German Expressionism

Works from the Collection

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Browse the German Expressionism Collection

Showing item in 1 - 160 of 3828
  • Max Klinger. A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881 (prints executed 1880)
    Max Klinger
    A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI)
    1881 (prints executed 1880)
    Max Klinger. A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881 (prints executed 1880)
  • Max Klinger. Place (Ort) (plate I) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881 (print executed 1880)
    Max Klinger
    Place (Ort) (plate I) from A Glove, Opus VI...
    1881 (print executed 1880)
    Max Klinger. Place (Ort) (plate I) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881 (print executed 1880)
  • Max Klinger. Cupid (Amor) (plate X) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881, print executed 1880
    Max Klinger
    Cupid (Amor) (plate X) from A Glove, Opus VI...
    1881, print executed 1880
    Max Klinger. Cupid (Amor) (plate X) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881, print executed 1880
  • Max Klinger. Vignette (in-text plate, title page) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881
    Max Klinger
    Vignette (in-text plate, title page) from A...
    Max Klinger. Vignette (in-text plate, title page) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881
  • Max Klinger. Action (Handlung) (plate II) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881 (print executed 1880)
    Max Klinger
    Action (Handlung) (plate II) from A Glove...
    1881 (print executed 1880)
    Max Klinger. Action (Handlung) (plate II) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881 (print executed 1880)
  • Max Klinger. Yearnings (Wünsche) (plate III) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881 (print executed 1880)
    Max Klinger
    Yearnings (Wünsche) (plate III) from A...
    1881 (print executed 1880)
    Max Klinger. Yearnings (Wünsche) (plate III) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881 (print executed 1880)
  • Max Klinger. Rescuse (Rettung) (plate IV) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881 (print executed 1880)
    Max Klinger
    Rescuse (Rettung) (plate IV) from A Glove...
    1881 (print executed 1880)
    Max Klinger. Rescuse (Rettung) (plate IV) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881 (print executed 1880)
  • Max Klinger. Triumph (plate V) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881 (print executed 1880)
    Max Klinger
    Triumph (plate V) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein...
    1881 (print executed 1880)
    Max Klinger. Triumph (plate V) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881 (print executed 1880)
  • Max Klinger. Homage (Huldigung) (plate VI) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881 (print executed 1880)
    Max Klinger
    Homage (Huldigung) (plate VI) from A Glove...
    1881 (print executed 1880)
    Max Klinger. Homage (Huldigung) (plate VI) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881 (print executed 1880)
  • Max Klinger. Fears (Ängste) (plate VII) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881 (print executed 1880)
    Max Klinger
    Fears (Ängste) (plate VII) from A...
    1881 (print executed 1880)
    Max Klinger. Fears (Ängste) (plate VII) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881 (print executed 1880)
  • Max Klinger. Repose (Ruhe) (plate VIII) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881 (print executed 1880)
    Max Klinger
    Repose (Ruhe) (plate VIII) from A Glove...
    1881 (print executed 1880)
    Max Klinger. Repose (Ruhe) (plate VIII) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881 (print executed 1880)
  • Max Klinger. Abduction (Entführung) (plate IX) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881 (print executed 1880)
    Max Klinger
    Abduction (Entführung) (plate IX) from...
    1881 (print executed 1880)
    Max Klinger. Abduction (Entführung) (plate IX) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI). 1881 (print executed 1880)
  • Max Klinger. Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger
    Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV)
    (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger. Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
  • Max Klinger. Bear and Elf (Bär und Elfe) (plate I) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881), print executed 1880
    Max Klinger
    Bear and Elf (Bär und Elfe) (plate I)...
    (first published 1881), print executed 1880
    Max Klinger. Bear and Elf (Bär und Elfe) (plate I) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881), print executed 1880
  • Max Klinger. Simplicius in the Wilderness (Simplicius in der Waldeinöde) (plate X) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger
    Simplicius in the Wilderness (Simplicius in der...
    (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger. Simplicius in the Wilderness (Simplicius in der Waldeinöde) (plate X) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
  • Max Klinger. Fallen Rider (Gefallener Reiter) (plate XI) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger
    Fallen Rider (Gefallener Reiter) (plate XI)...
    (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger. Fallen Rider (Gefallener Reiter) (plate XI) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
  • Max Klinger. Cupid, Death and the Beyond (Amor, Tod und Jenseits) (plate XII) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881), executed 1879/1881
    Max Klinger
    Cupid, Death and the Beyond (Amor, Tod und...
    (first published 1881), executed 1879/1881
    Max Klinger. Cupid, Death and the Beyond (Amor, Tod und Jenseits) (plate XII) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881), executed 1879/1881
  • Max Klinger. By the Sea (Am Meer) (plate II) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger
    By the Sea (Am Meer) (plate II) from...
    (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger. By the Sea (Am Meer) (plate II) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
  • Max Klinger. Pursued Centaur (Verfolgter Centaur) (plate III) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger
    Pursued Centaur (Verfolgter Centaur) (plate...
