German Expressionism

Works from the Collection

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R. Piper & Co., Munich

Showing 19 of 106

From the illustrated book

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  • Vasily Kandinsky. Two Riders Before Red (Zwei Reiter vor Rot) (plate, folio 4) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Two Riders Before Red (Zwei Reiter vor...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Two Riders Before Red (Zwei Reiter vor Rot) (plate, folio 4) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Hills" (Vignette bei "Hügel") (headpiece, folio 5) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to "Hills"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Hills" (Vignette bei "Hügel") (headpiece, folio 5) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Composition II (Komposition II) (plate, folio 7) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Composition II (Komposition II)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Composition II (Komposition II) (plate, folio 7) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 24 (headpiece, folio 8) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Improvisation 24 (headpiece, folio 8)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 24 (headpiece, folio 8) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Lyrical (Lyrisches)  (plate, folio 9) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Lyrical (Lyrisches) (plate, folio 9)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Lyrical (Lyrisches)  (plate, folio 9) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Bassoon" (Vignette bei "Fagott") (headpiece, folio 10) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to "Bassoon"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Bassoon" (Vignette bei "Fagott") (headpiece, folio 10) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Two Women in Moonlit Landscape (Zwei Frauen in Mondlandschaft) (plate, folio 12) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Two Women in Moonlit Landscape (Zwei...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Two Women in Moonlit Landscape (Zwei Frauen in Mondlandschaft) (plate, folio 12) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Variation after Improvisation 21 (Variation nach Improvisation 21) (plate, folio 13) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Variation after Improvisation 21...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Variation after Improvisation 21 (Variation nach Improvisation 21) (plate, folio 13) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Open" (Vignette bei "Offen") (headpiece, folio 14) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to "Open"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Open" (Vignette bei "Offen") (headpiece, folio 14) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Early Spring" (Vignette bei "Vorfrühling") (headpiece, folio 14, verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to "Early Spring"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Early Spring" (Vignette bei "Vorfrühling") (headpiece, folio 14, verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Cage" (Vignette bei "Käfig") (headpiece, folio 15) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to "Cage"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Cage" (Vignette bei "Käfig") (headpiece, folio 15) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 5 (headpiece, folio 15 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Improvisation 5 (headpiece, folio 15...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 5 (headpiece, folio 15 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Motif from Improvisation 25 (Motiv aus Improvisation 25) (plate, folio 16) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Motif from Improvisation 25 (Motiv aus...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Motif from Improvisation 25 (Motiv aus Improvisation 25) (plate, folio 16) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Rider and Child (Reiterin und Kind) (headpiece, folio 17) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Rider and Child (Reiterin und Kind)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Rider and Child (Reiterin und Kind) (headpiece, folio 17) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Oriental (Orientalisches) (plate, folio 18) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Oriental (Orientalisches) (plate...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Oriental (Orientalisches) (plate, folio 18) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Three Riders in Red, Blue and Black (Drei Reiter in rot, blau und schwarz) (plate, folio 20) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Three Riders in Red, Blue and Black (Drei...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Three Riders in Red, Blue and Black (Drei Reiter in rot, blau und schwarz) (plate, folio 20) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Unchanged" (Vignette bei "Unverändert") (headpiece, folio 21) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Unchanged" (Vignette bei "Unverändert") (headpiece, folio 21) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Oboe" (Vignette bei "Hoboe") (headpiece, folio 22) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to "Oboe"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Oboe" (Vignette bei "Hoboe") (headpiece, folio 22) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Springtime" (Vignette bei Frühling) (headpiece, folio 22 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Springtime" (Vignette bei Frühling) (headpiece, folio 22 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "A Thing or Two" (Vignette bei "Einiges") (headpiece, folio 23) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to "A Thing or...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "A Thing or Two" (Vignette bei "Einiges") (headpiece, folio 23) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Riding Path (Reiterweg) (plate, folio 24) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Riding Path (Reiterweg) (plate, folio...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Riding Path (Reiterweg) (plate, folio 24) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 20 (headpiece, folio 25) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Improvisation 20 (headpiece, folio...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 20 (headpiece, folio 25) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. White Sound (Weisser Klang) (plate, folio 26) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    White Sound (Weisser Klang) (plate...
    Vasily Kandinsky. White Sound (Weisser Klang) (plate, folio 26) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Still"? (Vignette bei "Doch noch?") (headpiece, folio 27) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to "Still"?...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Still"? (Vignette bei "Doch noch?") (headpiece, folio 27) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Boat Trip (Kahnfahrt) (plate, folio 28) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Boat Trip (Kahnfahrt) (plate, folio...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Boat Trip (Kahnfahrt) (plate, folio 28) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Sounds" (Vignette bei "Klänge") (headpiece, folio 29) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to "Sounds"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Sounds" (Vignette bei "Klänge") (headpiece, folio 29) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 4 (plate, folio 30) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Improvisation 4 (plate, folio 30)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 4 (plate, folio 30) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 22, Variation I (Improvisation 22, Variation I) (headpiece, folio 31) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Improvisation 22, Variation I...