Edward Alden JEWELL
78 articles
THE NEW MUSEUM OF MODERN ART OPENS; A Superb Showing of Work by Four Pioneers: Cezanne, Gauguin, Van Gogh and Seurat -- Contemporary Frenchmen
By Edward Alden JEWELL
WHAT has been heralded as an American Luxembourg in embryo, the Museum of Modern Art, opens its doors on the twelfth floor of the Heckscher Building, Fifth Avenue at Fifty-seventh Street.
New York Times • page X14 • 3,588 words
ART; Contemporary German Art Shown
By Edward Alden JEWELL
An exhibition of contemporary German painting and sculpture opened yesterday at the Museum of Modern Art with a showing for members. It opens to the public today and will remain until April 26.
New York Times • page 29 • 859 words
ART; Lacille Bernard's Art Shown. Matisse Exhibition Ready.
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The second exhibition at the recently established gallery at 144 West Thirteenth Street opened yesterday and remains until Nov. 27. In it the ...
New York Times • page 38 • 659 words
ART; An Impressive Exhibition. Murals by Sert Shown. Other Openings.
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The eagerly awaited Diego Rivera exhibition opens privately today at the Museum of Modern Art and to the public tomorrow. It is the first comprehensive show of this famous Mexican artist's work that we have had in New York. As such, a great ...
New York Times • page 28 • 1,340 words
Modern Architecture Shown.
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The exhibition of modern architecture opens to museum members today and to the public tomorrow at the Museum of Modern Art in the Heckscher Building. The material, which consists of models and photographs, will remain on view until March 23.
New York Times • page 30 • 1,198 words
PHOTOGRAPHY AND WALLS; Further Consideration of Photo-Murals at Museum of Modern Art -- Six Painters
By Edward Alden JEWELL
REVISITING the opening exhibition in the new home of the Museum of Modern Art, one discovers that the murals have been to some extent rearranged, greatly to their advantage. At first there was a disconcerting melee of photo-murals and painted panels in the galleries on the ground floor.
New York Times • page X7 • 993 words
Persian Frescoes to Be Shown.
By Edward Alden JEWELL
Seventeenth-century Persian frescoes, as "reconstructed" by Sarkis Katchadourian, constitute an exhibition at the Museum, of Modern Art, which will open today to members and tomorrow to the public. These paintings will be on view (in the fourth-floor galleries) until Nov. 19, after which they will begin a tour of the country, circulated by the American Institute for Persian Art and Archaeology, under whose auspices they were brought to America.
New York Times • page 24 • 1,148 words
Maurice Sterne, American Artist, Opens Retrospective Show With a Reception Today.
By Edward Alden JEWELL
A large retrospective exhibition of work by Maurice Sterne, American, artist, opens at the Museum of Modern Art today with a reception and private view for members. Beginning tomorrow, the painting's, drawings and sculpture will be shown to the public, remaining until March 25.
New York Times • page 13 • 1,039 words
A Diego Rivera Exhibition.
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The Museum of Modern Art will open tomorrow its new permanent architecture room, installed and decorated as an example of modern interior architecture under the supervision of Phillip Johnson, director of the museum's department of architecture.
New York Times • page N2 • 507 words
Museum of Modern Art Holds Its Second Show of Work by Famous French Artist, Toulouse-Lautrec.
By Edward Alden JEWELL
For the second time in its career the Museum of Modern Art brings forward work by the famous nineteenth century French artist, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. In February, 1931, the museum combined in an exhibition his work and that of the strongly contrasting Redon.
New York Times • page N2 • 793 words
Two Neu Exhibits Ready.
By Edward Alden JEWELL
Both the Whitney Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art are opening exhibitions this week. At the Whitney a, private view of the loan collection of nineteenth century American paintings from the Addison Gallery in Andover was held yesterday afternoon and beginning today the public may visit this show, which remains until April 27.
New York Times • page 17 • 307 words
SUBJECT MATTER AND THE ABSTRACT; Debate at the Whitney Museum -- The Society of Independent Artists and G.R.D. -- The Manship Exhibition -- Other Events
By Edward Alden JEWELL
MODERN art is fundamentally just the same as the art we survey through the binoculars of historical perspective. But at the time it always seems so "different." People are ever, and justifiably, seeking more light on the baffling phenomenon of the art of their own time.
