Max Klinger
A Glove, Opus VI (Ein Handschuh, Opus VI).
1881 (prints executed 1880) -
Max Klinger
Place (Ort) (plate I) from A Glove, Opus VI....
1881 (print executed 1880) -
Max Klinger
Cupid (Amor) (plate X) from A Glove, Opus VI....
1881, print executed 1880 -
Max Klinger
Vignette (in-text plate, title page) from A....
1881 -
Max Klinger
Action (Handlung) (plate II) from A Glove....
1881 (print executed 1880) -
Max Klinger
Yearnings (Wünsche) (plate III) from A....
1881 (print executed 1880) -
Max Klinger
Rescuse (Rettung) (plate IV) from A Glove....
1881 (print executed 1880) -
Max Klinger
Triumph (plate V) from A Glove, Opus VI (Ein....
1881 (print executed 1880) -
Max Klinger
Homage (Huldigung) (plate VI) from A Glove....
1881 (print executed 1880) -
Max Klinger
Fears (Ängste) (plate VII) from A....
1881 (print executed 1880) -
Max Klinger
Repose (Ruhe) (plate VIII) from A Glove....
1881 (print executed 1880) -
Max Klinger
Abduction (Entführung) (plate IX) from....
1881 (print executed 1880) -
Max Klinger
Intermezzos, Opus IV (Intermezzi, Opus IV).
(first published 1881) -
Max Klinger
Bear and Elf (Bär und Elfe) (plate I)....
(first published 1881), print executed 1880 -
Max Klinger
Simplicius in the Wilderness (Simplicius in der....
(first published 1881) -
Max Klinger
Fallen Rider (Gefallener Reiter) (plate XI)....
(first published 1881) -
Max Klinger
Cupid, Death and the Beyond (Amor, Tod und....
(first published 1881), executed 1879/1881 -
Max Klinger
By the Sea (Am Meer) (plate II) from....
(first published 1881) -
Max Klinger
Pursued Centaur (Verfolgter Centaur) (plate....
(first published 1881) -
Max Klinger
Moonlight (Mondnacht) (plate IV) from....
(first published 1881) -
Max Klinger
Battling Centaurs (Kämpfende Centauren)....
(first published 1881) -
Max Klinger
Landslide (Bergsturz) (plate VI) from....
(first published 1881) -
Max Klinger
Simplicius' Writing Lesson (Simplici Schreibstunde)....
(first published 1881) -
Max Klinger
Simplicius at the Hermit's Grave (Simplicius am....
(first published 1881) -
Max Klinger
Simplicius among the Soldiers (Simplicius unter den....
(first published 1881) -
Max Klinger
On the Tracks (Auf den Schienen) (plate 8) from....
(1883, published 1897) -
Max Klinger
Dramas, Opus IX (Dramen, Opus IX).
first published 1883 (prints executed 1881-1883) -
Max Klinger
In Flagranti from Dramas, Opus IX (Dramen....
(first published 1883) -
Max Klinger
March Days III (Märztage III) from....
(first published 1883) -
Max Klinger
A Mother I from Dramas, Opus IX.
(first published 1883) -
Max Klinger
A Mother II (Eine Mutter II) from Dramas....
(first published 1883) -
Max Klinger
A Mother III (Eine Mutter III) from Dramas....
(first published 1883) -
Max Klinger
A Murder (Ein Mord) from Dramas, Opus IX....
(first published 1883) -
Max Klinger
March Days I from Dramas, Opus IX.
(first published 1883) -
Max Klinger
March Days II (Märztage II) from....
(first published 1883) -
Max Klinger
Dreams (Träume) (plate 3) for the....
1884 (executed 1883, first published 1884) -
Max Klinger
Going Under Going Under (rejected plate) for....
1884 -
Max Klinger
The Philosopher (Der Philosoph) (plate....
(1895, print executed 1885) -
Max Klinger
Herod (Herodes) (plate 6) from the portfolio....
(1885, published 1897) -
Käthe Kollwitz
March of the Weavers (Weberzug) from the....
(1893-1897, published c. 1931) -
Eugen Kirchner
November (plate, facing page 216) from the....
(1896) -
Hans Thoma
Sunflower Girl (Sonnenblumenmädchen).
1897, published 1899-1900 -
Henry Clemens van de Velde
Tropon Poster (Plakat: Tropon) (plate, facing....
(1897, printed 1898) -
Peter Behrens
The Kiss (Der Kuss) (plate, facing page 116)....
(1898) -
Paula Modersohn-Becker
Seated Child (Sitzendes Kind).
(c. 1899-1902, printed 1922-23) -
Paula Modersohn-Becker
Portrait of a Peasant Woman (Bildnis einer....
(c. 1899-1902, printed 1922-23) -
Paula Modersohn-Becker
Seated Old Woman (Sitzende Alte).
(c. 1899-1902) -
Heinrich Nauen
Still-Life with Pot (Stilleben mit Topf).
unknown -
Alexander Olbricht
Ornamental Composition (Dekorative Komposition).
unknown -
Alexander Olbricht
Ornamental Composition with Rose (Dekorative....
unknown -
Vasily Kandinsky
Poster for the 1st Exhibition of the....
(1901) -
Franz Marc
Bookplate Daniel Pesl I (Exlibris Daniel Pesl I).
(1901) -
Franz Marc
Bookplate Daniel Pesl II (Exlibris Daniel Pesl....
