Posts tagged ‘collection’
December 19, 2012  |  Publications
Digging Deeper: The William S. Paley Collection: A Taste for Modernism

Pablo Picasso. Boy Leading a Horse. 1905-06. Oil on canvas, 7′ 2 7/8″ x 51 5/8″ (220.6 x 131.2 cm). The William S. Paley Collection. © 2013 Estate of Pablo Picasso/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

History and progress—two seemingly diametrically opposed concepts. Yet, both are expertly realized in Pablo Picasso’s Boy Leading a Horse, one of the masterpieces featured in The William S. Paley Collection: A Taste for Modernism.

December 17, 2012  |  Behind the Scenes
Art/Work: MoMA’s Creative Minds: Harvey Tulcensky
Harvey Tulcensky. Untitled detail from Notebook Drawing. Ballpoint on paper.

Harvey Tulcensky. Untitled detail from Notebook Drawing. Ballpoint on paper

Sitting in MoMA’s Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden, Harvey Tulcensky answered my queries, and as he did so, a dragonfly buzzed by and a butterfly landed on his shoulder. These were clearly good signs of the positive conversation to come.

December 13, 2012  |  Publications
Picasso’s Girl before a Mirror: The Science Behind Art History

Cover of Picasso: Girl before a Mirror

More and more, art historians are turning to science and technology to help solve the mysteries laid in paint by artists throughout the centuries. Chemical analysis of paint chips has been used to explain the discoloration of cadmium yellow in a van Gogh still life. “Emotion recognition” computer software has been applied to the Mona Lisa to try to decipher that ever-inscrutable smile.

October 13, 2011  |  Artists, Collection & Exhibitions
Closing the Gap: Max Ernst through the Lens of the Lower East Side

A couple of weekends ago I walked around Manhattan’s Lower East Side in silence, holding a postcard with a rectangular hole cut out of it in front of me, seeing the city anew through a cardboard window. I was being led around by two artists on a “silent performative tour” of the area

Contemporary Artists on Abstract Expressionist New York

Artist Amy Sillman as she begins her talk in the Abstract Expressionist New York exhibition.

When we visit MoMA we expect to see works of art made by artists, but seldom do we hear firsthand from the artists themselves about the works on display—while we stand directly in front of them! The recently concluded series Abstract Expressionist New York: Artist-Led Gallery Talks offered MoMA visitors this unique opportunity.

March 4, 2011  |  Do You Know Your MoMA?
Do You Know Your MoMA? 03/04/11

How well do you know your MoMA? If you think you can identify the artist and title of each of these works—all currently on view in the Museum’s Painting and Sculpture Galleries—please submit your answers by leaving a comment on this post. We’ll provide the answers—along with some information about each work—in two weeks (on Friday, March 18).


February 25, 2011  |  Five for Friday
Five for Friday: Ready for the Show?!?

Five for Friday, written by a variety of MoMA staff members, is our attempt to spotlight some of the compelling, charming, and downright curious works in the Museum’s rich collection.

The works have been selected. Handlers contracted. Opening parties and after-parties and after-after-parties arranged. It’s almost time for the cultural glitterati to come together and salute each other’s art (and, just as important, artful outfits). Yes, the Armory Show is nearly upon us!

February 18, 2011  |  Do You Know Your MoMA?
Do You Know Your MoMA? 02/18/2011

How well do you know your MoMA? If you think you can identify the artist and title of each of these works—all currently on view throughout the Museum—please submit your answers by leaving a comment on this post. We’ll provide the answers—along with some information about each work—in two weeks (on Friday, March 4).


February 11, 2011  |  Five for Friday
Five for Friday: Valentine’s Day—Love Ain’t Always What You Expect

Five for Friday, written by a variety of MoMA staff members, is our attempt to spotlight some of the compelling, charming, and downright curious works in the Museum’s rich collection.

With Valentine’s Day just a few days off (thank you, Hallmark and Tiffany’s, for the e-mail reminders), we thought a look at some love- and not-quite-so-love-themed works in the collection was in order. Enjoy, and happy Valentine’s Day!

February 4, 2011  |  Do You Know Your MoMA?
Do You Know Your MoMA? 02/04/2011

How well do you know your MoMA? If you think you can identify the artist and title of each of these works—all currently on view throughout the Museum—please submit your answers by leaving a comment on this post. We’ll provide the answers—along with some information about each work—in two weeks (on Friday, February 18).