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William S. Lieberman Papers

The Museum of Modern Art Archives
11 West 53 Street
New York, NY 10019-5497
© 2006
The Museum of Modern Art Archives
Finding aid prepared by Rona Roob and Apphia Loo; January 1992.

Overview of the Collection

Creator: Lieberman, William S. (William Slattery), 1924-2005
Title: William S. Lieberman Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1948-1984
Quantity: 31 linear feet
22 storage boxes (10x12x15"), 2 shoeboxes (4.5x5.5x12", 5.5x7.5x12"), 1 negative box (4.5x5.5x7.5"), 1 wooden box (4.5x5.5x13"), 1 5" document box


The Papers are organized into five series:
Series I: Correspondence from the Department of Drawings
Subseries A. Correspondence A-Z (bulk date 1963-1979)
Subseries B. Correspondence with Artists, 1964-1979
Series II: Correspondence from the Department of Prints (became the Department of Drawings and Prints in 1960) and Department of Painting and Sculpture
Subseries A. Correspondence A-Z (bulk date 1960-1969)
Subseries B. Correspondence with Artists, 1951-1962
Series III: Museum Matters, 1944-1970
Series IV: Dance and Theatre Archives, 1945-1965
Series V: Museum Exhibitions, 1951-1979
Series VI: Max Ernst
Series VII: The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

Biographical Note

William Slattery Lieberman (1924-2005), began his lengthy career at The Museum of Modern Art in 1943 as a volunteer in the Department of Exhibitions and Publications under the direction of Monroe Wheeler. He graduated from Swarthmore College (where his mentor was W.H. Auden) in that same year. He left the Museum for two years of graduate study at Harvard University where he was a pupil in the museum course taught by Paul J. Sachs.

In 1945 he returned to the Museum as assistant to Alfred H. Barr, Jr.; in 1949 he became the first curator of prints in the newly established Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Print Room under the aegis of the Department of Museum Collections. When the department expanded and gained independence as the Department of Drawings and Prints in 1960, Lieberman became its curator, and in 1966, its director. In 1967 he was concurrently appointed curator in the Department of Painting and Sculpture, then director in 1969.

In 1969, a Department of Prints and Illustrated Books was formed, while Drawings fell under the auspices of the Department of Painting and Sculpture. In 1971, a separate Department of Drawings was created, and Lieberman concentrated his energies solely on that department serving as its first director (1971-1979). While at the Museum, he directed over forty exhibitions including Modern Masters: Manet to Matisse, Max Ernst, Joan Miró, Modigliani, Etchings by Matisse, and Art of the Twenties. He also served as an advisor to the Junior Council between 1954 and 1964. He left the Museum in November 1979 to become Chairman of the Twentieth Century Art Department at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Scope and Content Note

The papers, with inclusive dates of 1939-1979, document his involvement with Museum activities. They also refer to the activities and exhibitions organized by the Junior Council such as Young American Printmakers [MoMA Exh. #547], Recent Drawings, U.S.A. [MoMA Exh. #601] and the preparation of The Museum of Modern Art Calendar and Junior Council Print Sales. Correspondence relating to the Dance and Theatre Archives exhibitions is included in addition to correspondence with such artists as Chryssa, Masuo Ikeda, Marc and Valentina Chagall, Robert Motherwell, Lee Krasner, Leonard Baskin, and Emilio Sanchez, many of whom were personal friends of Lieberman.

Other correspondents include Museum trustees, patrons, and friends such as Lily Auchincloss, Walter Bareiss, Margaret S. Barr, Celeste G. and Armand P. Bartos, Prinz Franz von Bayern, Ralph F. Colin, Douglas Cooper, Philip Johnson, Countess Ghislaine de Kermaingant, Samuel M. Kootz, Ronald S. Lauder, Estée Lauder, Elizabeth Bliss Parkinson Cobb, Samuel Marx and Florene Marx Schoenborn. Lieberman kept files on specific Museum personalities and events such as Bates Lowry's resignation and the deaths of Alfred H. Barr, Jr. and René d'Harnoncourt.

Lieberman's trip to Japan (1964-1965) for the purpose of organizing The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture and Nelson A. Rockefeller's bequest to the Museum (1979) are among other subjects included in the Papers. Documentation on the disposition of the Lyonel Feininger Estate, including correspondence with Theodore Lux Feininger, Andreas and Julia Feininger (Mrs. Lyonel Feininger), and Ralph F. Colin, can be found in Series I.A.


Access Restrictions

The records are open for research and contain no restricted materials.

Ownership and Literary Rights

The William S. Lieberman Papers are the physical property of The Museum of Modern Art. Literary rights, including copyright belong to the authors or their legal heirs and assigns. Rights to work produced during the normal course of Museum business resides with The Museum of Modern Art. For further information, and to obtain permission to publish or reproduce, contact the Museum Archivist.

Index Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in the library catalog of The Museum of Modern Art. Researchers desiring materials about related topics, persons, or places should search the catalog using these headings.
Persons and Organizations:
Barr, Margaret Scolari, 1901-1987
Baskin, Leonard, 1922-2000
Bliss Parkinson, 1907-
Chagall, Marc, 1887-1985
Chryssa, 1933-2013
Cobb, Elizabeth, 1930-
Ikeda, Masuo, 1934-1997
Johnson, Philip, 1906-2005
Krasner, Lee, 1908-1984
Lieberman, William S. (William Slattery), 1924-2005
Motherwell, Robert
Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.) -- Employees -- Archives
Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.) -- History
Sanchez, Emilio, 1921-1999
Barr, Margaret Scolari, 1901-1987
Baskin, Leonard, 1922-2000
Bliss Parkinson, 1907-
Chagall, Marc, 1887-1985
Chryssa, 1933-2013
Cobb, Elizabeth, 1930-
Ikeda, Masuo, 1934-1997
Johnson, Philip, 1906-2005
Krasner, Lee, 1908-1984
Motherwell, Robert
Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.) -- Employees -- Archives
Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.) -- History
Sanchez, Emilio, 1921-1999
Document Types:

Related Collections at MoMA and Elsewhere

Related material concerning Museum exhibitions can be found in the Department of the Registrar and elsewhere in the Museum Archives. Various sets of minutes have been removed and added to the Museum Archives Committee Minutes Record Group.

Administrative Information


7.5 linear feet of material (Series I.A and I.B) were transferred from three file drawers in the Department of Drawings in November 1990. 29 linear feet (Series II.A, II.B, III, IV, and V) were stored at an off-site location; these were transferred to the Museum Archives for processing in October 1991

Preferred Citation

William S. Lieberman Papers, [series.folder]. The Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York.

Additional Descriptive Data

Explanation of Abbreviations

ALS: autograph letter(s) signed in the hand of the writer
TLS: typed letter(s) signed by the writer
TL: typed letter(s) without signature
typescript: typwritten manuscript
n.d.: date information incomplete, i.e., no date supplied by document
AHB: Alfred H. Barr, Jr.
MSB: Margaret S. Barr
ELJ: Elaine L. Johnson
WSL: William S. Lieberman
NAR: Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller
C/E: Circulating Exhibition sponsored by the Department of Circulating Exhibitions (now the Exhibitions Program)
ICE: MoMA International Circulating Exhibition
ICE-D: MoMA exhibition circulated internationally and domestically
MoMA Exh.#: refers to exhibition number assigned by the Department of the Registrar to all museum shows
corresp.: correspondence
incl.: includes
[ ]: additions made by an outside source
M/M: Mr. and Mrs.

Container List

Series I: Correspondence from the Department of Drawings

Subseries I.A: Correspondence A-Z 1963-1979

275 folders

Documentation found in files maintained by WSL before his resignation from The Museum of Modern Art in 1979 relating to his activities as Director of the Department of Drawings. Includes correspondence with collectors, dealers and galleries, donors, museums, and MoMA trustees. Original order maintained; file folders titled by WSL are designated by quotation marks.

Lieberman is the recipient of all correspondence except when otherwise specified. Correspondents are listed selectively, i.e., not all correspondents are named.

Folders named for countries (e.g., "Japan," "Yugoslavia") include correspondence between WSL and institutions in those countries, some of which jointly sponsored exhibitions with the Museum.

Folder Title Date
I.A.1 "General: A [Correspondence]"

Adler, Mrs. Abraham, 1978;
Albers, Josef, 1 ALS-Virginia Allen, 1966;
Archipenko, Frances Gray, 1976;
Auden, W. H., obituary and program for memorial service, 1973; text of speech given by Joseph Alsop, 1979 May

1966, 1969, 1971, 1973-1979, 1984
I.A.2 "Alcoa Foundation"

2 items

I.A.3 Alexander, Norman

5 items

I.A.4 "Alsdorf, James W. and Marilyn M/M"

3 items

I.A.5 "Amaya, Mario (NY Cultural Center)"

1 item

I.A.6 "American Association of Museums"

5 items
Incl. 1 TL WSL-Prinz Franz von Bayern, 1979; Richard H. Koch memoranda concerning visit by Accreditation Committee, 1973; benefit fact sheet, 1969

1969, 1973, 1974, 1979
I.A.7 "American Australian Association (Sir Randel Heymanson)"

9 items
Incl. 6 TLS (luncheon invitations), 1975-1978; 2 guest lists

1975, 1977, 1978
I.A.8 "American Federation of the Arts"

10 items
Note: WSL was a trustee of AFA (1965-present). Incl. 1 TLS Konrad G. Kuchel, 1979; 2 TLS Wilder Green, 1979; biographies of Alice M. Kaplan and Roy R. Neuberger for 70th Anniversary Tribute; 1 ALS Green, 1979. See also, II.A.7.6

I.A.9 "Art Dealers Association of America"

Incl. 5 TLS Gilbert Edelson, 1964-1979; program and seating list for ADAA 1977 and 1978 Award Dinners; "Statement of Abuses in the Manufacture and Sale of Reproductions of Works of Art"; 1 TLS Ralph F. Colin, 1977; 2 TL WSL-Colin, 1977-1978 re: appraisal requests; 1 TLS Harriet F. Cooper, 1977; 1 TL WSL-Cooper, 1977

I.A.10 " Art in America (Seymour Lipton)"

9 items

Note: see also, II.A.7.9

1970, 1971, 1977
I.A.11 " Art News"

9 items
Incl. clipping, "Trends of the Nineties" by WSL, Art News, 1977 October; 1 ALS Steve Harvey, 1977; 1 TL WSL-John Gruen, 1977 re: "underrated and overrated artists and movements"; 1 ALS Gruen, 1977

1970, 1977-1978
I.A.12 "Arts Council of Great Britain, The"

Incl. corresp. re: exhibitions organized by The Arts Council: Neue Sachlichkeit and German Realism of the Twenties; MoMA loans for: Dada and Surrealism Reviewed, Pollock: Works on Paper, Cubism and Its Affinities, Lucian Freud, Vorticism and Its Allies, Watercolour and Pencil Drawings by Cézanne; WSL's catalog introduction to Drawings from the Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller National Museum, Otterlo (MoMA Exh. #1034, 1973 May 24-August 19)

I.A.13 " Arts Magazine"

3 items
Incl. 2 TLS Richard Martin, 1977 re: WSL's article on Jackson Pollock in 1978 September issue; 1 TL WSL-Martin, 1977 November 7

I.A.14 " Artist[']s Proof"

2 items
Incl. 1 TL ELJ-Fritz Eichenberg/Andrew Stasik, 1970; 1 TLS Eichenberg-ELJ, 1970. See also, II.A.9.99

I.A.15 "Auchincloss, Lily"

12 items
Incl. clippings on trustee appointment to Cooper Union, 1977; influence on fashion and food; 1 TL Magdalena Dabrowski-Auchincloss, 1976; invitation to opening of The Sacred Image in Traditional and Contemporary Art East and West (Cathedral Museum of Religious Art at The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, NY)

I.A.16 "Auchincloss, Louis (Donor)"

2 items
Incl. 1 TL Lily Auchincloss-Louis Auchincloss, 1975 November 14 re: credit for bequest of Mildred B. Bliss; letter to editor of The New York Times, 1974 April 19

I.A.17 "Austin, Sarah Goodwin (Donor)"

3 items
Incl. 1 ALS (copy) Austin-Lily Auchincloss, 1977 re: gift of studies for the Triadic Ballet by Oskar Schlemmer; 1 TL Auchincloss-Austin, 1977

I.A.18 "Author's Guild, Inc., The"

6 items
Incl. nominations for officers and council members, 1977, 1978; Author's Guild Bulletin, 1978 January-February; financial statement, 1977

I.A.19 "General: B [Correspondence]"

36 items
Incl. Bacon, Francis, article on exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1975;
Baskin, Leonard, 1 TLS, 1 TL William S. Rubin-Irma B. Jaffe re: proposed Leonard Baskin exhibit at MoMA;
Batterby, Jean;
Belafonte, Harry, 2 TLS, 1973 re: gift of The Last Soldier by George Grosz to MoMA;
Bendetsen, Mrs. Carl, 1 TL re: M/M Schoenborn;
Benjamin, Herman A., 3 ALS-Eliza Ian, 1976-1977;
Berkowitz, Rosalie, 1 ALS, 1979;
Bernier, Rosamond, 1 TLS, 1974 re: acquisition of "automatic" drawing by Salvador Dali and Mont Sainte-Victoire by Paul Cézanne; 1 TLS-Bernice Rose, 1974;
Bethusy-Huc, Count R., 2 TL, 1 TLS, 1979;
Brademas, John, 1 TLS, 1979;
Breeskin, Adelyn D., 1 TLS-John Elderfield, 1984;
Breslow, Nancy, 1 TLS, 1979 re: Frida Kahlo book;
Brody, Lisa Scott, 1 ALS, 1979;
Bruce, Erika V.C., 1 TLS, 1977;
"Business Committee for the Arts," list of officers, directors, members, incl. David Rockefeller

1973-1979, 1984
I.A.20 Bareiss, Walter

Incl. exhibition catalog, 50 Selections from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bareiss (unnumbered MoMA Exh. at the Museum's Guest House sponsored by the Junior Council, 1958); 24 TLS Bareiss, 1970-79; 1 ALS Heinrich Sieveking, 1977; 1 TL WSL-Magdalena Dabrowski, 1976 re: Bareiss gift of Diagonal Composition (c. 1923) by Carl Buchheister; 1 TL WSL-Bareiss, 1975 re: Le Panama by Blaise Cendrars; 1 TL Bareiss, 1975 re: advice for International Council purchases for loan to Bavarian State Museum; corresp. re: Woman with Mandolin (1910) by Georges Braque, 1974; corresp. re: Bareiss's membership at the Grolier Club, 1973; 1 TL Bareiss-John Szarkowski, 1973 re: László Maholy-Nagy photographs; exhibition catalog, Picasso Drawings from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Bareiss; 1 TL Bareiss, 1971 re: purchase of The Charnel House by Pablo Picasso

1967, 1969-1979
I.A.21 "Barr, Alfred H., Jr."

7 items
Incl. obituaries

I.A.22 Barr, Mrs. Alfred H., Jr. (Margaret Scolari)

16 items
Incl. 1 ALS MSB, 1979; 1 ALS Victoria Barr (for Fischbach Gallery), 1977; 1 ALS Monawee Richards, 1976 re: Richard Lippold drawings; 1 TLS MSB-Richards, 1976; 2 ALS MSB, n.d.; 6 TLS MSB, 1974-1975; 1 ALS MSB, 1975; 1 TL Riva Castleman-M/M Alfred H. Barr, Jr., 1970

1970, 1974-1977, 1979
I.A.23 Bartos, Celeste and Armand P.

8 items
Incl. 1 ALS Celeste Bartos, 1978; 3 TL WSL-Armand P. Bartos, 1971, 1975

1971, 1973, 1975, 1978
I.A.24 "von Bayern, Prinz Franz"

Incl. 12 ALS (5 postcards) von Bayern, n.d.; 8 TLS von Bayern; 29 TL WSL-von Bayern, 1963-1979; biography of von Bayern by Waldo Rasmussen, 1979; 1 TL Lily Auchincloss-von Bayern, 1978; brief autobiography, 1976; clipping re: von Bayern's election as President of the International Council, 1976; 1 TLS Steingrim Laursen, 1973; 1 TL Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, 3rd (Blanchette)-von Bayern, 1973; 1 TLS von Bayern-William S. Paley, 1973; 1 TLS WSL-von Bayern, 1972; 1 TL WSL-Emily Stone, 1964

I.A.25 "Beaubourg Foundation, The (Mrs. J. [John] de Menil)"

4 items
Incl. list of members of the board of The Beaubourg Foundation

I.A.26 Belgian Correspondents

18 items
Incl. 2 invitations; 2 TL WSL-Gustave E. Pairoux, 1979; 1 TL WSL-Harry Torczyner, 1979; 2 TLS Pairoux, 1979; 1 TLS André Ernemann, 1973; 2 lists of works received from The Ministry of Dutch Culture, Brussels, 1973; 2 TL Torczyner-Paul Delmotte, 1973; 2 TLS Delmotte, 1972-1973; 1 ALS Octave Landuyt-Pierre Apraxine, 1972; 1 TLS Philippe J. Berg, 1972; 1 TL Delmotte-Torczyner, n.d.; essay, "Belgian Tendencies Within the New Realism in Painting" by Jacques Collard

I.A.27 "Benenson, Chas. [Charles] B."

25 items
Incl. 1 ALS (postcard) Benenson, n.d.; 1 TL Magdalena Dabrowski-Benenson, 1979; 9 TL WSL-Benenson, 1973-1978; 1 TL WSL-Alexander Liberman, 1978; 3 TLS Benenson, 1974-1977; 1 TLS Lee Naiman, 1975; 1 ALS WSL-Benenson, n.d.; 1 TL WSL-Charles Feingarten, 1973; 1 TL ELJ-Benenson, 1971"

I.A.28 "Benjamin, Mrs. Robert M. [Helen W.]"

3 items

I.A.29 "Bergen, Thomas"

7 items

I.A.30 "Berggruen, Heinz"

Incl. clipping re: The Biography of Alice B. Toklas by Linda Simon; Paul Rewald's obituary; Berggruen's biography, incl. purchase of Les Poseuses by Georges Seurat

I.A.31 "Berggruen, John"

17 items

1972, 1974-1976
I.A.32 "Bergman, Edwin A."

24 items
Incl. 1 ALS (postcard); illustration of Mannequin Metaphysique by Giorgio de Chirico from Sidney Janis Gallery

1963, 1965-1977
I.A.33 Bernheim, Leonard

6 items

I.A.34 "Bernoudy, Mrs. William A.: Picasso Cubist Head"

4 items
Incl. 2 Registrar's release forms; 3 photographs of Cubist Head by Pablo Picasso

I.A.35 "Blaffer Foundation (Sarah Campbell)"

1 item

I.A.36 "Bouché, Mrs. René Robert [Denise]"

16 items
Incl. 3 versions of René Bouché's biography by WSL

1963, 1964, 1967, 1971
I.A.37 "[Constantin] Brâncuși Exhibition Plans"

17 items
Note: Brancusi Retrospective at the Philadelphia Museum of Art; incl. 2 press releases; biography of Brâncuși

I.A.38 "Brandeis University Committee [Creative Arts Awards Program Correpondence]"

Incl. annual programs, 1974-1978; biographies of candidates; list of members and jurors

1971, 1974, 1976-1979
I.A.39 "Brattinga, Pieter"

6 items

1973-1975, 1978
I.A.40 "Braziller, George, Inc. - Publisher"

9 items

1973-1974, 1977-1978
I.A.41 "British Council, The"

8 items

I.A.42 Brody, Jerome M/M

2 items

I.A.43 Buchholz, Godula Gallery

2 items

1973, 1975
I.A.44 Bush, Gloria

10 items
Incl. reproduction and description of Study for "Funeral of the Anarchist Galli" by Carlo Carrá

1973-1974, 1977-1978
I.A.45 "Byers, J. Frederic, 3rd (Donor)"

1 item
Incl. obituary

I.A.46 "General: C [Correspondence]"

Cannon, Arthur, "Program for the Collection of Mr. Arthur Cannon";
Capote, Truman, biography by Gerald Clarke;
Cartier-Bresson, Henri, clipping, "Art: Cartier-Bresson Turns His Focus to Drawing" by Hilton Kramer, The New York Times, 1975 March 1;
Clark, Anthony, obituary, "Anthony Clark, 52, Museum Director" by John Russell, 1976 November 24;
Cohn, M/M Sidney Elliot, 1 TL from Betsy Jones re: gift of Seated Nude by Pierre Bonnard and Munich 1891 by Alfred Sterner, 1969;
Copley, William N., WSL's notes on collection of;
Cyril, 1 ALS, 1974

1969, 1972-1979
I.A.47 "Callery, Mary - Artist (Estate)"

Incl. catalog of her work; corresp. with the Washburn Gallery; obituary; clipping, "Art: Native Sons At Kennedy Gallery" by John Russell, The New York Times, 1978 December 15; 1 ALS Ellen Harrison, 1977; 4 ALS Callery, 1974-1976

I.A.48 "Cartwright [Carroll L.] (Donor)"

Incl. 5 photographs; Musée de Montmartre, handout and catalog for Alexandre-Théophile Steinlen, 1977 June-September; clipping, "Looking Into the Void at Center of Matisse" by Michael Gibson, International Herald-Tribune, 1975 July 5-6

I.A.49 "Castelli, Leo (Introduction by WSL for Ten from Leo Castelli)"

7 items
Incl. 5 drafts; 1 TL Lily Auchincloss-Castelli, 1979

I.A.50a "Center for Inter-American Relations [CIAR], NYC" General

Incl. minutes of the Advisory Committee of the Pratt Graphics Center, 1972; fact sheet on Second Inter-American Museum Directors' Conference, 1978; newsletters, 1976-1978; 2 press releases; flyer for panel dicussion, "Surrealism in the Art of Leonora Carrington"; financial statements, 1970, 1973; "Remarks of Felipe Herrera, Former President of the Inter-American Development Bank, Before the Center for Inter-American Relations," 1971; memorandum with informal list of Latin-American illustrated books; petition by artists from Latin-American countries concerning Center for Inter-American Relations

Note: see also, II.A.7.26

I.A.50b "Center for Inter-American Relations [CIAR], NYC" "Exhibition Proposals"

Incl. description of Mexico Today symposium program by the National Endowment for the Humanities; final exhibition list and WSL's proposal for the Spanish Institute International Collection exhibition Six Spanish Artists: Dali, Gonzalez, Gris, Lopez-Garcia, Picasso, and Tàpies, 1978; 1 memorandum ELJ, 1970 re: proposals for exhibitions, publications, acquisitions, and lectures, 1969-1973

I.A.51 "Century Club"

9 items

1975, 1977, 1979
I.A.52 "Chagall, Marc and Vava [Valentina]"

Incl. 3 clippings: "La Peintre Marc Chagall à l'Élysée," with photograph of presentation of Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor to Marc Chagall, 1977; "Marc Chagall: Too Busy to be 90" by Henry Kamm, The New York Times, 1977 January 5; "From Paris: Rembrandt on the Riviera" by Pierre Schneider, The New York Times, 1975 August 11; questionnaire re: Ambroise Vollard; 5 TL David Rockefeller-"Vava" Chagall, 1973, 1975, 1978; 1 handwritten note, "Vava" Chagall, 1972

I.A.53 "Chanin, Abe [Abraham L.]"

