German Expressionism

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Vasily Kandinsky

French, born Russia. 1866–1944

Starr Figura, German Expressionism: The Graphic Impulse, New York, The Museum of Modern Art, 2011

Painter, printmaker, watercolorist, pioneering theorist of abstraction. Abandoning an academic law career in Russia, moved to Munich in 1896 at age of thirty to study art. Founded several progressive art groups in Munich, most notably the Blaue Reiter, in 1911, with Franz Marc. Developed artistic philosophy based on the psychology of colors and shapes. Rejected objective representation and materialism in his art and theoretical writings, favoring spiritual approach of "inner necessity," which culminated in his breakthrough to abstraction, around 1913.

Nearly two-thirds of his two hundred prints were made between 1900 and 1911, including more than fifty Jugendstil and fairy tale–inspired woodcuts from 1902 to 1904, and another fifty-six increasingly abstract woodcuts between 1907 and 1911 for his book Klänge (Sounds) (1913). These formal experiments with reductive woodcuts served as an important avenue toward abstraction. From 1913 to 1916 turned to drypoint, completing twelve rich examples.

As a Russian citizen, was expelled from Germany at outbreak of World War I. In postrevolutionary Russia was closely involved with Constructivist circles reorganizing artistic culture, and his own painting became increasingly geometric in style. Returned to Germany in 1921. Taught at the Bauhaus from 1922 until shuttered by Nazis in 1933. Reengaged with various printmaking techniques during Bauhaus years. Left Germany in 1933 and spent remaining years in France.

Selected Bibliography

Barnett, Vivian Endicott, ed. Kandinsky. Exh. cat. New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 2009.

Barnett, Vivian Endicott, ed. Kandinsky Watercolors: Catalogue Raisonné. 2 vols. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1992–94.

Friedel, Helmut, and Annegret Hoberg, eds. Kandinsky: Das druckgrafische Werk/The Complete Prints. Exh. cat. Munich: Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau, 2008.

Kandinsky in Munich, 1896–1914. Exh. cat. New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1982.

Long, Rose-Carol Washton. Kandinsky: The Development of an Abstract Style. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980.

Roethel, Hans K. Kandinsky: Das graphische Werk. Cologne: DuMont, 1970.

