German Expressionism

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Käthe Kollwitz

German, 1867–1945

Starr Figura, German Expressionism: The Graphic Impulse, New York, The Museum of Modern Art, 2011

Printmaker, draftsman, sculptor. Trained initially as a painter, but by 1890 turned to printmaking as means for social criticism. Married to a physician to proletarian families in Berlin, felt deep admiration for working class and dedicated her art to the poor and oppressed, especially women and children. Devastated by the death of her younger son, Peter, in combat in 1914, embraced pacifism and concentrated increasingly on themes of sacrifice and mourning. Stylistically indebted to Naturalism, but eventually began simplifying compositions, to emphasize emotion.

Made a total of 275 prints, nearly all black and white. Focused on etching until about 1911, then turned more to lithography, capitalizing on its directness and immediacy, especially for posters supporting postwar humanitarian causes. Inspired by Ernst Barlach, in 1920 adopted woodcut technique, which led to greater simplification without losing figurative legibility, as demonstrated in portfolio War, published in 1924. Wanted prints to be widely accessible, both in content and price, but was encouraged by publishers Emil Richter and, later, Alexander von der Becke, to create special editions for elite market as well.

Became first woman elected to Prussian Academy of Arts in 1919; expelled by Nazis, who prohibited her from exhibiting but nevertheless appropriated her images for own propaganda. During World War II Berlin apartment destroyed, with great loss of work. Died two weeks before German surrender.

Selected Bibliography

Knesebeck, Alexandra von dem. Käthe Kollwitz: Werkverzeichnis der Graphik. Band I & II. Bern: Kornfeld, 2002.

Prelinger, Elizabeth, ed. Käthe Kollwitz. Exh. cat. Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1992.

Rix, Brenda D., and Jay A. Clarke. Käthe Kollwitz: The Art of Compassion. Exh. cat. Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 2003.

