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The Eclipse. 2022. Norway. Directed by Nataša Urban. US premiere. Dox:Award, CPH:DOX. In Serbian, Romanian; English subtitles. 109 min.
Nataša Urban’s stirring documentary examines responsibility and reckoning in time of crisis, reflecting on war crimes and genocide perpetrated in the former Yugoslavia through the lasting effects of actions—and inaction—on subsequent generations. While most of Europe was enraptured by a total solar eclipse on August 11, 1999, Serbians drew their curtains out of state-imposed fear of solar radiation. This curious incident becomes a rich, anchoring metaphor for willful ignorance and historical amnesia, which Urban unravels and interrogates by questioning her family and friends. Elegantly assembled from Super8 footage that teeters between home movie and history film, scratches periodically interrupt the analog image as if to say that remembrance is fragile but necessary. Dox:Award, CPH:DOX
Virtual Cinema is not available to Annual Pass members. Virtual Cinema screenings are not available outside the US.