New York Times • page X8 • 2,043 words
- Wilhelm Lehmbruck: Standing Youth
- Walker Evans: Photographs of Nineteenth-Century Houses
- Gifts and Loans from the Collection of Mrs. Sadie A. May
24 November 1933
Modern French Art Shown.
By Edward Alden JEWELL
In addition to the Edward Hopper one-man show, the Museum of Modern Art offers to the public an exhibition of modern French paint- ing and graphic art, representing gifts and loans from the collection of Mrs. Sadie A. May of Baltimore. Mrs. May is a painter as well as a collector.
New York Times • page 19 • 685 words
HILER COMES HERE WITH LARGE SHOW; Returns From France for One-Man Exhibition Now on View at the Rodin Studios. MURAL DESIGNS INCLUDED Proposed Series for the Hotel Lafayette Seen -- Use of Tiny, Simplified Figures Noted.
By Edward Alden JEWELL
Hilaire Hiler, returned from long residence in Paris, is exhibiting his work at the Rodin Studios, 200 West Fifty-seventh Street, until Feb. 19. The hours are 2 to 6 in the afternoon, daily except Sunday. Further interest is added to this event by the recent announcement that Mr. Hiler has been commissioned to paint a series of murals at the Hotel Lafayette, tentative designs for which are included in the large one-man show.
New York Times • page 13 • 818 words
MUSEUM EDIFICES THEME OF EXHIBIT; Architecture of Famous Art Structures Is Surveyed in an Interesting Show.
By Edward Alden JEWELL
" Early Museum Architecture" (covering a period between 1770 and 1850) is the title of a small exhibition that has been installed in rooms on the fourth floor of the Museum of Modern Art, to remain through the month. It was prepared by Henry-Russell Hitchcock Jr. in honor of the opening of the Avery Memorial, Wadsworth Atheneum, in Hartford, Conn.
New York Times • page 15 • 398 words
BLISS ART BEQUEST PUT ON EXHIBITION; Public Opening Tomorrow Will Follow Preview Today at Museum of Modern Art. CEZANNES ARE PROMINENT Picasso, Matisse, Seurat, Derain and Other Europeans, With Two Americans, Figure.
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The collection bequeathed by Miss Lizzie Bliss to the Museum of Modern Art will be exhibited at the museum, for the first time in its entirety, beginning with a preview for members and their friends today. The exhibition, which will remain on all through the Summer months, opens to the public tomorrow.
New York Times • page 19 • 846 words
A SOLDIER-ARTIST PICTURES HELL; Commemorating Twentieth Anniversary of World War, Museum Of Modern Art Shows War Etchings by Otto Dix -- Other Events
By Edward Alden JEWELL
CONTINUING the policy of showing, at intervals, newly acquired work that has entered its permanent collection, the Museum of Modern Art will open to the public next Wednesday an exhibition composed of the war etchings by Otto Dix.
New York Times • page X7 • 1,188 words
MUSEUM DEPICTS MAKING OF A BOOK; Steps in Preparation Shown, From Author's Manuscript to Printed Work.
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street, opened yesterday afternoon an exhibition called "The Making of a Museum Publication." The material of which it is composed has been effectively arranged in the Architecture Room on the fourth floor.
New York Times • page 21 • 368 words
A Retrospective of Lachaise's Sculpture and Paintings by George Caleb Bingham Shown at the Museum of Modern Art
By Edward Alden JEWELL
IN approaching the sculptural work of Gaston Lachaise, whose retrospective exhibition, occupying two floors, opened to the public last Wednesday at the Museum of Modern Art, it is well to keep prominently in mind the fact that he is not, as a rule, interested -- never primarily -- in so-called "naturalistic" procedure.
New York Times • page X9 • 1,411 words
AFRICAN NEGRO ART ON EXHIBITION HERE; An Unusual Show Opens With Reception at Museum of Modern Art.