18 items

I.A.54 "Chapman, Mrs. Gilbert [Bobsy]"

11 items

I.A.55 "Charell, Erik (Estate)"

6 items
Incl. corresp. re: estate; 1 TL Richard H. Koch-Walter Bareiss, 1978

I.A.56 "Chryssa"

7 items
Incl. 1 ALS Chryssa, 1977; 2 lists of works incl. in Norman Alexander's gift of drawings by Chryssa to MoMA

I.A.57 "Citizens' Committee for Children"

2 items

I.A.58 "Clendenin, Miss Eve (Estate)"

28 items
Incl. list of collection

I.A.59 "Cohen, Louis D. [and Frances] (Collection)"

8 items
Incl. catalog of collection

I.A.60 "Cohn, Sidney Elliot"

2 items

1977, 1979
I.A.61 "Colin, Ralph [F.], (gift)"

Incl. WSL's list of nominations for the 1977 Art Dealers Association of America Art Historian Award; Colin's address to friends and relatives on 70th birthday; clipping, "C.B.S. Severs Ties with Legal Firm," The New York Times, 1970 February 21; certificate of donorship and acceptance of Jean Dubuffet lithographs, 1965

I.A.62 Cooper, Douglas

1 1/8"
Incl. letter from the Tate Gallery Trustees re: Cooper's article on Unique Forms of Continuity in Space by Umberto Boccioni; letter from the Tate Gallery Trustees re: Cooper's review of "Tate Report for 1972/74," in books and bookmen, May 1976 21(8) and (11), issue #248; clipping, "25 Picassos Are Stolen from British Art Critic"; 1 TLS Lucien Clergue, 1969; "The Douglas Cooper Story" by Ann Leslie; clippings of articles by Cooper in books and bookmen (n.d.), incl. "Acrobatics Among Modern Artists," "Art Historians, Inc.," "Cataloguing Modern Art," "New Bearings in British Art," "Lame Ducks and Stylish Swans," "Picasso Traduced," "Playboys in French Settings," and "Wasted Efforts"

ca. 1963-1979
I.A.63.a "Copley, Wm. [William N.]" "Cassandra Foundation"

Incl. biography of Ushio Shinohara

I.A.63.b "Copley, Wm. [William N.]" "Collection"

Incl. MoMA guide to collection as shown in Copley's apartment; 2 catalogs of collection; 20 photographs

I.A.64 "Cornell, Joseph (Estate)"

11 items

I.A.65 "Cosmopolitan Arts Foundation, The (Prinz Franz von Bayern)"

Incl. minutes of the International Committee for Advancement of Culture and Art; corresp. re: gift of Hollow Ground I and Hollow Ground II by Nigel Hall; list of other gifts; list of officers and members; 1 photograph; "By-laws of International Committee for Advancement of Culture and Art, Inc."; Certificate of Incorporation

I.A.66 "Cummings, Nathan"

Incl. clipping, "At a Tycoon's 80th Birthday, Guess Who Pops Out of the Cake" by Enid Nemy, The New York Times, 1976 October 15; Laurence Stephen Lowry, obituary; 1971 exhibition catalog, Nathan Cummings Collection; 1 photograph]

I.A.67 "General: D [Correspondence]"

Incl. 2 photographs; text on Mother and Child by Jacques Lipchitz; 1 brochure, "Joan Davidson" re: candidacy for State Senate; corresp. with Jim Dine, 1977, 1979

I.A.68 Damase, Jacques - Galerie de Varenne (Sonia Delaunay)

14 items
Incl. 2 ALS, 2 TLS, and 6 TL re: Delaunay acquisition

I.A.69 "Daniel, Mell"

4 items
Incl. obituary; "Delaware Museum Show Updates the Avant-Garde" by Hilton Kramer, The New York Times, 1975 April 23; exhibition catalog, Mell Daniel 1899-1975 Memorial Exhibition

1975, 1979
I.A.70.a Dealers "Fischer Fine Art (London)"

Incl. 1 photograph; exhibition catalog Gerardo Pita Pencil Drawings; Harry Fischer, obituary

I.A.70.b Dealers "Gibson, Thomas, Fine Art Limited (London)"

11 items

I.A.70.c Dealers "Holland, B. C. [Bud]"

4 items

I.A.70.d Dealers Juda, Annely (London)

Incl. 8 photographs

I.A.70.e Dealers Kirkman, James H. (London)

Incl. 4 photographs; 5 negatives

I.A.70.f Dealers Moeller, Achim Ltd. (London)

Incl. corresp. re: sales; 1975 catalog, Three Women Singing by Ernst Barlach; 2 photographs; transparency

I.A.70.g Dealers "Nathanson, Richard (London)"

Incl. illustrations, Pavel Tchelitchew theatre designs

I.A.70.h Dealers d'Offay, Anthony, Limited (London)

Incl. photograph; clipping, "Image of the Week: Theatre of Art" re: Francis Bacon
Note: see also, Berggruen, Heinz; Colin, Ralph F.; Whyte, Angus

I.A.71 "Deitsch, Peter (Estate)"

11 items

I.A.72 "Delmas, Jacques Mrs. (Gladys Krieble)"

6 items
Incl. clipping, "Restrained Joy," The New Yorker, 1979 January 29

I.A.73 "Department of State"

2 items
Incl. resumés of Dr. Wieland Schmeid and Dr. Tilman Osterwold

I.A.74 "Drawing Society, [The]"

Incl. lists of members incl. Arthur G. Altschul, Edgar J. Kaufmann, Jr.; corresp. re: publications, incl. American Master Drawings and Watercolors: A History of Works on Paper from Colonial Times to the Present by Theodore E. Stebbins, Jr., The Drawings of Morris Graves, The Uses of Drawing; exhibition catalog, The Drawing Society Regional Exhibition; corresp. with John B. Hightower. See also, II.A.8.36

I.A.75 "Drutman, Irving"

7 items
Incl. 1 TL, 2 TLS, and 2 memoranda re: Ezra Pound Leaving St. Elizabeth's by Michael de Lisio; biography of de Lisio

I.A.76 Dubrow, Norman (Collector)

Incl. corresp. re: gifts of Corrections by Vito Acconci, 1979 and Study for a Self-Portrait by Chuck Close, 1978

I.A.77 "General: E [Correspondence]"

Note incl. corresp. re: Art of the Twenties (MoMA Exh. #1277, 1979 November 14-1980 January 1);
Eichenberg, Fritz, 1 ALS, 1972;
Elkon, Robert, obituary, "Robert Elkon, Art Dealer, 55;
Promoted Works by Moderns" by Grace Glueck (1983);
Encyclopedia Americana, corresp. re: Picasso article;
Ernst, Max, invitation to opening of Max Ernst exhibition at Haus der Kunst, 1979;
Evans, Walker, obituary (1975)

I.A.78 "Edinburgh Festival"

Incl. program, Edinburgh International Festival, 1970 August 23-September 12

I.A.79.a "Emil, Mrs. Allan [Kate S.]"

Incl. Allan D. Emil, obituary

1970-1971, 1976-1978
I.A.79.b "Emil, Mrs. Allan [Kate S.]" "Collection"

Incl. inventory list

I.A.80 "General: F [Correspondence]"

Fairfax, Lady, clipping, "M'Lady's Artful Idea" by Anthony Burton, "People" column, Daily News, 1975 October 22;
Feininger, Theodore Lux, 1 TLS, 1 TL, 1974;
Fishko, Mrs. Sol, 4 ALS, 1 TL from Lily Auchincloss, 1979;
Flanner, Janet [pseudonym Genêt], 2 obituaries, clipping

I.A.81.a "Feininger, [Lyonel]" "Letters to Feininger, Andreas"

1 item

I.A.81.b "Feininger, [Lyonel]" "Letters to Feininger, T. [Theodore] Lux"

18 items

I.A.81.c "Feininger, [Lyonel]" "Corresp. with Ralph F. Colin"

5 items
Incl. 1 press release

I.A.81.d "Feininger, [Lyonel]" "Corresp. with Julia Feininger"

excerpts 1906-1931
Incl. quotes from Lyonel Feininger's letters; 2 ALS

I.A.81.e "Feininger, [Lyonel]" "Gifts and Loans"

Incl. list of gifts to The Museum of Modern Art from Julia Feininger; The Intimate World of Lyonel Feininger (C/E 60-4, ICE-F-65-61), list of cities and venues of international and domestic tour; 1 TL Mrs. Elizabeth Bliss Parkinson-Julia Feininger, 1966; 1 ALS (copy); clipping, illustration of Deux Femmes et Enfant by Pablo Picasso; 1 memorandum, 1964 re: nomination of Julia Feininger as Patron of Museum Collections; 1 TL Dorothy C. Miller-Julia Feininger, 1964; 1 TL AHB-Julia Feininger, 1964

1955, 1962-1966
I.A.81.f "Feininger, [Lyonel]" "Exhibitions and Publications"

Incl. list of Julia Feininger's loans to Pasadena Art Museum, 1966; 3 photographs

I.A.81.g "Feininger, [Lyonel]" "Mrs. Lyonel Feininger also Lux and Andreas"

2 items

I.A.81.h "Feininger, [Lyonel]"

Incl. corresp. and notes re: The Intimate World of Lyonel Feininger (C/E 60-4); typescripts of letters sent from Lyonel and Julia Feininger to Laurence Feininger

I.A.82 "Ford Foundation"

Incl. corresp. re: internships at The Museum of Modern Art; fellowship announcements, 1964-1972

I.A.83 "France, Ambassade de"

Incl. invitations; typescript, interview with Michel Guy, published in L'Express, 1976 January 5-11; 1 press release, 1975 August 29; clipping re: French embassy site; clipping, newsphoto of embassy building; Pierre Lazareff, obituary

I.A.84 "de Francia, Peter"

7 items

I.A.85 "Friends of Contemporary Drawing"

3 items

I.A.86 "General: G [Correspondence]"

Gaddis, William, clipping, "In the Zone," The New York Times, 1978 March 13;
Grosman Tatyana, clipping, "The Rise of Graphics in American Art and the Woman Behind It," Vogue, 1979 June;
Grover, Mrs. Allen (Bea), 1 TL from WSL re: Florene Marx Schoenborn, 1977

I.A.87 "Garvin, Mrs. [Sheila K.] (Collector)"

2 items

I.A.88 Gelman, Jacques


I.A.89 "Gemini G.E.L."

Incl. supplement sheets for catalogue raisonné

1971, 1973, 1978
I.A.90 "Germany, Embassy"


1969, 1974-1978
I.A.91 Goulandris, Nicholas (Donor)

7 items

I.A.92 Graff, M/M Robert D., (Donor)

5 items

I.A.93 "Griner, Madeleine (Bequest)"

3 items

I.A.94 "Grosz, George (Estate)"

8 items
Note: see also, General H: Heartfield, John

1971-1972, 1976-1977, 1979
I.A.95 "Gregory, Alexis"

11 items

1973-1974, 1977, 1979
I.A.96 "General: H [Correspondence]"

Hammer, Armand;
Heartfield, John;
Heckshire, Claude;
Hefting, John (Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller);
Heinemann, Rudolph J., obituary;
Hennis, Dr. Wilhelm;
Hillman, Kay;
Houton, Betty

I.A.97 "Hall, Mrs. Melville Wakeman [Evie] (Donor)"

9 items

I.A.98 Halpern, Nathan L.

18 items

I.A.99 "Halpert, Edith [G.] (Collection)"

1 item
Incl. checklist of The Edith G. Halpert Collection of American Paintings

I.A.100 Hanes, R. Philip, Jr. (South Eastern Center for Contemporary Art [SECCA], Winston-Salem)

Incl. typescript of "Why Collage?" for Kremen exhibition catalog

I.A.101 "d'Harnoncourt, [René]"

Incl. 1 photograph; list of gifts in honor of; obituaries; program, "René d'Harnoncourt, 1901-1968; A Tribute," October 8,1968

I.A.102 "Haupt, Enid [A.] (Donor)"

3 items
Incl. 1 photograph

1974, 1979
I.A.103 "Hazen, Joseph [H.]"

Incl. typescript of acceptance speech for Award of Fellow of the Israel Museum

I.A.104 "Heilbroner, Robert L. (Donor)"

3 items
Incl. corresp. re: The Viaduct by Fernand Léger

I.A.105 "Heller, Ben"

10 items
Incl. corresp. re: gift of drawing by John Graham; photograph of drawing by Diego Rivera

I.A.106 "Hemingway, E. [Ernest] (Collection)"

Incl. corresp. re: The Farm by Joan Miró

I.A.107 Hermanos, Selma and Maxime L.

13 items
Incl. corresp. re: gift of drawings by Berthe Morisot, Eugene Carrière, Jean Dubuffet, and Alberto Giacometti

I.A.108 "Hess, Thomas B. (Donor)"

10 items
Incl. corresp. re: gifts of works by Antonio Matta, Paul Klee, Alberto Giacometti

I.A.109 "Hirshhorn, [Joseph H. and Olga] (Collection)"

5 items

I.A.110 "Hilson, Mildred (Mrs. Edwin I.)"

Incl. clipping

ca. 1970-1978
I.A.111 "General: I [Correspondence]"

7 items
Incl. corresp. with Anahid Iskian

I.A.112 "Ikeda, Masuo - Japanese Artist"

5 items
Incl. clipping; 1 ALS

I.A.113.a "International Advisory Committee" "Copenhague"

10 items
Incl. program for 6th reunion

June 25-28/1978
I.A.113.b "International Advisory Committee" "Edinburgh"

8 items
Incl. program for 5th reunion

June 1976
I.A.113.c "International Advisory Committee" "International Advisory Committee; Keepers of Public Collection Graphic Art"

Incl. program for Venice reunion (1972); committee rules and regulations; bulletin, 1971

I.A.114 "International Basic Economy Corporation (IBEC)"

2 items

I.A.115 "International Council of Museums [ICOM]"

1 item
Incl. meeting schedule

I.A.116 "International Graphic Arts Society [IGAS]"

Incl. brochures. See also, II.A.8.57

I.A.117 "International Play Group, Inc."

Incl. exhibition catalog, Young Artists from Around the World; brochure; exhibition presentation proposal]

I.A.118 "General: J [Correspondence]"

7 items

1975, 1979
I.A.119 "Jaffe, [Leo]"

Incl. 5 photographs; obituary

I.A.120 "James, Bessie (Estate)"

3 items

I.A.121 "[Sidney] Janis Gallery (New York)"

9 items
Incl. corresp. re: demolition of Poupée Borgne by Jean (originally Hans) Arp, 1968 January-February

I.A.122.a Japan/Japanese Art "Japan"

Note: WSL traveled to Japan to select works for The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture (MoMA Exh. #809, ICE-D-13-64); incl. 2 ALS Kaji Aso; 2 photographs; 2 original works by Aso; "Holdings of Japanese Prints (40 or More) in Museum Print Collections in the United States", 1962; clipping re: WSL

I.A.122.b Japan/Japanese Art "General: Japan"

Incl. 1 ALS Yoshiaki Tono; 1 photograph; catalog of Tetsuda Noda exhibition (Gallery Shirota, Tokyo, 1977); corresp. re: Fifth Tokyo International Print Biennial, 1966

I.A.122.c Japan/Japanese Art "Japan: American Center, USIS (Kyoto, Tokyo)"

6 items

I.A.122.d Japan/Japanese Art "Japan: Paul Gallery (Paul Watabe)"

17 items

I.A.122.e Japan/Japanese Art "Japan Society"

Incl. minutes of the Japanese House Gallery Advisory Committee on Arts; clipping; 2 press releases

I.A.122.f Japan/Japanese Art "Japanese Artists in the MoMA Collection"


ca. 1971-1973
I.A.122.g Japan/Japanese Art "Japanese Artists (Non MoMA)"

Incl. 1 ALS Toshimitsu Imaï; 3 exhibition catalogs

I.A.122.h Japan/Japanese Art "Japanese Lecture (MoMA)"

3 items
Note: WSL lecture at MoMA, 1966 December. Incl. 1 memorandum and flyer

I.A.122.i Japan/Japanese Art "Japanese Newspaper Clippings"


Note: see also, V.24 and V.25 (photographs), V.27.3; Dorothy C. Miller Papers; and MoMA Department of Registrar's Records

I.A.123 "Johnson, Philip"

3 items
Incl. clipping

I.A.124 "Jonas, [Mrs. H. Harris] Bequest"

4 items

I.A.125 Jones, M/M E. Powis

8 items

I.A.126 "Josten, Mr. Peter"


I.A.127 "Josten, Werner (Collection)"

1 item
Incl. list of works

I.A.128 "Joughin, Mr. Louis"

Incl. description of collection of Nánder Lájos Varga

I.A.129 "General: K [Correspondence]"

Kahn, Karen;
Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henri, obituary;
Kaufmann, Edgar. J., Jr., corresp. re: Giorgio de Chirico drawing owned by Kaufmann;
Kitaj, R. B.;
de Kooning, Willem and Elaine;
Krasner, Lee

I.A.130 "Kaplan, Jacob and Alice (Donor)"

Incl. photograph

I.A.131 "Kermaingant, Countess [Ghislaine] de"


I.A.132 "Kirstein, Lincoln"

7 items
Incl. 1 photograph; corresp. re: Movement and Metaphor: Four Centuries of Ballet (1970) by Kirstein

I.A.133 "Kneeland, M/M Yale [and Margot]"


I.A.134 "Knoedler Gallery [M. Knoedler & Co.]"

2 items

I.A.135 "Kootz, Sam [Samuel M.]"

6 items

I.A.136 "Koppe, Mrs. Richard [Catherine]"

Incl. corresp. with Ivan Chermayeff; pamphlet, Richard Koppe exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago

I.A.137 "Kornfeld and Kupstein"

Incl. 16 photographs of works of art by artists incl. Afro Basaldella, Bernard Buffet and Edouard Pignon

I.A.138 "Krawitz, [Herman]"

6 items
Incl. corresp re: gifts, books on Chagall; list, "Marc Chagall in the Louis E. Stern Collection"

I.A.139 Krukin, Avalon S. (Donor)

1 item

I.A.140 "General: L [Correspondence]"

Lambros, Cynthia;
LaSalle, Nancy;
Lebworth, Carol;
Lejwa, Madeleine;
Leydenfrost, Alexander, 1 ALS Barth E. Suretsky-Monawee Richards re: Leydenfrost;
Lieberman, Paulette;
Lipchitz, Jacques, 1 ALS John P. Brown re: Lipchitz sketches; Lord, James;
Lust, Herbert

I.A.141 "Lang, Richard E."

