh. # 707, 1962 May 23 - Aug. 26; C/E 61-30, circulated 1962-63; published catalog, intro. by AHB. Recent Painting U.S.A.: The Figure. NY: MoMA; 1962; DCM, William S. Lieberman, and Frank O'Hara studied photos submitted by artists; AHB selected works; exh. designed and installed by DCM; organized by the Junior Council.]

"Recent Painting USA The Figure"
[incl. corresp., checklist for C/E version, press releases, clippings, lists, notes.]

ca. 1959-63
I.18.a. Venice Biennale XXXI 1962

[1962 June 16 - Oct. 7; MoMA organized a showing of 2 sculptors and 2 painters; DCM selected Nevelson works.]


ca. 1962
I.18.b. Venice Biennale XXXI 1962


ca. 1962
I.18.c. Venice Biennale XXXI 1962


ca. 1962-63
I.18.d. Venice Biennale XXXI 1962


ca. 1962
I.19.a. Edwin Dickinson

[C/E 61-12; circulated 1961 Nov.- May 1963; organized by DCM; exhibition of paintings and drawings from 1914-1959.]


ca. 1961-64
I.19.b. Edwin Dickinson

[incl. Dickinson-DCM corresp. (1961).]

ca. 1961-67
I.20.a. Americans 1963.

[11 s, 2" file card notes (See also Box 22)]
[Note: MoMA Exh. # 722; 1963 May 22 - Aug. 18; published catalog, DCM ed. Americans 1963. NY: MoMA; 1963.]


ca. 1962-65
I.20.b. Americans 1963

"Floor Plans, Installation Photos"
[installation photos sent to Rights and Reproduction dept. 5/89; incl. corresp., memos, invitations, annotated releases, notes.]

View PDF of folder I.20.b.

ca. 1963
I.20.c. Americans 1963

"Corresp. A - I"
[incl. Anuszkiewicz-DCM (1) 1963; Drummond-DCM (2) 1963; Indiana-DCM (2) 1962-63.]

ca. 1962-64
I.20.d. Americans 1963

"Correspondence J - Z"
[incl. Kohn-DCM (2) 1963; Oldenberg-DCM (2) 1963; Reinhardt-DCM (5) 1963; Simpson-DCM (6) 1963; I.M. Pei (lender) -DCM (1).]

View PDF of folder I.20.d.

ca. 1962-65
I.20.e. Americans 1963

Artists A - K
[incl. corresp., statements, bios, photos, brochures, etc. on the following artists:]
"Richard Anuszkiewicz"
"Lee Bontecou"
"Sally Hazelet Drummond"
"Edward Higgins"
"Robert Indiana"
"Gabriel Kohn"]

ca. 1962-65
I.20.f. Americans 1963

Artists L - Z
"Michael Lekakis"
"Richard Lindner""Marisol"
"Claes Oldenburg"
"Ad Reinhardt"
"James Rosenquist"
"Jason Seley"
"David Simpson"

View PDF of folder I.20.f.

ca. 1961-65
I.20.g. Americans 1963

Catalog ["Manuscript," "Carbons," "Drafts"]

ca. 1963
I.20.h. Americans 1963


ca. 1963
I.20.i. Americans 1963

"Press & Comment"
[incl. Mallary -DCM (1); JTS-DCM (1); Lindner-DCM (1).]

ca. 1963
I.20.j. Americans 1963

"Loan Forms"
[alphabetically arranged.]

ca. 1963
I.20.k. Americans 1963

[memos arranged chronologically; corresp. arranged alphabetically.]

ca. 1962-65
I.21.a. U.S. Government Art Projects: Some Distinguished Alumni

[Note: C/E 61-24; circulated 1963 Feb. - Feb. 1964; 57 works by 28 artists;; see DCM's"A Brief Summary of the United States Government Art Projects" in Paintings and Sculpture: articles prepared for the Collier's Yearbook, 1935-47.]


ca. 1963-64
I.21.b. U.S. Government Art Projects: Some Distinguished Alumni

[alphabetically arranged.]

ca. 1962-65
I.21.c. U.S. Government Art Projects: Some Distinguished Alumni

"General (memos, lists)"

I.21.d. U.S. Government Art Projects: Some Distinguished Alumni

Addition to DCM Papers
[items from DCM's One MacDougal Alley office; transferred from AAA to MoMA by Wendy Jeffers, 2/90. Incl. clippings and photos.]

I.22.a. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

[Note: MoMA Exh. # 809; 1966 Oct. 19 - Jan. 2, 1967; published catalog, intro. by WSL. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture. NY: MoMA; 1966. DCM co-directed this exh. with WSL; traveled to 8 other U.S. cities during 1965-67. WSL wrote,"the exhibition is concerned only with Japanese art of international tendencies." (intro., p.11)]

"N.Y. Showing 10-17-66"
[checklists, reports, memos.]

I.22.b. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

"Japan Lists"

ca. 1965-66
I.22.c.i The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

"Press [& San Francisco opening]"
[clippings, invitations, press releases, San Francisco corresp.]

ca. 1965-66
I.22.c.ii* The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

Review of the exhibition

ca. 1965-66
I.22.d. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

[proofs, lists, notes, memos.]

ca. 1965
I.22.e. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

[memos, corresp. re: c/e version of TNJPAS, checklist, works not exhibited.]

ca. 1965-67
I.22.f. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture


ca. 1965-67
I.22.g.i. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

[alphabetically arranged]
A - J
[incl. M. Hadzi-DCM (2) 1964;"[Jasper] Johns," lent Miki.]

ca. 1964-67
I.22.g.ii. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

[alphabetically arranged]
K - Z

ca. 1964-67
I.22.h. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

[notes, expenses.]

ca. 1964-65
I.22.i. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

[notes, memos, floor plans, diagrams.]

ca. 1966
I.22.j. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture


ca. 1965-67
I.22.k.i. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

Artists included
[DCM maintained sep. file folders on each artist; incl. corresp., bios, notes, photos, brochures.]
A - C: ca. 1964-66

"Abe, Nobuya Rome"

"Arakowa [Shasaku]"

"Azuma, Kengiro"

ca. 1964-69
I.22.k.ii. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

Artists included
D - I: ca. 1964-67

"Domoto, Hisao"

"Inokuma [Genchiro]"

"Izumi, Shigeru"

ca. 1964-69
I.22.k.iii. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

Artists included
J - M: ca. 1965-66

"Kawabata, Minoru"

"Kawashima [Ty (Takahashi)]"

"Kimura [Reiji]"

"Kusumoto [Masaki]"

ca. 1964-69
I.22.k.iv. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

Artists included
N - P: ca. 1965-66

"Nagare [Masayuki]"


ca. 1964-69
I.22.k.v. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

Artists included
Q - S: ca. 1964-67

"Sato [Key]"

"Sugai, Kumi Paris"

ca. 1964-69 The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

Artists included
T - Z: ca. 1964-69

"Tadasky [Tada suke kuwayama]"

"Tomioka [Soichiro]"

"Toyofuko [Tomonori]"

"Yoshimura [Masanobu]"

ca. 1964-69
I.22.l. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

"Exhibitions, Group"
[brochures from group shows of Japanese artists.]

ca. 1963-65
I.22.m.i. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

Artists not exhibited
A - H:

"Ado (Ado Sato) Paris"

"Chiba, Sho...Rome"

"Dobashi, Jun...Paris"

"Shoichi Hasegawa"

ca. 1964-65
I.22.m.ii. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

Artists not exhibited
I - N:


"Kito, Akira...Paris"

"Mori, Shoichiro...Paris"

ca. 1964-65
I.22.m.iii. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

Artists not exhibited
O - R:

"Ohno, Hidetaka"

"Onoda, Haru (woman)...Paris"

"Otami, Fumio...Paris"

ca. 1964-65
I.22.m.iv. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

Artists not exhibited ca. 1964-65

"Shingu, Susumu...Rome"

"Simada, Sizu (woman)...Paris"

ca. 1964-65 (1968)
I.22.m.v. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

Artists not exhibited
T - Z:

"Tabuchi, Yasse (Yasukaza)...Paris"

"Takahashi, Shu...Rome"

"Tanaka, Shu"

"Tanaka, Toshiyuki"

"Yasuda, Haruhiku...Rome"

ca. 1964-65
I.22.n.i. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

[Note: DCM maintained file of artists about whom she"reserved" judgment; arranged alphabetically by artist.]
A - I

ca. 1965
I.22.n.ii. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

J - K

ca. 1965
I.22.n.iii. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

L - N

ca. 1965
I.22.n.iv. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

O - S

ca. 1965
I.22.n.v. The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

T - Z

ca. 1965
I.23.a. Calder: 19 Gifts from the Artist, 1967

[2 s, 3/4" file note cards (See also Box 23)]
[Note: MoMA Exh. # 819, 1967 Feb. 1 - April 5; see press release #15 1967. DCM directed this exh. as one in a continuing series of recent acquisition shows.]

[checklist, notes, press release drafts, gallery brochure/announcements; Calder-DCM (2) 12/66-1/67.]

ca. 1966-67
I.23.b. Calder: 19 Gifts from the Artist, 1967

["re Calder gift to MOMA in 1966 + exhibition of it Jan. 1967 on-." Incl. 1 ALS Alexander Calder-AHB, DCM 1969 Dec. 31; loan memos, DCM notes, and mimeographed sheets incl. 1 ALS (mimeograph) Alexander Calder- JTS 1942 June 4 [4 sheets] with DCM annotations.]

ca. 1959-69
I.24.a. Twentieth Century-Art From The Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection

[Note: MoMA Exh. #892, 1969 May 28 - Sept. 1; published catalog, text by WSL, catalogue by DCM; exh. directed by DCM. Twentieth-Century Art From The Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection. NY: MoMA; 1969. See also, NAR memorial exh., MoMA Exh. # 1249a, 1979.]

[alphabetically arranged.]

ca. 1968-69
I.24.b. Twentieth Century-Art From The Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection

[clippings, articles, some corresp., press release drafts.]

ca. 1969
I.24.c. Twentieth Century-Art From The Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection

"NAR-Loan Receipts"

ca. 1969
I.24.d. Twentieth Century-Art From The Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection

"Photos, etc."
[notes, lists, orders, photos, some corresp., re: catalog illustrations.]

ca. 1968-69
I.24.e. Twentieth Century-Art From The Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection

[2 invitations; notes, lists.]

ca. 1969
I.24.f. Twentieth Century-Art From The Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection

[background info. on the artist.]

ca. 1969
I.24.g. Twentieth Century-Art From The Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection

[lists, notes, diagrams, photos.]

I.24.h. Twentieth Century-Art From The Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection

"NAR-Color (from Art Dealers) to Return?"
[1 postcard repro. of P. Klee.]

I.24.i. Twentieth Century-Art From The Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection

[articles on NAR's collection; NAR catalog; Aileen Saarinen 1964 interview typescript; Albany press releases.]

ca. 1960-69
I.24.j. Twentieth Century-Art From The Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection

"Catalog-Old List"
[drafts, notes, miscl. lists, memos related to catalog publication.]

ca. 1965-69
I.24.k. Twentieth Century-Art From The Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection


ca. 1969
I.24.l. Twentieth Century-Art From The Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection

"NAR-Lists, Notes, etc."
[n.d. notes, catalog drafts, corresp., memos re: exhibition/catalog; NAR- promised gifts to MoMA 1958; NAR collection brochure by location.]

ca. 1958-69
I.24.m.i. Twentieth Century-Art From The Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection

Exhibition Catalog ca. 1969
"Final WSL"

ca. 1969
I.24.m.ii. Twentieth Century-Art From The Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection

Exhibition Catalog ca. 1969
"Final WSL [cont.'d]"

ca. 1969
I.24.n. Twentieth Century-Art From The Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection

[notes, diagrams, memos re: installation, dismantling, and transportation.]

ca. 1969
I.24.o. Twentieth Century-Art From The Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection


ca. 1969
I.25. Annotated List, "One-artist exhibitions of American artists held at the Museum of Modern Art, 1929-1969"

DCM annotated this list with her initials next to the exhibitions she curated.