By Edward Alden JEWELL
Superbly installed, the exhibition of African Negro art assembled and directed by James Johnson Sweeney opened with a reception last evening at the Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street. Beginning today, and until May 19, this large and extremely interesting collection will be on public view.
New York Times • page 19 • 682 words
NEW ART SEASON GETS UNDER WAY; Three Shows Are to Open This Afternoon in the Museum of Modern Art.
By Edward Alden JEWELL
This week the new art season gets fairly under way, with briskly increased activity in the local galleries and with three exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art, which open with a private view from 2 to 5 this afternoon and to the public tomorrow.
New York Times • page 21 • 676 words
MACHINE AGE IN DECORATIVE RHYTHMS; Two Decades of Fernand Leger's Work in the Exhibition at Museum of Modern Art -- Recent Architecture, Other Shows
By Edward Alden JEWELL
HOWEVER much we may disagree as to the specific merit of this or that canvas by Fernand Leger, we are not likely to quarrel with the scope of the artist's present one-man show at the Museum of Modern Art, which will remain through Oct. 24.
New York Times • page X9 • 1,392 words
15 January 1936
MODERN MUSEUM OFFERS 3 SHOWS; Work of H.H. Richardson, Architect, Given in Plans, Drawings and Pictures. CASSANDRE POSTERS SEEN Contemporary Art Presented by Mrs. John D. Rockefeller Jr. Assembled in Exhibition.
By Edward Alden JEWELL
With a preview yesterday afternoon the Museum of Modern Art opened three exhibitions that together fill all the available gallery space: Photographs, drawings and plans illustrating the achievements of H.H. Richardson, American architect, the fiftieth anniversary of whose death is being commemorated this year; posters by Cassandre, and a miscellaneous selection of pictures in various mediums from the collection of contemporary art recently presented to the museum by Mrs. John D. Rockefeller Jr.
New York Times • page 17 • 821 words
SHOCK TROOPS IN REVIEW; Museum of Modern Art Opens a Pageant Of the Cubists and Abstractionists
By Edward Alden JEWELL
YOU an approach the gargantuan abstract show at the Museum of Modern Art (March 3-April 19) in one of many ways -- or, if you prefer and be qualified, in all of the possible ways simultaneously. Of course, if you have a closed mind, nothing will come of the visit and you might better stay at home, snug and slippered, with your comforting airtight convictions.
New York Times • page X9 • 1,715 words
ARTISTS BETWEEN COVERS; Museum of Modern Art Shows Illustrations By Painters and Sculptors of Our Time
By Edward Alden JEWELL
CONFRONTED with "thousands of contemporary picture-books,'' Monroe Wheeler wisely decided to restrict items included in the current show at the Museum of Modern Art to such as involve the work of painters and sculptors who turn only now and then to projects of illustration.
New York Times • page X10 • 705 words
PAINTINGS BY MARIN TO BE SHOWN TODAY; Museum of Modern Art Will Present Its Retrospective One-Man Exhibition. COLLECTION WINS PRAISE Works by Noted American Artist Include 160 Water-Colors, 21 Oils and 132 Etchings.
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street, will open to the public today its retrospective one-man show of work by the distinguished American artist, John Marin. It is directed by Alfred Stieglitz, who has from the beginning been Marin's representative and loyal "persuasive advocate."
New York Times • page 25 • 731 words
FANTASY IN PERSPECTIVE; The Museum of Modern Art Opens Show Of Dada and Surrealism, Old and New
By Edward Alden JEWELL
OUT of nihilism came Dada. Nihilism is almost as old as the human race, but Dada, its twentieth century bundle of neurasthenic chills and fever, uttered the first tentative yell of protest against every thing on earth in the Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich about two years after the World War started.
New York Times • page X11 • 1,450 words
ART BY 'REALISTS' PUT ON EXHIBITION; Paintings of New York Group of Nine Are Displayed at the Whitney Museum
By Edward Alden JEWELL
An exhibition called "New York Realists" (1900-1914) opened yesterday afternoon at the Whitney Museum of American Art, to continue until March 5 The artists represented are Robert Henri, George Luks, John Sloan, William Glackens, Ernest Lawson, George Bellows, Everett Shinn, Glenn O. Coleman and Guy Pene duBois.
