Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
The New Houses (Die neuen Häuser)....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Simson (headpiece, page 41) from Umbra vitae....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
The Yards Invited Us... (Die Höfe luden uns....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
The Misty Cities (Die Nebelstädte)....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
All Soul's Day (Allerseelen) (headpiece, page....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
The Birds (Die Vögel) (headpiece, page 45)....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
The Deaf II (Die Tauben II) (headpiece, page....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
The Infernal Last Supper (Das infernalische....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Title vignette (Titelvignette) from Umbra....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
My Soul (Meine Seele) (headpiece, page 52)....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
The Dancer in the Cameo (Die Tänzerin in der....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Hour of Death (Hora mortis) (headpiece, page....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Pilate (Pilatus) (headpiece, page 57) from....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
The Garden (Der Garten) (headpiece, page 58)....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Judas (headpiece, page 59) from Umbra vitae....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
The Mass (Die Messe) (headpiece, page 61)....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Hymn (Hymne) (headpiece, page 62) from Umbra....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Nude in the Landscape (Akt vor Landschaft)....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Umbra vitae (headpiece, page 1) from Umbra....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Back endpapers (Vorsatz) from Umbra Vitae....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
The War (Der Krieg) (headpiece, page 3) from....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
The Morgue (Die Morgue) (headpiece, page 5)....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
The Seafarer (Die Seefahrer) (headpiece, page....
1924 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
The Garden of the Mad (Der Garten der Irren)....
1924 -
Christian Rohlfs
Tower of Paul in Soest (Pauliturm in Soest).
(1924) -
Lovis Corinth
Self-Portrait, Drawing (Selbstbildnis....
(1925) -
Friedrich Feigl
The Finding of Moses (Die Auffindung Moses).
(c. 1925) -
Friedrich Feigl
Motif from the Song of Songs (Das Hohelied).
(c. 1925) -
Walter Gramatté
Self-Portrait, Head Propped on Hand (Selbstbildnis....
1925 -
Max Kaus
Landscape at Bodensee (Landschaft am Bodensee).
c. 1927 -
Paul Klee
Singer of the Comic Opera (Die Sängerin der....
1925 -
Ernst Barlach
The Man with the Knife (Der Mann mit dem Messer).
(1926) -
Lovis Corinth
Self-Portrait (Selbstbildnis) (plate facing....
1926 (print executed 1925) -
Lovis Corinth
Self-Portrait (Selbstbildnis) (plate facing....
1926 (print executed 1921) -
Paul Gangolf
Hindu Village (Hagenbeck) [Village Hindou....
(c. 1926-31) -
George Grosz
Self-Portrait with Dog in Front of the Easel....
(1926) -
Walter Helbig
Houses (Häuser) from 16 Woodcuts (16....
1911, published 1926 -
Walter Helbig
The Artist (Der Künstler) from 16....
1918, published 1926 -
Walter Helbig
Illustration from 16 Woodcuts (16....
1920, published 1926 -
Walter Helbig
Zaddik from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte).
1923, published 1926 -
Walter Helbig
Female Head (Weibl. Kopf) from 16 Woodcuts....
1923, published 1926 -
Walter Helbig
Islander (Insulanerin) from 16 Woodcuts (16....
1925, published 1926 -
Walter Helbig
Three Men Strolling (Spaziergänger)....
1925, published 1926 -
Walter Helbig
Drunkards (Die Trinker) from 16 Woodcuts (16....
1925, published 1926 -
Walter Helbig
Title page (Titelblatt) from 16 Woodcuts (16....
(1926) -
Walter Helbig
Table of Contents (Oglavlenie) from 16....
(1926) -
Walter Helbig
Colophon (Kolophon) from 16 Woodcuts (16....
(1926) -
Walter Helbig
Children Playing (Spielende Kinder) from 16....
1912, published 1926 -
Walter Helbig
Cover (Bucheinband) from 16 Woodcuts (16....
(1926) -
Walter Helbig
Landscape (Landschaft) from 16 Woodcuts (16....
1912, published 1926 -
Walter Helbig
Bathers (Badende) from 16 Woodcuts (16....
1913, published 1926 -
Walter Helbig
Nudes (Akte) from 16 Woodcuts (16....
1915, published 1926 -
Walter Helbig
Sermon for the Birds (Vogelpredigt) from 16....
1916, published 1926 -
Walter Helbig
Farewell (III.) (Abschied (Ill.)) from 16....
1917, published 1926 -
Walter Helbig
Annunciation (III.) (Verkündigung (Ill.))....
1917, published 1926 -
Walter Helbig
Adoration (Anbetung) from 16 Woodcuts (16....
1918, published 1926 -
Vasily Kandinsky
Second Annual Print for the Kandinsky Society....
1926 -
Oskar Kokoschka
Geh, mach die Tür zu, es zieht! (Close the....