Heather Hess

Works by Vasily Kandinsky

  • Vasily Kandinsky. Poster for the 1st Exhibition of the "Phalanx" (Plakat für die erste Ausstellung der "Phalanx"). (1901)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Poster for the 1st Exhibition of the...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Poster for the 1st Exhibition of the "Phalanx" (Plakat für die erste Ausstellung der "Phalanx"). (1901)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov)
    Vasily Kandinsky. Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Title page from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Title page from Verses Without Words (Stichi...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Title page from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Departure (Prošcanie) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Departure (Prošcanie) from Verses...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Departure (Prošcanie) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Night (Noc) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Night (Noc) from Verses Without Words...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Night (Noc) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Duel (Poedinok) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Duel (Poedinok) from Verses Without Words...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Duel (Poedinok) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. The Hunt (Ochota) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    The Hunt (Ochota) from Verses Without Words...
    Vasily Kandinsky. The Hunt (Ochota) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Eternity from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Eternity from Verses Without Words (Stichi...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Eternity from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Table of contents (Oglavlenie) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Table of contents (Oglavlenie) from Verses...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Table of contents (Oglavlenie) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. The Rhine (Rejn) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    The Rhine (Rejn) from Verses Without Words...
    Vasily Kandinsky. The Rhine (Rejn) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Towards Evening (Vecer) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Towards Evening (Vecer) from Verses Without...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Towards Evening (Vecer) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Roses (Rozy) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). 1903
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Roses (Rozy) from Verses Without Words...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Roses (Rozy) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). 1903
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Mountain Lake (Gornoe ozero) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Mountain Lake (Gornoe ozero) from Verses...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Mountain Lake (Gornoe ozero) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Spectators (Zriteli) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Spectators (Zriteli) from Verses Without...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Spectators (Zriteli) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Old Village (Staryj gorodok) from  Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Old Village (Staryj gorodok) from Verses...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Old Village (Staryj gorodok) from  Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. The Dragon (Zmej) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    The Dragon (Zmej) from Verses Without Words...
    Vasily Kandinsky. The Dragon (Zmej) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Bustling Life (Gomon) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Bustling Life (Gomon) from Verses Without...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Bustling Life (Gomon) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. The Night - Large Version (Die Nacht - Grosse Fassung). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    The Night - Large Version (Die Nacht - Grosse...
    Vasily Kandinsky. The Night - Large Version (Die Nacht - Grosse Fassung). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. The Archer (Bogenschütze) (plate facing page 14) from Onze Peintres (Eleven Painters): Taeuber, Kandinsky, Leuppi, Vordemberge, Arp, Delaunay, Schwitters, Kiesler, Morris, Magnelli, Ernst. 1949 (executed 1908-1909, reprinted posthumously).
    Vasily Kandinsky
    The Archer (Bogenschütze) (plate facing...
    1949 (executed 1908-1909, reprinted posthumously).
    Vasily Kandinsky. The Archer (Bogenschütze) (plate facing page 14) from Onze Peintres (Eleven Painters): Taeuber, Kandinsky, Leuppi, Vordemberge, Arp, Delaunay, Schwitters, Kiesler, Morris, Magnelli, Ernst. 1949 (executed 1908-1909, reprinted posthumously).
  • Vasily Kandinsky. The Archer (Bogenschütze) (plate facing colophon page) from Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider). 1912 (print executed 1908-09)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    The Archer (Bogenschütze) (plate facing...
    1912 (print executed 1908-09)
    Vasily Kandinsky. The Archer (Bogenschütze) (plate facing colophon page) from Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider). 1912 (print executed 1908-09)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Rock (Membership Card for the New Artists' Association Munich) [Felsen (Mitgliedskarte für die Neue Künstlervereinigung München)]. (1908-1909)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Rock (Membership Card for the New Artists'...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Rock (Membership Card for the New Artists' Association Munich) [Felsen (Mitgliedskarte für die Neue Künstlervereinigung München)]. (1908-1909)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Church at Murnau (Kirche in Murnau). (1909)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Church at Murnau (Kirche in Murnau)
    Vasily Kandinsky. Church at Murnau (Kirche in Murnau). (1909)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Picture with an Archer. 1909
