German Expressionism

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Wilhelm Kohlhoff (German, 1893–1971)

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From the periodical

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  • Ernst Fritsch. House in Front of the Sun (Haus vor der Sonne) (plate, number 2) from the periodical Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6. 1919-20 (print executed 1919)
    House in Front of the Sun (Haus vor der...
    1919-20 (print executed 1919)
    Ernst Fritsch. House in Front of the Sun (Haus vor der Sonne) (plate, number 2) from the periodical Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6. 1919-20 (print executed 1919)
  • Arthur Grunenberg. Scheherazade (plate, number 3) from the periodical Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6. 1919-20 (print executed 1919)
    Scheherazade (plate, number 3) from...
    1919-20 (print executed 1919)
    Arthur Grunenberg. Scheherazade (plate, number 3) from the periodical Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6. 1919-20 (print executed 1919)
  • Franz Heckendorf. Oriental Landscape (Orientalische Landschaft) (plate, number 4) from the periodical Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6. 1919-20 (print executed 1919)
    Oriental Landscape (Orientalische...
    1919-20 (print executed 1919)
    Franz Heckendorf. Oriental Landscape (Orientalische Landschaft) (plate, number 4) from the periodical Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6. 1919-20 (print executed 1919)
  • Adolf Köglsperger. High Hour (Hohe Stunde) (plate, number 6) from the periodical Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6. 1919-20 (print executed 1919)
    High Hour (Hohe Stunde) (plate...
    1919-20 (print executed 1919)
    Adolf Köglsperger. High Hour (Hohe Stunde) (plate, number 6) from the periodical Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6. 1919-20 (print executed 1919)
  • Wilhelm Kohlhoff. The Blind One (Der Blinde) (plate, number 7) from the periodical Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6. 1919-20 (print executed 1919)
    The Blind One (Der Blinde) (plate...
    1919-20 (print executed 1919)
    Wilhelm Kohlhoff. The Blind One (Der Blinde) (plate, number 7) from the periodical Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6. 1919-20 (print executed 1919)
  • Bruno Krauskopf. Portrait Study (Portätstudie) (plate, number 8) from the periodical Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6. 1919-20 (print executed 1919)
    Portrait Study (Portätstudie)...
    1919-20 (print executed 1919)
    Bruno Krauskopf. Portrait Study (Portätstudie) (plate, number 8) from the periodical Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6. 1919-20 (print executed 1919)
  • Erika M. Künzig. Madonna with Deer (Die Muttergottes mit den Rehen) (plate, number 9) from the periodical Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6. 1919-20 (print executed 1919)
    Madonna with Deer (Die Muttergottes mit...
    1919-20 (print executed 1919)
    Erika M. Künzig. Madonna with Deer (Die Muttergottes mit den Rehen) (plate, number 9) from the periodical Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6. 1919-20 (print executed 1919)
  • Martel Schwichtenberg. Night Fantasy (Nachtphantasie) (plate, number 12) from the periodical Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6. 1919-20 (print executed 1919)
    Night Fantasy (Nachtphantasie)...
    1919-20 (print executed 1919)
    Martel Schwichtenberg. Night Fantasy (Nachtphantasie) (plate, number 12) from the periodical Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6. 1919-20 (print executed 1919)
  • Erich Waske. Rhine Landscape Near Godesberg (Rheinlandschaft bei Godesberg) (plate, number 13) from the periodical Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6. 1919-20 (print executed 1919)
    Rhine Landscape Near Godesberg...
    1919-20 (print executed 1919)
    Erich Waske. Rhine Landscape Near Godesberg (Rheinlandschaft bei Godesberg) (plate, number 13) from the periodical Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6. 1919-20 (print executed 1919)
  • Adolf Köglsperger. Cover from the periodical Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6. 1919-20
    Cover from the periodical Junge...
    Adolf Köglsperger. Cover from the periodical Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6. 1919-20

Various Artists with Ernst Fritsch (1892–1965), Arthur Grunenberg (1886–1927), Franz Heckendorf (German, 1888–1962), Adolf Köglsperger (German, 1891–1960), Wilhelm Kohlhoff (German, 1893–1971), Bruno Krauskopf (German, 1892–1960), Erika M. Künzig (German, 1899–1977), Martel Schwichtenberg (German, 1896–1945), Erich Waske (German, 1889–1978)

The Periodical

Junge Berliner Kunst, no. 6

One issue of periodical with thirteen lithographs and one lithographed cover (this copy lacking four lithographs)
Ernst Wasmuth, Berlin
Imberg & Lefson, Berlin
Credit Line:
The Museum of Modern Art Library
Söhn 360.
MoMA Number:
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