February 11, 2011  |  Five for Friday
Five for Friday: Valentine’s Day—Love Ain’t Always What You Expect

Five for Friday, written by a variety of MoMA staff members, is our attempt to spotlight some of the compelling, charming, and downright curious works in the Museum’s rich collection.

With Valentine’s Day just a few days off (thank you, Hallmark and Tiffany’s, for the e-mail reminders), we thought a look at some love- and not-quite-so-love-themed works in the collection was in order. Enjoy, and happy Valentine’s Day!


1. Louise Bourgeois. Eight in a Bed II, state V. 1998

Who says love has to be just two people?


2. Edvard Munch. Jealousy 1. 1896

The darker side of love. We’ve all been visited by the green monster.


3.  Matthias Megyeri. Heart to Heart chain, from the Sweet Dreams Security series. 2004

A gentle way to ward off stalkers and unwelcome exes?


4. Barbara Kruger. I hate myself and you love me for it, cover for Esquire magazine. May 1992

Well, love doesn’t always come in the most healthy forms. Ask your shrink. Or watch Fatal Attraction.


5. Julia Jacquette. Four Sweets. 1995

And then there is true love in its purest form.