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Picture with an Archer
    Vasily Kandinsky. Picture with an Archer. 1909
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Xylographies (Xylographs). 1909 (prints executed 1907)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Xylographies (Xylographs)
    1909 (prints executed 1907)
    Vasily Kandinsky. Xylographies (Xylographs). 1909 (prints executed 1907)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Frontcover (Landscape with Figure and Phoenix) from Xylographs (Xylographies). 1909 (executed 1907)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Frontcover (Landscape with Figure and...
    1909 (executed 1907)
    Vasily Kandinsky. Frontcover (Landscape with Figure and Phoenix) from Xylographs (Xylographies). 1909 (executed 1907)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Title page (Flame) from Xylographs (Xylographies). 1909 (executed 1907)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Title page (Flame) from Xylographs...
    1909 (executed 1907)
    Vasily Kandinsky. Title page (Flame) from Xylographs (Xylographies). 1909 (executed 1907)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. The Knights (Les Chevaliers) from Xylographs (Xylographies). 1909 (executed 1907)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    The Knights (Les Chevaliers) from Xylographs...
    1909 (executed 1907)
    Vasily Kandinsky. The Knights (Les Chevaliers) from Xylographs (Xylographies). 1909 (executed 1907)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. The Birds (Les Oiseaux) from Xylographs (Xylographies). 1909 (executed 1907)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    The Birds (Les Oiseaux) from Xylographs...
    1909 (executed 1907)
    Vasily Kandinsky. The Birds (Les Oiseaux) from Xylographs (Xylographies). 1909 (executed 1907)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. The Church (L'Église) from Xylographs (Xylographies). 1909 (executed 1907)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    The Church (L'Église) from Xylographs...
    1909 (executed 1907)
    Vasily Kandinsky. The Church (L'Église) from Xylographs (Xylographies). 1909 (executed 1907)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. The Birch Trees (Les Bouleaux) from Xylographs (Xylographies). 1909 (executed 1907)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    The Birch Trees (Les Bouleaux) from...
    1909 (executed 1907)
    Vasily Kandinsky. The Birch Trees (Les Bouleaux) from Xylographs (Xylographies). 1909 (executed 1907)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. The Women in the Woods (Les Femmes aux Bois) from Xylographs (Xylographies). 1909 (executed 1907)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    The Women in the Woods (Les Femmes aux Bois)...
    1909 (executed 1907)
    Vasily Kandinsky. The Women in the Woods (Les Femmes aux Bois) from Xylographs (Xylographies). 1909 (executed 1907)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Back cover (Hills, Trees, Clouds and Figure) from Xylographs (Xylographies). 1909 (executed 1907)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Back cover (Hills, Trees, Clouds and Figure)...
    1909 (executed 1907)
    Vasily Kandinsky. Back cover (Hills, Trees, Clouds and Figure) from Xylographs (Xylographies). 1909 (executed 1907)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Über das Geistige in der Kunst: Insbesondere in der Malerei (Concerning the Spiritual in Art: Especially in Painting). 1911
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Über das Geistige in der Kunst: Insbesondere...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Über das Geistige in der Kunst: Insbesondere in der Malerei (Concerning the Spiritual in Art: Especially in Painting). 1911
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Standing and Falling Tower with Rider (Stehender und Stürzender Turm mit Reiter) (cover) from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual Art). 1911
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Standing and Falling Tower with Rider (Stehender...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Standing and Falling Tower with Rider (Stehender und Stürzender Turm mit Reiter) (cover) from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual Art). 1911
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Artwork and Artist" ("Kunstwerk und Künstler") (headpiece, page 95) from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art). 1911
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "Artwork and Artist"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Artwork and Artist" ("Kunstwerk und Künstler") (headpiece, page 95) from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art). 1911
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Reclining Female Nude (Liegender weiblicher Akt) (headpiece, page 101) from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art). 1911
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Reclining Female Nude (Liegender weiblicher Akt)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Reclining Female Nude (Liegender weiblicher Akt) (headpiece, page 101) from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art). 1911
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Frontispiece (Frontispiz)  from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art). 1911
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Frontispiece (Frontispiz) from Über...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Frontispiece (Frontispiz)  from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art). 1911
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to 'Introduction" (Vignette bei "Einleitung") (headpiece, page 3) from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art). 1911
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to 'Introduction" (Vignette...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to 'Introduction" (Vignette bei "Einleitung") (headpiece, page 3) from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art). 1911
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Rider Motif in Oval Form (Reitermotiv in ovaler Form (headpiece, page 10) from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art). 1911