5 items

I.A.142 "Lauder, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald (Collector)"

Incl. 2 photographs

I.A.143 "Laursen, Steingrim"


I.A.144 "Lejwa, Madeleine Chalette (Donor)"

7 items
Incl. obituary of Arthur Lejwa (Madeleine Chalette's husband)

I.A.145 "Leval, Mrs. Fernand (Donor)"

5 items

I.A.146 "Lever Brothers Company - Charles Tebo"

Incl. statistics on awareness of MoMA facilities and programs

I.A.147 "Lewyt, Mr. Alex (Collector)"

5 items

I.A.148 "Liberman, Alexander (Donor)"

10 items
Incl. corresp. re: gifts of Fernand Léger, Alberto Giacometti and Pablo Picasso

I.A.149 "Lieberman, William S.: Letters/Compliments"

Incl. 1 typescript, interview with "Voice of America"; 1 ALS Robert Osborn

ca. 1955-1960
I.A.150 "Lipchitz Foundation (Jacques)"

1 item
Incl. list of board of directors

I.A.151 "[Vera and Albert A.] List Poster Project"

4 items

I.A.152 "Ljublijana, Juried Exhibition"

10 items
Incl. corresp. re: IXth International Print Exhibition in Ljublijana

I.A.153 Lobanov, Nikita D.

8 items
Incl. corresp. re: gifts of works by Alexander Bogomazov and Alexander Rodchenko

I.A.154 "Lord, James (Donor)"

8 items

I.A.155 "Lowe, Mr. David"

10 items
Incl. clipping re: Lost Chicago by Lowe; 1 photograph (photcopy) of Florene Marx Schoenborn's apartment

I.A.156 Lowry, Bates (Resignation)

Incl 2 press releases; biography

1967, 1969-1971
I.A.157 "Lozowick, [Mrs. Louis (Adele)]"

5 items

I.A.158 "General: M [Correspondence]"

Machiz, Herbert, obituary;
Marcus, M/M James S., corresp. re: gift of Reclining Cat (Autumn) and Reclining Cat (Winter) by Théophile Steinlen;
Martinson, Joseph P., obituary;
Mathews, Jeanne;
Matisse, Henri;
Mayer, Grace M.;
Mayor, A. Hyatt;
McCracken, 3rd, Fester McCracken;
McDermott, Margaret;
Menses, Jan;
Meyer, Agnes, obituary;
Meyer, Carol;
Mitchell, Peter;
Motherwell, Robert;
Munro, Eleanor, clipping;
Murphy, Sara, obituary;
Myers, John B.

ca. 1971-1979
I.A.159 "MacDowell Colony, The - Mrs. Robert Osborne (sic) (Elodie) [Courter]"

7 items
Incl. meeting minutes

I.A.160 Malbin, Mrs. Barnett (Donor)

16 items
Note: the former Lydia Winston. Incl. 2 clippings; corresp. re: loan of Umberto Boccioni drawings

I.A.161 "Malraux, André [French Minister of State for Cultural Affairs]"

Incl. corresp. with Bates Lowry re: loans to Paris Embassy

I.A.162 Marlowe, Sylvia

1 item

I.A.163 "Marrozzini, Luigi"

8 items

I.A.164 "[Pierre] Matisse Gallery, New York"

Incl. deed of gift to MoMA

I.A.165 "Mayer, Grace [M.]"

Incl. slide; clipping

I.A.166 "Mayer Foundation (Joseph G.)"

20 items
Incl. corresp. re: contributions

I.A.167 "McDermott, Mrs. Eugene [Margaret]"

10 items

I.A.168 "McFadden, Elizabeth - Donor (Anne Ryan Collages)"

6 items
Incl. corresp. re: gift of Ryan collages

I.A.169 McKee, David (Donor)

1 item
Incl. 1 TL re: gift of Loren Madsen drawings

I.A.170 "Mellon, Mrs. Gertrud [A.] (Donor)"

Incl. list of collection; lists of extended loans from collection; corresp. re: gifts

I.A.171 de Menil, John

6 items
Incl. 3 press releases

I.A.172,a "Metropolitan Museum of Art (NYC)"

Incl. clippings; program, Thomas B. Hess memorial service; exhibition catalog, Seurat Drawings and Oil Sketches from New York Collections (1977 September 29-November 27); program, John J. McKendry memorial service; 2 press releases; salary plan; typescript for the WNYC radio talk show "Comment," "Our Growing Museums: Should They Be Enlarged or Dispersed?"

I.A.172.b "Metropolitan Museum of Art (NYC)" de Montebello, Philippe

Incl. corresp. re: Constantin Brâncuși; corresp. Radu Varia-Thomas B. Hess, WSL-de Montebello; clipping

1977, 1979
I.A.173 "Miró, [Joan]"

6 items

1973, 1978
I.A.174 "MoMA Educational Services"

Incl. "Bibliography on Modern Art for High School Teachers and Students"; 1 press release re: New Japanese Photography (MoMA Exh. #1057, 1974 March 27-May 19); review of MoMA's educational activities

I.A.175a "MoMA Memoranda" ",Miscellaneous"

Incl. 1 press release; clippings; memoranda re: James Thrall Soby bequest, loans, temporary wall construction (1979), Artists and Writers (MoMA Exh. #1219, 1978 July 10-September 24), Pollock: Works on Paper (ICE-F-182-77), drawing storage and department budget; media report; attendance/admissions reports

I.A.175.b "MoMA Memoranda" "Riva Castleman"

5 items
Incl. memoranda re: prints by Robert Motherwell

I.A.175.c "MoMA Memoranda" "Richard H. Koch"

Incl. memoranda re: new building (1976), relation to the Professional and Administrative Staff Assocation (PASTA), recycling at MoMA, fire drills, admission fee increase (1970); clipping re: obscenity in art; announcement of Richard Griffith's death

I.A.175.d "MoMA Memoranda" "Oldenburg, [Richard E.]"

Incl. memoranda re: Swimming Pool by Henri Matisse, Art of the Twenties (MoMA Exh. #1277, 1979 November 14-1980 January 1), NAR gifts to MoMA, The Joan and Lester Avnet Collection (ICE-F-184-78); invitation to "The Painting and Sculpture Collections, a New Perspective" (tribute to AHB); clipping re: Gladys Krieble Delmas

I.A.175.e "MoMA Memoranda" "Richard L. Palmer"

Incl. MoMA exhibition brochures; memoranda re: Pollock: Works on Paper (ICE-F-182-77), Anne Ryan: The Intimate Collages (MoMA Exh. #1246, 1979 January 16-March 6), Artists and Writers (MoMA Exh. #1219, 1978 July 10-September 24), The Joan and Lester Avnet Collection (ICE-F-184-78)

I.A.175.f "MoMA Memoranda" "William S. Rubin"

5 items
Incl. memoranda re: Self-Portrait by Joan Miró

I.A.175.g "MoMA Memoranda" "Waldo Rasmussen"

9 items
Incl. memoranda on reviews of American Art from the Museum of Modern Art (ICE-F-183-78)]

I.A.176 "General: N [Correspondence]"


I.A.177 Newberry, John S. - List of Gifts

9 items
Incl. corresp. re: gifts; 1 TL AHB-Newberry, 1979

I.A.178 "Newhouse, Samuel I. Jr. (Donor)"

Incl. transparency; photograph; clipping

I.A.179 Neumann, Norton G.

11 items
Incl. corresp. re: gift of Concetto Spaziale by Lucio Fontana

I.A.180 "New York Cultural Center"

Incl. 2 press releases; exhibition schedule, 1970-1971; exhibition catalog, Donald H. Karshan Collection (1970)

I.A.181.a "New York Public Library, Committee for the Dance [Collection]" General

Incl. biographies of Arthur Gold and Robert Fizdale; clippings; program, performance to save the Dance Collection; catalog, Dance in Sculpture (sponsored by the NYPL, 1971); program, 25th Anniversary Gala performance; 2 photographs

I.A.181.b "New York Public Library, Committee for the Dance [Collection]""Correspondence"

Incl. clippings; 1 press release

Note: see also, II.A.8.34

I.A.182 "New York State Council on the Arts"

Incl. clippings; catalogs

ca. 1976-1977
I.A.183 "New York State Visual Artists"

1 item
Incl. "Visual Art," catalog issued by the Creative Artists Public Service Program

I.A.184a " Newsweek, Washington Post: [James McConnell] Truitt"

Incl. 1 press release; 2 clippings

I.A.184b " Newsweek, Washington Post: [James McConnell] Truitt"

Incl. clippings

ca. 1965-1970
I.A.185 "General: O [Correspondence]"

13 items
Incl. press release and clipping re: Frank O'Hara

I.A.186 "General: P [Correspondence]"

Page, William Ellis, Jr., 1 typescript;
Palmer, Jamie;
Pei, I. M., 1 TL, 1979;
Penrose, Lee Miller, clippings;
Penrose, Roland;
Petter, Henry A.;
Phillips, Laughlin corresp. re: The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.;
Pierpont-Morgan Library, The;
Pirovano, Ignacio;
Pissarro, Camille/Les Amis de Camille Pissarro;
Pollock, Lee Krasner;
Polykoff, Shirley;
Pulitzer, Emily

I.A.187 "Paley, William [S.]"

Incl. clipping

I.A.188 Palm Beach, West - Norton Gallery of Art

7 items

I.A.189a "Palm Beach, Society of the Four Arts" "John Gordon"

2 items

I.A.189b "Palm Beach, Society of the Four Arts"

Incl. clippings; biography of Lyonel Feininger; 33rd and 34th annual exhibition and award catalogs

I.A.190 "Palumbo, Peter"

Incl. corresp. re: Barnett Newman; clipping

I.A.191 "Parkinson, Mrs. Bliss (Donor)"

12 items
Note: the former Elizabeth ("Eliza") Bliss; later married Henry Ives Cobb. See also, II.A.9.89, II.A.9.92

I.A.192 "Pearlman, Henry (Collector)"

5 items

I.A.193 "Petersburg Press"

Incl. 1 photograph

I.A.194 "Petrie, Mr. and Mrs. Milton [J.] (Donor)"

7 items

1973-1974, 1979
I.A.195 Picasso, Claude - Picasso Estate

Incl. 3 clippings; corresp. re: Guernica by Pablo Picasso

I.A.196 "Pizitz, Silvia"

3 items

I.A.197 Galerie Poll, Berlin (Wolfgang Petrick: WSL Personal)

Incl. illustration of Im Mantel by Petrick

I.A.198 "Pope, John A. - International Exhibitions Foundation, Washington, [D.C.]"


I.A.199 "Poses, Lillian - Attorney"

Incl. 3 photographs

I.A.200 "Preston, Stuart (Donor)"


I.A.201 "Print Collector's Newsletter, The"

3 items

I.A.202.a "Print Council of America"

Incl. agenda for annual meetings; catalog, "Print Collections of Institutions in the United States" (1965); "Travelling Exhibitions of Prints and List of Graphic Arts Workshops," 1963

I.A.202.b "Print Council of America" Print Council - Meeting in Washington, D.C.

Incl. exhibition catalog, Recent Paintings by Jacob Kainen (The Phillips Collection)

I.A.203.a "Puerto Rico" "General Corresp."

Incl. clippings; exhibition catalog, One Biscayne Tower (building in Florida, sponsored by E.H.G. Enterprises, Puerto Rico, 1971-1972); exhibition catalog, Lovis Corinth

I.A.203.b "Puerto Rico" "Biennial

7 items

1974," 1973-1974
I.A.203.c "Puerto Rico" "Conde, Mr. Carlos"

3 items

I.A.203.d "Puerto Rico" "Galerie Colibri"

14 items

I.A.203.e "Puerto Rico" "Friends of Puerto Rico"

5 items

I.A.203.f "Puerto Rico" "Puerto Rico Instituto de Cultura [Instituto de Culture Puertorriqueña]"

10 items
Incl. corresp. re: Biennial, proposed exhibition of prints by Emilio Sanchez

I.A.203.g "Puerto Rico" Johnson, Reck

2 items
Incl. draft of fact sheet for The International Artist-Executive Townhouses, San Juan

I.A.203.h "Puerto Rico" Novak, Joseph A. (Collector)

4 items

I.A.203.i "Puerto Rico" "Puerto Rico Show

2 items
Incl. handwritten notes; receipts

I.A.204 "Quinn, John (Collector)"

1 item
Incl. copies of "NYPL Quinn Papers"

I.A.205 "General: R [Correspondence]"

Incl. 2 photographs; clippings;
Robinson, Ione;
Rodgers, M/M Richard;
Rothko, Mark;
Rubinstein, Helena, exhibition catalog, Portraits of Helena Rubinstein, (Metropolitan Museum of Art, N.Y. and Palm Springs Desert Museum, Calif., 1976);
Rubinstein, Mala;
Russell, Haide;
Russoli, Franco

ca. 1972-1979
I.A.206 "Rayo Museum of Latin-American Prints and Drawings"

4 items

I.A.207 " Restaurant Reporter, The"

3 items

I.A.208 "Reinemann, Walter J. (Estate)"

1 item

I.A.209 Rewald, John

9 items
Incl. 2 clippings

I.A.210 "Riesenfeld, Victor S."

1 item
Incl. typescript for memorial service]

I.A.211a "Rockefeller, David" "General"

Incl. corresp. re: works by Max Ernst, Lyonel Feininger, Richard Hamilton, Jasper Johns, Edvard Munch, Pablo Picasso, Pavel Tchelitchew; corresp. re: Marc Chagall exhibition in Japan; promised gifts; 2 photographs

I.A.211b "Rockefeller, David" "Chase Manhattan Bank"

Incl. list of MoMA works on view at the Chase Manhattan Bank; clippings

I.A.211c "Rockefeller, David" Pollock, Jackson: Joseph L. Hendersen Drawings

8 items
Incl. corresp. re: gift of Pollock drawings

I.A.212 "Rockefeller, Mrs. John D., 3rd [Blanchette]"

Incl. clippings; "Open Letter to the Mayor and City Council of New York, the Trustees of the Metropolitan Museum, and the News Media" by Lewin Alcopley; list of Japanese works in the Museum Collections; "The JDR 3rd Fund Report," 1974, 1976, 1977; program of memorial service, "John D. Rockefeller 3rd, 1906-1978"

I.A.213.a "Rockefeller, Nelson A."General

Incl. lists of collection; corresp. re: NAR memoriam; program, NAR memorial service; clippings; 2 photographs; 1 transparency

I.A.213.b "Rockefeller, Nelson A." General

Incl. clippings; statements by NAR; typescript, "The Art of Collecting," reported by Aline Saarinen for television, 1964

ca. 1959-1969
I.A.213.c "Rockefeller, Nelson A." "[Constantin] Brâncuși Bird - Correspondence with [Alexandre] Istrati M/M"


I.A.213.d "Rockefeller, Nelson A." Clippings

Incl. clippings re: NAR's death, collections

I.A.213.e "Rockefeller, Nelson A." " Du Magazine"

7 items
Incl. typescript of article on NAR for Du; list of NAR bequest to MoMA

I.A.213.f "Rockefeller, Nelson A." " Twentieth Century Art from the Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection [Catalog]"

Note: MoMA Exh. #892, 1969 May 28-September 1; incl. final checklists and notes. See also, Dorothy C. Miller Papers

I.A.213.g "Rockefeller, Nelson A.""Catalogue of Collection - Typed Notes and Incorrect Checklists"

Incl. draft checklists; notes

ca. 1955-1969
I.A.213.h "Rockefeller, Nelson A." "Twentieth Century Art from the NAR Collection"

Note: catalog text by WSL

I.A.214 "Rockefeller Center"

13 items
Incl. map of The Rockefeller University; corresp. re: Study for Prometheus Fountain by Paul Manship

I.A.215 Roos, Beatrice Mathieu (Estate)

14 items
Incl. corresp. re: Mask of Fear by Paul Klee; 1 TL AHB-Roos; checklist of collection

I.A.216 "Rosenberg, Alexandre (Donor)"

19 items
Incl. corresp. re: Minotaure by Pablo Picasso; 1 handwritten invoice (copy) from Picasso

I.A.217 "Rowlison, Eric"

5 items

I.A.218 "Rubin, William [S.]"

3 items
Incl. corresp. re: Automatic Drawing by André Masson

I.A.219 "Russell, John"

10 items
Incl. clippings

I.A.220 "General: S [Correspondence]"

Sachs, Albert P.;
Salz, Mrs. Sam;
Schwartz, Sanford, corresp. re: gift of A Mirror on an Easel by Max Beckmann;
Schwatschke, Baron John;
Seidler, Penelope;
Shelley, Beverly;
Sichel, Sylvia de Bettini;
Sklar, Mary;
Stachelberg, Adelaide;
Steinitz, Kate, exhibition catalog, The Kate Steinitz Collection (Los Angeles County Museum of Art with the Pasadena Art Museum, 1969);
Stewart, John

I.A.221 Samuels, Spencer & Co. (Works of Art Consultant)

8 items
Incl. 2 photographs; list of paintings purchased by Sarah Campbell Blaffer Foundation

I.A.222 "Sanchez, Emilio"

Incl. WSL introduction to catalog for Sanchez exhibit at Museo de Grabado (San Juan, Puerto Rico)

ca. 1971-1974
I.A.223 "Schapiro, Meyer"

Incl. corresp. re: Committee to Endow a Chair; reception program; portfolio published in honor of Schapiro

I.A.224.a "[Florene Marx] Schoenborn Collection"

Note: formerly the Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Marx Collection.
Incl. 15 photographs; corresp. re: loans and reproductions for The School of Paris: Paintings from the Florene Marx Schoenborn and Samuel A. Marx Collection (MoMA Exh. #779, 1965 November 2-1966 January 2); list of School of Paris works in collection

I.A.224.b "[Florene Marx] Schoenborn Collection"

Incl. list of promised gifts, 1970; list of references in Matisse: His Art and His Public (1951) by AHB

ca. 1970-1973
I.A.224.c "[Florene Marx] Schoenborn Collection"

4 items
Incl. 1 photograph; handwritten notes

I.A.224.d "[Florene Marx] Schoenborn Collection" General

Incl. 2 photographs; 22 ALS; exhibition pamphlet, Horst Weber; clippings

I.A.225 "Scull, [Robert C.]"

6 items
Incl. clippings re: sale of collection

I.A.226 "Selle, Mr. and Mrs. Richard [Richard and Carol] (Donor)"

Incl. 13 photographs

I.A.227 "Serenissima Travel Limited, Travel Agency, London"

Incl. itinerary, corresp. re: WSL's trip to Vienna, Paris, Salzburg, Zurich

I.A.228 "Shorewood Fine Art Books, Samuel Shore - Victoria Thorson"

Incl. color xeroxes; checklist of The School of Paris: Drawing in France (R-43), works in MoMA collection

I.A.229 "Shubert Archive (Brooks McNamara)"

4 items
Incl. 4 issues of The Passing Show newsletter

I.A.230 "Silberberg - Donor 1971 (Daniel)"

7 items
Incl. corresp. re: gifts

I.A.231 "Smith, Mrs. Bertram (Louise)"

Incl. corresp. re: gifts and promised gifts; clipping re: Gordon Bunshaft

I.A.232.a "Soby, James Thrall"

9 items
Incl. memorandum re: Board of Trustees resolutions of honoraria for Soby and NAR; list of drawings collection; corresp. re: bequest

Material added to this folder in 2023.

I.A.232.b "Soby, James Thrall" "The James Thrall Soby Bequest"

Incl. 1 press release; list of works from bequest to be transferred to the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford; excerpt from will

I.A.233 Spain, King of - Guest List for Dinner

1 item

I.A.234 "Spingold, Frances"

3 items
Incl. corresp. with Blanchette Rockefeller (Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, 3rd) re: Spingold gift to MoMA

I.A.235 "Stein, Donna - Project for Exhibition in Teheran"

1 item
Incl. checklist for catalog of Graphic Art: The Movement Toward Modernism exhibition (Teheran Museum of Contemporary Art)

I.A.236 "Stein, Gertrude (Estate) - Roubina"

10 items
Incl. 3 photographs

I.A.237 "Stern, Mrs. Alfred R. [Joanne]"

3 items

I.A.238 "[Alfred] Stieglitz Collection"

3 items
Incl. 1 press release; catalog listing of collection at Fisk University; article by George Heard Hamilton

1949, 1970
I.A.239 Stone, Marguerite K. (Estate)

3 items

I.A.240 "Stralem, Mr. and Mrs. D. [Donald S. and Jean]"

7 items

1973, 1979
I.A.241 "Straus, Mr. and Mrs. Donald [Donald B. and Beth]"

15 items

I.A.242 "General: T [Correspondence]"

Incl. 2 ALS Jeanne Thayer; clipping re: Tribute to Mark Tobey exhibition (National Collection of Fine Arts, Washington, D.C., 1974); Jock Curtis Truman biography in Who's Who in America (40th edition); press release re: Twentieth Century Fund

I.A.243 "Tamarind [Institute]"

Incl. "The Tamarind Institute Reports"; minutes of board of directors meetings; biography of institute; clipping; list of Tamarind guest artists; list of trustees

I.A.244 "Tamayo, [Rufino] - loans from P&S"

9 items

I.A.245 "Tarnapol, Grégoire (Collector)"

3 items

I.A.246 Thaw, Eugene Victor

Incl. clippings; corresp. with Peggy Guggenheim; draft for project proposal and application for grant for Seurat to Matisse (MoMA Exh. #1064, 1974 June 13-September 8); corresp. re: Gertrude Stein and John Hay Whitney; 1 TL David Rockefeller-NAR re: unselected pictures from the Stein Collection

I.A.247 "Tietze, Christopher"

8 items
Incl list of gifts presented to MoMA

1959-1961, 1969
I.A.248 "Tisch, [Laurence A.] (Donor)"

5 items
Incl. corresp. re: Henri Matisse, Marc Chagall

1974, 1977-1978
I.A.249 Tobin, Robert L.B.

