This two-week showcase of recent nonfiction film and video, featuring works by seasoned and emerging film- and videomakers, provides an intensive examination of documentaries from around the world, and reveals how the documentary form is constantly evolving. The films in this series cut a wide swath, from glimpses of inner-city life in the United States and street life in Mongolia and Baghdad to a chilling look at how the Gypsies of Europe were victims of the Nazi Holocaust. The films’ styles range from the highly experimental to the solidly informational. The exhibition includes three films by the Austrian director Ulrich Seidl, known for his eccentric profiles of reality; Third World Newsreel’s North Korea: Beyond the DMZ (2003); and Dee Henoch’s newly completed film Joe Chaikin’s Life in the Theater (2003), which honors the avant-garde New York theater pioneer. Many of the film- and videomakers will present their work.
Organized by Sally Berger, Assistant Curator, and William Sloan, Librarian, Circulating Film and Video Library, Department of Film and Media.