As a writer, director, and producer, Kathryn Bigelow (American, b. 1951) has crafted a canon of immersive films that both exhilarate and affect audiences. A measured filmmaker who defies genre expectations, Bigelow uses sensual and visceral imagery to confront societal mores and lay bare individual psyches. Whether she is combining a vampire movie with a Western (Near Dark, 1987), a surfing film with a heist thriller (Point Break, 1991), a film noir with science fiction (Strange Days, 1995), or embedding an intimate character study in a war movie (The Hurt Locker, 2008), Bigelow transforms the language of genre and challenges audiences to rethink filmic iconography. Screening prints are from MoMA's collection, unless otherwise noted. This retrospective is held in conjunction with a gallery exhibition.
Organized by Jenny He, Curatorial Assistant, Department of Film.
The exhibition is made possible by BNP Paribas.