MoMA PS1 presents the New York debut of Feng Mengbo's installation Long March: Restart (2008), a large-scale interactive video-game installation. Recently acquired by MoMA and presented for the first time since it has entered the Museum's collection, Long March is a fully functioning video game created by the Beijing-based artist, who is known for his long-time engagement with digital technology. Lifting imagery from classic games like Street Fighter II and Super Mario Bros., along with propaganda motifs from Communist China, Mengbo invites visitors to direct the hero-a Red Army soldier-via a wireless controller and combat the various enemies in his digital path. Feng Mengbo will be on view in the first-floor Painting Gallery.
On December 12 at 2 p.m., Feng Mengbo and writer Andrew Solomon will discuss changes in the world of contemporary art in the last two decades, the current state of new-media art and new directions in Mengbo’s own practice. This talk will take place in the basement Vault.