Polish Posters 1945–89
Recent Czech and Polish Posters
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Installation view of the exhibition "Polish Posters 1945-89" (1 of 1)
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Recent Czech and Polish posters on view
Installation image
Installation view of the exhibition "Recent Czech and Polish Posters" (2 of 3)
Installation image
Installation view of the exhibition "Recent Czech and Polish Posters" (3 of 3)
Installation image
Installation view of the exhibition "Recent Czech and Polish Posters" (1 of 3)
The Collection
Jan Lenica. Polske Surrealister (Polish Surrealists) (Poster for a Berlin exhibition of Polish Surrealist art). 1970
The Collection
Jerzy Czerniawski. Zanim Nadejdzie Dzein (Before the Day Breaks) (Poster for Polish film directed by Ryszard Rydzewski). 1976
The Collection
Yarom Vardimon. Poland / Jerusalem Theatre / An Exhibition of Polish Theatre Posters. 1982
The Collection
Roman Cieslewicz. Inspekcia Pana Anatola (Mr. Anatol's Inspection) (Poster for the Polish film directed by Jan Rybkowski). 1959
The Collection
Jerzy Flisak. Jak Rozpetalem Druga Wojne Swiatowa, Czesc I: Ucieczka (How I Unleashed the Second World War, Part 1: Escape) (Poster for the Polish comedy film directed by Tadeusz Chmielewski). 1969
The Collection
Wiktor Górka. Dwaj z Teksasu (Two from Texas) (Poster for the Polish release of the 1955 film The Tall Men directed by Raoul Walsh, starring Clark Gable and Jane Russell). 1965
Maciej Urbaniec
Quay Brothers: On Deciphering the Pharmacist’s Prescription for Lip-Reading Puppets
The Collection
Jan Lenica. Der Schatten (Shadows) (Poster for German distribution of the Polish film Cień directed by Jerzy Kawalerowicz and first released in 1956). 1966
Wojciech Fangor
Andrzej Pagowski
The Collection
Tomasz Sarnecki. Solidarnosc (Solidarity) (Political poster featuring Gary Cooper to encourage votes for the Solidarity party in the 1989 Polish elections). 1989
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Movie Posters