This two-week showcase of nonfiction film and video provides an intense examination of recent international documentaries. The exhibition features over 30 programs that include a variety of shorts, feature-length documentaries, and accomplished works by seasoned and first-time directors. A Tribute to the Director honors Indian filmmaker Anand Patwardhan; also featured are a trilogy of films by Chantal Akerman. The artists explore the documentary in a variety of ways: in Nicaragua, young prisoners learn media in video classes; in Harlem, students role-play against violence in video workshops; and in Africa, compelling narrative-driven stories and on-the-street interviews depict the lives of people coping with HIV and AIDS. Many of these national and international directors will be present to offer firsthand accounts of their documentary processes.
Organized by Sally Berger, Assistant Curator, and William Sloan, Librarian, Circulating Film and Video Library, Department of Film and Media.