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Rider Motif in Oval Form (Reitermotiv in ovaler...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Rider Motif in Oval Form (Reitermotiv in ovaler Form (headpiece, page 10) from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art). 1911
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Reclining Couple (Liegendes Paar) (headpiece, page 16) from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art). 1911
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Reclining Couple (Liegendes Paar) (headpiece...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Reclining Couple (Liegendes Paar) (headpiece, page 16) from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art). 1911
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette for "Pyramid" (Vignette next to "Pyramide") (headpiece, page 32) from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art). 1911
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette for "Pyramid" (Vignette next...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette for "Pyramid" (Vignette next to "Pyramide") (headpiece, page 32) from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art). 1911
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "The Effect of Color" ("Wirkung der Farbe") (headpiece, page 37) from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art). 1911
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "The Effect of...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "The Effect of Color" ("Wirkung der Farbe") (headpiece, page 37) from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art). 1911
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "The Language of Form and Color" ("Formen- und Farbensprache") (headpiece, page 43) from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art). 1911
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "The Language of Form and...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "The Language of Form and Color" ("Formen- und Farbensprache") (headpiece, page 43) from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art). 1911
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Theory" ("Theorie") (headpiece, page 81) from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art). 1911
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "Theory"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Theory" ("Theorie") (headpiece, page 81) from Über das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art). 1911
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Great Resurrection (Grosse Auferstehung) (proof) for Klänge (Sounds). (1911)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Great Resurrection (Grosse Auferstehung)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Great Resurrection (Grosse Auferstehung) (proof) for Klänge (Sounds). (1911)
  • Various Artists, Vasily Kandinsky, Franz Marc. Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider). 1912
    Various Artists, Vasily Kandinsky, Franz Marc
    Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider)
    Various Artists, Vasily Kandinsky, Franz Marc. Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider). 1912
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Study for Painting with White Form (Entwurf zu Bild mit weisser Form). 1913
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Study for Painting with White Form (Entwurf zu Bild...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Study for Painting with White Form (Entwurf zu Bild mit weisser Form). 1913
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Watercolor No. 13 (Aquarell No. 13). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Watercolor No. 13 (Aquarell No. 13)
    Vasily Kandinsky. Watercolor No. 13 (Aquarell No. 13). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Watercolor No. 14 (Aquarell No. 14). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Watercolor No. 14 (Aquarell No. 14)
    Vasily Kandinsky. Watercolor No. 14 (Aquarell No. 14). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Klänge (Sounds)
    Vasily Kandinsky. Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Two Riders Before Red (Zwei Reiter vor Rot) (plate, folio 4) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Two Riders Before Red (Zwei Reiter vor Rot)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Two Riders Before Red (Zwei Reiter vor Rot) (plate, folio 4) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Early Spring" (Vignette bei "Vorfrühling") (headpiece, folio 14, verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "Early Spring" (Vignette...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Early Spring" (Vignette bei "Vorfrühling") (headpiece, folio 14, verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Cage" (Vignette bei "Käfig") (headpiece, folio 15) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "Cage" (Vignette bei...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Cage" (Vignette bei "Käfig") (headpiece, folio 15) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 5 (headpiece, folio 15 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Improvisation 5 (headpiece, folio 15 verso)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 5 (headpiece, folio 15 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Motif from Improvisation 25 (Motiv aus Improvisation 25) (plate, folio 16) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Motif from Improvisation 25 (Motiv aus...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Motif from Improvisation 25 (Motiv aus Improvisation 25) (plate, folio 16) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Rider and Child (Reiterin und Kind) (headpiece, folio 17) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Rider and Child (Reiterin und Kind) (headpiece...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Rider and Child (Reiterin und Kind) (headpiece, folio 17) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Oriental (Orientalisches) (plate, folio 18) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Oriental (Orientalisches) (plate, folio 18)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Oriental (Orientalisches) (plate, folio 18) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Three Riders in Red, Blue and Black (Drei Reiter in rot, blau und schwarz) (plate, folio 20) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Three Riders in Red, Blue and Black (Drei Reiter in...