This folder was added in 2023.


Return to the Top of Page

Series II: Non-Museum Publications and Writings ca. 1930 - 1981

Folder Title Date
II.1. American Indian Collection, The Montclair Art Museum

"1930-31 Amer. Indian Collection"
[incl. notes and 6 sheet typescript.]
[Note: essay describes Mrs. Henry Lang's Indian Collection, donated to The Montclair Art Museum. Brief article was published instead, in The Bulletin of The Montclair Art Museum. II(3):1-3; 1931 October. Essay describes the Lang collection given to the Montclair Museum.]

c. 1930-31
II.1.a 1945

Annotated manuscript titled "Discovery and Rediscovery in American Art"; published article, "Posada: Artist of Revolution," The Nation, May 6, 1944; and receipt of payment for The Nation article.

Material added to this folder in 2023.

II.2. Collier's Yearbook [1 folder]

"Collier's Yearbook"
[Note: articles prepared for the Collier's Yearbook, 1935-1947. NY: 1947; 1946 article on"Art" by DCM & WSL.]

ca. 1935-47
II.3.a. Swedish Encyclopaedia of Art [5 folders]

"General (lists, etc.)"
[incl. lists; corresp., ALS AHB-DCM n.d..]

ca. 1949-50
II.3.b. Swedish Encyclopaedia of Art


ca. 1949-59
II.3.c. Swedish Encyclopaedia of Art

"Dups. of articles A - G (Delivered to Sweden)"

II.3.d. Swedish Encyclopaedia of Art

"Dups. of articles H - N (Delivered to Sweden)"

II.3.e. Swedish Encyclopaedia of Art

"Dups. of articles O - Z (Delivered to Sweden)"

II.4.a. Praeger Publication

[incl. artist biographies, bibliogs., lists, general corresp.]
[Note: co-authored with Goodrich, Soby, & Wight: Baur, John I.H., ed. New Art in America: fifty painters of the 20th century. Greenwich: N.Y. Graphic Society in cooperation with NY: Praeger; 1957.]

ca. 1952-57
II.4.b. Praeger Publication

Artists A - L
[originally maintained as separate file folders; incl. statements, bios, notes, corresp.,etc.:]
"[William] Baziotes"
"[Edwin] Dickinson"
"[Fritz] Glarner"
"[Morris] Graves"
"[John] Kane"

ca. 1942-55
II.4.c. Praeger Publication

Artists M - Z
"[Alton] Pickens"
"[Joseph] Pickett"
"[Niles] Spencer"
"[Mark] Tobey"

ca. 1952-55
II.5.a. [8 folders, 1 index card file (6 x 6½ x 5"); "Correspondence A - D"

Note: 1945 DCM began work at MacMillan, organizing photos; Editorial Bd. incl.: Julianna Force, Herman More, Lloyd Goodrich, Jack Bauer, Hyatt Mayor; book never published.

ca. 1945-51
II.5.b. MacMillan Publication

"Correspondence E - M"
[incl. DCM-Karolik; DCM- J. Force.]

ca. 1945-51
II.5.c. MacMillan Publication

"Correspondence N - R"
[incl. Pulitzer-DCM.]

ca. 1945-51
II.5.d. MacMillan Publication

"Correspondence S - Z" (2)

ca. 1945-51, 1956
II.5.e. MacMillan Publication

"Contemporary-Out" n.d.
[incl. corresp. DCM-HC n.d. (5 items)]

II.5.f. MacMillan Publication

"Miscellaneous [lists]"

II.5.g. MacMillan Publication

"Lists, etc."

ca. 1945-48
II.5.h. MacMillan Publication

" The Artist's America (Final Choice of Paintings"
[incl. final illustration list chrono. sequence.]

II.5.i. (Box 20) MacMillan Publication

DCM's note cards

II.6. N.A.R. Collection: Collection of Modern Art [1979 - 81]

[Note: published as DCM, ed.The Nelson A. Rockefeller Collection Masterpieces of Modern Art. NY: Hudson Hills Press; 1981.]
Includes catalogue lists that were omitted from the published book and 3 albums of all contemporary/modern works in NAR's collection. Also includes correspondence and notes about DCM's work on this book and the accompanying exhibition.

Material added to this folder in 2024.

1982-89, 2024

Return to the Top of Page

Series III: Museum Matters ca. 1941-ca. 1978

Alphabetically arranged; unless specified, located in 5" document boxes.

Folder Title Date
III.1. Art in Embassies n.d.
III.2. "Art Lending Service" ca. 1955- ca. 1961
III.3.a.i Alfred H. Barr, Jr.; Correspondence, 1960s-1970s

Correspondence with Sybil Kantor, AHB, Betty Parsons, MSB, Russell Lynes, Bates Lowry, Camilla Gray, George Rickey, Waldo Rasmussen, R. Keith Kane, Charles Coolidge, Gwendolyn Carter; Gerald R. Coleman, Reinhold Niebuhr, Robert Kintner, RDH, Mildred Constantine, Rene Batigne, Walter Bareiss, Betsy Jones, Emilio del Junco, Emily C. Stone, Richard Dana, Fred Licht, Lily Auchincloss, Joanne Stern, J.F. McCloud, Kate Steinitz, Monroe Wheeler, Sarah Rubenstein, Florence Wahl, Isabel C. Herdle, Harry R. Fischer, Sandra Leonard, Elizabeth Shaw, Rosamond Bernier, Jean Lipman, JTS, Ralph F. Colin, Pam Cooley, Helen J. Dow, Alexander Calder, Gordon M. Smith, Seymour H. Knox, Richard A. Schmueckle, Meric Callery, Jerome A. Donson, Dorothy Dudley, S.B. Wilson, Ruggero Farace, Blanchette Rockefeller, John Canaday, Milton Hochberg, Edward A. Morrison, Ailene Kelso; notes; pamphlet for AHB's 1946 "Dogma and Practice in Modern Art" lecture series; DCM stationary; 1974 AHB Bibliography; Invitation to an evening in tribute to AHB and "The Painting and Sculpture Collection: A New Perspective,"; photocopy clipping of AHB's 1927 Modern Art Questionnaire; photocopy of invitation to "Fantastic Art, Dada, Surrealism"; drafts and final copy of AHB's tribute to RDH; speeches; clippings; 1967 party in honor of the Barrs and invitation list; drafts of AHB's preface for Ben Heller Collection circulating exhibition; invitation list for AHB's 1972 party.

Material added to this folder in 2023.

III.3.a.ii Alfred H. Barr, Jr.; Correspondence, 1950s, 1960s, n.d.

Correspondence with MSB, AHB, Robert Osborn; 1947 essay with hand-written notes by MW and DCM; AHB's bird lists; Clippings; Hand-written notes by DCM; Typed draft of DCM's thoughts on AHB after his death to Art News over the phone; AHB's seating chart for DCM's dinner party.

Material added to this folder in 2023.

III.3.a.iii Alfred H. Barr, Jr.; Correspondence, 1940s-1950s

Correspondence AHB, ACG, Aline Saarinen, Max F. Millikan, Editor of NY Herald Tribune, MSB, Paul Sachs, Andrew C. Ritchie, Mimi Catlin, John E. Abbott "Dick", Mildred Holzhauer, Betty Chamberlain; Clippings; Press Releases.

Material added to this folder in 2023.

III.3.a.iv Alfred H. Barr, Jr.; Correspondence, 1936, 1938, 1940, 1961-63

Correspondence from AHB, MSB, JTS, and Loren MacIver and Lloyd Frankenberg including letters, postcards, and telegrams.

Material added to this folder in 2023.

III.3.a.v Alfred H. Barr, Jr.; Correspondence with Arthur Barrett Miller

incl 7 ALS (6 postcards) 1957, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 2 postcards n.d.

Material added to this folder in 2023.

III.3.b. Alfred H. Barr, Jr.; Articles on Barr ca. 1943-78
III.3.c. Alfred H. Barr, Jr.;"[Barr] A.R.C." 1972
III.3.d. Alfred H. Barr, Jr.; AHB's Private Art Coll.

"Barr..Art Coll., Framing, Etc."

[1961 (1)] ca. 1966-75
III.3.e. Alfred H. Barr, Jr.; AHB's file card notes

Box 23, 24 [acronym stands for 'Painting and Sculpture In The Museum of Modern Art']

III.3.f. Alfred H. Barr, Jr.; AHB's file card notes

re: Picasso's 80th birthday
Box 24

III.3.g. Alfred H. Barr, Jr.; AHB's file card notes

re: 1939 Picasso show
Box 24

III.3.h. Alfred H. Barr, Jr.; "Barr Archives"

Includes notes and clippings regarding AHB's biography, MoMA history, the relationship between AHB and DCM; correspondence from MSB to DCM, regarding general updates, the sale of artwork owned by Tory Barr, and more; some correspondence from AHB to DCM; the original draft of the letter DCM sent to Editor Rebecca Sinkler at The New York Times Book Review, regarding Alice Marquis' biography on AHB; correspondence from MSB to Chryssa.

This folder was added in 2023.

III.4. "[William A.M.] Burden" ca. 1961-66
III.5. "Canaday" 1967-60
III.6. "Candidates [for staff positions]"

Note: The following correspondence alphabetically arranged by correspondent or subject matter; incl. DCM "Personal" corresp. received when she was at MoMA.

ca. 1964-68
III.7.a. Correspondence; A - B

Abbott, Jere [11 TLS to MSB (1972-73)]
Alexander, Marie
Architects Collaborative, The, Cambridge, MA
[1 TLS Nancy Goodwin-Bates Lowry (1968); 1 TL DCM-Goodwin]
Baltrusaitis, Helene [USIS]
Barr, Mrs. Alfred H., Sr.
Barr, Margaret
Barry, Iris
[3 TLS Victor M. Cassidy-DCM (1974); 2 TL (carbon) DCM-Cassidy]
Baziotes, William
Benton, Thomas Hart [newsclipping]
Bertrand, Hugnette A. [Holiday card]
Blumenfeld, Jane Cahill
Bolotowsky [Holiday card]
Bowne, James
[2 TLS James Bowne-AHB (1972); 1 TL Cora Rosevear-Bowne; 1 TL DCM-Bowne]
[1 ALS (photocopy) Ted Schempp (La Mirandol)-AHB (1968)]
Brocks, Sam Houston
Brooks, James
Brown, John L. [US Foreign Service]
Bush, Doris
Byars, James Lee
[project proposals; interoffice corresp.]

Material added to this folder in 2023.

