Wikipedia entry
Umbo, born Otto Maximilian Umbehr (January 18, 1902 – May 13, 1980), was a German photojournalist and artist who had studied in the Bauhaus and worked as a photojournalist for the Wehrmacht in World War II. After the end of it, he had to endure many years of financial hardships, which only changed after photography became accepted an own discipline of art and from 1975 onwards he had several exhibitions.
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Getty record
Born 18 January 1902; died 13 May 1980. Otto Umbehr studied at the Bauhaus, Weimar, Germany, from 1921 to 1923. Umbehr adopted the professional name Umbo in 1924. In 1924, Umbo moved to Berlin and worked as a journalist and portrait photographer. He ran a freelance photography studio in Berlin from 1926 to 1945. From 1928 to 1933, Umbo worked as staff photographer and photojournalist for Dephot, a cooperative photo agency in Berlin. Umbo worked as staff photographer at Ullstein Verlag publishers, Berlin, from 1938 to 1943. From 1945 to 1980, Umbo worked as a freelance photographer in Hannover, West Germany. German photographer, b. in Düsseldorf.
Artist, Photojournalist, Photographer
Umbo, Otto Umbehr, Otto Maximilian Umber, Umbo (Otto Umbehr)
Information from Getty’s Union List of Artist Names ® (ULAN), made available under the ODC Attribution License


11 works online



  • Photography at MoMA: 1920 to 1960 Hardcover, 416 pages
  • The Shape of Things: Photographs from Robert B. Menschel Exhibition catalogue, Hardcover, 152 pages
  • OBJECT:PHOTO. Modern Photographs: The Thomas Walther Collection 1909-1949 Exhibition catalogue, Hardcover, 400 pages
  • The Original Copy: Photography of Sculpture, 1839 to Today Exhibition catalogue, Hardcover, 256 pages

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