    (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger. Pursued Centaur (Verfolgter Centaur) (plate III) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
  • Max Klinger. Moonlight (Mondnacht) (plate IV) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger
    Moonlight (Mondnacht) (plate IV) from...
    (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger. Moonlight (Mondnacht) (plate IV) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
  • Max Klinger. Battling Centaurs (Kämpfende Centauren) (plate V) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger
    Battling Centaurs (Kämpfende Centauren)...
    (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger. Battling Centaurs (Kämpfende Centauren) (plate V) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
  • Max Klinger. Landslide (Bergsturz) (plate VI) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger
    Landslide (Bergsturz) (plate VI) from...
    (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger. Landslide (Bergsturz) (plate VI) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
  • Max Klinger. Simplicius' Writing Lesson (Simplici Schreibstunde) (plate VII) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger
    Simplicius' Writing Lesson (Simplici Schreibstunde)...
    (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger. Simplicius' Writing Lesson (Simplici Schreibstunde) (plate VII) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
  • Max Klinger. Simplicius at the Hermit's Grave (Simplicius am Grabe des Einsiedlers) (plate VIII) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger
    Simplicius at the Hermit's Grave (Simplicius am...
    (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger. Simplicius at the Hermit's Grave (Simplicius am Grabe des Einsiedlers) (plate VIII) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
  • Max Klinger. Simplicius among the Soldiers (Simplicius unter den Soldaten) (plate IX) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger
    Simplicius among the Soldiers (Simplicius unter den...
    (first published 1881)
    Max Klinger. Simplicius among the Soldiers (Simplicius unter den Soldaten) (plate IX) from Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV). (first published 1881)
  • Max Klinger. On the Tracks (Auf den Schienen) (plate 8) from the portfolio On Death, Part I, Opus XI (Vom Tode, Erster Teil, Opus XI). (1883, published 1897)
    Max Klinger
    On the Tracks (Auf den Schienen) (plate 8) from...
    (1883, published 1897)
    Max Klinger. On the Tracks (Auf den Schienen) (plate 8) from the portfolio On Death, Part I, Opus XI (Vom Tode, Erster Teil, Opus XI). (1883, published 1897)
  • Max Klinger. Dramas, Opus IX (Dramen, Opus IX). first published 1883 (prints executed 1881-1883)
    Max Klinger
    Dramas, Opus IX (Dramen, Opus IX)
    first published 1883 (prints executed 1881-1883)
    Max Klinger. Dramas, Opus IX (Dramen, Opus IX). first published 1883 (prints executed 1881-1883)
  • Max Klinger. In Flagranti from Dramas, Opus IX (Dramen, Opus IX). (first published 1883)
    Max Klinger
    In Flagranti from Dramas, Opus IX (Dramen...
    (first published 1883)
    Max Klinger. In Flagranti from Dramas, Opus IX (Dramen, Opus IX). (first published 1883)
  • Max Klinger. March Days III (Märztage III) from Dramas, Opus IX (Dramen, Opus IX). (first published 1883)
    Max Klinger
    March Days III (Märztage III) from...
    (first published 1883)
    Max Klinger. March Days III (Märztage III) from Dramas, Opus IX (Dramen, Opus IX). (first published 1883)
  • Max Klinger. A Mother I from Dramas, Opus IX. (first published 1883)
    Max Klinger
    A Mother I from Dramas, Opus IX
    (first published 1883)
    Max Klinger. A Mother I from Dramas, Opus IX. (first published 1883)
  • Max Klinger. A Mother II (Eine Mutter II) from  Dramas, Opus IX (Dramen, Opus IX). (first published 1883)
    Max Klinger
    A Mother II (Eine Mutter II) from Dramas...
    (first published 1883)
    Max Klinger. A Mother II (Eine Mutter II) from  Dramas, Opus IX (Dramen, Opus IX). (first published 1883)
  • Max Klinger. A Mother III (Eine Mutter III) from Dramas, Opus IX (Dramen, Opus IX). (first published 1883)
    Max Klinger
    A Mother III (Eine Mutter III) from Dramas...
    (first published 1883)
    Max Klinger. A Mother III (Eine Mutter III) from Dramas, Opus IX (Dramen, Opus IX). (first published 1883)
  • Max Klinger. A Murder (Ein Mord) from Dramas, Opus IX (Dramen, Opus IX). (first published 1883)
    Max Klinger
    A Murder (Ein Mord) from Dramas, Opus IX...
    (first published 1883)
    Max Klinger. A Murder (Ein Mord) from Dramas, Opus IX (Dramen, Opus IX). (first published 1883)
  • Max Klinger. March Days I from Dramas, Opus IX. (first published 1883)
    Max Klinger
    March Days I from Dramas, Opus IX
    (first published 1883)
    Max Klinger. March Days I from Dramas, Opus IX. (first published 1883)
  • Max Klinger. March Days II (Märztage II) from Dramas, Opus IX (Dramen, Opus IX). (first published 1883)
    Max Klinger
    March Days II (Märztage II) from...