Incl. corresp. re: appointment as member of Committee on Drawings and Prints; clippings

I.A.250 "Tolman, Norman"

13 items
Incl. list of contemporary Japanese prints in collection

I.A.251 "Torczyner, Harry"

16 items
Incl. corresp. re: Paul Delvaux drawings

I.A.252 "Truitt, James McConnell (Mexico)"

11 items
Incl. 1 issue of Museo Nacionale de Artes e Industrias Populaires; photographs

I.A.253 "Turner, Mina (Rodin)"

14 items
Incl. 5 photographs; corresp. re: gifts to MoMA]

I.A.254 "General: U [Correspondence]"

20 items
Uldall, Joan;
United Nations

I.A.255 "Ukiyo-E Society [of America, Inc.] (Paul Neal)"

Incl. Selected Readings on the Art and Times of Ukiyo-e; "Notes from the President"

I.A.256 "U.S.I.A. [United States Information Agency]"

3 items

I.A.257 "Universal Limited Art Editions (Tatyana Grosman)"

Incl. 1 photograph; exhibition pamphlet, Tribute to Maurice Grosman (Grey Art Gallery and Study Center, New York University, 1977); clipping

I.A.258 "General: V [Correspondence]"

Venice (Italy), clipping, "Save Venice";
Vidal, Gore, clipping;
Voelker, Elizabeth;
Vonohlson, Louis

I.A.259 Valentin, Curt - Publications

3 items
Incl. corresp. re: book project, estate

I.A.260 "Venice Biennale"

Incl. clippings; exhibition proposal; corresp. re: loans; minutes of Advisory Committee meetings. See also, II.A.7.16. and II.A.11.126

I.A.261 " Vogue House, The Condé Nast Publication, London -Correspondence/Bernard Lesser"

6 items

I.A.262 "General: W [Correspondence]"

Walker, Amber;
Washburn, Gordon;
Wasserman, Julia;
Wauters, André;
Wauters Gallery, 1 press release;
Weinstein, Seymour;
Wescott, Glenway;
Wessberger, I. Arnold;
Whitney, David;
Wildenstein Gallery;
Women's City Club

I.A.263 "Wallis, James T. (Donor)"

1 item
Incl 1 TL re: gift of La Femme Epinglée by Adja Yunkers

I.A.264 "Warburg, [Edward M.M.] (Card Reproductions)"

1 item

I.A.265 "[Gordon] Washburn Gallery (New York)"

1 item

I.A.266 Wasserman, Louis R., Dr. (Donor)

9 items

I.A.267a "Weisenberger, Arthur (Estate)"

Incl. 11 photographs

I.A.267b "Weisenberger, Arthur (Estate)"

Incl. corresp. re: gifts offered; 9 photographs

I.A.268.a "Weisman, Frederick R."

Incl. corresp. re: Untitled 1943 by Willem de Kooning, Mythotomie by Victor Brauner

I.A.268.b "Weisman, Frederick R." "[Marcia and Frederick R.] Weisman Collection"

Incl. list; 20 photographs; exhibition brochure, New Art, Paintings, Sculptures and Prints from the Marcia and Frederick Weisman Foundation

I.A.269 "Wescott, Barbara"

12 items
Incl. obituary

I.A.270 "Whyte, Angus (Dealer)"

4 items
Incl. exhibition catalog, The Bath

I.A.271 "Winston-Malbin (Collection)"

1 item
Incl. list of collection of works on paper

I.A.272 "General: Y [Correspondence]"

9 items
Yamada, Chisaburoh;
Yeatman, John;
Yale University Art Gallery, press release, "Exhibition of German Expressionist Prints to Open at Yale University Gallery," 1966 October 23

1966, 1973-1976, 1979
I.A.273 "General: Z [Correspondence]"

16 items
Zadok, M/M Charles;
Zeitlin & Ver Brugge Booksellers;
Zervos, Christian;
Zimmerman, Mrs. Joseph (Frances);
Zumsteg, Hulda, re: Restaurant Kronenhalle

View PDF of folder I.A.273

1969, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1976, 1978-1979
I.A.274 "Zabriskie Gallery, New York"

Incl. corresp.; Zabriskie Photography Newsletter II (1 and 2), Fall 1977 issues

I.A.275 "Zeisler, Richard S."

11 items

1976, 1978

Series I.B: Correspondence With and About Artists 1964-1979

11 folders

See also, Series I.A: Chryssa; Chagall, Marc and Valentina; Ikeda, Masuo; Sanchez, Emilio.

Folder Title Date
I.B.1 General A-E: Correspondence

43 items
Incl.:Bickley, Cynthia, 3 TLS-Martha Beck, 1971;
Boshier, Derek, 1974;
Citron, Minna, 1974;
Colescott, Warrington, 1971;
Copello, Francesco, (1970);
Egyedi, Bela, 1973;
Gordon, Joni (NEWSPACE, Los Angeles), 1 TL, 1978 re: Martha Alf;
Hammer, Marilou (Gallery Graphics), 2 TLS re: Worden Day, 1971;
Hart-Davis, Rupert, 1970;
Karshan, Donald, 1 ALS, 1976 re: Composition (1913) by Frances Archipenko;
Melamed, Abraham, 1 TLS, 1975 re: Leonard Baskin;
Moon, Zaq, 1 TLS, 1974 re: Jean Cocteau

1970, 1971, 1973-1976, 1978
I.B.2 General F-J: Correspondence

55 items
Incl.:Federe, Marion, 1 TLS, 1974;
Feininger, Lyonel, list of venues for The Intimate World of Lyonel Feininger (ICE-F-65-61);
Floki Alfred Floki Nielson, 1 TLS Bragi Kristjonsson, 1976 re: Floki;
Friedlander, Bilgé, 1 ALS (postcard), 1976;
Goodman, Michael L., 1971;
Grillo, John, 1 TLS, 1973;
Grossman, Nancy, 1 ALS (postcard), 1973;
Haacke, Hans, 1 memorandum, 1971 re: cancelled exhibition at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum;
Herrera, Magali, 7 photographs, 2 TLS and 3 ALS Jean Dubuffet-Herrera, 1968-1970;
Hillinger, Edith, 1 TLS, 1974;
Hodge, Richard A., 1 TLS, 1978;
Horn, Maurice, 1 TLS-Richard E. Oldenburg, 1976; review of The World Encyclopedia Of Comics edited by Horn, 1976;
Jonic, Milos, 1 TLS-Hilton Kramer 1971; response of Jonic
to John Canaday article "How to Miss a Boat and Catch a Toboggan" in The New York Times, 1971 May 16;
"Judson 3" Trial, "Protest Against Censorship," 1971"

View PDF of folder I.B.2

1969-1971, 1973, 1974, 1976-1979
I.B.3 General K-R: Correspondence

70 items
Kainen, M/M Jacob;
Kainen, Jacob, exhibition pamphlet, 1973;
Kretschmer, Hubert, 1 TLS, 1974;
Lanzone, John, 23 postcards, 1977;
Laur, Alex, 1 TLS, 1971;
Michala, (?)Mollie, 1 ALS, 1974;
Modigliani, Amedeo, 1 photograph of drawing;
Moran, Robert, 1 TLS, 1976;
Norris, Joan N., 2 ALS, (1971);
de Orio, Joseph, 1 ALS, 1978;
Pacheco, Maria Luisa, 1 ALS, 1971;
Palma, Efraín Guzmán, 1 ALS, 1974;
Perine, Robert, 1 TLS, 1973;
Plontke, Helmut, 1 ALS, 1977;
van Rees, Otto, clippings, 1973;
de la Renta, Oscar, 1 TL WSL-de la Renta, 1969;
Roth, Jack, 1 photograph;
Bocchieri, John, 11 TLS-William S. Rubin, 1974 re: Max Kaus

1968, 1970-1974, 1976-1978
I.B.4 General S-Z: Correspondence

44 items
Siegelaub, Seth, 1 TLS, 1971 re: "Artist's Reserved Rights Transfer and Sale Agreement";
Sonenberg, Jack, 1 TLS, 1968;
Stiegelmeyer, Norman, 1 ALS, 1979;
Swerdloff, Daniel, 1 ALS; 10 photographs, n.d.;
Syrop, Teresa (Queens Museum), 2 TLS, 1978 re: Symcho Moszkowicz; 2 exhibition catalogs;
Vari, Sophia, 1 ALS, 1976;
Vicente, Esteban, 1 ALS, 1977;
Warhol, Andy, 1 TL WSL-Warhol, 1971;
Wilde, John, 3 ALS, 1977;
Willem, Denyse, 1 ALS, 1970;
Youritzen, Glenda, 1 TLS, 1976

1968, 1970, 1971, 1974, 1976-1979
I.B.5 "Holabird, Jean"

1 item
Note: incl. 6 slides

I.B.6 "Kemp, Roger"

10 items
Incl.: 7 press clippings; 8 slides; 1 exhibition catalog; 2 photographs

I.B.7 "Mendiburu, Remigio and Larrea, Vicente"

5 items
Incl. exhibition catalog

I.B.8 "Moore, Henry"

2 items
Incl. corresp. re: Helene and Leonard Yaseen Lectures at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

I.B.9 "Requichot, Bernard"

4 items
Iincl. 2 exhibition catalogs; 2 photographs

I.B.10 "Roth, Jack"

1 item
Incl. slides

I.B.11 "Steczynski, John M."

1 item
Incl. slides


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Series II: Correspondence from the Department of Prints

Series II.A: Correspondence A-Z 1939-1979

130 folders

Correspondence with artists, dealers and galleries, museums, publishers, and MoMA trustees relating to his activities in the Department of Drawings and Prints and the Department of Painting and Sculpture; the Papers were stored at an off-site location after his move to the Department of Drawings in 1971.

Lieberman is the recipient of all correspondence except where otherwise specified. Correspondents are listed selectively, i.e., not all correspondents have been listed.

Folders named for countries (e.g. "Japan," "Yugoslavia") include correspondence between WSL and institutions in those countries, some of which jointly sponsored exhibitions with the Museum.

Folder Title Date
II.A.1 "General A: Correspondence"

Incl.: corresp.:
Alechinsky, Pierre, photographs;
Ambassade de France;
Abidjan, Africa, corresp. re: 25 Contemporary American Artists as Printmakers (ICE-F-107-66) exhibition in Abidjan on the Ivory Coast, 1966;
Arp, Marguerite, 1 ALS, 1968;
Auden, W. H.

II.A.2 "Harry N. Abrams, Inc."

Incl.: corresp. re: reproductions for Picasso, Cubism to the Present by Sam Hunter, Gauguin by Robert Goldwater; 1 TL Abrams, 1954 re: What is Modern Painting

II.A.3 "Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts"


II.A.4 "Albright-Knox Gallery"

Incl.: photographs

II.A.5 "Larry Aldrich Print Fund"

7 items
Incl.: clipping re: auction of Aldrich collection at Parke-Bernet Galleries, n.d.; checklist of works bought by the Larry Aldrich Print Fund, 1951-1959

II.A.6.a "American Federation of Arts"

Incl.: 6 clippings; thank-you letters for loans from MoMA to AFA traveling exhibitions

Note: see also, I.A.1.8

II.A.6.b "American Federation of Arts" "Byzantine Tour"

Incl.: itinerary, ephemera

II.A.6c "American Federation of Arts"

1 item
Note: memorandum to AFA trustees re: proposals and review of program

II.A.7 "Art Auction - Parke-Bernet"

33 items
Incl.: invitation; clipping, "Giving Wisely" by Sylvia F. Porter

April 1960
II.A.8 "Art Councils and Foundations"

Incl.: corresp. with the Art Commission of the City of New York

II.A.9 " Art in America"

24 items
Incl.: corresp. with Jean Lipman, editor of Art in America. See also, I.A.1.10

II.A.10 " Artists and Writers"

3 items
Incl. 3 checklists

II.A.11 "Artists Equity Association"

13 items

II.A.12 "Asia House"

Incl.: 1 TL WSL-Masuo Ikeda; "The Asia Society: Report 1967-1968"

II.A.13 "Associated American Artists (Sylvan Cole Jr., President)"

6 items
Incl.: corresp. re: Lyonel Feininger exhibition. See also, I.A.2.81"

II.A.14.a "General B: Correspondence" Ba-Be

Bareiss, Walter;
Bartos, Celeste and Armand P.;
Baskin, Leonard;
Berggruen, Heinz

II.A.14.b "General B: Correspondence" Bi-Bu

Incl.: corresp. with M/M Gordon Bunshaft re: Jean Dubuffet gift, 1968

II.A.15 "Berggruen, Heinz"

20 items
Note: see also, I.A.1.30

II.A.16 "La Biennale de Venezia"

Incl.: corresp.; clippings. See also, I.A.6.260

II.A.17.a "Birmingham Alabama Festival of Arts"

Incl.: clippings

II.A.17b "Birmingham Alabama Festival of Arts"

11 items
Incl.: corresp. and checklist re: Eleventh Annual Birmingham Festival of Arts

II.A.18 "Mrs. Ernest Boissevain (Jean Tenneyson)"

Incl.: checklist of works owned by Mrs. Ernest Boissevain on extended loan to MoMA

II.A.19 "Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences"

1 item

II.A.20 "Brooklyn Museum"

4 items

II.A.21 "Bucknell University"

Incl.: 1961 Sidney Janis exhibition catalog, A Selection of Paintings and Sculpture from the Gallery Collection, (Sidney Janis Gallery, 1961)

II.A.22.a "General C: Correspondence" Ca-Ch

Calder, Alexander, 1 autographed invitation;
Carasso, Roberta, 1 TLS Christian Zervos introducing
Chagall, Valentina, corresp. re: stained glass windows by Marc Chagall, (1962)

View PDF of folder II.A.22.a

II.A.22.b "General C: Correspondence" Ci-Cu

Incl.: corresp. with Eve Clenendin, Douglas Cooper

II.A.23 "Canada: Correspondence"

Incl.: corresp. with The National Gallery of Canada; clippings

II.A.24 "Carnegie Institute Museum of Art"


II.A.25 "Carré, Louis"

7 items

II.A.26.a "Center for Inter-American Relations CIAR"

Incl.: 2 pamphlets

Note: see also, I.A.1.50

II.A.26.b "Center for Inter-American Relations CIAR" "Stanton Catlin C.I.A.R. Reports"


II.A.26.c "Center for Inter-American Relations CIAR"

Incl.: exhibition catalogs, Macció Fictions, Artists of the Western Hemisphere, Precursors of Modernism, 1860-191930, Pissarro in Venezuela, Art of Haiti and Jamaica, Molas from the San Blas Islands, Five Latin American Artists at Work in New York

II.A.27 "Chilean Embassy, Santiago"


II.A.28 "Ralph F. Colin"

Note: incl 2 clippings. See also, Feininger, Lyonel, I.A.2.81"

II.A.29 "Mr. and Mrs. William N. Copley; The William and Noma Copley Foundation"

Incl.: checklist of collection

II.A.30 "Correspondence"

Incl.: corresp. with Mauricio Lasansky, David O. Selznick, Richard S. Zeisler

II.A.31 "Galerie Gerald Cramer"

Incl.: exhibition catalog, Lithographies d'Artistes Américains (1965)

II.A.32 "Cubism Lectures"

Incl.: transcripts of 4 lectures (?by WSL)

II.A.33.a "General D: Correspondence"

Incl.: corresp. with Arthur Deshaies

II.A.33.b "General D: Correspondence"

Damase, Jacques;
Deitsch, Peter;
Dintenfass, Terry

II.A.34.a "Dance Committee, NYPL New York Public Library"

Incl.: minutes

Note: see also, I.A.4.181

II.A.34.b "Dance Committee, NYPL New York Public Library"

Incl.: minutes

II.A.35 "Peter Deitsch Gallery"


II.A.36 "Drawing Society, The"

Incl.: list of members; statement of purpose. See also, I.A.2.74

1960-1962, 1969-1970
II.A.37 "General E: Correspondence"

Museum of Early American Folk Arts in the City of New York;
Emil, M/M Allan D., invitation to dedication ceremony of Bust of Sylvette by Pablo Picasso, gift of M/M Emil, at New York University, Vanderbilt Hall, 1968 December 9;
Emmerich, André; Ernst, Max, re: exhibition at the Iolas Gallery, New York, 1962

1962, 1967-1969
II.A.38 "Eastman, Lee V."

8 items

II.A.39 "Edinburg, Joseph and Dorothy"


II.A.40 "Editions Alecto, Ltd."

13 items

II.A.41 "Philip Evergood"

Incl.: 3 photographs

II.A.42 "General F: Correspondence"

Faison, Lane, outline for 14 seminars in modern art;
Fourcade, Xavier, corresp. re: gifts by Willem de Kooning;
Ford Foundation;
Freud, Lucian, corresp. re: Lucian Freud by Jacob Epstein with photograph;
Francis, Prince of Bavaria

II.A.43 "Richard Feigen Gallery"

9 items

II.A.44 "Fogg Art Museum"

22 items

II.A.45 "Allan Frumkin Gallery"

3 items

1964, 1965
II.A.46.a General G: Correspondence Ga-Gl

Incl.: corresp. with M/M Victor W. Ganz, Emily Genauer; clipping re: Genauer

II.A.46.b General G: Correspondence Go-Gu

Incl.: 4 photographs; exhibition catalog, Arshile Gorky: 40 Drawings (Everett Ellin Gallery); 3 photographs

II.A.47 "Galerie der Spiegel"


II.A.48 "Galerie Gunther Franke"

2 items

1967, 1968
II.A.49 "Galleries (European) American"

Incl.: corresp. with Berggruen & Cie.

II.A.50 "Germany"


II.A.51 La Gravure

Incl.: lists and circulars re: Guilde International de la Gravure

II.A.52.a "General H Correspondence" Ha-He


II.A.52.b "General H Correspondence" Hi-Hu

Incl.: exhibition catalog, Sculptors' Drawings from the Joseph H. Hirshhorn Collection (Forum Gallery, NY, 1962); corresp. with Larry Homer

II.A.53 "Enid A. Haupt Financial Prints"

Incl.: corresp. re: prints with fiscal subject matter in various collections

II.A.54 General I: Correspondence

Incl.: Robert Indiana

II.A.55 "Institute of International Education (Anita Warburg, Consultant, Arts Program)"

3 items

1963, 1966
II.A.56.a "International Council of Museums ICOM"

12 items
Incl.: amendments to by-laws and constitution

II.A.56.b "International Council of Museums ICOM" "International Council of Museums, AAM American Association of Museums


II.A.57.a "I.G.A.S. (International Graphic Arts Society, Inc.)" "Theodore Gusten"

Incl.: pamphlets

Note: see also, I.A.2.116

II.A.57.b "I.G.A.S. (International Graphic Arts Society, Inc.)"


II.A.57.c "I.G.A.S. (International Graphic Arts Society, Inc.)"