III.7.b. Correspondence;C - D

Cahill, Holger
Carl, Helen
Charlton, Mariette
[proposal for film project,"Behind the Exhibitions with Dorothy Miller"]
Chercher, Betty
Coggeshall, Calvert
Coppel, Jeanne
Corbett, Edward
Cornell, Joseph
[TLS (photocopy) Cornell-MSB (1956)]
Cox, Daphne
Davies, Arthur B.
[memo Monawee Richards-Rona Roob re: AHB recollections of artist (1973)]
Davis, Emma
Davis, Stuart
De Feo, Jay
Del Junco, Emilio
de Menil, John
Dickinson, Edwin
Dows, Olin

III.7.c. Correspondence; E - L

Feininger, Julia
Froso, Eftimiadi
Goodwin, Philip
Gowing, Lawrence
Gregory, Peter
Guston, Philip
d'Harnoncourt, Sarah (Mrs. René)
Hart, Pop
[many TLS T.K. Peters-DCM; TLS Jeanne O. Hart-DCM (1964)]
Hartigan, Grace
Haviland, Marion
Hillman, Kay
[memo Dick Palmer-Wilder Green re: circ. of Hillman coll. (1965)]
James, Mrs. Bessie R.
Jensen, Oliver
[1 sheet typescript (carbon)"And Now for a Few Closing Remarks by President Eisenhower/Gettysburg/PA/Nov. 19, 1863".]
Jones, Betsy
Joslin, Archie
Kassler, Elizabeth Mock [re: Museum garden]
Katonah Gallery (Oliver, Katherine)
Levy, Julien
[memo DCM-Betsy Jones re: chess exh. (1966)]
Lieberman, William S.
Linhares, Philip
Lippold, Richard
Ludgin, Earl

III.7.d. Correspondence; M - R

Mabry, Tom
MacIver, Loren
McAndrew, John (?)
McKinney, Laurence
McShine, Kynaston
Moeller, Pearl
Moore, Henry
Myers, John [Tibor de Nagy Gallery]
New York Office of the State Department
Olana, New York [newsclipping]
Olmsted, Harold
Osborn, Elodie Courter
Osborn, Robert
Parkinson, Elizabeth Bliss
Pickens, Alton
Pollock, Jackson (photocopy)
Rasmussen, Waldo
Rivers, Larry
Rockefeller, John D., Jr.
[photocopies of corresp. with Dr. W.R. Valentiner (1949) re: AAR biography]
Rockefeller, Nelson
Rose, Francis
Rublee, Mrs. George
[cousin of DCM; corresp. re: placement of movie,"Flame of Mexico," made by cousin.]

View PDF of folder III.7.d.

III.7.e. Correspondence; S - Z

Schainen-Stern Design Associates
Schneider, Katharine
Schnizel, Teddy
Shaw, Elizabeth
Sisselman, Mrs. Alan
Stamos, Theodoros
Steegmuller, Francis
Stern, Alfred Chas.
Stubbing, Tony
Sullivan, Mary Q.
[1 TL (carbon) DCM-Russell Lynes (1971); typescript on Sullivan prepared by Howardena Pindell for biographical dictionary]
Tirana, Mrs. Rifat
Valentin, Curt
Venner, Edward
Whitlock, C.E.H.
Williams, William Carlos
Youngerman, Jack

III.7.f. Postcards

Box 26

III.8.a. Exhibitions, Proposed;"C/E & IC/E" [1967-68]
III.8.b. Exhibitions, Proposed"Western Painters"

possible C/E show; incl. Calcagno, Corbett, Zajac, and others.

ca. 1945-56
III.9. "Fundraising" ca. 1959-63
III.10. Genauer, Emily 1944

"Museum of Modern Art Controversy 1944"

III.11. "Hemingway"

re: Miro The Farm

III.12. "Int'l Study Center" ca. 1966-68
III.13. "Lynes" [Russell]

re: Good Old Modern

View PDF of folder III.13.

ca. 1973
III.14.a. MoMA: 1964 Expansion; "1964, May 25 - Installation"

View PDF of folder III.14.a.

III.14.b. MoMA: 1964 Expansion; "1964 - Press"

View PDF of folder III.14.b.

III.14.c. MoMA: 1964 Expansion; "New Building"

memos re: changes

View PDF of folder III.14.c.

ca. 1962-67
III.14.d. MoMA: 1964 Expansion; "Building, Etc. - Staff"

View PDF of folder III.14.d.

ca. 1959-65
III.15. ["Committee On"]"M.C. Minutes": (confidential)

Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee on Painting and Sculpture [destroyed as exist elsewhere.]
12/13/77, 06/12/68, 05/07/68, 04/08/68, 03/12/68, 02/06/68, 01/10/68, 12/13/67, 11/08/67, 10/08/67, 06/06/67, 05/09/67, 04/07/67, 03/07/67, 02/09/67, 01/10/67, 12/06/66, 11/03/66, 10/11/66, 06/07/66, 05/10/66, 04/12/66, 03/22/66, 02/08/66, 01/11/66, 12/07/65, 11/09/65, 10/07/65, 06/08/65, 05/11/65, 04/06/65, 03/09/65, 02/09/65, 01/12/65, 02/11/64

III.16. Museum Collections - Special Shows

"M.C. - Special Shows...Gallery 20"

View PDF of folder III.16.

ca. 1961-68
III.17. Museum Collections -"3rd floor temporary installation May 1969"

View PDF of folder III.17.

III.18. "Museum Fire 1958"

DCM was in Europe at time of fire; incl. clippings, telegrams (2).

III.19. "[Museum] Galleries, etc."

View PDF of folder III.19.

ca. 1960s
III.20. "[Museum] Garden"

View PDF of folder III.20.

ca. 1967-69
III.21. "Painting & Sculp[ture] Exhib[itio]ns"

View PDF of folder III.21.

ca. 1967
III.22. Painting & Sculpture in the Museum of Modern Art [PASITMOMA]

incl. Museum collection catalog, Dec. 1938; prelim. draft, July 1940; supplement to PASITMOMA, Jan. 1945; Museum of Modern Art: American Painting, Sculpture, and Graphic Arts, re: permanent collection, n.d.; 1 TL MSB-DCM (annotated by MSB) 1975 [?] Dec. 26.

View PDF of folder III.22.

ca. 1938 - 1945, 1975
III.23. "1974 Paperbacks"
III.24. "Picasso Sculp." 1967
III.25. "Protests & Demonstrations" 1969
III.26. Retirement

"Invitations;" re: Philip Johnson party, June 1969

III.27. "Services, Recommendations, etc."

Requests, messages, etc. saved by DCM.

View PDF of folder III.27.

1964-68, ca. 1978 (1)
III.28. "Soby, James Thrall"

TLS, ALS, carbons

ca. 1945 - ca. 1970
III.29.a. Niles Spencer; correspondence and photographs

incl photos of artist.

1981, nd
III.29.b. Niles Spencer; Spencer Exhibition at University of Kentucky

Note: Material received 2/90. Published catalog, Freeman, Richard B., Niles Spencer. Lexington: University of Kentucky; 1965. DCM acknowledged by author/curator. Incl. 1 ALS Betty Lockett Perry (artist's sister) - DCM 1964.

For additional Spencer material, see also, box 3, I.7; box 26; box 4 (photographs).

ca. 1965 - 69
III.30. "Storage of M.C." [Museum Collections]

View PDF of folder III.30.

III.31 Tenth Anniversary

incl. invitations to May 1939 opening of new Museum building.

III.32.a. U.S.S.R.; Proposed Exchange Exh./USSR


ca. 1958-59, ca. 1973
III.32.b. U.S.S.R.;"U.S.S.R. 2nd Group"
III.32.c. U.S.S.R.;"U.S.S.R. 3rd Group"
III.32.d. U.S.S.R.; Proposed Exchange Exh. of Amer. Ptgs. for USSR

lists & photos

ca. 1958-59
III.33. "Vandalism, Other Damages"

Restricted material removed: Condition correspondence.

ca. 1965-68

Return to the Top of Page

Series IV: Subject Interest Material and Other Activities ca. 1940's-ca. 1970's

Alphabetically arranged.

Folder Title Date
IV.1. "ABC Art"

Minimal Art

ca. 1966-67
IV.1a. "Amer. Art Abroad" ca. 1965-66
IV.2.a. American Artists "American Artists Special File"

alphabetically arranged; incl. notes, Fullbright notes, Ray Johnson moticos

View PDF of folder IV.2.a

ca. 1951-56
IV.2.b. "Misc. Amers"

corresp; Amer. artists to be considered

ca. 1956
IV.2.c. "American Art General" ca. 1950s
IV.3. Artist Exhibitions

"Notes - Artists, Exhibitions, etc."

ca. 1968
IV.3a. Automobile

"Auto Culture". Incl. Daybreak by Joseph Hirsch.

ca. 1964
IV.4. Holger Cahill

incl. MARG: lists and corresp., 1956
miscl. biog. info. Received from DCM via Wendy Jeffers 9/89: 5 TLS A.C. Goodyear-HC (1932)
1 TLS Monroe Wheeler-HC (1950)
2 ALS AHB-HC (ca. 1932)
1 postcard AHB-HC (ca. 1932). Photocopied corresp. received from Wendy Jeffers 9/89 from NY Public Library Collection
3 TLS JTS-HC (ca. 1951-50)
1 TLS JTS-DCM (1948)
1 TLS [draft] HC-Stephen C. Clark (1939)
3 TLS A.C. Goodyear-HC (ca. 1939-35)
1 ALS Alfred Stieglitz-HC (1932).

IV.5. "Censorship, etc." ca. 1956
IV.6. "Dada"

clippings & ephemera

ca. 1962-64
IV.7.a. Dorado Beach Hotel "Dorado"

re: works of art chosen by DCM for Dorado Beach Hotel, Puerto Rico

ca. 1961-64
IV.7.b. Dorado Beach Hotel "Dorado" cont'd.
IV.8. "Graves, Morris"

corresp.; many ALS.

ca. 1941-ca. 1955
IV.9. "Inst. of Intern'l Educ."

incl. corresp., Fullbright painters & sculptors tour.

ca. 1959-68
IV.10.a. Juries, Maryland Arts Council ["Juries"] 1968
IV.10.b. Juries, Silvermine, CT 1964
IV.10.c. Juries, "San Francisco [Art Association]" 1961
IV.10.d. Juries, State Museum of Art, Raleigh, NC 1957
IV.10.e. Juries, Los Angeles County Museum

Utica, NY ? see 7.a

IV.11.a. "Misc."

clippings, articles collected/saved by DCM; orig. order maintained

ca. 1959-70
IV.11.b. "Misc."

clippings, articles collected/saved by DCM; orig. order maintained

ca. 1959-70
IV.11.c. "Misc."

clippings, articles collected/saved by DCM; orig. order maintained

ca. 1959-70
IV.11.d. "Misc."

clippings, articles collected/saved by DCM; orig. order maintained

ca. 1959-70
IV.11.e. "Misc."

clippings, articles collected/saved by DCM; orig. order maintained

ca. 1959-70
IV.12. "Pop Art, etc."

clippings & ephemera

ca. 1961-67
IV.13. Morgan Russell

incl. ALS Elie Faure-Morgan Russell, 1921; exh. announcement, 1916; memorial exh. brochure, 1953.

ca. 1914-1953
IV.14. "[Francesco] Somaini" - EMPTY; SEE LIBRARY FOR ARTIST FILE

EMPTY. Photos, catalogs were transferred to MoMA Library artists' files. Visit the MoMA Library to request this artist file.

IV.15.a. Travel, Iceland trip

DCM visited Iceland with AHBs, summer, 1961.

IV.15.a.i. Travel,"Iceland" ca. 1954-68
IV.15.a.ii. Travel,"Iceland" cont'd. ca. 1961-65
IV.15.b. Travel, Trips

file cards; See also Box 24

IV.15.c. Travel,"Paris...1955"

see 50 ans d'Art aux Etats Unis, I.8.

IV.15.d. Travel,"Western Trip" ca. 1940's
IV.16. "Wasserman"

DCM & Sam Hunter selected works for Boston apartment complex; incl. corresp., ALS J. Seley-DCM (2) 1965.

ca. 1965-67
IV.17. Hiram Williams

7 drawings sent to Dept. of Drawings Study Collection 6/89.

