Max Klinger
Place (Ort) (plate I) from A Glove, Opus VI....
1881 (print executed 1880) -
Max Klinger
Cupid (Amor) (plate X) from A Glove, Opus VI....
1881, print executed 1880 -
Max Klinger
Action (Handlung) (plate II) from A Glove....
1881 (print executed 1880) -
Max Klinger
Yearnings (Wünsche) (plate III) from A....
1881 (print executed 1880) -
Max Klinger
Rescuse (Rettung) (plate IV) from A Glove....
1881 (print executed 1880) -
Max Klinger
Triumph (plate V) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein....
1881 (print executed 1880) -
Max Klinger
Homage (Huldigung) (plate VI) from A Glove....
1881 (print executed 1880) -
Max Klinger
Fears (Ängste) (plate VII) from A....
1881 (print executed 1880) -
Max Klinger
Repose (Ruhe) (plate VIII) from A Glove....
1881 (print executed 1880) -
Max Klinger
Abduction (Entführung) (plate IX) from....
1881 (print executed 1880) -
Max Klinger
Bear and Elf (Bär und Elfe) (plate I)....
(first published 1881), print executed 1880 -
Max Klinger
By the Sea (Am Meer) (plate II) from....
(first published 1881) -
Max Klinger
In Flagranti from Dramas, Opus IX (Dramen....
(first published 1883) -
Max Klinger
Dreams (Träume) (plate 3) for the....
1884 (executed 1883, first published 1884) -
Max Klinger
Going Under Going Under (rejected plate) for....
1884 -
Peter Behrens
The Kiss (Der Kuss) (plate, facing page 116)....
(1898) -
Oskar Kokoschka
The Awakening (Die Erwachenden) (in-text plate....
1917 (executed 1907-08) -
Oskar Kokoschka
The Girl Li and I (Das Mädchen Li und ich)....
1917 (executed 1907-08) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Two Nudes in a Landscape (Zwei Akte im Freien).
(c. 1908-10) -
Lovis Corinth
Judith before Holofernes (Judith vor Holofernes)....
1910 -
Erich Heckel
Kneeling Nudes (Kniende Akte) cover from the....
(1910) -
Egon Schiele
Girl with Black Hair (Mädchen mit schwarzem....
1911 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Woman Buttoning Her Shoe (Frau, Schuh....
(1912, published 1913) -
Erich Heckel
Crouching Woman (Hockende) from the....
(1913), dated 1914, (published 1921) -
Max Beckmann
Night (Die Nacht).
(1914), dated 1916, published 1918 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Sailor Saying Goodbye (Matrose sich....
(1914) -
Oskar Kokoschka
The Man Raises His Head from the Grave on Which the....
(1914, published 1916) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Pietà ("It is enough"....
(1914, published 1916) -
Oskar Kokoschka
The Last Night (Das letzte Lager) (plate 6)....
(1914, published 1916) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Fear and Hope (The Man Comforts the Woman) [Furcht....
(1914, published 1916) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Man and Woman on the Road to Death (Mann und Weib....
(1914, published 1916) -
Oskar Kokoschka
The Murder (Der Mord) (plate, folio 3 verso)....
1914 (executed 1913) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Aristoteles and Phyllis (plate, folio 5)....
1914 (executed 1913) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Woman with Child and Death (Frau mit Kind und Tod)....
1914 (executed 1913) -
Oskar Kokoschka
At the Spinning Wheel (Am Spinnrad) (plate....
1914 (executed 1913) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Christian Love (Die christliche Liebe) (plate....
1914 (executed 1913) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Woman Desired by Men (Weib vom Manne begehrt)....
1914 (executed 1913) -
Oskar Kokoschka
The Eavesdropper (Des Lauscher) (plate, folio....
1914 (executed 1913) -
Oskar Kokoschka
The Intruders (Die Eindringlinge) (plate, folio....
1914 (executed 1913) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Untitled (Man Lying in the Lap of Woman)....
1915 -
Oskar Kokoschka
Untitled (Man and Woman with Snake) (plate, [p....