(c. 1902) -
Franz Marc
Bookplate Paul Marc I (Ex Libris Paul Marc I).
(1902) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Verses Without Words (Stichi bez slov).
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Title page from Verses Without Words (Stichi....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Departure (Prošcanie) from Verses....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Night (Noc) from Verses Without Words....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Duel (Poedinok) from Verses Without Words....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
The Hunt (Ochota) from Verses Without Words....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Eternity from Verses Without Words (Stichi....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Table of contents (Oglavlenie) from Verses....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
The Rhine (Rejn) from Verses Without Words....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Towards Evening (Vecer) from Verses Without....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Roses (Rozy) from Verses Without Words....
1903 -
Vasily Kandinsky
Mountain Lake (Gornoe ozero) from Verses....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Spectators (Zriteli) from Verses Without....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Old Village (Staryj gorodok) from Verses....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
The Dragon (Zmej) from Verses Without Words....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
Bustling Life (Gomon) from Verses Without....
(1903) -
Vasily Kandinsky
The Night - Large Version (Die Nacht - Grosse....
(1903) -
Paul Klee
Virgin in the Tree (Jungfrau im Baum) from the....
1903 -
Paul Klee
Two Men Meet, Each Believing the Other to Be of....
1903 -
Max Klinger
Plague (Pest) (plate 5) for the portfolio On....
1903 (published 1904) -
Maximilian Kurzweil
Pillow (Der Polster) from the Annual Print....
(1903) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Chestnut Tree in the Moonlight (Kastanienbaum im....
(1904) -
Paul Klee
A Man Sinking Before the Crown (Ein Mann versinkt....
1904 -
Paul Klee
Perseus (Wit Has Triumphed over Grief) (Perseus....
1904 -
Max Slevogt
Duel (Zweikampf) (plate 5) for the portfolio....
1904 (published 1905) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Reclining Nude (Liegender Rückenakt)....
(1905, published 1924) -
Paul Klee
Der Held mit dem Flügel (The Hero with the....
1905 -
Franz Marc
Book Plate Franz Marc II (Ex Libris Franz Marc....
(1905) -
Emil Nolde
Joy in Life (Lebensfreude) from the series....
(1905) -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kids from The Chicago Sunday....
April 29 - November 18, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kids from The Chicago Sunday....
April 29, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kid's Relief-Expedition Meets a....
(July 8) 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kid's: The Relief-Expedition Meets with....
(July 15) 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
Kin-der-Kids: The Jimjam Expedition has a Collapse....
(July 22) 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kids: Melancholy Loss of The Jim-jam....
July 29, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kids Win a Motor Boat Race upon their....
August 5, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kids Nearly Loose Japansky from....
(August 12) 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kids Visit a Football Match and....
(August 19) 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kids: Strenuous Teddy Brings his....
(August 26) 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kids' Narrow Escape from Aunty JimJam....
(September 2) 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kids: Piemouth is Rescued by....
(September 9) 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kids Abroad: Triumphant Departure of....
May 6, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kids are Taken Captive by Russian....
(September 16) 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kids: Japansky Surprises the Governor....
(September 30) 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
Kin-der-Kids: Sherlock Bones Shows that He is a....
(October 7) 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kids: Mr. Buggins Gets a Pull and....
(October 14) 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kids: Aunty Jimjam Conceives a Novel....
(October 21) 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kids: Aunty Jimjam Resumes her Chase in....
(November 4) 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kids: Thrilling Adventure with Wolves....
(November 11) 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kids: Dr. Dopeski Tries his Newski....
(November 18) 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kids Pass Sandy Hook Light from....
May 13, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kids (Abroad): The Kids Terrible....
May 20, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
Piemouth Comes to the Rescue of the Kin-der-Kids....
June 3, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kids Make a Lucky Haul! from The....
(June 10) 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
Aunty Jimjam and Cousin Gussy Have a Vision of the....
June 17, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
How the Jimjam Relief Expedition Set Out ....
June 24, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
The Kin-der-Kid's Relief-Expedition Slams into a....
July 1, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
Wee Willie Winkie's World from The Chicago....
August 26 - December 2, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
Wee Willie Winkie's World from The Chicago....
August 26, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
Wee Willie Winkie's World from The Chicago....
December 2, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
Wee Willie Winkie's World from The Chicago....
September 2, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
Wee Willie Winkie's World fromThe Chicago....
September 9, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
Wee Willie Winkie's World from The Chicago....
September 16, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
Wee Willie Winkie's World from The Chicago....
September 23, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
Wee Willie Winkie's World from The Chicago....
September 30, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
Wee Willie Winkie's World from The Chicago....
November 4, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
Wee Willie Winkie's World from The Chicago....
November 11, 1906 -
Lyonel Feininger
Wee Willie Winkie's World from The Chicago....
November 25, 1906 -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Signet/title vignette of the Brücke Artist's....
(1906) -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Manifesto of the Brücke Artists' Group....
(1906) -
Emil Nolde
General and Aide (General und Diener) from the....
1906 -
Emil Nolde
The Scholars, Bookplate Hans Fehr (Die Gelehrten....
(1906) -
Carl Otto Czeschka
Front cover from the First Theater Program of....
1907 -
Carl Otto Czeschka
Back cover from the First Theater Program of....
1907 -
Erich Heckel
Sailboat (Segelboot) from the portfolio....
1907 (published 1908)