Return to the Top of Page

Series V: Biographical Material

Folder Title Date
V.1. Articles and mss. ca. 1947-88
V.2. Rosa Esman Gallery 1982

exh. "A Curator's Choice" in tribute to DCM.

V.3. Gift of DCM Papers to Museum ca. 1986-89
V.4. Notes
V.5. Photographs

Photographs include Alfred H. Barr, Jr., Eleanor Roosevelt, Piri Taft, Dorothy C. Miller, Holger Cahill, Eleanor Robinson Bradshaw, Ernestine M. Fantl, Henry Russell Hithcock, Kirk Askew, Constance Askew, Iris Barry, Dorothy Dudley, Mimi Catlin, Denver Lindley, Charles Lindley, Charles White, Elizabeth Catlett, José Gómez-Sicre, Reiko Mimi Sunami, Andrew Barr, José Bermudas, Daniel Clarke, Joel Krause, Mike Poppo, Ben Shahn, Charles Sheeler, William Zorach, A. Conger Goodyear, and Nick Arsena.

V.6. Employment at MoMA 1939-1943
V.7. Notebook with illustrated story by Dorothy Miller, age 14

This folder was added in 2022. Item given to the archives by Betsy Rowe, member of the Lunch Committee.

V.8. Drawing by William Scharf of DCM and AHB at the Joseph Cornell Memorial at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Drawing captioned, "Jos. Cornell Memorial, Met. Mus., Alfred Barr + Dorothy Miller Jan. 15, 1973."

This folder was added in 2023.

2 address books
8 notebooks

Travel expenses, some artist/painting notes, travel notes.

ca. 1958, 1963, 1969, n.d.

Incl. 53 appointment and desk calendars.


Return to the Top of Page

Series Va: Museum Matters II 1957-1965

Folder Title Date
Va.1. "NAR"

private collection.

ca. 1957-1965
Va.2. "NAR" ca. 1958 - 1961

Return to the Top of Page

Series Vb: Museum Matters III 1942-1971

These files were omitted from the finding aid when it was first processed because of their potentially sensitive content. In 2023, the files were reviewed and many of the contents were now deemed open to researchers, with only some remaining restrictions. These files largely come from DCM's time as Curator of Museum Collections, from 1947 to 1967. Original folder names have been retained, when known; "MC" stands for Museum Collections and "P&S" stands for Painting & Sculpture.

Folder Title Date
Vb.1 "Guggenheim, Mrs. Simon"

Correspondence regarding the donation Mrs. Guggenheim made in honor of DCM's retirement, her help in financing the acquisitions of a Picasso painting and a Matisse painting, and her contributions to other acquisition funds.

This folder was added in 2023.

Vb.2 "Painting & Sculpture Committee"

Agendas and notes from P&S Committee Meetings.

Entire folder restricted.

This folder was added in 2023.

Vb.3 "Committee on Museum Collections Agenda"

Agendas and notes from P&S and Museum Collections Committee Meetings.

Entire folder restricted.

This folder was added in 2023.

Vb.4 "MC - Budget"

Correspondence regarding Museum Collections budget.

Entire folder restricted.

This folder was added in 2023.

Vb.5 "Com. On MC - Corres., Policies, Tax, etc."

Correspondence on Museum acquisitions, Committee on the Museum Collections.

Entire folder restricted.

This folder was added in 2023.

Vb.6 "Security (ca. 1969-1967)"

Correspondence regarding building and collection security, emergency planning.

This folder was added in 2023.

Vb.7 "MC Insurance"

Correspondence and notes regarding collection works' insurance values.

This folder was added in 2023.

Vb.8 "Staff P&S meetings"

Meeting minutes/notes about P&S and staff policies.

This folder was added in 2023.

Restricted material removed: agendas from meetings on Painting & Sculpture acquisitions and correspondence regarding purchase funds.

Vb.9 "Price Lists incl. wks. in MoMA Coll."

Notes regarding sales and insurance values of works from Sixteen Americans, The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture, Twelve Americans, Fifteen Americans, Fourteen Americans, Americans.

This folder was added in 2023.

Vb.10 "MC Storage 1963-4"

Insurance values of installed works, shipping and storage correspondence.

This folder was added in 2023.

Restricted materials removed: Condition correspondence.

Vb.11 "MC Lists 1961"

Shipping and storage correspondence, drafts of lists of most important works in collection.

This folder was added in 2023.

Restricted material removed: Condition correspondence.

Vb.12 "MC Lists - Master Set - 1961"

Shipping and storage correspondence, drafts of lists of most important works in collection.

This folder was added in 2023.

Restricted material removed: Condition correspondence.

Vb.13 "Registrar"

Correspondence with Dorothy Dudley about policies for accessioning and loan exhibitions, instructions and manual for registrarial work.

This folder was added in 2023.

Vb.14 Correspondence regarding staff and acquisitions

Correspondence about staff salaries and a Willem de Kooning acquisition.

This folder was added in 2023.


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Series VI: Addendum A. [Susanna] Coggeshall Gift

In August 1994, The Museum of Modern Art received a gift of Dorothy C. Miller Papers from Susanna Wilson Coggeshall. These two document boxes were, at some unknown date, mistakenly sent from Miller's office at One MacDougal Alley to the home of Susanna and Calvert Coggeshall in Maine. The Coggeshall papers have been arranged into five sub-series: A. Articles, B. Correspondence, C. Exhibition Announcements and Brochures, D. Museum Matters, and E. Biographical Information. The material includes articles, exhibition announcements, inter-Museum memos and Museum correspondence relating to projects on which Dorothy Miller was working when she retired in 1969. Unless denoted with an asterisk (*), in sub-series B, all items are carbon copies or photocopies.

Subseries VI.A: Articles ca. 1935-1971

[Note: articles are arranged alphabetically by either author or subject. ca. 1935-1971. 54 items]

Folder Title
VI.A.1. Abstract Art -- Nevelson, Louise

"Is Abstract Art a Private Joke?" by Roger Burlingame, The Saturday Evening Post, n.d.

"Columbus, Ind., Grows Used to Its Fine Architecture," by George Vecsey, The New York Times, 5/17/71 [Note: concerns presence of works by renowned artists and architecture as result of efforts by J. Irwin Miller (MoMA trustee) and the Cummins Foundation]
"Europe's Iron Palaces Span Another Century," Life, n.d. [Note: concerns cast iron and glass structures]

Art reproductions
"Fabulous Fakes," by Dorothy Kalins Wise, New York, 5/13/68

Buchwald, Art
"Baseball à la Greque," New York Herald Tribune, 1962

Byars, James Lee
"People Are Talking About...," Vogue, n.d.

Canaday, John
"Art: Greek Vases with a Difference," The New York Times, 6/14/69

Center for Inter-American Relations
"Center for Inter-American Relations: Cultural Showcase," by Stanton Catlin, Museum News, 2/70

Dillon, C. Douglas
"Rise Seen in Business Aid to the Arts," by Howard Taubman, New York Times, 2/10/71 [Note: concerns Business Committee for the Arts and its former chairman, C. Douglas Dillon]
"Eye Damage Laid To a 'Safe' Drug," by Lawrence K. Altman, New York Times, 8/2/71
"F.D.A. Lists 369 Drugs as Ineffective or Perilous," by Harold M. Schmeck, Jr., New York Times, 11/28/70

Everglades National Park, Fla.
"Against All Odds, the Birds Have Won," by Philip Wylie, New York Times, 2/1/70

Food contamination
"Federal Food Inspections Are Lagging," by Boyce Rensburger, New York Times, 12/20/71

Fulbright, Sen. J. William
"The Wars In Your Future," Look, 12/2/69

Gill, Brendan
"Books: The Inconstant Past," New Yorker, 12/25/71 [Note: concerns Eudora Welty; annotated "1930s file" by DCM]

Johnson, Philip
"Architect of Elegance," New York Times, 11/16/64 [Note: concerns planned construction for Washington Square Park campus of NYU]
"An 'Estate' Has Evolved From Architect's Single Glass Box," by Rita Reif, New York Times, 10/12/70

Knoedler Gallery
"Knoedler's Bought by Hammer Group," by Grace Glueck, New York Times, 12/9/71

Kramer, Hilton
"The Logic Of the Medium," New York Times, 1/9/72
[Note: concerns writings by modern artists, specifically Stuart Davis]
"Stealing the Modernist Fire," n.d.

Lannan, J. Patrick
"Florida Pull: The Art Full House of J. Patrick Lannan at Palm Beach," Vogue, 1/69

Love, Iris
"On Dig in Turkey, People Called Her 'Mister Director'," by Angela Taylor, New York Times, 2/4/71
"Archeologist Rebuts Critics of Find," by Sanka Knox, New York Times, 11/10/70
"British Museum Exhibits Disputed Aphrodite Head," New York Times, 11/10/70
"Head of Aphrodite by Praxiteles Found," by Sanka Knox, New York Times, 11/8/70

MacIver, Loren
"Art: Futurism, Surrealism and Cubism," by David Shirey, New York Times, 11/28/70 [Note: exhibition review at Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York City]

Matisse, Henri
"Paris: Aragon's Monument to Matisse," by Pierre Schneider, New York Times, 12/20/71
"Why Did Matisse Have to Wait?," by Norbert Lynton, New York Times, 5/17/70

"The Arrogance of Culture Power," by Sophy Burnham, New York, 10/26/70
"Misgivings at the Metropolitan," by Ada Louise Huxtable, New York Times, 11/8/70 [Note: editorial concerning remodeling of Met]
"Modern Museum's Growth Has Its Berkshire Aspects," Berkshire Eagle, n.d.
"U.S. Museum Aid Is Called 'Modest' At House Hearing," New York Times, 2/6/70

Museum of American Folk Art, The
"Museum Auctions Its Antiques at Fair," by Sanka Knox, New York Times, 3/5/72 [re: auction of 75 objects from museum's collection]

Nevelson, Louise
"'I Don't Want to Waste Time,' Says Louise Nevelson at 70," by Roy Bongartz, New York Times Magazine, 1/24/71

VI.A.2. Picasso, Pablo -- WPA

"Franco Asks Picasso to Return to Spain," The Milwaukee Journal 10/23/69
"Picasso Gives 800 Works to Museum in Barcelona," by Andreas Freund, New York Times, 3/12/70
"Picasso's Erotic Engravings," New York Times Book Review, 7/6/69

Pollock, Jackson
"Jackson Pollock - A Portfolio," Psychology Today, 5/71

Pop Art
"Pop's Household Goods," n.d.

"'Discovered' Raphael: Some Here Sold It," by Sanka Knox, New York Times, (n.d.)

