Conrad Felixmüller
The Far-Away Beloved (Die ferne Geliebte)....
1923 -
Various Artists with Conrad Felixmüller, Gerhard...
Die Lebenden, vols. 1-3.
1923-1931 -
Charles Crodel
Chicken in a Landscape (Huhn in einer Landschaft)....
1924 (print executed 1923) -
Oskar Gawell
Woman with Animals (Frau mit Tieren) (in-text....
1924 (print executed 1922) -
Willy Robert Huth
Place of Edgar Quinet (Place Edgar Quinet)....
1924 (print executed 1923) -
Gerhard Marcks
Mythical Chariot (Mythisches Gespann) (in-text....
1924 (print executed 1922) -
Wilhelm Rudolph
Tugboat on the Elbe (Schlepper auf der Elbe)....
1924 (print executed 1923) -
Walter Dexel
In-text plate (title page) from the....
1925 (print executed 1924) -
Christoph Voll
Punishment Scene at the Orphanage (Strafszene im....
1925 (print executed 1924) -
Max Thalmann
In-text plate (title page) from the....
1927 (print executed 1926)