Posts tagged ‘printmaking’
May 27, 2016  |  Artists, Collection & Exhibitions
Lasting Impressions: The Monotype Medium from Edgar Degas to Elizabeth Peyton

A selection of monotypes from the Museum’s collection currently on view highlights the unique qualities of this printmaking process and reflects an enduring interest in the monotype medium within the context of an extended investigation into one artist’s experimentation with the technique: the exhibition Edgar Degas: A Strange New Beauty. To create a monotype, an artist draws with ink or paint on a metal plate, which is then sandwiched with a damp sheet of paper and run through a printing press.

Degas in Process: Why Monotype?
All photos by Manuel Martagon. © 2016 The Museum of Modern Art, New York

Degas in Process: Make a Monotype workshop, May 10, 2016. Photo: Manuel Martagon. © 2016 The Museum of Modern Art, New York

For the past five weeks, we have organized a series of weekly monotype printmaking workshops, Degas in Process: Make a Monotype, in conjunction with the exhibition Edgar Degas: A Strange New Beauty, on view on MoMA’s sixth floor through July 24. Taking Degas’s innovative use of the monotype as a starting point, these workshops are led by teaching artists—Justin Sanz, Sophy Naess, Neil Berger, Kerry Downey, and Bruce Waldman—each of whom brings a unique creative approach to their session and offers a glimpse into the sustained relevance of the monotype technique in contemporary artistic practice.

October 27, 2015  |  Artists, Collection & Exhibitions
A Major Relaunch of MoMA’s Louise Bourgeois Prints Website

In 2012, MoMA launched the online catalogue, Louise Bourgeois: The Complete Prints & Books ( to document the full range of Bourgeois’s printmaking. At that time, the catalogue included some 400 works. The number has now grown to nearly 3,000, with an ultimate goal of approximately 4,000 items. The site is designed for the general art pubic as well as for specialists.

October 7, 2015  |  Artists, Behind the Scenes
A Visit with Ryan McGinness at Lower East Side Printshop

Ryan McGinness at the Lower East Side Printshop. All photos by Jessica Womack

Ryan McGinness at the Lower East Side Printshop. All photos by Jessica Womack

For artist Ryan McGinness, printmaking is not a new endeavor. Though he primarily paints, sculpts, and creates installations, he has worked with several print studios over the years and is currently partnering with the Lower East Side Printshop for a Publishing Residency. Founded in the East Village in 1968 and moved to Midtown in 2005, the Lower East Side Printshop awards Publishing Residencies to contemporary artists so that they can work with a master printer to explore printmaking and create new work. MoMA’s Junior Associates visited the Lower East Side Printshop last week to meet McGinness and artistic director/master printer Erik Hougen.

January 29, 2015  |  Artists, Collection & Exhibitions
Matisse’s Monotypes: An Unexpected Installation
Installation view, Painting and Sculpture Galleries, The Museum of Modern Art. Shown: all works by Henri Matisse. © 2015 Succession H. Matisse, Paris/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Installation view, Painting and Sculpture Galleries, The Museum of Modern Art. Shown: all works by Henri Matisse. © 2015 Succession H. Matisse, Paris/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

As the groundbreaking exhibition Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs enters its final weeks, visitors can rest assured that there’s more Matisse to discover at MoMA. Head to the fifth-floor Painting and Sculpture Galleries, where you’ll encounter an entire room devoted to Matisse’s early-20th-century work—an especially fertile period for this modern master—with an unexpected twist.

January 22, 2015  |  Artists, Collection & Exhibitions
Jean Dubuffet: Memories from Nature
Installation view of Jean Dubuffet: Soul of the Underground, The Museum of Modern Art, October 18, 2014–April 5, 2015. Photograph by John Wronn

Installation view of Jean Dubuffet: Soul of the Underground, The Museum of Modern Art, October 18, 2014–April 5, 2015. Photograph by John Wronn

In July of 1963 the French artist Jean Dubuffet (1901–1985) declared of his radical lithographs, “Sometimes I took imprints of every chance element that might even suggest something: the ground, walls, stones, old suitcases, any or every sort of object—I even went so far as to do them from the naked skin of a friend’s back—and sometimes I obtained astonishing images…that I had sprinkled with tiny elements such as wires, crumbs, bits of torn paper, and all sorts of debris….”

June 5, 2014  |  Artists, Collection & Exhibitions
Sigmar Polke’s Printed Dots
Installation view of Alibis: Sigmar Polke 1963–2010, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, April 19–August 3, 2014. © 2014 The Estate of Sigmar Polke/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, Germany

Installation view of Alibis: Sigmar Polke 1963–2010, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, April 19–August 3, 2014. © 2014 The Estate of Sigmar Polke/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, Germany

Within the arsenal of unusual and experimental techniques on clamorous display in Alibis: Sigmar Polke 1963–2010, the artist’s prints are notable for their sly celebration of the halftone dot pattern, the tonal register that has enabled images to be reproduced in newspaper photographs, magazine ads, consumer packaging, etc. since the late 19th century.

March 1, 2013  |  Collection & Exhibitions
The Making of Louise Bourgeois’s The Fragile
Louise Bourgeois. The Fragile. 2007. Series of 36 compositions: 29 digital prints and 7 screenprints, 30 with dye additions. Sheet (each approx.): 11 1/2 x 9 1/2" (29.2 x 24.1 cm). © 2013 Louise Bourgeois Trust. Installation view at The Museum of Modern Art, 2013. Photo:

Louise Bourgeois. The Fragile. 2007. Series of 36 compositions: 29 digital prints and 7 screenprints, 30 with dye additions, sheet (each approx.): 11 1/2 x 9 1/2″ (29.2 x 24.1 cm). © 2013 Louise Bourgeois Trust

Don’t miss Louise Bourgeois’s The Fragile, on view through March 8 on MoMA’s second-floor landing, outside the entrance to the Prints and Illustrated Books Galleries. The Fragile is included in the first 400 works on the Museum’s recently launched online catalogue raisonné, Louise Bourgeois: The Complete Prints & Books.

June 7, 2012  |  Artists, Collection & Exhibitions
Christian Marclay: Sound on Paper

Sound forms the nucleus of much of American artist Christian Marclay’s practice. From innovative sound collages, with turntables and records employed as instruments; to the splicing and reconstituting of physical records to create strange, jumping concoctions of melodies

Reading Print/Out: 20 Years in Print

Front Cover of Print/Out: 20 Years in Print (MoMA, 2012)

Reading Print/Out: 20 Years in Print is a bit like browsing the Internet while strolling through a crowded urban intersection, overhearing many conversations at once and witnessing the same (but different) red stop sign again, on the next corner