    (first published 1883)
    Max Klinger. March Days II (Märztage II) from Dramas, Opus IX (Dramen, Opus IX). (first published 1883)
  • Max Klinger. Dreams (Träume) (plate 3) for the portfolio A Life, Opus VIII (Ein Leben, Opus VIII). 1884 (executed 1883, first published 1884)
    Max Klinger
    Dreams (Träume) (plate 3) for the...
    1884 (executed 1883, first published 1884)
    Max Klinger. Dreams (Träume) (plate 3) for the portfolio A Life, Opus VIII (Ein Leben, Opus VIII). 1884 (executed 1883, first published 1884)
  • Max Klinger. Going Under Going Under (rejected plate) for the supplementary suite accompanying the portfolio A Life, Opus VIII. 1884
    Max Klinger
    Going Under Going Under (rejected plate) for...
    Max Klinger. Going Under Going Under (rejected plate) for the supplementary suite accompanying the portfolio A Life, Opus VIII. 1884
  • Max Klinger. The Philosopher (Der Philosoph) (plate, preceding p. 97) from the periodical Pan, vol. 1, no. 2 (Jul-Aug 1895). (1895, print executed 1885)
    Max Klinger
    The Philosopher (Der Philosoph) (plate...
    (1895, print executed 1885)
    Max Klinger. The Philosopher (Der Philosoph) (plate, preceding p. 97) from the periodical Pan, vol. 1, no. 2 (Jul-Aug 1895). (1895, print executed 1885)
  • Max Klinger. Herod (Herodes) (plate 6) from the portfolio On Death, Part I, Opus XI (Vom Tode, Erster Teil, Opus XI). (1885, published 1897)
    Max Klinger
    Herod (Herodes) (plate 6) from the portfolio...
    (1885, published 1897)
    Max Klinger. Herod (Herodes) (plate 6) from the portfolio On Death, Part I, Opus XI (Vom Tode, Erster Teil, Opus XI). (1885, published 1897)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. March of the Weavers (Weberzug) from the series Weaver's Revolt (Ein Weberaufstand). (1893-1897, published c. 1931)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    March of the Weavers (Weberzug) from the...
    (1893-1897, published c. 1931)
    Käthe Kollwitz. March of the Weavers (Weberzug) from the series Weaver's Revolt (Ein Weberaufstand). (1893-1897, published c. 1931)
  • Lovis Corinth. Bacchanal (Bacchantenzug). 1895
    Lovis Corinth
    Bacchanal (Bacchantenzug)
    Lovis Corinth. Bacchanal (Bacchantenzug). 1895
  • Lovis Corinth. Cain (Kain). 1895
    Lovis Corinth
    Cain (Kain)
    Lovis Corinth. Cain (Kain). 1895
  • Edvard Munch. Vampire II (Vampyr II). 1895; signed 1897
    Edvard Munch
    Vampire II (Vampyr II)
    1895; signed 1897
    Edvard Munch. Vampire II (Vampyr II). 1895; signed 1897
  • Edvard Munch. Madonna. 1895–1902
    Edvard Munch
    Edvard Munch. Madonna. 1895–1902
  • Thomas Theodor Heine. Bulldog Poster (Mops-Plakat) for the periodical Simplicissimus. 1896
    Thomas Theodor Heine
    Bulldog Poster (Mops-Plakat) for the periodical...
    Thomas Theodor Heine. Bulldog Poster (Mops-Plakat) for the periodical Simplicissimus. 1896
  • Eugen Kirchner. November (plate, facing page 216) from the periodical Pan, vol. II, no. 3 (Oct-Nov-Dec 1896). (1896)
    Eugen Kirchner
    November (plate, facing page 216) from the...
    Eugen Kirchner. November (plate, facing page 216) from the periodical Pan, vol. II, no. 3 (Oct-Nov-Dec 1896). (1896)
  • Karl Köpping. Köpping's Ornamental Glasses (Köpping'sche Ziergläser) (plate, facing page 252) from the periodical Pan , vol. II, no. 3 (Oct-Nov-Dec 1896). (1896)
    Karl Köpping
    Köpping's Ornamental Glasses...