II.A.58 "Alexander Iolas Gallery"

3 items

View PDF of folder II.A.58

II.A.59 "General J: Correspondence"

Incl.: corresp. with Philip Johnson

II.A.60.a "Japan"


II.A.60.b "Japan" "Japanese Correspondence"

Incl.: exhibition catalog; A Catalog of an Exhibition of Wood-Block Prints by the Yoshida Family

II.A.60.c "Japan" "Japan Notes"

Incl.: 1 ALS Masuo Ikeda; corresp. re: American exhibitions for Japan

II.A.61 "Jewish Museum, The"

Incl.: clipping; corresp. with Sam Hunter

II.A.62.a Johnson, Elaine L.: Correspondence

Incl.: corresp. with galleries, museums, publications

II.A.62.b Johnson, Elaine L.: Correspondence

Incl.: corresp. with Allan Frumkin and Louis and Julia Wasserman, galleries and museums

II.A.62.c Johnson, Elaine L.: Correspondence

Incl.: corresp. with Monteith College, Dartmouth College; 1 TLS Deborah Healey-José Clemente Orozco, 1970

1961, 1970
II.A.63 "General K: Correspondence"

Incl.: corresp. with Willem de Kooning re: gifts of drawings

1961-1962, 1964-1969
II.A.64 "de Kermaingant, Countess Ghislaine"


II.A.65 "King, Dr. Martin Luther"

5 items Incl.: 1 press release; corresp. re: In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, (unnumbered MoMA Exh., 1968 October 31-November 3)

II.A.66 "Franz Kline Estate"

Incl.: memoranda and corresp. re: Franz Kline (C/E 64-8, proposed)

II.A.67 "Kokoschka Exhibition - Marlborough Gallery"

Incl.: guest list for party in honor of Oskar Kokoschka

II.A.68.a "General L: Correspondence" La-Lef

Incl.: 1 TLS Mauricio Lasansky, 1966

1961-1962, 1963-1969
II.A.68.b "General L: Correspondence" Leg-Ly

Incl.: corresp. re: The Artist in His Studio: Photographs by Alexander Liberman (MoMA Exh. #653, 1959 October 29-1960 January 13, C/E 59-8). See also, V.16.2

1961-1962, 1963-1969
II.A.69 "WSL - Personal"

Incl.: corresp. with Douglas Cooper; photograph; clipping; corresp. re: estate of Bertha M. Slattery (WSL's mother)

View PDF of folder II.A.69



Note: see also, 1A.3.151

II.A.70.b "Mr. and Mrs. A. Albert A. List; List Foundation; List Posters Committee"


II.A.71 "L.A. Co. Mus. Art Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Nov. 30, 1966 (Lecture: Leo S. Bing Theatre, `Bull & Minotaur')"


II.A.72.a "General M: Correspondence" Ma-Me

Marx, Mrs. Samuel A. (later Mrs. Florene Marx Schoenborn);
Matisse, Pierre;
Maremont, M/M Arnold, clipping;
Maxon, John (Director of Fine Arts, Art Institute of Chicago) re: Henri Matisse;
McShine, Kynaston L., 1 TL-Robert Motherwell, 1962

1961-1962, 1963-1969
II.A.72.b "General M: Correspondence" Mi-Mu

Mnuchin, M/M Leon A. and Gevirtz, M/M Abraham, exhibition catalog, Brandeis University, Recent Acquisitions: The Gevirtz-Mnuchin Collection and Related Gifts;
Motherwell, Robert;
Munch, Edvard, exhibition catalog, Prints of Edvard Munch (Allan Frumkin Gallery)

1961-1962, 1963-1969
II.A.73 "Galerie Maeght"


II.A.74 "de Menil, John"

13 items

II.A.75 "Metropolitan Museum of Art Summer Loan Exhibition," 1966

Incl.: exhibition catalog

II.A.76 "Milwaukee Art Ctr. Center Lecture (Mrs. Wallace Lee, Curator, Education) WSL Lecture April 20, 1967"

Incl.: clippings; photographs

II.A.77 "Hugo Munsterberg"

3 items

II.A.78 "General N: Correspondence"

Namuth, Hans;
Neuberger, Mrs. Roy R. (Marie);
New School for Social Research, The, clipping; New School Bulletin 19:(23), 1962 July 14;
Newhouse, Sarah I;
Newman, Barnett

1961-1962, 1964-1968
II.A.79 "Nakian Drawings (Errata)"

4 items
Incl.: memoranda and errata sheet re: Nakian exhibition at Charles Egan Gallery

II.A.80 "National Gallery of Canada"

5 items

II.A.81 "Neitzvetsni Ernst Neizvestny Drawings (Yevtushenko, Mrs. Carlisle)"

3 items
Incl.: exhibition catalog, Four Sculptors (Grosvenor Gallery)

II.A.82 "New York Public Library"

Incl.: clipping; press release

II.A.83 "New York State University at New Paltz"

Incl.: clipping; corresp. re: Latin American course; memoranda re: Elaine Johnson's introduction to Graduate and Undergraduate Prints; catalog, First New Paltz Intercollegiate Student Exhibition

II.A.84 "New York Studio School of Drawing, Painting, and Sculpture"

Incl.: 2 brochures; list of Hans Hofmann's students

II.A.85 " New York Times Newspaper Clippings"

Incl.: clippings re: artists such as Lyonel Feininger, Helen Frankenthaler, Joan Miró

II.A.86 "John S. Newberry Estate"

9 items

II.A.87 "General O: Corrrespondence"

Incl.: Artemas Packard, 1 TL AHB-Artemas Packard re: José Clemente Orozco, 1962

1961-1962, 1966-1967
II.A.88 "Other Museums"

Incl.: corresp. with the Brooklyn Museum, the Fogg Art Museum, The Library of Congress, Metropolitan Museum of Art re: respective print rooms

1939, 1947, 1950, 1954
II.A.89.a "General P: Correspondence" Pa-Ph

Incl.: corresp. with Elizabeth Bliss Parkinson Cobb 1 TL, 1962. See also, I.A.4.191, II.A.9.92)

II.A.89.b "General P: Correspondence" Pi-Pu

Incl.: clippings re: Pablo Picasso: Picasso as a Book Artist by Abraham Horodisch; book review; corresp.; photograph; clipping, "Absent Genius" by Douglas Cooper, New Statesman, 1962 July 6, p. 24

II.A.90 "Pan-American Union"


II.A.91 "Pan Am Week, April 1967 Guest List"


II.A.92 "Parkinson, Mrs. Bliss"

2 items
Incl.: corresp. re: resignation as President of the Museum. See also, I.A.4.191, II.A.9.89

1966, 1968
II.A.93 "Paris Biennal

Incl.: photographs of jurors and works of art

II.A.94 "Paris Exhibition, 1951"

Note: Exposition de Gravures; incl. installation photographs

II.A.95 "P.E.N. Congress"

4 items
Note: P.E.N. reception held in MoMA trustee room. Incl. clipping; 2 brochures

II.A.96.a "Perls Galleries"

Incl.: corresp. between Frank Perls and WSL; 2 photographs

II.A.96.b "Perls Galleries" "Modigliani Exhibition (WSL catalog introduction), Oct. 10 (Mon.) 6-11"

Incl.: exhibition preview invitation; 3 clippings; photograph; exhibition catalog, The Nudes of Modigliani (Perls Galleries, 1966)

II.A.97 "Picasso P.E.A. Public Education Association Exhibition"

Incl.: brochure; lists of lenders and works lent; clipping. WSL was on the benefit committee

II.A.98 "Poland"

8 items
Incl.: brochures and corresp. re: Second International Biennale of Graphic Art (Cracow, 1968)

II.A.99.a "Pratt Graphic Art Center"

Incl.: quotes on Artist's Proof; final report to the Rockefeller Foundation; report to the Advisory Board, meeting at the MoMA Guest House, 1962 March 8

II.A.99.b "Pratt Graphic Art Center" "Pratt - Contemporaries"

14 items
Incl.: minutes of the Organizational Meeting of the Advisory Board, 1956 November 20

II.A.99.c "Pratt Graphic Art Center"

12 items
Note: WSL was a member of the Pratt Graphic Art Center Advisory Board

II.A.100.a "Print Council of America"

10 items
Incl.: 1969 calendar of print exhibitions

II.A.100.b "Print Council of America"

Incl.: 2 photographs (?Board of Directors); schedule of exhibitions

II.A.100.c "Print Council of America"

Incl.: "Report to the Board of Directors on the Council's Activities in 1960"

II.A.100.d "Print Council of America"


II.A.100.e "Print Council of America"

Incl.: "By-Laws of The National Print Council, Inc." "Certificate of Incorporation of the National Print Council, Inc."; schedule of exhibitions

II.A.101.a "Private Collections" "(A-H)"

Incl.: lists of works owned by private collectors

II.A.101.b "Private Collections" "(J-Z)"


II.A.102 "Providence, R.I."

6 items
Incl.: receipts and corresp. related to WSL trip

II.A.103 "Public Education Association (Mrs. Victor W. Ganz)"

Incl.: press release, "Braque 1882-1963, An American Tribute"

II.A.104.a "Puerto Rico" "Ricardo Alegria"

12 items
Note: Alegria was the Executive Director of the Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña

II.A.104.b "Puerto Rico" "Clippings"

1 .5"
Incl.: brochures; clippings re: art in Puerto Rico

II.A.104.c "Puerto Rico" "ESSO Standard Oil (Puerto Rico)"


II.A.104.d "Puerto Rico" "Institute of Puerto Rican Culture Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña: Photographs with Posters"

Incl.: clipping; .5" of photographs

II.A.104.e "Puerto Rico, 1967"

Incl.: corresp. re: film screenings of Nine Artists of Puerto Rico and The Art of Julio Rosado del Valle at MoMA (1968); photograph of La Pasionara by Jo Davidson; 3 clippings; exhibition catalog, Pinturas de Omar Rayo (La Casa del Arte, San Juan, 1968); 2 TLS Rolando Lopez Dirube, 1964

II.A.104.f "Puerto Rico"

Incl.: corresp. re: José (Rolando) Lopez Dirube; photographs; clipping; corresp. with the Galeria Colibri

II.A.104.g "University of Puerto Rico"

Incl.: negatives; corresp. re: works bought for and resold to the University of Puerto Rico

II.A.105 General Q: Correspondence

3 items

II.A.106.a General R: Correspondence Ra-Ri

Incl.: obituary, Victor Riesenfeld

II.A.106.b General R: Correspondence Ro-Ru

Incl.: corresp. with Jack Roth

II.A.107 "Reder, Bernard"

4 items
Incl.: commentary by John Rewald; typescript, "The Disappearance of Folklore and Some of Its Consequences," by Bernard Reder

II.A.108 "Rockefeller, Blanchette Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, 3rd"

Incl.: 3 ALS Rockefeller

II.A.109.a "Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller"

Incl.: corresp. re: private collection

II.A.109.b "Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller""Collection"

Incl.: checklist of works in collection

II.A.110 "Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research"

8 items

II.A.111.a General S: Correspondence Sa-Sc

Incl.: corresp. with Mrs. Wolfgang (Florene Marx) Schoenborn re: private collection; corresp. with Spencer A. Samuels and Company, Ltd. re: exhibition catalog, The Intimate Notation (1967)

II.A.111.b General S: Correspondence Se-Sl

Incl.: Ben Shahn, 1 TLS WSL-Shahn; 2 photographs

II.A.111.c General S: Correspondence Sm-Sy


II.A.112 "Sachs Book"

Note: Modern Prints and Drawings (1954) by Paul J. Sachs. Incl. checklists, memoranda. See also, AHB Papers, Bibliography #92.

II.A.113 "Emilio Sanchez"

Incl.: letters to ELJ; clippings; 4 ALS Sanchez; checklist; 4 sketches.

See also, I.A.4.203f and I.A.5.222.

Material added to this folder in 2024.

1962-1963, 1968
II.A.114.a "Senegal: Artists Biographies, Photos, Publications"

Incl.: 26 photographs of artists and works

II.A.114.b "Senegal: Correspondence

Incl.: .25" of photographs; documentary report; 2 press releases; clippings; 1 TLS Grace Glueck, 1966

II.A.114.c "Senegal: Correspondence"

Incl.: resumé of Richard Hunt

II.A.114.d "Senegal: Publications"

Incl.: brochures and presentation material re: First World Festival of Negro Arts

II.A.115 "Mrs. Bertram Smith (Louise)"


Note: see also, I.A.5.231

II.A.116 "Spoleto"

13 items
Incl.: clipping

II.A.117 "Stevens Assoc."

4 items

II.A.118 "General T: Correspondence"

Incl.: 3 ALS Dorothea Tanning, 1962

1961-1962, 1966-1969
II.A.119 "Christophe Thurman"

11 items

II.A.120 "Tokyo Biennal

1 item

II.A.121 "Mr. Yoshiaki Tono"

15 items
Incl.: essay on modern Japanese art (?by WSL). See also, Japan/Japanese Art, I.A.3.122; and The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture, Series VII.

II.A.122 "General U: Correspondence"

Incl.: deed of gift (copy) of Robert Rauschenberg print from the Vth International Exposition of Graphic Arts at Ljubljana; memorandum, Helen M. Franc-René d'Harnoncourt re: United Hemisphere Poster Competition

1961, 1963-1969
II.A.123 "UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization)

Incl.: exhibition catalog, U.S. Paintings and Sculpture for the U.N., featuring works commissioned by the National Council for U.S. Art in the U.N.

View PDF of folder II.A.123

II.A.124 "U.S. State Department"

16 items
Incl.: material re: circulating exhibitions

II.A.125 "Universal Limited Art Editions Tatyana Grosman"

8 items
Incl.: 4 ALS Tatyana Grosman

II.A.126 "General V: Correspondence"

Incl.: 7 photographs;
Valkus, James;
Vaughan, A. Murray;
Venice Biennale (1962)

II.A.127.a "General W: Correspondence" Wa-Wei

Wagstaff, Samuel J., 1960;
Walkowitz, Abraham;
Wasserman, Julia B.;
Weisman, Frederick R. and Marcia;
Whitney Museum of American Art, press release, "American Prints Today - 1962 to Open at Whitney Museum on September 19"

1960-1962, 1963-1969
II.A.127.b "General W: Correspondence" Wl-Wr


1960-1962, 1963-1969
II.A.128 "General XYZ: Correspondence"

Incl.: clipping;
Zadok, M/M.;
Zeisler, Richard S., 1960;
Zumsteg, Gustav

1961-1962, 1964-1968
II.A.129 "Young Printmakers Exhibition, NY City

Incl.: corresp. with the Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Affairs Administration re: "Exhibition and Sale of Original Prints by Young New York Artists," 1969

II.A.130.a "Ljubljana, Yugoslavia

Incl.: corresp. re: VIIth International Exposition of Graphic Arts

II.A.130.b Yugoslavia



Series II.B: Correspondence With And About Artists 1951-1962

6 folders

Folder Title Date
II.B.1 "Artists' Correspondence, 1962"

Incl.: general correspondence

II.B.2 "Artists - Correspondence"

Altman, Harold, 1961;
Aronson, Irene, clippings;
Baskin, Leonard;
Crawford, Ralston, galleys of The Lithographs of Ralston Crawford by Richard B. Freeman;
Cyril, exhibition announcements;
Koppelman, Chaim;
Lasansky, Mauricio;
announcement of The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Print Room viewing of artists' work, 1961 Autumn

II.B.3.a "Artists A-J through 1960" A-Ch

Incl.: corresp. with Leonard Baskin and Varujan Boghosian

II.B.3.b "Artists A-J through 1960" Co-J

Colin, Ralph F.;
Day, Lucian;
Deitsche, Peter H.;
Feininger, Mrs. Lyonel (Julia);
Frasconi, Antonio;
Hayter, Samuel W.;
Hunter, Sam;
Ritchie, Andrew Carnduff;
also incl. photographs of works by Vincent van Gogh, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, and Le Cannibalisme des Objets by Salvador Dali

II.B.4.a "Artists K-M through 1960" K-Me

Koppelman, Chaim;
Lasansky, Mauricio;
Matisse, Henri

II.B.4.b "Artists K-M through 1960" Mi-Mu

Modigliani, Amedeo, 13 photographs, clipping; exhibition catalog, Modigliani: The Sydney G. Biddle Collection (Perls Galleries);
Munakata, Shiko, biography by WSL, 3 photographs;
Munch, Edvard

II.B.5.a "Artists N-Z through 1960" N-Ro

Incl.: Gabor Peterdi, galleys, biography; Pablo Picasso, quotations by AHB

II.B.5.b "Artists N-Z through 1960" Sa-Z

Incl.: 1 ALS Jacques Villon-Ludwig Charell; informal autobiography in Villon's hand

II.B.6 "Artists (Miscellaneous)"

Incl.: checklist of living American artists in Museum Collections, 1952; corresp. with Sam Hunter, Carleton Sprague Smith


Return to the Top of Page

Series III: Museum Matters 1944-1970

78 folders

Note: "Print Room" refers to The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Print Room

Folder Title Date
III.1 "Anniversary Year"

Incl.: press releases re: Modern Masterprints of Europe (MoMA Exh. #568, 1954 December 7-February 1955), American Prints of the 20th Century from the Collection (MoMA Exh. #566, 1954 September 8-November 28)

III.2 "Architecture and Design"

Incl.: corresp. and memoranda re: chess set by Max Ernst, proposed exhibitions of modern erotic art and Paris revolutionary posters

III.3 "Art in Embassies"

7 items
Incl. 6 checklists of works of art loaned to various embassies by the International Council

III.4 "Art Lending Service"

17 items
Incl.: checklist of prints consigned to the Art Lending Service for the 1961 Christmas sale

III.5.a "Artists Viewings" A-D,


III.5.b "Artists Viewings" F-Y,


III.5.c "Artists Viewings" A-L,


III.5.d "Artists Viewings" M-Z,


III.6 "Alfred H. Barr, Jr."

22 items

III.7 "Blackmail"

2 items
Incl.: corresp. re: Juan Gris drawing

III.8.a "Budget"

8 items
Incl.: proposed budgets for Drawings and Prints Collections, The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Print Room

III.8.b "Budget": "Miss [Elaine L.] Johnson Personal, Department of Drawings and Prints Budget"

Memos and Notes Only"

III.8.c "Budget"

10 items
Incl.: memorandum re: the Art Lending Service; clipping

III.8.d "Budget": "Budget Cost of Living"

Incl.: memoranda; clipping

III.8.e "Budget": "Budget Confidential, Priority"

3 items

III.8.f "Budget"

7 items

III.8.g "Budget"

5 items

III.8.h "Budget"


III.8.i "Budget"

Incl.: plans for reconstructed Print Room; memoranda re: Print Room procedures and materials used

1958-1959, 1959-1960
III.8.j "Budget"


1956-1957, 1957-1958
III.8.k "Budget"

"1949-1950, 1950-1951, 1951-1952, 1952-1953, 1953-1954, 1954-1955, 1955-1956"
Incl. memoranda; WSL's handwritten notes

III.8.l "Budget"

19 items

1947-1948, 1948-1949
III.9 "Building Operations"

6 items
Incl.: memoranda re: Print Room operations

III.10 "Bulletin,

Incl.: "Drawings: Recent Acquisitions, an Announcement of the Paul J. Sachs Committee" ( The Museum of Modern Art Bulletin 29(1); 1962)

1967, 1965-1966
III.11 "Catalogs"

2 items

III.12 "Circulating Exhibitions"

Incl.: checklists of planned exhibitions; corresp. re: C/E shows Georges Braque: Painter-Printmaker (1954-1957), The Cat in Prints (1955-1957), A Half Century of Picasso (1952-1957), James Ensor: Prints (1951-1953), Lithographs by Toulouse-Lautrec (1956-1958), The Prints of Paul Klee (1945-1947), Prints by Max Beckmann (1951-1957)

III.13 "Circulating Exhibitions, International Program"

2 items
Incl.: list of exhibitions in circulation

III.14.a "Commitee on Drawings and Prints"

Incl.: letters to committee members re: dates and agenda; memoranda; acquisitions lists and lists of gifts offered

1967 January 16 - October 18
III.14.b "Commitee on Drawings and Prints" 1967 November 13 - April 23
III.14.c "Commitee on Drawings and Prints" 1968 June 4 -December 11
III.14.d "Commitee on Drawings and Prints"

Incl.: Sub-Committee on Drawings and Prints corresp. and memoranda re: formation of committee, list of gifts offered (accepted/rejected), 1967 February-May

1969 April 16 - October 28
III.14.e "Commitee on Drawings and Prints": Bareiss Thank-You Letters

Incl.: letters sent by Walter Bareiss (Chairman of the Committee on the Museum Collections) to donors

III.14.f "Commitee on Drawings and Prints": Assignments

1 item

III.14.g "Commitee on Drawings and Prints": Correspondence

14 items
Incl.: corresp. with Arthur and Howard Sachs re: Paul J. Sachs fund

III.14.h "Commitee on Drawings and Prints": Drafts

1 item
Incl.: approved and proposed international and national circulating exhibitions

III.14.i "Commitee on Drawings and Prints": First Meeting

8 items
Incl.: statements by and about Paul J. Sachs and the Drawings and Prints Collection

III.14.j "Commitee on Drawings and Prints": Membership

Incl.: draft of letter, Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, 3rd-Paul J. Sachs; draft of letter, Sachs to members of committee

III.14.k "Commitee on Drawings and Prints": Minutes

11 items
Incl.: statements on the Museum collection; drafts of letters sent to members of the committee

III.14.l "Commitee on Drawings and Prints": Office Copies

Incl.: statement on the Department of Drawings and Prints; letters of acceptances from prospective members

III.15.a "CTN Copies"

Incl.: office copies of memoranda and correspondence

III.15.b "CTN Copies"


III.16 "Curatorial Council"

Incl.: handwritten notes; list of dates for meetings of the curatorial council; checklist of committees of the curatorial council; memoranda

III.17 "Deeds of Gift"

Incl.: photograph, Microcosmes du Temps by Mark Tobey; photocopies of deeds of gift

June 1964
III.18 "Disposition of Works, Reg. Ass't. Corresp."

