Otto Dix
Street (Strasse) from the portfolio Nine....
1919 (published 1922) -
Otto Dix
Apotheosis (Apotheose) from the portfolio....
1919 (published 1922) -
Otto Dix
Man and Woman (Nocturnal Scene) [Mann und Weib....
(1919, dated 1920, published 1922) -
Otto Dix
Nine Woodcuts (Neun Holzschnitte).
(1922, prints executed: 1919-1920) -
Otto Dix
Streetcar (Elektrische) from the portfolio....
(1920, dated 1921, published 1922) -
Otto Dix
Street Noise (Lärm der Strasse) from the....
(1920, dated 1921, published 1922) -
Otto Dix
Scherzo from the portfolio Nine Woodcuts....
1920 (published 1922) -
Otto Dix
Cats (Katzen) from the portfolio Nine....
1920 (published 1922) -
Otto Dix
The Celebrities (Constellation) [Die Prominenten....
1920 (published 1922) -
Otto Dix
Lovers (Liebespaar) from the portfolio Nine....
(1920), dated 1921, published 1922 -
Otto Dix
Portrait of Violinist Carlo von Rust (Bildnis des....
(1920) -
Otto Dix
Syphilitic (Syphilitiker) for the portfolio....
1920 -
Otto Dix
American Riding Act (Amerikanischer Reitakt)....
1922 -
Otto Dix
Self-Portrait (with Cigarette) [Selbstbildnis (mit....
1922 -
Otto Dix
Maud Arizona (Suleika, The Tattooed Wonder) [Maud....
1922 -
Otto Dix
Woman with Heron Feather (Dame mit Reiher) from....
1923 -
Otto Dix
The War (Der Krieg).
1924 (prints executed 1923-1924) -
Otto Dix
Soldiers' Grave Between the Lines (Soldatengrab....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Wounded Man Fleeing (Battle of the Somme, 1916)....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Abandoned Position near Neuville (Verlassene....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Shock Troops Advance under Gas (Sturmtruppe geht....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Mealtime in the Trench (Loretto Heights) [Mahlzeit....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Resting Company (Ruhende Kompanie) from The....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Abandoned Position near Vis-en-Artois (Verlassene....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Corpse in Barbed Wire (Flanders) [Leiche im....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Flare Illuminates the Monacu-ferme (Leuchtkugel....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Dead Sentry in the Trench (Toter Sappenposten)....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Dance of Death 1917 (Dead Man Heights) [Totentanz....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
The Second Company Will Be Relieved Tonight (Die....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Battle-Weary Troops Retreat (Battle of the Somme)....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Nocturnal Encounter with a Lunatic (Nächtliche....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Dead Man in the Mud (Toter im Schlamm) from....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Dying Soldier (Sterbender Soldat) from The....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Evening on the Wijtschaete Plain (November 1917)....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Seen on the Escarpment at Cléry-sur-Somme....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Found While Digging a Trench (Auberive) [Gefunden....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Gas Victims (Templeux-La-Fosse, August 1916)....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Tangled Barbed Wire before the Trench (Drahtverhau....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Sailors in Antwerp (Matrosen in Antwerpen)....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Lens Being Bombed (Lens wird mit Bomben belegt)....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Front-line Soldier in Brussels (Frontsoldat in....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Canteen in Haplincourt (Kantine in Haplincourt)....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Shot to Pieces (Zerschossene) from The War....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
House Destroyed by Aerial Bombs (Tournai) [Durch....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Crater Field near Dontrien, Lit by Flares....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Skin Graft (Transplantation) from The War....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Machine-Gun Squad Advances (Somme, November 1916)....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Ration Carrying near Pilkem (Essenholer bei Pilkem)....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
The Sleepers of Fort Vaux (Gas Victims) [Die....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Transporting the Wounded in Houthulst Forest....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Roll Call of Returning Troops (Appell der....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Horse Cadaver (Pferdekadaver) from The War....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Dead Men before the Position near Tahure (Tote vor....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Wounded Man (Autumn 1916, Bapaume) [Verwundeter....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Near Langemarck (February 1918) [Bei Langemarck....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Disintegrating Trench (Zerfallender Kampfgraben)....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Mutzli (Portrait of Mrs. Dix) [Mutzli (Bildnis Frau....
(1924) -
Otto Dix, Karl Nierendorf, Berlin
The Outposts in the Trenches Must Maintain the....
(1924) -
Otto Dix
Portrait of Dr. Löffler, Seated I (Upright)....