1915 -
Max Beckmann
Lovers I (Liebespaar I) from Faces....
(1916, published 1919) -
Max Beckmann
Theater for the portfolio Faces....
1916 (published 1919) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Plate (folio 4) from Mörder, Hoffnung....
(1916) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Plate (folio 6) from Mörder, Hoffnung....
(1916) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Plate (folio 8) from Mörder, Hoffnung....
(1916) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Plate (folio 10) from Mörder, Hoffnung....
(1916) -
Oskar Kokoschka
The Face of Woman (Des Gesicht des Weibes)....
1916 (executed 1913) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Woman Bent over Phantom (Weib über Schemen....
1916 (executed 1913) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Woman Triumphs over Corpse (Das Weib triumphiert....
1916 (executed 1913) -
Oskar Kokoschka
The Clear Face (Das reine Gesicht) (plate 12)....
1916 (executed 1913) -
Oskar Kokoschka
The New Columbus and Saint George (Der neue....
1916 (executed 1913) -
Oskar Kokoschka
The Last Judgement (Das jüngste Gericht)....
1916 (executed 1913) -
Oskar Kokoschka
The Path to the Grave (Der Weg ins Grab) (plate....
1916 (executed 1913) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Couple in Candlelight (Das Paar im Kerzenlicht)....
1916 (executed 1913) -
Oskar Kokoschka
The Apple of Eve (Der Apfel der Eva) (plate 6)....
1916 (executed 1913) -
Oskar Kokoschka
At the Crossroads (Am Scheidewege) (plate 7)....
1916 (executed 1913) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Man with Raised Arms and the Figure of Death (Der....
1916 (executed 1913) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Encounter (Begegnung) (plate 9) from The....
1916 (executed 1913) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Adam and Eve (Adam und Eva) from the illustrated....
(1916/1917, published 1917) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Mörder, Hoffnung der Frauen (Murderer, Hope of....
(1916, drawings executed 1910) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Plate (folio 4) from Mörder, Hoffnung....
(1916) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Plate (folio 6) from Mörder, Hoffnung....
(1916) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Plate (folio 8) from Mörder, Hoffnung....
(1916) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Plate (folio 10) from Mörder, Hoffnung....
(1916) -
Max Beckmann
Sleeping Couple (Schlafende).
(1917, published 1920) -
Max Beckmann
Second Illustration for Chapter One (Zweite....
(1917, published 1918) -
Max Beckmann
Illustration for Chapter Two (Illustration zu....
(1917, published 1918) -
Max Beckmann
Adam and Eve (Adam und Eva).
(1917, published 1918) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Adam and Eve (Adam und Eva) (tailpiece, page 5)....
1917 (executed 1916/17) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Eros and the Couple at the Table (Eros und das Paar....
1917 (executed 1916/17) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Job with Horns (Hiob mit Geweih) (plate, page....
1917 (executed 1916/17) -
Oskar Kokoschka
The Gentlemen in Mourning Dress (Die Herren in....
1917 (executed 1916/17) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Anima With the Contortionist (Anima mit....
1917 (executed 1916/17) -
Oskar Kokoschka
End: Anima and Job (Finis: Anima und Hiob)....
1917 (executed 1916/17) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Job, Chambermaid and Parrot (Hiob, Kammerjungfrau....
1917 (executed 1916/17) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Job Before Anima's Door (Hiob vor der Türe....
1917 (executed 1916/17) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Job and the Contortionist (Hiob und der....
1917 (executed 1916/17) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Job and the Poodle (Hiob und der Pudel)....
1917 (executed 1916/17) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Job, Anima and the Contortionist (Hiob, Anima und....
1917 (executed 1916/17) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Job and the Maidens (Hiob und die Fräuleins)....
1917 (executed 1916/17) -
Oskar Kokoschka
The Maiden and the Firebrand (Das Fräulein und....
1917 (executed 1916/17) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Lumbago (Der Hexenschuss) (in-text plate, page....
1917 (executed 1916/17) -
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Couple (Menschenpaar) (plate, preceding p. 33)....