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Three Riders in Red, Blue and Black (Drei Reiter in rot, blau und schwarz) (plate, folio 20) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Unchanged" (Vignette bei "Unverändert") (headpiece, folio 21) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "Unchanged"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Unchanged" (Vignette bei "Unverändert") (headpiece, folio 21) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Oboe" (Vignette bei "Hoboe") (headpiece, folio 22) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "Oboe" (Vignette bei...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Oboe" (Vignette bei "Hoboe") (headpiece, folio 22) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Springtime" (Vignette bei Frühling) (headpiece, folio 22 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "Springtime"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Springtime" (Vignette bei Frühling) (headpiece, folio 22 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Hills" (Vignette bei "Hügel") (headpiece, folio 5) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "Hills" (Vignette...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Hills" (Vignette bei "Hügel") (headpiece, folio 5) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "A Thing or Two" (Vignette bei "Einiges") (headpiece, folio 23) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "A Thing or Two"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "A Thing or Two" (Vignette bei "Einiges") (headpiece, folio 23) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Riding Path (Reiterweg) (plate, folio 24) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Riding Path (Reiterweg) (plate, folio 24)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Riding Path (Reiterweg) (plate, folio 24) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 20 (headpiece, folio 25) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Improvisation 20 (headpiece, folio 25) from...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 20 (headpiece, folio 25) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. White Sound (Weisser Klang) (plate, folio 26) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    White Sound (Weisser Klang) (plate, folio 26)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. White Sound (Weisser Klang) (plate, folio 26) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Still"? (Vignette bei "Doch noch?") (headpiece, folio 27) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "Still"? (Vignette...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Still"? (Vignette bei "Doch noch?") (headpiece, folio 27) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Boat Trip (Kahnfahrt) (plate, folio 28) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Boat Trip (Kahnfahrt) (plate, folio 28) from...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Boat Trip (Kahnfahrt) (plate, folio 28) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Sounds" (Vignette bei "Klänge") (headpiece, folio 29) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "Sounds" (Vignette...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Sounds" (Vignette bei "Klänge") (headpiece, folio 29) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 4 (plate, folio 30) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Improvisation 4 (plate, folio 30) from...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 4 (plate, folio 30) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 22, Variation I (Improvisation 22, Variation I) (headpiece, folio 31) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Improvisation 22, Variation I (Improvisation 22...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 22, Variation I (Improvisation 22, Variation I) (headpiece, folio 31) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "In Two" (Vignette bei "Der Riss") (headpiece, folio 32 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "In Two" (Vignette...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "In Two" (Vignette bei "Der Riss") (headpiece, folio 32 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Composition II (Komposition II) (plate, folio 7) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Composition II (Komposition II) (plate, folio...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Composition II (Komposition II) (plate, folio 7) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Black Spot (Schwarzer Fleck) (plate, folio 33) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Black Spot (Schwarzer Fleck) (plate, folio 33)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Black Spot (Schwarzer Fleck) (plate, folio 33) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next  to "Different" (Vignette bei "Anders") (headpiece, folio 34) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "Different"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next  to "Different" (Vignette bei "Anders") (headpiece, folio 34) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Mountains (Berge) (plate, folio 35) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Mountains (Berge) (plate, folio 35) from...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Mountains (Berge) (plate, folio 35) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Exit" (Vignette bei "Ausgang") (headpiece, folio 36) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "Exit" (Vignette bei...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Exit" (Vignette bei "Ausgang") (headpiece, folio 36) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 7 (plate, folio 37) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Improvisation 7 (plate, folio 37) from...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 7 (plate, folio 37) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "In the Woods" (Vignette bei "Im Wald") (headpiece, folio 38) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "In the Woods"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "In the Woods" (Vignette bei "Im Wald") (headpiece, folio 38) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Apple Tree (Apfelbaum) (plate, folio 39) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Apple Tree (Apfelbaum) (plate, folio 39)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Apple Tree (Apfelbaum) (plate, folio 39) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 19 (plate, folio 40) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Improvisation 19 (plate, folio 40) from...