    Karl Köpping. Köpping's Ornamental Glasses (Köpping'sche Ziergläser) (plate, facing page 252) from the periodical Pan , vol. II, no. 3 (Oct-Nov-Dec 1896). (1896)
  • Emil Orlik. Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte)
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. The Anarchist (Der Anarchist) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    The Anarchist (Der Anarchist) from Small...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. The Anarchist (Der Anarchist) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Greyhound (Windhund) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Greyhound (Windhund) from Small Woodcuts...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Greyhound (Windhund) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Slovak (Slowake) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Slovak (Slowake) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Slovak (Slowake) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Market Woman (Marktweib) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Market Woman (Marktweib) from Small Woodcuts...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Market Woman (Marktweib) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Problem from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Problem from Small Woodcuts (Kleine...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Problem from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Ex Libris M.L. (Max Lehrs) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Ex Libris M.L. (Max Lehrs) from Small...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Ex Libris M.L. (Max Lehrs) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Sign E.O. (Signum E.O.) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Sign E.O. (Signum E.O.) from Small Woodcuts...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Sign E.O. (Signum E.O.) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Mother and Child (Mutter und Kind) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Mother and Child (Mutter und Kind) from...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Mother and Child (Mutter und Kind) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. The Wheelbarrower (Karrenschieber) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    The Wheelbarrower (Karrenschieber) from...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. The Wheelbarrower (Karrenschieber) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Ex Libris E. O. 1897 from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Ex Libris E. O. 1897 from Small Woodcuts...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Ex Libris E. O. 1897 from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. The Old Castle Fountain in Karlsbad (Der alte Schlossbrunnen in Karlsbad) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    The Old Castle Fountain in Karlsbad (Der alte...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. The Old Castle Fountain in Karlsbad (Der alte Schlossbrunnen in Karlsbad) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Small Head (Kleiner Kopf) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Small Head (Kleiner Kopf) from Small...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Small Head (Kleiner Kopf) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Bohemian Village (Böhmisches Dorf) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Bohemian Village (Böhmisches Dorf) from...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Bohemian Village (Böhmisches Dorf) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. The Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague (Der alte Judenfriedhof in Prag) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    The Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague (Der alte...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. The Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague (Der alte Judenfriedhof in Prag) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Old-Clothes Merchant (Altkleider-Händler) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Old-Clothes Merchant (Altkleider-Händler)...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Old-Clothes Merchant (Altkleider-Händler) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Ruthenians on a Hike (Ruthenen auf der Wanderung) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Ruthenians on a Hike (Ruthenen auf der Wanderung)...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Ruthenians on a Hike (Ruthenen auf der Wanderung) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. From London (Aus London) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    From London (Aus London) from Small Woodcuts...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. From London (Aus London) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Skating Rink (Eislaufplatz) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Skating Rink (Eislaufplatz) from Small...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Skating Rink (Eislaufplatz) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. In the Studio (Im Atelier) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    In the Studio (Im Atelier) from Small...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. In the Studio (Im Atelier) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Dutch Boys (Holländische Buben) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Dutch Boys (Holländische Buben) from...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Dutch Boys (Holländische Buben) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Newspaper (Die Zeitung) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Newspaper (Die Zeitung) from Small Woodcuts...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Newspaper (Die Zeitung) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Tailor's Workshop by Orlik in Prague (Schneiderwerkstatt bei Orlik in Prag) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Tailor's Workshop by Orlik in Prague...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Tailor's Workshop by Orlik in Prague (Schneiderwerkstatt bei Orlik in Prag) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Spitz from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Spitz from Small Woodcuts (Kleine...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Spitz from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. From Grodek (Aus Grodek) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    From Grodek (Aus Grodek) from Small Woodcuts...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. From Grodek (Aus Grodek) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Seamstress (Näherin) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Seamstress (Näherin) from Small...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Seamstress (Näherin) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Frenchwoman (Französin) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Frenchwoman (Französin) from Small...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Frenchwoman (Französin) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. London Dawdlers (Londoner Tagediebe) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    London Dawdlers (Londoner Tagediebe) from...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. London Dawdlers (Londoner Tagediebe) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. In Memory of the Seaside (Erinnerung an Seeseiten) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    In Memory of the Seaside (Erinnerung an Seeseiten)...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. In Memory of the Seaside (Erinnerung an Seeseiten) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. On the Way (Unterwegs) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    On the Way (Unterwegs) from Small Woodcuts...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. On the Way (Unterwegs) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Schnauzl from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Schnauzl from Small Woodcuts (Kleine...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Schnauzl from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Gossiping Women (Klatschweiber) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Gossiping Women (Klatschweiber) from Small...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Gossiping Women (Klatschweiber) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Landscape I (Landschaft I) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Landscape I (Landschaft I) from Small...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Landscape I (Landschaft I) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Landscape II (Landschaft II) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Landscape II (Landschaft II) from Small...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Landscape II (Landschaft II) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Emil Orlik. Resting Slovaks (Rast der Slowaken) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik
    Resting Slovaks (Rast der Slowaken) from...
    1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
    Emil Orlik. Resting Slovaks (Rast der Slowaken) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine Holzschnitte). 1920 (prints executed 1896-1899)
  • Hans Thoma. Sunflower Girl (Sonnenblumenmädchen). 1897, published 1899-1900
    Hans Thoma
    Sunflower Girl (Sonnenblumenmädchen)
    1897, published 1899-1900
    Hans Thoma. Sunflower Girl (Sonnenblumenmädchen). 1897, published 1899-1900
  • Henry Clemens van de Velde. Tropon Poster (Plakat: Tropon) (plate, facing page 62) from the periodical Pan, vol. IV, no. 1 (Apr-May-Jun 1898). (1897, printed 1898)
    Henry Clemens van de Velde
    Tropon Poster (Plakat: Tropon) (plate, facing...
