Posts tagged ‘Sculpture Garden’
Take a Breather: Summergarden at MoMA

Guests, participants, performers or guides, "Interpenactors," at art happening, "Interpenning," created by Marta Minujin, with technical assistant, Gary Glover. Summergarden Program, August 11, 1972. Photographic Archive. The Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York

Guests, participants, performers or guides, “Interpenactors,” at art happening, “Interpenning,” created by Marta Minujin, with technical assistant, Gary Glover. Summergarden Program, August 11, 1972. Photographic Archive. The Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York

“A mere glimpse restores my sagging soul,” wrote Lillian Gerard, Special Projects Coordinator at MoMA, of The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden in a letter to Richard Shepard at The New York Times in 1975. She went on to describe it as “as a meeting place for young lovers, senior citizens, jumping children, foreign travelers, and out-of-towners” and in particular singled out “…its evenings with performers as ardent and free as the trees and the sculpture that thrive in this oasis of fountains and pools, with the sky above and cement below.”

Asking the Big Questions: Agora Conversations in MoMA’s Sculpture Garden
Agora: What makes something art?, facilitated by Petra Pankow. The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden, July 9, 2013

Agora: What makes something art?, facilitated by Petra Pankow. The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden, July 9, 2013

“What do we want from museums?” As the topic for the final meeting of this summer’s educator-facilitated, public discussion series, Agora, this question fittingly articulated the line of thinking that motivated the program’s unique format and approach. While Agora (named after the ancient Greek tradition of philosophical inquiry)

Fritz Haeg on His Project for MoMA Studio: Common Senses

Panorama view of Domestic Integrity Field Part A-1 by artist Fritz Haeg, in MoMA’s Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden. Photo courtesy of Fritz Haeg

In conjunction with MoMA’s upcoming exhibition Century of the Child: Growing by Design, 1900–2000, MoMA’s Department of Education presents MoMA Studio: Common Senses, a multisensory environment at the intersection of education, design, and art

May 27, 2011  |  Five for Friday
Five for Friday: A Walk Through the Sculpture Garden

Five for Friday, written by a variety of MoMA staff members, is our attempt to spotlight some of the compelling, charming, and downright curious works in the Museum’s rich collection.

Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial start of the summer season, and fiiiiiinally the weather around here seems to be cooperating. It also marks the resurgence of my recurring fantasy of uprooting my cube (yes, we work in white cubes, too) and dragging it out to The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden, where I’d be happy to work among the gurgling fountains, rustling trees, and beautiful sculptures. I’d be productive, I swear! [Boss reads blog post, rolls eyes.]

A Room with a View

Installation view of the exhibition Sculpture in Color (May 18, 2009–January 11, 2010), featuring three 2006 polyester sculptures by Franz West—Maya’s Dream, Lotus, and Untitled (Orange). Photo by Jason Mandella

Long before I began working at MoMA, I happened to sit next to the former wife of a renowned artist at a dinner marking his posthumous retrospective. I asked her awkwardly about how she had met him, and with tenderness she painted a memorable picture of their first encounter, which centered around MoMA. The year was 1959, and she, a young woman working at the membership desk, was nudged on by a coworker to introduce herself to a security officer who was in the Sculpture Garden, guarding a geodesic dome installation by Buckminster Fuller.

May 21, 2010  |  Do You Know Your MoMA?
Do You Know Your MoMA? 05/21/2010

How well do you know your MoMA? Above are images of works from the MoMA collection that are currently on view throughout the Museum. If you think you can identify the artist, title, and location of each work, please submit your answers by leaving a comment on this post. We’ll provide the answers—along with some information about each work—next Friday, along with the next Do You Know Your MoMA? challenge.