Incl.: memorandum re: lack of space; corresp. re: works offered to the Museum returned to owners or accepted

III.19.a "Drawing Collection": Exhibitions

7 items

III.19.b "Drawing Collection": General


III.19.c "Drawing Collection": Insurance Values, Materials, Methods of Framing and Matting, Insurance, Folder #1


III.19.d "Drawing Collection": Values, Material, Methods of Framing and Matting, Folder #2


III.20.a "Drawing Storage"

10 items

III.20.b "Drawing Storage"


III.20.c "Drawing Storage"


III.20.d "Drawing Storage"

Incl.: memoranda re: reconstruction of drawing storage and Print Room; sketches

III.21 "Drawings"


III.22 "Drawings Available"

Incl.: photographs

III.23 "Drawings and Prints, Current"

Incl.: corresp. from the International Graphic Arts Society and Artist's Proof

1964, 1966, 1968-1969
III.24.a "Drawings: Framing and Matting Outside"


III.24.b "Drawings: Framing and Matting A. [Andrew] Olah


III.25 "Equitable Life Assurance"

Incl.: corresp. and memoranda re: space at Equitable Building

III.26 "Exhibitions

Incl.: corresp. and memoranda re: ICE and C/E shows proposed and planned in 1960

III.27 "The Great Shipping/Insurance Controversy"


III.28 "René d"Harnoncourt [death of]"

Incl.: clippings; letters of condolence; memorandum re: René d'Harnoncourt fellowship recipients, 1969-1970; WSL's article on d'Harnoncourt for The New York Times

III.29 "Illustrated Books"

Incl.: sample swatches for book covers and slipcases

III.30.a "Inquiries Filed by Artist"

Note: correspondence alphabetically arranged

c. 1948-1958
III.30.b "Inquiries General"


III.30.c "Inquiries General"


III.30.d "Inquiries Miscellaneous [Inquiries],

Incl.: inquiries about works in museum collection

III.30.e "Inquiries Miscellaneous [Inquiries]"


III.30.f "Inquiries Miscellaneous [Inquiries]",


III.30.g "Inquiries [Inquiries] To be Filled"

16 items
Incl.: handwritten notes

III.31 "Insurance"

7 items
Incl.: memoranda re: works in Drawings and Prints Collection

III.32.a "International Council"

Incl.: "International Circulating Exhibitions - The Next Five Years, Report...for the Fifth Annual Meeting"

III.32.b "International Council"

Incl.: corresp. re: Documenta II (ICE-F-40-59); list of members

III.32.c "International Council"

Incl.: history of the International Council, 1952-1956; list of members

III.33 "International Program"

Incl.: list of exhibitions; corresp. re: Young American Printmakers (MoMA Exh. #547, 1953 November 25-1954 January 31) sponsored by the Junior Council

III.34 "International Study Center"

Incl.: ephemera; memoranda; press releases re: day of dedication

III.35 "Japan Purchases"


III.36 "Japanese Prints - Not Museum Collection Held in Print Room"


III.37.a Johnson, Elaine L. "Acquisitions [Drawing Collection]"

Incl.: corresp.; memoranda

III.37.b Johnson, Elaine L. "Publication - ELJ [Elaine L. Johnson]"

3 items
Incl.: 1 TLS, 2 TL Emanuel Border Publishing Company

III.37.c Johnson, Elaine L. "ELJ - Publicity"

9 items
Incl.: 5 clippings; 2 press releases re: appointment as Associate Curator, Department of Painting and Sculpture

III.38.a "Junior Council": 1961 Calendar

Incl.: checklist of prints; captions

III.38.b "Junior Council": 1961


III.38.c "Junior Council"

21 items
Incl.: announcement of "The Human Figure in Recent American Painting" ( Recent Painting USA: The Figure; MoMA Exh. #707, 1962 May 23-August 26; C/E 61-30)

III.38.d "Junior Council": Miscellaneous


III.38.e "Junior Council"

Incl.: history of Art Lending Service; checklist of works included in benefit exhibition

III.38.f "Junior Council"

Incl.: prints used in Junior Council Appointment Calendar, 1958-1960; checklists of prints included in Junior Council print sales

III.38.g "Junior Council"

Incl.: announcement of Recent Sculpture - U.S.A. (MoMA Exh. #644, 1959 May 13-August 16); corresp. and memoranda re: Art Lending Service, Junior Council print sales and calendars; Art Lending Service rental agreement and contract

III.39 "Latin-American Catalog"

15 items
Incl.: 2 lists of Latin-American print acquisitions

File not present as of October 2013.

III.40.a Lieberman, William S.: Personal

Correspondence from WSL Abroad," [Incl.: TLS to AHB, Dorothy Lytle, Dorothy C. Miller, Ione Ulrich; WSL notes

III.40.b Lieberman, William S.: Personal Telephone Book

1 item

III.41 "Loans, Incoming"

7 items
Incl.: WSL handwritten notes

III.42 "Maintenance & Problems"

14 items
Incl.: memoranda re: flooding and storage problems in Department of Drawings and Prints

III.43.a "Membership"

6 items

III.43.b "Membership Guest Lists, Invitations, etc."

8 items
Incl.: guest lists for Arshile Gorky 1904-1948 (MoMA Exh. #716, 1962 December 19-1963 February 12) preview and cocktail party at the Guest House

III.44.a Memoranda "MoMA - Memos - WSL, 1960"

11 items

III.44.b Memoranda "MoMA Staff"

4 items
Incl.: "New Directions for the Future" by John B. Hightower

III.44.c Memoranda "WSL-Bill Rubin"

26 items
Incl.: memoranda re: loans to and from the Museum, potential donations to the Museum (e.g., L'Oeil by Antoine Pevsner, Double Portrait of Frank O'Hara by Larry Rivers); memoranda re: The Swimming Pool by Henri Matisse; announcement of "Cubism and its Affinities" colloquium by William S. Rubin, (1977); 4 photographs

III.44.d Memoranda "Memos between Drawings Department and P&S"

Incl.: memoranda re: works of art hung in place of works lent

III.45 "MoMA - Miscellaneous"

Incl.: memorandum, Richard H. Koch, re: exhibition budget; "Personnel Policy and Procedure," 1960 January; memoranda re: manual on MoMA's organization and procedures

III.46 "Museum - General"

Incl.: memorandum, Porter McCray, re: "Routine for Preparation of International Circulating Exhibitions"; memorandum, AHB, re: "Sale of works from the Museum Collection"; clipping, "How Modern is The Museum of Modern Art?"; "A Statement on Modern Art" by The Institute of Contemporary Art (Boston), The Museum of Modern Art (New York) and the Whitney Museum of American Art (New York); corresp. re: René d'Harnoncourt's 60th birthday celebration

1948-1954, 1961-1963
III.47 "Museum Procedures and Sample Forms"

7 items
Incl.: outlines for loan procedures

III.48.a "New Museum Plans, 1964"

Incl.: plans; sketches; handwritten notes

III.48.b "New Museum Plans, 1964"


III.49 "Outgoing Loans"

1 .25"

III.50 "Participating Shows"

2 items

III.51 "Press"

Incl.: general mentions of MoMA in press

III.52 "Print and Drawing Collections"

13 items
Incl.: statement of the Museum Drawings and Prints Collection

III.53.a Print Room, The Museum of Modern Art "January 1959-December 1960"

Incl.: 1 TLS, 1 ALS Tatyana Grosman, 1960

III.53.b Print Room, The Museum of Modern Art Print Room Bulletin,

Note: The Bulletin of The Museum of Modern Art 25(3); 1958. Incl. captions and lists

III.53.c Print Room, The Museum of Modern Art "Cabinets"

Incl.: sketches; memoranda

III.53.d Print Room, The Museum of Modern Art "Collections"

Incl.: lists of works owned and kept by private collectors in their homes

III.53.e Print Room, The Museum of Modern Art "Customs"

5 items
Incl.: 2 clippings; corresp. with the U.S. Customs Service

III.53.f Print Room, The Museum of Modern Art "Equipment and Stock"

1 .5"

III.53.g Print Room, The Museum of Modern Art "Exhibitions Offered"

11 items

III.53.h Print Room, The Museum of Modern Art "Funds - WSL Special Fund"


III.53.i Print Room, The Museum of Modern Art "Gifts Offered"


III.53.j Print Room, The Museum of Modern Art "History"

10 items
Incl.: 1 TL James Johnson Sweeney-Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1945

III.53.k Print Room, The Museum of Modern Art "Insurance Claims"

3 items

III.53.l Print Room, The Museum of Modern Art "Insurance - Reports and Remissions"

2 items

1951, 1955
III.53.m Print Room, The Museum of Modern Art "Plans: Drawing Storage"

Incl.: plans

III.54 "Prints and Drawings Under Consideration"

8 items
Incl.: checklist of works by Rumanian artists shown at the Pratt Center for Contemporary Printmaking; catalog, Terre et Ciel: 14 Lithographis Originale Exécutées sur Pierre par Georges Rackus, (ca. 1954); The Canadian Image, Original Prints by Canadian Artists, catalog of prints for sale by The International House of Prints (n.d.)

III.55 "Priority Lists, etc. 1951"

6 items
Incl.: lists of "priority prints"

III.56.a "Publications"

Incl.: corresp. re: Look at Me by Philip and Musa Guston; checklists of books in progress, lectures and symposia during fiscal year 1960-1961; statement on a publications program; proposals for publications and exhibition program

III.56.b "Publications"

Incl.: corresp. with James Thrall Soby

III.57 "Publicity Department"

3 items
Incl.: 1 TL Elizabeth Shaw- Art News

III.58 "Purchase Orders"

2 items

III.59.a "Purchases Offered A-L"


III.59.b "Purchases Offered A-L"


III.59.c "Purchases Offered M-Z"


III.59.d "Purchases Offered - Misc. Artists"


III.60 "Purloined Pascin"

Incl.: memoranda, clippings and corresp. re: theft of Jules Pascin sketchbook

III.61 "Recent Receipts"

9 items

III.62.a Reconstruction, Department of Drawings and Prints "ELJ"

2 items
Incl.: memorandum re: Department of Drawings and Prints equipment and reconstruction needs

III.62.b Reconstruction, Department of Drawings and Prints "Reconstruction"

Incl.: drawings of new Print Room

III.62.c Reconstruction, Department of Drawings and Prints "Plans - ELJ Drawings"


III.62.d Reconstruction, Department of Drawings and Prints Expansion,


III.63 "Register Book, Signed Sheets"

Incl.: signatures of Louise Bourgeois, Dorothea Lange, Ben Shahn, among others

III.64 "Registrar's Annual Reports"

Incl.: annual reports of the Registrar, 1957-1958, 1958-1959

III.65 "Registrar's Office"

2 items
Incl.: annual report of the Registrar

III.66 "Registration"

Incl.: "Rules on Measuring Art Collections"; circulars from La Gravure

III.67 "Reports"

6 items
Incl.: proposal for first print portfolio

III.68.a "Returns": Current

Incl.: corresp. with Josef Albers, Philip Johnson; routine reports

III.68.b "Returns"


III.68.c "Returns"

1 .5"
Incl.: corresp. re: works on approval in Print Room not acquired

III.69 "Routine"

21 items
Incl.: memoranda and statements re: loan procedures

III.70.a "Paul J. Sachs Gallery"

Incl.: corresp., checklist re: 44 Drawings: Recent Acquisitions (MoMA Exh. #773, 1965 September 6-1966 January 23), In Memory of My Feelings: Frank O'Hara (MoMA Exh. #846, 1967 December 4-1969 September 10)

III.70.b "Paul J. Sachs Gallery"

Incl.: form letter, AHB re: fund raising for Paul J. Sachs Gallery; "Paul J. Sachs Committee on Drawings and Prints" by Blanchette H. Rockefeller (Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, 3rd); "50 Drawings: Recent Acquisitions" by WSL; "The Museum Collections: The Department of Prints and Drawings"; fund raising letters, WSL; 1 ALS Emilio Sanchez, 1962

III.70.c "Paul J. Sachs Gallery": "Donors and Corres[pondence] Re: [M/M Samuel A.] Marx Collection"

Incl.: checklist of contributors

III.70.d "Paul J. Sachs Gallery"


III.71 "Schniewind, Cataloging of Collection"

Incl.: corresp. re: cataloging of print collection

III.72 "Staff, Trustees, and Friends"

Incl.: corresp. related to loans and purchases

III.73 "Donna's (Stein) Monthly Reports"

Note: Donna Stein was the Department of Drawings and Prints reference consultant, 1966-1967; incl. memoranda re: exhibitions shown at other museums and galleries

III.74 "Storage and Space Problem"

16 items

III.75 "Subject File"

4 items
Incl.: "The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Print Room: Master Prints from the Museum Collection" ( The Museum of Modern Art Bulletin 16(4); 1949)

III.76.a "30th Anniversary Fund Raising"

Incl.: "The Museum of Modern Art Builds"; "Confidential Report to the Trustees from the Committee on the 30th Anniversary, Museum of Modern Art"; agendae for steering committee meetings; guest list for Thirtieth Anniversary dinner

III.76.b "30th Anniversary Fund Raising 1962": WSL

12 items
Incl.: statement by Paul J. Sachs read by James Thrall Soby

III.76.c "30th Anniversary Fund Raising"

Incl.: corresp. re: opening of Portraits from the Museum Collections (MoMA Exh. #664, 1960 May 4-July 5) and Claude Monet: Seasons and Moments (MoMA Exh. #660, 1960 March 9-May 15); material related to 30th Anniversary Fund Raising Drive

III.76.d "30th Anniversary Fund Raising"

Incl.: "Special Report on Foundations for June 9th Steering Committee Meeting"; "Reports and Recommendations to The Museum of Modern Art on the 30th Anniversary Campaign by Kersting, Brown & Co., Inc."

III.76.e "30th Anniversary Fund Raising"

Incl.: press releases; agendae for conferences on "The New Museum of Modern Art," 1959; preliminary schedule of activites related to fund raising drive; corresp. re: Staff Committee on the 30th Anniversary

III.77 "Visitors"


III.78 "Visits to Private Collections"

Incl.: checklist of collections of M/M Albert A. List, Philip Johnson, Mrs. Albert D. [Loula] Lasker, M/M Victor W. Ganz, M/M Samuel Josefowitz, M/M Siegfried Kramarsky, M/M Ben Heller, M/M Ira Haupt, M/M Albert Lewin, M/M Jack I. Poses


Return to the Top of Page

Series IV: Dance and Theatre Archives 1945-1965

23 folders

Note: for related material, see also, Dance Archives Records in the Museum Archives.

Folder Title Date
IV.1 "Dance and Theatre Archives"

12 items
Incl.: memoranda re: Dance in America (C/E, 1945-1946) related slide lectures, "Modern Ballet Settings" and "Modern Ballet Costumes"; proposals for a theatre architecture exhibition

IV.2 Photographs

Incl.: photographs of Dance Archives, Paul Magriel (curator); installation photos of MoMA dance and theatre exhibitions: Isadora Duncan: Drawings, Photographs, Memorabilia (MoMA Exh. #154, 1941 October 21-1942 January 10), Dancers in Movement: Photographs by Gjon Mili (MoMA Exh. #167, 1942 January 13-April 9)

ca. 1941-1942
IV.3.a Etchings by Matisse "Matisse Etchings; Prints from Europe and Japan"

[MoMA Exh. #578, 1955 May 4-May 31; C/E, 1955-1957]
Incl.: installation photographs; notes for wall labels; press release; checklists

IV.3.b Etchings by Matisse "Matisse Book"

7 items
Incl.: notes and list of plates used in exhibition catalog, Etchings by Matisse, introduction by WSL

IV.4 "French Drawings from American Collections, 1958"

Incl.: photographs

IV.5.a "From Sketch to Stage, C/E 1945" General

Incl.: 1 checklist of items included in exhibition; photographs; letters to lenders

IV.5.b "From Sketch to Stage, C/E 1945" "Amberg, [George]"

3 items
Incl.: memoranda re: From Sketch to Stage (C/E, 1945-1948) and related slide lectures

IV.6 " German Art of the Twentieth Century"

[MoMA Exh. #622; incl. catalog information; press release; photographs; checklist of works shown

September 17-November 17 1957
IV.7 "Japanese Show St. James' [Church]"

Incl.: exhibition catalog; 2 clippings; press release; checklists of artists and works exhibited; 3 photographs of jury during selection process. WSL was a juror.

IV.8 "Masson, André"

9 items
Incl.: corresp. re: circulating exhibition, André Masson, organized by The Arts Council of Great Britain, 1947-1948

IV.9 "Matisse Book - Braziller"

Incl.: corresp. re: Henri Matisse - 50 Years of His Graphic Art (New York: Braziller; 1956) by WSL; 2 photographs; memoranda

IV.10 "Mexican Exhibition"

Incl.: corresp. re: proposed exhibition of Mexican ballet design

IV.11 " Portrait of Ondine"

[MoMA Exh. #301, 1945 November 28-1946 February 3; incl. notes

IV.12 "German Exhibition"

Prints by Kirchner and Nolde [MoMA Exh. #589, 1955 November 8-January 8]

IV.13 " Prints by Paul Klee"

8 items
[MoMA Exh. #564, 1954 July 7-September 19; incl. notes and checklist

IV.14 "Theatre Architecture Exhibition (Lauterer)"

16 items
Scenic Design by Arch Lauterer (MoMA Exh. #327, 1946 August 27-November 7); incl. corresp. John E. (Dick) Abbott-George Amberg; telegrams; statement of proposal by Lauterer for a theatre architecture exhibition; 1 ALS Lauterer; "Post-War Preambles" by A. Conger Goodyear, Theatre Arts, 1944 June

IV.15 "Showboat (Oscar Hammerstein)"

3 items
proposed exhibition of Showboat stage designs

IV.16 "[Lee] Simonson Exhibition"

17 items
Incl.: corresp. re: Simonson designs for Wagner's Ring at the New York Metropolitan Opera; 1 TLS Simonson-A. Conger Goodyear and Monroe S. Wheeler; 4 ALS Simonson-George Amberg; 3 clippings

IV.17 "South Africa"

7 items
Incl.: corresp. re: the Native Festival Theatre

IV.18 "Surrealist Exhibition"

4 items
proposed exhibition; incl. copies of form letter sent to Marcel Duchamp, Julio de Diego, Kurt Seligmann

IV.19 "[Pablo] Picasso"

9 items
Inclusion of Le Tricorne by Pablo Picasso in New Acquisitions [MoMA Exh. #355, 1947 August 5-September 30]

IV.20 "Franklin C. Watkins"

10 items
Ballet Drawings by Franklin C. Watkins for "Transcendance"; Model by Eugene Berman for "The Island God" (MoMA Exh. #323, 1946 June 18-August 25); incl. wall label for Eugene Berman's Island God, draft of exhibition press release

IV.21 "Orson Welles"

13 items
Incl.: proposed Welles stage and film exhibition

IV.22 "[George] Amberg - Keiffer"

3 items
World of Illusion I: Elements of Stage Design [MoMA Exh. #360, 1947 October 14-1948 January 4]

IV.23 "Movement and Gesture"

2 items
World of Illusion II: Movement and Gesture (C/E 1948)

Return to the Top of Page

Series V: Museum Exhibitions 1951-1979

30 folders

Incl. exhibitions held at and circulated by the Museum; material is housed in 10x12x15" storage boxes unless otherwise specified; most photographs were found undated; stats (abbreviation of negative photostats) refer to reproductions of negatives on photographic paper.

There are two additional boxes of photographs related to the exhibition, Joan Miró (boxes 20 and 21) and one box of index cards (box 22).