    (1897, printed 1898)
    Henry Clemens van de Velde. Tropon Poster (Plakat: Tropon) (plate, facing page 62) from the periodical Pan, vol. IV, no. 1 (Apr-May-Jun 1898). (1897, printed 1898)
  • Peter Behrens. The Kiss (Der Kuss) (plate, facing page 116) from the periodical Pan, vol. IV, no. 2 (Jul-Aug-Sept 1898). (1898)
    Peter Behrens
    The Kiss (Der Kuss) (plate, facing page 116)...
    Peter Behrens. The Kiss (Der Kuss) (plate, facing page 116) from the periodical Pan, vol. IV, no. 2 (Jul-Aug-Sept 1898). (1898)
  • Richard Janthur. Ornamental Border for a Book. (1898)
    Richard Janthur
    Ornamental Border for a Book
    Richard Janthur. Ornamental Border for a Book. (1898)
  • Richard Janthur. Ornamental Border for a Book. (1898)
    Richard Janthur
    Ornamental Border for a Book
    Richard Janthur. Ornamental Border for a Book. (1898)
  • Gustav Klimt. Poster for the First Secession Exhibition (censored version) (1. Kunstausstellung Secession). 1898
    Gustav Klimt
    Poster for the First Secession Exhibition (censored...
    Gustav Klimt. Poster for the First Secession Exhibition (censored version) (1. Kunstausstellung Secession). 1898
  • Gustav Klimt. Profile of a Girl (Study for 'Thalia and Melpomene') (Brustbild eines Mädchens mit langem Haar im Profil nach links) Profile of a Girl (Study for 'Thalia and Melpomene'). (1898-99)
    Gustav Klimt
    Profile of a Girl (Study for 'Thalia and...
    Gustav Klimt. Profile of a Girl (Study for 'Thalia and Melpomene') (Brustbild eines Mädchens mit langem Haar im Profil nach links) Profile of a Girl (Study for 'Thalia and Melpomene'). (1898-99)
  • Maximilian Kurzweil. View of the Valley (Talblick). (n.d.)
    Maximilian Kurzweil
    View of the Valley (Talblick)
    Maximilian Kurzweil. View of the Valley (Talblick). (n.d.)
  • Emil Nolde. Scoundrels (Lumpen). 1898, printed c. 1907
    Emil Nolde
    Scoundrels (Lumpen)
    1898, printed c. 1907
    Emil Nolde. Scoundrels (Lumpen). 1898, printed c. 1907
  • Emil Orlik. Tatra Mountains (Tatry). (c. 1898)
    Emil Orlik
    Tatra Mountains (Tatry)
    (c. 1898)
    Emil Orlik. Tatra Mountains (Tatry). (c. 1898)
  • Paula Modersohn-Becker. Seated Child (Sitzendes Kind). (c. 1899-1902, printed 1922-23)
    Paula Modersohn-Becker
    Seated Child (Sitzendes Kind)
    (c. 1899-1902, printed 1922-23)
    Paula Modersohn-Becker. Seated Child (Sitzendes Kind). (c. 1899-1902, printed 1922-23)
  • Paula Modersohn-Becker. Portrait of a Peasant Woman (Bildnis einer Bäuerin). (c. 1899-1902, printed 1922-23)
    Paula Modersohn-Becker
    Portrait of a Peasant Woman (Bildnis einer...
    (c. 1899-1902, printed 1922-23)
    Paula Modersohn-Becker. Portrait of a Peasant Woman (Bildnis einer Bäuerin). (c. 1899-1902, printed 1922-23)
  • Paula Modersohn-Becker. Seated Old Woman (Sitzende Alte). (c. 1899-1902)
    Paula Modersohn-Becker
    Seated Old Woman (Sitzende Alte)
    (c. 1899-1902)
    Paula Modersohn-Becker. Seated Old Woman (Sitzende Alte). (c. 1899-1902)
  • Paula Modersohn-Becker. Blind Woman in the Woods (Blinde Frau im Walde). (c. 1899-1902, printed 1922-23)
    Paula Modersohn-Becker
    Blind Woman in the Woods (Blinde Frau im Walde)
    (c. 1899-1902, printed 1922-23)
    Paula Modersohn-Becker. Blind Woman in the Woods (Blinde Frau im Walde). (c. 1899-1902, printed 1922-23)
  • Alfred Kubin. Untitled (The Eternal Flame) (Ohne Titel [Die ewige Flamme]). (c. 1900)
    Alfred Kubin
    Untitled (The Eternal Flame) (Ohne Titel [Die ewige...