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 19 (plate, folio 40) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation I (plate, folio 41) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Improvisation I (plate, folio 41) from...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation I (plate, folio 41) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 22, Variation II (headpiece, folio 42) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Improvisation 22, Variation II (headpiece...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 22, Variation II (headpiece, folio 42) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 24 (headpiece, folio 8) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Improvisation 24 (headpiece, folio 8) from...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation 24 (headpiece, folio 8) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "White Foam" (Vignette bei "Weisser Schaum") (headpiece, folio 42, verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "White Foam"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "White Foam" (Vignette bei "Weisser Schaum") (headpiece, folio 42, verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Hill, Tree, Clouds and Figure (Hügel, Baum, Wolken und Figur) (tailpiece, folio 43) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Hill, Tree, Clouds and Figure (Hügel, Baum...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Hill, Tree, Clouds and Figure (Hügel, Baum, Wolken und Figur) (tailpiece, folio 43) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Judgement Day (Jüngster Tag) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Judgement Day (Jüngster Tag) from...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Judgement Day (Jüngster Tag) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Fountain (Springbrunnen) (headpiece, folio 45) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Fountain (Springbrunnen) (headpiece, folio 45)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Fountain (Springbrunnen) (headpiece, folio 45) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Adventure" (Vignette bei "Abenteuer") (headpiece, folio 45 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "Adventure"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Adventure" (Vignette bei "Abenteuer") (headpiece, folio 45 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. All Saints' Day (Allerheiligen) (plate, folio 46) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    All Saints' Day (Allerheiligen) (plate, folio...
    Vasily Kandinsky. All Saints' Day (Allerheiligen) (plate, folio 46) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. The Baptized (Täuflinge) (plate, folio 47) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    The Baptized (Täuflinge) (plate, folio 47)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. The Baptized (Täuflinge) (plate, folio 47) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Chalk and Soot" (Vignette bei "Kreide und Russ") (headpiece, folio 48) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "Chalk and Soot"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Chalk and Soot" (Vignette bei "Kreide und Russ") (headpiece, folio 48) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Landscape with Figures and Crucifix (Landschaft mit Figuren und Kruzifix) (plate, folio 49) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Landscape with Figures and Crucifix (Landschaft mit...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Landscape with Figures and Crucifix (Landschaft mit Figuren und Kruzifix) (plate, folio 49) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Motif from Improvisation 10 (Motiv aus Improvisation 10) (plate, folio 50) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Motif from Improvisation 10 (Motiv aus...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Motif from Improvisation 10 (Motiv aus Improvisation 10) (plate, folio 50) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Lyrical (Lyrisches)  (plate, folio 9) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Lyrical (Lyrisches) (plate, folio 9) from...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Lyrical (Lyrisches)  (plate, folio 9) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Landscape with Upright White Figure (Landschaft mit aufrechter weisser Figur) (plate, folio 51) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Landscape with Upright White Figure (Landschaft mit...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Landscape with Upright White Figure (Landschaft mit aufrechter weisser Figur) (plate, folio 51) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Spring" (Vignette bei "Lenz") (headpiece, folio 51 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "Spring" (Vignette...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Spring" (Vignette bei "Lenz") (headpiece, folio 51 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Great Resurrection (Grosse Auferstehung) (plate, folio 52) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Great Resurrection (Grosse Auferstehung)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Great Resurrection (Grosse Auferstehung) (plate, folio 52) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Leaves" (Vignette bei "Blätter") (plate, folio 52) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "Leaves" (Vignette...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Leaves" (Vignette bei "Blätter") (plate, folio 52) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. The Veil (Der Schleier) (headpiece, folio 54 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    The Veil (Der Schleier) (headpiece, folio 54...