New York Times • page 20 • 1,002 words
ART MUSEUM OPENS PREHISTORIC SHOW; Vast Collection Assembled by Professor Frobenius Includes Many Rock Pictures
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street, opens to the public today an exhibition that conducts visitors back into the past some 200 centuries. Effectively installed on three floors are facsimiles of prehistoric rock paintings and engravings by "dawn artists," chosen from the vast collection assembled by Professor Leo Frobenius.
New York Times • page 21 • 996 words
The War, Etchings by Otto Dix and Armored Train, a Painting by Gino Severini
22 September 1937
WAR IS DEPICTED IN ART ON DISPLAY; Fifty Etchings by Dix, German Veteran of 1914, Shown at Modern Museum
By Edward Alden JEWELL
What the Museum of Modern Art is now showing could not but prove a far cry indeed from the gay carnival spirit of the American Legion, as displayed yesterday on Fifth Avenue. The Museum of Modern Art, in its temporary quarters in Rockefeller Center (14 West Fortyninth Street), has placed on view a group of war etchings by Otto
New York Times • page 30 • 763 words
TENNESSEE NEGRO SHOWS SCULPTURE; William Edmondson Displays Small Exhibition at Museum of Modern Art INSPIRED BY CONVERSION Work Viewed as Contribution to American 'Folk' Expression--House Designs Shown Art Brevities
By Edward Alden JEWELL
It is a very modest little show that serves to introduce to the New York public America's latest "find" in the realm of sculpture, the Tennessee Negro, William Edmondson. Nine or ten of his small, quite "primitive," untutored and unpretentious figures have been installed in a recessed space at the Museum of Modern Art (temporary quarters on- the Concourse level at 14 West Forty-ninth Street).
New York Times • page 20 • 769 words
ART OF GERSHWIN PUT ON EXHIBITION; Late Composer's Only One-Man Show Reveals Talent of Considerable Promise
By Edward Alden JEWELL
It would seem odd to refer to George Gershwin's show at the Marie Harriman Gallery, 61 East Fifty-seventh Street, as a memorial exhibition, in view of the fact that it is also his first. The famous American composer, who died last July, had been painting,
New York Times • page 27 • 778 words
DECORATING THE SUBWAY; The Museum of Modern Art Opens a Show Suggesting Some Novel Possibilities
By Edward Alden JEWELL
OBVIOUS but pertinent and inevitable questions come at once to the mind when the matter of subway art is broached-as it is broached, with samples attached, at the Museum of Modern Art.
New York Times • page 9 • 1,315 words
DESIGN ACADEMY OPENS ART SHOW; 96 Academicians Display Their Wares at 113th Annual Presentation Here
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The National Academy of design opened its 113th annual exhibition with a preview last evening at 9 o'clock in the galleries of the American Fine Arts Building, 215 West Fifty-seventh Street, where, beginning today, the public may examine the ninety-six entries by academicians,
New York Times • page 19 • 888 words
THE ACADEMY'S 113TH; What Happens When the Reviewer Gives All the Space Required by Prizes
By Edward Alden JEWELL
ONCE more, and for the hundred and thirteenth time, the National Academy steps out as an exhibiting organization. The list of guest artists is ten times as long as the list of prizes;
New York Times • page 9 • 2,078 words
THREE EXHIBITIONS IN MODERN MUSEUM; Prints in Color and Black-and-White Are Presented by Georges Rouault
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The Museum of Modern Art, in its temporary quarters at 14 West Forty-ninth Street, will open to the public today three exhibitions: Prints in color and black-and-white by the French artist Georges Rouault; American photographs by Walker Evans, and a group of approximately one hundred "useful objects" which sell in retail stores at prices under $5.