Folder Title Date
V.1 "Art Nouveau Exhibition"

18 items
Art Nouveau (MoMA Exh. #666, 1960 June 8-September 6); incl. memoranda; checklists of works included

V.2.a " The Artist in His Studio: Photographs by Alexander Liberman" "General"

[MoMA Exh. #653, 1959 October 29-1960 January 13; C/E 59-8] Incl.: 2 photographs, memoranda

1959, 1966
V.2.b " The Artist in His Studio: Photographs by Alexander Liberman" "Checklist and Wall Labels"

Incl.: checklist, foreword to catalog, wall labels

V.2.c " The Artist in His Studio: Photographs by Alexander Liberman"

8 items

V.2.d " The Artist in His Studio: Photographs by Alexander Liberman" Publicity and Reviews"


V.2.e " The Artist in His Studio: Photographs by Alexander Liberman" "Selection"

1 item

V.2.f " The Artist in His Studio: Photographs by Alexander Liberman" "Opening"


V.3 "[Walter] Bareiss Exhibition"

50 Selections from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bareiss (unnumbered MoMA exh., 1958 April 23-May 11 sponsored by the Junior Council), shown at the Museum's Guest House; incl. checklist of collection; exhibition catalog

V.4 "César [Baldaccini] Party

Incl.: invitation; 3 guest lists

V.5 "Cézanne-P&S Security"

37 items
Cézanne: The Late Work [MoMA Exh. #1188, 1978 October 7-January 3]
Incl. memoranda re: preview regulations and procedures re: visitors

V.6 "Marc Chagall"

Chagall (MoMA Exh. #626); incl. checklist; notes; corresp.; photographs

Dec. 18, 1957-Feb. 23, 1958)
V.7.a " Contemporary Painters and Sculptors as Printmakers ICE-F-99-64"


V.7.b Contemporary Painters and Sculptors as Printmakers (ICE-F-99-64; "Elaine [L.] Johnson, South America Trip; I.G.A.S. [International Graphic Arts Society]"

7 items

V.7.c Contemporary Painters and Sculptors as Printmakers (ICE-F-99-64)

6 items
Incl.: 1 ALS ELJ; 1 ALS (copy) ELJ-Waldo Rasmussen/ Richard H. Koch, from Buenos Aires

V.7.d Contemporary Painters and Sculptors as Printmakers (ICE-F-99-64; "Elaine [L.] Johnson, Central America"

Incl.: itinerary; TL and reports from ELJ on printmaking in Buenos Aires, Mexico, Panama, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala

Summer '67
V.7.e Contemporary Painters and Sculptors as Printmakers (ICE-F-99-64) "Latin America, 1966 Trip"


V.7.f Contemporary Painters and Sculptors as Printmakers (ICE-F-99-64) "Latin America, 1966 Trip"

1 item
Incl.: Art and Antique clipping, (n.d.) re: Latin American galleries and museums

V.7.g Contemporary Painters and Sculptors as Printmakers (ICE-F-99-64) "Reports on Latin America Trip, 1966 from WSL"

Incl.: notes from ELJ on contemporary printmaking in Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Colombia, Santiago, Chile, Argentina

View PDF of folder V.7.g

V.8 " Dada, Surrealism, and Today, C/E 66-18"

Incl.: exhibition catalog; itinerary; introductory text

Max Ernst
Note: See Series VI for description and inventory. Exhibition material, 117 folders, is stored in Boxes 16-19; for additional material see Box 27 (V.27.1), a 5" document box.

V.9 " Hans Hofmann and His Students, C/E 62-5 - Checklist"

1 item

V.10 Japanese Vernacular Graphics

1 item
[MoMA Exh. #687, 1961 June 3-July 16; incl. draft checklist

V.11 "Lettering Show"

6 items
Lettering by Hand (MoMA Exh. #714, 1962 November 6-1963 January 6; C/E 63-5)

V.12 "Manzu"

Giacomo Manzu: Studies for "Portal of Death (MoMA Exh. #886, 1969 March 17); incl. press release, guest list

V.13.a Matisse in the Collection of The Museum of Modern Art "Captions for Drawings"

27 items
[MoMA Exh. #1235, 1978 October 25-November 28] Incl.: lists of works shown and captions

V.13.b Matisse in the Collection of The Museum of Modern Art "Matisse Exhibition Correspondence and Memoranda"

Incl.: memorandum re: textile originally thought to be by Henri Matisse; memoranda re: exhibition catalog; loan requests; 1 TLS Marguerite Duthuit-Alexandra Schwartz, 1978; "Matisse: 50 Years of His Graphic Work," text by WSL (New York: George Braziller, Inc., 1956)

V.13.c Matisse in the Collection of The Museum of Modern Art "Research"

7 items
Incl.: 3 transcripts, 3 ALS Matisse-Dina Vierny, 1945, 1949, 1950; 5 transcripts from published sources

V.13.d Matisse in the Collection of The Museum of Modern Art "Texts"

4 items
Incl.: WSL's drafts for exhibition catalog text; press releases #98-100; checklists of works shown

V.13.e Matisse in the Collection of The Museum of Modern Art Photographs of Matisse

Incl.: 2 contact sheets (8x10") of photographs taken by Alexander Liberman in 1951.

V.14.a Joan Miró Post-Exhibition Material "Publicity and Reviews"

Incl.: 1 ALS AHB, 1 TLS James Johnson Sweeney; 3 press releases; transcript of radio interview
MoMA Exh. #641, 1959 March 19-May 10. Material is stored in 6" of Box 19 and Boxes 20-22 (Boxes 20 and 21 contain photographs, Box 22 contains index cards). Original order maintained; original folder titles were prefaced by "Miró 1959 Exhibition." The material is dated 1959 unless otherwise stated.

V.14.b Joan Miró "Lenders' Correspondence"

Incl.: corresp. with César de Hauke, Ernest Hemingway re: The Farm by Joan Miró

V.14.c.i Joan Miró Exhibition Production Notes "Budget"

1 item
Incl.: tentative budget

V.14.c.ii Joan Miró Exhibition Production Notes "Collectors"

1 item
Incl.: 3 checklists of European collectors of Miró

V.14.c.iii Joan Miró Exhibition Production Notes "Early Checklists"

Incl.: checklists of possible loans to show

V.14.c.iv Joan Miró Exhibition Production Notes "History of Exhibitions"

3 items
Incl.: checklist

V.14.c.v Joan Miró Exhibition Production Notes "Installation, Framing, Condition"

5 items
Incl.: memoranda, installation drawing Joan Miró Exhibition Production Notes "Photography"

Incl.: photographs of works, photograph requisitions, corresp., memoranda

V.14.c.vii Joan Miró Exhibition Production Notes "Photo Numbers"

2 items
Incl.: checklist of photo sources

V.14.c.viii Joan Miró Exhibition Production Notes Pictures Out on Loan

1 item
Incl.: log book

V.14.c.ix Joan Miró Exhibition Production Notes "Research"

Incl.: quotes by Miró, checklists of work

V.14.d Joan Miró "The Opening"

Incl.: invitation; guest lists to dinners given at trustees' homes; telegram Miró-William S. Burden

V.14.e Joan Miró "Final Catalog"

Incl.: photographs of opening and Miró paintings; catalog of exhibition; 2 receipts of delivery

V.14.f.i Joan Miró Photographs

Note: this folder lies flat on top of material in Box 18; incl. 2 photographs; 2 color reproductions, 11½x15.5" in a 9½x11.5" folder

V.14.f.ii Joan Miró Photographs

20 photographs
Incl.: 4 photographs of Miró

V.14.f.iii Joan Miró Photographs

Incl.: photographs of work

V.14.f.iv Joan Miró Photographs

catalog album
(10½ x 11½ x 2"); preparation for exhibition catalog layout

V.15 "Modern British Artists"

Incl.: corresp. and notes re: British Drawings: The New Generation (C/E 67-8)

V.16.a.i Modigliani Correspondence, "Addresses"

[MoMA Exh. #474, 1951 April 10-June 10. Additional material may be found in Box 27 (V.27.2), a 5" document box.

V.16.a.ii Modigliani Correspondence "EL-WSL"

identity of "EL" is uncertain; possibly WSL was referring to Elaine L. Johnson.

V.16.a.iii Modigliani Correspondence, Catalogs

Incl.: 1 ALS Douglas Cooper

V.16.a.iv Modigliani Correspondence, 1950-1962 "Modigliani Material"

Incl.: photographs; 1 TLS Roger Weil, 1960

1955, 1960
V.16.a.v Modigliani Correspondence "Cincinnati Art Museum, Spring 1959"

Incl.: corresp; clipping; 2 exhibition catalogs Modigliani Correspondence

Incl.: corresp. with the Cincinnati Art Museum

V.16.a.vii Modigliani Correspondence

6 items
Incl.: sale offers

V.16.b.i Modigliani Catalog "Modigliani Miscellaneous"

Incl.: chronology of one-man and group exhibitions; reproductions; checklist of works included in catalog

V.16.b.ii Modigliani Catalog "Modigliani, University of California"

2 items
Incl.: handwritten notes; catalog from the Atlanta (Georgia) Art Association (1960)

ca. 1960
V.16.b.iii Modigliani Catalog "Minnie Pinnikin"

1 item
Incl.: stats of novel by Beatrice Hastings

View PDF of folder V.16.B.III

V.16.b.iv Modigliani Catalog "Modigliani"

Incl.: corresp.; clipping; WSL's biography for Modigliani exhibition catalog; 3 photographs

V.16.c.i Modigliani Photographs "For Sale or Exchange"


V.16.c.ii Modigliani Photographs "Modigliani Material"

Incl.: reproductions

V.16.c.iii Modigliani Photographs Modigliani Material

Incl.: reproductions

V.16.c.iv Modigliani Photographs


V.16.c.v Modigliani Photographs

.625" Modigliani Photographs


V.16.c.vii Modigliani Photographs


V.16.c.viii Modigliani Photographs


V.16.c.ix Modigliani Photographs


V.16.c.x Modigliani Photographs

Incl.: loose sheets of photographs

V.16.c.xi Modigliani Photographs

box of color slides
2 .125"x2.25"x4.25"

The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture
See Series VII for description and inventory.
Documentation is stored in Boxes 24 and 25. Additional photographs may be found in Box 27 (V.27.3), a 5" document box; see also, the Dorothy C. Miller Papers and Department of Registar's records.

V.17 " The Object Transformed"

3 items
[MoMA Exh. #800, 1966 June 29-September 5; incl. press release. WSL did not work on this show.

V.18.a Picasso: a Retrospective

22 items
[MoMA Exh. #1290, 1980 May 16-September 30]
Incl.: loan requests; photograph

1960, 1964, 1973-1979
V.18.b Picasso: a Retrospective "1979 - Memoranda, etc."

4 items
Incl.: summary of meeting re: exh., 1978; memoranda re: Pablo Picasso and music, 1977

V.19.a "Picasso 80th Anniversary Exhibition" General

35 items
Incl.: clippings; corresp.; photographs
80th Birthday Exhibition - Picasso - The Museum Collection - Present and Future [MoMA Exh. #705, 1962 May 14-September 18]

V.19.b 80th Birthday Exhibition - Picasso - The Museum Collection - Present and Future [MoMA Exh. #705, 1962 May 14-September 18] General

26 items
Incl.: photographs; corresp. with lenders

V.19.c 80th Birthday Exhibition - Picasso - The Museum Collection - Present and Future [MoMA Exh. #705, 1962 May 14-September 18] General

Incl.: photographs; checklists

V.20 "Pollock - Compliments"

16 items
Jackson Pollock [MoMA Exh. #824, 1967 April 5-June 4]

V.21.a Portraits from the Museum Collection Checklists

[MoMA Exh. #664, 1960 May 4-July 5 (auditorium and first floor), 1960 July 6-September 18 (auditorium, reinstallation)

V.21.b Portraits from the Museum Collection Photographs


V.22.a " Recent Drawings U.S.A."

[MoMA Exh. #601, 1956 April 25-August 5; sponsored by the Junior Council] Incl.: checklist; press releases; typed wall label

V.22.b " Recent Drawings U.S.A." Photographs and Installation Photos


V.23 " Recent Painting USA: The Figure"

C/E 61-30; incl. corresp.; memoranda

V.24 " Seurat Exhibition"

Seurat Paintings and Drawings (MoMA Exh. #629, 1958 March 24-April 15, 1958 May 1-11); incl. photographs, negative stats; letters to lenders

V.25.a Stravinsky and the Dance "Publicity & Public Relations"

5 items
C/E 62-2. WSL and ELJ curated the show; the New York showing of the original exhibition was assembled by the Committee for the Dance Collection, New York Public Library; all folders contain material from 1961-63 unless otherwise stated. See also, Exhibition Program records.] Incl.: 2 clippings

V.25.b.i Stravinsky and the Dance Correspondence "For Mrs. [Robert D.] Graff re: Stravinsky"

Incl.: corresp.; photographs

V.25.b.ii Stravinsky and the Dance "Correspondence - Outside re: Loans, Photos, etc."

Incl.: Chagall, Marc and Valentina ("Vava");
Graff, Robert D.-George Balanchine, 1965; Marini, Marino-Richard S. Zeisler;
Noguchi, Isamu, memorandum re: Orpheus costume and scenery designs by Noguchi; Stravinsky, Igor

V.25.b.iii Stravinsky and the Dance Correspondence "Miscellaneous"

Incl.: corresp; notecards

V.25.c.i Stravinsky and the Dance Exhibition Production Notes "Progress Reports Between WSL, [Mrs. Robert D.] Graff, [Vladimir] Visson, [Genevieve] Oswald, Cohen"

Incl.: checklist of institutional lenders to the exhibition; press release; corresp. with Isamu Noguchi (work included in exhibition)

V.25.c.ii Stravinsky and the Dance Exhibition Production Notes "Stravinsky"

Incl.: chronology of Stravinsky ballet productions; invitation to exhibition at Wildenstein Gallery, NY

V.25.c.iii Stravinsky and the Dance Exhibition Production Notes "Typewritten Lists, Excerpts from Articles, etc."

Incl.: 1 TL Serge Diaghilev-Giacomo Balla, 1916

V.25.c.iv Stravinsky and the Dance Exhibition Production Notes "Lists"

Incl.: lists of collections containing works for Stravinsky productions

V.25.c.v Stravinsky and the Dance Exhibition Production Notes "Old Checklists"

3 items Stravinsky and the Dance Exhibition Production Notes "Exhibition"

Incl.: loan worksheets

V.25.c.vii Stravinsky and the Dance Exhibition Production Notes "WSL pencilled notes"


V.25.c.viii Stravinsky and the Dance Exhibition Production Notes "MoMA Inter-Office (not including C/E)"

Incl.: lists; memoranda

V.25.c.ix Stravinsky and the Dance Exhibition Production Notes "Columbia Records"

2 items

V.25.d.i Stravinsky and the Dance Photographs

Note: The following folders contain loose photographs originally found in a 10x12x15" box. Documented in folders "i - vi" are drawings that treat the subjects of dance and costume design by such artists as Alberto Giacometti and Pablo Picasso. Folder "vii" includes photographs of drawings of such notable personalities as Jean Cocteau, Serge Diaghilev and Leonide Massine.] "Diaghilev and the Ballets Russes, 1922" [.5

V.25.d.ii Stravinsky and the Dance Photographs "Diaghilev and the Ballets Russes, 1922"


V.25.d.iii Stravinsky and the Dance Photographs "Diaghilev and the Ballets Russes, 1922, To Research"


V.25.d.iv Stravinsky and the Dance Photographs "Diaghilev and the Ballets Russes, 1922"


V.25.d.v Stravinsky and the Dance Photographs

.5 Stravinsky and the Dance Photographs


V.25.d.vii Stravinsky and the Dance Photographs Theatre and Dance Personalities


V.26 "ICE Surrealism"

14 items
Surrealism from the Collection of The Museum of Modern Art, New York (ICE-F-181-77); incl. loan requests and checklist

1978, 1979
V.27 " Ten European Artists"

[MoMA Exh. #638, 1958 December 31-1959 March 1]
Incl. checklists and memoranda

December 31, 1958 - March 18, 1959
V.28.a " Young American Printmakers"

[MoMA Exh. #547, 1953 November 25-1954 January 31.]
The exhibition was sponsored by the Junior Council of The Museum of Modern Art; 110 works were selected from 1500 entries. WSL was the Curator in the Department of Prints.
Incl.: corresp. and materials related to exhibition's circulation between 1950 and 1953

V.28.b " Young American Printmakers" "Correspondence"

Incl.: corresp. with artists

V.28.c " Young American Printmakers"

Incl.: exhibition brochure; exhibition announcement; 32 photographs of works; 11 photographs of exhibition opening; 1 TL WSL-Leonard Baskin/Arthur Deshaies re: entries to exhibition, 1953

V.28.d " Young American Printmakers"

Incl.: press release; corresp.; clippings] Box 26

V.28.e " Young American Printmakers"

Incl.: clipping, 1953; essay, "Young American Printmakers" by WSL; 2 press releases, 1954, 1953; checklist of purchases from the exhibition; WSL's handwritten notes and drafts of letters

1 Max Ernst

Incl.: 5 photographs and 5 negative stats of Ernst

2 Modigliani

Incl.: monograph (in Italian); photograph of Modigliani

3 The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

Incl.: photographs of works

Return to the Top of Page

Series VI: Max Ernst

225 folders

[MoMA Exh. #680, 1961 March 1-May 8 (3rd floor); March 1-May 21 (auditorium); C/E 61-18]. The show, directed by WSL, traveled to the Art Institute of Chicago, 1961 June 14-July 23, and to the Tate Gallery in London, under the auspices of The Arts Council of Great Britain, 1961 September 7-October 15. The material can be found in 117 folders that occupy 6" of Box 16, Box 17 (a negative storage box, 4½x5½x7.5"), Box 18, and 8" of Box 19; additional photographs may be found in Box 27 (V.27.1), a 5" document box.

Folders identified by quotation marks were so named by WSL. Other folders found during processing have been described by Archives staff. Original order has been maintained wherever possible. Unless otherwise specified, photographs are undated. Stats (abbreviation of negative photostats) refer to reproductions of negatives on photographic paper. For related material, see the Department of the Registrar's records, object files in curatorial departments and the Department of Rights and Reproductions.

Subseries VI.A: Max Ernst Post-Exhibition Material ca. 1960-1961

6 folders

Folder Title Date
VI.A.1 "...Congratulations..."

10 items
Incl.: 1 TLS Philip Johnson, 1 ALS Kay Hochschild

VI.A.2 "Publicity"

17 items
Incl.: corresp. with Newsweek, Vogue

VI.A.3 "M.E. [Max Ernst] - News Clippings"

13 items

VI.A.4 "Ernst Exh[ibition]"

7 items
Incl.: articles: "Surrealism: an Aspect of its Influence" by Robert Melville, The Listener 66:1695, 1961 September 21, "From Socrates On," Newsweek, 1961 March 6

VI.A.5 "M. E. [Max Ernst]"

9 items
Incl.: photograph; 1 TLS Gabriel White (Director of Art, The Arts Council of Great Britain)-Ernst, 1961; "Testaments to Artistic Vision" by Katharine Kuh, Saturday Review, 1961 May 20

VI.A.6 "Broadstreet"

7 items
Incl.: corresp. re: Ernst promotion at Broadstreet Department Store, NY


Subseries VI.B: Correspondence ca. 1959-1962

16 folders

Folder Title Date
VI.B.1 "Museums Written for Info[rmation] Not Lenders - Max Ernst"

19 items
Incl.: letters re: works by Ernst in museum collections

VI.B.2 "Show Bill re: Max Ernst"

3 items
Incl.: 3 drafts of letters sent to lenders to the exhibition

ca. 1960
VI.B.3 "Miscellaneous Work Sheets"

Incl.: WSL's handwritten notes; typed draft of loan request

VI.B.4 "Sample Letter - Ernst"

1 item
Incl.: drafts in French and English

VI.B.5 "Refusals (Lender's Correspondence)"

Incl.: list of loan refusals; 1 ALS James Johnson Sweeney, [1960]; 1 TLS Marguerite Arp, 1961; 1 TLS Andrew Carnduff Ritchie-Monroe S. Wheeler, 1960

VI.B.6 "Max Ernst Alternate Loans"

Incl.: 1 ALS Heinrich Grüner-MoMA, 1961; 1 ALS Mrs. A. Lewis (Frances R.) Spitzer, (1961); 1 TL Florene Schoenborn (Mrs. Samuel A. Marx), 1961; 1 TLS Alexander L. Berliner, 1960; 1 photograph, "Truphy Hypertruphier"; 1 TLS Harry Torczyner, 1960; 1 TLS, 1 TL The Solomon R.Guggenheim Museum-Edith L. Herman, 1959

VI.B.7 "[Lender's Correspondence] A-F"


VI.B.8 "Lender's Correspondence G-L"


VI.B.9 "Lender's Correspondence M-Z"


VI.B.10 "Correspondence to Max Ernst"

25 items
Incl.: corresp. re: gift of Mundus est Fabula to MoMA; loan requests

VI.B.11 "To File in Lender's File"

Note: incl. corresp. re: thank-you letters to lenders; 9 photographs of Ernst works; corresp. with Richard Feigen Gallery

VI.B.12 "Miscellaneous Correspondence"

Incl.: 1 ALS Princesse de Broglie-WSL, 1961; 2 photographs; thank-you notes

VI.B.13 "Ernst - Correspondence with Art Institute of Chicago"

15 items
Incl.: corresp. re: transportation of Ernst works to Art Institute

VI.B.14 "Loans Being Negotiated to Chicago"

7 items

VI.B.15 "Tate Gallery - London"

Incl.: administrative material re: exhibition's circulation to the Tate Gallery under the auspices of The Arts Council of Great Britain

VI.B.16 "Sales"

13 items
Incl.: inquiries re: items in exhibition for sale


Subseries VI.C: Exhibition Production Notes ca. 1960-1962

18 folders

Folder Title Date
VI.C.1 "Bill's Trip"

