Posts tagged ‘MoMA Studio’
October 16, 2015  |  Events & Programs, Learning and Engagement
This Is For You: Design Interactions at the Studio
Yuri Suzuki. Colour Chaser. 2010–13. Plastic and electronics components. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Gift of the designer. Photograph by Hitomi Kai Yoda

Yuri Suzuki. Colour Chaser. 2010–13. Plastic and electronics components. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Gift of the designer. Photograph by Hitomi Kai Yoda

What would music made from a conversation between a robot and a drawing sound like? How can you improve someone’s day using only creativity and an old toothbrush? Can discarded electronics be repurposed to make a responsive video project about endangered species?

April 15, 2015  |  Learning and Engagement
The MoMA Studio Experience

When you’re at a museum, how often do you have the impression that “freedom reigns,” or that you can “create anything?” Or have you ever experienced the sense of belonging to a larger community wherein people “from very different backgrounds and places…feel that there is something that can unite [them]?” We believe it is essential to nurture these opportunities through our educational initiatives, such as MoMA Studio.

Are You Inspired to Go Beyond the Cut-Out?
Installation view of MoMA Studio: Beyond the Cut-Out. Installation view. Photo: Sarah Kennedy, 2014

Installation view of MoMA Studio: Beyond the Cut-Out. Photo: Sarah Kennedy, 2014

There has been a lot of excitement around the opening of the exhibition Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs. The Museum has been teeming with energetic visitors who see it and walk away feeling buoyed and inspired. We anticipated that this would be a common response to the exhibition, so over the past few months, in dialogue with the exhibition curators—Karl Buchberg, Jodi Hauptman, and Samantha Friedman—we have been designing educational programming that can complement a visitor’s experience in the galleries and provide an outlet for the creative energy that Matisse’s cut-outs generate.

Playing Games at MoMA Studio: Won’t You Breathe with Me?
From left: Playing Polvo with Michel Groisman at MoMA Studio: Breathe with Me; Playing Sirva-Se in MoMA's Sculpture Garden with Michel Groisman. Photos by Sarah Kennedy

From left: Playing Polvo with Michel Groisman at MoMA Studio: Breathe with Me; Playing Sirva-Se in MoMA’s Sculpture Garden with Michel Groisman. Photos by Sarah Kennedy

We are entering the fourth week of MoMA Studio: Breathe with Me and want to share some of the highlights of the artist-led workshops that have activated the space so far. Each one revealed the ways in which Lygia Clark’s work continues to resonate with contemporary artists and their hopes to engage the public in experiences of art that are physical and social in nature.

December 9, 2013  |  Learning and Engagement
Mapping Visitors in MoMA Studio: Sound in Space
Installation view of MoMA Studio: Sound in Space, with Joe McKay’s Light Wave

Installation view of MoMA Studio: Sound in Space, with Joe McKay’s Light Wave. Photo: Jackie Armstrong

Since I began working at the Museum, every MoMA Studio has undergone a complete evaluation. Evaluation strategies include interviewing visitors, surveying participants, observing/tracking/timing visitors, using prompts to encourage responses on comment boards, facilitator reflections, and a few other participatory forms of data gathering.

September 20, 2013  |  Learning and Engagement
MoMA Studio: Exchange Café—What Do You Exchange?

Organized in collaboration with Caroline Woolard, a Brooklyn-based artist who participated in MoMA’s inaugural Artists Experiment initiative, MoMA Studio: Exchange Café was designed to be a social space focused on exchanged-based practices. Taking the form of a café, the Studio encouraged visitors to question notions of reciprocity, value, and property through shared experiences.

June 25, 2013  |  Events & Programs
Café as Learning Format, Part 2
MoMA Studio: Exchange Café furniture by Caroline Woolard. Photo by Ryan Tempro

MoMA Studio: Exchange Café furniture by Caroline Woolard. Photo by Ryan Tempro

When I was asked to propose a new learning format to MoMA, I suggested a café because I wanted to create a social space where meaning is made in dialogue, where objects can be touched, and where visceral knowledge is honored. MoMA Studio: Exchange Café is a social space dedicated to exchange, from unconventional encounters to barter and reciprocal economies.

June 17, 2013  |  Events & Programs
Café as Learning Format, Part I
MoMA Studio: Exchange Café furniture by Caroline Woolard. Photo by Ryan Tempro

MoMA Studio: Exchange Café furniture by Caroline Woolard. Photo by Ryan Tempro

When I was asked to propose a new learning format to MoMA, I suggested a café because I wanted to create a social space where meaning is made in dialogue, where objects can be touched, and where visceral knowledge is honored.

March 11, 2013  |  Artists, Events & Programs, Videos
Artists Experiment: Meet Caroline Woolard

Artist, organizer, activist—these are only a few words to describe Caroline Woolard, one of our four collaborators for Artists Experiment. Collaboration and exchange are at the center of Woolard’s practice and this season, we’re bringing these ideas to MoMA’s education programs.

Fritz Haeg on His Project for MoMA Studio: Common Senses

Panorama view of Domestic Integrity Field Part A-1 by artist Fritz Haeg, in MoMA’s Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden. Photo courtesy of Fritz Haeg

In conjunction with MoMA’s upcoming exhibition Century of the Child: Growing by Design, 1900–2000, MoMA’s Department of Education presents MoMA Studio: Common Senses, a multisensory environment at the intersection of education, design, and art