    Vasily Kandinsky. The Veil (Der Schleier) (headpiece, folio 54 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Colorful Field" (Vignette bei "Bunte Wiese") (headpiece, folio 56 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "Colorful Field"...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Colorful Field" (Vignette bei "Bunte Wiese") (headpiece, folio 56 verso) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Rider Motif in Oval Form (Reitermotiv in ovaler Form) (tailpiece, folio 59) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Rider Motif in Oval Form (Reitermotiv in ovaler...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Rider Motif in Oval Form (Reitermotiv in ovaler Form) (tailpiece, folio 59) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Bassoon" (Vignette bei "Fagott") (headpiece, folio 10) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "Bassoon" (Vignette...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Bassoon" (Vignette bei "Fagott") (headpiece, folio 10) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Two Women in Moonlit Landscape (Zwei Frauen in Mondlandschaft) (plate, folio 12) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Two Women in Moonlit Landscape (Zwei Frauen in...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Two Women in Moonlit Landscape (Zwei Frauen in Mondlandschaft) (plate, folio 12) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Variation after Improvisation 21 (Variation nach Improvisation 21) (plate, folio 13) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Variation after Improvisation 21 (Variation nach...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Variation after Improvisation 21 (Variation nach Improvisation 21) (plate, folio 13) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Open" (Vignette bei "Offen") (headpiece, folio 14) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vignette next to "Open" (Vignette bei...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Vignette next to "Open" (Vignette bei "Offen") (headpiece, folio 14) from Klänge (Sounds). (1913)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Panel for Edwin R. Campbell No. 3. 1914
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Panel for Edwin R. Campbell No. 3
    Vasily Kandinsky. Panel for Edwin R. Campbell No. 3. 1914
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Panel for Edwin R. Campbell No. 1. 1914
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Panel for Edwin R. Campbell No. 1
    Vasily Kandinsky. Panel for Edwin R. Campbell No. 1. 1914
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Panel for Edwin R. Campbell No. 2. 1914
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Panel for Edwin R. Campbell No. 2
    Vasily Kandinsky. Panel for Edwin R. Campbell No. 2. 1914
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Panel for Edwin R. Campbell No. 4. 1914
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Panel for Edwin R. Campbell No. 4
    Vasily Kandinsky. Panel for Edwin R. Campbell No. 4. 1914
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation. (c. 1914)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    (c. 1914)
    Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation. (c. 1914)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Untitled (Ohne Titel). 1915
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Untitled (Ohne Titel)
    Vasily Kandinsky. Untitled (Ohne Titel). 1915
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Untitled (Ohne Titel). 1915
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Untitled (Ohne Titel)
    Vasily Kandinsky. Untitled (Ohne Titel). 1915
  • Vasily Kandinsky. The Horseman (Reiter). 1916
    Vasily Kandinsky
    The Horseman (Reiter)
    Vasily Kandinsky. The Horseman (Reiter). 1916
  • Vasily Kandinsky. V.V. Kandinskii. Tekst khudozhnika (V.V. Kandinsky: The Artist's Text). 1918
    Vasily Kandinsky
    V.V. Kandinskii. Tekst khudozhnika (V.V. Kandinsky:...
    Vasily Kandinsky. V.V. Kandinskii. Tekst khudozhnika (V.V. Kandinsky: The Artist's Text). 1918
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Iskusstvo. Vestnik otdela izobrazitel'nykh iskusstv narodnogo Komissariata po prosveshcheniiu (Art: Bulletin of the Department of Visual Arts in the People's Commissariat for Enlightenment). 1919 (published 1920)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Iskusstvo. Vestnik otdela izobrazitel'nykh iskusstv...
    1919 (published 1920)
    Vasily Kandinsky. Iskusstvo. Vestnik otdela izobrazitel'nykh iskusstv narodnogo Komissariata po prosveshcheniiu (Art: Bulletin of the Department of Visual Arts in the People's Commissariat for Enlightenment). 1919 (published 1920)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds XI (Kleine Welten XI) from  Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Small Worlds XI (Kleine Welten XI) from ...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds XI (Kleine Welten XI) from  Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds IX (Kleine Welten IX) from Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Small Worlds IX (Kleine Welten IX) from...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds IX (Kleine Welten IX) from Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds VI (Kleine Welten VI) from  Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Small Worlds VI (Kleine Welten VI) from ...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds VI (Kleine Welten VI) from  Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds VII (Kleine Welten VII) from Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Small Worlds VII (Kleine Welten VII) from...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds VII (Kleine Welten VII) from Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds IV (Kleine Welten IV) from Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Small Worlds IV (Kleine Welten IV) from...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds IV (Kleine Welten IV) from Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds III (Kleine Welten III) from Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Small Worlds III (Kleine Welten III) from...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds III (Kleine Welten III) from Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds X (Kleine Welten X) from Smalls Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Small Worlds X (Kleine Welten X) from Smalls...