1 item
Incl.: itinerary, Paris-London-NY

VI.C.2 "Correspondence Bill Brought From Paris"

4 items
Incl.: 1 clipping (in French)

VI.C.3 WSL Paris Trip

Incl.: WSL's typed notes

VI.C.4 WSL Handwritten Notes


VI.C.5 "Max Ernst: Preliminary Work"

Incl.: 1 ALS Hans Rosenhaupt (Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation)-John Maxon (Art Institute of Chicago), 1961 July 3; preliminary budget for Ernst book by Roland Penrose; preliminary checklist (WSL's hand)

VI.C.6 "Max Ernst - Other Planned Exhibitions"

Note: material in this folder relates to Exh. #680 rather than future proposed exhibitions as is suggested by the folder's title; incl. 5 photographs, checklist of works and MoMA catalog numbers, corresp. re: loans for Max Ernst (C/E 61-18)

VI.C.7 "Interoffice (Not Including Info. Re: Color Plates"


VI.C.8 "MoMA Loans"

3 items

VI.C.9 "Geographical Breakdown"

2 items

ca. 1961
VI.C.10 "Works in Show Not in Catalog"

1 item
Incl.: checklist

VI.C.11 "Ernst"

3 items

[ca. 1961
VI.C.12 "Condition of Galleries"

15 items

VI.C.13 Checklist and Framing Record Sheets


VI.C.14 "Framing and Repairs"

21 items

VI.C.15 "From Peter [Niland]"

5 items

View PDF of folder VI.C.15

VI.C.16 "Installation and Dismantling"

4 items

VI.C.17 "Shipping to Tate"

Incl.: administrative material re: loan returns from the Tate Gallery, London

VI.C.18 "Shipping - From Registrar"



Subseries VI.D: Opening in New York 1961

4 folders

Folder Title Date
VI.D.1 "Ernst - Preview Dinners, Other Guest Lists"

Incl.: guest list for penthouse dinner; guest list for dinner hosted by Richard S. Zeisler; guest list for dinner hosted by M/M Joseph Slifka

VI.D.2 "M.E. To Do (Includes Letters To be Answered)"

Note: incl. 2 ALS Ninette Lyon; guest list of artists in the Museum collection invited to Max Ernst opening

VI.D.3 "Ernst Opening - Refusals"

46 items

VI.D.4 "Ernst Opening - Acceptances"

42 items
Incl.: sample invitations to opening

Box Title
17 Negative storage box

Contains negatives of works by Ernst

Subseries VI.E: Catalog, ca. 1961-1960

29 folders

Folders 1-11 concern galleys and plates; 12-29, the catalog

Folder Title Date
VI.E.1 "Max Ernst Working Papers"

Incl.: checklist of works WSL requested for exhibition; checklist of paintings for the catalog

VI.E.2 "Not Lender's Correspondence"

14 items
Incl.: memoranda re: reproductions of works in the Museum collection

VI.E.3 "Max Ernst Collage Worksheets"

1 1/8"
Incl.: 2 photo negatives; catalog data sheets; 14 photographs

VI.E.4 "Penrose - Correspondence Re: Max Ernst"

2 ALS, 4 TLS Roland Penrose; list of photographs for inclusion in catalog

VI.E.5 "Sheets"

1 item
Incl.: WSL's handwritten note re: works in catalog

VI.E.6 "Drafts and Lists - Ernst"


VI.E.7 Catalog Covers

3 items

VI.E.8 "Research on M.E."

2 items
Incl.: 1 autographed postcard MSB-Ernst (never sent)

VI.E.9 "Photographs Missing of Paintings"

2 items
Incl.: 2 checklists

VI.E.10 "Trökes from Ernst: Der Spiegel Book"

2 items
Incl.: 1 clipping; 1 plate

VI.E.11 "Ernst: Side Roads"

6 items
Incl.: Ernst chronology; photostats of pages from Max Ernst: Beyond Painting, and Other Writings by the Artists and His Friends by Nicolas Calas

VI.E.12 "M.E. - WSL Notes"

Incl.: WSL's handwritten notes for catalog

VI.E.13.a Exhibition Catalog Typed draft

1 item

ca. 1961
VI.E.13.b Exhibition Catalog Handwritten draft

1 item

VI.E.14 "Catalog and Manuscript"

Incl.: 2 photographs; list of photographs included in exhibition catalog; list of lenders to the exhibition; abbreviated Ernst chronology; selected bibliography

VI.E.15 "Max Ernst"

Incl.: Ernst chronology; drafts of "Biographic Note, Edited by the Author"; "La Peinture Au Defi (Challenge to Painting)" by Louis Aragon; introduction to the catalog; acknowledgments by WSL; poem by Ernst; and poems by Benjamin Péret and Paul Eluard, translated by Lucy Lippard

VI.E.16 Abbreviated Chronology; Poems by and About Ernst

7 items
Incl.: "The Forest" and "Two Hundred Headless Women" by Ernst; photostats of "Max Ernst" by Paul Eluard and "Portrait Max Ernst" by Benjamin Péret

VI.E.17 "Checklist and Owners (WSL copies)"

3 items

VI.E.18 Captions

3 items
Incl.: excerpted Ernst writings

VI.E.19 Excerpted Writings for Catalog

Incl.: "Challenge to Painting: The Collage of Max Ernst" by Louis Aragon; list of Ernst's favorite poets and painters; 2 photographs of chess set by Ernst

VI.E.20 "Ernst Color Shots and Sept Microbes"

Incl.: book Sept Microbes; 17 transparencies; 70 photographs; 5 slides

VI.E.21 Exhibition Catalogs

Incl.: catalogs for MoMA Exh. #680; exhibition at the Tate Gallery, 1961, exhibition at the Hanover Gallery, London, 1965; 2 photographs

1961, 1965
VI.E.22 "Outside Publications and Films"

11 items
Incl.: 1 ALS Mrs. William N. (Noma) Copley, 1961; memoranda re: three films shown at MoMA on Max Ernst, Dorothea Tanning and Marino Marini, 1961; memorandum re: Max Ernst by Patrick Waldberg, 1961 February 8

VI.E.23 "[Patrick] Waldberg Essay on Ernst"

1 item
Incl.: typewritten manuscript

VI.E.24 Typescript on Ernst, unsigned

1 item

VI.E.25 "Working Galleys- M.E."

1 item
Incl.: catalog manuscript in rough form

" n.d.
VI.E.26 "Ernst Galleys"

1 item

VI.E.27 "Catalog Listing, Final Draft"

1 item

VI.E.28 "Ernst - MoMA Sources"

6 items
Incl.: 1 photograph; Tate Gallery exhibition catalog; draft of "Visions of Half Sleep" by Ernst

VI.E.29 Max Ernst Exhibition Catalog from The Arts Council of Great Britain

Subseries VI.F: Photographs

42 folders

Folders 1-5 concern photographs of works included in exhibition; 6-10 concern the catalog; 11-42 include miscellaneous photographs and visual material

Folder Title Date
VI.F.1 "Borrows 3294/1-10"

contains photographs of borrowed works

VI.F.2 "Borrows 3290/1-6"

6 items

VI.F.3 "In Show: Not in Catalog"

6 items
Incl.: photographs of 2 works

VI.F.4 "Photos: Almost in Show"


VI.F.5 "Unlocated and Refused"

Incl.: clipping; photographs

VI.F.6 "M.E. Photo Numbers"

3 items

VI.F.7 "Color Plates (for Penrose [Book]) (Correspondence Filed in Penrose File)"

2 items

VI.F.8 "Negative Stats of Photos To Be Used"


VI.F.9 "Duplicates - Ernst Book"

contains photographs

VI.F.10 "Photo Replacements in Catalog"

5 items
Incl.: 5 photographs

VI.F.11 "Related Works"

16 items
Incl.: 15 photographs; 1 plate

VI.F.12 "Stats to File"

Incl.: 65 photographs; draft of thank-you letter, Waldo Rasmussen-lenders; memoranda re: return of borrowed works

VI.F.13 "P.H. Current - Max Ernst"

9 items
Incl.: 5 photographs; 2 ALS René Gaffé

VI.F.14 "File"

Incl.: photographs of works

VI.F.15 "Ernst Miscellaneous"

17 items
Incl.: photographs of the artist; 2 slides

ca. 1961
VI.F.16 "Installation Photos - Ernst"

3 items

VI.F.17 "Collages - Negatives, Ernst"

26 items
Incl.: negative stats

VI.F.18 "Negative Stats: 1955-1979 (Not in Show)"


VI.F.19 "Negative Stats: 1950-present (Not in Show)"


VI.F.20 "Negative Stats: 1945-1949 (Not in Show)"

27 items

VI.F.21 "Negative Stats: 1940-1944 (Not in Show)"

15 items
Incl.: 15 stats

VI.F.22 "Negative Stats: 1930-1939 (Not in Show)"

46 items

VI.F.23 "Negative Stats: 1920-1924 (Not in Show)"

26 items

VI.F.24 "Negative Stats: 1919 and Before (Not in Show)"

17 items

VI.F.25 "Negative Stats: No Dates (Not in Show)"

5 items

VI.F.26 Negative Stats


VI.F.27 "Positive Stats: 1925-1929 (Not Used in Show)"

1 item

VI.F.28 "Positive Stats - 1919 & Before (Not Used in Show)"

1 item

VI.F.29 "Photographs"


VI.F.30 Photographs of Ernst and works by Ernst

folder originally titled "Alex." Incl. exhibition catalog, Edwin Dickinson Retrospective (Graham Gallery)

VI.F.31 "Max Ernst - Sandak Files"

Note: incl. 7 slides made by Sandak, a division of G. K. Hall & Co.

VI.F.32 "Ask: Julien Levy"

3 items
Incl.: 3 transparencies

VI.F.33 "Ernst - House and Friends"

Note: incl. 6 negatives, 1 photograph, 1 transparency

VI.F.34 Photographs

Note: incl. photographs of Ernst, Dorothea Tanning and works by Ernst

VI.F.35 "Negatives" [4 items]

Note: incl. 2 negatives of Ernst, 3 negatives of works by Ernst

VI.F.36 "D [Dorothea Tanning]"

Incl.: photographs of works and artist

VI.F.37 "Photographs to Hold"

Incl.: photographs of works and artist

VI.F.38 "Loose Photos and Misc."

12 items
Incl.: 11 installation photographs of 1957 Ernst exhibition at Iolas Gallery, New York; 1 transparency; 9 photographs of Ernst and Dorothea Tanning (?at opening)

ca. 1957
VI.F.39 "Photographs to File"

Incl.: photographs of Ernst works incl. Histoire Naturelle; 4 photographs of Ernst; 5 photographs of Dorothea Tanning; 2 contact sheets of Ernst opening

VI.F.40 Misc. Reproductions and Photographs

the reproductions and photographs in the following three folders were found without folders or labels; they mostly document sculptures by Ernst.

VI.F.41 Misc. Reproductions and Photographs

Incl.: installation photographs

ca. 1957
VI.F.42 Misc. Reproductions and Photographs



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Series VII: The New Japanese Painting and Sculpture

[MoMA Exh. #809, 1966 October 19-1967 January 2; ICE-D-13-64]. Unless otherwise sepcified, photographs are undated. Additional photographs are stored in Box 27 (V.27.3), a 5" document box; for related material, see the Dorothy C. Miller Papers and the Department of the Registrar's records.

Subseries VII.A: Publicity

2 folders

Folder Title Date
VII.A.1 "Milwaukee"

Incl.: clippings re: Milwaukee showing

VII.A.2 "Catalog and Publicity"

Incl.: ephemera re: WSL's lecture in Japan; clippings


Subseries VII.B: Correspondence

26 folders

Folder Title Date
VII.B.1 "Address Lists"


VII.B.2 "American Embassy"

5 items

VII.B.3 "Artists, Loan Agreements"

8 items

VII.B.4 Correspondence and Ephemera


VII.B.5 Correspondence and Ephemera


1960, 1962-1967
VII.B.6 Correspondence, Checklists, Photographs


VII.B.7 Correspondence, Clippings


VII.B.8 Correspondence, Clippings


VII.B.9 "Galleries, Paris-Rome"

1 item
Incl.: checklist

VII.B.10 Masuo Ikeda

Incl.: introduction (?to catalog) by WSL

VII.B.11 "Masuo Ikeda"


VII.B.12 "Yukihisa Isobe"


VII.B.13 "Japanese Artists (A-L)"


VII.B.14 "Japanese Artists - Biographical Material"

Incl.: checklists; chronologies

VII.B.15 "Japanese - Miscellaneous"

Incl.: memoranda, corresp.

VII.B.16 "Kojima, N. [Nobuaki]"

5 items

VII.B.17 "KBS [Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai, or, The Society for International Relations]"

4 items

VII.B.18 "Loans, etc. - Tokyo Gallery"

4 items

VII.B.19 "Nippon Express"


VII.B.20 Notes, Checklists, and Catalog Drafts


VII.B.21 "Private Collections"

13 items

VII.B.22 "Refusals"


VII.B.23 Returns, Correspondence with WSL


VII.B.24 "Sales (A-Q)"


VII.B.25 "Sales (R-Z)"


VII.B.26 "Trans-Pacific Freight Conference"

1 item


Subseries VII.C: Exhibition Production

5 folders

Folder Title Date
VII.C.1 "Artists' Directions for Installations of Works"


1962, 1966
VII.C.2 Notes and Checklists, Correspondence

Incl.: copy of introduction to catalog by WSL

VII.C.3 "Progressive Checklists"


VII.C.4 "Shipping - Packing, Loans, Registrar and Related Material"


VII.C.5 "Mr. Lieberman - Memo from W[aldo] Rasmussen and Additional Details and Instructions in Connection with Your Trip to Japan"



Subseries VII.D: "Preview (October 17)" 1966-1967]


Incl. guest list

Subseries VII.E: Catalogs 1958, 1960, 1961

3 items

Incl. catalogs from the Musée Galliera

Subseries VII.F: Photographs

77 folders

Photographs of works by artists

Folder Title Date
VII.F.1 Amagasaki, Shiraga Atolie

9 items

VII.F.2 "Amitani, [Yoshio]"

7 items

VII.F.3 "Asada, [Yosiaki]"

2 items

VII.F.4 "Baba, [Akira]"

2 items

VII.F.5 "Chuma, [Yasufumi]"

8 items

VII.F.6 "Doy, [Toshiyasu]"

1 item

VII.F.7 "Emi, [Kinuko]"

5 items

VII.F.8 "Fukushima, [Hideko] (painter)"

2 items

VII.F.9 "Fukushima, [Noriyasu] (sculptor)"

Incl.: 1 checklist

VII.F.10 "Hiraga, [Key]"

6 items

VII.F.11 "Horiuchi"


VII.F.12 "Imai (sculptor)"

5 items

VII.F.13 "Inove, [Bukichi]"

9 items
Incl.: 3 photographs of artist

VII.F.14 "Isobe, [Yukihisa]

Incl.: 1 ALS; 1 TLS; catalog

1965, 1968
VII.F.15 "Kanayama, [Akira]"

8 items

VII.F.16 "Katsumoto, [Fujio]"

7 items

VII.F.17 "Katsura, [Yukiko]"

8 items

VII.F.18 "Kazuki, [Yaso]"

9 items

VII.F.19 "Kikuhata, [Mokuma]"

24 items
Incl.: 20 photographs; 1 slide; 2 transparencies; 1 negative

VII.F.20 "Kobashi, [Yasuhude]"


VII.F.21 "Kojima, [N. Nobuaki]"

9 items
Incl.: 1 transparency; 8 photographs

VII.F.22 "Komoto, [Akina]"

4 items

VII.F.23 "Konno, [Masaru]"

2 items

VII.F.24 "Kuno, [Shin]"


See also, V.27.3

VII.F.25 "Maeda"

6 items

VII.F.26 "Masanobu, [Masatoshi]"


VII.F.27 "Matsumoto, [Shoji]"

3 items

VII.F.28 "Miki, [Tomio]"


VII.F.29 "Mio, [Couzou]"

14 items
Incl.: 13 photographs

VII.F.30 Miyazaki, Manpei

8 items

VII.F.31 "Mogami, [Hisayuki]"

5 items

VII.F.32 "Morita, [Shiryu]"

5 items

VII.F.33 "Motonoga, [Sadamasa]"

Incl.: 3 transparencies

VII.F.34 "Mukai, [Junkichi] (painter)"

Incl.: 3 transparencies

VII.F.35 "Mukai, [Ryokichi] (sculptor)"

Incl.: 1 postcard; see also, V.27.3

VII.F.36 "Nakanishi, Natsuyaki"

11 items

VII.F.37 "Nasaka, [Iuko]"

16 items

VII.F.38 "Oba, [Katsuro]"

1 item

VII.F.39 "Oda, [Jo]"


VII.F.40 "Ohno, [Hidetaka]"


VII.F.41 "Okamoto, [Shinjuro]"

10 items

VII.F.42 "Onasato, [Toshinobu]"


See also, V.27.3

VII.F.43 "Otera, [Toshihari]"

2 items

VII.F.44 "Rejects - Artists"

3 items
Incl.: transparencies

VII.F.45 "Saito, [Yoshishige]"


VII.F.46 "Sawada, [Tetsuro]"


VII.F.47 "Sekine, [Seinosuke]"

12 items

VII.F.48 "Sekine, [Yoshio]"

3 items

VII.F.49 "Shimizu, [Seigi]"

9 items

VII.F.50 "Shinoda, [Morio]"

Incl.: corresp.

VII.F.51 "Shinohara"

11 items

VII.F.52 "Shiraga, [Kazuo]"

Incl.: 3 transparencies

VII.F.53 "Sugimata, [Tadashi]"


VII.F.54 "Tanaka"

6 items

VII.F.55 "Tanaka, [Atsuko]"

Incl.: 4 transparencies; 1 TL

VII.F.56 "Tanaka, [Eisaku], 3rd"

6 items

VII.F.57 "Tanaka, [Moritsura]"

4 items

VII.F.58 "Tateishi"

10 items

VII.F.59 "Terao"

2 items

VII.F.60 "Tomioka, [Souichiro]"

14 items

VII.F.61 "Tono, [Yoshiaki]"

Incl.: corresp.

VII.F.62 "Tsuji, [Shindo]"

20 items

VII.F.63 "Tsutaka, [Waichi]"

18 items
Incl.: transparencies

VII.F.64 "Umemoto, [Akira]"

7 items

VII.F.65 "Usami, [Keiji]"

Incl.: memoranda; correspondence; catalog

VII.F.66 "Wakabayashi, [Isamu]"

5 items

VII.F.67 "Yagi, [Kazuo]"


See also, V.27.3

VII.F.68 "Yamaguchi [Takeo] (painter)"


VII.F.69 "Yamaguchi [Katsuhiro] (sculptor)"

2 items

VII.F.70 "Yamasaki, [Tsuruko]"

5 items

VII.F.71 "Yanagi"

14 items

VII.F.72 "Yoshida, [Toshio]"

9 items

VII.F.73 "Yoshihara, [Jiro]"

Incl.: 8 transparencies

VII.F.74 "Yoshimura, [Masanobu]"

3 items

VII.F.75 "Yoshino"

2 items

VII.F.76.a Photographs of Artists


VII.F.76.b Slides, Photographs, Clippings, Correspondence

Includes corresp. with Sheila Isham

1964, 1966
VII.F.76.c "Photographs from The Society for International Relations (Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai)"


VII.F.76.d Photographs Artists (A-M)

Incl.: photographs of works; some photographs of artists

VII.F.76.e Photographs Artists (N-Z)


VII.F.76.f Photographs "The Opening"


VII.F.76.g Photographs - Unidentified


VII.F.76.h Miscellaneous/Unidentified Photographs


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Box and Folder List

Box Series Folder
1 I.A 1-66
2 I.A. 67-117
3 I.A 118-175.g
4 I.A 176-210
5 I.A 211.a-253
6 I.A 254-275
I.B 1-11
7 II.A 1-32
8 II.A 33.a-62.c
9 II.A 63-99.c
10 II.A 100.a-111.c
11 II.A 112-130.b
II.B 1-6
12 III 1-25
13 III 26-49
14 III 50-69
15 III 70.a-78
IV 1-23
16 V 1-8
See Series VI below
17 See Series VI below
18 See Series VI below
19 V 9-14.f.v
See Series VI below
20 V Photographs
21 V Photographs
22 V Photographs
23 V 15-16.c.xi
24 See Series VII below
25 V 17-21.b
See Series VII below
26 V 22.a-28.e
27 V 1-3
16 VI.A 1-6
VI.B 1-16
VI.C 1-18
VI.D 1-4
17 VI Negatives
18 VI.E 1-29
VI.F 1-15
19 VI.F 16-42
24 VII.A 1-2
VII.B 1-26
VII.C 1-5
VII.F 1-35
25 VII.F 36-76.h

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