In 2014 MoMA added Google Cardboard to its design collection. Earlier this year the Department of Film organized Slithering Screens, which highlighted notable projects such as James George’s and Jonathan Minard’s documentary Clouds and Lynette Walworth’s virtual-reality film Collisions (2016). But aside from these forays into virtual reality, not much else has been organized at the Museum (or most other art museums) around the burgeoning technology.
Posts by Veena Vijayakumar
June 3, 2016
Intern Chronicles
Why So Siloed? Costs and Benefits of Interdisciplinary Approaches in Museums
I remember a high school chemistry teacher of mine singing a song about hydrogen and then asking our class to create our own piece (poem, painting, performance, anything) about our favorite element on the periodic table. Needless to say I will not forget the atomic mass of neon anytime soon. This combination of seemingly disparate disciplines not only allowed appreciation for both, but also lent to an enriched experience for us students.
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