11 West 53 Street, Manhattan
New York, New York, 10019

65 and over with ID
Visitors with disabilities
Free admission for accompanying care partner
Full-time with ID, including international students
16 and under
Learn more about discounted admission and rates for groups and tours.
Tickets include admission to all galleries and special exhibitions.
10:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
10:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
10:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
10:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
10:30 a.m.–8:30 p.m.
10:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
10:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
MoMA is open every day except Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Exhibition and collection galleries close approximately 15 minutes prior to Museum closing.
Our stores and restaurants have different hours.
Saturday and Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., select galleries are open to members and their guests only. Tickets are not required for members and corporate members. Learn more about MoMA membership and Corporate Member policies.
Uniqlo Friday Nights
Free admission for New York State residents on Friday evenings from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., is made possible by UNIQLO. (Free tickets must be reserved in advance.)
Save with New York C3® by CityPASS®
One simple purchase saves up to 37% on admission to your choice of 3 top NYC attractions, including MoMA.
Buy CityPASS® tickets online for instant mobile delivery and reserve your visit date & time in the My CityPASS® app.
Bags and security
All bags will be inspected upon arrival.
The Museum reserves the right to prohibit any items and to require visitors to check any bags or items.
See a full list of prohibited items
Large umbrellas may not be brought into the Museum but may be left in our umbrella rack. The Museum is not responsible for umbrellas left in the rack.
Pets are not permitted. Service animals are welcome, but must be leashed and attended at all times.
Coat checkroom
All checked articles must be claimed before the Museum closes. The Museum is not responsible for any items left overnight. The Museum’s total liability for items left in the coat checkroom is half of the purchase price of the item up to a maximum of $150.
Visitor guidelines and policies
In order to create the best experience for all, we require visitors to follow these rules, guidelines, and policies.
Visitor code of conduct
The Museum of Modern Art connects people from around the world to the art of our time. We aspire to be a catalyst for experimentation, learning, and creativity, a gathering place for all, and a home for artists and their ideas.
We are committed to working together to create a safe experience for our team and visitors, and our professionally trained staff are here to help you. Visitors may not endanger staff, visitors, artwork or any other Museum property, and may not engage in verbal or physical harassment, discriminatory or threatening behavior, or otherwise interfere with the experience of others in the Museum.
The Museum will refuse or revoke admission to individuals who violate its policies. For everyone’s safety, please follow the instructions of our staff during your visit.
The Museum prohibits the following:
- Leafleting, signature gathering, picketing, charitable solicitations, and press conferences by visitors
- The unauthorized playing of music and video, unauthorized projection of images, unauthorized theater performances, and sound amplification and noisemakers (except for assistive-listening devices)
- Solicitation of business and unauthorized for-profit activity
- Resale, exchange, or transfer of Museum tickets or membership benefits
- Running, rough play, and disruptive behavior
- Conduct that poses any risk to other visitors or to the Museum’s staff or collections
- Smoking, including electronic cigarettes, is prohibited anywhere on Museum property, including the outdoor Sculpture Garden.
Children age 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Please do not touch the artwork, frames, platforms, labels, display cases, or anything that is used to project the art. If a work is intended to be interactive, this will be indicated by signage.
Be respectful and mindful of those around you. Keep voices at a courteous volume and set cellphones to vibrate or silent.
The Museum uses video monitoring for the safety of the art and the public. Please note that visitors may be photographed, videotaped, or otherwise recorded. By visiting, visitors grant the Museum permission to use the photographs and/or audiovisual recordings in which visitors appear for any Museum purposes.

65 and over with ID
Full-time with ID, including international students
16 and under
Admission fees for MoMA PS1 are suggested.
MoMA tickets can be presented for free admission within 14 days. MoMA members receive free admission.
General admission to MoMA PS1 is free for New Yorkers.