Rent increases
"Suit Planned to Bar Rent Rises Here," by Grace Lichtenstein, New York Times, 12/22/71
"Tenants Advised to Bar Rent Rise," by Juan M. Vasquez, New York Times, 12/5/71

Robinson, Rice E.
"Men's Vest Makers," 12/23/35
"The Motor Industry of Trucks," 12/20/35

Rothko, Mark
"2 Funds Aiding Older Americans Who Are in Arts," by Alden Whitman, New York Times, 2/10/71 [re: The Rothko Fund]

Shark attacks
"Shark Attacks," by William J. Cromie, Animal Kingdom, 12/6/67

Stevenson, Adlai
"The Legacy of Adlai Stevenson," n.d. [Note: editorial following his death]

Still, Clyfford
"Fame Comes Late For Clyfford Still," by David Shirey, New York Times, 1/20/71

Stone, Edward Durrell
"City Rejects Offer of Park Ave. Obelisk," by Edward Ranzal, New York Times, 5/12/71 [Note: designed by firm of Edward Durrell Stone]

Tomkins, Calvin
"Onward and Upward With the Arts: E.A.T.," New Yorker, 10/3/70 [Note: E. A. T. = Experiments in Art and Technology]

Turner, Wallace
"No-Fault Insurance Gaining Acceptance," New York Times, 12/22/71 [re: automobile insurance proposed by Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller]

Vidal, Gore
"Theater: Vidal's Political 'Weekend'," by Clive Barnes, New York Times, 3/14/68 [re: review of play which featured DCM's friend, Siddy Wilson]

"Art Works Produced in Federal Programs in 30's Are Neglected," by Burt Schorr, Wall Street Journal, 12/21/67

Subseries VI.B: Correspondence 1950-1972

[Note: the following series includes correspondence dating from 1950-72]

Folder Title
VI.B.1. Correspondence

1 TLS Jere Abbott-MSB (5/25/72)*

Bareiss, Walter [re: letters of introduction for Chryssa]
1 TL Walter Bareiss-Prince Franz von Bayern (10/8/68)
1 TLS Walter Bareiss-Chryssa (10/8/68)*
1 telegram Walter Bareiss-David Anderson [incl. Martha Jackson obituary]

Barr, Alfred H., Jr., 1968, 1967, 1966, 1965 [27 items]

See also Addendum B

Bates Lowry (1968 - 1969) [re: Picasso's Guernica] [5 items]
1 memo BL-AHB (3/5/69)
1 memo AHB-BL (2/25/69)
1 memo AHB-BL (1/31/69)
1 memo Jean Volkmer-BL (7/17/68)
1 memo Jean Volkmer-BL (7/17/68)

1 note DCM-AHB (5/17/68) [re: Klee's The Black Prince ]*

1 memo AHB-WR (12/28/67) [re: Frank Stella]
incl. 1 TLS WR-AHB (12/21/67) [re: Stella, Larionov]

1 memo AHB-DCM, WR and BJ (12/12/67) [re: Mrs. Victor Leventritt and a plaster cast of Picasso's 1906 Woman's Head (Fernande)]

1 TL AHB-John Hay Whitney (9/27/67) [re: Matisse Window at Collioure]

1 TL AHB-editor of Newsweek (7/28/67) [re:"Tastemaker" article]

1 TL AHB-Katherine Kuh (7/26/67) [re: article on AHB and MoMA]

1 TL AHB-Perry Cott (7/25/67) [re: National Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C.]

1 TL AHB-PJ (6/19/67) [incl. 1 TLS PJ-AHB, ca. 1920s enclosed]

1 memo DCM-AHB (12/22/66) [re: conversation with Mrs. Parkinson concerning Arthur B. Davies' Energia, Miró, Klee, Morris Louis and Helen Frankenthaler]

1 memo DCM-AHB (12/16/66) [re: Miró and Klee in collection of Eliza Parkinson, inherited from A. Conger Goodyear; Philip Guston, Newman, Still, Rothko and Louis]

1 memo DCM-AHB (4/15/65) [re: gift of Nevelson by Mr. & Mrs. Albert List; annotated by DCM re: Chryssa]

William Rubin gift of Clyfford Still (1962-1963) [3 items]
1 memo DCM-AHB (3/14/63)
1 TLS WR-AHB (11/14/62)
1 memo BJ-AHB (1/29/62)

Future bequests of Mrs. George Acheson (1959-1961) [5 items]
1 memo DCM-AHB (5/9/61)
1 TL AHB-Mrs. Acheson (6/7/60)
1 memo AHB-JTS (4/29/59)
1 memo James White-AHB (4/10/59)*
1 memo White-AHB and WSL (3/18/59)*

1 sheet AHB handwritten notes on de Kooning (8/18/50)

Bermudez, José (1969) [9 items, 10 photographs]
[re: Bermudez's work, incl. 10 photographs of his sculptures]
1 TL DCM-Bermudez (11/26/69)
1 ALS Bermudez-DCM (8/30/69)*
1 TL DCM-Bermudez (7/18/69)
1 ALS Bermudez-DCM (4/5/69) [incl. drawings]*
1 TL DCM-Bermudez (3/26/69)
1 ALS Bermudez-DCM (2/9/69)*
1 application for Cintas Fellowship [incl. 10 photographs]
incl. biographical statement

View PDF of folder VI.B.1.

VI.B.2. Correspondence

Bishop, Elizabeth (1969-1970) [4 items]
1 TLS Bishop-DCM (2/24/70) [Note: concerns José Alberto Never]*
1 TL DCM-Bishop (2/9/70)
1 TLS Bishop-DCM (1/29/69)
1 TL Institute of International Education-Stanton Catlin (1/28/70)

Blakemore, Carolyn (1967-1969) [5 items]
[Note: request to write AHB's memoirs]
1 TL AHB-Butler Coleman [Archives of American Art] (10/24/69)
1 TLS Blakemore-AHB (8/22/67)
1 TL AHB-Blakemore (8/21/67)
1 TLS Blakemore-AHB (8/4/67)
1 TLS Coleman-AHB (7/15/69)

Bolomey, Roger, 1 ALS (6/22/67)*

Breeskin, Adelyn D. [Curator of Contemporary Art, National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution], 1 TLS (1/12/70)*

Bremer, J., 1 TLS (1/21/69) [re: Theo van Doesburg; incl. list of gifts of Nelly van Doesburg]

Brose, Morris, 1 ALS (4/23/68)*

Brown, Alice Cooke, 1 TLS (8/18/70) [Note: request for permission to quote HC's book, Art in America; incl. 2 TL; selected pages from Art in America]
Calcagno, Lawrence
1 TL DCM-Calcagno (2/14/68)
1 ALS Calcagno-DCM (2/8/68)*

Charleton, Maryette (ca. 1969) [7 items, incl. photograph]*

VI.B.3. Correspondence

Chetham, Charles (Smith College Museum of Art) [15 items]
[Note: concerns removal and sale of Tamayo fresco from Smith College]
1 TL DCM-Charles Chetham (2/9/70)
1 TLS Ines Amor-DCM (1/27/70)
1 TLS Charles Chetham-DCM (1/19/70)
1 TL DCM-Ines Amor (1/12/70)*
1 TL DCM-Charles Chetham (12/12/69)
1 TLS Charles Chetham-DCM (12/2/69)
incl. handwritten notes, article
1 TLS Charles Chetham-DCM (1/21/69) [re: Bonnie Wintersteen]*

VI.B.4. Correspondence

Christo, Jeanne-Claude and Cyril, 1 postcard (ca. 1968)*

College Art Association, 1 memo (3/21/75) [incl. minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors]*

de Coninck, Suzanne, 1 ALS (6/65)*

Crimi, Alfred, 1 TLS (1/17/69)*

Cutter, Fred, 1 TL (10/15/68) [re: Jay de Feo]

Dehner, Dorothy, 1 TLS (1/12/70) [re: David Smith medallions; incl. DCM handwritten note]

Dickinson, Edwin, 1 postcard (ca. 1967)*

1 memo Dorothy Dudley-Bates Lowry ( 3/7/69) [re: inter-museum loans; incl. time sheet from Registrar]

Dunwell, Mrs. Stephen W. (Julia) (1969-1971) [5 items]
(Note: concerns Haitian artist, Roland Dorcély; incl. slides)
1 ALS Mrs. Dunwell-DCM (5/8/71) [incl. 3 slides]*
1 TL DCM-Mrs. Dunwell (4/29/71)
1 TL DCM-Elisabeth S.G. de Mattais (10/9/69)
1 TLS Elisabeth S.G. de Mattais-AHB (9/27/69)
incl. DCM handwritten notes (n.d.)*

Eielson, Jorge, 1 TLS (11/5/69)*

Fernandez, Agustin, 1 ALS (2/17/70)*

Fisher, Clare, 1 ALS (12/22/67) [incl. minutes from Chase Manhattan Bank's Art Committee meeting and list of works purchased, 11/6/67]*

1 TL DCM-Stephen Fox (5/6/70) [request for permission to read HC's Oral History]

Gablik, Suzi, 1 TLS (6/24/69)*

Glimcher, Arnold, 1 TLS (5/22/64) [re: #N 54 by Louise Nevelson; incl. 2 photographs]*

Gordon, Irene, 1 memo (1/23/70) [re: William Rubin's Frank Stella]*

Gourevitch, Jacqueline, 1 ALS (4/19/70) [re: Gourevitch's work]*

VI.B.5. Correspondence

Hegt, R.N. [Galerie Espace, Amsterdam], 1 TLS (7/30/69) [re: Shinkichi Tajiri's sculpture; incl. 9 photographs]*

Hess, Thomas B., 1 ALS (9/26/63) [re: DCM's idea for article in ARTnews]

Heydenryk, Henry, 1969 [8 items]
1 TL DCM-Heydenryk (10/9/69) [re: frame by Charles Prendergast]
1 memo BJ-DCM (9/25/69)*
1memo DCM-BJ ( 9/24/69)
1 TL DCM-Heydenryk (4/14/69)
1 authorized release of frames by DCM (3/69)
DCM handwritten notes*
2 shipping receipts *

Hightower, John, 1 TLS (1/30/70) [Note: Executive Director of the New York State Council on the Arts]

Hitchcock, Ray, 1 TLS (4/11/95) [incl. 5 slides]*

Hood, Dorothy, 1 TLS (5/12/69)*

Janis, Sidney, 1 TL (10/19/68) [re: Albers]*
Johns, Jasper, 1 telegram (12/9/68)*

Johnson, Philip
1 TL Wilder Green-PJ (6/17/69)
1 TLS PJ-Walter Bareiss (6/12/69)

Johnson, Ray
1 ALS Ray Johnson-DCM (4/22/65) [incl. photocopies of Johnson's"Book about Death"]*

View PDF of folder VI.B.5

VI.B.6. Correspondence

Jones, Betsy, 1969, 1968, 1965, 1964 [20 items]

1 TL BJ-Henry Moore (6/4/70) [incl. 1 TLS Henry Moore-BJ]

1 memo BJ-DCM (5/11/70) [re: disposition of Abby Aldrich Rockefeller's bequest of 1 Seurat and 2 van Gogh paintings]

1 memo BJ-Richard Koch (1/13/70) [re: Royal Marks' promised gift of Landès Lewitin's Knockout; incl. 1 memo William Lieberman-BJ 12/23/69, 1 TL Lieberman-Royal Marks 12/22/69]

1 TL BJ-Arnaldo Pomodoro (4/16/69) [re: cleaning of Sphere and potential gift to the Museum]

1 memo BJ-Carol Brownell (2/28/69)
[re: Mrs. Bliss Parkinson's gift of Tomioka painting; incl. 1 TL BJ-Mrs. Parkinson 2/25/69, 1 memo DCM-BJ 11/2/67]

1 memo BJ-Walter Bareiss, DCM, WR, BL and WSL (2/12/69) [re: possible sale of a Picasso from Walter Chrysler's collection]

1 TL BJ-Nina Stevens (10/30/68) [re: films and photographs by Soviet artists; incl. 1 TLS Nina Stevens-AHB (7/15/68); 1 ALS Nina Stevens-BJ (6/14/68)]

1 memo BJ-WSL (10/30/68) [re: concerns gifts offered by Mrs. Milton Weill]

1 memo BJ-WR (10/29/68) [re: concerns William Weintraub's Miró, Seated Woman II]

1 TL BJ-Walter Bareiss (9/26/68) [4 items]
[re: Eliza Parkinson's gift of Redon; incl.1 TL BJ-Walter Bareiss (9/12/68); 1 memo AHB-BJ (8/30/68); 1 ALS Mrs. Parkinson-AHB (8/1/68)]