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds X (Kleine Welten X) from Smalls Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds XII (Kleine Welten XII) from Smalls Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Small Worlds XII (Kleine Welten XII) from...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds XII (Kleine Welten XII) from Smalls Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds VIII (Kleine Welten VIII) from Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Small Worlds VIII (Kleine Welten VIII) from...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds VIII (Kleine Welten VIII) from Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds V (Kleine Welten VI) from Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Small Worlds V (Kleine Welten VI) from Small...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds V (Kleine Welten VI) from Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds II (Kleine Welten II) from Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Small Worlds II (Kleine Welten II) from...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds II (Kleine Welten II) from Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds I (Kleine Welten I) from Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Small Worlds I (Kleine Welten I) from Small...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds I (Kleine Welten I) from Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Etching with Five Diagonals (Radierung mit fünf Diagonalen). 1922
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Etching with Five Diagonals (Radierung mit...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Etching with Five Diagonals (Radierung mit fünf Diagonalen). 1922
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Small Worlds (Kleine Welten)
    Vasily Kandinsky. Small Worlds (Kleine Welten). 1922
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Orange. 1923
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Vasily Kandinsky. Orange. 1923
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Joyous Ascent (Fröhlicher Aufstieg) from Masters' Portfolio of the Staatliches Bauhaus (Meistermappe des Staatlichen Bauhauses). 1923
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Joyous Ascent (Fröhlicher Aufstieg)...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Joyous Ascent (Fröhlicher Aufstieg) from Masters' Portfolio of the Staatliches Bauhaus (Meistermappe des Staatlichen Bauhauses). 1923
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Black Relationship (Schwarze Beziehung). 1924
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Black Relationship (Schwarze Beziehung)
    Vasily Kandinsky. Black Relationship (Schwarze Beziehung). 1924
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Second Annual Print for the Kandinsky Society (Zweite Jahresgabe für die Kandinsky-Gesellschaft). 1926
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Second Annual Print for the Kandinsky Society...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Second Annual Print for the Kandinsky Society (Zweite Jahresgabe für die Kandinsky-Gesellschaft). 1926
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Blue (Blau). 1927
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Blue (Blau)
    Vasily Kandinsky. Blue (Blau). 1927
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Fourth Annual Print for the Kandinsky Society (Vierte Jahresgabe für die Kandinsky-Gesellschaft). 1929
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Fourth Annual Print for the Kandinsky Society...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Fourth Annual Print for the Kandinsky Society (Vierte Jahresgabe für die Kandinsky-Gesellschaft). 1929
  • Vasily Kandinsky. First Etching for Éditions "Cahiers d'Art" (Erste Radierung für die Éditions "Cahiers d'Art"). 1930
    Vasily Kandinsky
    First Etching for Éditions "Cahiers...
    Vasily Kandinsky. First Etching for Éditions "Cahiers d'Art" (Erste Radierung für die Éditions "Cahiers d'Art"). 1930
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Lightly Touching [also known as "Lightly Touched"] (Leicht berührt). 1931
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Lightly Touching [also known as "Lightly...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Lightly Touching [also known as "Lightly Touched"] (Leicht berührt). 1931
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Etching for Circle of Friends of the Bauhaus (Radierung für den Kreis der Freunde des Bauhauses). 1932
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Etching for Circle of Friends of the Bauhaus...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Etching for Circle of Friends of the Bauhaus (Radierung für den Kreis der Freunde des Bauhauses). 1932
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Round Poetry (Runde Dichtung). 1933
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Round Poetry (Runde Dichtung)
    Vasily Kandinsky. Round Poetry (Runde Dichtung). 1933
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Plate 11 (folio 25) from 23 Gravures (23 Etchings). 1935 (print executed 1934)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Plate 11 (folio 25) from 23 Gravures (23...
    1935 (print executed 1934)
    Vasily Kandinsky. Plate 11 (folio 25) from 23 Gravures (23 Etchings). 1935 (print executed 1934)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Plate (folio 9) from Fraternity. 1939
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Plate (folio 9) from Fraternity
    Vasily Kandinsky. Plate (folio 9) from Fraternity. 1939
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Plate (folio 12) from 10 Origin. 1942
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Plate (folio 12) from 10 Origin
    Vasily Kandinsky. Plate (folio 12) from 10 Origin. 1942
  • after Vasily Kandinsky. Gray (Gris) (plate 7) from Art d'Aujourd'hui, Maîtres de l'Art Abstrait (Art of Today, Masters of Abstract Art): Album I. 1953 (original composition executed by Kandinsky in 1931)
    after Vasily Kandinsky
    Gray (Gris) (plate 7) from Art...
    1953 (original composition executed by Kandinsky in 1931)
    after Vasily Kandinsky. Gray (Gris) (plate 7) from Art d'Aujourd'hui, Maîtres de l'Art Abstrait (Art of Today, Masters of Abstract Art): Album I. 1953 (original composition executed by Kandinsky in 1931)
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