Emil Orlik
The Anarchist (Der Anarchist) from Small....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Greyhound (Windhund) from Small Woodcuts....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Slovak (Slowake) from Small Woodcuts (Kleine....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Market Woman (Marktweib) from Small Woodcuts....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Problem from Small Woodcuts (Kleine....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Ex Libris M.L. (Max Lehrs) from Small....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Sign E.O. (Signum E.O.) from Small Woodcuts....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Mother and Child (Mutter und Kind) from....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
The Wheelbarrower (Karrenschieber) from....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Ex Libris E. O. 1897 from Small Woodcuts....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
The Old Castle Fountain in Karlsbad (Der alte....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Small Head (Kleiner Kopf) from Small....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Bohemian Village (Böhmisches Dorf) from....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
The Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague (Der alte....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Old-Clothes Merchant (Altkleider-Händler)....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Ruthenians on a Hike (Ruthenen auf der Wanderung)....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
From London (Aus London) from Small Woodcuts....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Skating Rink (Eislaufplatz) from Small....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
In the Studio (Im Atelier) from Small....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Dutch Boys (Holländische Buben) from....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Newspaper (Die Zeitung) from Small Woodcuts....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Tailor's Workshop by Orlik in Prague....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Spitz from Small Woodcuts (Kleine....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
From Grodek (Aus Grodek) from Small Woodcuts....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Seamstress (Näherin) from Small....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Frenchwoman (Französin) from Small....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
London Dawdlers (Londoner Tagediebe) from....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
In Memory of the Seaside (Erinnerung an Seeseiten)....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
On the Way (Unterwegs) from Small Woodcuts....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Schnauzl from Small Woodcuts (Kleine....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Gossiping Women (Klatschweiber) from Small....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Landscape I (Landschaft I) from Small....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Landscape II (Landschaft II) from Small....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Emil Orlik
Resting Slovaks (Rast der Slowaken) from....
1920 (prints executed 1896-1899) -
Peter Behrens
The Kiss (Der Kuss) (plate, facing page 116)....
(1898) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Title page from Verses Without Words (Stichi....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Departure (Prošcanie) from Verses....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Night (Noc) from Verses Without Words....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Duel (Poedinok) from Verses Without Words....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
The Hunt (Ochota) from Verses Without Words....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Eternity from Verses Without Words (Stichi....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Table of contents (Oglavlenie) from Verses....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
The Rhine (Rejn) from Verses Without Words....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Towards Evening (Vecer) from Verses Without....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Roses (Rozy) from Verses Without Words....
1903 -
Vasily Kandinsky
Mountain Lake (Gornoe ozero) from Verses....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Spectators (Zriteli) from Verses Without....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Old Village (Staryj gorodok) from Verses....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
The Dragon (Zmej) from Verses Without Words....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Bustling Life (Gomon) from Verses Without....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
The Night - Large Version (Die Nacht - Grosse....
(1903) -
Maximilian Kurzweil
Pillow (Der Polster) from the Annual Print....
(1903) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Chestnut Tree in the Moonlight (Kastanienbaum im....
(1904) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Reclining Nude (Liegender Rückenakt)....
(1905, published 1924) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Signet/title vignette of the Brücke Artist's....
(1906) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Manifesto of the Brücke Artists' Group....
(1906) -
Emil Nolde
General and Aide (General und Diener) from the....
1906 -
Erich Heckel
Sailboat (Segelboot) from the portfolio....
1907 (published 1908) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Still Life (Stilleben) from the portfolio....
1907, published 1908 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Three Women Conversing (Unterhaltung von drei....
(1907) -
Vasily Kandinsky
The Archer (Bogenschütze) (plate facing....
1912 (print executed 1908-09) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Rock (Membership Card for the New Artists'....
(1908-1909) -
Franz Marc
Fantastic Creature (Fabeltier) (plate preceding....
1912 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Nude Dancers (Nackte Tänzerinnen).
(1909) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Nude Girl in the Bath (Nacktes Mädchen im....
(1909) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Dancer with Raised Skirt (Tänzerin mit....
(1909, published 1910) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Bathers Throwing Reeds (Mit Schilf werfende....
(1909, published 1910) -
Erich Heckel
Kneeling Nudes (Kniende Akte) cover from the....
(1910) -
Erich Heckel
Schlafender Mann (Pechstein) [Sleeping Man....
1910 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Sand Diggers at the Tiber River (Sandgräber am....
1910 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Dance (Tanz) (plate, folio 14 verso) from KG....
1910 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Members of the Brücke Artists' Group....
