Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
These works are part of a portfolio.
34 works online
Max Ernst
The Sea and Rain (La Mer et la pluie) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
A Glance (Un coup d'oeil) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
Little Tables around the Earth (Petites tables autour de la terre) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
Iceflower Shawl and Gulf Stream (Le Châle à fleurs givre) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
Earthquake (Le Tremblement de terre) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
The Pampas (Les Pampas) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
He Will Fall Far from Here (Il tombera loin d'ici) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
False Positions (Les Fausses positions) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
Confidences (Les Confidences) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
She Guards Her Secret (Elle garde son secret) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
Whip Lashes or Lava Threads (Coups de fouet ou ficelles de lave) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
Fields of Honor, Flood, Seismic Plants (Les Champs d'honneur, les inondations, les plantes sismiques) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
Scarecrows (Les Épouvantails) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
The Chestnut Trees Take-Off (Le Start du châtaignier) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
Scars (Les Cicatrices) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
The Lime Tree Is Docile (Le Tilleul est docile) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
The Fascinating Cypress (Le Fascinant cyprès) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
The Habit of Leaves (Les Moeurs des feuilles) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
The Idol (L'Idole) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
Caesar's Palette (La Palette de César) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
Shaving the Walls (Rasant les murs) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
Come into the Continents (Entre dans les continents) from Natural History (Histoire Naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
The Vaccinated Bread (Le Pain vacciné) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
Teenage Lightning (Les Éclairs au-dessous de quatorze ans) from Natural History (Histoire Naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
The Conjugal Diamonds (Les Diamants conjugaux) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
The Origin of the Clock (L'Origine de la pendule) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
In the Stable of the Sphinx (Dans l'écurie du sphinx) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
The Repast of Death (Le Repas du mort) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
The Wheel of Light (La Roue de la lumière) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
The Fugitive (L'Évadé) from Natural History (Histoire Naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
Solar Currency-System (Système de monnaie solaire) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
To Forget Everything (A tout oublier) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
Stallion and Bride of the Wind (L'Étalon et la fiancée du vent) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926
Max Ernst
Eve, the Only One Left to Us (Éve la seule qui nous reste) from Natural History (Histoire naturelle)
c. 1925, published 1926