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 22, Variation I (Improvisation 22, Variation I) (headpiece, folio 31) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "In Two" (Vignette bei "Der Riss") (headpiece, folio 32 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to "In Two"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "In Two" (Vignette bei "Der Riss") (headpiece, folio 32 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Black Spot (Schwarzer Fleck) (plate, folio 33) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Black Spot (Schwarzer Fleck) (plate...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Black Spot (Schwarzer Fleck) (plate, folio 33) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next  to "Different" (Vignette bei "Anders") (headpiece, folio 34) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next  to "Different" (Vignette bei "Anders") (headpiece, folio 34) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Mountains (Berge) (plate, folio 35) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Mountains (Berge) (plate, folio 35)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Mountains (Berge) (plate, folio 35) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Exit" (Vignette bei "Ausgang") (headpiece, folio 36) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to "Exit"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Exit" (Vignette bei "Ausgang") (headpiece, folio 36) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 7 (plate, folio 37) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Improvisation 7 (plate, folio 37)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 7 (plate, folio 37) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "In the Woods" (Vignette bei "Im Wald") (headpiece, folio 38) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to "In the...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "In the Woods" (Vignette bei "Im Wald") (headpiece, folio 38) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Apple Tree (Apfelbaum) (plate, folio 39) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Apple Tree (Apfelbaum) (plate, folio...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Apple Tree (Apfelbaum) (plate, folio 39) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 19 (plate, folio 40) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Improvisation 19 (plate, folio 40)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 19 (plate, folio 40) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation I (plate, folio 41) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Improvisation I (plate, folio 41)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation I (plate, folio 41) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 22, Variation II (headpiece, folio 42) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Improvisation 22, Variation II...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 22, Variation II (headpiece, folio 42) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "White Foam" (Vignette bei "Weisser Schaum") (headpiece, folio 42, verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to "White...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "White Foam" (Vignette bei "Weisser Schaum") (headpiece, folio 42, verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Hill, Tree, Clouds and Figure (Hügel, Baum, Wolken und Figur) (tailpiece, folio 43) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Hill, Tree, Clouds and Figure...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Hill, Tree, Clouds and Figure (Hügel, Baum, Wolken und Figur) (tailpiece, folio 43) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Judgement Day (Jüngster Tag) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Judgement Day (Jüngster Tag)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Judgement Day (Jüngster Tag) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Fountain (Springbrunnen) (headpiece, folio 45) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Fountain (Springbrunnen) (headpiece...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Fountain (Springbrunnen) (headpiece, folio 45) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Adventure" (Vignette bei "Abenteuer") (headpiece, folio 45 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Adventure" (Vignette bei "Abenteuer") (headpiece, folio 45 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. All Saints' Day (Allerheiligen) (plate, folio 46) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    All Saints' Day (Allerheiligen)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. All Saints' Day (Allerheiligen) (plate, folio 46) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. The Baptized (Täuflinge) (plate, folio 47) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    The Baptized (Täuflinge) (plate...
    Vasily Kandinsky. The Baptized (Täuflinge) (plate, folio 47) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Chalk and Soot" (Vignette bei "Kreide und Russ") (headpiece, folio 48) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to "Chalk and...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Chalk and Soot" (Vignette bei "Kreide und Russ") (headpiece, folio 48) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Landscape with Figures and Crucifix (Landschaft mit Figuren und Kruzifix) (plate, folio 49) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Landscape with Figures and Crucifix...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Landscape with Figures and Crucifix (Landschaft mit Figuren und Kruzifix) (plate, folio 49) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Motif from Improvisation 10 (Motiv aus Improvisation 10) (plate, folio 50) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Motif from Improvisation 10 (Motiv aus...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Motif from Improvisation 10 (Motiv aus Improvisation 10) (plate, folio 50) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Landscape with Upright White Figure (Landschaft mit aufrechter weisser Figur) (plate, folio 51) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Landscape with Upright White Figure...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Landscape with Upright White Figure (Landschaft mit aufrechter weisser Figur) (plate, folio 51) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Spring" (Vignette bei "Lenz") (headpiece, folio 51 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to "Spring"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Spring" (Vignette bei "Lenz") (headpiece, folio 51 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Great Resurrection (Grosse Auferstehung) (plate, folio 52) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Great Resurrection (Grosse Auferstehung)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Great Resurrection (Grosse Auferstehung) (plate, folio 52) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Leaves" (Vignette bei "Blätter") (plate, folio 52) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to "Leaves"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Leaves" (Vignette bei "Blätter") (plate, folio 52) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. The Veil (Der Schleier) (headpiece, folio 54 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    The Veil (Der Schleier) (headpiece...
    Vasily Kandinsky. The Veil (Der Schleier) (headpiece, folio 54 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Colorful Field" (Vignette bei "Bunte Wiese") (headpiece, folio 56 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vignette next to "Colorful...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Colorful Field" (Vignette bei "Bunte Wiese") (headpiece, folio 56 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Rider Motif in Oval Form (Reitermotiv in ovaler Form) (tailpiece, folio 59) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Rider Motif in Oval Form (Reitermotiv in...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Rider Motif in Oval Form (Reitermotiv in ovaler Form) (tailpiece, folio 59) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)

