Three Days of the Condor. 1975. USA. Directed by Sydney Pollack. Screenplay by Lorenzo Semple Jr., David Rayfiel. With Robert Redford, Faye Dunaway, Cliff Robertson, Max von Sydow. 4K digital restoration by Paramount; courtesy Paramount. 118 min.
A year before All the President’s Men, Robert Redford starred in another conspiracy-minded thriller—this one fictional—that reflected the country’s paranoid state of mind after the conclusion of the Watergate scandal. After a CIA researcher (Redford) finds his coworkers mysteriously assassinated in their New York offices, it becomes clear that he can’t trust anyone with his life—not even his own government. Under Sydney Pollack’s gripping direction, Redford navigates uncharted waters as his inadvertent discovery of a rogue operation in foreign territory leads him to the nation’s capital—and to his total isolation from a world he once believed in.