8 works online
Berenice Abbott Photogram: Wave Pattern, MIT 1958-61
William Henry Fox Talbot Lace 1845
Man Ray (Emmanuel Radnitzky) Rayograph 1922
László Moholy-Nagy Untitled 1923-25
Walead Beshty Three Color Curl (CMY: Irvine, California, August 19th 2008, Fuji Crystal Archive Type C) 2008
Wolfgang Tillmans Freischwimmer 199 2012
Lisa Oppenheim A Handley Page Halifax of No. 4 Group flies over the suburbs of Caen, France, during a major daylight raid to assist the Normandy land battle. 467 aircraft took part in the attack, which was originally intended to have bombed German strongpoints north of, Caen, but the bombing area was eventually shifted nearer the city because of the proximity of Allied troops to the original targets. The resulting bombing devastated the northern suburbs, 1944/2012 2012
Anna Atkins Aspidium Lobatium 1853
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