1926 (prints executed 1925/26) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Rooster Kicking a Hen (Hahn, eine Henne tretend)....
1926 (executed 1925/26) -
Oskar Kokoschka
Two People (Zwei Menschen) (plate, inbetween....
1926 (executed 1925/26) -
Otto Mueller
Two Gypsy Girls in Living Room (Zwei....
(1926-27, published 1927) -
Emil Nolde
Elderly Men (Ältere Herren) from Das....
(1926, published 1927) -
Emil Nolde
Mythical Creatures (Fabelwesen) from Das....
(1926, published 1927) -
Moissey Kogan
Cross-Legged Female Nude (Weiblicher Akt im....
(c. 1927-28) -
Käthe Kollwitz
Worker Woman with Sleeping Child (Arbeiterfrau mit....
(1927) -
Käthe Kollwitz
The Homecoming (Die Heimkehr) [Poster for the....
(c. 1927) -
Max Liebermann
Portrait of the Reich President Paul von Hindenburg....
(c. 1927) -
Alexander Kanoldt
The Schwarze Wand (Die Schwarze Wand).
(1928) -
Lasar Segall
Group of Emigrants on Deck (Grupo de emigrantes no....
1928 -
Lasar Segall
Two Women of the Mangue with Blinds (Duas mulheres....
(1928) -
Max Slevogt
Self-Portrait (Selbstbildnis) from the....
(1928) -
Paul Gangolf
Marseille, Steamboat in the Harbor (Marseille....
(c.1929, published 1930) -
Franz Maria Jansen
The Harbor of Split (Der Hafen von Split) from the....
(1929) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Fourth Annual Print for the Kandinsky Society....
1929 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Large Cow Reclining (Grosse liegende Kuh).
(1929) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Head of Hans Arp (Kopf Hans Arp).
(1929) -
Vasily Kandinsky
First Etching for Éditions "Cahiers....
1930 -
Paul Klee
Never Ending (Nicht endend) from the deluxe....
1930 (published 1933) -
Käthe Kollwitz
Two Chatting Women with Two Children (Zwei....
(1930) -
Lasar Segall
Shantytown in Rio de Janeiro (Morro da Favella....
1930 -
Ernst Barlach
Despair and Hope II (Hoffnung und Verzweiflung....
(c. 1931) -
Lyonel Feininger
Topsail Ketches, 1 (Toppsegel-Ketschen, 1).
1931 -
Paul Klee
The Approximate Man (L'Homme approximatif) from....
1931 -
Rolf Nesch
Streetwalker (Strich) from the series St....
(1931) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Etching for Circle of Friends of the Bauhaus....
1932 -
Alfred Kubin
The Bride of Corinth (Die Braut von Korinth).
1932 -
Rolf Nesch
Freihafen Bridge (Freihafenbrücke) from....
(1932) -
Josef Scharl
Triumphal Procession of the Specters (Triumphzug....
1932 -
Lyonel Feininger
Sailing Ship with Pennant, Deep (Segelschiff mit....
(1933) -
Lyonel Feininger
Church with Houses, Tree and Star, Deep (Kirche mit....
(1933) -
Lyonel Feininger
Sailing Ship with Three Stars (Segelschiff mit drei....
(1933) -
George Grosz
The Hero (Der Held) from The American Scene....
(1933, published 1934) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Head of Dr. Bauer (Kopf Dr. Bauer).
(1933) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Self-Portrait with Erna (Selbstbildnis mit Erna).
(1933) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Three Nudes in the Forest [counterproof] ....
(1933) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Three Nudes in the Forest (Drei Akte im Walde).
(1933) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Artist and Model (Maler und Modell).
(1936) -
Käthe Kollwitz
Woman Entrusts Herself to Death (Frau vertraut sich....
(1934) -
Käthe Kollwitz
Young Girl in the Lap of Death (Tod hält....
(1934) -
Käthe Kollwitz
Death Grabbing at a Group of Children (Tod greift....
(1934) -
Käthe Kollwitz
Death Seizes a Woman (Tod packt eine Frau) from....
(1934) -
George Grosz
Saints (Heilige) from the portfolio....
(1935-1936, published 1936) -
George Grosz
The Dignity of Labor (Arbeit adelt) from the....
(1935, published 1936) -
George Grosz
Eviction (Per Gerichtsbeschluss entlassen) from....
(1935-1936, published 1936) -
George Grosz
That'll Learn'em (Das wird ihm auf die Sprünge....
(1935, published 1936) -
George Grosz
He Didn't Believe Me (Er glaubte nicht) from....
(1935, published 1936) -
George Grosz
The Voice of the City and Other Stories.
1935 (drawings executed 1933/34) -
George Grosz
Title Page from The Voice of the City and....
1935 (drawings executed 1933/34) -
George Grosz
Hall Bedroom (plate facing page 89) from The....
1935 (drawings executed 1933/34)