Heather Hess

Works by Käthe Kollwitz

  • Käthe Kollwitz. March of the Weavers (Weberzug) from the series Weaver's Revolt (Ein Weberaufstand). (1893-1897, published c. 1931)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    March of the Weavers (Weberzug) from the...
    (1893-1897, published c. 1931)
    Käthe Kollwitz. March of the Weavers (Weberzug) from the series Weaver's Revolt (Ein Weberaufstand). (1893-1897, published c. 1931)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. Death, Woman, and Child (Tod, Frau und Kind). (1910, printed c. 1931 or after)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    Death, Woman, and Child (Tod, Frau und Kind)
    (1910, printed c. 1931 or after)
    Käthe Kollwitz. Death, Woman, and Child (Tod, Frau und Kind). (1910, printed c. 1931 or after)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. Self-Portrait, Hand at the Forehead (Selbstbildnis mit der Hand an der Stirn). (1910, published c. 1946/1948)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    Self-Portrait, Hand at the Forehead (Selbstbildnis...
    (1910, published c. 1946/1948)
    Käthe Kollwitz. Self-Portrait, Hand at the Forehead (Selbstbildnis mit der Hand an der Stirn). (1910, published c. 1946/1948)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. For Greater Berlin (Für Gross Berlin). 1912
    Käthe Kollwitz
    For Greater Berlin (Für Gross Berlin)
    Käthe Kollwitz. For Greater Berlin (Für Gross Berlin). 1912
  • Käthe Kollwitz. Small Self-Portrait (Kleines Selbstbildnis) (plate 3) from the illustrated book Deutsche Graphiker der Gegenwart (German Printmakers of Our Time). 1920
    Käthe Kollwitz
    Small Self-Portrait (Kleines Selbstbildnis)...
    Käthe Kollwitz. Small Self-Portrait (Kleines Selbstbildnis) (plate 3) from the illustrated book Deutsche Graphiker der Gegenwart (German Printmakers of Our Time). 1920
  • Various Artists with Paul Klee, Max Beckmann, Karl Caspar, Conrad Felixmüller, Erich Heckel, René Beeh, Heinrich Campendonk, Lovis Corinth, August Gaul, Ernst Barlach, George Grosz, Max Unold, Käthe Kollwitz, Alfred Kubin, Max Liebermann, Ludwig Meidner, Otto Mueller, Max Pechstein, Adolf Ferdinand Schinnerer, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Richard Seewald, Rudolf Grossmann, Lyonel Feininger. Deutsche Graphiker der Gegenwart (German Printmakers of Our Time). 1920
    Various Artists with Paul Klee, Max Beckmann, Karl...
    Deutsche Graphiker der Gegenwart (German...
    Various Artists with Paul Klee, Max Beckmann, Karl Caspar, Conrad Felixmüller, Erich Heckel, René Beeh, Heinrich Campendonk, Lovis Corinth, August Gaul, Ernst Barlach, George Grosz, Max Unold, Käthe Kollwitz, Alfred Kubin, Max Liebermann, Ludwig Meidner, Otto Mueller, Max Pechstein, Adolf Ferdinand Schinnerer, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Richard Seewald, Rudolf Grossmann, Lyonel Feininger. Deutsche Graphiker der Gegenwart (German Printmakers of Our Time). 1920
  • Käthe Kollwitz. Fear (Das Bangen) (in-text plate, p. 40) from the periodical Kriegszeit. Künstlerflugblätter, vol. 1, no. 10 (28 Oct 1914). 1914
    Käthe Kollwitz
    Fear (Das Bangen) (in-text plate, p. 40) from...
    Käthe Kollwitz. Fear (Das Bangen) (in-text plate, p. 40) from the periodical Kriegszeit. Künstlerflugblätter, vol. 1, no. 10 (28 Oct 1914). 1914
  • Käthe Kollwitz. Mother with a Child in her Arms (Mutter mit Kind auf dem Arm) (plate, folio 5) from the periodicial Der Bildermann, vol. 1, no. 2 (Apr 1916). 1916
    Käthe Kollwitz
    Mother with a Child in her Arms (Mutter mit Kind...
    Käthe Kollwitz. Mother with a Child in her Arms (Mutter mit Kind auf dem Arm) (plate, folio 5) from the periodicial Der Bildermann, vol. 1, no. 2 (Apr 1916). 1916
  • Various Artists with Walther Klemm, Ernst Barlach, Erich Heckel, Max Liebermann, August Gaul, Willy Jaeckel, Josef Bato, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Heinrich Zille, Oskar Kokoschka, Käthe Kollwitz, Otto Mueller, Max Slevogt, Ottomar Starke, Wilhelm Wagner, Leopold von Kalckreuth, Rudolf Grossmann. Der Bildermann, vol. 1, nos. 1-18. April 1916-December 1916
    Various Artists with Walther Klemm, Ernst Barlach...
    Der Bildermann, vol. 1, nos. 1-18
    April 1916-December 1916
    Various Artists with Walther Klemm, Ernst Barlach, Erich Heckel, Max Liebermann, August Gaul, Willy Jaeckel, Josef Bato, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Heinrich Zille, Oskar Kokoschka, Käthe Kollwitz, Otto Mueller, Max Slevogt, Ottomar Starke, Wilhelm Wagner, Leopold von Kalckreuth, Rudolf Grossmann. Der Bildermann, vol. 1, nos. 1-18. April 1916-December 1916
  • Käthe Kollwitz. Vienna Is Dying! Save Its Children! (Wien stirbt! Rettet seine Kinder!). 1920
    Käthe Kollwitz
    Vienna Is Dying! Save Its Children! (Wien stirbt!...
    Käthe Kollwitz. Vienna Is Dying! Save Its Children! (Wien stirbt! Rettet seine Kinder!). 1920
  • Käthe Kollwitz. In Memoriam Karl Liebknecht (Gedenkblatt für Karl Liebknecht). (1920)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    In Memoriam Karl Liebknecht (Gedenkblatt für...
    Käthe Kollwitz. In Memoriam Karl Liebknecht (Gedenkblatt für Karl Liebknecht). (1920)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. Frontal Crouching Woman with Crossed Hands (Hockende Frau von vorne mit übereinander gelegten Händen) from the portfolio Seventeen Lithographs (Siebzehn Steinzeichnungen). (1921)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    Frontal Crouching Woman with Crossed Hands...
    Käthe Kollwitz. Frontal Crouching Woman with Crossed Hands (Hockende Frau von vorne mit übereinander gelegten Händen) from the portfolio Seventeen Lithographs (Siebzehn Steinzeichnungen). (1921)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. War (Krieg). (1923, prints executed 1921-22)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    War (Krieg)
    (1923, prints executed 1921-22)
    Käthe Kollwitz. War (Krieg). (1923, prints executed 1921-22)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. The Volunteers (Die Freiwilligen) (plate 2) from War (Krieg). (1921-22, published 1923)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    The Volunteers (Die Freiwilligen) (plate 2)...
    (1921-22, published 1923)
    Käthe Kollwitz. The Volunteers (Die Freiwilligen) (plate 2) from War (Krieg). (1921-22, published 1923)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. The Parents (Die Eltern) (plate 3) from War (Krieg). (1921-22, published 1923)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    The Parents (Die Eltern) (plate 3) from War...
    (1921-22, published 1923)