1 memo BJ-DCM (5/6/68) [incl. 1 TL AHB-Mrs. Harry Winston 7/7/65 re: dispersal of her futurist collection]

1 memo BJ-RdH (4/18/68) [re: Charles Seligson's purchase fund; inc.l 1 TL RdH-Charles Seligson (4/11/68), 1 TLS Charles Seligson-RdH (4/9/68)]

1 TL BJ-Arne Holmquist (3/18/68) [re: offer to Museum to buy Moholy-Nagy; Schwitters' Cherry Picture]

1 memo DCM-BJ (5/3/67) [re: gifts by Louise Nevelson in honor of AHB and RDH, annotated by AHB]

1 memo BJ-AHB and Arthur Drexler (3/30/67) [re: Frank Lloyd Wright figurines]

1 memo BJ-AHB (12/22/65) [incl. 2 DCM handwritten notes]

1 memo BJ-DCM and AHB (11/30/65) [re: Dr. and Mrs. Allan Roos' gift of Frida Kahlo's Family Tree and Paul Klee's Introducing the Miracle; incl. 1 TL BJ-Dr. Roos (11/19/65)]

1 memo BJ-AHB, DCM (5/24/65) [re: concerns will of Polygnotos Vagis; incl. 1 TL]

1 memo AHB-BJ (4/20/65) [re: Mrs. Gerald Murphy's Léger watercolors; incl. 1 memo AHB-BJ (4/19/65), 1 TL Archibald MacLeish-Mrs. Honoria Murphy Donnelly (4/16/65)]

1 memo BJ-AHB (1/6/65) [re: gifts of Klee from McLanahan]

1 memo BJ-AHB (11/13/64)
16 items concerning Milton A. Gordon's (MAG) purchase of a Picasso, 1961-62: 1 TLS MAG-DCM (10/1/62)
1 TL DCM-MAG (9/28/62)
1 TL William Seitz-Agnes Phillips (9/25/62)
1 TL MAG-William Seitz (9/21/62)
1 memo DCM-Waldo Rasmussen (9/20/62)
1 memo Waldo Rasmussen-DCM (9/18/62)
1 memo DCM-William Seitz (9/12/62)
1 TL DCM-MAG (9/5/62)
1 TL BJ-MAG (4/26/61)
1 TL AHB- Mr. and Mrs. MAG (4/18/61)
1 TL AHB-MAG (4/10/61)
1 TL AHB-MAG (4/3/61)

1 memo DCM-BJ (7/14/64) [re: Elsa Schmid's collection of Israel Litwak]

VI.B.7. Correspondence

Virginia Dorazio (ca. 1961-68) [26 items][re: Giacomo Balla's painting, Bankruptcy1 TL Joshua Taylor-BJ 12/15/68
1 TL BJ-Joshua Taylor 12/6/68
3 telegrams Cora Rosevear-Virginia Dorazio 1968
1 ALS Virginia Dorazio-Cora Rosevear 7/9/68
1 telegram Virginia Dorazio-Cora Rosevear 7/1/68
1 telegram Virginia Dorazio-Cora Rosevear 5/13/68
1 TL Cora Rosevear-Virginia Dorazio (4/16/68)
1 ALS Virginia Dorazio-DCM (4/8/68)
1 Staff Photograph Requisition
1 TL BJ-Virginia Dorazio (12/28/67)
1 ALS Piero Dorazio-DCM (11/24/67)*
1 memo BJ-DCM (11/6/67)*
1 ALS Piero Dorazio-DCM (10/31/67)*
1 TL Piero Dorazio-AHB (6/24/65)
1 memo BJ-AHB (5/28/65)
1 delivery confirmation (5/10/65)
1 TL AHB-Virginia Dorazio (5/24/61)
1 ALS Piero Dorazio-AHB (5/23/65)
handwritten notes (n.d.)

View PDF of folder VI.B.7.

VI.B.8. Correspondence

1 TL DCM-Maryan Kantaroff (2/13/70)

Kawai, Isamu, 1 TLS (10/27/66) [incl. photographs]*

Kemp, Edward (University of Oregon)[re:HC's papers]
1 TLS Edward Kemp-DCM (9/27/68)*
1 TLS Edward Kemp-DCM (6/28/68)*

Kobayashi, Yukio (1969) [re: opening of National Museum of Art in Tokyo]
[2 items]

Lannan, J. Patrick
1 TL DCM-J. Patrick Lannan (11/4/65) [re: Clyfford Still]

VI.B.9. Correspondence

Lasker, Mary [26 items][re: purchase of Derain or Motherwell with funds from Loula Lasker Estate, 1967-69; incl. 6 TLS; 8 TL; 1 will; 1 note *; 6 memos, incl. 1 annotated by AHB *; 1 photograph requisition form]

VI.B.10. Correspondence

Lowry, Bates; 1 memo Jennifer Licht-BL (10/29/68) [re: purchase of Larry Zox painting]
Marshall, Esta (1970) [4 items]
[re: Marshall's request for help with documentary on photography]
1 ALS Esta Marshall-DCM (1/31/70)
1 TL DCM-Esta Marshall (2/13/70)
1 memo DCM-John Szarkowski (2/13/70)
1 TLS John Szarkowski-Esta Marshall (3/5/70)

Martin, Agnes, 1 ALS (9/10/68) [incl. exhibition announcement, 1/20-2/7/70]*

1 TLS Pierre Matisse-Alicia Legg (2/22/72) [re: Calder drawings]

1 memo Sara Mazo-DCM (8/28/68) [re: color reproductions for Museum]

1 TL DCM-David McKee [Marlborough-Gerson Gallery] (6/25/70)

1 memo Pearl Moeller-DCM (3/24/70) [Note: concerns John Healey and Livinus van der Bunt, artists]*

Morris, Jerrold A. (ca. March-May, 1966)
[re: list of American works created in the 1960s in MoMA collection for illustrating a textbook on modern art] [9 items]
1 memo, DCM-Grace (?) (8/14/66)*
1 TLS Jerrold Morris-DCM (5/13/66)*
1 TL DCM-Jerrold Morris (5/10/66)
1 TLS Jerrold Morris-DCM (4/6/66)*
1 TL DCM-Jerrold Morris (3/28/66)
1 TLS Jerrold Morris-DCM (3/23/95)*
2 inventory lists of American works from 1960s in MoMA's collection
1 memo

Noguchi, Isamu, 1 ALS (9/25/69)*

Norton, Ann, 1 ALS (11/6/70)*

Nudelman, Rhoda, 1 ALS (11/18/67) [re: her research on WPA]*

O'Connor, Francis, 1TLS (6/70) [incl. O'Connor's lecture,"On the De-humanization of Education"]*

Parkinson, Eliza Bliss (ca. 1967) [8 items]

VI.B.11. Correspondence

Reinhardt, Ad (ca. 1966-67) [incl. 5 ALS Ad Reinhardt-DCM] [8 items]

Rodriguez-Larrain, Emilio, 1 TLS (3/18/70) [re: his poor financial situation; incl. 1 ALS Gordon Washburn (Asia Society)-DCM (3/9/70); 2 phone messages]

1 TL Cora Rosevear-Monroe Wheeler (11/20/70) [incl. address of Emilio Rodrigues-Larrain]

Richards, Monawee A., 1 memo (10/12/67) [re: unfinished Feininger oil sketch for Study Collection]

Richenberg, Mrs. Robert, 1 ALS (4/20/70) [re: work of Robert Richenberg; incl. 1 TL DCM-Mrs. Robert Richenberg (2/29/70)]

Robinson, Mary T., 1 ALS (11/30/65)

Rubenstein, John (Rhode Island School of Design) [7 items]
[re: U.S. Pavilion at Venice Biennale]
1 memo DCM-Cora Rosevear (ca. 6/69)
press release re: discontinuation of MoMA involvement in Venice and São Paulo Biennales.
press release re: United States Pavilion at the Venice Biennale (4/18/62)
incl. 2 memos, 2 DCM handwritten notes

VI.B.12. Correspondence

Rubin, William ca.1968
1 TLS Mrs. Philip W. Claflin-WR (5/4/70) [re: withdrawal of bequest of Tchelitchew's David and Goliath; incl. 1 TL WR-Mrs. Claflin (5/6/70)]

1 TL WR-Madame André Susse (2/25/69) [re: Miró bronze, Oiseau lunaire]

1 TL WR-Mrs. Abner Brenner (10/24/68) [re: gift of Morris Louis's Beta Iota]

1 memo WR-Painting and Sculpture Curatorial Staff (10/9/68) [re: Franz Kline retrospective at Whitney]

1 memo WR (10/8/68) [re: Darby Bannard exhibit at Tibor de Nagy Gallery]

1 TL WR-Robert Barker (8/28/68) [re: loans of Munch paintings; incl. 1 TLS(8/20/68), 2 TL]

1 TLS WR-Roman Herman Ketterer (6/26/68) [re: purchase, Seraphine's Fruits and Flowers]
2 memos WR-BL (6/20/68) [re: Miró collage and Picabia purchase, (5/11/68) [re: space in new building]

1 memo WR-BL (5/29/68) [re: William Weintraub's collection, including Klee's Tree and The Fallen Woman, Miro's Seated Woman II, Picasso's Girl in Yellow Hat, Dubuffet and Léger]

1 TL WR-Prof. Robert P. Welsh (4/26/68) [re: early Mondrians; incl. 1 TL WR-
Robert Welsh (2/27/68)]

1 TLS WR-René Gaffé (4/15/68) [re: Miró's The Birth of the World]

1 TLS WR-Ambassador Jan-Albert Goris (3/13/68) [re: purchase, Magritte's Personal Values

VI.B.13. Correspondence

Salpeter, Betty (1970) [Note: concerns Betty Salpeter's Gorky painting] [7 items]
1 TL DCM-Salpeter (11/4/70)
1 TLS Salpeter-DCM (10/28/70)
1 TLS DCM-Salpeter (7/25/70)
1 TLS Salpeter-DCM (6/18/70)
1 TLS Salpeter-DCM (6/12/70)
1 TL DCM-Salpeter (5/29/70)
1 TLS Salpeter-DCM (4/29/70)

Scharf, William, 1 ALS (ca. 1971 ) [incl. notes by DCM concerning his work]

Seldis, Henry (ca. 1970) [5 items]
[re: Henry Moore]
1 TLS Seldis-DCM (5/19/70)
1 TLS Seldis-DCM (5/8/70)
DCM handwritten notes
1 annotated typescript by DCM

Sihvonen, Oli, 1 ALS (2/12/69) [incl. 8 slides]

1TL, recommendation for Helena Simkhovitch (2/16/71)

Smith, Charles, 1 ALS, (2/9/68)

Smith, Mrs. Ferdinand (Margery), 1 ALS (5/4/68)

Jerome B. Smith [Swarthmore College, PA]
correspondence [Note: catalogues for the Americans shows with list of Americans shows attached]

Soby, James Thrall, 2 TLS (4/71) [re: his memoirs]

Stefanelli, Joe, 1 ALS (2/2/72)

Summerfield, Joan, 1TL (1/16/69)

Tajiri, Shinkichi
1 TL DCM-Shinkichi Tajiri (6/23/69)
1 TLS-AHB (11/7/68) [Note: concerns Tajiri's sculpture, Granny Knot]

Toby, Austin, 1 TLS (6/24/69)

Tomioka, Soichiro
1 TLS (4/15/72) [incl. 14 photographs]
1 ALS (5/10/69)

1 memo DCM-Carol Uht (5/22/70) [re: Franco Ciarlo's Structure Black, Orange, Purple]

Varveris, Teri (1969) [2 items]
1 memo Teri Varveris-Bill Farnie (5/19/69)
1 memo Teri Varveris-Security (5/19/69) [re: moving Henry Moore's Knife-Edge]

Volkmer, Jean, 2 memos (11/1/65) [re: Miró visit]

Vondermuhll, Valerie, 1 ALS (7/29/69)

Weber, Max
2 drafts AL (ca. 1938) [re: Henri Rousseau, incl. TLS from Feigen Gallery]
1 ALS (4/10/38)

Zilzer, Gyula, 1 ALS (n.d.)