    (c. 1900)
    Alfred Kubin. Untitled (The Eternal Flame) (Ohne Titel [Die ewige Flamme]). (c. 1900)
  • Alfred Kubin. The Last King (Der Letzte König). (c. 1900-03)
    Alfred Kubin
    The Last King (Der Letzte König)
    (c. 1900-03)
    Alfred Kubin. The Last King (Der Letzte König). (c. 1900-03)
  • Alfred Kubin. On the Tower Stairs (Auf der Turmtreppe). (n.d.)
    Alfred Kubin
    On the Tower Stairs (Auf der Turmtreppe)
    Alfred Kubin. On the Tower Stairs (Auf der Turmtreppe). (n.d.)
  • Heinrich Nauen. Still-Life with Pot (Stilleben mit Topf). unknown
    Heinrich Nauen
    Still-Life with Pot (Stilleben mit Topf)
    Heinrich Nauen. Still-Life with Pot (Stilleben mit Topf). unknown
  • Alexander Olbricht. Ornamental Composition (Dekorative Komposition). unknown
    Alexander Olbricht
    Ornamental Composition (Dekorative Komposition)
    Alexander Olbricht. Ornamental Composition (Dekorative Komposition). unknown
  • Alexander Olbricht. Ornamental Composition with Rose (Dekorative Komposition mit Rose). unknown
    Alexander Olbricht
    Ornamental Composition with Rose (Dekorative...
    Alexander Olbricht. Ornamental Composition with Rose (Dekorative Komposition mit Rose). unknown
  • Lyonel Feininger. Ye Learned Apothecary. 1901
    Lyonel Feininger
    Ye Learned Apothecary
    Lyonel Feininger. Ye Learned Apothecary. 1901
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Poster for the 1st Exhibition of the "Phalanx" (Plakat für die erste Ausstellung der "Phalanx"). (1901)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Poster for the 1st Exhibition of the...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Poster for the 1st Exhibition of the "Phalanx" (Plakat für die erste Ausstellung der "Phalanx"). (1901)
  • Alfred Kubin. Polar Bear (Eisbär). (1901-02)
    Alfred Kubin
    Polar Bear (Eisbär)
    Alfred Kubin. Polar Bear (Eisbär). (1901-02)
  • Alfred Kubin. Government (Der Staat). 1901
    Alfred Kubin
    Government (Der Staat)
    Alfred Kubin. Government (Der Staat). 1901
  • Franz Marc. Bookplate Daniel Pesl I (Exlibris Daniel Pesl I). (1901)
    Franz Marc
    Bookplate Daniel Pesl I (Exlibris Daniel Pesl I)
    Franz Marc. Bookplate Daniel Pesl I (Exlibris Daniel Pesl I). (1901)
  • Lovis Corinth. The Artist's Wife Asleep. 1902-03
    Lovis Corinth
    The Artist's Wife Asleep
    Lovis Corinth. The Artist's Wife Asleep. 1902-03
  • Lovis Corinth. Self-Portraits (Selbstbildnisse). 1902
    Lovis Corinth
    Self-Portraits (Selbstbildnisse)
    Lovis Corinth. Self-Portraits (Selbstbildnisse). 1902
  • Rudolf Kalvach , Vienna. Untitled (Humorous Card) [Ohne Titel (Humoristische Karte)]. (c. 1907)
    Rudolf Kalvach , Vienna
    Untitled (Humorous Card) [Ohne Titel...
    (c. 1907)
    Rudolf Kalvach , Vienna. Untitled (Humorous Card) [Ohne Titel (Humoristische Karte)]. (c. 1907)
  • Franz Marc. Bookplate Daniel Pesl II (Exlibris Daniel Pesl II). (c. 1902)
    Franz Marc
    Bookplate Daniel Pesl II (Exlibris Daniel Pesl...
    (c. 1902)
    Franz Marc. Bookplate Daniel Pesl II (Exlibris Daniel Pesl II). (c. 1902)
  • Franz Marc. Bookplate (Exlibris). (c. 1902)
    Franz Marc
    Bookplate (Exlibris)
    (c. 1902)
    Franz Marc. Bookplate (Exlibris). (c. 1902)
  • Franz Marc. Bookplate Paul Marc I (Ex Libris Paul Marc I). (1902)
    Franz Marc
    Bookplate Paul Marc I (Ex Libris Paul Marc I)
    Franz Marc. Bookplate Paul Marc I (Ex Libris Paul Marc I). (1902)
  • Karl Walser. Costume Designs (Kostüm Entwürfe). unknown
    Karl Walser
    Costume Designs (Kostüm...