About this illustrated book

Heather Hess, German Expressionist Digital Archive Project, German Expressionism: Works from the Collection. 2011.

Vasily Kandinsky's self-described "musical album," Klänge (Sounds), consists of thirty-eight prose-poems he wrote between 1909 and 1911 and fifty-six woodcuts he began in 1907. In the woodcuts Kandinsky veiled his subject matter, creating increasingly indecipherable images (though the horse and rider, his symbol for overcoming objective representation, runs through as a leitmotif). This process proved crucial for the development of abstraction in his art. Kandinsky said his choice of media sprang from an "inner necessity" for expression: the woodcuts were not merely illustrative, nor were the poems purely verbal descriptions. Kandinsky sought a synthesis of the arts, in which meaning was created through the interaction of, and space between, text and image, sound and meaning, mark and blank space. The experimental typography shows his interest in the physical aspects of the book.


Klänge is one of three major publications by Kandinsky that appeared shortly before World War I, alongside Über die Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art) and the Blaue Reiter almanac, which he edited with one of the group's cofounders, Franz Marc. Fearing poor sales, Munich-based Reinhard Piper only reluctantly published Klänge, and Kandinsky had to guarantee the production costs. More than two years after its release, Klänge had sold fewer than 120 copies. The planned Russian version never materialized. The publication was nevertheless influential on other avant-garde artists, and Futurists in Russia and Dadaists in Zurich recited and published some of the poems.

Vasily Kandinsky (French, born Russia. 1866–1944)

The Illustrated Book

Klänge (Sounds)

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page-turning animation »
The artist
Illustrated book with fifty-six woodcuts
page (each): 11 1/16 x 10 7/8" (28.1 x 27.7 cm); overall: 11 1/4 x 11 1/4" (28.5 x 28.5 cm)
Cream, smooth, laid (Van Gelder Zonen).
R. Piper & Co., Munich
Printer of Plates:
F. Bruckmann A.G., Munich, Poeschel & Trepte, Leipzig
Printer of Text:
Poeschel & Trepte, Leipzig
Book: 300 (signed and numbered); 45 h.c.
Credit Line:
The Louis E. Stern Collection
© 2016 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris
Roethel 71-74, 85, 95-140, 142-146. Rifkind 1368.
MoMA Number:
Literary Subjects
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