New York Times • page 22 • 584 words
GRAPHICS; Prints by Rouault, Daumier, Kollwitz AMERICANS ROBERT HARSHE
By Edward Alden JEWELL
THERE is something of profound appropriateness in the fact that exhibitions of graphic work by Honore Daumier, Georges Rouault and Kaethe Kollwitz are being held concurrently in New York.*
New York Times • page 173 • 1,942 words
RECEPTION OPENS BAUHAUS DISPLAY; German Movement Has Wide Variety of Creative Work at Modern Art Museum PAINTING TO RUGS ON LIST Abstract Motion Picture Runs Continuously -- Sculpture and Typography Shown Size Suggests Louvre Installation Never Dull New Municipal Show
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The Museum of Modern Art, in its temporary quarters at 14 West Forty-ninth Street, opened last evening with a reception and preview, a large exhibition devoted to the German Bauhaus, which was established by Walter Gropius at Weimar in 1919.
New York Times • page 28 • 1,144 words
WORKS OF PICASSO PUT ON EXHIBITION; Preview and Reception Are Held at Modern Museum-- Display Closes Jan. 7 SHOW IS RETROSPECTIVE 300 Items in the Catalogue Are Representative of Varied Mediums of Artist Catalogued Items Missing Recent Works Shown
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The big Picasso exhibition, long in preparation, has opened. There was a preview reception at the Museum of Modern Art last evening, attended by members of the museum and their friends. It opens to the public today. Tonight there will be another reception, this time...
New York Times • page 20 • 964 words
OF OLD AND CONTEMPORARY MASTERS; Museum of Modern Art Show Contrasts Paintings and Sculpture Of Italian Renaissance and Our Day-Maillol and Others
By Edward Alden JEWELL
ONCE again it becomes urgent, or at least appropriate, to speak of the Italian art that has now reached the ultimate stage of its American journey.
New York Times • page 127 • 2,072 words
MODERN MUSEUM OPENS ART SHOW; Anne Lindbergh Bronze Head by Charles Despiau in the New Collection PAINTINGS ALSO ON LIST Permanent Works of Galleries Are Included in Display to Stay Until First of Year
By Edward Alden JEWELL
Among the new sculpture acquisitions placed on view yesterday at the Museum of Modern Art is a sensitively modeled bronze head of Anne Lindbergh by Charles Despiau. It was made last year and has been presented to the museum by Colonel and Mrs. Lindbergh.
New York Times • page 28 • 915 words
26 November 1940
MODERN MUSEUM HAS TWO DISPLAYS; Useful Objects of American Design and Seventy-nine Color Prints Exhibited ART WEEK CONTRIBUTION Items Range From Utensils for Cooking to Raincoats and Umbrellas
By Edward Alden JEWELL
As its contribution to the National Art Week program, the Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fiftythird Street, opens today two exhibitions, one composed of useful objects, American in design, that...
New York Times • page 21 • 1,064 words
MELANGE; Varied Attractions of The Week
By Edward Alden JEWELL
New York Times • page X7 • 2,479 words
15 June 1941
Museum Exhibits Recent Acquisitions -- Europeans at Buchholz -- Vollard
By Edward Alden JEWELL
MODERN art (using the term in its now well-established historic connotation) remains still demonstrative as our season drifts toward Summer somnolence.
New York Times • page X7 • 1,692 words
MUSEUM DISPLAYS 'FANTASTIC' IN ART; Recent Acquisitions at Modern Galleries Illustrate Work in Dada and Surrealism
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street, will place on public view today a group of recent acquisitions, this material illustrating exploits in various fields of fantastic art, Dada and Surrealism. Part of it has been placed in the regular gallery of accessions on the main floor, the rest in a gallery just to the left of the entrance on the third floor.
New York Times • page 14 • 479 words
MUSEUM PRESENTS TWO EXHIBITIONS; Domestic Architecture and the Photographs by David O. Hill Are on Display
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street, opens to the public today two exhibitions both of which are to remain current for approximately a month. They have bee ninstalled in connecting galleries on the second floor. One of these exhibitions is concerned with domestic architecture -- its theme, "The Wooden House in America."
New York Times • page 21 • 813 words
MODERN MUSEUM SHOWS GROSZ ART; One-Man Exhibition Opens at a Preview for Members of the Organization A RETROSPECTIVE DISPLAY Early Fame of Artist Crew Out of Satirical Drawings, Many Made in the World War
By Edward Alden JEWELL
A one-man show of work by George Grosz opened yesterday afternoon with a preview for members at the Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street. It opens to the public today and will be current through Nov. 2. This is one of the museum's traveling exhibitions and has already been seen in Honolulu, Seattle, San Francisco, Kansas City, Des Moines and Iowa City.