    Karl Walser. Costume Designs (Kostüm Entwürfe). unknown
  • Karl Walser. In the Park (Im Park). 1902
    Karl Walser
    In the Park (Im Park)
    Karl Walser. In the Park (Im Park). 1902
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov)
    Vasily Kandinsky. Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Title page from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Title page from Verses Without Words (Stichi...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Title page from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Departure (Prošcanie) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Departure (Prošcanie) from Verses...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Departure (Prošcanie) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Night (Noc) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Night (Noc) from Verses Without Words...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Night (Noc) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Duel (Poedinok) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Duel (Poedinok) from Verses Without Words...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Duel (Poedinok) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. The Hunt (Ochota) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    The Hunt (Ochota) from Verses Without Words...
    Vasily Kandinsky. The Hunt (Ochota) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Eternity from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Eternity from Verses Without Words (Stichi...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Eternity from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Table of contents (Oglavlenie) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Table of contents (Oglavlenie) from Verses...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Table of contents (Oglavlenie) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. The Rhine (Rejn) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    The Rhine (Rejn) from Verses Without Words...
    Vasily Kandinsky. The Rhine (Rejn) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Towards Evening (Vecer) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Towards Evening (Vecer) from Verses Without...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Towards Evening (Vecer) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Roses (Rozy) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). 1903
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Roses (Rozy) from Verses Without Words...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Roses (Rozy) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). 1903
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Mountain Lake (Gornoe ozero) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Mountain Lake (Gornoe ozero) from Verses...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Mountain Lake (Gornoe ozero) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Spectators (Zriteli) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Spectators (Zriteli) from Verses Without...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Spectators (Zriteli) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Old Village (Staryj gorodok) from  Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Old Village (Staryj gorodok) from Verses...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Old Village (Staryj gorodok) from  Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. The Dragon (Zmej) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    The Dragon (Zmej) from Verses Without Words...
    Vasily Kandinsky. The Dragon (Zmej) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Bustling Life (Gomon) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Bustling Life (Gomon) from Verses Without...
    Vasily Kandinsky. Bustling Life (Gomon) from Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov). (1903)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. The Night - Large Version (Die Nacht - Grosse Fassung). (1903)
    Vasily Kandinsky
    The Night - Large Version (Die Nacht - Grosse...
    Vasily Kandinsky. The Night - Large Version (Die Nacht - Grosse Fassung). (1903)
  • Paul Klee. Virgin in the Tree (Jungfrau im Baum) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1903
    Paul Klee
    Virgin in the Tree (Jungfrau im Baum) from the...
    Paul Klee. Virgin in the Tree (Jungfrau im Baum) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1903
  • Paul Klee. Two Men Meet, Each Believing the Other to Be of Higher Rank (Zwei Männer, einander in höherer Stellung vermutend, begegnen sich) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1903
    Paul Klee
    Two Men Meet, Each Believing the Other to Be of...
    Paul Klee. Two Men Meet, Each Believing the Other to Be of Higher Rank (Zwei Männer, einander in höherer Stellung vermutend, begegnen sich) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1903
  • Max Klinger. Plague (Pest) (plate 5) for the portfolio On Death, Part II, Opus XIII (Vom Tode, Zweiter Teil, Opus XIII). 1903 (published 1904)
    Max Klinger
    Plague (Pest) (plate 5) for the portfolio On...
    1903 (published 1904)
    Max Klinger. Plague (Pest) (plate 5) for the portfolio On Death, Part II, Opus XIII (Vom Tode, Zweiter Teil, Opus XIII). 1903 (published 1904)
  • Alfred Kubin. In a Dream (Im Traum). (c. 1903)
    Alfred Kubin
    In a Dream (Im Traum)
    (c. 1903)
    Alfred Kubin. In a Dream (Im Traum). (c. 1903)
  • Maximilian Kurzweil. Pillow (Der Polster) from the Annual Print Portfolio (Jahresmappe) of the Gesellschaft für vervielfältigende Kunst. (1903)
    Maximilian Kurzweil
    Pillow (Der Polster) from the Annual Print...
    Maximilian Kurzweil. Pillow (Der Polster) from the Annual Print Portfolio (Jahresmappe) of the Gesellschaft für vervielfältigende Kunst. (1903)
  • Lyonel Feininger. Essen Voting District (Wahlkreis Essen). (c. 1904-1905)
    Lyonel Feininger
    Essen Voting District (Wahlkreis Essen)
    (c. 1904-1905)
    Lyonel Feininger. Essen Voting District (Wahlkreis Essen). (c. 1904-1905)
  • Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Chestnut Tree in the Moonlight (Kastanienbaum im Mondlicht). (1904)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
    Chestnut Tree in the Moonlight (Kastanienbaum im...
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Chestnut Tree in the Moonlight (Kastanienbaum im Mondlicht). (1904)
  • Paul Klee. Comedian (Komiker) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1904
    Paul Klee
    Comedian (Komiker) from the series...
    Paul Klee. Comedian (Komiker) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1904
  • Paul Klee. A Man Sinking Before the Crown (Ein Mann versinkt vor der Krone) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1904
    Paul Klee
    A Man Sinking Before the Crown (Ein Mann versinkt...