1910 (print executed 1907) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
PM (Passive Members) [PM (Passive Mitglieder)]....
1910 (print executed 1907) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
PM (Passive Members) [PM (Passive Mitglieder)]....
1910 (print executed 1908) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
PM (Passive Mitglieder) [PM (Passive Members)]....
1910 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Rowing Samoan (Rudernde Samuanerin) (headpiece....
1910 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
PM (Passive Members) [PM (Passive Mitglieder)]....
1910 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Woman and Man (Mann und Frau) (plate, folio 2)....
1910 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Bath House (Badehaus) (plate, folio 2 verso) ....
1910 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Seated Nude (Sitzender Akt) (plate, folio 7 verso)....
1910 -
Max Pechstein
Artiste (Artistin) (plate, folio 13 verso)....
1910 -
Max Pechstein
Bathers (Badende) (plate, folio 14) from KG....
1910 -
Max Pechstein
Seated Man (Sitzender Mann) (plate, folio 3 verso)....
1910 -
Christian Rohlfs
The Three Kings (Die heiligen drei Könige)....
(c. 1910, published 1918) -
Christian Rohlfs
Profile of a Young Girl (Mädchenkopf....
(c. 1911) -
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
House in the Park (Haus im Park) (plate, folio 9....
1910 -
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Mower (Schnitter) (plate, folio 11 verso)....
1910 -
Erich Heckel
Interior with Two Figures (Interieur mit zwei....
1911 -
Vasily Kandinsky
Standing and Falling Tower with Rider (Stehender....
1911 -
Vasily Kandinsky
Vignette next to "Artwork and Artist"....
1911 -
Vasily Kandinsky
Reclining Female Nude (Liegender weiblicher Akt)....
1911 -
Vasily Kandinsky
Frontispiece (Frontispiz) from Über....
1911 -
Vasily Kandinsky
Vignette next to 'Introduction" (Vignette....
1911 -
Vasily Kandinsky
Rider Motif in Oval Form (Reitermotiv in ovaler....
1911 -
Vasily Kandinsky
Reclining Couple (Liegendes Paar) (headpiece....
1911 -
Vasily Kandinsky
Vignette for "Pyramid" (Vignette next....
1911 -
Vasily Kandinsky
Vignette next to "The Language of Form and....
1911 -
Vasily Kandinsky
Great Resurrection (Grosse Auferstehung)....
(1911) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Standing Nude, Signet of the Brücke Artists'....
(1911) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Vignette for the Annual Report 1910-1911 of the....
(1911) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Varieté (in-text plate, title page) from....
1911 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Summer (Sommer) (in-text plate, p. 567) from....
1911 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Rest (Ruhe) (in-text plate, title page) from....
1911 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Dancers (Tänzerinnen) (in-text plate....
1911 -
Max Pechstein
Killing of the Banquet Roast (Erlegung des....
1911 (published 1912) -
Max Pechstein
Head of a Fisherman VII (Fischerkopf VII) from....
1911, published 1912 -
Max Pechstein
Kneeling Nude with Bowl (Kniender Akt mit Schale)....
(1911) -
Christian Rohlfs
Street in Soest (Strasse in Soest) from the....
(1911, published 1918) -
Christian Rohlfs
Landscape (Polling) [Landschaft (Polling)].
(1911) -
Christian Rohlfs
Landscape (Polling) [Landschaft (Polling)].
(1911) -
Erich Heckel
Cover of the invitation to the exhibition of....
(1912) -
Erich Heckel
The Dead Woman (Die Tote) for the portfolio....
(1912), dated 1919, (published 1920) -
Erich Heckel
"Pantomime by W.S. Guttmann"....
(1912, published 1921) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Title page from the illustrated book Das....
(1912, published 1913) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Canoness at the Sewing Table (Stiftsfräulein....
(1912, published 1913) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
The Canoness in the Lake (Das Stiftsfräulein....
(1912, published 1913) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Canoness in the Garden (Das Stiftsfräulein im....
(1912, published 1913) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Dying Old Maid (Sterbendes altes Fräulein)....
(1912, published 1913) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Woman Buttoning Her Shoe (Frau, Schuh....
(1912, published 1913) -
Wilhelm Morgner
The Rat-Trap Trader (Der Rattenfallenhändler)....
1912 -
Otto Mueller
Boy among Leaves (Boy in Reeds) (Knabe zwischen....
(1912, printed c. 1913-1925) -
Christian Rohlfs
Death (Der Tod) from the periodical in....
(c. 1912-13, published 1920) -
Christian Rohlfs
Cat and Mouse (Katze und Maus).
(c. 1912/13)