Material added to this folder in 2023.

Subseries VI.C: Exhibition Announcements and Brochures ca. 1962-1972

[Note: arranged alphabetically by artist or title]

Folder Title Date
VI.C.1. Exhibition Announcements and Brochures, A-Ma

American Academy of Arts and Letters (1972) [Note: annotated by DCM]
American Art (1971) [As of 2024, this item was missing.]
"The Art Trader" (n.d.)
Barton, Peter and Joseph Brown (1/70)
Barnet, Will (ca. 1968-69)
Ben-Yehuda, Yehuda (1/70)
Bulletin, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (5/70) [incl. Newsletter (1/70)] [These two items are found in VI.C.2.]
Coe Kerr Gallery (ca. 1969) [Note: concerns establishment of gallery]
Coggeshall, Calvert (n.d.)
"Computer Sight and Sound," Summit Art Center (1967) [As of 2024, this item was missing, though one item referencing A. Michael Noll is filed with the Judson Gallery material later in this folder.]
Coppel, Jeanne (ca. 1967)
"Dutch Graphics," Fogg Art Museum (1970)
Guggenheim Fellowships, brochure (1972)
Hansen, Duane (1/70)
Hutchinson, Peter (1970)
Jenkins, Paul (1969-70)
Jensen, Hank (5/7-5/23/69) [incl. 1 ALS Hank Jensen-DCM(5/13/69)]
Johns, Jasper (ca. 1962)
Judd, Donald (1/69)
Lannis Museum of Normal Art (1967)
Lissitzky, El (n.d.) [Note: Picasso also exhibited]
Lundberg, Helen (1963)
Lyon, Danny (1966-67)
"Manipulation," Judson Gallery (10/67) [Note: with Geoffrey Hendricks, Allan Kaprow, Yoko Ono, Nam June Paik, etc.]
Manzu, Giacomo (n.d.)
L'officiel des galeries (1969)
Map of O.K. Harris location

View PDF of folder VI.C.1

VI.C.2. Exhibition Announcements and Brochures, Me-Z

"Merchants and Planters of the Upper Hudson Valley," traveling exhibition
(ca. 1967)
Mishaan, Rodolfo (ca. 1969)
Morris, Robert (ca. 1970)
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
[incl. Bulletin (5/70), and Newsletter (1/70)]
Nesch, Rolf (n.d.)
Newman, Barnett ca. 1969
[Note: annotated by Barnett Newman]
Perry, Charles O. (n.d.)
Picasso, Pablo (ca. 2/70-3/70)
"Prints by Four New York Painters," Metropolitan Museum of Art
(ca. 1969-70) [Note: with Helen Frankenthaler, Jasper Johns, Robert Motherwell, and Barnett Newman]
Ramirez, Eduardo (1969)
Rayo, Omar (1968)
Ringgold, Faith [Note: annotated by DCM,"Black Folder"]
Rivera, Diego (n.d.)
Rockefeller University, The [brochure] (1968)
Shahn, Ben [Graphic Workshop] (1969)
Simonetti, Gianni-Emilio (ca. 1969-70)
Stella, Frank (1970)
Stewart, William (1/70)
Sugarman, George (ca. 1970)
"This Floor..." (5/70)
Venet, Bernar (ca. 1970)
Virduzzo (ca. 1964-65) [annotated by DCM]
"What is American in American Art," Knoedler (1971)
Wilfred, Thomas (n.d.)
"Yevtushenko and Friends: Poetry in Concert"(1972)


Subseries VI.D: Museum Matters ca. 1929-1970

Folder Title Date
VI.D.1. Museum Matters

Press release, Claes Oldenburg by Barbara Rose
DCM handwritten notes of MoMA auction (1970)
Museum of Modern Art receipt, Frank Kupka, White Diagonals (4/21/70)
Members Newsletter (Fall 1969)
Provisional Charter of The Museum of Modern Art [carbon] (9/19/29)
DCM handwritten notes and 2 phone messages [re: Mrs. Leo Simon loan of Jean Dubuffet's L'Hourloupe]
DCM handwritten notes [re: MoMA involvement with Venice and São Paulo Biennales]
DCM handwritten notes [re: various subjects]

Material added to this folder in 2023.


Subseries VI.E: Biographical Material ca. 1961-ca. 1975

Folder Title Date
VI.E.1. Biographical Material

Europe (1969) incl. 2 exhibition announcements, handwritten notes, ephemera]
Otterloo, The Netherlands (ca. 6/69) [14 items]
[map of sculpture exhibition; 11 exhibition announcements; 2 newspaper articles, incl."Champagneglassets skygge forklarer kunsten," by Virtus Schade, Berlingske Aftenavis, 7/4/69 and "Rockefeller Præsenterer sin rige kunstamling," by Virtus Schade, Berlingske Aftenavis, 6/23/69]
concert program, Smith College Museum of Art, 5/8/68
program,"From Runnymede to Ganymede," Hon. James E. Webb, Colonial Williamsburg, VA, 5/27/67
Houston, Texas, 2/22/67 [handwritten notes]
Gregorian calendar, 1961-75
Shaker Community, 1 memo, n.d.
[Note: concerns election of Board of Trustees of Shaker Community, Inc.]


Return to the Top of Page

Series VII: Addendum B. Materials Added After 1986

The Papers consist of assorted materials from Dorothy Miller's office at One MacDougal Alley. They include correspondence and materials relating to Museum matters as well as personal correspondence, photographs and ephemera.

Subseries VII.A: Correspondence, Alfred H. Barr, Jr. and Margaret Scolari Barr 1945-1985

Folder Title Date
VII.A.1. Correspondence

1 ALS AHB - Alice (?) (n.d.)

1 handwritten note AHB - HC (n.d.)

1 handwritten note MSB - DCM (n.d.) [signed "Margalfred"]

AHB handwritten notes (n.d.) [re: Catlin]

1 TL DCM - Bernard Karpel (9/16/75) [photocopy] [re: AHB Archive]
[incl. 1 ALS B. Karpel - DCM (9/1/75)]

1 TLS Sheila [Lafarge] - MSB (6/29/69) [re: visit to Akuveyri]

1 TLS JTS - AHB (1/16/68)

1 TLS JTS - AHB (1/2/68)

1 postcard AHB - DCM (n.d.) [re: Russia trip]

1 ALS AHB - Franz Meyer (4/12/58) [re: letter of introduction for DCM]

1 postcard AHB - DCM (ca. 2/58)

1 postcard AHB - DCM (ca. 2/58)

1 postcard AHB - DCM (ca. 9/57) [re: trip to Peru]

1 ALS MSB - DCM (12/29/56) [re: gift of perfume from DCM]

1 TL AHB - Douglas Cooper (11/18/55) (carbon) [re: AHB's response to Cooper's "savage review" of MoMA's Masters of Modern Art]

1 telegram AHB - DCM (1/18/54)

1 postcard AHB - DCM & HC (ca. 3/53) [re: Tate Gallery; juror for an art award]

1 ALS AHB - DCM (6/25/n.y.)

1 ALS AHB - DCM (ca. 5/52)

1 ALS AHB - DCM (5/31) [re: budgeting salaries]

1 telegram RdH & AHB - DCM (5/29/50) [re: congratulations on opening of Fifteen Americans]

1 memo DCM - AHB (5/15/n.y.) [re: loans of Museum Collection works to Circulating Exhibitions]
[incl. annotations by AHB & draft of AL by AHB on verso]

1 ALS AHB - DCM (n.d.) [re: postal fees in Taormina, proposed salary increases for AHB's staff]

1 ALS AHB - DCM (4/8/n.y.) [re: Fifteen Americans, Museum matters]

1 ALS AHB - DCM (n.d.) [re: AHB's departure on a boat, praise for DCM's exhibition]

1 postcard AHB - DCM & HC (ca. 6/49)

1 magazine clipping MSB - DCM (ca. 3/47) [incl. annotated envelope]

1 ALS AHB - DCM (ca. 8/45) [re: AHB's vacation; AHB's disapproval of the use of the atom bomb]

View PDF of folder VII.A.1.

VII.A.2 Correspondence

Letters from Alfred H. Barr, Jr. and Margaret Scolari Barr, often co-written, addressed to Dorothy C. Miller.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.A.3 Correspondence

Letter addressed to Alfred, Marga, and Dorothy from "H & A & M & A."

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.A.4 Correspondence

Note and postcard from AHB to DCM.

This folder was added in 2023.

Undated, 1959

Subseries VII.B: Correspondence, Family 1934-1951

Folder Title Date
VII.B.1. Correspondence

7 items

VII.B.2. Correspondence

2 items

VII.B.3. Correspondence

10 items

VII.B.4. Correspondence

20 items

VII.B.5. Correspondence

5 items


Subseries VII.C: Correspondence, Williamsburg 1955-1960s

[Note: correspondence between Mitchell Wilder and AHB, concerning The Museum of Modern Art's early relationship with folk art, and the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection]
[20 items]

Folder Title
VII.C.1. Correspondence

1 incl: DCM - Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Center (1960s) [5 items]
1 TL AHB - Mitchell Wilder (2/27/57) [re: errors in newly published catalogue of AAR's collection]
1 TL Mitchell Wilder - AHB (6/17/55) [re: writing a preface for the catalogue of the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Center

Subseries VII.D: Correspondence, General 1945-1982

Folder Title Date
VII.D.1 Correspondence

1 TL DCM - Carol Cannon (6/23/77) [photocopy]

1 ALS DCM - Philip Johnson (7/6/69) [photocopy]

1 TLS DCM - Caroline Keck (1/25/73) [photocopy]

1 memo BJ - Richard Koch (6/25/73) [re: J. Patrick Lannan's renege on a promised gift]
[incl. 1 TLS P. Lannan - WSR (6/18/73) (copy)]

1 memo Pearl Moeller - DCM (3/6/78) [incl. 1 memo Richard Koch - Staff (2/16/79)
(re: Resolutions memorializing NAR and JTS)]

1 ALS Henry Moore - DCM (ca. 1/47)

1 TL DCM - Georgia O'Keeffe (1/9/45) [photocopy]

1 memo REO - Staff (2/13/76) [re: Trustees' commitment to the Museum building project]
[incl. press release]

1 ALS Marjorie Phillips - DCM (2/24/66) [incl. announcement of Duncan Phillips' death]

1 TLS Mary Ellen Solt - DCM (2/4/64)

1 TL DCM - Rona Roob (2/21/80) [carbon] [re: AHB bibliography, DCM Papers]
[incl. 1 TLS Roob - DCM]

1 ALS DCM - Cora Rosevear (n.d.) [photocopy]

1 TLS Bill Rubin - DCM (4/6/82) [Note: annotated by DCM]

1 ALS (?) - DCM (10/4/65) [re: Rietveld]

1 letter to the editor of The New York Times DCM - Rebecca Sinkler (5/15/1989) [re: Alice Marquis' biography of AHB]

View PDF of folder VII.D.1

Material added to this folder in 2022.