    Käthe Kollwitz. The Parents (Die Eltern) (plate 3) from War (Krieg). (1921-22, published 1923)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. The Widow I (Die Witwe I) (plate 4) from War (Krieg). (1921-22, published 1923)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    The Widow I (Die Witwe I) (plate 4) from War...
    (1921-22, published 1923)
    Käthe Kollwitz. The Widow I (Die Witwe I) (plate 4) from War (Krieg). (1921-22, published 1923)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. The Mothers (Die Mütter) (plate 6) from War (Krieg). (1921-22, published 1923)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    The Mothers (Die Mütter) (plate 6) from...
    (1921-22, published 1923)
    Käthe Kollwitz. The Mothers (Die Mütter) (plate 6) from War (Krieg). (1921-22, published 1923)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. The Widow I (Die Witwe I) (front cover) from War (Krieg). (1921-22, published 1923)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    The Widow I (Die Witwe I) (front cover) from...
    (1921-22, published 1923)
    Käthe Kollwitz. The Widow I (Die Witwe I) (front cover) from War (Krieg). (1921-22, published 1923)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. Help Russia (Helft Russland). (1921)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    Help Russia (Helft Russland)
    Käthe Kollwitz. Help Russia (Helft Russland). (1921)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. The Sacrifice (Das Opfer) (plate 1) from War (Krieg). (1922, published 1923)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    The Sacrifice (Das Opfer) (plate 1) from War...
    (1922, published 1923)
    Käthe Kollwitz. The Sacrifice (Das Opfer) (plate 1) from War (Krieg). (1922, published 1923)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. The Widow II (Die Witwe II) (plate 5) from War (Krieg). (1922, published 1923)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    The Widow II (Die Witwe II) (plate 5) from...
    (1922, published 1923)
    Käthe Kollwitz. The Widow II (Die Witwe II) (plate 5) from War (Krieg). (1922, published 1923)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. The People (Das Volk) (plate 7) from War (Krieg). (1922, published 1923)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    The People (Das Volk) (plate 7) from War...
    (1922, published 1923)
    Käthe Kollwitz. The People (Das Volk) (plate 7) from War (Krieg). (1922, published 1923)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. Frontal Self-Portrait (Selbstbildnis von vorn). 1922–23
    Käthe Kollwitz
    Frontal Self-Portrait (Selbstbildnis von...
    Käthe Kollwitz. Frontal Self-Portrait (Selbstbildnis von vorn). 1922–23
  • Käthe Kollwitz. The Last Thing (Das Letzte). (1924)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    The Last Thing (Das Letzte)
    Käthe Kollwitz. The Last Thing (Das Letzte). (1924)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. Child's Head (Kinderkopf). (1925)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    Child's Head (Kinderkopf)
    Käthe Kollwitz. Child's Head (Kinderkopf). (1925)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. Worker Woman with Sleeping Child (Arbeiterfrau mit schlafendem Jungen). (1927)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    Worker Woman with Sleeping Child (Arbeiterfrau mit...
    Käthe Kollwitz. Worker Woman with Sleeping Child (Arbeiterfrau mit schlafendem Jungen). (1927)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. The Homecoming (Die Heimkehr) [Poster for the Groß Berliner Arbeitsgemeinschaft für alkoholfreie Jugenderziehung (Working Committee of Greater Berlin for the Alcohol-Free Upbringing of Youth)]. (c. 1927)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    The Homecoming (Die Heimkehr) [Poster for the...
    (c. 1927)
    Käthe Kollwitz. The Homecoming (Die Heimkehr) [Poster for the Groß Berliner Arbeitsgemeinschaft für alkoholfreie Jugenderziehung (Working Committee of Greater Berlin for the Alcohol-Free Upbringing of Youth)]. (c. 1927)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. Two Chatting Women with Two Children (Zwei schwatzende Frauen mit zwei Kindern). (1930)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    Two Chatting Women with Two Children (Zwei...
    Käthe Kollwitz. Two Chatting Women with Two Children (Zwei schwatzende Frauen mit zwei Kindern). (1930)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. Death (Tod). (executed 1934/1937)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    Death (Tod)
    (executed 1934/1937)
    Käthe Kollwitz. Death (Tod). (executed 1934/1937)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. Woman Entrusts Herself to Death (Frau vertraut sich dem Tode an) from the series Death (Tod). (1934)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    Woman Entrusts Herself to Death (Frau vertraut sich...
    Käthe Kollwitz. Woman Entrusts Herself to Death (Frau vertraut sich dem Tode an) from the series Death (Tod). (1934)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. Young Girl in the Lap of Death (Tod hält Mädchen im Schoß) from the series Death (Tod). (1934)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    Young Girl in the Lap of Death (Tod hält...
    Käthe Kollwitz. Young Girl in the Lap of Death (Tod hält Mädchen im Schoß) from the series Death (Tod). (1934)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. Death Grabbing at a Group of Children (Tod greift in eine Kinderschar) from the series Death (Tod). (1934)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    Death Grabbing at a Group of Children (Tod greift...
    Käthe Kollwitz. Death Grabbing at a Group of Children (Tod greift in eine Kinderschar) from the series Death (Tod). (1934)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. Death Seizes a Woman (Tod packt eine Frau) from the series Death (Tod). (1934)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    Death Seizes a Woman (Tod packt eine Frau) from...
    Käthe Kollwitz. Death Seizes a Woman (Tod packt eine Frau) from the series Death (Tod). (1934)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. Call of Death (Ruf des Todes) from the series Death (Tod). (c. 1937)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    Call of Death (Ruf des Todes) from the...
    (c. 1937)
    Käthe Kollwitz. Call of Death (Ruf des Todes) from the series Death (Tod). (c. 1937)
  • Käthe Kollwitz. Self-Portrait in Profile Toward Right (Selbstbildnis im Profil nach rechts). (c. 1938, published 1947)
    Käthe Kollwitz
    Self-Portrait in Profile Toward Right...
    (c. 1938, published 1947)
    Käthe Kollwitz. Self-Portrait in Profile Toward Right (Selbstbildnis im Profil nach rechts). (c. 1938, published 1947)
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