New York Times • page 20 • 582 words
MODERN MUSEUM SHOWS DALI, MIRO; Two Large One-Man Offerings Under One Roof Portray Plenty of Surrealism
By Edward Alden JEWELL
Two large one-man shows opened with previews last evening at the Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street. They spread before us retrospectively the art of two celebrated modernists, Joan Miro and Salvador Dali. Beginning today these exhibitions will be open to the public and both are to remain current through Jan. 11.
New York Times • page 21 • 661 words
EXHIBITION OF ART GIVEN BY SOLDIERS; Museum of Modern Art Puts Works of Fort Custer Artists on View Until May 10 PHOTOGRAPHS ARE ON LIST Water-Colors, Gouaches and Drawings Are Included in the Varied Collection
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The Museum of Modern Art opened with a preview yesterday afternoon of an exhibition of art by soldiers at Fort Custer, Mich. The work has been placed in galleries on the main floor of the museum and may be visited by the public, beginning today.
New York Times • page 14 • 992 words
ART BY ROUSSEAU SHOWN AT MUSEUM; ' Primitive' Works by French Customs Officer on View Today at Modern Art JUNGLE THEME RECURRENT Weird Tropical Flora Hallmark of Painter -- Period From 1885 to 1910 Spanned
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The strange case of Henri Rousseau, the little French customs officer and "primitive" extraordinary, is unfurled on the walls of the Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street, where an invitation preview took place last evening.
New York Times • page 27 • 796 words
EXHIBITION OPENS FOR ABSTRACT ART; Most of Works in New Show at Museum of Modern Art Are Recent Accessions SOME OF THE ITEMS GIFTS Exhibit Is Intended to Make Clear Various Phases of 20th Century Development
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street, that hive of exhibition industry, presents another show to the public today. Last week's offering, the Henri Rousseau retrospective, seems to be doing nicely. The new attraction, scheduled to continue for an indefinite period, is installed in adjacent galleries on the second floor.
New York Times • page 26 • 725 words
ABSTRACTION LAYS SIEGE TO US ANEW; Exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art Focuses Attention on Divers Aspects -- Supplementary Shows -- Other Events
By Edward Alden JEWELL
ABSTRACTION has been sneaking up on us of late; coming to represent a more and more major phase of our exhibition schedule. Those especially interested in this type of expression (a general type that in itself compasses a very considerable gamut) can put in a lot of time to advantage visiting various abstract shows about town.
New York Times • page X5 • 1,833 words
MODERN MUSEUM OPENS EXHIBITIONS; ' Departure,' Triptych by Max Beckman, Among Works by Anti-Nazi Germans SHOW SELECTED POSTERS War Salvage Theme of High School Artists -- Paintings by Josephine Joy on View
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The Museum of Modern Art is opening to the public today several small exhibitions, one of which consists of acquisitions of works by contemporary German artists who are "not approved by the Nazi Government."
New York Times • page 24 • 513 words
FREE ART'; Work Nazis Reject Shown at Museum
By Edward Alden JEWELL
THE Museum of Modern Art has been acquiring some more work by German moderns who have incurred the displeasure of the Nazi regime. A group of such items, presented under the collective title, Free German Art, was placed on public view last week and will continue to be shown through Aug. 16.
New York Times • page X5 • 1,636 words
TWO WHOSE MESSAGES ARE OBSCURE; The Museum of Modern Art Puts on Retrospective Exhibitions Of the Work of Tchelitchew and the Late John Flannagan
By Edward Alden JEWELL
TWO synchronously arranged one-man shows at the Museum of Modert Art, which opened last week, permit us to survey, retrospectively, the achievement of a painter and of a sculptor. It is achievement that, in the instance of Pavel Tchelitchew, ranges from 1925 to the present year, and that, with respect to John B. Flannagan, represents all that there will be, for the American sculptor died, a suicide, last January.
