In commemoration of the creative life of the Oscar-winning animator Faith Hubley (1924–2001), the Museum presents an ambitious 14-program retrospective of the filmmaker’s shorts and features. This trailblazing independent artist’s work was rooted in a passionate belief in the family of man, and distinguished by her dedication to progressive social issues. The remarkable legacy of her collaborations with her husband John and children Emily, Georgia, Mark, and Ray is evidence, as Faith remarked in 1979, that “we just decided we wanted to make small, good films and raise a family.”
The series includes films made with musicians Benny Carter (The Cosmic Eye), Dizzy Gillespie (The Hole), Lionel Hampton (Adventures of an *), Quincy Jones (Of Men and Demons), and Don Christensen (Witch Madness), and with performers Juanita Hall, Meryl Streep (Everybody Rides the Carousel), and Dudley Moore (The Hat).
Organized by Ron Magliozzi, Curator, Department of Film, and Emily Hubley, guest curator, with Steve Macfarlane, Assistant, Department of Film. Special thanks to Alma Macbride and Joseph Shepherd as well as Radina Papukchieva (National Film Board of Canada).
Film at MoMA is made possible by CHANEL.
Additional support is provided by the Annual Film Fund. Leadership support for the Annual Film Fund is provided by Debra and Leon D. Black, with major funding from The Contemporary Arts Council of The Museum of Modern Art, The International Council of The Museum of Modern Art, Jo Carole and Ronald S. Lauder, the Association of Independent Commercial Producers (AICP), and The Young Patrons Council of The Museum of Modern Art.