Posts by Amy Gordon
May 27, 2011  |  Five for Friday
Five for Friday: A Walk Through the Sculpture Garden

Five for Friday, written by a variety of MoMA staff members, is our attempt to spotlight some of the compelling, charming, and downright curious works in the Museum’s rich collection.

Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial start of the summer season, and fiiiiiinally the weather around here seems to be cooperating. It also marks the resurgence of my recurring fantasy of uprooting my cube (yes, we work in white cubes, too) and dragging it out to The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden, where I’d be happy to work among the gurgling fountains, rustling trees, and beautiful sculptures. I’d be productive, I swear! [Boss reads blog post, rolls eyes.]

April 1, 2011  |  Five for Friday
Five for Friday: Artists with Tricks Up Their Sleeves

Five for Friday, written by a variety of MoMA staff members, is our attempt to spotlight some of the compelling, charming, and downright curious works in the Museum’s rich collection. In honor of April Fool’s Day, we present some classics of artistic pranksterism.

April Fools!

February 25, 2011  |  Five for Friday
Five for Friday: Ready for the Show?!?

Five for Friday, written by a variety of MoMA staff members, is our attempt to spotlight some of the compelling, charming, and downright curious works in the Museum’s rich collection.

The works have been selected. Handlers contracted. Opening parties and after-parties and after-after-parties arranged. It’s almost time for the cultural glitterati to come together and salute each other’s art (and, just as important, artful outfits). Yes, the Armory Show is nearly upon us!

December 10, 2010  |  Five for Friday
Five for Friday: Touch-a Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me

Five for Friday, written by a variety of MoMA staff members, is our attempt to spotlight some of the compelling, charming, and downright curious works in the Museum’s rich collection.

I was out enjoying a few drinks recently when a friend informed me a sitcom had stolen my running gag. “[Popular network show],” he said, “had an episode where all the characters competed to see how many things they could touch at [uptown museum]…that’s totally your bag!”

July 9, 2010  |  Five for Friday
Five for Friday: Works That Look Good Enough to….

Giving a proper appreciation to MoMA’s collection—numbering some 150,000 works, including paintings, sculptures, media works, films, prints, photographs, and more—can be kind of like attempting a sip of water from Niagara Falls. There’s a lot to love, but there’s also just….a lot!

Five for Friday, written by a variety of MoMA staff members, is our attempt to break the Museum’s rich collection into easily manageable (and hopefully entertaining) chunks—and to spotlight some of the compelling, charming, and downright curious works in the MoMA treasury.

March 5, 2010  |  Film, Viewpoints
Cubicle Critic: Oscar-Nominated Documentary Shorts

The prized Academy Award® statuette. Image courtesy

“The Oscars are my Super Bowl”—it’s something of a cliché in our media-obsessed world, especially among twenty-something women such as myself, but there you have it anyway. I’m not a football fan, and to me March madness refers to the stir-craziness that inevitably accompanies the last weeks before spring. But a celebration of the silver screen, of stars established and emerging, of glamorous dresses and fashion flops—that I can get behind.

So it’s with particular relish that I see the annual screening of Academy Award–nominated short documentaries at MoMA each year. Apart from being an invaluable research tool for my local, all-in-good-fun Oscar Pool, seeing the nominees in some of the smaller categories is a great way to add some interest to the ever-lengthening Oscars telecast (not to mention the serious cinematic cred it garners you among your friends).