    Paul Klee. A Man Sinking Before the Crown (Ein Mann versinkt vor der Krone) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1904
  • Paul Klee. Perseus (Wit Has Triumphed over Grief) (Perseus [Der Witz hat über das Leid gesiegt]) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1904
    Paul Klee
    Perseus (Wit Has Triumphed over Grief) (Perseus...
    Paul Klee. Perseus (Wit Has Triumphed over Grief) (Perseus [Der Witz hat über das Leid gesiegt]) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1904
  • Emil Orlik. Scene from Michael Kramer (Szenenbild zu Michael Kramer). 1904
    Emil Orlik
    Scene from Michael Kramer (Szenenbild zu...
    Emil Orlik. Scene from Michael Kramer (Szenenbild zu Michael Kramer). 1904
  • Max Slevogt. Duel (Zweikampf) (plate 5) for the portfolio Black Scenes (Schwarze Szenen). 1904 (published 1905)
    Max Slevogt
    Duel (Zweikampf) (plate 5) for the portfolio...
    1904 (published 1905)
    Max Slevogt. Duel (Zweikampf) (plate 5) for the portfolio Black Scenes (Schwarze Szenen). 1904 (published 1905)
  • Rudolf Grossmann. Picnic (Das Picknick). unknown
    Rudolf Grossmann
    Picnic (Das Picknick)
    Rudolf Grossmann. Picnic (Das Picknick). unknown
  • Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Umbra vitae (Shadow of Life). 1924
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
    Umbra vitae (Shadow of Life)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Umbra vitae (Shadow of Life). 1924
  • Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Reclining Nude (Liegender Rückenakt) (tailpiece, table of contents) from Umbra Vitae (Shadow of Life). (1905, published 1924)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
    Reclining Nude (Liegender Rückenakt)...
    (1905, published 1924)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Reclining Nude (Liegender Rückenakt) (tailpiece, table of contents) from Umbra Vitae (Shadow of Life). (1905, published 1924)
  • Paul Klee. Menacing Head (Drohendes Haupt) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1905
    Paul Klee
    Menacing Head (Drohendes Haupt) from the...
    Paul Klee. Menacing Head (Drohendes Haupt) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1905
  • Paul Klee. Der Held mit dem Flügel (The Hero with the Wing) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1905
    Paul Klee
    Der Held mit dem Flügel (The Hero with the...
    Paul Klee. Der Held mit dem Flügel (The Hero with the Wing) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1905
  • Paul Klee. Aged Phoenix (Greiser Phoenix) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1905
    Paul Klee
    Aged Phoenix (Greiser Phoenix) from the...
    Paul Klee. Aged Phoenix (Greiser Phoenix) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1905
  • Gustav Klimt. Standing Woman (Stehende Schwangere mit reich ornamentiertem Gewand nach rechts). (c. 1905)
    Gustav Klimt
    Standing Woman (Stehende Schwangere mit reich...
    (c. 1905)
    Gustav Klimt. Standing Woman (Stehende Schwangere mit reich ornamentiertem Gewand nach rechts). (c. 1905)
  • Alfred Kubin. The Emperor of China. (c. 1910)
    Alfred Kubin
    The Emperor of China
    (c. 1910)
    Alfred Kubin. The Emperor of China. (c. 1910)
  • Franz Marc. Book Plate Franz Marc II (Ex Libris Franz Marc II). (1905)
    Franz Marc
    Book Plate Franz Marc II (Ex Libris Franz Marc...
    Franz Marc. Book Plate Franz Marc II (Ex Libris Franz Marc II). (1905)
  • Emil Nolde. Girl (Mädchen). (1906, dated 1905)
    Emil Nolde
    Girl (Mädchen)
    (1906, dated 1905)
    Emil Nolde. Girl (Mädchen). (1906, dated 1905)
  • Emil Nolde. Joy in Life (Lebensfreude) from the series Fantasies (Phantasien). (1905)
    Emil Nolde
    Joy in Life (Lebensfreude) from the series...
    Emil Nolde. Joy in Life (Lebensfreude) from the series Fantasies (Phantasien). (1905)
  • Max Pechstein. Max Raphael. (c. 1910)
    Max Pechstein
    Max Raphael
    (c. 1910)
    Max Pechstein. Max Raphael. (c. 1910)
  • Christian Rohlfs. Sorceress (Hexe). (c. 1910)
    Christian Rohlfs
    Sorceress (Hexe)
    (c. 1910)
    Christian Rohlfs. Sorceress (Hexe). (c. 1910)
  • Max Slevogt. Penthesilea (Penthesilea). (1905-1906)
    Max Slevogt
    Penthesilea (Penthesilea)
    Max Slevogt. Penthesilea (Penthesilea). (1905-1906)
  • Lovis Corinth. Slaughtered Pig (Geschlachtetes Schwein). (1906-07)
    Lovis Corinth
    Slaughtered Pig (Geschlachtetes Schwein)
    Lovis Corinth. Slaughtered Pig (Geschlachtetes Schwein). (1906-07)
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