New York Times • page X9 • 2,050 words
Brazil Builds Anew -- Other Shows
By Edward Alden JEWELL
THE Museum of Modern Art is giving us a highly profitable glimpse of Brazil's modern building campaign. Made up of photographs and models, the architecture show that opened there last week is compact and trimly installed.
New York Times • page X9 • 721 words
'AMERICANS 1943' ART SHOW SUBJECT; Realists and Magic Realists Represented in Exhibition at Museum of Modern Art
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street, opened one of the season's major exhibitions with a preview yesterday. It is called "Americans 1943: Realists and Magic Realists" and will continue until March 21.
New York Times • page 22 • 650 words
SHOWS MODERN ART OF LATIN AMERICA; Museum Places on View 224 New Acquisitions Selected by Lincoln Kirstein
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street, has built up what it considers the most important collection of Latin-American art in the world. In an exhibition that opened with a preview yesterday, filling all of the galleries on the second floor, 224 new acquisitions in this field were placed on view for the first time here.
New York Times • page 16 • 500 words
DISPLAY OF PHOTOS OPENS HERE TODAY; Action Pictures From 1837 to Present Day to Be Seen at Museum of Modern Art
By Edward Alden JEWELL
The Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street, has added to its extensive summer program a new exhibition. It is called "Action Photography" and installed in one of the main floor galleries, opens to the public today, scheduled to remain through Sept. 19.
New York Times • page 15 • 442 words
CALDER SCULPTURE ON DISPLAY TODAY; Retrospective Show of Work by 'No. 1 Playboy of Art' at the Modern Museum CREATIONS FROM WIRE Mobiles and Stabiles Called 3-Dimensional Abstracts -Some Wood Carvings
By Edward Alden JEWELL
A retrospective exhibition of sculpture by Alexander Calder opened with a members' preview yesterday afternoon at the Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street. The public opening is today, and the exhibition will run until Nov. 28.
New York Times • page 16 • 610 words
ROMANTIC PAINTING IN AMERICA SHOWN; Museum of Modern Art Opens Major Exhibition of Season to Run Until Feb. 6
By Edward Alden JEWELL
With an invitation preview last evening, the Museum of Modern Art opened its major show of the present season, "Romantic Painting in America." The large exhibition, retrospective and contemporary in range, occupies the entire second floor of the museum.
New York Times • page 22 • 659 words
A ROMANTIC SURVEY; Museum of Modern Art Opens Its Show Of a Phase of Our Art -- Other Events In the Round-Up of Our Romantics
By Edward Alden JEWELL
WEBSTER proves of no phenomenal assistance -- that is, does not provide us with any too specific definition covering the newest thesis at the Museum of Modern Art, where a large exhibition called "Romantic Painting in America" got under way last week.
New York Times • page X7 • 1,686 words
CUBAN PAINTINGS ON DISPLAY TODAY; Outstanding Exhibition to Be Seen at Museum of Modern Art Through May 7
By Edward Alden JEWELL
An exhibition called Modern Cuban Painters opened with a members' preview yesterday afternoon at the Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street. It opens to the public today, and will continue through May 7. Thereafter the work is to be sent on tour by the museum's Department of Circulating Exhibitions.
New York Times • page 15 • 703 words
24 May 1944
ART IN PROGRESS' PREVIEWED HERE; Museum of Modern Art Offers its 15th Anniversary Show -- To Run Through Summer
By Edward Alden JEWELL
With a preview for members and their guests, the Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street, last night opened its fifteenth anniversary exhibition, called "Art in Progress." The exhibition, filling all of the galleries, opens to the public today and will run through the summer.
New York Times • page 15 • 754 words
PAINTINGS OF WAR GO ON VIEW TODAY; American Battle Art, 1776 to 1918, on Display at Modern Museum Until Nov. 12
By Edward Alden JEWELL
An exhibition called "American Battle Painting: 1776-1918" opened with a private view yesterday afternoon at the Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street. It opens to the public today and will continue through Nov. 12.
