Felix Meseck
Illustration for Act IV from Shakespeare's....
(1922) -
Lovis Corinth
Title Illustration (Titelbild) from The....
(1923) -
Lovis Corinth
Heading for Act 5: Franz and Daniel (Kopfstück....
(1923) -
Lovis Corinth
Karl Has Killed Amalia (Karl hat Amalien....
(1923) -
Lovis Corinth
Closing Illustration (Schlussbild) from The....
(1923) -
Lovis Corinth
Heading for Act 1 (Kopfstück Zum 1. Akt)....
(1923) -
Lovis Corinth
Franz and the Old Moor (Franz und der alte Moor)....
(1923) -
Lovis Corinth
Heading for Act 2 (Kopfstück zum 2. Akt)....
(1923) -
Lovis Corinth
Hermann's False Report (Hermanns lügenhafter....
(1923) -
Lovis Corinth
Heading for Act 3 (Kopfstück Zum 3. Akt)....
(1923) -
Lovis Corinth
Resting on a Summer Evening (Rast am Sommerabend)....
(1923) -
Lovis Corinth
Heading for Act 4: Karl Moor and Kosinsky on....
(1923) -
Lovis Corinth
Karl Moor and His Father (Karl Moor und sein Vater)....
(1923) -
Lovis Corinth
William Tell (Wilhelm Tell).
(1923-24, published 1925) -
Lovis Corinth
Title page from William Tell (Wilhelm....
(1923-24, published 1925) -
Lovis Corinth
The Death of Attinghausen (Der Tod Attinghausens)....
(1923-24, published 1925) -
Lovis Corinth
"Through this Narrow Pass He Must Come"....
(1923-24, published 1925) -
Lovis Corinth
Gessler's Death (Gesslers Tod) from William....
(1923-24, published 1925) -
Lovis Corinth
Johannes Parricida with Tell (Johannes Parricida....
(1923-24, published 1925) -
Lovis Corinth
William Tell (Wilhelm Tell) from William....
(1923-24, published 1925) -
Lovis Corinth
Tell Saves Baumgarten from the Bailiff's Riders....
(1923-24, published 1925) -
Lovis Corinth
Attinghausen and Rudenz (Attinghausen und Rudenz)....
(1923-24, published 1925) -
Lovis Corinth
The Oath on Rütli (Der Schwur auf dem....
(1923-24, published 1925) -
Lovis Corinth
The Raising of the Hat (Die Aufrichtung des Hutes)....
(1923-24, published 1925) -
Lovis Corinth
Tell and His Son in Front of the Hat (Tell und sein....
(1923-24, published 1925) -
Lovis Corinth
Tell's Shot (Der Tell-Schuss) from William....
(1923-24, published 1925) -
Lovis Corinth
Tell's Leap (Der Tell-Sprung) from William....
(1923-24, published 1925) -
Lovis Corinth
Bergsee from the portfolio Swiss Landscapes....
(1924) -
Lovis Corinth
Bergsee from the portfolio Swiss Landscapes....
(1924) -
Lovis Corinth
Bergsee from the portfolio Swiss Landscapes....
(1924) -