VII.D.2 Correspondence with Frances Collins

Includes a satirical invitation to "the semi-public opening of the new Museum of Standard Oil," created by Frances Collins in 1939, among other correspondence.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.D.3 Correspondence

Correspondence from Diane [?] and John McAndrew to DCM.

This folder was added in 2023.

1943, undated
VII.D.4 Correspondence with René d'Harnoncourt

Undated letter from RdH, which was found in DCM's copy of Masters of Modern Art (1954).

This folder was added in 2023.


Subseries VII.E: Museum Matters 1944-1977

Folder Title Date
VII.E.1. Writings

"The Museum Collections: A Brief Report" (1/15/44) by AHB

"Museum Collection: Categories Made by A.H.B. Jr. for Tentative Plan of Arrangement of Galleries for Museum Collection Exhibition June 1945" (n.d.)

Essay"Kandinsky Panels Re-united," (n.d.) [Note: annotated"by DCM (for AHB)"]

Summary Annual Report for Museum of Modern Art Pension Plan (1977)

VII.E.2 Notes by DCM regarding Diego Rivera's mural in Rockefeller Center

Notes were made after DCM saw Todd, Robertson, & Todd's correspondence with Diego Rivera.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.E.3 Notes from New School Course "World of the Senses" by Selig Hecht

This folder was added in 2023.

Late 1940s

Subseries VII.F: Biographical Materials 1961-1984

Folder Title Date
VII.F.1. Two newsclippings from Morgunblaðið

re: DCM (7/18/61)
re: AHB (7/4/61)
"Cultural Identity Card"
"Modern Museum's Growth has its Berkshire Aspects," newsclipping (n.d.)
handwritten notes re: NAR (1/16/69)
clipping from Art at Work: The Chase Manhattan Collection (1984), p. 40
assorted notes and clippings

VII.F.2 Clipping from The Berkshire Eagle about DCM

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.F.3 Abracadabra "Spell"

The handwriting at the bottom, at least, is DCM's.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.F.4 Nathaniel Saltonstall Award, Institute of Contemporary Art Boston

Correspondence from David A. Ross and handwritten speech by Frank Stella, regarding DCM's Nathaniel Saltonstall Award from the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston in 1986.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.F.5 Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden

List of Board of Trustees at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden from 1974 and typed biography of DCM with a handwritten note that reads, "to Hirshhorn Museum 1976."

This folder was added in 2023.


Subseries VII.G: Photographs 1936-1969

Folder Title Date
VII.G.1. Photographs

Curt Valentin (n.d.) [photocopy]

DCM by Lynn Gilbert (n.d.) [photocopy]

62 photographs (1936-1969), incl: 1 portrait of AHB (n.d.); 15 snapshots taken by DCM on a trip with Ernestine Fantl with a camera given to DCM by Walker Evans (1936); 1 photo of DCM with HC and JTS (1957); 4 photos of the Venice Biennale, DCM with Louise Nevelson, Alberto Giacometti (1962); 2 photos of AHB and MSB (1977?)

VII.G.2. Photographs

Photograph of DCM with HC and JTS [photocopy]; Photographs of DCM in The Museum of Modern Art, Department of Photographic Services and Permissions (n.d.) [photocopies]


Subseries VII.H: Additional Files Received from Susanna Coggeshall 1933-1970

These additional files were donated by Wendy Jeffers in 2008 and added to the collection in 2023. The files likely originated in Dorothy C. Miller's office at One MacDougal Alley and had accidentally been sent to Susanna and Calvert Coggeshall's house before being returned to Jeffers. They include correspondence and materials relating to Museum matters as well as personal correspondence and ephemera, with the bulk dating to roughly the time of her retirement from MoMA in 1969. Many of the folders were variably titled, "DM new file" or "DCM desk pile;" titles have since been altered for clarity.

Folder Title Date
VII.H.1 Correspondence

Includes acquisition correspondence from Bates Lowry to DCM.

Entire folder restricted.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.H.2 Correspondence

Includes loan correspondence between AHB and Lawrence Gowing.

Entire folder restricted.

The folder was added in 2023.

VII.H.3 Correspondence, Clippings, and Exhibition Ephemera

Includes clippings about Charles Sheeler, Jiri Kolar, Martin Johnson Heade, and Christo; correspondence from the Shaker Community; photocopied notes about Mark Rothko and correspondence with Rothko from the 1940s; list of MoMA trustees' addresses; press release for a MoMA Film Department program called "Decade's End;" installation photography and press release from A Project of Living Artists exhibition; and brochure of prints by Jose Luis Cuevas, among other correspondence and clippings.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.H.4 Correspondence from and Research about Christo, Cy Twombly, Mark Rothko

Includes photographs of artwork by Christo and text about his Little Bay artwork; correspondence and photographs from Cy Twombly; photocopies of a press release for a 1933 Rothko exhibition; and photocopies of correspondence to and from Rothko from 1949-1951.

This folder was added in 2023.

1933, 1969
VII.H.5 Correspondence, Clippings, and Invoices

Includes correspondence about photographs of collection works; clippings on Louise Nevelson, Alexander Calder, MoMA, Nelson A. Rockefeller, and other topics; correspondence from James Thrall Soby and William Greenspon; framing invoices for DCM's personal collection; minutes from a meeting of the Board of Shaker Community, Inc; and correspondence regarding Smith College Museum of Art matters.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.H.6 Correspondence and Clippings, 1 of 2

Includes a press release about the Department of Painting and Sculpture; memos to the staff about d'Harnoncourt's death; correspondence regarding staff salaries and Sam Francis; correspondence with Earl Ludgin, Charles Parkhurst, Tafts, Chryssa, Gabriel White, Ed Fuller, and Bernard Karpel; reproduction of an artwork by Carl Henning Pedersen; loan correspondence with Mrs. George Bedell; clippings about Max Weber, Tintoretto, Charles Boni, and MoMA; and a parody press release about MoMA buying Port Authority, among other clippings and correspondence.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.H.7 Correspondence and Clippings, 2 of 2

Includes clippings about MoMA, Picasso, and Buky Schwartz; catalogues about Shaker art, Cuna Indians, and American folk art; press release about DCM's retirement; research on Black artists/exhibitions; and correspondence with Smith College and Ray Johnson, among other clippings and correspondence.

View PDF of folder VII.H.7

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.H.8 Correspondence and Manuscript

Includes correspondence from Jere Abbott to MSB and a manuscript about Joe Pickett.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.H.9 Correspondence and Clippings

Includes an invitation to a film program at the Metropolitan Museum of Art; correspondence regarding DCM's personal art collection, artists and art advising, and the loan of James Lee Byars works; correspondence from James Thrall Soby to AHB and MSB; correspondence from Jere Abbott to MSB; floor plan for DCM's office at One MacDougal Alley; clippings about travel, various artists, Olana, MoMA, and other topics; and correspondence from the Shaker Community, Inc., Jay DeFeo, and James Lee Byars, among other correspondence and clippings.

This folder was added in 2023.

Restricted material removed: Condition correspondence.

VII.H.10 Correspondence

Includes correspondence from William S. Lieberman to DCM regarding Henry Rousseau and William Blake and an article about the two men.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.H.11 Correspondence, Note, and Checklist

Includes a note about AHB borrowing Kazimir Malevich paintings from the Provinzialmuseum, which was later renamed the Landesmuseum, in Hannover, Germany, to prevent their being confiscated by Hitler and a checklist of MoMA artworks loaned to the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., in 1963.

This folder was added in 2023.

Restricted material removed: Acquisition correspondence.


Subseries VII.I: "Photographs of Modern Art"

These reproductions of artworks were added to the collection in 2023. They were likely used as reference images by DCM during her exhibition research. They are largely arranged in alphabetical order; Folder VII.I.15 was received empty.

Folder Title
VII.I.1 "B"

Photographs of artwork by William Baziotes, Thomas Hart Benton, Peter Blum, George Bellows; pamphlet from Baziotes' exhibition at Kootz Gallery in 1958.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.I.2 "CD"

Photographs of artwork by Edward Corbett, Preston Dickinson, Edwin Dickinson, Stuart Davis, Morris Graves, Charles Demuth.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.I.3 "EF"

Photographs of artwork by Willem de Kooning, Herbert Ferber, Lyonel Feininger, Louis Eilshemius.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.I.4 "G"

Photographs of artwork by Adolph Gottlieb, Morris Graves, Arshile Gorky.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.I.5 "H"

Photographs of artwork by Wally Hedrick, David Hare, Raoul Hague.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.I.6 "IJ"

Photographs of artwork by James Jarvaise.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.I.7 "K"

Photographs of artwork by John Kane, Franz Kline, Willem de Kooning, Ellsworth Kelly.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.I.8 "LM"

Photographs of artwork by Richard Lippold, George Luks, Seymour Lipton, Ibram Lassaw, Alfred Leslie, Robert Mallary, Richard Lytle, Landès Lewitin, Robert Motherwell.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.I.9 "NO"

Photographs of artwork by Isamu Noguchi, Reuben Nakian, Elie Nadelman, Louise Nevelson.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.I.10 "PQ"

Photographs of artwork by Jackson Pollock, Joseph Pickett, Maurice Prendergast.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.I.11 "R"

Photographs of artwork by Herman Rose, Mark Rothko, Robert Rauschenberg.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.I.12 "S"

Photographs of artwork by Charles Sheeler, Clyfford Still, Ben Shahn, Richard Stankiewicz, Frank Stella, Julius Schmidt, Jason Seley.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.I.13 "T"

Photographs of artwork by Bradley Walker Tomlin.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.I.14 "UVW"

Photographs of artwork by Thomas Wilfred, Albert Urban, Max Weber, Grant Wood, Robert Watts, Andrew Wyeth.

This folder was added in 2023.

VII.I.15 "XYZ"

Folder was received empty.

This folder was added in 2023.

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Box and Folder List

Box Series Folder
1 I I.1.-I.3.d.
2 I I.4.a.-I.6.f.
3 I I.7.a.-I.8.d.
4 I Photographs
5 I I.9.a.-I.9.g.
6 I I.10.-I.14.g.
7 I I.15.a.-I.15.j.
8 I I.15.k.-I.18.d.
9 I I.19.a.-I.20.e.
10 I I.20.f.-I.20.k.
11 I I.21.a.-I.21.d.
12 I I.22.a.-I.22.h.
13 I I.22.i.-I.22.k.iii.
14 I I.22.k.iv.-I.22.m.iii.
15 I I.22.m.iv.-I.22.n.v.
16 I I.23.a.-I.24.j.
17 I I.24.k.-I.25.
18 II II.1.-II.4.c.
19 II II.5.a.-II.5.h.
20 II II.5.i.
21 II II.6.
22 III III.1.-III.3.d., III.3.g.
23 III III.3.e.
24 III III.3.e.-III.3.h.
25 III III.4.-III.7.c.
25A III III.7.d.-III.14.d.
26 III III.7.f.
27 III III.15.-III.28.
28 III III.29.a.-III.33.
29 IV IV.1.-IV.6.
30 IV IV.7.a.-IV.10.e.
31 IV IV.11.a.-IV.14.
32 IV IV.15.a.-IV.17.
33 V V.1.-V.8.
34 V Address and Notebooks
35 V Calendars
36 Va Va.1.-Va.2.
37 Vb Vb.1-Vb.14
38 VI.A. VI.A.1.-VI.A.2.
VI.B VI.B.1.-VI.B.10.
39 VI.B. VI.B.11.-VI.B.13.
VI.C. VI.C.1.-VI.C.2.
VI.D. VI.D.1.
VI.E VI.E.1.
40 VII.A VII.A.1-VII.A.4
41 VII.H VII.H.1-VII.H.11
42 VII.I VII.I.1-VII.I.15

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