New York Times • page 29 • 566 words
ART: SO MANY THINGS; Clothes, Ballet, a Dance-Mime-Painter, Marin, Landscape, Genre, Still-Life
By Edward Alden JEWELL
New York Times • page X8 • 2,000 words
ART: THE WEEK IN REVIEW; Among Recent Acquisitions at the Museum of Modern Art
By Edward Alden JEWELL
LAST week the Museum of Modern Art opened two small exhibitions. One of these is a group of French photographs, from Daguerre to Atget, organized by Therese Bonney and Nancy Newhall; the other ...
New York Times • page X8 • 1,687 words
LOOKING FORWARD AT HOUSING; "Tomorrow's Small House," at the Museum of Modern Art
By Edward Alden JEWELL
JUST as we have learned, the hard way, that in time of peace it is an act of prudence to prepare for, or forestall, war, so the process may be reversed, and we find it advantageous in time of war to plan for the peace that will surely come.
New York Times • page X2 • 1,140 words
MODERNISM; Well Installed
By Edward Alden JEWELL
IN 1942 the Museum of Modern Art published a catalogue of its permanent collection, which then contained just short of 700 items.
New York Times • page 26 • 737 words
AN ANNUAL, HISTORY, A MELANGE; An Award Winner in the Second "Portrait of America"
By Edward Alden JEWELL
INSTALLED in the Mezzanine Galleries of the International Building, Rockefeller Center, the second annual "Portrait of America" exhibition, conducted by Pepsi-Cola Company under the auspices of Artists for Victory, Inc., opened last week and will be current through Dec. 15.
New York Times • page 53 • 1,972 words
3 February 1946
ART FROM OCEANIA; Examples of "Arts of the South Seas" at the Museum of Modern Art
By Edward Alden JEWELL
WE have become fairly familiar, through the last couple of decades, with African Negro art.
New York Times • page X6 • 1,743 words
MODERN MUSEUM OPENS 4 DISPLAYS; Three New Exhibitions Offer Architectural Phases, Other Has Recent Acquisitions
By Edward Alden JEWELL
Yesterday was one of those peaceful, somnolent days at the Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street. Only four previews were scheduled, these topped off by an announced lecture in the museum's auditorium for last evening: the lecturer, Alvar Aalto; ...
New York Times • page 31 • 651 words
By Edward Alden JEWELL
AS you will see, noting the report across the page, the 1945-46 art season is still going pretty strong. It be comes increasingly difficult to determine just where an old season ends and a new one begins. Galleries remain active much later ...
New York Times • page 51 • 1,357 words
By Edward Alden JEWELL
AS its summer show the Museum of Modern Art has as sembled an exhibition that turns out to be pleasantly exigent From seven New York private collections it has borrowed, in all fifty-nine pictures, asking the lenders to select themselves the particular works that have given ...
New York Times • page 42 • 868 words
BY CONTEMPORARIES; Big Pictures at Museum of Modern Art -- The Abstract Annual -- Juan Gris
By Edward Alden JEWELL
WE have had shows restricted to small paintings, but save for exhibitions of actual murals, I do not recall one, prior to last week's opening at the Museum of Modern Art, that was specifically confined to paintings the smallest of which must be "over six feet long."
New York Times • page X7 • 1,324 words
MODERN ART OPENS DRAWINGS DISPLAY; Museum Offers Large, Varied Exhibition of Work From Its Permanent Collection
By Edward Alden JEWELL
Between 200 and 300 drawings from its permanent collection were shown by the Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street, at a preview for members held yesterday afternoon. The admirable and attractively arranged exhibition opens to the public today, scheduled to remain through next month.
New York Times • page 29 • 630 words
THE SEASON HITS ITS STRIDE; Work by British Artists At the Metropolitan -- Other Local Events
By Edward Alden JEWELL
WE'RE off now, and no mistaking the fact, on the new exhibition season in New York. Last week's list stretched from here to there down our mid-September office roster.
New York Times • page X8 • 1,350 words
ART BY BEN SHAHN SHOWN AT GALLERY; Display of Paintings by Artist, Much in 'Social Commentary' Class, Opens at Museum
By Edward Alden JEWELL
A retrospective exhibition of work by the widely known American artist, Ben Shahn, opened with a preview last evening at the Museum of Modern Art, 11 West Fifty-third Street. It will open today to the public and continue through Jan. 4.
New York Times • page 27 • 564 words