1918 (executed 1917) -
Max Beckmann
Lovers II (Liebespaar II) from Faces....
(1918, published 1919) -
Werner Gothein
Kiss (Kuss) (plate, preceding p. 129) from the....
1918 -
Otto Dix
Apotheosis (Apotheose) from the portfolio....
1919 (published 1922) -
Otto Dix
Man and Woman (Nocturnal Scene) [Mann und Weib....
(1919, dated 1920, published 1922) -
Walter O. Grimm
Untitled (Courtship) (plate, number 1) from the....
1919 -
Paul Klee
The Aim, My Aim! (Das Ziel, mein Ziel!) from....
1919 -
Paul Klee
I Am Sent to Relieve Mankind of a Nightmare (Ich....
1919 -
Paul Klee
You Strong One, O-Oh Oh You! (Du Starker - o - ohoh....
1919 -
Paul Klee
Womanhood Finally Redeemed (Endlich erlöstes....
1919 -
Paul Klee
Yet Berlin, Our Citadel ... (Berlin dagegen unsere....
1919 -
Paul Klee
The Near Future Holds Mortal Danger (Nahe Zukunft....
1919 -
Paul Klee
One Iniquity Upon the Other Piled Up in This Way....
1919 -
Lovis Corinth
Aline Falls (Aline kommt zu Fall) from The....
(1920/21) -
Otto Dix
Scherzo from the portfolio Nine Woodcuts....
1920 (published 1922) -
Otto Dix
Cats (Katzen) from the portfolio Nine....
1920 (published 1922) -
Otto Dix
Lovers (Liebespaar) from the portfolio Nine....
(1920), dated 1921, published 1922 -
Otto Dix
Syphilitic (Syphilitiker) for the portfolio....
1920 -
George Grosz
Dawn (Früh um 5 Uhr!) from In the....
(1920/21, published 1921) -
Max Pechstein
Woman Desired by Man (Weib vom Manne begehrt)....
1920 (print executed 1919) -
Franz Radziwill
Travails of Love (Liebesgram) from the....
1921 (executed 1920-21) -
Rudolf Schlichter
Dance (Tanz) (plate, preceding p. 97) from the....
1920 (executed 1919) -
Martin Schwemer
Untitled (Embrace) (plate, number 6) from the....
1920 -
Martin Schwemer
Untitled (The Kiss) (plate, number 8) from the....
1920 -
Max Beckmann
Shooting Gallery (Schiessbude) for the....
(1921) -
Max Beckmann
Snake Lady (Schlangendame) from Annual Fair....
(1921, published 1922) -
Max Beckmann
Shooting Gallery (Schiessbude) from Annual....
(1921, published 1922) -
Max Beckmann
Deaf and Dumb (Taubstumme) from the deluxe....
(1921) -
Karl Hofer
The Nest (Das Nest) (plate, after p. 156) from....
1921 -
Max Beckmann
Toilette (Before the Mirror) (Toilette [Vor dem....
(1923, published 1924) -
Otto Dix
Woman with Heron Feather (Dame mit Reiher) from....
1923 -
Max Pechstein
Plate (facing page 12) from Yali und sein weisses....
(1923) -
Various Artists
Masters' Portfolio of the Staatliches Bauhaus....
1923 -
Otto Dix
Sailors in Antwerp (Matrosen in Antwerpen)....
(1924) -
Lasar Segall
Two Women of the Mangue with Blinds (Duas mulheres....
(1928) -
Rolf Nesch
Streetwalker (Strich) from the series St....
(1931) -
Max Beckmann
Second Illustration for Scene 2 (plate facing....
1937 -
Max Beckmann
First Illustration for Scene 5 (plate facing....
1937 -
Max Beckmann
Illustration for Scene 6 (plate facing page 70)....
1937 -
Lasar Segall
Couple in the Mangue (Casal no Mangue) (plate....
1941 (published 1943) -
Lasar Segall
Sensual Woman of the Mangue (Mulher do Mangue....
1941 (published 1943)